S. Lynne Stokes

Department of Statistical Science

Southern Methodist University

Dallas, Texas 75275-0332

(214) 768-2270



Ph.D. (1976) Mathematical Statistics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

Major: Multivariate Analysis

Minor: Applied Statistics

M.S. (1974) Mathematical Statistics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

B.A. (1972) Mathematics (summa cum laude), University of the South, Sewanee, TN


Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, 2001 – present

Professor, Department of Statistical Science

University of Texas at Austin, 1984 – August 2001

Professor, Department of Management Science and Information Systems (MSIS), 1996 – 2001

Associate & Assistant Professor, MSIS, 1985 – 1996

Research Fellow, Department of Mathematics, 1984 – 1985

U. S. Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C., 1981 – 1983

Mathematical Statistician, Statistical Methods Division and Center for Survey Methods

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Laurel, MD, 1979 – 1981

Mathematical Statistician, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 1977 – 1979

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics


Editorial Service

Associate Editor, Journal of the American Statistical Association (January 2004-December 2006)

Associate Editor, Survey Methodology (September 2004- )

Advisory Board, Marcel Dekker, 2001-2006

Editor, The American Statistician (January 2000-December 2002)

Guest Editor, Environmental and Ecological Statistics (1997 – 1998)

Associate Editor, Journal of Official Statistics (January 1994 –January 2000)

Associate Editor, American Statistician (January 1987 – December 1993)

Selected Professional Service

Chair, Council of Sections of the American Statistical Association (ASA), 2007

Member, U.S. Census of Agriculture Review Panel, 2006–2007.

Member, National Academy of Sciences Panel on Recreational Fisheries Survey Methods, 2005-2006.

Chair, Search Committee for The American Statistician editor, 2004

Chair, ASA Section on Survey Research Methods, 2003

Member, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Design and Analysis Committee, 2002 –

Visiting Faculty, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2000 - 2006

Member, ASA Privacy and Confidentiality Committee 2003-2005

Member, ASA Nomination Committee 2004-2005

Member, Board of Directors of ASA, 1999 - 2001

Member, National Academy of Sciences Panel on Alternative Census Methodologies, 1995 – 1998

Member, Census Advisory Committee of Professional Associations (ASA representative), 1995 – 2000

Secretary (1998) and Vice-Chair District 4 (1993-95), ASA Council of Chapters

Member, Program Committee ASA Joint Statistical Meetings, 1995

Secretary-Treasurer, ASA Section on Survey Research Methods, 1993 – 1994

Current University Service

Member, SMU University Research Council, 2003-present

Graduate Advisor, SMU Department of Statistics, January 2003 - present


Don Owen Award (2005), Fellow of the American Statistical Association, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Pi Sigma


Refereed Journals and Proceedings

“Bayesian IRT guessing models for partial guessing behaviors,” (J. Cao and L. Stokes), Psychometrika 73, 209-230 (2008).

“A Nonparametric Mean Estimator for Judgment Post-Stratified Data,” (X. Wang, J. Lim, and L. Stokes), Biometrics 64, 355–363 (2008).

“Judgment Post-Stratification with Multiple Rankers,” (L. Stokes, X. Wang, and M. Chen), Journal of Applied Statistics. 6, 344-359 (2007).

“Concomitant of multivariate order statistics with application to judgment post-stratification,” (X. Wang, L. Stokes, J. Lim, and M. Chen), Journal of the American Statistical Association 101, 1693-1704 (2006).

“Forming Post-Strata via Bayesian Treed Capture-Recapture Models,” (X. Wang, J. Lim and L. Stokes), Biometrika 93, 861-876, (2006).

“An Estimator of Number of Species from Quadrat Sampling,” (P. Haas, Y. Liu, and L. Stokes), Biometrics 62, 135-141 (2006).

“Antecedents and consequences of residential choice and school transfer,” (T. Falbo, R. Glover & L. Holcombe, and L. Stokes), Education Policy Analysis Archives, 13(29) (2005).

“Disclosure Risk vs. Data Utility: The R-U Confidentiality Map as Applied to Topcoding,” (G. Duncan and L. Stokes), Chance 17, 16-20 (2004).

