Astrological Index to the works of Alice Bailey.

[Books to finish/re-read: EP2, DINA 1 & 2, RI. TCF-cycles/rays only]

Specific references to Esoteric Astrology and the 7 rays. (Astroray)

The following subjects related to Esoteric Astrology are in separate indexes:

Astrobiographies Chakras Cycles

Races/Nations Initiation Masonry

Numbers Makara AstroRay

Where the compiler is fairly sure as to what the author is referring, but it isn’t written in the text, the keyword reference is shown in brackets at the start of the line, or somewhere in the line. If the compiler is not sure, or he is speculating, then there is a query mark after the word.

Where references are to more than one category, they will be found in both, particularly for instance, in Destiny of the Nations and Cycles, or Astroray and Initiation.

The order of the books in this index will be the same as the sequence of publications listed on the inside of each book, starting with “Initiation, Human and Solar” etc.

Compilation books will obviously not be included in index.

Books by Alice Bailey, in order of usefulness for astrology references

FBC = From Bethlehem to Calvary (AAB) (good refs)

CAT = Consciousness of the Atom (AAB) (Great Bear etc)

SAM = Soul and its Mechanism (AAB) (centres, glands)

UA = Unfinished Autobiography (AAB) (birth details, rays)

FITI = From Intellect to Intuition (AAB) (meditation)

POH = Problems of Humanity (AAB) (no refs)

Initiation Human and Solar

IHS- 2 - Sun - 7 sacred planets

IHS- 3 - ray as three rays/7 rays

IHS- 3 - ray, indigo - blending; ray 2 absorbs others at end of greater cycle

IHS- 3 - solar system (ours) - most concrete of solar systems (ray 5?)

IHS- 3-4 - rays, 7 - subrays one cosmic ray

IHS- 4 - morning stars sang together

IHS- 4 - twelve CH - subsidiaries of one cosmic hierarchy

IHS- 6 - solar Logos - inexplicable principle of mutation

IHS- 6 - rays, hierarchies - clue to study - law of correspondences, analogy

IHS- 11-12 - three aspects - wisdom, understanding, knowledge

IHS- 17 - each initiation more control of rays

IHS- 17 - initiation brings power on, not over, rays

IHS- 17 - every initiate has for primary ray (monad) one of 3 major - eventually gains power on

IHS- 20 - Sun, 7 sacred planets - greater hierarchy (lesser planets)

IHS- 23 - realisation of energy of Planetary Logos (?)

IHS- 28 - Planetary Logos one of 7 spirits before throne (therefore one of 7 sacred planets - see pp.2-3, 39; (Venus? - see TCF 386) 2-3, 39; (Venus? - see TCF 386)

IHS- 30 - astrologically determined - certain streams of solar energy from other planetary schemes - inner group of lord of world

IHS- 35 - discriminating mind - distinctive quality of humanity (Mercury rules 4th CH) - (balancing pairs of opposites; great war - ray 4; also Sun in Libra)

IHS- 39 - Kumaras, 6 - distribute energy of 6 planetary Logoi - 6 rays

IHS- 39 - SK is physical incarnation of one of Planetary Logoi

IHS- 40 - Kumaras in direct communication with one or other of 7 sacred planets

IHS- 40 - astrological conditions, planetary wheel determine activity of Kumaras

IHS- 40-1 - four mahaRajahs - Lords of Karma - world, racial, national, group, individual (link to 4 ‘royal stars’?)

IHS- 41 - rays of right egos - different times, seasons

IHS- 47 - dept of Mahachohan - 4 rays of attribute - plus 3rd ray = 5th principle of mind (manas)

IHS- 50 - rays, 7 - 7 groups

IHS- 54-9 - rays of various Masters

IHS- 63 - prenatal period: conception = individualisation; 9 months gestation = wheel of life; 1st degree = birth hour; probationary path latter period of gestation (Hints for progressions and Prenatal charts in astrology?)

IHS- 68 - rays - groups of egos formed according to ray, subray, rate of vibration; egoic/personality rays; all graded, charted - hall of records

IHS- 80 - ray/subray - steps for aspirant according to

IHS- 80 - Discipleship as it manifests on the physical plane in service:

|Ray 1 |force |energy |action |the occultist |

|Ray 2 |consciousness |expansion |initiation |the true psychic |

|Ray 3 |adaptation |development |evolution |the magician |

|Ray 4 |vibration |response |expression |the artist |

|Ray 5 |mentation |knowledge |science |the scientist |

|Ray 6 |devotion |abstraction |idealism |the devotee |

|Ray 7 |incantation |magic |ritual |the ritualist |

IHS- 81 - disciples have all been magicians - passed onto 3rd ray

IHS- 84 - initiation, centres, rays of a disciple

IHS- 88 - ray of monad - astral/mental vibrates to after 3rd degree

IHS- 95 - ray of other planetary schemes

IHS- 95 - astrological conditions, seasons of initiation, ray type

IHS- 96 - Earth, Venus and one other planet - great experiment of initiation

IHS- 96 - Neptune, Uranus and Saturn schemes - initiation not used

IHS- 98 - Sirian energy - mind, thought from distant cosmic centre via Sirius; Sirius produces self consciousness in man (hence its association with Leo and August); passes through Saturn scheme (perhaps its association with Regulus)

IHS- 98 - Pleiades passes through Venusian scheme

IHS- 98 - Great Bear - one of its 7 stars - applied to initiate; higher self to Planetary Logos (Venus must have connection here?)

IHS- 105 - Wesak - Buddha conveys energies from Silent Watcher via Sanat Kumara; Silent Watcher evoked WW2 - conference at Shamballa

IHS- 106-7 - Sanat Kumara meets 4 times a year with Masters/Chohans (At what times? - Cardinal cross of solstices/equinoxes? - could also be on Fixed cross - “Lodge meets at the Wesak [Taurus]...under His [Sanat Kumara’s] hold the principle of quarterly conferences”, i.e. Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus - to coincide with initiation ceremonies - see 107 - minor initiations - 1st, 2nd are represented by Leo, Scorpio - see EA)

IHS- 110 - path of discipleship - man’s ray; path of probation

IHS- 118 - ray of monad - Planetary Logos - ensouls all

IHS- 120 - ray group, egoic group - relation to the Plan

IHS- 120 - between 1st and 2nd degrees - one more life or several

IHS- 121 - egoic ray - given so that monadic ray can be found

IHS- 122 - Earth - Earth’s opposite scheme

IHS- 124 - egoic ray as it pours down through many cycles of time; future lives

IHS- 125 - ray group, egoic group

IHS- 126-7 - Sirius - great brotherhood on

IHS- 126 - presiding lord of Lords of Karma - (Saturn?)

IHS- 129 - Venus - home of rod of power - flaming diamond

IHS- 129 - Chohans of rays and SK only know where rod of power is hid

IHS- 129 - ray 2 Chohan (KH) and deva lord of 2nd (cosmic?) plane (Varuna)

IHS- 129 - Earth Mars Mercury - function of flaming diamond

IHS- 130 - Sun - great rod of power of Logos himself hidden in Sun; heart of Sun; central spiritual Sun

IHS- 138 - rod of initiation used according to ray

IHS- 142-3 - set times and seasons - astrological factors for initiation

- esoteric/cosmic astrology; true mathematical conception

- individual signs - blending/coinciding with ceremonial chart

IHS- 143 - planetary centre (planet) energy transferred via Sun to initiate via numerically correct chain of scheme

IHS- 147 - relation solar Logos to Planetary Logos - secrecy

IHS- 148 - three major rays - energy flowing down from

IHS- 155 - solar Logos - word of power

IHS- 158 - ray, subray groups - initiation

IHS- 158 - centres connected to rays, planes

IHS- 159 - planetary and solar Logoi

IHS- 160 - solar Logos - colour blue [6th ray?]

IHS- 160 - great existence - [Sirius?] - stands to solar Logos as solar Logos does to Planetary Logos

IHS- 161 - Earth scheme - not sacred

IHS- 164 - forces, energies, secrets which animate solar system

IHS- 164 - some particular Planetary Logos - secret of initiation

IHS- 164 - clue to characteristics of those monads on that particular planetary ray

IHS- 164 - ray, colour, number, vibration, note - each secret

IHS- 165 - planetary key, tone - secret of initiation

IHS- 165 - ray, number, department - secret of initiation

IHS- 165 - cosmic, systemic signs, symbols - study

IHS- 165 - nine symbols - 1) cross, 2) lotus, 3) triangle 4) cube, 5) sphere and point, 6) eight animal forms: goat [Capricorn], bull [Taurus], elephant [Pleiades, Jupiter or Logos?), man [Aquarius], dragon [Scorpio, Draco, Sun etc.?], bear [Great Bear], lion [Leo], dog [Sirius]; 7) the line, 8) certain signs of the zodiac, 9) the cup/holy grail

IHS- 167 - three halls - 3 aspects

IHS- 168 - three mysteries - 3 aspects - physical, heart of, and central spiritual Suns - see 175

IHS- 172 - Planetary Logos - point in evolution - mystery of sex (Moon chain karma?); polar opposite of Planetary Logos

IHS- 173 - true name of Planetary Logos and relation to solar Logos

IHS- 173 - marriage of the lamb - (Aries/Christ?) - clue to this - solar system of S...which must be read astrologically (Sirius, Scorpio, Sagittarius?)

IHS- 173 - mystery of Gemini - connection of our Planetary Logos (Gemini gateway for Sirian energy; pairs of opposites - sex; Venus soul ruler)

IHS- 174 - destroyer aspect - ray 1

IHS- 174 - secret name of Planetary Logos; solar Logos

IHS- 175 - solar system - 5th principle of mind forms basis of unfoldment

IHS- 179 - special period of activity in cycle of heavenly man

IHS- 181 - heavenly man - aim for particular cycle

IHS- 181 - each great cycle - major initiation of a heavenly man

IHS- 181 - coming in passing out of a ray

IHS- 181 - initiation taken on 4 minor rays - rank not in equality with 3 major

IHS- 181 - during cyclic evolution a minor ray may temporarily be regarded as a major ray

IHS- 181 - ray 7 now regarded as major ray

IHS- 181 - ray of ego - first 3 initiations taken on

IHS- 181 - ray of monad - last 2 initiations taken on

IHS- 181 - 5th degree becomes member of great white brotherhood on Sirius - 1st of Sirian initiations

IHS- 182 - ray on which initiation is taken - depends on path of service

IHS- 182 - ray 7 - building forces, executive work

IHS- 182 - ray 7 brings opportunity to occidental races (active concrete mind, vast business capacity) of initiation on ray regarded as major ray (7)

IHS- 183 - this cycle dominated by ray 6 which is just passing out, and the two preceding (?)

IHS- 184 - period of attainment by occidentals on ray suited to their mind

IHS- 186-91 - seven paths - 7 rays analogies?

IHS- 187 - ray 5 as monadic ray - path of magnetic work (note rays 2,5 both related to magnetic work, as another significator to their close relation)

IHS- 187 - ray 5 - karma

IHS- 187 - seven planetary Logoi in next system - 49 sub-planetary Logoi

IHS- 187 - 6th degree trained for planetary Logoi paths - trained by Chohan of ray

IHS- 188 - path to Sirius - close connection to Pleiades - see 189

IHS- 188 - seven stars of Pleiades goal for the 7 types; Sirius Pleiades hold secret of cosmic evolution and solar system

IHS- 188 - ray path - stays on own ray

IHS- 188 - synthetic ray (2?) - link with one on Ray Path

IHS- 189 - ray of Planetary Logos and one on Ray Path

IHS- 189 - one on Ray Path passes to Sun

IHS- 189 - cosmic ray of which all others are subsidiary

IHS- 190 - system about which our system and Sirius revolve

IHS- 195 - Sun, planet analogy

IHS- 196 - solar lord intermediary between Earth/Sun

IHS- 206-7 - ‘mark of the messenger’ - Mercury - study with care astrological info on Mercury

IHS- 211 - radiant spheres in their 6 divisions (planets)

IHS- 213 - word (of solar Logos) echoes through the spheres (planets); music of endless spheres; completion of the circling spheres

Letters on Occult Meditation

LOOM- 4 - rays of personality/soul - combining their tones - major third of personality, dominant fifth of soul

LOOM- 6 - direct alignment of certain planets with each other and Sun = Logoic alignment; only 3 physical planets (in etheric matter) enter into alignment which marks attainment of Logos of cosmic egoic consciousness; Venus is one corresponding to emotional permanent atom; alignment of whole system with Sirius; holds secret of greater cycle

LOOM- 11-12 - incarnation - fullest expression of lower self; soul impresses to meditate at rare intervals; several lives to mystic meditations culminating in one life of meditation; two lives of culmination - life of worldly apotheosis; life of intensest meditation on mystic lines

LOOM- 15-16 - ray of higher self - meditation; power ray (1) - one pointedness - forces a channel; ray 2 - expansion, gradual inclusion

LOOM- 16 - fourth degree initiation - achievement by ray 1 or 2 methods

LOOM- 16 - ray 3 ego - adaptability - systematic adaptation of all knowledge; amassing of material through love/discrimination

LOOM- 16 - love wisdom (2) - goal of endeavour for this solar system

LOOM- 16-17 - three aspects - will love intelligence; rays 4, 5

LOOM- 17 - ray 4 ego - knowledge of sound/colour; notes/tones solar system/individual

- ray 5 ego - intense application of concrete mind to problem

LOOM- 18 - ray 6 ego - one pointed application through love of some individual or ideal

LOOM- 18-19 - ray 7 ego - glorification/comprehension of form in approach to study of the law

LOOM- 19 - ray 7 - many occultists coming in on this ray

LOOM- 19 - ray of personality - subray of spiritual ray (infers that personality ray for unevolved does not change so frequently?)

LOOM- 20-1 - example of ray 2 soul/ray 5 personality; intelligent expansion - combination of ray 2 methods and 5th ray application

LOOM- 22 - karma and time synonymous terms (Saturn)

LOOM- 24 - physical and emotional permanent atoms (Aquarius/Leo - see EA 302-3

LOOM- 27 - stages of growth vary - overlapping/parallelism - due to ray of monad -cyclic changes, astrological forces - often from unknown cosmic centres

LOOM- 28 - age of 28-35 - man finds himself - comes into his own - what line of activity will be (Saturn cycle)

LOOM- 28 - fourth period - mystic meditation begins (ray 4 etc)

LOOM- 28 - fifth period - occult meditation begins; period of Path of Initiation (ray 5 etc)

LOOM- 29 - symbolic age of 42 (Master of Wisdom) - point of perfected maturity in solar system (Saturn cycle); 6th/7th initiations correspond to 42-49

LOOM- 30 - moment of individualisation - hour of contact (analogy of birth)

LOOM- 32 - seasons - spring, summer - disintegrating force of autumn (Scorpio/Pluto) - felt on mental levels (Pluto first felt in mental body - EA)

LOOM- 32 - circumference of causal varies according to type and ray

LOOM- 33 - egoic ray meditation; personality ray meditation

LOOM- 34 - ego on own plane - direct relation to other egos on same ray, and on corresponding abstract/concrete ray

LOOM- 34 - all monads belong to 7 planetary spirits

LOOM- 34 - adept of egoic ray supervises development in groups: subray of egoic ray; period of individualisation; point of attainment; - under adept of ray work Masters on their rays (major ashrams/subray ashrams)

LOOM- 38 - those on similar rays vibrate more readily than those on different rays

LOOM- 38 - second wisdom aspect allows synthesis (in developed types)

LOOM- 38 - egos separated into ray groups on 3rd sub-plane of mental plane

LOOM- 39-40 - egoic ray considered by master for meditation

LOOM- 40 - meditation and rays reiterated

LOOM- 41 - ray 6 passes away - ray 7 enters in; department of force/activity - synthesising 4 minor rays

LOOM- 41 - ray 6 - idealists, devotees, Master Jesus - WW1(1920) - instance of 6th ray

LOOM- 41 - ray 7 - order, organisation

LOOM- 42 - ray 7 Logos - essence of development aimed at

LOOM- 42 - rays sweep into activity bearing own incarnating spirits - contact 6 other types of force, groups

LOOM- 42 - teacher of meditation mast assess incoming ray as well as soul/personality

LOOM- 43 - rays 4,5 respond to 7th ray quickly - monads easily influenced; ray 6 monads more difficult; ray 1 monads - direct link - wield law through power; ray 2 monads guide, rule through love

LOOM- 53-4 - (ray 2) - qualities of sound: builder, intuitional vehicle, “the relation between”; law of attraction/repulsion

LOOM- 54-5 - creative hierarchies

LOOM- 55 - ray 4 - four correspondences

LOOM- 54-5 - subtones 1,2,3,4 - all call rays into manifestation

LOOM- 56 - ray 7 - ceremonial law - adjusts matter under set forms, to desired shapes

LOOM- 51-86 - sacred word/sound - notes/subtones correspond to rays; major third - personality, dominant fifth - soul

LOOM- 65 - people on same ray form group

LOOM- 68 - ray 7 activity - deva contact by groups (Findhorn, Perelandra)

LOOM- 68 - groups working on laws of rays

LOOM- 75-6 - awakening of centres dependant upon rays of monad, ego

LOOM- 77 - awakening of centres according to man’s primary ray

LOOM- 79-80 - order of development of centres according to ray of Spirit (monad) - complicated by ‘ray development’

LOOM- 88 - certain ray secrets

LOOM- 95 - soul ray decides which centre of consciousness

LOOM- 100 - due consideration of ray

LOOM- 100 - fires of Earth/Sun merge at end of greater cycle - solar system will have reached its apotheosis; lesser cycles run their course

LOOM- 101 - Earth/Sun relation - fire; Earth/Moon - water

LOOM- 102 - body same as one at disincarnation in previous incarnation

LOOM- 102 - three aspects - brain, nervous system, sex organs

LOOM- 103 - ray determines proper geometric spiralling of kundalini

LOOM- 107 - solar system - our dual manifestation

LOOM- 114 - ray 7 provides for Occidental what has long been privilege of Oriental

LOOM- 114-20 - group dangers - (astrological houses? -116-7 - family group = 4th house; associates/friends - 11th house etc

LOOM- 118 - family group - emotional plane (Cancer?)

LOOM- 119 - man’s ray - egoic group

LOOM- 128 - ray 7 - violet ray - dangers with devas - meeting place for two evolutions

LOOM- 144 - working along lines of man’s ray

LOOM- 146 - mental ray types - meditation

LOOM- 148 - mystic works through rays of love, harmony, devotion - 2,4,6;

- occultist 1,3,7 (Aries takes these rays through it and is also symbol of magician;

- both mystic/occultist meet on ray 5 - on ray 5 mystic is resolved into occultist and works with all rays

LOOM- 148 - four minor rays - mystic/occultist pass through

LOOM- 150 - mystic qualities (Pisces)

LOOM- 151 - coming in of ray 7 - true occultists - ray of form/ritual (law, order, ceremonial magic)

LOOM- 153 - forms on certain rays

LOOM- 155-6 - secret of 7th Planetary Logos lies in the 7th ray

LOOM- 157 - certain forms built on numerical aspects of rays: concrete building rays - occultist; rays abstract and attribute - mystic

LOOM- 157 - meditation form puts pupil in contact with egoic/personality ray; egoic group linking

LOOM- 158 - merge mystic/occult paths; mystic - rays of aspect; after merging paths man works on his own ray - manipulates matter of own ray - works through his own ray forms - 6 subray forms

LOOM- 164 - seven mantrams to call 7 Planetary Logoi

LOOM- 164 - mantram to contact Logos of planet - known by adepts; mantram of planet based on key of Earth

LOOM- 164 - each planet has note whereby guides can contact their Planetary Logos

LOOM- 164 - seven Logoi - have ritual or form to contact Lord of Solar System - done 4 times per year (Equinoxes? see 200, earlier ref. and IHS

LOOM- 164 - once a year(?) - hierarchy uses mantram that goes through 7 planetary Logoi to Logos (solar) - intensest spiritual effort and vitalisation for year - cosmic effect - links us to our cosmic centre (see 200)

LOOM- 165-6 - ray mantrams - each ray own formulas/sounds - vital effect on units gathered on those rays

LOOM- 165 - contact with one of the great lords dependent upon ray

LOOM- 166 - start of meditation using ray mantram

LOOM- 167 - three aspects in solar system - 3 departments - Manu etc.

