The Assistant Principal is a new post and the person appointed will be a key member of the Senior Leadership Team. You will be expected to make a significant contribution to the leadership and management of this thriving Academy and play an important part in the future development of the Academy.

Leadership at The East Manchester Academy is seen as distributed, learning-based, self-evaluating, supportive, challenging and innovative; which constantly strives to ensure that learning, teaching and support are outstanding.

TITLE OF POST Assistant Principal





1. To be a member of the Academy’s Senior Leadership Team and to share in its responsibilities.

2. The teaching of pupils and the associated pastoral and administrative duties in respect of those pupils in accordance with the aims and objectives of The Academy.

3. To support The Academy fully in its quest to become an outstanding Academy.

4. Any additional duties as may be required from time to time by the Principal.

RESPONSIBLE TO: The Vice Principals, the Principal and the Governing Body of The East Manchester Academy

RESPONSIBLE FOR: Leadership, management and quality assurance of teaching and learning practice,

protocols and impact

Coordination of CPD of all teaching staff, including NQTs and School Direct trainees

Coordination of work scrutiny across KS3 and KS4

Coordination of homework practice and planning

Reporting to parents / carers


• Whole Academy teaching & learning and positive behaviour management

• Taking a lead role in creating positive relationships across the Academy

• Managing incidents and conflict resolution constructively

• Responding effectively and efficiently to staff, pupils and parental concerns

• Leadership representation at evening events

• On call / break duty / gate duty / lunch duties / detention duties

• Attendance at Academy Leadership Team meetings throughout the year and before and after school

• Supporting Governor activities

• Providing the Principal with Self Evaluation Evidence, judgements and action plans.


The Assistant Principal will have responsibility for

• Arranging the Learning Walk calendar(s)

• Disseminating Learning Walk feedback

• Conducting weekly formal and informal Learning Walks

• Arranging the Work Scrutiny Calendar(s)

• Analysing data from Work Scrutiny exercises and producing / delivering feedback as appropriate

• Organising CPD meetings for the NQT programme

• Reporting NQT termly reviews to Manchester City Council

• Conducting all responsibilities as a professional mentor to NQTs

• Overseeing NQT subject and Professional Mentor practice

• Conducting lesson observations as appropriate with NQT and School Direct trainees

• Arranging weekly professional meetings for School Direct trainees

• Attending all offsite School Direct Meetings

• The Homework calendar

• The ‘Show My Homework’ online programme

• The design and production of the pupil and staff planner

• Meeting curriculum leaders to discuss progress, impact and action planning for improvement

• Providing reports on the impact of teaching and learning

• Maintaining a high profile presence and to be accessible to and supportive of pupils, staff, parents / carers and the wider community

• The strategic leadership, clear direction and effective management for the Academy as a whole

• Implementing and sharing strategies for raising achievement and ensuring a high level of good behaviour

• Line managing designated learning areas

The Assistant Principal can expect to have additional whole Academy responsibilities, which may change from time to time, especially in the light of the opportunities available to this relatively new Academy. It is therefore essential that the appointee has an open mind, is inclusive and has a flexible approach to change as the Academy develops.



The Assistant Principal will;

• Be a member of the Academy’s Leadership Team and to share in its responsibilities

• Ensure that the vision and aims of the Academy are put into practice and that high standards are maintained in all areas

• Share in the responsibility for pupils’ welfare and well being

• Ensure data is used strategically, both in the classroom and on a whole Academy level, to raise attainment, increase progress and improve achievement for all individuals and groups of pupils

• Enhance the learning experience of all pupils by close monitoring of their attainment, behaviour, progress and achievement

• Share in the responsibility for securing the high quality of teaching and learning across the whole school

• Ensure staff Continuing Professional Development is appropriate, and effective, and meets the needs of all staff, pupils and the whole school.


The Assistant Principal will;

• Develop whole school strategies to improve attainment and achievement

• Have a teaching commitment to be agreed with the Principal. This may involve several subjects dependent on the person, their skill-set and background

• Take responsibility for the quality assurance of teaching and learning at Key Stages 3 and 4, developing a strategic overview of strategies to improve Attainment and Achievement

• Analyse and monitor intervention strategies and their impact on pupils and teachers at classroom level

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a) planning and preparing appropriately differentiated courses and lessons; marking pupil’s work in accordance with the Academy’s Marking Policy.

b) Other Activities:

• supporting and promoting the Academy’s provision of social, spiritual, moral and cultural opportunities

• promoting the general progress and well being of individual pupils and of any class or group of pupils assigned to him/her

• providing guidance and advice to pupils on educational and social matters and on their further education and future careers, including information about sources of more expert advice on specific questions

• producing relevant records and reports

• producing records of and reporting on the personal and social needs of pupils

• communicating and consulting with the parents / carers of pupils

• communicating and co-operating with relevant persons or bodies outside The Academy

• participating in meetings arranged for any of the purposes described above.

c) Assessments and reports:

• providing or contributing to oral and written assessments, reports and references relating to individual pupils and groups of pupils, parents /carer, employers and other bodies

d) Performance Management:

• participating in any arrangements within the Academy’s policy for Performance Management

e) Further training and development:

• reviewing from time to time his/her methods of teaching and programmes of work

• participating in arrangements for his/her further training and professional development as a teacher and manager.

f) Educational methods:

