Application NTS Alliance Quality Assured Training Programme. (One Application per Programme Please)PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM IN FULL AND RETURN TO nts@.nzOrganisation:Address:Website:Contact person:Work Ph:Mobile:Email:CEO or Managing Director:Lead Trainer:Job Title / Position:Is the trainer an NTS Training Partner? YES NOWork Ph:Mobile:Email:This Application CoversAdvanced CompetenciesHelping Mental Health & AddictionService Users Stop Smoking Please circle the following information to ensure that your proposal addresses these criteria before submitting your application. Does your training target Maori, Pacific or Pregnant populations?If no, please explain why?Yes NoDoes your training align with Health Workforce NZ strategic intent and priorities? If no, please explain why?Yes NoDoes your training meet the NTS IT Guidelines for Student Management and online learning?If no, please explain why?Yes NoDoes your training meet MOH Guidelines and Policies?If no, please explain why?Yes NoTraining DescriptionProgramme title:Programme format – please circleWeb basedFace to faceOn line forumDVDOtherWeb-link (if applicable):Number of educational hours involved in the programme: Time allocated to:Complete online workAttend classroom trainingComplete post course assessment activitiesComplete homework or study associated with the courseContent Provide a brief summary of the programme: Who is your target training audience? (Primary care, stop-smoking practitioners etc.) Has the trainer given thought as to how the programme will improve the effectiveness of those in the training? Please circleYES NODid any consultation take place to identify the learning needs of your target training audience? Please circleYES NOHow do you ensure that the training content is current, and based on best-available evidence?Explain potential sources of commercial or professional bias, conflicts of interest or contentious issues that could affect the impartiality of the programme?Teaching and Learning Provide an outline of the expected overall outcomes of the programme and the impact this will have on smoking cessation:Clearly list the measurable learning objectives that will be taught and assessed in each training component: Provide a brief description about the educational techniques that will be employed to ensure the learning objectives are met:Quality mechanisms and evaluationPlease outline your quality and evaluation mechanisms:(These must align with the NTS Quality Assurance Guidelines)OrganisationIf different organisations will be responsible for programme design, hosting, administration and management please outline the respective roles of each:How will you ensure accessibility to the programme?Are there any costs associated with participation in this programme?? I hereby declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge.? I have the support of my organisation to submit this programme to be approved by NTS andthe programme will be offered under the guidance and framework of the organisation.Applicant’s Signature:________________________Date:________________________CEO’s or Managing Director’s Signature:_________________________Date:_________________________Please include:This completed formExamples of training materials. Evidence of consultation with the sector/market research.NTS Alliance Training Partner ApplicationEmail to: or mail to: NTS ALLIANCE, Inspiring Ltd, PO Box 28854, Remuera, Auckland 1050Advanced Competencies – Helping Mental Health and Addiction Service Users Stop Smoking - Checklist Please show how your training course/programme addresses each of the benchmarks below. An example has been given.NTS CompetencyHow is this covered in your trainingHow is this assessed?If it is not covered or assessed, please let us know whyExampleDescribe how each stop-smoking medicine is usedGroup demonstration Medicines key information cardsRole playBenchmarks for Knowledge – the practitioner is able to:1. Describe the prevalence of smoking in those with mental health illness and addictions2. Describe the barriers to quitting for those with mental illness and addictions3. Describe the impact of smoking on mental and physical health4. Identify the flaws in the ‘self-medication hypothesis’ many people promote for mental health and addictions patients (i.e. service user smokes to reduce anxiety and retain a “good” mood)5. Describe the benefits of quitting for mental health and addiction service users, including, but not limited to:a) On the individual as a catalyst for other positive behavior change and cost savingsb) On others in the family6. Desribe what is needed to help a person with mental illness or addictions quit smoking7. Describe different approaches to quitting including but not limited to:a) cut down then quitb) flexible quit date8. Identify and describe the extended and more frequent support needed by mental health and addictions service users9. Describe the efferts of smoking on the metabolism of some medicines used the treatment mental illness and the changes seen when stopping smoking10. Describe the differences and similarities between tobacco withdrawal symptoms and mental health symptoms11. Describe the cautions in using some stop smoking medicines in mental health and addiction service users12. Describe the signs of worsening mental state and, in accordance with the Privacy Act, what actions could be taken which may include:a) contacting the GPb) the mental health teams13. Identify the roles in a wrap around service / continuity of care for with mental health and addictions service users14. Describe the process of providing advice and support through an inpatient stay regarding tobacco withdrawal 15. Describe the process of providing advice and support through mobile and respite care in regard to tobacco withdrawal16. Identify the potential challenges that can undermine any attempts for the service user to quitBenchmarks for Skill – the practitioner is able to:17. Use different approaches to quitting including but not limited to:a) cut down then quitb) flexible quit date18. Provide extended and more frequent support as needed by mental health and addictions service users19. Advise the service user of stop smoking medicines and any cautions with their use20. Recognise and differentiate between the signs of worsening mental state and tobacco withdrawal symptoms and in accordance with the Privacy Act, take necessary actions, which may include contacting:a) The GPb) The mental health teams21. Liaise and communicate effectively with the clients’ mental health team and GP where appropriate22. Ensure the service users GP, specialist, or healthcare team reviews dosage of other medications that are affected by smoking cessationTraining and assessment consideration:All training should include measureable learning outcomes and be delivered in a way that best suits the need of the audience. Attendees should be actively engaged in the learning rather than just sitting listening. This could include, for example, discussion groups, case studies, problem solving cards sorts etc. where the learner is actively learning rather than passively listening. Trainers may need to take into consideration that many trainees are busy people and need engaging and efficient training options. Any programme should have a mechanism to check the measurable learning outcome was met or provide a reference tool the attendee can use in future. The verb of the learning outcome dictates what the learner is able to do, for example, Describe three reasons for…In this case the assessment should have learners each being able to describe the three reasons for …and this could be achieved in group discussions, a multiple-choice quiz (which has the learner identify the three correct descriptions), a take home hand reference card etc.An important aspect to remember is that the training has not worked unless learning has been checked. ................

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