“Using Spreadsheet Solvers in Sample Design” (L. Stokes and J. Plummer), Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 44, 527-546 (2004).

“Using Auxiliary Information for Improving Estimation in the Number of Species Problem,” Statistica Sinica 13, 655-671 (2003).

“Comment on ‘Can a Statistician Deliver?’ ” Journal of Official Statistics 17, 103-106 (2001).

“Acceptance Sampling with Rectification when Classification Errors are Present,” (M. Anderson, B. Greenberg, and L. Stokes), Journal of Quality Technology 33, 493-505 (2001).

“Editorial: Special issue on Statistical Design and Analysis with Ranked Set Samples,” (N. P. Ross and L. Stokes), Environmental and Ecological Statistics 6, 1-6 (1999).

“Estimating the Number of Classes in a Finite Population” (P. Haas and L. Stokes), Journal of the American Statistical Association 93, 1475-1487 (1998).

“Success rate with repeated cycles of in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer,” (D. Meldrum, K. Silverberg, M. Bustillo, and L. Stokes), Fertility and Sterility 69, 1005-1009 (1998).

“Do Product Warnings Increase Safe Behavior?: A Meta Analysis” (E. Cox, L. Stokes, E. Murff), Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 25, 195 - 204 (1997).

“Estimation of the CDF of a Finite Population using a Calibration Sample” (M. Luo, L. Stokes, and T. Sager), Environmental and Ecological Statistics 15, 346-352 (1997).

“Considerations of Cost Trade-Offs in Insurance Solvency Surveillance Policy” (J. Lamm-Tennant, L. Starks, L. Stokes), Journal of Banking and Finance 20, 835-852 (1996).

“Repetitive Testing in the Presence of Inspection Errors,” (B. Greenberg and L. Stokes), Technometrics 37, 102-111 (1995).

“Sampling-Based Estimation of the Number of Distinct Values of an Attribute,” (P. Haas, J. Naughton, S. Sehadri, and L. Stokes), VLDB 95: Proceedings of the International Conference on Very large Databases (U. Dayal, P. Gray, S. Nishio, Eds.), 311-322 (1995).

“Parametric Ranked Set Sampling,” Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 47, 465-482 (1995)

“Reliability of Coherence of Causal, Diagnostic, and Joint Subjective Probabilities,” (K. Wright, L. Stokes and J. Dyer), Decision Sciences 25, 691 - 709 (1994).

“Estimating Nonconformance Rate after Zero-Defect Sampling with Rectification," (B. Greenberg and L. Stokes), Technometrics 34, 203-215 (1992).

“An Empirical Bayes Approach to Estimating Loss Ratios,” (J. Lamm-Tennant, L. Starks, and L. Stokes) Journal of Risk and Insurance 59, 426-442 (1992).

“Estimating the Size of a Subdomain: An Application in Auditing,” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 8, 337-346 (1990).

“Developing an Optimal Call Scheduling Strategy for a Telephone Survey” (B. Greenberg and L. Stokes), Journal of Official Statistics 6, 421-435 (1990).

“The Optimal Design of Quality Control Samples to Detect Interviewer Cheating,” (P. Biemer and L. Stokes), Journal of Official Statistics 5, 23-40 (1989).

“Combining Multiple Risk Assessments for Construction Risk Identification,” (D. Ashley, L. Stokes, and Y.H. Perng), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 183-192 (1988).

“Characterization of a Ranked Set Sample with Application to Estimating Distribution Functions,” (L. Stokes and T. Sager), Journal of the American Statistical Association, 83, 374-381 (1988).

“Estimation of Interviewer Effects for Categorical Items in a Random Digit Dial Telephone Survey,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 83, 623-630 (1988).

“Estimation of the Correlated Component of Response Variance for Categorical Variables,” (L. Stokes and M. Mulry), Journal of Official Statistics 3, 389-401 (1987).

“Optimal Design of Interviewer Variance Estimates in Complex Surveys,” (P. Biemer and L. Stokes), Journal of the American Statistical Association 80, 158-166 (1985).