LOOM- 167 - Mahachohan synthesises four lower rays

LOOM- 168 - lines of power love intelligence

LOOM- 168 - finally find goal on ray 2 - synthetic ray - love working through all rays

LOOM- 169-70 - three aspects - 3 departments - Manu etc?

LOOM- 170 - meditation on one of 3 departments coloured by personality ray

LOOM- 170 - Solar Logos impresses will through Manu

LOOM- 171 - solar system direct expression of Logos

LOOM- 173 - activity (3) just as divine as love(2) and sacrifice (1)

LOOM- 175 - activity aspect (3) - control elemental forces, ceremonies - ray 7 link

LOOM- 175 - ray 7 coming into incarnation - ceremonial ray - rites, ceremonies for contacting elementals

LOOM- 176 - wisdom/love aspect (2) used in working with devas (building)

LOOM- 176 - activity (3) - involutionary; wisdom/devas; will (archangels?)

LOOM- 178 - ray mantrams calling devas on a particular ray

LOOM- 178 - deva contact easy in Atlantean days - see 181,188

LOOM- 180 - words chanted connect to Lord of a Ray

LOOM- 182 - Logos - setting back of plans - from 3rd aspect - 1st solar system

LOOM- 182 - ray 7 - humanity/devas

LOOM- 183 - Sun/Earth - fires

LOOM- 184 - Solar Logos - divine flame - different from other Logoi

LOOM- 184 - Sun - centre of system - analogy with human heart; Earth - heat, point of densest matter - analogy to genitals (hence Sun is heart, Earth is sacral centre of solar system? Earth is binary with Moon - hence karma of sex, mystery of 666, magical square of Sun)

LOOM- 185 - Solar Logos - same nature of vital spark in humans

LOOM- 187 - seven rays - 7 great mantrams

LOOM- 188 - solar system - certain spheres of - Earth, water elementals

LOOM- 192 - dark mysterious caves of evil in our solar system

LOOM- 193 - same ray vibration for people to work with mantrams together

LOOM- 201 - devas/humans focus through Lords of Rays/Planetary Logos

LOOM- 205 - seven colours - mystery of rays 1 & 6 (red/blue) - (sacrifice/will)

LOOM- 206 - secret ray meditation

LOOM- 207 - monadic ray - relativity of colour descriptions

LOOM- 207 - ray - colours - sometimes described in terms of plane, not ray

LOOM- 207 - love wisdom ray - Lords of Flame - in line of Boddhisattva; 2nd aspect - direct reflection of Lord of World; indigo - ray 2

LOOM- 207 - Solar Logos - “Blue Logos” - literally indigo

LOOM- 207 - colours - ray correspondences - relations between rays: orange (5) compliments blue (6); yellow/indigo = buddhi

LOOM- 208 - second aspect - yellow (4) on direct line of

LOOM- 208 - green of activity of nature forms basis of love aspect

LOOM- 209 - aspirant to path of light has naught to do with involutionary colours - media for force of dark brotherhood - brown, grey, “loathsome” purple (?, 7), lurid greens

LOOM- 211 - one ray - all others sub rays - circle of 7 fold light; 7 bands of colour emanate from synthetic ray (2)

LOOM- 211 - indigo subray of indigo ray path of least resistance

LOOM- 212 - colours in groups of 3’s and 5’s - foundation of diamond pattern on back of Serpent of Wisdom (ray 2, round 2); 3 major colours with 4 interweaving (hint as to geometrical path of kundalini?, DNA geometry etc)

LOOM- 212 - complexity of rays will emerge with planes/serpent diagram - geometrical patterns etc

LOOM- 212 - moonless night - colour of sky - indigo (implies synthesis and absorption without negative influences)

LOOM- 213 - knowledge of ray and colour - great power

LOOM- 213 - synthetic ray - indigo; fundamental ray of solar system and one of cosmic rays

LOOM- 213 - 2nd subray - indigo/indigo - monads of love; 3rd subray - indigo/green - basic ray of 2nd system - ray of deva evolution; indigo/yellow - harmony ray; indigo/orange - ray 5; indigo and undisclosed colour (blue?) - ray 6; indigo/violet - ray 7

LOOM- 213-4 - rays - DK does not apportion indigo/red - indigo/blue to rays or planes

LOOM- 214 - rays 2 & 3 colours are only ones which we can be totally assured; ray 2 goal of endeavour; ray 3 foundation of nature

LOOM- 214 - subrays - red, yellow, orange, blue, violet - only understood through 4 lesser subrays

LOOM- 214 - autumn - yellow (leaves) - completion of cycle, fruition (Scorpio in Northern Hemisphere, ruled hierarchically by Mercury - ruler of 4th ray - yellow)

- yellow of harvest - (Northern Hemisphere - Leo/Virgo - Sun/Mercury ruled - Virgo the grain etc)

LOOM- 215 - Sun of microcosm - ego/soul

LOOM- 215 - love wisdom aspect - indigo or blue

LOOM- 216 - ray 5 orange - related to ray 3 of 1st solar system - green

LOOM- 216 - rays 2 & 4 - to this solar system are what rays 3 & 5 were to last solar system

LOOM- 218 - activity (3) system ray 3 expresses through (ray 5) concrete subray

- love (2) system ray 2 expresses through beauty, harmony

LOOM- 218 - orange comes from activity ray of that system

LOOM- 218 - rays - 2,4,6 line; 1,7,5; 3,5.

LOOM- 219 - rays macrocosmically - microcosmically as kundalini playing between 3 centres - head heart throat

LOOM- 219 - seven rays - interact between life, form and inner mind; all 7 play at different times on different aspects

LOOM- 220 - rays 2 & 4 most important interaction; 1 & 7, 3 & 5

LOOM- 220 - mystery of combinations of colours (ray relations) - apprehension gives key to greater cycle

LOOM- 221 - violet - ray 7 - synthesises form; ray 2 synthetic ray of all life forces

LOOM- 221 - seven heavenly men (Logoi) - perfection with blending deva/human

LOOM- 221 - ray 7 dominance - merging physical/etheric

LOOM- 222 - seven sacred planets, 7 colours, 7 centres etc

LOOM- 222 - seven rays and Logos - analogy with personal life; ordered occult cycles under 7 great influences (rays)

LOOM- 224 - ray 7 one of 3 major rays in this round; wields power in ratio to the 4, on the 4, under the 4

LOOM- 225-6 - three aspects above reflect below - personality, soul, monad

LOOM- 228 - synthetic ray (2) blends all - analogy with causal

LOOM- 229 - seven rays - 7 sacred planets, 7 initiations, 7 rootraces/subraces

LOOM- 230 - colour subject to rays of soul/personality

LOOM- 230 - at a low point of evolution the colours are largely based upon activity aspect (3)

- at a more advanced point of evolution - based upon wisdom aspect (2)

LOOM- 231 - rays - in and coming into manifestation - colour the person

LOOM- 231 - man on ray of science influenced considerably by incoming 4th ray (hence exploration of 4th ether)

LOOM- 233-4 - four rays - in 4th round are in flux at any one time; more or less rays dominate simultaneously; influences show forth as colour when contacting matter - give tone to personality/ego

LOOM- 234 - different rays come in bearing units coloured by that ray; other rays pass out carrying different units

LOOM- 234 - each ray imparts to the other rays in incarnation at the same time

LOOM- 234 - three rays absorb the seven - merge into synthetic ray; 3 rays of monad, soul, personality merge into monadic ray

LOOM- 235 - student becomes aware of incoming dominant ray/s - occult given facts; opportunity ray affords

LOOM- 237 - which colours shroud a virtue; virtues/vices (reflected qualities of Logos) - see 228,233,235,249

LOOM- 238 - cosmic ray of indigo - veils love wisdom

LOOM- 238 - monadic ray is primary colour

LOOM- 239 - activity/intelligence aspect - God within expresses all latent virtues through

LOOM- 239 - life returns to parent ray

LOOM- 240 - solar Logos/ignorant savage

LOOM- 240 - primary ray - differentiation of ray through incarnation - veiling under all 7 colours that compose that ray

LOOM- 240 - three major colours (rays); resolve lower quaternary into higher three

LOOM- 248 - violet ray (7th) holds the secret for this immediate cycle

LOOM- 249 - people will be eventually be grouped according to ray colour

LOOM- 252 - ray of intuition - radiant Sun of wisdom

LOOM- 258 - ray of love wisdom - the Divine Ray

LOOM- 262 - Master functions consciously as part of Heavenly Man

LOOM- 262 - activity aspect of Logos, love, will - Master works with

LOOM- 264 - Master works with two other planets - analogous to heads of the hierarchy

LOOM- 266 - seven Heavenly Men - 2nd subplane of higher mind

- composed of group souls - individual human/angelic units

- groups belonging to Masters (2nd subplane)

- since 1920 - great changes - moved to plane of buddhi (may tie in with Master R becoming Mahachohan, NGWS, conclave etc)

LOOM- 266-7 - Master’s group - egoic/monadic rays same as Master’s

- those to take 1st & 2nd degrees taken of ray of ego

- those to take 3rd & 4th degrees taken on ray of monad

- cause of transference from one ray to another (takes place after 2nd degree initiation)

LOOM- 268 - Master represents Lord of Ray

LOOM- 268-9 - Law of attraction/repulsion affiliates a man with his divine groups; blends one back to the Lord of a Ray in whose body his monad may be found

LOOM- 274 - ray - determines choice by Master of pupil

LOOM- 282 - (3 aspects) - 1) sanctified service [282-5] 2) love demonstrating through wisdom 3) intellectual application

LOOM- 285 - Raja yoga - line of 1st ray or complimentary ray

LOOM- 285 - love wisdom - subray of synthetic ray - line of least resistance for humanity

LOOM- 285 - (ray 2) - true love wisdom sees deficiencies of any form

LOOM- 286 - line of 2nd ray can be followed on Raja yoga line or Christian Gnostic line

LOOM- 286-7 - third aspect - line of 3rd ray - 4 subsidiary rays

LOOM- 287 - blending of 3 rays - sanctified service, secret of 5th plane

LOOM- 287 - love wisdom - marks height of this (4th) round

LOOM- 289 - fit astrological conditions - full Moon - conscious of Master

LOOM- 294 - groups of diverse units on different rays

LOOM- 295 - times and modes of contact (with Master) recorded - reflected/demonstrated in stars (horoscope)

LOOM- 300 - incoming ray of ceremonial order - Master will use - harnessing lower mind

LOOM- 302 - teaching ray - One Initiator is highest expression

LOOM- 318 - different occult schools will be practically ray schools - see 308 - teachers same or complimentary ray; Irish school - ray 2 - pupils 2,4,6

LOOM- 318 - ray 5 teacher - at least one in every school of occultism; ray 1 school - pupils/teachers rays 1,3,7 - one ray 5

LOOM- 319 - colour of shrine in school - dependant on ray of school; curtains - ray colour;

- pupil’s ascendant, Sun and controlling planets shown on curtain

- mat within shrine - symbols of pupil’s rays - soul/personality

LOOM- 324 - signs of zodiac on wall of circular passage of advanced school; 4 entrances - 4 MahaRajahs - domed tower for astrological/astronomical instruction

LOOM- 325 - all work of school based on occult knowledge of times/seasons:

- 1) when Sun moves northward - acquiring knowledge - 6 weeks interlude [Libra], then... (2) second half - puts into practice what was learned (start in Aries? through to Libra? 6 weeks interlude through to Scorpio - second half back to Aries with Capricorn [grounding/practice] central to those last signs)

LOOM- 325-6 - earlier months of the year - much study (Aries etc?)

LOOM- 326 - six weeks vacation - then writes during “dark period” (Scorpio) the themes and essays, books, pamphlets that embody product of assimilated (Taurus) information.

LOOM- 326 - ‘bright half of month’ (waxing to full Moon) harder part of studies - higher mind

- ‘dark half of month’ (waning to new Moon) - lower mind (repeats in microcosm the whole year)

- similarly, each day - earlier half – more abstract, occult data; latter half - more practical

LOOM- 329 - astronomy/astrology study

LOOM- 330 - study of 7th ray

LOOM- 330 - study of pupil’s ray, colour, vibration

LOOM- 335 - stimulation of person through colour of his ray

LOOM- 336 - heat of Sun as electrical force; secret of initiation, rod of initiation

Consciousness of the Atom

CAT- 155-7 - Sirius, Great Bear, Pleiades - Electra/electricity (3rd aspect)

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

TCF- 5 - astrology, basis of - 3 aspects of all forms interrelated

TCF- 41 - Saturn, ring pass not

TCF- 46 - Neptune? - fire/spark of mind - vitalising factor in fabrication of thoughtforms

TCF- 47 - planets/signs - Mars Saturn Venus Capricorn? - active fire/mental energy/thoughtforms

TCF- 48 - Sirius - 2nd fire - cosmic mental plane

TCF- 53 - Virgo? (cosmic mother) fertilisation of latent fire

TCF- 53 - planets, nature of - reflect their brother, the Sun

TCF- 53 - Libra/3rd aspect - latent fires - basis of sex function

TCF- 55 - Sun as base chakra of solar system (veils Pluto?) - human base chakra analogy (check Draco p.795 and other analogies with Draco as base chakra in seven solar systems)

TCF- 58 - planets - Sun/Earth - latent fire - central fire in Sun

TCF- 60 - planets - Earth/Moon - inner fires

TCF- 60 - signs - Virgo Scorpio Taurus? 3 inner Earth fires?

TCF- 64 - Sirius -LOGOS

TCF- 74 - planets - Saturn Venus Vulcan (Pluto?) Jupiter? - Lords of Karma? (correspondence to 4 mahaRajahs; Gabriel Michael Raphael Uriel; Antares Formalhaut Aldebaran Regulus)

TCF- 78 - solar rays = prana

TCF- 79 - Sun -1st and 2nd aspects working through; pranic solar emanations

TCF- 81 - Neptune/Varuna? - desire; Vishnu

TCF- 83 - rays - are 3-fold

TCF- 86 - Moon - once expression for one of Logoi 91 Sun; devas

TCF- 92 - planetary pranas

TCF- 93 - Moon - causes of apparent deadness

TCF- 96 - planets: Sun = will; Venus/Mercury = love wisdom; Saturn = intelligence.

(see 644 (20) esoteric astrology)

TCF- 99 - milky way -cosmic prana for solar etheric system

TCF- 103 – initiation thru tests by fire - heavenly man = Venus/Mars?

TCF- 107 - Earth, rotary motion - in relation to solar radiation - Sun in zodiac? cycles of Earth

TCF- 112 - karmic lords - four mahaRajahs - Aldebaran Antares Formalhaut Regulus? see 74,153

TCF- 112 - planets, four - interact with Lipikas - Mercury Venus Neptune Uranus?

or Mercury Saturn Mars Uranus? Aldebaran/Venus (Taurus); Antares/Mars (Scorpio); Formalhaut/Uranus (Aquarius); Regulus/Saturn-Mercury(?) (Leo)

TCF- 114 - Earth, 4th chain - limitations- Saturn influence?

TCF- 133 - Moon - mystery of its failure

TCF- 143 - Mercury = buddhi - hence close 2nd ray relation - Moon veiling Neptune (4th ray)

TCF- 143 - Jupiter/Virgo? - 2nd Logos - refining forms

TCF- 145 - rays -3rd/7th? - mode of action of 2nd Logos

TCF- 145 - Sun and his 6 brothers - 7 sacred planets? (Sun veiling Vulcan)

TCF- 146 - constellations - Great Bear Sirius Pleiades - Venus

TCF- 147 - Leo - 1st/2nd aspects relate to Logos 1/2

TCF- 152 - crosses - longitude/latitude - rotation

TCF- 153 - karmic lords, four - planes/rays - dual action

TCF- 154 - Moon no longer "repulsive" to Earth

TCF- 156 - constellations - Great Bear Sirius Pleiades - 3 channels into solar system

TCF- 157 - gunas

TCF- 158-9 - Libra? 4th ray? sattwa = rhythm, balance - (4th ray Libra? - 2nd/4th initiations; Capricorn/death?)

TCF- 166 - planets, sacred - 4th ether

TCF- 175 - Virgo - Jupiter - kernel of wheat

TCF- 175-6 - rays, minor - up to third ray (mental) - evolution along these rays

TCF- 181 - triangle - Earth Mercury Mars see also 211-12

TCF- 181-2 - triangle Venus Earth Saturn

TCF- 182 - constellations - Great Bear Sirius Pleiades

TCF- 206 - planets - seven sacred - footnote

TCF- 209 - Virgo? - form building

TCF- 210 - seasons - initiation at stated seasons - astrological. (See Geoffrey de Purucker's "In the Temple" - describing initiations at solstices/equinoxes)

TCF- 211-12 - triangle Earth Mars Mercury - see 181 initiation rod ceremony; emergency rod nearly used in 1942 as it was in Atlantis

TCF- 215 - Gemini/Virgo? - 2nd aspect - masonry/builders.

TCF- 229 - Sun - 7 sacred planets = son aspect

TCF- 230 - Sun - planets esoterically exist in etheric matter

TCF- 232 - Pleiades - constellation which is magnetic opposite of our solar system - see 237,250

TCF- 237 - Pleiades - Earth relationship - precession of equinoxes will reveal

TCF- 250 - Pleiades feminine / our solar system masculine

TCF- 257 - (Sirius) solar Logos' higher self - 260 Pleiades? - electrical impulse

TCF- 262 - planetary, microcosmic - correspondences

TCF- 264 - rays (personality) of planets - numbering clue?

TCF- 266 - planets, seven sacred - two which are hid

TCF- 269 - constellations, seven - mystery

TCF- 270 - Great Bear - footnote

TCF- 273 - Great Bear monad aspect to heavenly men

TCF- 276 - Sun - note of Sun

TCF- 291 - Venus - controls five subplanes - Venus/Earth relation. Logos 6th ray - see 595

TCF- 294 - ray 2/Jupiter Aquarius? (aggregates of groups - attraction/ repulsion could relate to ex/es rulers of each sign e.g. Pisces - Jupiter/Pluto)

TCF- 296 - Saturn - esoteric significance

TCF- 297 - solar Logos, centres in body

TCF- 298 - planets - 3 dense physical

TCF- 299 - planets - Venus Jupiter Saturn - vehicles - 3 super principles - rays 3,2,1?

Mercury Earth Mars closely allied Mercury/Venus; Earth/Saturn; Mars/Jupiter.

TCF- 299-300 - globes/chains - Earth/Venus - see 371

TCF- 300 - Venus part of Logoic quaternary - astral/mental?

TCF- 303 - Saturn/Moon? - personality cycles 4x7

TCF- 303 - Libra/Saturn? - balance/karmic adjustment

TCF- 303-4 - egoic cycles, monadic, personality

TCF- 306 - Sirius - lion of cosmic will

TCF- 306 - Taurus/Scorpio - acquisition/transmutation

TCF- 306 - Virgo or Scorpio, or Virgo/Scorpio? - probationary path

TCF- 306 - (Virgo 7th sign ordinary wheel ) - 777 mystery?

TCF- 316 - Vulcan/Mars? Vul-cain? - will/desire distinction

TCF- 321 - Virgo? - feminine electrons

TCF- 323 - Venus/Earth - electrical union

TCF- 339 - signs/planets? - Taurus/Venus; discriminative side - Virgo; illuminative - Sag? in relation to manas, acquisitive side, desire for knowledge

TCF- 357 - triangles - science see also footnote

TCF- 357-8 - planets - Earth Saturn Uranus

TCF- 358 - Sirius? one who is animating our scheme

TCF- 359 - astrological influence

TCF- 362 - Pleiades

TCF- 363 - Mercury? - manas 4th creative hierarchy

TCF- 366 - cycles in human - 7 years - Saturn

TCF- 368 - planets - Earth Venus Saturn? solar plexus heart base?

TCF- 369-70 - planets - 7 - 3 synthesising planets - one resolver - Sun

TCF- 370 - planets - Venus Jupiter Saturn Mercury

TCF- 371 - Venus

TCF- 362 - Saturn or Uranus veiled by Sun? kundalini - Logoic - see 369, 372, 387, 442 (Uranus)

TCF- 375 - planets/constellations - Venus Earth Sirius Pleiades

TCF- 377-8 - Venus/7 Pleiades - schemes - particularly Mars

TCF- 380-1 - cycles - study of humanity - Sun planets - polar opposites

TCF- 380-1 - astronomy

TCF- 382-3 - cycles of human being - 49

TCF- 396 - astrology - esoteric and mystical astronomy

TCF- 396 - Leo/Virgo sphinx - mystery of 5 and 6? Leo Capricorn mystic relation

TCF- 398 - Leo/Virgo- man/deva - Capricorn is form

TCF- 401 - planets - Venus/Vulcan/Taurus? wisdom resolving into power

TCF- 403 - planets - Venus/Mercury. Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Vulcan

TCF- 406 - planets - Venus Mercury - Neptune Uranus. Saturn

TCF- 411 - Leo? rays 2 & 5? - self conscious result of manasic principle

TCF- 411 - Saturn/karma/Sirius (cosmic law)? - limitation

TCF- 412 - planets - Uranus Venus Jupiter Saturn - Logoic quaternary?