• advising and co-operating with the Vice Principals and other teachers (or any one or more of them) on the preparation and development of courses of study, for all pupils, appropriate teaching materials, schemes of work, methods of teaching and assessment and pastoral arrangements

• responding to the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs, in accordance with The Academy’s policy.

g) Behaviour, health and safety:

• maintaining good order and behaviour among the pupils and safeguarding their health and safety both when they are authorised to be on the Academy premises and when they are engaged in authorised Academy activities elsewhere

• ensuring that the Academy’s Child Protection Policy is followed where there may be a concern

• ensuring that personal knowledge of the Academy’s Health and Safety policy is updated and the practices are in accordance with it.

h) Staff Meetings:

• participating in meetings at the Academy which relate to the curriculum for the Academy, or the administration or organisation of The Academy, including pastoral arrangements.

i) Cover:

• supervising, and so far as practicable, teaching any pupils whose teacher is not available to teach them, with appropriate arrangements for marking and feedback

• Teachers must ensure that appropriate ‘cover’ work is provided in cases of absence.

j) Public examinations:

• lead the arrangements for preparing pupils for public examinations and in assessing pupils for the purposes of such examinations

• recording and reporting such assessments

• participating in arrangements for pupils’ presentation for and supervision during such examinations.

k) Management: (as appropriate and relevant)

• contributing to the selection for appointment, induction and personal development of all staff

• taking such part as may be required of him/her in the review, development and management of activities relating to the curriculum, organisation and pastoral functions of the Academy and Performance Management of staff as directed by the Principal

l) Administration: (as appropriate and relevant)

• contribution to and the organisation of events, attending assemblies, registering the attendance of pupils, whether these duties are to be performed before, during or after Academy sessions

m) Governing body:

• attend meetings of the Governing Body or its committees or working parties where required to do so.

Personal qualities, skills and attitudes

The position of Assistant Principal is an exciting key leadership role with endless possibilities for someone with the creativity, imagination, dedication and determination to turn their vision into a reality and play a significant role in putting The East Manchester Academy at the forefront of 21st Century learning and providing significantly improved outcomes for pupils and the wider community.

Applicants must be able to demonstrate

➢ A commitment to inclusive education and social /community cohesion

➢ Vision and ability with regard to digital and information technologies

➢ Outstanding teaching ability

➢ A passion for learning and quality in extended educational provision

➢ Evident enjoyment in working with young people and their families and community

➢ Excellent communication, influencing and negotiating skills

➢ The will to model the values of the Academy at all times and to generate a shared purpose

➢ Empathy in relation to the needs of the Academy and the local community

➢ Personal impact and presence

➢ Strategic vision, imagination and creativity

➢ Ability to inspire confidence in staff, pupils, parents, carers and others

➢ Determination to succeed and the highest possible expectations of self and others

➢ Adaptability to changing circumstances and new ideas

➢ The capacity for sound judgement in complex situations

➢ Ability to manage and overcome setbacks

➢ A commitment to an open and collaborative style of management that engages and drives high performance in others

➢ Intellectual ability and curiosity

➢ Reliability, resilience, determination, integrity and stamina

➢ Personal ambition and potential for further promotion

➢ An excellent record of attendance and punctuality

➢ Emotional Intelligence.

Person Specification

|Experience /skills/personal style and behaviour |Assessment method |

|Leadership experience within a significant, relevant, organisational setting and proven ability to convert strategy into results |Application |

|in an extended school /academy |Interview |

|Exceptional teacher practitioner |Interview |

|In depth knowledge of the curriculum across at least 2 Key Stages |Application Interview |

|Knowledgeable and passionate about quality in extended educational provision and the principles behind the programme and its |Application |

|potential for raising standards |Interview |

|An exceptional, collaborative leader with proven ability to forge partnerships and build positive working relationships, |Application |

|negotiate with and influence partners and other stakeholders | |

|Proven successful track record of driving and delivering transformational and cultural change in an extended school / academy |Application |

|setting |Interview |

|Able to deliver high performance within an extended educational setting |Interview |

|Enjoyment of and ability to communicate with young people, families, community and outside agencies |Interview |

|Significant understanding of relevant legislation, innovation and new developments underpinning educational effectiveness in an |Application |

|extended setting |Interview |

|Ability to create, build and retain effective staff structures for an extended academy |Interview |

|Ability to generate a collective vision and shared purpose of the extended Academy in relation to the development of The East |Interview |

|Manchester Academy and local community | |

|Proven ability to motivate, enthuse and drive forward individuals and teams to achieve high levels of performance, progress and |Application |

|achievement |Interview |

|Empathy, support and challenge in relation to the needs of the Academy and community including a full appreciation of the needs |Application |

|of a diverse community within a socially challenging school environment |Interview |

|Persistence, determination and emotional intelligence |Interview |

|Strong performance management ethos |Application |

|Excellent communication, influencing and negotiating skills across a range of stakeholders |Interview |

|Proven ability in the successful management of significant resources |Application |

| |Interview |

|Drive, tenacity, ability to maintain focus, objectivity and sound judgement under complex conditions |Interview |

|Commitment to inclusion and diversity in all aspects of employment and service delivery |Interview |

|Commitment to personal development |Application |

|Experience of successful leadership and transformational change to improve learning for young people |Interview |

|Experience of developing and sustaining positive relationships with stakeholders to build consensus and promote innovation |Interview |


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