“The Jolly-Seber Method Applied to Age-Stratified Populations,” Journal of Wildlife Management 48, 1053-1059 (1984).

“Additional Comments on the Assumption of Homogeneous Survival Rates in Modern Bird Banding Estimation Models,” (J. Nichols, L. Stokes, J. Hines, and M. Conroy), Journal of Wildlife Management 46, 953-962 (1982).

“Remarks on the Use of Mark-recapture Methodology in Estimating Avian Population Size” (J. Nichols, B. Noon, L. Stokes, and J. Hines), Studies in Avian Biology 6, 121-136 (1981).

“Estimation of Variance Using Judgment Ordered Ranked Set Samples,” Biometrics 36, 35-42 (1980).

“Inferences on the Correlation Coefficient in Bivariate Normal Populations from Ranked Set Samples,” Journal of the American Statistical Association 75, 989-995 (1980).

“Ranked Set Sampling with Concomitant Variables,” Communications in Statistics A 6, 1207-1211 (1977).

Book Chapters

“Interviewer Effects,” in Encyclopedia of Research Methods for the Social Sciences, M. Lewis-Beck, A. Brayman and T.F. Liao, Editors, Sage Publications (2003).

“Identifying and Adjusting for Recall Error with Application to Fertility Surveys,” (with T. Pullum), Chapter 31 (pp. 711-732), Survey Measurement and Process Quality, John Wiley and Sons (1997).

“A Cost-Effective Approach for Regulating Insurance Company Solvency,” (J. Lamm-Tennant, L. Starks and L. Stokes), in The Financial Dynamics of the Insurance Industry, 153-167, E.I Altman and I.T. Vanderhoof, Editors, Irwin Professional Publishing, New York (1995).

“Some Recent Results on the Modeling and Estimation of Measurement Errors in Surveys,” (with P. Biemer and L. Stokes), Chapter 24 (pp. 487-516) in Measurement Errors in Surveys, John Wiley and Sons (1991).

“A New Approach to Identifying Sources of Interviewer Effects in Telephone Surveys,” (L. Stokes and M. Yeh), Chapter 22 (pp. 357-373) in Telephone Survey Methodology, Robert M. Groves, Editor, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1988).

“Ranked Set Sampling,” in Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, N. Johnson and S. Kotz, Editors, John Wiley & Sons, 585-588 (1986).


“Review of Introduction to Variance Estimation (2nd ed.) by Kirk Wolter” book review in Journal of the American Statistical Association, to appear Sept. 2008.

Improving Information about America’s Farms and Ranches: A Review of the Census of Agriculture, The Council on Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics (C-FARE), Washington D.C. (2007)

Review of Recreational Fisheries Survey Methods, National Academy Press, Washington D.C. (2006)

Measuring a Changing Nation: Modern Methods for the 2000 Census, (A. White, M.L. Cohen, and K.F. Rust, eds.) National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. (1999)

“What is Margin of Error?” (with Tom Belin), ASA Series, What is a Survey?, Section on Survey Research Methods, American Statistical Association (1998).

Preparing for the 2000 Census, Interim Report II, National Academy Press, Washington D.C. (1997)

Sampling in the 2000 Census, Interim Report I, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. (1996)

“Review of How to Perform Continuous Sampling by K.S. Stephens,” book review in Technometrics 38, p.82 (1996).

“Review of Nonsampling Errors in Surveys by J. Lessler and W. Kalsbeek,” book review in Journal of Official Statistics 10, 833-835 (1994).

Invited or Proceedings Papers

“Finite Population Correction Factors,” Invited panel discussant at Joint Statistical Meeting, Seattle, WA, 2006.

“Super-efficient Data Collection Using Rank Information,” seminar at University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX, February 2006.

“Resolving the Tension Between Your Privacy and Researchers’ Need to Know,” invited presentation at San Antonio Chapter of the ASA, October 2005.

“Forming Post-Strata via Bayesian Treed Capture-Recapture,” seminar at Rice University Department of Statistics, September 2005.

“Use of Multiple Rankers,” invited presentation at International Statistical Institute, Sydney, Australia, April 2005.