TCF- 415 - planets - Moon Neptune Cancer connection

TCF- 415 - Pleiades?

TCF- 416-7 - Moon chain/3rd ray/sex

TCF- 418-9 - Leo / Virgo? - soul/personality

TCF- 420 - planets/signs? - Leo/Aquarius - Sun Neptune Uranus? Leo duality 2nd ray. Leo 8th sign backwards - Mercury/Scorpio

TCF- 423 - rays 3,7 - organisation, business

TCF- 425 - ray 1 - Pluto destroyer aspect

TCF- 426 - electrical inventions - Tesla technology see 492 too. 429 Vimana. See EH - photography, radio.

TCF- 428 - rays 1,3 characteristics in Saturn

TCF- 432 - Mercury? - Logos of the 4th ray. see p.899

TCF- 433 - planets - initiations see also EA 70-1

TCF- 434 - Venus - 5th ray thru Aquarius? - electrical energy of Logos of 5th ray

TCF- 436 - Venus - ray of destructive force (Manu’s work). Taurus/Scorpio- Vulcan/Venus in relation to myth

TCF- 442 - Sun - veils Uranus

TCF- 445 - scientists - group of - which ashram? 5th ray - Curie, Tesla, Edison, Einstein

TCF- 458 - Virgo? 3rd ray - cosmic mother

TCF- 475 - Sun - effect on substance

TCF- 475-6 - Pluto? transmutation in relation to manas - Pluto first felt in mental vehicle

TCF- 484 - planets? - Pluto/Mars? stages of transmutation - Saturn Neptune Moon Mercury Venus Uranus?

TCF- 495 - planets metals rays stones

TCF- 498 - Aquarius? - first decan Saturn - manas developing over next 500 years

TCF- 512 - Venus/Libra? astral body of Logos permanent atoms (Sun/Leo)

TCF- 514 - signs, Leo Libra Aquarius? (see Esoteric Astrology pp.302-3. permanent atoms )

TCF- 514 - Pluto - "planet furthermost from Sun" - mental body - "Pluto felt in mental body first" (paraphrase of quote in EA); Pluto rules lesser burning ground; link with 4th initiation and Pisces which Pluto es. rules - see 4th initiation listings in EA, in above index.

TCF- 517 - ray 1 - destroyer - Pluto

TCF- 521 - Libra/Leo - kurukshetra - mental overcomes astral see 514. see EA302

TCF- 533 - Earth/Mercury - five planets - esoteric influence on planet

TCF- 539-44 - crosses - tie in with three petals egoic lotus

TCF- 553 - constellations - "certain constellations"

TCF- 553 - constellations - Sirius Great Bear

TCF- 568 - Sirius - planets Sun

TCF- 576-83 - planets? - laws of vibration (Vulcan); cohesion (Jupiter); disintegration(Saturn)?

TCF- 586 - rays - seven laws - seven rays

TCF- 587 - rays/planes

TCF- 589-90 - planets - Uranus Neptune Venus rays/planets/kingdoms

TCF- 592 - Venus - 6th planet/esoterically 2nd

TCF- 595 - Venus 6th/2nd schemes - home of Planetary Logos of 6th ray

(see 291,369,661,889,1179. SD3-378,381

TCF- 596-7 - Neptune/Pluto? - laws of sacrifice/death/disintegration

TCF- 598,600 - rays ruling sub races/branch races

TCF- 608-9 - planets - Uranus Neptune Sun central spiritual Sun

TCF- 609 - numbers: 7 = evolution of substance; no. 9 = consciousness (Libra/Virgo?-Sagittarius/Cancer?)

TCF- 610-13 - Leo/Virgo?- creative hierarchies

TCF- 624 - Sirius - devas from

TCF- 625 - centres, lower - devas-astrological teaching of the Secret Doctrine - force centres etc

TCF- 627 - planets, sacred - function on buddhic. inner significance of Sun

TCF- 629 - rays, seven are 9 - 9 petalled lotus - major 3 with 3rd as 7

TCF- 641 - asteroids? Vulcan/Vesta? fires of the Earth; other asteroid refs.- see 794,1127,1144,1164,1176

TCF- 644 - initiation - guardians of rites - astrology cycles - testings - see also 730

TCF- 657 - constellations - Great Bear Pleiades

TCF- 661 - Neptune - vehicle of Varuna

TCF- 664 - Leo physical Sun - Neptune/Uranus different bodies(Leo astral permanent atom EA302)

TCF- 664 - Alcyone? Pleiades - esoteric astronomy/occult cycles

TCF- 667 - Saturn? - 3rd aspect - devas - limitation of form

TCF- 668 - Uranus - Logos 7th ray and kshiti (Neptune Logos of 6th? - see )

TCF- 669 - Virgo? - 6 pointed star - 6th order of devas

TCF- 670 - Moon - close connection with 5th, 6th, 7th orders of devas

TCF- 675 - Neptune/Mars? heaven/hell - lower/higher subplanes astral

TCF- 675 - Mars/sex - 6th subplane astral

TCF- 678 - zodiac stimulation - cosmic/cyclic - heart of Sun

TCF- 679 - Pluto? devas of transmutative force

TCF- 686 - Venus Logoic centre - heart stimulation - solar plexus of blue Logos?

TCF- 692 - Sun - planets

TCF- 698 - Scorpio 4th hierarchy?- transmuting fires/Agnishvatta

TCF- 699 - Draco? Pleiades/Sirius

TCF- 700 - Moon chain

TCF- 700 - Venus - Sirius? "via the Earth's primary from an extra systemic centre"

TCF- 702 - constellations "certain allied..." - which ones?

TCF- 703 - Venus or Saturn - synthesising planet?

TCF- 705 - Mercury? - 8th gate. see EA

TCF- 706 - Capricorn - mystery Makara

TCF- 719 - Vulcan - special initiate work

TCF- 723 - constellations - Sirius Great Bear - see Great Bear p.725

TCF- 727 - Capricorn constellation - avatar (look at myth Delphinus/Makara - separate Makara index)

TCF- 730 – initiation - cycles - ties in with crosses/rays

TCF- 738 - soul cycles - pralaya - 777 incarnations etc

TCF- 738 - Scorpio 2nd degree - mysteries of initiation - Uranus exalted Scorpio

TCF- 742 - planets - Vulcan Venus Jupiter schemes

TCF- 752 - Great Bear

TCF- 777 - planets - Venus/Vulcan/Mars - Uranus/Neptune/Saturn - Earth/Jupiter/Mercury

TCF- 779 - Venus

TCF- 788 - astrological/constellational influences

TCF- 793 - planets, seven sacred - different levels evolution

TCF- 793 - planetary bodies(115)

TCF- 794 - asteroids - etheric planets

TCF- 794-5 - Moon - decay

TCF- 795-6 - constellations/signs - Great Bear Little Bear Sirius Pleiades Draco Polaris zodiacal signs

TCF- 801 - Pleiades Gt Bear seven sacred planets

TCF- 801 - constellations - 3 - form personality of solar Logos

TCF- 803 - triangle - certain planetary - Moon chain

TCF- 806 - crosses? - karma, law of working out -

TCF- 817 - chakras -planetary/asteroid/systemic/constellational correspondence to diagram of chakras e.g three-fold monad = Gt Bear Sirius Pleiades; atma buddhi manas = 3 rays aspect; egoic lotus = zodiac/constellations; 7 sacred planets = 7 chakras; 5 non-sacred planets = permanent atoms;

TCF- 821 - crosses? egoic lotus unfoldment

TCF- 823 - zodiac signs = 12 petals egoic lotus

TCF- 825-9 - crosses -777 incarnations see Esoteric Astrology

TCF- 834 - Moon - systemic effect not cause

TCF- 837,834 - constellations - disintegrating - between "lesser dipper" (Ursa Minor) and our system and Pleiades and our system

TCF- 844 - Sirius - karmic adjuster

TCF- 845 - zodiacal correlation? 12 groups

TCF- 846 - Moon - mystery

TCF- 849 - Scorpio? (serpent sting, death, vengeance)/ordinary wheel - hall of ignorance -3rd ray/mutable

TCF- 850 - Libra? (intellect -3rd ray; man weighs & balances) - hall of learning - 2nd ray/fixed

TCF- 850 - Sagittarius? (unity of action, goal & skill) - hall of wisdom - 1st ray/cardinal

or Virgo? (knowledge they know as method) - hence Scorpio/Libra/Virgo

(Virgo/Scorpio connection? - see IU2 refs.)

TCF- 853 - Pleiades - polar opposite scheme to Earth

TCF- 859 - Scorpio/Mercury? -petals in ajna = 96 = Scorpio (8x12); ajna ruled by Mercury - ruler 4th ray, and hi. ruler Scorpio

TCF- 859-60 - numbers - 8 = duality - Mercury "messenger 8th gate"-see p.705. see EA 298 (again, Scorpio/Mercury connection; if 8 is duality and duality is overcome at the 2nd initiation, ruled by Scorpio)

TCF- 865 - Gemini/Libra? - balancing opposites

TCF- 872 - three mysteries of 3 halls - Sun Neptune Uranus? see p.849-50

TCF- 875 - zodiacal signs? -points a to k may correspond to zodiac signs; all in relation to sex

TCF- 877-8 - solar lunar -father/mother

TCF- 878 - Sun - heart of Sun. central spiritual Sun

TCF- 894 - Draco - serpent constellations - mystery reptiles/kundalini (pineal gland related)

TCF- 898 - Neptune - astral body - systemic triangle - Neptune Jupiter Venus

TCF- 899- Neptune in horoscope - coordination of buddhic vehicle

TCF- 900 - Virgo? - the great mother

TCF- 900-1 - Neptune synthesising planet - astral planet

TCF- 902 - Neptune - Cancer Scorpio Pisces (water signs) - all associated with Neptune

TCF- 904 - constellation? - where emotion/desire emanates - Antares? Pleiades/buddhic, Sirius/mental.

TCF- 905 - Saturn? - relation to third sub-plane (3rd ray) agnichaitans - transmutation of metals.

TCF- 906 - Saturn - Planetary Logos of 7th scheme - see diagram p.373

TCF- 907 - Vulcan - 1st ray Manu activity - volcanoes - Mahachohan

TCF- 908 - disciples - laxness in marriage relation

TCF- 908-9 - ray 3 - Mahachohan - Libra - sex

TCF- 914 - numbers - deva evolution = 6 (Virgo); man =5; deva perfection =12

TCF- 916 - Virgo - divine aspirant to mysteries of cosmic marriage.(Virgo sign of Eleusinian Mysteries - initiation rituals of ancient Greece; see "Eleusis" by Kerenyi, Leadbeater's "Ancient Mystic Rites" and M.P. Hall's "Secret Teachings of All Ages")

TCF- 920 - Sun, central spiritual - devas - one of stars in Great Bear

TCF- 929 - individual/group - Leo/Aquarius

TCF- 937 - planets - Moon Sun mother

TCF- 964 - planets -Moon Sun star - point of evolution

TCF- 965 - Taurus - bull's eye - Aldebaran/rohini - awakened pineal gland. see EA154 index above

TCF- 966 - Saturn rulership?

TCF- 974 - Sun, central spiritual - thoughtform

TCF- 984 - Leo? in relation to the word "magic" - authority, magus, magnanimous magha, magistrate, majesty etc

TCF- 985 - Moon - black magic; Sun white magic see also P.996

TCF- 986 - Sun, heart of - white magician

TCF- 989 - Logos, another planetary - planetary evil

TCF- 990 - constellations - cosmic evil - Gt Bear Pleiades - and Mars? - close Pleiadian connection

TCF- 992 - constellations - two constellations (?) - footnote

TCF- 1008-9 - Taurus - Shiva 3rd eye (see EA154 in this index and all Aldebaran refs)

TCF- 1011 - ray - similarity for magicians - work with polar opposite

TCF- 1011 - Earth - polar opposite of Earth; complimentary planet to Earth

TCF- 1022 - zodiac - magician utilises different types of solar forces

TCF- 1031 - spheres - orbital paths of various spheres

TCF- 1031 - Sirius - source of activity of second aspect - hint

TCF- 1032 - ray 2 -2nd aspect is basis of time

TCF- 1041-2 - constellations - wavelengths of light - motion of constellations

TCF- 1042 - planets, seven sacred - seven sons - seven schemes - seven rays

TCF- 1042-3 - Taurus? - desire to possess/know (fn)

TCF- 1044 - planets - polar affinity

TCF- 1045 - Sun/planets - spiralling through cycles - impulses

TCF- 1046-7 - Sun - Kama-rupa (astral body) of cosmos (footnote)

TCF- 1051 - planets' influence - esoteric astrology and its true esoteric teaching

TCF- 1052 - zodiac- 12 signs - cyclic karma of Logoi

TCF- 1052-3 - constellations - Gt Bear Pleiades Sirius

TCF- 1053 - Pleiad which is "wife" of Planetary Logos

TCF- 1056 - Great Bear influences

TCF- 1056 - planets - Moon and two planets - Venus/Mars? Moon is dweller, Venus is soul

TCF- 1056 - zodiacal constellations' energy reaches Earth via the Sun - greater zodiac

TCF- 1057 - zodiacal constellations (and planets) influencing solar atom

TCF- 1057 - horoscopes - inaccuracy because of vast cycles causing turning of various parts of our sphere to differing zodiacal constellations

TCF- 1057-8 - horoscopes - hall of wisdom - adepts casting horoscopes/progressions

TCF- 1058 - constellations in etheric matter - etheric vision of astrologer

TCF- 1058 - stars must be dominated by humanity

TCF- 1058-9 - constellations - Great Bear Sirius Pleiades - atma manas buddhi - see 1162

TCF- 1059 - constellations (seven) - cosmic Logos

TCF- 1059 - constellations/Suns - only one seventh of beings in incarnation

TCF- 1062 - constellation - planetary scheme - constellation - radioactivity

TCF- 1065 - Leo/Aquarius - "self conscious group realisation"

TCF- 1069 - Moon and its kingdoms

TCF- 1070 - constellations - Moon Venus Earth Mars - electrical intercourse

TCF- 1070 - astronomy - esoteric astrology revolution

TCF- 1071 - planets - metals/centres - Venus/Mars?

TCF- 1072 - Neptune - relation to Planetary Logos - vegetable kingdom. Moon connection

TCF- 1075-6 - Pluto? radiation result of transmutation

TCF- 1076 - Venus - experiment in radiation/initiation

TCF- 1077 - planets - Venus Sun Earth - triangle of initiation

TCF- 1077 - planets - four planetary schemes of Logoic quaternary - four kingdoms

TCF- 1081 - souls - types of - 13 types

TCF- 1084 - constellations, seven solar systems - our solar system

TCF- 1085 - constellations - Great Bear Pleiades Draco

TCF- 1086 - Betelgeuse in Orion - communication with Earth

TCF- 1086 - solar system in an "airy sign" - Gemini? (very close relation to humanity)

TCF- 1089 - Moon chain monads?

TCF- 1092 - Moon chain monads

TCF- 1103 - Libra - battleground of astral plane- see esoteric astrology p302 (permanent atoms)

TCF- 1105 - planets/constellations - influence on mental body. Venus on Earth

TCF- 1105 - Mars? sacral centre of heavenly man

TCF- 1111 - point in evolution - egoic lotus

TCF- 1112-3 - Moon - cosmic Moon - transmits energy via Saturn

TCF- 1113 - zodiac, greater? twelve petalled lotus - perception of our solar system - greater zodiac?

TCF- 1114 - planets, seven sacred - other planetary bodies - central petals

TCF- 1115 - Sun - seven fold heart of Sun; central spiritual Sun

TCF- 1117 - constellations as units in the whole

TCF- 1119-20 - gunas - inertia mobility rhythm - tamas Rajas sattwa- see gunas pp. 1135, 1138,1141; LOTS too

TCF- 1122 - Sun - body of the Sun - etheric body

TCF- 1125 - Alcyone? emanating centre of mahat principle

TCF- 1127 - planets - sacred/non-sacred planets - mystery cosmic evil. planetoids/planets see 1144

TCF- 1138 - planets - Uranus Neptune Saturn - 3 gunas

TCF- 1139 - Moon as factor in appearance of elemental groups

TCF- 1139 - planetary entity - embodiment of tamas

TCF- 1140 - symbols

TCF- 1141 - gunas - see also 1135,1138,1145,1147-8,1152

TCF- 1142 - astronomers will become Lipikas - training in divine mathematics

TCF- 1144 - Sun. planetoids see 1127

TCF- 1145 - Moon chain. Neptune scheme

TCF- 1145 - ray - cyclic manifestation - individual ray

TCF- 1149-51 - disciples - incarnations of disciples (rules)

TCF- 1153 - Suns - seven Suns

TCF- 1154 - planets - Uranus Neptune Saturn schemes

TCF- 1154 - Pleiades centre around which our solar system revolves (footnote)

TCF- 1157 - constellations - seven-fold Sun. Great Bear Pleiades Sirius

TCF- 1162 - constellations - Great Bear Pleiades Sirius Draco

TCF- 1163 - Saturn - throat centre of solar Logos

TCF- 1163-4 - planetary schemes(3) - pineal pituitary alta major

TCF- 1164 - planetoids - see 1127,1144,1164,1172,1176,1189,1196

TCF- 1164 - planetary scheme base of spine centre? petals

TCF- 1168 - Sun - heart of Sun

TCF- 1168-73 - zodiac? subsidiary laws - 11+ law of attraction = 12 - zodiac correspondence?

TCF- 1169 - Sun - solar system's (ours) opposite pole (constellation)

TCF- 1172 - Sun - central spiritual, heart of Sun

TCF- 1172-3 - planets - planetary affinity. seven sacred planets, planetoids

TCF- 1173- Sun - seven Suns - interplay of Suns

TCF- 1175 - planets - sacred/non-sacred planets

TCF- 1176 - triangle - Mars Mercury Earth triangle- inner round connection. influence of one planetary lord

TCF- 1177 - planets - Uranus Saturn Neptune - evolutionary schools

TCF- 1177-79 - planets - planetary schools: Uranus Earth Vulcan Jupiter Mercury Venus Mars Neptune

TCF- 1179 planets - destroyer - Pluto - relation to Mars school. see esoteric astrology - 187,507

- Mars alter ego of Pluto

TCF- 1180 - Sun -physical permanent atom

TCF- 1182 - Sun - heart of

TCF- 1182 - constellations - Great Bear Sirius Pleiades

TCF- 1183 - karmic lords - four mahaRajahs - Lords of Karma - correspondence to Antares Aldebaran Regulus etc?

TCF- 1183-4 - cross - fixed cross

TCF- 1184 - Sun - solar Logos - point of attainment

TCF- 1185 - Moon chain lord and lord of animal kingdom - "blood brothers"

TCF- 1189 - astrology, esoteric - reveals true energy emanating from planetary Logoi

TCF- 1189 - Logoic qualities other than sacred

TCF- 1189 - planetoids - lesser planets - specific energy

TCF- 1190-1 - Earth - Planetary Logos - attractive pull of his compliment (Pleiades?)

TCF- 1191 - astrology, real and esoteric astrology - deals with 4 kinds of force

TCF- 1191 - astrology - true astrology will reveal nature of 4th proposition later

TCF- 1191 - planets - planetary influences for nature of ego (soul) - rather than zodiac signs

TCF- 1191 - zodiac - great signs of - concern heavenly man/monads

TCF- 1191 - planets/rays - planetary influences - study to find quality of man's Ray (egoic) in 3 fold manner

TCF- 1191-2 - astrologers - should study planetary schemes in light of heavenly man - strive to cast horoscope of Planetary Logos

TCF- 1195 - zodiac - twelve creative hierarchies - physical correspondence 12 signs zodiac

TCF- 1196 - planetoids

TCF- 1196 - constellations - seven hierarchies - intermediaries for seven constellations

TCF- 1196-7 - hierarchy one is 6th

TCF- 1197 - Great Bear/2nd hierarchy - close relation

TCF- 1200 - numbers - no. 13 = Moon - 5th creative hierarchy

TCF- 1204-5 - zodiacs? 12 petalled lotuses

TCF- 1205 - Sun - central, heart of

TCF- 1217 - Sun - heart of - law of repulsion

TCF- 1220-1 - signs - Aquarius - law 3; Libra -law 2?; Leo - law 6?; Scorpio - laws 1,4? Capricorn - law 5?

