ASTON MARTIN : the Birth of a Legend


the Birth of a Legend

Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford completed their first car in 1913 in a small workshop in Kensington, London. Its top speed was 70 mph.

After the First World War, Count Zborowski refinanced the company while Bamford retired*. Thus Martin became the only owner. At that time, the out- standing motoring competition was the Aston Clintozi Hill Climb, where Lionel Martin's cars had great success. By combining the two names, Aston Martin was born. In 1920, the objective was to design, develop, and build each car as a unique piece of machinery. This principle still exists today.

Between 1920 and 1945, the engineers invented many technical improvements. And in May 1922, an Aston Martin named 'Bunny' broke world records with an average speed of 76.20 mph during 16 ½ hours. Aston Martin cars received international acclaim.

A few years later, in 1947, the company had financial difficulties and David Brown bought it. This chairman gave his initials – DB – to new models which went for competition under the names of DBZ, DB3 or DBR. David Brown wanted a victory at Le Mans but he only got it in 1957. That year was a top year for Aston Martin cars: they also won the world championship. The firm was at its best. In the early 70s, two things happened: the DB series was finished and Mr Brown sold the company.

Film-makers used these cars for the James Bond films Goldfinger, Thunderball, Golden Eye: they were the secret agent's personal car. Today Aston Martin's cars are precious, expensive, beautiful cars with their very active fan clubs in the UK and the US.

Taken from an Aston Martin press release (Goals)



An owner : propriétaire

An engineer : ingénieurs

An improvement : amélioration

To retire : prendre sa retraite

To design : concevoir

A chairman : un président

To refinance financer de nouveau



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