“Data Swapping: Disclosure Risk vs. Data Utility,” at Joint Statistical Meetings, Toronto, Canada, August 2004.

“Using Spreadsheet Solvers in Sample Design,” Invited paper at Conference of Texas Statisticians, College Station, Texas, April 2003.

“Use of Mini-Projects in the Teaching of Survey Sampling,” in Proceedings of ICOTS6, and presented at International Conference on the Teaching of Statistics, Capetown, South Africa, July 2002.

“A Data Mining Course for Business Students,” at Making Statistics More Effective in Schools of Business Conference, Athens, GA, June 2002.

“Estimation of the Number of Species from Complex Designs,” at The Advanced Workshop on Environmental Sampling and Monitoring, Estoril, Portugal, March 2001 and Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, November 2000.

“Estimation of the Number of Classes in a Finite Population using Auxiliary Information,” at Joint Program in Survey Methodology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, May 2000.

“Estimation of Number of Classes using Auxiliary Information,” seminar at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, July 1999

Invited discussant, “Measurement Errors in Environmental Surveys,” at Environmental Monitoring and Sampling Conference, Seattle, WA, April 1998.

“Estimation of the CDF of a Finite Population from Imperfect Measurements,” at new Developments in Survey Sampling Conference, Lincoln, NE, October 1997.

“Estimation of Number of Classes in a Finite Population,” Department of Statistics, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, April 1997

“Estimation of Distribution Functions from Finite Populations,” Almaden Research Center, IBM, San Jose, CA, April 1997.

Invited Discussion of session “Quality Improvement and Customer Satisfaction in the Federal Government,” at annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, Orlando FL, August 1995.

“Parametric Ranked Set Sampling,” invited paper at annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, Orlando FL, August 1995.

“Identifying and Adjusting for Omission and Displacement of Births in Demographic Surveys,” invited paper at the International Conference on Survey Measurement and Process Quality, Bristol, England, April 1995.

“A Cost-Effective Approach to Monitoring Insurance Company Solvency,” invited paper at Conference on Dynamics of the Insurance Industry, NYU, New York NY, May 1993.

“Model-Based Estimation for Inefficient Two-Stage Designs,” Department of Statistics, Rice University, Houston TX, March 1993.

“An Application of Acceptance Sampling to the U.S. Census Undercount,” Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio TX, February 1993.

“Effect of Interviewer Cheating on 1990 Census Undercount Estimation,” Sematech Research seminar, Austin, TX, July 1992.

“Estimation of PES Fabrications from Quality Control Data,” (S.L. Stokes and A. Tremblay) contributed paper annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, Atlanta GA, August 1991 (in ASA Proceedings of Survey Research Section, pp. 242-247).

“Errors in the Error Estimate: Plans and Experiences from the 1990 Post-Enumeration Survey,” invited paper at Population Research Center Speaker Series, February 1991.

“Introduction to the Modeling and Estimation of Measurement Errors in Surveys”, invited paper at the International Conference on Measurement Errors in Surveys, Tucson AZ, November 1990.

“Factors Affecting Callback Success in Telephone Surveys,” (S.L. Stokes and B. Greenberg), contributed paper at annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, Anaheim CA, August 1990 (in ASA Proceedings of the Survey Research Section, pp. 742-747).

“A Comparison of Shrinkage and Truncation of Sample Weights,” invited paper at U.S. Bureau of the Census 1990 Annual Research Conference, Washington D.C., March 1990 (in Proceedings, pp. 463-471).

“Evaluation of Interviewer Quality Control in the Post-Enumeration Survey,” (S.L. Stokes and P. Jones) contributed paper at annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, Washington D.C., August 1989 (in ASA Proceedings of the Survey Research Section, pp. 696-698).

“What to Do When Sample Weights Are Too Variable,” seminar in the Population Research Center, University Texas, April 1989.

“An Introduction to Ranked Set Sampling,” seminar in the Department of Statistics, Rice University, March 21, 1989.

“Methods for Identifying Discrepant Interviewers,” seminar in the Department of Mathematics, Trinity University, sponsored by Visiting Lecture Program of COPSS, November 1988.