TCF- 1221 - Earth's sign - clue - law 6?

TCF- 1222-3 - ray methods of activity - 21

TCF- 1224-5 - creative hierarchies

TCF- 1233-6 - symbols

TCF- 1242-3 - Sirius - path to

TCF- 1245 - Draco through Libra - path of Earth service

TCF- 1246 - Sun - heart of

TCF- 1249 - Suns - seven Suns

TCF- 1250 - Gemini - 2nd group magnetic service - gateway for Sirian/2nd ray energies

TCF- 1251 - planets - two burning grounds - Uranus? see esoteric astrology/Pluto/halls wisdom etc

TCF- 1255 - Betelgeuse - 3rd cosmic path - system of 2nd order via Sagittarius

TCF- 1257 - Jupiter scheme - 3rd cosmic path

TCF- 1258-61 - Sirius path - close relation Pleiades - Sirius higher mind/Pleiades lower

TCF- 1258 - Pleiades -description

TCF- 1258 - Venus scheme/chain/Earth scheme correspondence to Pleiades/Sirius -Venus higher-Earth lower

TCF- 1259 - Sirius via the Sun veils zodiac sign - Leo? Pisces?

TCF- 1262 - pole star - blind for constellation - ray path

TCF- 1263 - pole star via Aquarius

TCF- 1265 - Sirius blue Logos - revolve around greater system

TCF- 1267 - Draco/Libra Earth path

TCF- 1268 - Saturn - Earth path

TCF- 1269 - Sun, ours? - children of lesser dragon

TCF- 1270 - constellation? - nethermost part of western heavens

TCF- 1271 - Gemini 2nd path - portal of the Sun

TCF- 1273 - sphere - cosmic sphere - far distant - planets built

TCF- 1275 - Pleiades - heart of one of the seven

TCF- 1277-8 - Libra - scales

Light of the Soul

LOTS- IX - ray 2 - coming impulse for Arhats in West as it was in East; ray 1 impulse bought forth HPB

LOTS- IX - ray 1 impulses - rise in the first quarter of each century - reach climax on physical in last quarter

LOTS- IX - ray 2 rising impulse indicated by interest in Raja yoga

LOTS- 7 - second aspect - Raja yoga is key tos

LOTS- 8 - union of 2nd and 3rd aspects - consummated at 3rd degree

LOTS- 14 - duality of concrete/abstract minds (Venus/Gemini)

LOTS- 23-5 - memory (see EA under Scorpio as an aspect of Dweller)

LOTS- 28 - Pisces; Makara; " it involves the dual idea of water, the symbol of material existence, and desire, the quality of the astral plane, whose symbol is also water. The idea of man being the "fish" is curiously complete here. This symbol has 7 meanings; two are of use in this place:

1) Fish is symbol of Vishnu aspect/Christ principle - Cosmic/individual Christ - potential saviour within each human being - "Christ in you, the hope of glory". Study fish avatar of Vishnu. (Dag, Sirius, Makara, Dolphin)

2) Fish swimming in the waters of matter - man as the personality.

(See EA - Pisces/Venus exaltation/Pluto soul ruler/duality of Pisces)

LOTS- 29 - Pisces - "then the true thirstlessness is attained and the liberated man turns his back on all the forms in the lower 3 worlds and becomes a true saviour." (See EA compilation refs on 4th degree initiation)

LOTS- 32 - the three Gunas (all refs. to gunas will be put in this file)

LOTS- 37 - six stages of meditation - (see EA -aspiration, concentration (Leo), Meditation (Virgo), Contemplation (Libra), Illumination (Scorpio), Inspiration (Sagittarius). See p.41:4; EA, DINA 1 & 2.)

LOTS- 40 - memory - (see EA - Scorpio) also LOTS23-5

LOTS- 44-5 - Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer - 3 main groups of aspirants (intense, moderate, gentle) - use of will in Raja Yoga. Can be correspondingly divided into 9.

Intense - Cap, Leo, Aries? - Ray 1

Moderate - Pis, Vir, Gem? - Ray 2

Slow - Can, Tau, Sco? - ray 3) - leaves Lib, Sag & Aqu which could also be in any of 3 groups - eg Lib in third group/Sag in 2nd group.

1) Intense group - goats/Capricorn - use will with intensity - achieve rapid results - certain dangers/risks - possible negation of heart qualities. "Hares".

2) Moderate group - fish/Pisces - middle, slower path. Steady, moderate - "discriminative adepts" - no excesses of any kind. This way recommended to humanity in this cycle.

3) Gentle/slow group - crabs/Cancer - gentle souls; "imperturbable pertinacity"; steadily, undeviatingly forward, eventually arriving at goal. Intense tenacity/slow; "Tortoises".

LOTS- 45 - Libra - Majority of above groups pass into Libra toward close of their endeavours - balance opposites with care, equalise one-sided development, begin to set an even pace.

- In these 3 groups can be found various sub-divisions - see 44 - 9 divisions.

LOTS- 46 - Aquarius - next sign entered after Libra - becoming "bearers of water" - carrying "on their heads the bowl of living water" - rapidity of climb up mountain of initiation has to be modified or "the water will be spilt and the bowl be shattered". Hare/tortoise meet at goal.

LOTS- 46 - "first shall be last and the last shall be first and the hare and tortoise will meet at the goal". - (Capricorn/Cancer polarity - gates into/out of incarnation)

LOTS- 46 - Ishvara - is 2nd aspect; central spiritual Sun (Uranus); heart of the Sun (Neptune); physical Sun (Sun/Saturn)

- Look at Ishvara (Soul - 33: 11x3), Makara (Personality - 18: 6x3), Ahamkara (Kama Manas: 27: 9x3) - numerology.

If Ishvara is 2nd aspect and has direct correspondence to the Heart of the Sun (Neptune), then there is a close connection to Makara (Neptune - see SD) - reflects buddhic/astral quality of Neptune.

LOTS- 47-8 - sutras 24-7 - picture of liberated man (4th degree); untouched by limitation (Saturn - cannot follow a man onto Cardinal Cross); free from karma (Saturn); free from desire (Mars - up to 3rd degree)

LOTS- 50 - statements 1-7 may have ray/astrological analogies - Aries to Libra?

LOTS- 61 - astrological analogy? - Removal of obstacles and sequence of happenings:

1) Aspiration after knowledge of soul. (Aries)

2) Realisation of the obstacles which prevent true knowledge. (Taurus)

3) Intellectual comprehension as to the nature of the obstacles. (Gemini)

4) Determination to eliminate them. (Cancer)

5) Sudden flash/vision of soul reality. (Leo)

6) Fresh aspiration/strong determination to make fleeting vision a permanent reality. ((Virgo)

7) Battle of Kurukshetra with Krishna, the Soul, heartening Arjuna the aspirant, onto steady and continuous effort. (Libra)

LOTS- 73-5 - when disciple realises what principle his form is intended to express (see LOTS p.75) (rays)

LOTS- 79-80 - senses tabulation - assignation of rays (page 80)

LOTS- 80 - tongue is 3rd aspect

LOTS- 81-2 - seven methods of attainment...infer that seven centres are involved - solar plexus, base, ajna, head, sacral, throat, heart

- correspond to the 7 Rishis of the Great Bear

LOTS- 83 - planet, sacred - each centre corresponds to a sacred planet; certain qualities of the Sun are the qualities of the centres: solar plexus - warmth; ajna - illuminating light; base - kundalini fire; head - cold light; sacral - moisture; throat - red light; heart - radiant magnetic.

LOTS- 83-4 - "twelve spokes" - heart chakra (zodiac)

LOTS- 86 - memory of things (Check EA - Scorpio)

LOTS- 88 - seven methods of seven rays - in control of psychic nature

LOTS- 91 - planets around Sun - electrons around centre

LOTS- 92 - recognition in appreciation of form (Cancer); concentration (Leo) - knowledge of soul in form; contemplation (Libra) - identification of knower

LOTS- 97 - memory - (Scorpio EA - dweller)

LOTS- 98 - scent (ray 2 secret)

LOTS- 102 - gunas - 3 aspects - Sattva - 1, Rajas - 2, tamas -3.

LOTS- 126-7 - "seeds" (of hindrances) - 3 kinds in 3 groups - 3x3 = 9 (9 heads of Hydra?)

LOTS- 136-7 - hate is the result of concentration on the form (dissertation by DK) - (much to consider re: Capricorn/Saturn; Gemini - Cain and Abel - see SD5-161, IU)

LOTS- 147 - three gunas - spirit/spirit;

LOTS- 153-9 - three gunas

LOTS- 159 - sixteen specialised divisions - buddhi (see EA and 16 sources in Great Bear)

LOTS- 178 - discrimination/discernment (Virgo/Libra?)

LOTS- 180 - illumination - pineal gland analogy of Sun in solar system

LOTS- 189-90 - fiery aspiration (Sagittarius)

LOTS- 190 - reading of symbols, geometric forms

LOTS- 216-7 - astral plane - kurukshetra (Libra)

LOTS- 220-1 - right control of prana - subject to place time and number

LOTS- 221,224 - astrological significance - relation of the man to his group, planetary or otherwise - "place, time and number". see 224

LOTS- 224-5 - "the astrological significance is hinted at in the words "place, time and number...right control of life currents must be seen to be related to karma, opportunity and form...certain words when rightly understood give the key to all practical occultism...they are:

Sound Number Colour Form

Word Life Light Body

...these are subject to the space-idea and time element: "Space is the first entity and cyclic manifestation is the law of life".

- When recognised...the entity, expressing itself cyclically, will make its presence felt through differentiation, through the colour or quality of the veiling form and through the form itself.

These factors make up the sum total of the expression of any identity, God or man, and the appearance of any man in exoteric expression on the physical plane is dependant on the rhythmic or cyclic outgoing or indrawing energy of the Great Life in which he lives and moves and has his being. This is the basis of the science of astrology. Some knowledge of this is essential to the right control of life currents, so that the disciple can avail himself of the "times and seasons" wherein progress can be expedited. 83 - planet, sacred - each centre corresponds to a sacred planet; certain qualities of the Sun are the qualities of the centres: solar plexus - warmth; ajna - illuminating light; base - kundalini fire; head - cold light; sacral - moisture; throat - red light; heart - radiant magnetic.

LOTS- 244 - seven stages in concentration (Leo) - could be astrological analogy (Aries to Libra)

LOTS- 247 - concentration/meditation (Leo/Virgo); contemplation (Libra) - first 6 acts of yoga (Aries to Virgo?)

LOTS- 267 - Lords of Seven Rays - stages of their development unequal - hence atoms in their bodies (monads) are unequal in development

LOTS- 268 - Seven Lords, seven rays - 7 fold tabulation

LOTS- 272-4 - three aspects in relation to sound

LOTS- 276 - planetary dweller

LOTS- 277 - "astrological record" - on akashic; forms taken on the astral plane under the influence of the planetary forces. These are in two great groups.

1) Those forms or pictures in the akasha produced by the inflow of solar force via the planets.

2) Those forms or pictures which are produced by the inflow of cosmic force from one or other signs of the zodiac, that is, from their corresponding constellations.

LOTS- 281 - gunas

LOTS- 290 - base of spine - elephant; in head is 1000 petal lotus hiding Vishnu; "Elephant force" is 3rd aspect - energy of matter (kundalini/Kali) aroused and conjoined with second aspect.

LOTS- 297 - Sun - meditation on - conscious knowledge of 7 worlds. "By constant steady meditation upon the emanating cause of our solar system will come a realisation of the 7 states of being." (See 302 - "Heart of Sun") - this sutra deals with the soul (302)

LOTS- 298 - seven planes of solar system

LOTS- 299 - the stars (the lives) on the astral plane; "cows" (Taurus); "threshing floor" (Virgo)

LOTS- 299 - six groups of souls and their six rays, the six subrays; sons of mind - Agnishvatta

LOTS- 300-1 - lives of planes - know all things in solar system; solar system a cosmic atom

LOTS- 300-2 - meditation upon door of Sun - full knowledge can be achieved - knowledge of Sun within one's own heart; Sun at heart of solar system.

LOTS- 302 - physical Sun, heart of Sun, central spiritual Sun

LOTS- 302-3 - Moon - knowledge of all lunar forms arises through one pointed meditation on the Moon...knowledge of the astral worlds...concentration on the mother of forms will reveal...the nature and purpose of form...Moon is the symbol of matter...Sun in its light aspect is symbol of soul (this sutra deals with body/"lunar mansions")

LOTS- 303 - Moon - Moon governs in all kingdoms below the human; the Sun governs the human kingdom. (see EA35 etc - 4th Creative Hierarchy - Human - governed by Mercury - "Mercury and the Sun are one")

LOTS- 303-4 - pole star - concentration on pole star will give knowledge of the orbits of the planets and stars; "This sutra forms the background for all astrological investigation and from an appreciation of its meaning will eventuate an understanding of:

1) The relation of our solar system to the other 6 systems, which, (with ours) form the 7 force centres, of which the 7 great spiritual influences of our system are the reflections and agents. (7 sacred planets)

2) The path of our Sun in the heavens and the 12 signs of the zodiac through which our Sun apparently passes.

- This sutra is the key to the purpose of the 7 and the 12, upon which all our creative processes are built.

3) The meaning of the 12 Labours of Hercules, in their relation to man, the microcosm.

4) The purpose of our planet gained by the adept through an understanding of the triplicity formed by: a) The Pole Star b) Earth c) The Great Bear

LOTS- 315-6 - light in the head - three aspects of knowledge: 1 - theoretical 2 - discriminative knowledge (Virgo) - duality known - razor edged path - noble middle path (Libra); 3 - light of the intuition - overcoming pairs of opposites, forerunner of complete illumination.

LOTS- 320 - Christ - outstanding example of love and intelligence (Venus/Virgo - EA) in Occident as Krishna was to India (east)

LOTS- 331 - star, northern - "Let the seeker after truth escape from drowning and climb the rivers bank. Let him turn towards the northern star and on firm ground stand, his face directed toward the light. Then let the star lead."

LOTS- 332 - second aspect - hearing

LOTS- 344 - gunas

LOTS- 348 - second and third aspects

LOTS- 364-5 - rays/ray - distinction produced by - in relation to soul

LOTS- 365 - Heavenly Man - position in space

LOTS- 377 - highest adept - no contact outside solar system

LOTS- 377 - Planetary Logoi - seven spirits before the throne. Four Lords of Karma - four wheels of Ezekiel (fixed cross) have extra systemic realisation (See IU and Bible)

LOTS- 387 - Planetary, Solar Logos

LOTS- 390-2 - four types of karma (correspond to 4 Lords of Karma?)

LOTS- 394 - ray of higher self

LOTS- 399-401 - gunas

LOTS- 407 - Solar Logos

LOTS- 413 - third eye - organ of subtle vision - reveals light in heart of every form (very Taurean - eye of Shiva - Moon/Vulcan)

LOTS- 423 - ray 1 affirmations - stand, endure - hallmark of disciples

LOTS- 428 - Time - sequence of modifications of mind - gives place to Eternal Now.

A Treatise on White Magic

TWM- 13 - third aspect reveals 2nd, reveals 1st

TWM- 14 - knowledge of 3 types: theoretical (Saturn/3rd ray?); discriminative (Venus /5th ray?); intuitive (Mercury/4th ray?)

TWM- 18-20 - three aspects symbols: brain/life - (1 - Sun); nervous system - (2 - Venus - see EH 143); body - (3 - Moon)

TWM- 20 - three aspects in:

|Ray 1 |Politics |1) will of people |2) laws |3) exoteric administration |

|Ray 2 |Religion |1) esoteric teaching |2) religious structure |3) exoteric organisations |

|Ray 3 |Education |1) will to learn |2) arts/sciences |3) education systems |

|Ray 4 |Philosophy |1) urge to wisdom |2) schools of thought |3) outer presentations |

TWM- 27 - three aspects - spirit soul body analogous to soul mind brain

TWM- 30-1 - three aspects 1) - will - fixes the term of life - mental 2) coherent force - feelings /astral 3) activity of body/etheric

TWM- 32-3 - monads analogous to 7 prismatic colours - 7 emanations (7 types of monads?)

TWM- 39-40 - three aspects in monad and soul

TWM- 42-4 - esotericism of body - relates to astrology - planetary rulers/signs; chakras; see 49-50

TWM- 43 - physical soul spirit - (Saturn Neptune Uranus - 3 synthesising schemes)

TWM- 44-5 - etheric expresses soul due to position in body of Planetary Logos. see 48-9 (Moon veils Vulcan)

TWM- 46 - constellations of zodiac - astrology an immature study

TWM- 46-7 - astrologers working in an occult way - consider planetary horoscope

TWM- 47 - rays, hierarchy - certain groupings 7 rays

TWM- 47 - planets - 4 + Earth - embody plan of Solar Logos in relation to 5 planets involved

TWM- 48 - Sun/Moon; karma of Solar Logos; relation of Solar Lord to Lunar Lords

TWM- 50 - seven planetary Logoi - 7 chakras in human

TWM- 57 - solar vibration - white magic

TWM- 63 - narrow razor edged path (Libra) - leads from physical to soul life

TWM- 64 - Moon ebb/flow - full/new

TWM- 66 - entity of Earth - Moon - vibration physical plane matter; lunar influence on humanity

TWM- 69 - times, seasons - known by advanced man

TWM- 75 - Solar Logos - ‘sacred four’ of cosmos

TWM- 77 - astrological truth - etheric body

TWM- 89 - rays - 2 and 3 emerging

TWM- 96 - point of lunar contact

TWM- 98 - solar orb = soul; lunar orb = solar plexus; 3 Suns

TWM- 104-5 - three rays - centres

TWM- 107 - Sun - in brain, head; dark centre within Sun - entrance to Path

TWM- 108 - (Taurus) - bull of god (bull’s eye/third eye); Sun (Vulcan)

TWM- 110 - ray path one is on

TWM- 111 - rays, astrological sign - trend of life

TWM- 111 - ray, subray minor ray which varies from life to life; secondary hue (personality)

TWM- 111 - ray of monad never changes - one of three primary rays

TWM- 111 - ray of soul varies from round to round; in more evolved from race to race; is one of 5 rays of present evolution (2,3,5,6,7)

TWM- 111-2 - ray of personality changes from life to life, till gamut of 7 subrays of monadic ray has been passed through.

TWM- 112 - similar monads - complimentary rays; must be advanced for monad to influence extensively

TWM- 112 - similarity of egoic ray; rare to have same personality ray - brings perfect friendship

TWM- 112 - both same personality rays but different soul rays - ephemeral, brief relationships

TWM- 113 - subplane polarisation - indicates stages of growth - analogous to 7 rays

TWM- 113 - capacity to sense a man’s ray not for this race yet

TWM- 120 - head or heart approach not dependant on ray

TWM- 121 - child of Sun - pilgrim

TWM- 129 - DK on teaching ray 2

TWM- 130 - (ray 6?) - idealism analogous to the thought that precedes creation

TWM- 145 - Sun -wheels

TWM- 149 - secret of Esoteric Psychology - esoteric habit of soul

TWM- 150 - (Libra) contemplation - lull between activities; retention of breath (analogy with retention of life force in sex)

TWM- 152 - aspirant initiate disciple - right use of life breath

TWM- 161 - (Taurus?) - peak of desire for material possessions past

TWM- 163-4 - (Virgo) - meditation (see EA) - use of thought (Mercury) and mental building of form; (Libra) contemplation (Venus rules mental/monad decan, Saturn astral/soul decan)

TWM- 172 - full Moon - contact with Master

TWM- 197 - three major rays - path of return

TWM- 203 - probationary path - first prerequisite - building character (Virgo/Libra - see EA)

TWM- 203 - aspirant - in early stages nearly always a devotee (Leo-1st degree - veils Neptune/6th)

TWM- 205 - astrological significances of centres

TWM- 213 - Sun/spiritual Sun; physical eye/spiritual eye - see 205

TWM- 222 - first qualification of discipleship is discrimination (Virgo/Mercury; Scorpio/Mercury)

TWM- 223 - (Libra) - narrow razor edged path; (Libra) - kurukshetra (see EA 229)

TWM- 224 - second degree initiation of world - outcome still in balance (from WW2 to end of century or 2025? - look at Jupiter Neptune Venus positions - 2nd; Jupiter/Saturn ‘trigon’ of 60 years from 1941 to 2001)

TWM- 229 - paths - Virgo Libra Scorpio?

