Freshman English Poetry Portfolio Project

Creative Writing Poetry Portfolio Project – Due: Monday, April 15

Goal: Students will show knowledge and understanding of poetic devices and literary elements (sound devices/figurative language) by writing 7 poems, identifying the use of literary elements, and reflecting on the experience.

General Directions:

Student will produce a bound portfolio with a creative cover that contains 7 different poems, identify the literary elements/poetic devices used in each poem, and write a two paragraph response to that poem, write a reflection of the experience, and self-evaluate his or her work by filling out the rubric for the grade they feel they deserve.


1. Bound Portfolio and Cover (option of full 8.5 x 11 or half sheet size 4.25 x 5.5)

2. 7 Original Poems

a. Identify Literary Elements/Poetic Devices Used

3. Analyze one poem

4. Reflection

5. Rubric

1. Bound Portfolio and Cover

• Student needs to bind all requirements in a single portfolio. (This means you don’t just staple it together)

• The Cover needs to have a creative name for your portfolio and a creative picture that represents your work.

2. 7 Original Poems

• Over the course of the unit you have written several poems, you may choose any seven to submit.

• Of the poems you are submitting they will need to meet these requirements:

o 4 of the seven need a consistent rhyme scheme (internal, exact, eye, near, half – all count)

o 4 of the seven need to use figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification)

o 4 of the seven need to use sound devices (assonance, consonance, alliteration)

o 4 of seven need to be 12 lines or longer

1. Be sure that you have a creative, original title for each poem.

2. Poems that are decorated nicely will increase the “aesthetics” category on the rubric.

3. You MAY NOT use graphics from the internet on the interior of your portfolio. You may use the computer to print words for your cover but not a picture. Please draw your own pictures or use crafts to decorate.

3. Identifying Literary Elements/Poetic Devices

On the back of each of your poems you must tell me what literary devices you used within the poem. Make a list of the literary devices and list the line # that includes the device.

Ex: Alliteration 3

Rhyme 4-5

Simile 10

Personification 12

4. Reflection for 3 Poems

On the back of three of your poems write a one paragraph reflection that addresses at least two of the following questions:

1. Why did this poem end up in the portfolio?

2. What elements of this poem are you proud of?

3. What elements of this poem did you struggle with?

4. What inspired you to write this poem?

5. Final Reflection

• In paragraph form discuss each of the following reflection questions. The reflection should be written after you have written your poems and should be found after all poems in your portfolio.

1. What is your favorite poem you have written? Explain why.

2. What literary element did you find the most challenging to use in your poems? Why?

3. Did you find it difficult or easy to write creative poems? Why?

4. What will you remember the most from the poetry unit? Why?

6. Format

• Everything must be typed.

• The cover needs to include a title for the portfolio and a picture.

• The portfolio should be bound (not stapled) and include the following in THIS ORDER:

1. Cover

2. 7 Poems

3. Reflection

4. Filled out rubric for the grade you feel you deserve.

Late Projects may be handed in one day late for 10% off. If student is absent the day the project is due, student must have an excused absence to receive any points for project.

Drafts Due April 10 – 25 points

Final Due April 15 – 100 points

Poetry Portfolio (Fill out this rubric with the scores you think you deserve and attach it as the last page of your project) Student Name:     ________________________________________

|CATEGORY |10-Advanced |8-Proficient |6-Partially Proficient |0-4 Novice |

|Identifying Literary |Student has correctly |Student has correctly indicated |Student has not indicated all |Student has only indicated a limited |

|Elements/Poetic Devices |indicated and used all the |the required literary elements. |the literary elements required.|number of literary elements. More |

| |required literary elements |However, one or two literary |Three literary elements are |than three elements are incorrectly |

| |over the course of the |elements are used incorrectly in |used incorrectly in the poems. |used in the poems. |

| |portfolio. |the poems. | | |

|Reflection |The reflection answers all |The reflection answers all |The reflection answers all |The reflection does not answer all |

| |questions and is written in |questions and is written in |questions but is not written in|the required questions or has the |

| |paragraph form. Grammar and |paragraph form. There are some |paragraph form. There are |wrong format. There are many grammar |

| |punctuation are nearly |grammar and punctuation mistakes |several grammar and punctuation|and punctuation mistakes and answers |

| |perfect and answers are |and answers are discussed and |mistakes and answers are brief.|are not explained. A clear lack of |

| |fully discussed and |explained. | |effort. |

| |explained. | | | |

|Quality |The student has overall |The student has overall produced a|The student has produced a |The student has not produced a |

| |produced a quality |quality portfolio. Good effort was|portfolio somewhat lacking in |quality portfolio. It is clear that |

| |portfolio. It is clear that |put forth by the student. |quality. Some effort was put |it was rushed and a serious lack of |

| |his or her best effort was | |forth, but more effort is |effort was clear. |

| |put forth. | |needed. | |

|CATEGORY |60 – Advanced |50 – Proficient |40 – Partially Proficient |30 - Novice |

|Poems |All seven poems are included|Student included seven original |Student included at least six |Student included five or less poems |

| |in the portfolio, and they |poems. However, did fulfill all |original poems. Have most of |in the portfolio. Some meet the |

| |fulfill the requirements |the requirements. All poems |the requirements fulfilled. All|requirements and some make attempts |

| |listed. All seven have a |attempt to use language, theme, |poems attempt to use language, |at use of language, theme, and sound |

| |mature command of language, |and sound devices effectively. |theme, and sound devices |devices. |

| |theme, and sound devices. | |effectively, but aren’t as | |

| | | |successful. | |

Score: /100 Comments:


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