“Learning More About Response Variance from Reinterview Tables," contributed paper presented at the 4th Annual Research Conference of the U.S. Bureau of the Census, Arlington VA, March 1988 (Proceedings, pp. 627-633).

“A New Approach to Identifying Sources of Interviewer Effects in Telephone Surveys,” invited paper at International Telephone Survey Conference, Charlotte NC, November 1987.

“Evaluating Interviewer Variability in Complex Surveys,” seminar in Department of Statistics, Southern Methodist University, November 1986.

“Estimation of Interviewer Variance for Categorical Variables,” contributed paper at annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, Chicago IL, August 1986 (with M. Mulry, in ASA Proceedings of the Survey Research Section, pp. 704-707).

“Estimation of Interviewer Effects in Telephone Surveys,” invited paper presented at the 2nd Annual Research Conference of the U.S. Bureau of the Census, March 23, 1986 (Proceedings, pp. 21-31).

“Modeling Interviewer Variability for Dichotomous Variables,” contributed paper at annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, Las Vegas NV, August 1985 (S.L. Stokes and J. Hill, in ASA Proceedings of the Research Section, pp. 344-348).


Courses Taught

Introduction to Data Mining A Practicum in Data Mining

Introductory Statistics (MBA, Undergraduate) Sampling Theory (Graduate and undergraduate)

Graduate Probability Nonparametric Methods

Statistical Methods Survey Methods

Statistical Consulting Bayesian Methods

Workshops Given

Introduction to Data Mining, 6/26/00-7/21/00, Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Introduction to Data Mining, 7/98, Half-day short course, UT Business School TILAR program

Statistical Consulting, 11/97, Half-day short course, Motorola University

Graduate Student Advising

Chairman for committee of Yue Jia, “Using Sampling Weights in the Estimation of Random Effects Models,” Ph.D. in Statistical Science, (SMU) 2007.

Chairman for committee of Yushan Liu, “Estimating the Number of Classes,” Ph.D. in Statistical Science, (SMU) 2004.

Chairman for committee of Geng Yang, “An Analysis of Brown Shrimp Abundance in Corpus Christi Bay,” M.S. in Statistics (UT), August 2000.

Chairman for committee of Jerry Caples, “Variance Reduction and Variable Selection Methods for Alho's Logistic Capture Recapture Model with Applications to Census Data,” Ph.D. in Statistics (UT), August 2000.

Chairman for committee of Suejeudi Buehler, “Use of Data Mining Methods for Investigating Grocery Stock-outs,” M.S. in Statistics (UT), August 1998.

Chairman for committee of Alison Lalla, “Investigation of Winning Strategies for the Texas Lottery,” M.S. in Statistics (UT), August 1998.

Chairman for. committee of Yan Zhang, “Model Selecting and Automated Smoothing of Marketing Survey Data,” M.S. in Statistics (UT),, May 1997.

Chairman for committee of Patricia Bennett, “An Automated Fitting and Selection Method for Growth Curves,” M.S. in Statistics (UT),, December 1996.

Chairman for committee of Amitesh McChesney, “Estimating Nonconformance Rates for Imperfect Inspection Processes with Random Inspection Error,” M.S. in Statistics (UT), August 1996.

Co-chairman for committee of Ming Luo, “Estimation of the CDF of a Finite Population in the Presence of Measurement Error,” Ph.D. (UT), August 1996.

Co-chairman for Cindy Christiansen, “Hierarchical Poisson Modeling,” Ph.D. (UT), June 1992.

Chairman for Committee of Vi Nguyen, “Sampling Weight Truncation”, M.S. in Statistics (UT), August 1991.

Chairman for committee of Emily Albright, “An Evaluation of the Military Standards 105D Sampling systems,” M.S. in Statistics (UT), August 1991.

Chairman for committee of Ismael Flores-Cervantes, “A Model-Based Estimator for the Residual Number of Fabricated Households in the PES,” M.S. (UT), May 1991.

Chairman for committee of Ming-Yih Yeh, ‘Statistical Methodology for the Study of Interviewer Effects,” Ph.D. (UT), December 1988.