TWM- 230 - aspirant disciple initiate - pinnacle of achievement where choice is made (Saturn/Capricorn - initiation)

TWM- 239-40 - ray 2 - fear-major dweller; ambition/power - ray 1; intellectual achievement - ray 3.

TWM- 240-1 - ray 1 aspirant - destroyer of souls; ray 2 deluder of souls - anti-Christ; ray 3 manipulator of souls

TWM- 241 - 3 groups - 1) politics/government/nations; 2) religions, mass psychology, devotion, arts; 3) business, money, commercial relations

TWM- 242 - glamours of 3 rays

TWM- 248 - air - buddhic - air signs?

TWM- 249-50 - death by drowning - see EA 214 - Scorpio personality drowns

TWM- 250 - Christ life dominates - Gemini?

TWM- 250 - air - buddhic (Libra?); water - emotional (Scorpio?); Earth - physical (Virgo?);

TWM- 250 - air - soul comes to full expression - 3rd degree/Aquarius/Libra?

TWM- 253 - three distributing agents - right eye -(Mercury); throat (Mercury); hands (Mercury/Gemini)

TWM- 262 - form of personality - key of its vibration built in previous life (Sun sign disincarnates in?); can build 3 new bodies in 7 years

TWM- 265 - new ray entering (7th)

TWM- 274-5 - solar system one of 7 solar systems

TWM- 275-6 - transforming 7 rays - learning about them

TWM- 276 - information in astrological presentation will put disciples in touch with planetary schemes

TWM- 278 - three aspects - life building materialisation

TWM- 279 - law and order - secret of success on physical plane (Saturn/7th ray)

TWM- 284 - ray 2 unfoldment - tabulation

TWM- 288-9 - rays, 7 - 7 ray key methods - study with tabulations

TWM- 289 - astrological theories - etheric bodies all linked; cosmic rays, planetary forces

TWM- 289-90 - cosmic rays follow definite paths (triangles?) through the ether of space in all parts

TWM- 290 - circulating rays - centres

TWM- 291 - seven planets; solar ray

TWM- 291 - aspirant - discriminate between forces, energies and rays

TWM- 292 - heart of Sun - astral energy

TWM- 292 - basis of astrological practice - Earth, Moon and 7 planetary energies

TWM- 292 - Sun transmitting cosmic rays

TWM- 292 - planetary/solar energies through astral body

TWM- 292 - Sun transmitting solar rays

TWM- 294 - planetary/solar energies through astral body

TWM- 295 - astral centres - energies from 7 planets and Sun thus putting man en rapport with all parts of the solar system - constitutes fixation of man’s life destiny, until he awakens to his immortal heritage and becomes sensitive to new forces which emanate from the form - reason why horoscope is frequently accurate for unevolved and unawakened, but in error for the highly evolved.

TWM- 296 - when desire becomes aspiration (reorientation) - liberation from the wheel of birth is brought about - horoscope proves futile, untrue, useless - horoscope of soul means nothing - soul’s destiny is that of group

TWM- 307 - astrological factors conditioning planetary chart - racial/individuals; southern path of Sun in winter/autumn; dark half of Moon, two weeks to new Moon

TWM- 311 - astral body of Spirit of the Earth - Varuna

TWM- 312 - planets decaying in solar system - astral shells - Moon

TWM- 312 - lesser solar lives

TWM- 312 - planetary correspondences

TWM- 312-3 - two astral forms close to Earth - to do with crueltsy and sex perversion - (dark Moon Lilith?); influence in Lemuria was constructive - lesson of sex and registering of pain had place in evolution

TWM- 313 - (planet Earth) - ‘great life’ close to taking etheric form; inaugurating new age

TWM- 313 - “Life” is ‘forerunner’(baptiseth with water - astral emanations) of Avatar from Sirius who comes to bring about certain planetary effects

TWM- 313 - Aquarius - astral energies from; Aquarius a living/emotional sign (Jupiter/Moon soul and hi. rulers)

TWM- 313-4 - Aquarius - perfect brotherhood in 1000 years (2nd decan - Mercury)

- later stages of Aquarian age - exaggeration of sentiency (3rd decan - Venus)

TWM- 314 - final stages of all signs - produce overdevelopment of the factor on which they most potently work - constructive on pioneers of race, destructive on rank and file

TWM- 314 - heart of Sun - mystics (Neptune)

TWM- 314 - heart of solar Logos beats closer rhythm with this planet - Earth is non sacred planet

TWM- 314 - Earth is ‘little daughter of long lost son’ - solar Logos attention focussed on Earth (Pleiades connection here?)

TWM- 321 - heart of Sun - heart centre

TWM- 321 - Aquarian age - group sentiency

TWM- 335 - three aspects - atoms, colour, sound - 3,2,1 respectively

TWM- 341 - Sun revitalises with prana

TWM- 355 - Sun - revealing path

TWM- 359 - Sun - shining unobstructed

TWM- 363 - ray/subray - egoic/personality - of disciple for initiation; vivification of centres

TWM- 364 - heart/heart of Sun; throat - opens way into full understanding of path of physical Sun (repolarises Sun from sacral) - all true astrologers must have functioning; head - central spiritual Sun

TWM- 365 - divine ideas - pattern of things in the heavens - (astrological configurations)

TWM- 366 - concentration, meditation, contemplation (Leo, Virgo, Libra - see EA)

TWM- 373 - ceremonial ray (7) - increased vibration of etheric atoms

TWM- 373 - ray 7 - powerful talismans used by Mahachohan

TWM- 373 - five rays - have 7th as controlling ray

TWM- 374 - rays coming into incarnation - controls planes of same number and special influence on 4th subplane because we are in 4th round

TWM- 375 - aspirant - endurance (Scorpio?); life of balance (Libra) - apparent inertia for 1 or 2 lives, then point of balance changes (incarnates in various decanates of Libra?)

TWM- 377 - certain existences in planetary schemes aid hierarchy

TWM- 384 - soul on one of 7 rays

TWM- 384 - seven rays, 7 types of energy, 7 differentiations, 7 responsive mentalities

TWM- 384 - ray dictates certain life tendencies, major activities

TWM- 388 - planetary energies - 7 planets (sacred?) Earth, Moon

TWM- 388 - solar energies - physical Sun, cosmic sources

TWM- 390 - Planetary Logos focussed in mental body; focussed in different bodies in different incarnations

TWM- 390 - Indra - age of air (Aquarius?) - buddhic principle

TWM- 392 - solar system interacting with other solar systems

TWM- 393 - ‘around me the heavens move and the stars in their courses revolve’

TWM- 393-4 - (astrological crosses?) - 8 stages of characteristics of individual starting to function as a personality (mutable cross in both directions? - 4x2=8)

TWM- 394 - influential magnetic individual (Leo) coordinates human units into groups (Aquarius)

TWM- 395 - ray expression of inner growth

TWM- 395 - age of Pisces - ray 6 - terminologies

TWM- 395 - Mussolini, Pope - power purpose, will (ray 1)

TWM- 396 - stages of evolution - sequential development of humanity - 8 stages (first six Aries - Virgo? last 2 - sound like Scorpio and Aquarius, 2 points of fixed cross; see 393-4)

TWM- 401 - rays 1 & 2 - 1400 AD - nations, government

TWM- 401 - ray 2 - exteriorisation of truth; ray 1 - intense differentiation/crystallisation

TWM- 405 - future Aquarian age coming in

TWM- 406 - rays cycling in and out of activity

TWM- 416 - true Aquarian - exponent of new group

TWM- 426 - “Sun progresses into the mansion of the serving man”; “let the Sun pass into its appointed place”.

TWM- 429 - will aspect, angle of - Agni Yoga teaching on Intuition

TWM- 433 - solar energies - physical Sun - spleen, heart, throat, minor centre between shoulder blades

TWM- 433 - energies from heart of Sun - sweeps through planets in 7 great streams

- 7 types of energies produce 7 types of souls or rays - 7 fields of expression - 7 grades of consciousness and of ray characteristics

TWM- 433-4 - astrology a coming science

TWM- 434 - energies from 12 constellations which form solar zodiac

TWM- 434 - astrology - secret of true coordination between soul and form (science of triangles)

- too little known to make an exact science

TWM- 435 - astrologers - 3 types of energy - 1) energy of Sun in constellation 2) rising sign 3) Moon/form - particularly physical

TWM- 435-6 - constellation/sign - person born in - more deeply significant than has ever been suggested - indicates present problem, sets pace or tempo of life, related to the quality (2) of personality; governs Rajasic/activity aspect of life during incarnation

- ascendant - line along which energy as a whole can flow if he is to fulfil the purpose (1) of any incarnation - if rightly handled. Holds secret of future and in symbolism is clue to the life problem - indication of what can be achieved. Presents type of force that will enable success. When duly consummated, produces sattvic/harmony aspect - harmony with will of soul during any incarnation.

- Moon - native’s past - summarises limitations/handicaps under which to work; tamasic/inertia; in (physical) body lies secret of past experience - every lunar form is synthesis of past; (appearance).

TWM- 436 - birth month indicates day of opportunity

TWM- 436 - month of incarnation indicated by month of disincarnation (in previous lifetime) - picking up thread of experience (look at conception month as a possibility - DK isn’t totally unambiguous about this) - the quality of energy and nature of forces to be manipulated during life are indicated to the soul in this way.

TWM- 436 - rising sign should wax in strength during incarnation - indicates nature of soul force (expressing ) through a particular personality.

TWM- 436 - Moon - influence primarily physical - prison of the soul is indicated; handicaps to be met are thus secured; the type of body/bodies through which the force of the native’s sign (Sun) and the quality of energy which will bring him to his goal are thus defined. Through the medium of the lunar lords and what they have given him as the result of past experience down the ages, must he express himself upon the physical plane.

TWM- 436-7 - fourth type of force is felt owing to the precession of the equinoxes; Sun is many degrees away from where it is stated to be as far as the greater zodiac is concerned - this of course from the standpoint of time. Sweep of Sun through a constellation covers approx. 2,200 years - little difference in casting planetary horoscope - big difference in horoscope for solar system.

- in casting the horoscope of a human being - it should be borne in mind that the month and the sign do not coincide at all - interpretation largely psychometrical and dependant upon the thoughtform of the constellation which has been built up for ages. Energy follows thought. Certain types of energy and their qualifying effects on substance and form have been considered to be thus and so - thus they are - except in the case of the highly evolved, of the true aspirant who has oriented himself and is escaping from the wheel of existence and beginning to govern his stars, and is no longer under their rule and domination.

TWM- 437 - astrology now deals primarily with the personality

TWM- 437-8 - when man comes consciously and definitely under soul ray through meditation, service and discipline of lunar vehicles - then he is under influence of one of the 7 solar systems as they focus through one or other of the constellations and subsequently through one of the 7 sacred planets. Eventually there will be 12 sacred planets corresponding to the 12 constellations - but the time is not yet. At this point, birth months, mundane astrology, the form aspect etc. assume less and less importance. This circle of the solar systems affects paramountly the soul and it becomes the focal point of spiritual energies - problem of soul on its own plane.

TWM- 438 - signs of Earth, water, air and fire concern man who lives below the diaphragm - who utilises the 4 lower centres - base, sacral, solar plexus, spleen signs of Earth, water, air and fire concern man who lives below the diaphragm - who utilises the 4 lower centres - base, sacral, solar plexus, spleen

TWM- 438 - the inner group of 7 major or systemic energies (7 solar systems) effect the man living above the diaphragm - work through 7 representative centres in the head - 4 of them focus through the throat, heart, ajna and head centres; 3 are held latent in the region of the head centres (1000 petal lotus) - only enter into functioning activity after the 3rd initiation.

TWM- 438 - complicated from standpoint of the horoscope (and individually) is the meeting of two types of constellations (tropical/sidereal) in the neither purely human or spiritual person; only correct horoscope which is correct is entirely low grade human being.

TWM- 439 - several undiscovered planets - producing pulls/shifts - focus streams of energy on Earth - complicate problem; Pluto is one of them - will be made scapegoat of faulty astrology

TWM- 439 - Pluto has always been revolving around our Sun - producing effects; Pluto governs the death or cessation of old ideas and emotions - influence largely cerebral - clue to late discovery; Pluto’s effect first felt in the mental body.

TWM- 439 - planets name themselves - not result of arbitrary choice (look at Pluto mythology)

TWM- 439 - three charts eventually - physical/body; emotional - quality of personality /sensitivity /awareness; mental impulses/conditions. Charts - certain geometrical lines, the line of energies will form patterns. Superimposed 3 charts give personality diagram /individual life pattern. Symbolic charts and lineal forms will emerge - “geometry of individual” will grow out of this. Each line will function in relation to another line - trends of life energies will become apparent - “the star will shine forth” - will constitute new branch of psychology - its true exponent for our age will duly be found.

- (3 charts could be based on the following:

- physical chart focussing on Moon.

- emotional chart focussing on Sun.

- mental chart focussing on ascendant.

- or, the 3 decanates of each sign - physical, astral and mental; the geometrical lines could be drawn from a planet in a decanate to another planet in a corresponding decanate -e.g. planet in astral decanate to planet in astral decanate; even similar elements could be noted - e.g. Earth - physical, water - emotional, fire - mental; air - etheric/buddhic.

TWM- 440 - astrologers need to make allowance for transition of Pisces to Aquarius; tremendous turmoil affects individual chart - frequently offsets individual karma/destiny.

TWM- 440 - not possible to cast horoscope of planet

TWM- 440 - horoscope of humanity will eventually be cast by initiates - there are no initiate astrologers working on the physical plane at his time - one hint here I give.

TWM- 440-1 - Sun in Sagittarius - first human tendencies - animal man stage completed when Sagittarius dominant - individualisation 21 million years ago - “knew not the great event” - see EA 64

TWM- 440 - Sun in Leo 18 million years ago - brain/mind coordination - self consciousness - see EA64

TWM- 441 - figure of 21,688,345 will prove useful when nature of time better understood

TWM- 441 - Sagittarius governs human evolution - progress toward conscious goal (see EA 35 - 6th CH - Lunar Lords - ruled by Sagittarius)

TWM- 441 - Leo governs human consciousness in human kingdom (see EA35)

TWM- 441-2 - keywords for signs: form/soul

TWM- 452 - energy of will sets term of life; 1st aspect

TWM- 452 - second aspect ‘coherent force’ - produces human psychological make-up (2nd ray conditioning etheric? etheric as ‘personality’); individual note; vibratory activity of body - organs/glands

TWM- 452 - third aspect - activity of atoms/cells with body - etheric/spleen

TWM- 454 - solar system, planets - coherence, unity, structure

TWM- 468 - Venus - star with 5 bright points

TWM- 471 - three aspects - philosophers (1), religions (2), scientists (3)

TWM- 477 - in New Age talk will die out, books come to naught

TWM- 490 - ray - colouring one’s own truth

TWM- 495-6 - soul - 2nd aspect

TWM- 497 - three aspects - Being - head/brain -1; Living - heart/blood -2; Moving-stomach -3

TWM- 507 - ray one - destroyer - sandalwood incense

TWM- 511 - rays 5,3,7 - much easier for magician to work with than 2,4,6

- “rays at full meridian” - astronomical hint as to function of rays?

TWM- 512 - ray 5 is passing out; ray 3 at “full meridian”; 7th rapidly coming in

TWM- 519-20 - cycles of excessive activity at this time for humanity; New Age, sign of zodiac

TWM- 525 - three aspects - energy playing on humanity - 1,2,3

TWM- 526 - central spiritual Sun; heart of the Sun; physical Sun

TWM- 530 - principle of limitation (Saturn) - linked to will (Vulcan) - will is desire (vul-cain - Mars; rays 6 & 1 relation)

- principle of limitation - same keywords as Sun sign:” sets its measure and rhythm” - (compare to TWM 435 - “sets pace or tempo of life”; (in both the above points it is interesting to look at Saturn’s role as the 3rd synthesising scheme in the Solar Septenary chart in TCF 373, but also as the centre of 6 other planetary schemes - it plays the role of the 3rd aspect of the physical Sun - therefore it could be said that Sun ‘veils’ Saturn as well as Neptune/Uranus)

TWM- 531 - law of sacrifice - animal kingdom - Ray 6?

TWM- 533-4 - Law of Cycles - (Saturn); liberation (Uranus/4th degree; Saturn cannot follow one onto the cardinal cross); principle of periodic appearance - love wisdom/time

TWM- 537 - destroyer aspect - ray 1 - service aspect (Pisces/Virgo axis - Pluto soul ruler Pisces)

TWM- 548 - astrologically speaking - inner significance of signs of fixed cross, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius must be understood, for they are potent in this world cycle

- “occult qualifications” - Taurus - “I seek illumination and am myself light”

- Leo - “I know myself to be the one. I rule by law.”

- Scorpio - “Illusion cannot hold me. I am the bird that flies with utter freedom.”

- Aquarius - “I am the server, and I the dispenser am of living water.”

- various qualifications here emerge and distinguish an individual depending upon stage of consciousness

TWM- 549 - (rays, 7) - 7 stages of consciousness and 7 stages of awareness

TWM- 554 - ray lords - 7 major thinkers

TWM- 557 - three aspects(?) - power detachment non criticism

TWM- 572-3 - (ray) energy through personality - type of force - ray types - soul/personality

TWM- 573 - ray 1 force - right/wrong use - rays 2 and 3

TWM- 573 - monadic ray - only initiate of third degree can ascertain

TWM- 573 - first aspect - relates to type of force - life aspect

TWM- 575-7 - hand centres; centres - general

TWM- 577 - ray forces pass from right to left, left to right

TWM- 577 - sword - (ray 2 method - discrimination - “sword of cold blue steel”)

TWM- 579 - ascertaining line of ray energy

TWM- 579 - ray emanates quality of force

TWM- 579 - second aspect - consciousness - quality of force

TWM- 579 - being who is embodiment of ray - life/consciousness aspects - monadic/soul

TWM- 579 - type - 1st aspect - dynamic direction, power to produce effect - will;

- quality - 2nd aspect - attractive approach, magnetic - desire

TWM- 580- destructive work (ray 1)

TWM- 580 - persistence, strength, time -3rd aspect

TWM- 580 - three aspects - type dynamic -1; quality - magnetic - 2; strength persistence - 3.

TWM- 580-1 - fourth aspect/ray - ‘speed’ - Mercury? - ‘correct direction’

TWM- 580-1 - four words - 4 etheric subplanes

TWM- 588 - ray of personality/soul in relation to centres awakening

TWM- 594 - ray types/centres

TWM- 606 - observers of times and seasons (astrology/cycles)

TWM- 609 - Aquarian age - new tide of

TWM- 610 - life of God in the Aquarian age

TWM- 611 - stage of waxing/waning of nebulae - precedes form

TWM- 617 - Sun - let the magician stand in

TWM- 619 - Aquarian influence since 1640 AD - breaking down Pisces age;

- Aquarius - impersonalisation, amalgamation, intercommunication

TWM- 626-9 - five human instincts based upon fear (ray 2 glamour)

TWM- 631 - Piscean not Aquarian types

TWM- 632-3 - three groups - Piscean, Aquarian, Piscean/Aquarian

From Bethlehem to Calvary

FBC- 14 - 2nd, 3rd aspects - Love - Christ; wisdom/intelligence - Buddha

FBC- 16 - Christ - individual/group (Leo/Aquarius)

FBC- 16-17 - Buddha taught detachment (Taurus), dispassion (Scorpio/Capricorn?), discrimination (Virgo) - (Earthy triangle or Taurus/Scorpio axis?)

FBC- 17 - Christ - individualisation (Leo), Initiation (Capricorn), Identification (Pisces)

FBC- 18 - Christ came at beginning of astronomical Age of Pisces 2000 years ago - fish symbol

FBC- 19 - Pisces Age between Aries Age/Jewish dispensation and Aquarian Age - our Sun now in process of transiting - astronomical facts - not astrological conclusions

FBC- 19 - Sun in Aries - scapegoat/ram in Old Testament/Passover Feast; Sun in Pisces - fish - eating on Good Friday; Sun in Aquarius - man bearing jar of water - unity, communion, relationship as brothers; water carrier - Christian dispensation in Pisces between two great world cycles - Aries/Aquarius

FBC- 20 - Aries - goat/ram; Pisces - fish

FBC- 20 - rays, new - incoming

FBC- 26 - way of love - 2nd great aspect

FBC- 59 - Virgin Mary/Isis - crescent Moon/12 stars; May sacred to Goddesses – Maya Maria, Mary etc.(Moon exalted in Taurus)

FBC- 60-1 - Sun - career of Sun god through the heavens - Jesus - other Sun gods:

1) Birth from Virgin Mother (Virgo); 3) birth on 25th December (winter solstice) 4) Star in the East (Sirius); 6) Candlemas (February 2), Lent (arrival of spring) Easter Day (March 25th ) - crossing of equator by Sun; 11) Crucifixion - 3 days before Easter; 15) 12 disciples (zodiac signs); 17) summer solstice - John the beloved; 18 ) Assumption of the Virgin (August 15); 19) Nativity of the Virgin (Sept 8); conflict of the Christ with the autumnal asterisms; 20) serpent/Scorpion (Scorpio/Ophiuchus); winter solstice dedicated to "doubting" St Thomas

FBC- 61 - Virgo/Isis; Istar (Venus); Mercury/Aesculapius

FBC- 63 - Sirius - at birth of Christ - on meridian line of Orion - called "3 kings" by oriental astronomers

- Virgo rising in east - ecliptic/equator/horizon all met in Virgo. Spica in Virgo - ear of corn - symbol of fertility; Virgo constellation - shape of cup - Holy Grail

FBC- 64 - Dendera Zodiac - Pisces/Virgo - that which was born in Virgo has its consummation in Pisces (see EA - Virgo/Pisces - alpha/omega)

FBC- 64 - Virgo constellation - 3 constellations: Coma Berenice - woman/child (Virgin Mary); Centaurus - Centaur - man as animal god; Bootes - "the coming one" (see refs in EA to goddess constellations - Coma Berenice is one)

FBC- 65 - Bethlehem means "House of Bread" - Virgo rising at birth?

- Star in East shone forth - (Sirius? Jupiter con. Saturn in Pisces? - would be opposite if Virgo rising)

FBC- 66-7 - Virgo constellation - Virgin Mother nurturing Christ child - Holy Ghost - (3rd aspect) overshadows and brings to birth second aspect

FBC- 67 - Virgo constellation - 3 constellations associated with women: Cassiopeia - The Woman Enthroned - symbol of matter triumphant; Coma Berenice - woman bearing Christ child; Andromeda - woman chained - soul control of matter (see 64 and EA)

FBC- 68 - three aspects - Joseph (1) Jesus (2) Mary (3)

FBC- 69 - Age of Taurus - mysteries of Mithra and Egypt; Age of Aries - ram/lamb - sheepfolds in Bethlehem

FBC- 69 - Asses symbolism - north/south Asses (constellations) near constellation Virgo

FBC- 72 - star of initiation/initiation chamber

FBC- 73 - three aspects - gold, material nature; frankincense - emotional; myrrh - mind

FBC- 83 - (Virgo) - Virgin Mary - integrated personality - physical, astral and mental

FBC- 98 - Aquarius - group purity, relationship; began to enter about 200 years ago

FBC- 177-9 - universal saviour symbolism - Capricorn, Virgo

FBC- 181 - fixed cross of zodiac - cross of soul

FBC- 182 - Aquarius - water bearer

FBC- 183 - Leo Scorpio, Taurus

FBC- 183 - zodiac - 12 signs - Clement of Alexandria - church festivals

FBC- 183 - Virgo, Sirius, Orion’s Belt, - astronomy

FBC- 184 - Assumption of the Virgin - 15th August, Sept. 8 -

FBC- 185 - Easter festival - astronomy and astrology

FBC- 189 - planetary cross (Christ) - four kingdoms in nature

FBC- 193 - Mithra - bull sacrifice - Age of Taurus, Aries, Pisces

Discipleship in the New Age Volume 1

Discipleship in the New Age Volume 2

Reappearance of the Christ

ROC- 10 - (Pisces) - Christ struck keynote of New Age over 2000 years ago (Greater Aquarian cycle?)

ROC- 11 - 2nd aspect - Avatar on this line; not ready for ray 1 Avatar yet

ROC- 62 - love/will (rays 2, 1) - Christ able to express uniqueness of impending mission

ROC- 71 - (ray 1) - will/power - by means of which things are done, situations brought about, ruthlessly

ROC- 75 - extra-planetary energy - Spirit of Peace

ROC- 77 - will aspect - Avatar of Synthesis; Christ's own attainment on this line of will (ray 1 mental body I think)

ROC- 79 - Aquarian Age - Christ as forerunner - new astronomical cycle

ROC- 79 - times/cycles of planet - solar progression

ROC- 79 - dubious science of astrology - sidetracked humanity in astronomical teaching and spiritual interpretation of Sun through signs of zodiac

ROC- 79 - Taurus - sign of bull - Mithraic worship - reversion to by Children of Israel - Golden Calf

ROC- 79 - Aries Age - Scapegoat - Jewish history

ROC- 79 - Pisces Age - Christ teacher of; fish symbology of Pisces in 4 gospels

ROC- 80 - Aquarian Age - work of Christ after Pisces Age; water carrier is an ancient symbol of Aquarius

ROC- 80 - Sun in Aquarius - astronomical fact, not astrological prognostication (may contradict his 2117 AD - personal notes to AAB)

ROC- 80 - Aquarian Age - great spiritual achievement will be communion and human relations

ROC- 81 - Taurean worship of Bull in Golden Calf - Jews liking for; Jewish dispensation used scapegoat/ram in Age of Aries; Christian/Age of Pisces/fishes

ROC- 81 - movement of Sun from Aries to Pisces - Christ came to bring Jewish dispensation to an end

ROC- 81 - Jewish rejection of Christ - have remained symbolically/practically in Age of

Aries - have to pass into Pisces when Christ comes again in Aquarius

ROC- 81 - Aquarian Age - coming in of

ROC- 81 - astronomically - not yet fully functioning in Aquarian Age (seems to contradict p.80) - full import of Aquarian energies not yet set loose - only just emerging from Pisces influence)

ROC- 81-2 - centre of power - (Aquarian Age) - unity, sharing, cooperation, universality, initiation

ROC- 82 - "Initiation" = "entering into" - humanity undergoing true initiation as it enters into Aquarius

ROC- 82 - Gemini full Moon June 1945 - Christ took over his duties definitely and consciously as teacher and leader in Aquarius solar cycle - first of World Teachers to cover two zodiacal cycles - Pisces/Aquarius; involves 3 modes of appearance - crisis, tension, emergence

ROC- 82-3 - Christ stood at centre of triangle of Buddha (3rd point), Spirit of Peace (2nd point), and Avatar of Synthesis (apex/1st point); his Aquarian work began - will continue for 2,500 years; (2,500 x 10 = 25,000?; different to 2,160 year cycle x10 = 25,920 years)

ROC- 83 - Aquarian Age - Christ as "dispenser of waters of life and nourisher of the little ones".

ROC- 84 - Pisces Age - unfolded in humanity a mass response to knowledge and principle of intelligence (see EA37 - Pisces/ray 3; also Virgo polarity of Pisces is strong in this 3rd aspect)

ROC- 84 - Aquarian Age - mass response to right relations

ROC- 85 - Aquarian Age - "implementing force of universality"

ROC- 85-6 - Aquarius - inflowing Aquarian energy will allow Christ to complete task of World saviour/teacher

ROC- 87 - Aquarian era - foretelling in John 14:6 of Christ's work - "No man cometh to the Father, but by me"

ROC- 87 - Aquarian Age - Christ will prepare and nourish group who know meaning of 3rd stanza (GI) - " from the centre where the will of God is known, let purpose guide the little wills of men"

ROC- 88 - Pisces Age - work of Christ to relate Humanity to Hierarchy; Aquarian Age - work of Christ to relate Hierarchy to Shamballa

ROC- 88 - end of cycle (end of Pisces Age) which Christ inaugurated 2000 years ago (when he evoked a response to truth and a mental understanding) we now have formulated doctrines, mental development (perhaps there is a relation here between Christ's ray 1 mind, Pluto first felt in mental body, and Pluto as soul ruler of Pisces)

ROC- 90 - Full Moon April 1945 (Taurus) - in Easter season, forces of restoration began their work, during period of 5 weeks (start of ray 2 cycle? - "carries the life which produces the birth of forms" [p.91] - etheric/Aquarius/ray 7)

{Aries (new cycle) full Moon March 28, 1945 was conjunct Neptune (Christ/idealism of new cycle) and squared (challenge to initiate action) by Saturn (karma, opportunity) - for all of April (approx. 5 week period) up to April 27, 1945 (Taurus full Moon); "stimulation of mass intelligence" (Saturn in Cancer) - "makes men think, plan, and take action" (ray 7 through Cancer and Aries) - see p. 91 (Neptune also 2nd aspect that could well have been the stimulus to initiate a ray 2 subcycle - particularly a conjunction with the Sun - ray 2 in an Aries full Moon)

ROC- 92 - forces of restoration (rays 2,7?) - mind of god, intelligence principle (ray 3); forces of enlightenment - heart of god/love aspect (ray 4 Taurus - ray 2 via ray 4?)

ROC- 93 - June 1945 - forces of reconstruction - will aspect (Vulcan) - least powerful of 3 streams in 3 festivals of 1945. (Gemini full Moon May 27, 1945)

ROC- 93-4 - 1st aspect - Avatar of Synthesis - principle of directed purpose - threefold expression

ROC- 96 - Aquarian Age - Buddha's work

ROC- 96 - Wesak (Taurus) full Moon - Buddha

ROC- 96 - 1st aspect - energy of will - will eventually be distributed through triangle of Buddha, Avatar, Spirit of Peace

ROC- 97 - intelligence principle/knowledge (Ray 3) - transmuted into wisdom by intelligentsia - when Buddha goes

ROC- 97 - wisdom (rays 2/3) main characteristic of the Buddha - aspect of wisdom we know nothing of

ROC- 97-8 - Christ's building/reconstruction work in Aquarius after Pisces

ROC- 98 - Aquarian Age - Christ will fuse 1st and 2nd aspects; fuse love & wisdom; fuse Pisces/Aquarius energies

ROC- 98 - Aquarian energies generated/active on Earth next 2000 years or 2,500 (see p 82-3)

ROC- 98-9 - love, will, wisdom - Pisces/Aquarius

ROC- 99 - Aquarian energy already generated on mental/emotional planes

ROC- 106 - Buddha approximately 500 years before Christ (ray 2 cycle?) - first dim influences of Pisces Age felt impinging on scapegoat/ram (Aries)

ROC- 106 - Aries influence led to distortion of Christ's teaching by Jews; St Paul responsible for emphasis; similar distortion at start of Age of Aries - Jews worshipped golden calf (Taurus preceding astronomical cycle) - set seal of retrogression

ROC- 118 - 1st aspect - will of soul expressed in Law of Rebirth

ROC- 123 - mystery of electricity - greatest spiritual science

ROC- 123 - planetary forces - men do not know how to control

ROC- 126-7 - Age of Gemini - two pillars/Masonry - 8000 years ago (6000 BC)

ROC- 127 - Age of Taurus - Mithra world teacher (4000 BC)

ROC- 127 - Age of Aries - Jewish dispensation (2000 BC) - during this cycle came Buddha, Shankaracharya and Sri Krishna (? - died 3102 BC)

ROC- 127 - Age of Pisces - Christ

ROC- 127 - sequence of mysteries which each zodiac sign embodies, will be clarified by Christ

ROC- 129 - Aquarian Age - many will take great renunciation (4th?) - will be the same as mass education in Pisces Age

ROC- 131 - Aquarian Age - love of god will be spread abroad

ROC- 131 - aspects, 3 - of world glamour: 1 - illusion, 2 - glamour, 3 - maya (maya/maze/labyrinth)

ROC- 133 - Buddha - first planetary effort against glamour; Christ effort - illusion

ROC- 139 - astrology, numerology - teachings of

ROC- 153 - Earth - relation to "circle of planetary lives" moving within orbit of Sun and the still greater circle of spiritual influences - zodiac, 12 constellations; astronomical/astrological speculation

ROC- 153 - Bible and astrology - "The stars in their courses against Sisera " - Judges 5:20; "Who can withstand the sweet influences of the Pleiades?" - Job 38:31

ROC- 153-4 - church festivals - Moon cycle or zodiacal constellation; major festivals - strengthening of invocation

ROC- 156 - aspects/attributes (rays) determined by close study of constellations - Capricorn - 1st degree - birth of Christ in cave of heart (see LH)

ROC- 158 - Christ came to end cycle of emotional approach to divinity which had existed since Atlantean days (Pluto soul ruler Pisces)

ROC- 182 - Pisces Age - what Buddha instigated symbolically became factual

ROC- 182 - Aquarian Age - groups will save the world

Destiny of the Nations

DON- 3 - history - record of effects of rays

DON- 3-4 - rays, 7

DON- 4 - ray 7 produces new forms of civilisation

DON- 5 - five dominant ray energies at any one time

DON- 5 - ray 6 passing out, ray 7 coming in

DON- 5 - ray types of bulk of humanity - rays 2 & 3 - some on ray 1

DON- 5 - ray 1 - desperate need of humanity to evoke - being invoked on large scale for first time in history of humanity

DON- 5 - ray 7 - ordered, sequential activity

DON- 5-6 - ray 2 - most egos in solar system on this ray

DON- 5-7 - rays in incarnation: 6,7,3,2,1.

DON- 6 - creative activity (ray 3) - will emerge as creative living not as creative art - manifestation of beauty - “light of livingness”

DON- 6 - ray 1 - little expressed/understood by humanity

DON- 7 - five rays - in their totality - account for all that we see happening today

DON- 7 - Pisces/Aquarian ages

DON- 10 - Aquarian age - restitution of inner spiritual guidance

DON- 10 - rays - those who function on 5 rays (in incarnation) must bring about changes

DON- 10 - three major planetary centres - five rays

DON- 10 - three rays powerful, two struggling for expression

DON- 11 - ray 7 incoming; outgoing 6th ray - duality of reactionary/progressive forces

DON- 12-18 - ray 1 - will to good/destructive element - Shamballa

DON- 12 - ray 1 - felt only twice before by humanity - at individualisation/in Atlantean war

DON- 13 - rays 1 & 2 bring ‘second crisis’ - initiation of race into mystery of ages - racial initiation

DON- 14 - rays express as potently in other kingdoms as human - destruction of animals - organised and scientific (rays 7,5); hastening of evolution of animals (domestic) - ray 1 through humans

DON- 14 - ray 1 - dominating personalities - direct contact with Shamballa

DON- 16 - ray 1 symbol - sword; ray 2 - pen

DON- 16 - ray - spiritual expression - “energy”; “force” - use humans make of rays

DON- 16 - ray 1 exponents misunderstood/hated; difficult and hard path

DON- 17 - ray 1 expresses through sound, love (2) through light

DON- 18 - ray 2 - Christ’s ray

DON- 18 - ray 2 - building/rehabilitating

DON- 20-1 - ray 2 disciple frequently misunderstood - not sentimental love - group interest

- true group love more important than personal relationships, though they are met when need arises

DON- 21 - ray 3 - through humanity

DON- 23 - Lucifer - Son of the Morning - Humanity (Venus too)

DON- 27 - development of science of astrology - based on many uncertain factors

DON- 28 - “sibyls” only used at Taurus, Gemini full Moons

DON- 28 - rays - powerfully affecting new civilisation/culture

DON- 29 - ray 6 - stated to pass out 1625; ray 7 came in 1675

DON- 29 - ray 6 - line of least resistance for majority - particularly Aryan race

DON- 29 - ray 6 types - reactionaries, conservatives, diehards, fanatics - provide needed balance

DON- 30 - ray 7 - relates spirit/matter, substance/form - work of science

DON- 30 - rays - rulers of rays 5,2,7,1 (planets) - creation of new forms (Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, Vulcan) - result of working interaction between rulers (look at triangles in EA)

DON- 30 - ray 7 - large number coming into incarnation - ego/personalities - organising activities of new era, ending crystallised attitudes to death, life, leisure, population (fixed cross? - Scorpio, Leo, Taurus, Aquarius respectively)

DON- 30 - ray 7 increasing, ray 6 decreasing - causing bewilderment

DON- 30 - ray 6 decreasing influence - pronounced and crystallised forms of belief, religious, social and philosophic

DON- 30 - rays - three groups - ray 6, ray 7, and those in between

DON- 31 - human kingdom - all changes conditioned partially by humans on all rays, egos on any particular ray

DON- 31 - ray 2 - large number of egos in incarnation

DON- 31 - ray 3 and ray 6 personalities - many with - condition education/finance of coming civilisation

DON- 31 - rays - influence of outgoing/incoming

DON- 32 - ray - emergence/disappearance of ray is an event in time, slow development, psychic in nature, governed by law - secret of initiation

DON- 33 - rays 7 & 6 - turmoil - clashing of forces

DON- 33 - rays 4 & 5 - energy of humanity itself; rays 3,5,6 condition animal kingdom

DON- 33 - ray 6 works through/controls solar plexus; ray 7 controls sacral; emotion sex desire

DON- 36 - rays - higher/lower expressions - Hierarchy/dark brotherhood

DON- 37 - love = Hierarchy; mind = black lodge

DON- 37 - ray 6 - higher expression - Christianity; idealism keynote of ray 6; - see 39 too

DON- 38 - Hercules - perfect disciple but not yet perfect Son of God; Buddha perfect initiate but not yet perfect divinity; Christ perfect expression of divinity for this cycle

- rays 6 & 2 controlling factors; ray 1 reaching full expression

- Hercules (disciple) - Sun God - ray 1 soul, ray 2 personality, ray 6 astral

- Buddha (initiate) - ray 2 soul, ray 1 personality, ray 6 mind (very rare)

- Christ (master) - ray 2 soul, ray 6 personality (close relation to Jesus), ray 1 mind

- (ray 1 moves from soul to personality to mind; look at ray cycles that their respective soul rays helped bring forth)

- all the above set their seal on history and humanity’s hearts through their ray 6 expression

DON- 39 - ray 6 - lower expression - dogmatic, authoritative religion, organised/orthodox churches, theology lower expression of higher spiritual truth - mind-reactions of religious man; forces of separativeness - outstanding characteristic of lower ray 6 activity

DON- 40 - ray 6 - religious church history, hatreds, bigotry, separativeness from all other forms of faith, cliques

DON- 41 - ray characteristics/divine attributes (some?) - never been revealed to the minds of men due to lack of sensitivity (other rays?)

DON- 41 - rays - higher/lower expression closely related to each other - higher easily loses hold, lower takes over

DON- 41 - ray 7 - higher/lower; higher - white magic (lower - black)

DON- 42 - ray 7 - ray of magician (black & white); non existence of time through communications

DON- 43 - ray 1 - invoked force breaking down old limiting forms - hitherto ray 1 worked through ray 7; kingdoms in nature can’t stand pure ray 1 energy

DON- 43-4 - ray 7 - spiritualists, life after death; ray 7 - lower expression - spiritualism preoccupied with phenomena/form - line of least resistance for masses

DON- 45 - rays 6 & 7 - groups are antagonistic to each other (at 6’s and 7’s)

DON- 46 - rays - higher and lower - analogy: soul/personality

DON- 46 - ray 6 - higher expression being absorbed into newer idealism; lower expression still tenacious, dominant

DON- 46 - ray 1 - Shamballa force called in to destroy lower ray 6 expression

DON- 46 - ray 7 - lower forms of ray 7 still embryonic

DON- 46 - ray 7 - higher expression; ray 7 grounds the result of bringing spirit and matter together

DON- 47 - Aquarian age - Law of Understanding greatly facilitated

DON- 52 - incoming ray (ray 7) - responsiveness to - breakdown of old forms first

DON- 52 - reaction to soul ray - accompanied by breaking down period

DON- 56 - ray 2 - love/inclusiveness and ray 3 - active intelligence shows predominantly in our electrical civilisation; ray 5 of exact science potently active with rays 3,2 (through Aquarius)

DON- 56-7 - ray 7, incoming - imposing order, rhythm

DON- 57 - rays - effect felt in sequential order

DON- 57 - ray - each ray embodies an idea which can be sensed as an ideal

DON- 57 - rays produce world pattern which moulds planetary forms

DON- 57 - rays - produce patterns - emotional, mental, soul - analogy races, nations, human psychology

DON- 57 - ray - every ray produces 3 patterns imposed on form nature:

- emotional aspiration of man/nation/race - sum total of desire

- mental/emotional - positive/negative of man/nation/race

- soul pattern - supersedes personality pattern - imposes on personality

DON- 63-4 - “essential astrology” - astrology of the past esoterically, in contradistinction to predictive astrology

- past conditioning factors essential to expression of present

- horoscope - rules for rectifying - future coming science of ascertaining past facts which produce present occurrences

DON- 70 - astrologers with esoteric bias - future guidance by DK

DON- 70 - astrology - relations to be established - not like in normal horoscope with definite starting point - but on energy effects direct from the signs themselves, via certain planetary rulers - ex, es ,hi.