Secondary Analysis Grant from Institute of Educational Sciences for “Examination of Low Motivation in 12th Grade NAEP,” 7/07-12/08.

Secondary Analysis Grant from Institute of Educational Sciences for “Use of Sampling Weights in Multilevel Models fit to NAEP Data,” 9/04-12/06.

Subcontractor to NISS for continuation of project "A Web--Based Query System for Disclosure-Limited Statistical Analysis of Confidential Data,” 2002-2005.

Subcontractor to Abt Associates for “Census 2000 Supplementary Survey” Task order 46-YABC-1-00007 from U.S. Bureau of the Census, 9/01-8/02.

Grant from IBM, “Methods for Estimating Column Cardinality in Databases,” 9/00 – 5/01.

Grant from Tivoli Systems, “Seminar Series on Data Mining and Web Analysis” (with I. Dhillon, J. Ghosh, R. Mooney), 3/00-12/00.

LARIAT Grant (with J. Ghosh) from Dell Computer for “An Interdisciplinary Practicum Course in Data Mining,” 9/99-5/00.

Grant from Texas State Preservation Board for “Applied Sampling Project: A Survey of Capitol Visitors,” 8/99-12/99.

American Statistical Association/National Science Foundation/U.S. Census Bureau Fellowship, “Methodology for Estimating the Census Undercount,” 6/98-12/98.

Grant from HEB (regional grocery store chain) for “A Practicum Course in Data Mining, ” 9/97-5/98.

Grant (with Tom Pullum, Department of Sociology, UT) from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for “Methods to Improve the Data on Children in DHS Surveys,” 9/93-8/97.

Cooperative Agreement from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for “Statistical methodology for Analysis of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program Data,” 9/93-9/96.

Intergovernmental Personnel Agreement with U.S. Bureau of the Census (4/84- 9/85) for analysis of random digit dial telephone survey data (with C. Morris, Dept. of Mathematics, UT).

Joint Statistical Agreement with U.S. Bureau of the Census, “Estimation of Residual Fabrication in the PES,” 11/90-6/92.

Research grant from Dun & Bradstreet and Arthur Anderson for prediction of loss ratios for insurance companies using empirical Bayes methods (1989).

Joint Statistical Agreements with U.S. Bureau of the Census (10/87- 9/91) for developing an interviewer quality control and estimation procedure for the Post-Enumeration Survey of the 1990 Census.

Intergovernmental Personnel Agreement with U.S. Bureau of the Census (10/84 - 9/85) for research on non-sampling errors in surveys (with C. Morris, Dept. of Mathematics, UT).

SMU Research Funding

University Research Council Travel Award to deliver paper at International Conference on Teaching Statistics, Capetown, South Africa, July 2002.

UT Research Funding

Faculty Research Assignment for “Improvements in Estimation of Census Undercount,” Spring 1999.

Faculty Research Committee grant for “Estimation of Finite Population Cumulative Distribution Function in the Presence of Measurement Error,” Summer 1997.

Faculty Research Committee grant for “Estimation of the Number of Classes in a Finite Population,” Summer 1996.

Faculty Academic Development and Research Committee (FADRC) grant for “Hierarchical Models for Repetitive Test Designs,” Summer 1993.

FADRC grant for “Quality Control in Manufacturing and Services,” Summer 1992.

Project Quest, “Macintosh Opportunities for Revising Applied Statistics Education,” Summer 1991.

University Research Institute Summer Research Award for “Development of Methods for Improving Estimation from Complex Survey Data,” Summer 1990.

FADRC grant for “Development of Methods for Improving Estimation from Complex Survey Data,” Summer 1990.

FADRC grant for “Development of an optimal scheduling algorithm for telephone survey callbacks,” Summer 1989.

FADRC grant for “Total survey error models,” (Summer 1987).


Statistical Consultation with various clients, including NuStats, Intelliquest, Texas Department of Public Health, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas Department of Human Services, Synthesys Technologies, Intermedics Orthopedics, Sheshunoff Management Services, First American Flood Data Services, Motorola, expert testimony in numerous employment and auditing cases.



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