DON- 70-1 - astrology, science of - of nations - intuition reveals laws

DON- 94 - rays - one or other will dominate - spiritually oriented/personality forces, constructive/destructive

DON- 97-8 - ray 6 - militant/active or mystical/pacific/futile - both condition USA (1940’s)

DON- 101 - rays - in period of shifting rays - rays change for individual/nation, hemispheres/planets

DON- 101 - rays - all (entities) can move from minor to major ray if destiny decrees

DON- 101-2 - (astrology) - science of energy relationships can be studied: 1) antagonisms/ray energies 2) identity of forces/interests/activities 3) fusion, unity of vision, goals 4) humanity as a whole

DON- 103 - (astrology) - science of relationships - wide research:

1) spiritual nature/centres/ruling planets, inter-relation/quality ray forces/personality rays - will reveal all relationships and produce two basic "events in time": a) blending of subjective/objective life b) hence new relations between individuals

2) national centres - esoteric ruling energies - revealing destiny in relation to group units. Soul/personality of nations studied/centre within each nation/qualities of 5 or 6 major cities investigated.

DON- 108 - rays 6 & 7 - both rays in conflict - forces two groups (GWB/DB) are using

DON- 109-136 - rays 6 & 7 in comparison

DON- 109 - ray 6 - benefits - disciple's precious possession; transmuted from method/mode to characteristics and established habits

DON- 110 - ray 6 impulse, ray 7 influence

DON- 110 - ray 6 - enduring effect last 2000 years

DON- 110-111 - ray 6 - methods of activity - devotion for disciple/aspirant

DON- 111 - Aquarian Age - age of worldwide discipleship leading to universal initiation in Age of Capricorn

DON- 111 - ray 6 - individual influence in ray 6 age - theological dogma, doctrinal churches

DON- 111 - Piscean Age - main objective - orientation to world of higher values

DON- 111-2 - ray 6 - rapidly passing out

DON- 112- ray 6 - objective of discipleship - "capacity for abstraction", idealistic nature

DON- 113 - ray 6 - long period of expression - intense devotion to ideal, dream - imposition on others; ideal lost - caught up in method of applying ideal - merciless excesses (Mars - Inquisition)

DON- 113 - ray 6 - desire for material into higher desire - relatively new phenomenon - only individuals in the past, now masses - success of Hierarchy's efforts

DON- 114 - ray 6 period - instinct of taste in food, human intercourse, colour, form, art, architecture - discriminating taste (Virgo polarity of Pisces Age) is high stage of development past 2000 years

- taste - higher correspondence - discriminating sense of values

DON- 114-5 - ray 6 - methods of activity/objectives imposed on race

-1) instinct to aspiration 2) expansion to aspiration - stimulation of divine desire 3) group work - reflection of reality

- relations past few centuries with astral (starting with ray 6 exit 1625?)

DON- 115 - ray 7

DON- 115-6 - rays - two ways they can be studied: a) angle of energy - contact, conflict, adjustment, equilibrium b) quality of ray

DON- 116 - rays - not in conflict - substance and forms are

DON- 116 - ray - quality - its soul nature 1) changes culture/civilisation 2) other kingdoms - soul/form aspect 3) type of souls incarnate in any ray period

DON- 116 - study of ray procedure by evolutionist scientists

DON- 116 - ray 6 - bulk of egos in Pisces Age on this ray; Aquarian Age - more ray 7 souls

DON- 116 - ray 7 - civilisation

DON- 116 - ray 7 - appearing now - higher integration of soul/personality

DON- 117-8 - ray 7 - governs etheric levels of physical; predominantly does not govern dense physical which is ray 3

DON- 118 - ray 7 - scientific magic

DON- 120-1 - War in this century misuse of ray 1 destroyer aspect

DON- 121 - ray 7 direct line for ray 1 energy

DON- 121 - ray 6 preparing humanity for ray 7

DON- 122 - ray 6 disciple grounded in methods of fundamentalist schools - astral plane magic, glamour/deception

DON- 122 - ray 6 teachers of magic - astral glamour - undesirable expression of old magical patterns

DON- 123 - ray - correct stimulation by white magician

DON- 123 - ray 7 - governs mineral kingdom - radiation

DON- 123 - ray 6 - animal kingdom - produces domesticity in higher animals -adaptability to humans

DON- 123 rays 7,3,6 - control animal kingdom

DON- 123 - ray relation between animal and man

DON- 123 - rays 6,2,4 - govern vegetable kingdom - relates to human via ray 6

DON- 124 - rays - 4,5 - govern human kingdom; relation of rays/kingdoms studied in future

DON- 124 - rays - sensitivity to - ability to isolate ray rhythm

DON- 124 - ray 7 - will relate to kingdoms in nature - humanity will distribute energy to 3 lower kingdoms (like higher self to personality)

DON- 124-5 - ray 7 - three definite effects on human/animal kingdoms - 1) refining bodies - especially next two generations 2) animal/human relations close - animal mediumship 3) rapid destruction of some animal bodies - species extinct

DON- 126 - ray 7 - technique and method of development

DON- 126 - rays 6,7 - groups of disciples - mainly ray 6

DON- 126 - ray 7 - intense practicality

DON- 126 - ray 7 - end of cycle - disciple's work

DON- 126 - ray 6 - devotee - abstract/mystical

DON- 128-9 - ray 6 disciple - astral plane dualism

DON- 128 - ray forces - cyclic intervention

DON- 128 - ray 7 disciple - integration on physical plane - dualism is physical/mental

DON- 130 - ray 7 disciple - laws of spirit/form

DON- 130 - rays of disciples - wield laws of group work according to ray impulse - personal dharma

DON- 130 - ray 6 disciple - learns to work frequently with ray 7 personality for several lives (before/after achieving discipleship) to realise vision

DON- 130 - ray 7 disciple - knowledge of ritual (ritual is ancient codified means whereby the attractive/expressive nature of energies to be used are organised/related); understanding of words of power - discovers by experiment (Uranus/ray 7)

DON- 131 - ray 7 - magical work - slogans, catch phrases (words of power)

DON- 131 - ray 7 disciples wield much power - must have purity of motive

DON- 131 - ray 6 disciples - purity of body - fanatical

DON- 132 - disciples in new age - emphasis on mental principle - conditions thought/speech

DON- 132 - ray 7 - will produce new western school of occultism - physical plane; ray 6 produced Eastern school of occultism - astral plane

DON- 133 - ray 6 disciple - keynote - attraction/repulsion "I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men"

DON- 133 - ray 7 disciple - keynote - "Radiatory Activity" - telepathy, heat, radium (Madame Curie came forth in ray 7 subcycle)

DON- 133-4 - ray 7 humanity - etheric body main concern - endocrine glands, vitality, centres

DON- 134 - ray 7 types - methods of activity - changed attitudes thru new methods

DON- 134 - ray methods of activity - 1) group activity for scientific relation of substance/energy 2) stimulation of etheric forms thru 'right' directed force 3) correct scientific distribution of vital energy

DON- 135 - rays, 5 - 1,2,3,6,7 - effect varies according to ray type/stage of evolution

DON- 135 - ray 2,6 person - undue sensitivity - rays 1,3,7 may be unsettling

DON- 135 - rays - on ray 1 line of power (3,7) ratio 3:2

DON- 138 - Aquarian Age - first decanate esoterically - centre of humanity - Saturn/ray 3 - opportunity, discipleship, testing

DON- 138 - Aquarian Age - goal: expressed brotherhood

DON- 139 - Aquarian Age - 2nd decanate - Mercury will bring Love aspect in; Mercury - Messenger of the Gods, of Hierarchy of Souls (4th CH) carries always message of Love; relates Hierarchy to Humanity

DON- 140 - ray 6 subsidiary of ray 2

DON- 140 - Aquarian Age - second decanate - Hierarchy/Mercury will bring into manifestation coming Avatar (700 years +?) - work of first decan accomplished

DON- 140 - Aquarian Age - Venus rules 3rd decanate

DON- 140 - Venus - esoterically blend of love (2), knowledge (5), intelligence (3), and synthesis (1 or 7?), understanding (2), brotherhood

DON- 140-1 - Venus - dual energy - embodied by Buddha (5) and Christ (2)

DON- 142 - ray 1 - not in manifestation - definite effect on mental plane/disciples

DON- 142 - ray 2 - always in subjective manifestation - becoming objective on physical in next 2,200 years - then withdraws into background (to allow ray 1 to come in)

DON- 142 - ray 3 - remains in objective incarnation for very long time

DON- 142 - ray 4 - comes in early 21st century

DON- 142 - ray 4 plus Saturn influence (Saturn decan of Aquarius) - will lead many onto path of discipleship (see EA 71-2)

DON- 143 - ray 4 - ray 4 and Saturn - 'forces of that planet which stages opportunity' - will create rapid adjustment in human affairs -especially the Path

DON- 143 - ray 4 - teaches the art of living - synthesis of beauty - not ray of art - but brings about beauty of those living forms which embody ideas and ideals seeking expression

DON- 143 - rays, all - creative art expresses in all

DON- 143 - ray 3 - general pervasive effect on mental processes

DON- 144 - rays, Lords of - through Planetary representatives (planets) - body of directing forces with Lord of World. Advisory/directive - but not authorative

DON- 145 - Tabulation:

|Ray 1 |force |energy |action |Occultist |

|Ray 2 |consciousness |expansion |initiation |True psychic |

|Ray 3 |adaptation |development |evolution |Magician |

|Ray 4 |vibration |response |expression |Artist |

|Ray 5 |mentation |knowledge |science |Scientist |

|Ray 6 |devotion |abstraction |idealism |Devotee |

|Ray 7 |incantation |magic |ritual |Ritualist |

DON- 145 - Aquarian Age - ray influences - group relations; Aquarius upper half of zodiac opposite Leo in lower half; Leo - individual unfoldment, self assertive, highly individual Leo consummates in Aquarius - full expression in group - service to oneself - service to group

DON- 145 - Leo - humanity reached stage where sense of individuality is rapidly emerging

DON- 146 - Leo - (Old Commentary) - "The Lion begins to roar. He rushes forth and, in his urge to live, he wields destruction. And again he roars and - rushing to the stream of life - drinks deep. Then, having drunk, the magic of the waters works. He stands transformed. The Lion disappears and he who bears the water pot stands forth and starts upon his mission."

DON- 146 - Aquarius - water carrier, world server

DON- 146 - rays - NGWS work on all different rays

DON- 147 - Pisces - Christ came in sign of fishes - divine intermediary, world saviours, "revealers of divinity who establish world relationships"; desire to establish right human relations (Venus exalted)

DON- 149 - Aquarian Age - emphasis shift from Bethlehem to Jerusalem - from infant saviour to risen Christ

DON- 149 - Aquarius - rising light

DON- 149 - Aquarian Age - birth initiation will condition human thinking - religion of Risen Christ

DON- 150 - 30 years (Saturn return) - period of spiritual unfoldment analogous to 3 decans of


DON- 150 - Aquarius - waters of Pisces will be symbolically absorbed in water pot carried on shoulder of water carrier; water of life, life more abundantly

DON- 150 - Aquarian Age - Risen Christ the water carrier

DON- 151 - Aquarian Age - emphasis on life/freedom from tomb of matter - will distinguish New World Religion

DON- 151 - Aquarius - upper chamber where water carrier led disciples

DON- 151 - Pisces Age - tests for humanity before Aquarian Age

DON- 151-2 - Aquarius - upper chamber - disciples' true recognition of Christ - foresaw a little of Aquarian Age

DON- 152 - Aquarian Age - future vision, right relationships, true communion, sharing all things

Glamour: A World Problem

GAWP- 4 - ray 1 -withdrawal easy

GAWP- 6 - ray 1 - destroyer

GAWP- 6 - ray 2 - builders

GAWP- 16-17 - Moon, full - contact with DK - dispelling glamour

GAWP- 22 - Aquarian age - much glamour will disappear

GAWP- 23 - planetary dweller

GAWP- 37 - DINA - LTSK, IBS - glamours (3/6, 1/6)

GAWP- 37 - ray 3 - difficult to cultivate intuition

GAWP- 45-6 - Capricorn/Cancer axis? - glamour of authority catering to fear complex

GAWP- 46 - rays 3 and 6 - inquisition - Jesuits

GAWP- 46 - glamour of personal freedom (Leo/Aquarius?) - (rampant now in age of Aquarius) - (Leo represents 1st degree and new found power)

GAWP- 47 - ray type

GAWP- 47 - individual/group law (Leo/Aquarius axis)

GAWP- 51-2 - power, illusion based on success (Capricorn, Leo, Scorpio?)

GAWP- 56 - ray type of soul/mental body - colours interpretation of idea - see 57

GAWP- 58 - ray energy colouring thoughtforms - see 59

GAWP- 60 - sin of mental type - pride (Leo); drama making faculty - assertion of personality - EA155 - king of beasts

GAWP- 63 - illusion through acquisitiveness (Taurus); see 42 - paths - Taurus Scorpio Aquarius

GAWP- 64 - ray 5 - cure of mental type

GAWP- 67 - seven rays? - 7 ways of illusion; perception - 6?; interpretation - 3?; appropriation - 2?; direction -1?; integration - 4?; embodiment - 7? application - 5?

GAWP- 68 - ray 1 formulas - dispelling illusion

GAWP- 76 - glamour of materiality (Taurus - rules humanity); glamours of sentiment, devotion (Pisces - last 2,000 years);

GAWP- 77 - Piscean age

GAWP- 84 - criticism (Virgo - mutable cross); pride, superiority (Leo) rays

GAWP- 92 - rays governing bodies - mental 1,4,5; astral - 2,6; physical - 3,7 - statement of infallible rule except disciples

GAWP- 95 - material possessions, beauty, comfort - (Taurus rules humanity) - aspirant reorients to probationary path; end of path of evolution

GAWP- 98 - DINA - (DLR, DPR) - freedom from glamour - (both 1/5 rays; mental/illusion)

GAWP- 100 - ‘bewilderment phase’ of Arjuna’s plight - phase 1 - (Moon’s fall in Scorpio? Moon= maya - see 115); (or Mars detriment in Libra - ‘ temporarily quiescent in Libra before renewed effort in Scorpio)

GAWP- 100 - ‘recognition stage of Arjuna’s release’ phase 2 - ‘they see form of god and indwelling reality within that form’ (Uranus exalted in Scorpio)

GAWP- 100 - ‘warrior carry on the fight’ (Mars - Scorpio)

GAWP- 100 - right choice (Saturn/Libra - governs probationary path)

GAWP- 100 - ‘Raja yoga and bring in the mind’; learn to stand between the pairs of opposites’; ‘treading the noble middle way’ (Venus/Saturn/Libra - reorientation/reversal)

GAWP- 101 - ‘middle way’ (Libra); ‘lighted way ahead’ (Capricorn?); ‘travels straight toward

goal’ (Sagittarius)

GAWP- 104 - solar orb - light of - dispelling glamour

GAWP- 105-6 - Planetary Logos - imperfect god

GAWP- 117 - ray of personality/soul

GAWP- 117-8 - ray quality determines glamour

GAWP- 118 - ray type - ascertaining by aspirant - brings method of release

GAWP- 118 - rays - soul/personality and lesser vehicles - discovery of - psychology of future

GAWP- 119 - astrological indications - study - path of life

GAWP- 119-20 - Sun sign - personality; traits inherited from the past

GAWP- 120 - rising sign - soul progress

GAWP- 120 - Sun entering new zodiac sign (Aquarius)

GAWP- 119-123 - seven ray glamours

GAWP- 129 - DINA - glamour dominates, not illusion

GAWP- 130 - rays, 7 - all ideas flow into planetary consciousness - 7 major groups of ideas of god

GAWP- 132 - Ray 6 - ‘fanatics, vague idealists, sadistic enforcers’; ‘authorative religion’; ‘sadistic incentive’

GAWP- 134-5 - brotherhood (Aquarius); spiritual relationships (Libra?); human relationships (Gemini) - see EA 494-5 - final stage of mental evolution); subjective fellowship (Gemini)

GAWP- 136 - world saviour (Pisces) - line of evolution

GAWP- 140 - illumination (Taurus) - glamour (Scorpio) - see EA 180, 329,393, 481, 565-6. - (all ray 6 phrases; Saturn, Mars symbolism from this Libra/Scorpio stage of evolution)

GAWP- 144 - illumination (Taurus) - synonymous terms - light, knowledge (Taurus is desire for knowledge)

GAWP- 149 - desire of unintelligent masses (Taurus) - possessions; densest form of maya; (sacral opposite throat which Taurus relates to)

GAWP- 150 - DINA - DLR

GAWP- 155 - dweller (Libra?)

GAWP- 155-6 - astrological conditions

GAWP- 155 - Leo controls positive dweller; Gemini controls the processes of oscillation; Sagittarius controls the negative dweller; Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn lead to fusion of dweller/angel - see EA 229

GAWP- 156 - soul ray controls angel; personality ray controls dweller; karma, times, seasons

GAWP- 156 - five rays (of one’s ray structure) govern relation between dweller/angel

GAWP- 156 - rays governing humanity - 2/3 - 5,6,7

GAWP- 157 - personality rays for humanity change from age to age; Pisces age passing out; rays 1,4 missing; ray 4 basic personality ray for 4th CH

GAWP- 157 - Aquarian age - rays for humanity - personality 5, mental 4, astral 6, physical 7

GAWP- 157 - zodiac - great cycle (25,000 years) - nature of incarnation of human family (branch race approx. 30,000 years)

GAWP- 159 - personality ray - synthesis of glamour; fused and blended by personality ray

GAWP- 159 - soul ray - steadily influencing

GAWP- 160 - DINA - group personality/soul

GAWP- 166 - point within a circle (Sun) - symbol of point of crisis

GAWP- 166 - lord of light - Buddha (Taurus)

GAWP- 171 - intuition (Sagittarius) - ‘power of transfiguration’ - draws on Pluto from mutable cross?

GAWP- 173 - individuality (Leo) - perfecting of mind (2x5=10 - Capricorn) - initiation

GAWP- 180 - lights of Sun/Moon

GAWP- 191 - light of knowledge (Taurus/Venus)

GAWP- 195 - five stages of meditation (see EA - Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius)

GAWP- 197 - Sun - mind reflecting light of

GAWP- 199 - rays 6,2,4 - aspirants, disciples to dissipate as it is their ray of least resistance

GAWP- 199 - ray 4 to manifest again

GAWP- 204 - ray of personality - determines glamour, life crisis

GAWP- 220 - DK teaching how to destroy outmoded thought (hint as to ray 1 in his make-up?)

GAWP- 221 - ray 6 aspirants - majority dissipating glamour

GAWP- 222 - ray 6 aspirants - very difficult to convince of glamour;

- ray 1 can overcome glamour with relative ease;

- rays 6/3 - unable to teach;

- ray 3 inability to communicate by speech - must force themselves to speak, write clearly; ray 3 deviousness;

- ray 7 - very clear cut thoughtforms crystallise

- ray 2 - aware of glamours

GAWP- 223 - ray 5 - suffer more from illusion

- ray prone to glamour producing extreme difficulties - combine glamour/illusion

GAWP- 224 - rays 6,2 - ways of loving

GAWP- 225 - rays 6,4 - initiates transfer to 2nd ray

GAWP- 242 - Sun sign clue? -”the dual physical body is produced, created, motivated, energised and conditioned by certain energies and forces, emanating from those levels whereon the soul - rightly or wrongly - engineered a reaction of identification. This makes the man what he is; they give him his temperament, profession, and quality upon the physical plane; they make him negative or positive to various types of impacting energy; they give him his character and make him what he appears to be to others; they produce his colourings, capacity and personality. This complete identification with the transient creation is and with the outer appearance is maya.” (etheric body personality ray?); our planet in relation to other planets.

GAWP- 244 - will aspect - ray 1 - will to good

GAWP- 245 - will (1) and breath occultly synonymous (pneuma)

GAWP- 246 - basis of astrological influences - etheric structure of solar system

GAWP- 248-9 - rays of soul, personality, mental, astral, physical - Sun sign (personality), rising sign (soul); astrology - ascertaining one’s energies

GAWP- 250-3 - science of triangles

GAWP- 253 - rays, astrology

GAWP- 260 - Earth - own note, sound

GAWP- 260-1 - centres in etheric body; spiritual responsiveness; problem to solve is source of incentives, impulses, impressions, inspiration...(astrology)

GAWP- 268 - burning ground - 3 successive times (Pluto lower, Uranus higher)

GAWP- 269 - Virgo constellation - is lost to sight in radiance of the Sun; catholic festivals - (Assumption of the Virgin August 15 - Leo tropically, Virgo sidereally)

GAWP- 271 - John the Baptist - prior to 2nd degree of the threshold (4th?); waxing/waning analogy of soul with Moon and Gemini - see EA for more on Moon/Gemini.

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle

TEV- 2 - etheric body function - to receive energy impulses (from planets and signs)

TEV- 23 - heart - symbol of the Sun

TEV- 25 - force of love - negative quality - attracts needed material and clothes idea. Love is key to successful telepathic work (ray 2)

TEV- 42-3 - Shamballa - impressed from Sirius, or one or other constellations which are at any time astrologically en rapport with planet, by members of Great Council

TEV- 43 - Shamballa impressed from triangle of energy from two circulating planets with our planet - form a triangle in any particular cycle. Three Buddhas of activity receive impression for distributing to Hierarchy.

- Shamballa impressed from Venus - Earth's alter ego, via Lord of the World and any three of His council.

TEV- 44 - Hierarchy impressed by certain great lives - according to cyclic rhythms at full Moons - Wesak - Buddha sends impressions to Hierarchy

TEV- 48 - science of impression if studied, will greatly facilitate presentation of ideals that must condition Aquarian age - will eventually produce next culture and civilisation.

TEV- 52 - three aspects of Supreme Science of Contact:

1) Science of Impression - Shamballa - abstract mind - Will - triad

2) Science of Invocation/Evocation - Hierarchy - lower mind - love - soul

3) Science of Telepathy - Humanity - head centre - intelligence - personality

TEV- 66 - Supreme Science of Contact governs all reactions to impact (hence astrological)

TEV- 68 - Shamballa impression because SK in touch with other planetary Logoi.

TEV- 77 - ray 2 - world scriptures - emanate from another department of the ray 2 teaching faculty. 23rd Psalm, the Prophets, Isiah - Master to disciple communications.

TEV- 81 - Time - events, opportunities - past, present and future.

TEV- 81 - dynamic impression from Shamballa - in great cycles, cyclic waves; impulsed from extraplanetary sources; moves outwards along the 7 rays.

TEV- 89 - ray and age of soul determines transition period to higher telepathy. Ray 6 very slow. Rays 1 & 2 relatively quick. Ray 3 slow - lost in threads of glamorous manipulations and devious thinking.

TEV- 92 - ray 2 love wisdom; 3 rays of aspect; 4 rays of attribute; power to use ray energies to attract and impress constantly expanding revelation, is the clue to all work going forward.

TEV- 103-4 - cross of humanity - horizontal and vertical impression

TEV- 109 - third aspect - interpretation of contact; 2nd aspect makes impression possible

TEV- 114 - planetary etheric body - medium through which impressions must pass (zodiac?)

TEV- 118 - ajna will remain for several centuries the agent of directed impression and not the objective of those impressions (Mercury decan of Aquarius?)

TEV- 121 - seven great energies flow into the world along the lines of the seven paths - these are NOT the direct energies of the seven rays (they are consciousness). They are "substantial energies of material expression" - their origin is a great mystery (7 stars of the Pleiades? - karma of one star with this Planetary Logos). The two energies constitute the dualism of our manifested life.

TEV- 124 - etheric body of our Planetary Logos (zodiac?)

TEV- 124 - inter and extra planetary relations

TEV- 125 - extra planetary relations - recognised in Shamballa

TEV- 130 - attractive solar energy - love - responsible for all relationships

TEV- 131 - dynamic electric energy came to planet from extra planetary sources on cosmic mental. Paralleled by secondary energy from Sirius - accounting for dualism of manifestation

TEV- 132 - heart centre - Hierarchy; Shamballa/Hierarchy - arrival of Lords of Flame from Venus. Hierarchy of that time were advanced humanity - 49 of them - not souls awaiting incarnation.

TEV- 135 - centres as transmitters of 7 ray energies. Head ray 1, Heart ray 2, Throat ray 3 - Shamballa, Hierarchy, Humanity

TEV- 135 - Shamballa is primarily ray 2 as it is ray of solar system. Ray 1 focussed in the heart (Hierarchy) because heart is centre of life (look at correspondence in human being). Humanity ray 3 - via head and heart.

TEV- 136 - all centres come under influence of rays

TEV- 136 - not possible to say which centre expresses which ray - constant movement and activity

TEV- 136 - base chakra - ray 1

TEV- 136 - at end of world cycle we will know which centres/which rays

TEV- 136 - rays of attribute shift and change constantly. Humanity as throat centre is under constant influence of the 7th ray, as is the solar plexus centre of planet. (Jewish force - see EOH 89)

TEV- 136-7 - two ray energies control at throat (Humanity) at this time:

- average integrated person - ray 3; aspirants/disciples up to 3rd initiation -7th ray especially as ray 7 is in incarnation

TEV- 142 - etheric body underlies solar system and planets - conditioned continuously by dominant solar and planetary energies which are ceaselessly changing

TEV- 142-3 - "The etheric body is composed of interlocking and circulating lines of force emanating from one or other, or from one or many, of the seven planes or areas of consciousness of our planetary life.

"These lines of energy and this closely interlocking system of streams of force are related to seven focal points or centres to be found within the etheric body. These centres are related to certain types of incoming energy."

(The above quotes seem to hint at the Science of Triangles - 7 centres x 3 points of triangles within each.)

TEV- 144 - all lesser centres are conditioned by 7 main centres - here knowledge of egoic/personality rays is very useful.

TEV- 146 - seven centres have appeared in response to the seven rays' potent impact - developed into responsive distributing centres.

TEV- 152 - physical body triple: etheric (1st aspect), nadis (2nd aspect), physical (3rd aspect)

TEV- 160 - ray of monad - one of three major rays conditions disciple's absorption into Hierarchical departments - i.e. ray 1 soul to M, ray 2 to DK, ray 3 to ashram under Lord of Civilisation

TEV- 160-1 - all souls incarnate on rays of attribute - 4,5,6,7 - find their way to the rays of aspect. Change of rays comes when etheric body has measure of buddhic substance. Basic for all rays - because 3 rays become 2 rays, then onto ray 2.

TEV- 161 - rays are 7 emanations from "seven spirits before the throne of God"; emanations come from monadic level - 2nd cosmic etheric.

TEV- 161 - seven rays are in their totality - the etheric body of the Planetary Logos.

TEV- 164 - three major rays of aspect in first triangle formed by SK; 4 rays of attribute form own triangles - yet are responsible for the "squares" of etheric body of planet.

TEV- 168 - direct relation between four aspects of karma and 4 ethers -will constitute basis of new occult science (4 Lords of Karma - Saturn, Pluto?, Mercury? Venus? - Saturn may rule 3rd subplane - humanity 3rd centre - hence Saturn's prominence today. Mercury 4th subplane, Venus 2nd subplane, Pluto 1st)

TEV- 170 - seven subrays of monadic ray made manifest through 7 centres

TEV- 170-1 - petals of centres are indicative of state of consciousness - unfoldment and development conditioned by rays, age of soul's expression; brightness conditioned by life's particular focus.

TEV- 173 - aura is indicative of one's centres - study can indicate: 1) development of centres and whether above/below diaphragm 2) nature of controlling rays

TEV- 175 - central triangle of energies in chakra - indicate the 3 rays that condition the "periodical vehicles" - monad soul personality. Only to Master is it apparent which is the controlling ray of the 3 periodical vehicles

TEV- 178 - cosmic etheric (space) is field of untold energies; basis of all astrological computations; the playground of all historical cycles - cosmic, systemic, planetary - related to constellations, Suns, distant stars, numerous universes, our solar system and its planets. (see 180)

TEV- 179 - constellations, stars, solar system, planets - Entity Space.

TEV- 180 - magnetic interplay between centres of energy is basis of all astronomical relationships between universes, solar systems and planets: " Bear in mind, however, that it is the CONSCIOUSNESS aspect which renders the form magnetic, receptive, repudiating and transmitting; this consciousness differs according to the nature of the entity which informs or works through a centre, great or small… the life which pours through all centres and which animates the whole of space is the life of an Entity; it is therefore, the same life in all forms, limited in time and space by the intention, the wish, the form and the quality of the indwelling consciousness; the types of consciousness are many and diverse, yet one life remains ever the same and indivisible, for it is the ONE life." (see 178)

TEV- 180-1 - "a form is a centre of life within some aspect of the Entity, Space, where a living, animated existence, such as that of a planet, is concerned. This centre has within it a point of life and is related to all surrounding energies; it has its own sphere of radiation or influence which is dependant on the nature or strength of its consciousness and upon the dynamic conditioning factor of the ensouling entity's thought life. These are points worthy of your most careful consideration. Finally, every centre has its central triangle of energies ….expressing form, consciousness and life - which holds form and consciousness together…Life conditions the radiation of the form, its responsiveness or lack to environing energies and the general nature of the informing life, plus its creative ability….Much that I have given you here will serve to elucidate that which I have written upon in esoteric astrology. It will give you the key to that science of relationships which is essentially the key to astrology and Laya Yoga."

TEV- 181 - all DK has given can be applied to the solar system/planet

TEV- 182 - planet is a centre within the solar system; Planetary Logos ensouling the life of Earth.

TEV- 183 - our planet is a great lotus located within the 12 petal lotus of the solar system. Lotus of the Earth responsive to many energies as outlined in EA

TEV- 183 - SK works through triangle of lesser centres brought into expression by three major rays

TEV- 183-4 - ray 1 formed Shamballa; ray 2 Hierarchy, ray 3 Humanity

TEV- 187 - each year (Wesak/Taurus) - Buddha carries SK energies to Hierarchy

TEV- 187-8 - Ray 1 - destroyer of forms - Shamballa

TEV- 194 - Hierarchy consists of 7 ray ashrams - definition of an ashram

Education in the New Age

ENA- 3 - Piscean Age - sensed ideal (Virgo polarity - detail); Pisces method - militancy, ideals, separativeness

ENA- 4 - Aquarian age - education

ENA- 10 - children studied astrologically/ray-wise

ENA- 11-12 - sequence of growth - zodiacal signs? 1 - Aries (hear/see) 2 - Taurus (possession,

acquisitiveness) 3 - Gemini (instinct, human tendencies) 4 - Cancer (environment - home) 5 - Leo (knowledge) 6 - Virgo (intellectual study, love of reading, listening; physical, emotional, mental - triple Virgo glyph) 7 - Libra (economic, sex pressure) 8 - Sagittarius (pure intellectual awareness, creation of thoughtforms, expansions of consciousness); all taken from keywords in text on pp.11-12

ENA- 13 - healing ray (2) - learn by teaching

ENA- 13-14 - children up to 14 emotionally focussed; after 14 - mental response

ENA- 16 - man reads his destiny in the heavens

ENA- 17-18 - first aspect - activity in field of art

ENA- 18 - 3rd aspect of soul - K petals - two, plus two L petals = genius

ENA- 18-19 - life aspect/heart/blood; consciousness aspect/brain/nervous system

ENA- 19-23 - seven aspects/rays: 1 - will - conscious spiritual purpose; 2 - love - consciousness of whole; 3 - active intelligence - right use of the mind, creative ideas; 4 - harmony - dissatisfaction leading to progress; 5 - building thoughtforms, materialising visions; 6 - devotion grows out of, and is fruit of dissatisfaction (4); 7 - order - imposition of established rhythm - directed purpose and ritual

ENA- 25-7 - seven types of energy qualifying all forms - subdivided into 49

ENA- 25 - fifth year of child’s life - process of questions for child

ENA- 25 - determination of controlling rays early in life

ENA- 27-8 - conscious sentient response (Pisces) - discriminating consciousness of mind (Virgo)

ENA- 37 - new culture distinguishing Aquarian age

ENA- 37 - rays - 7 types of energy

ENA- 40 - children - Atlantean in consciousness - analogous to pre-natal stage

ENA- 49 - objective of educators in Aquarian age

ENA- 51 - gauging of ability - based on ray types/ new form of astrology

ENA- 65 - nature of one’s governing rays

ENA- 67 - third aspect - esotericism uses forces of

ENA- 70 - science of the 7 rays - light on racial, individual types - 2 major rays, 3 minor

ENA- 70-1 - recognition of the facts of astrologers - exact birth moment - first breath/first cry

ENA- 71 - horoscope and ray chart - analysed every 7 years

ENA- 72 - true understanding of 7 ray types/astrology

ENA- 73 - moment of birth of child - start of careful analysis (soul presence at birth?)

ENA- 75 - eleven years onward - education from

ENA- 78 - character tendencies based upon ray/astrological forces

ENA- 80 - under 16 years old - education emphasis

ENA- 94-5 - Aquarian Age

ENA- 99 - teaching of Aquarian Age

ENA- 104 - Pisces age passing - youth brought up

ENA- 112 - first aspect - work of destroyer, death; DK on ray of love

ENA- 113 - good beautiful and true - writers, artists, architects, poets

ENA- 121 - Pisces Age - material production, commercial expansion, salesmanship (Gemini/Virgo arms of Pisces mutable cross)

ENA- 122 - Pisces idealist; Aquarius materialises ideals (in group activity); Aquarian man will use mind in its dual activity

ENA- 123 - trend to idealism/inclusiveness - trend to love wisdom

ENA- 125 - ideas of 7 rays are recognised - growth of psychological understanding - hence nations/religions will arrive will arrive at mutual understanding

ENA- 129 - love aspect, sense of protection

ENA- 131 - Aquarian Age - civilisation of light and love

ENA- 144 - light body (etheric) conditioned by ray type in its three aspects

ENA- 148 - power/love - incoming/outgoing energies

Externalisation of the Hierarchy

EOH- 3 - ages - Pisces, Aquarius

EOH- 4 - (Aquarius) WW2 ushers in age of brotherhood

EOH- 5 - astrological relationships - constellations releasing new types of tone

EOH- 28-9 - Plato, Aristotle, Socrates (age of Aries - ideas)

EOH- 39 - major eclipses of Moon/Sun

EOH- 62 - new age upon us (Aquarius)

EOH- 70 - Pisces/Aquarius ages

EOH- 83 - materialism/gold (Taurus influence as it rules humanity)

EOH- 88 - present world cycle Pisces into Aquarius - Aquarian culture

EOH- 93 - Sun, central spiritual; heart of Sun

EOH- 93 - Aquarian/ Pisces forces

EOH- 94 - rays, 7 - groups - 9 seed groups

EOH- 96 - points of crisis/cycles of tension

EOH- 110 - age of Pisces - Christian era

EOH- 112-3 - personality cycle (see DON)

EOH- 116 - death of personality for humanity - coming in of soul (2nd initiation)

EOH- 116 - four Lords of Karma

EOH- 155 - lord of world works with time/seasons

EOH- 155-6 - Jupiter, cosmic forces thru Virgo (mother of Christ child) and Aquarius (group consciousness); Jupiter rules Sagittarius, sign of discipleship, and Pisces (world saviours)

EOH- 156 - solar - few members of hierarchy conscious of extra solar influences

EOH- 158 - 7 sacred planets - spirits

EOH- 162 - (Pisces/Pluto) - love, world salvage

EOH- 166 - (ray 6/Neptune) - sacrifice /devotion - 2 outstanding qualities of Shamballa lives

EOH- 168 - Pisces age - result of final stage will be fusion of soul/body (2nd initiation?)

- Aquarian age will continue only more consciously

EOH- 212 - clear thinking (Aries), wise speech (Taurus), skill in action (Gemini)

EOH- 222 - prophecy/astrology indicate a coming one

EOH- 225 - Taurus/Gemini - full Moons

EOH- 225 - Aquarius - age of brotherhood

EOH- 226 - May/June full Moons - 4 meditation times - Sunrise, midday, 5pm, Sunset

EOH- 230 - new age (of Aquarius) ushered in

EOH- 269 - ‘lamb slain from the foundations of the world’ - profound astrological truth of great round of zodiac of approx. 25,000 years in which Sun passes through 12 signs of zodiac - period started in Aries (2,000 BC?- start of greater 25,000 year cycle)

EOH- 269 - greater world cycle started in Sagittarius - in orient - depicted as archer on horse in latter part of cycle; as half man/half horse in early part of cycle (see Cycles) (see EA64)

EOH- 278 - (Pluto) - power, mental unfoldment

EOH- 287 - Buddha messenger of gods - (Mercury - buddhi - ray 4 - 4th path to Sirius)

EOH- 294 - disciple - dweller; lives where disciple swings between poles

EOH- 298 - ray 7 complete manifestation next century - Pisces influence gone

EOH- 334-5 - ray one workers in NGWS to integrate with ray 2 workers

EOH- 347 - Wesak (Taurus full Moon) most important moment of year

EOH- 349-50 - Wesak 1942 to Gemini full Moon: Buddha/Christ - see DON; Taurus/Gemini Moons form one complete cycle of the work; esotericists, spiritually minded to work in full cooperation with Buddha

EOH- 359 - ancient symbol: point within circle

EOH- 360 - merging of light/love; Taurus/Gemini - hint as to purpose of Gemini full Moon

EOH- 368 - Gandhi unrealistic pacifism; possible civil war in India

EOH- 402 - two spiritual periods of year: Sun going north (spirit), south (matter);

- two phases of Moon: waxing/waning

EOH- 416 - starry heavens/solar system/planetary spheres - interrelation

EOH- 419 - Earth’s relation to other planets in solar system;

- zodiacal constellations “still greater circle of spiritual influences”; biblical astrology quotes -Sisera, Pleiades;

- church festivals fixed by Moon or constellations to lesser degree

EOH- 420 - same holy days will be kept by all religions in future

EOH- 420 - Easter first full Moon of spring

EOH- 421 - full Moons Wesak, June

EOH- 421 - other full Moons - lesser festivals, constellations

EOH- 422 - constellations - Capricorn - 1st initiation - birth of Christ in cave of heart

EOH- 422 - Taurus - will of god; Aries - love of god; Gemini - divine intelligence

- 9 full Moons - divine characteristics and their development in mankind

- 12 festivals constitute revelation of divinity

EOH- 439 - (Pluto/ray 1) - Shamballa power destroying old forms

EOH- 440-1 - seven great results/7 subrays of ray one: 1-power, 2-will to love, 3-will to action, 4-will to cooperate, 5-will to know, 6-will to persist, 7-will to organise.

EOH- 445 - March April may full Moons 1945 -see DON

EOH- 446 - ray 1 activity 1945 empowering ray 1 ashrams

EOH- 459 - visionary dreamers - ray 6

EOH- 482 - Aries full Moon - restoration; Taurus full Moon - enlightenment; Gemini full Moon - reconstruction

EOH- 492 - astronomy discoveries

EOH- 492 - rays - 3rd, 5th & 7th - masters

EOH- 508 - rays, 4 - dominant at any one period - with one strongest

EOH- 527 - rays, 7 - 7 subrays; 7 x 7 ashrams

EOH- 527 - rays - 2nd, 1st - align/adjust ashrams

EOH- 536 - (ray 1) destroyer; esoteric cause of war; brought opposing forces to surface(Pluto in Leo)

EOH- 542 - ray 1 - Easter/Wesak both related to aspects of - (Vulcan soul ruler Taurus; ray 1 comes through Aries)

EOH- 548 - ray 1 -ashram; ray 5 group

EOH- 553 - ray 1 disciple overshadowed at Wesak; ray 2 disciple at Gemini full Moon

EOH- 564 - rays, 7 - 7 ashrams

EOH- 565 - ray 1 destroyer; ray 2 builder - law of balance (is there a connection here between Uranus as soul ruler of Libra, and Uranus possibly being Jupiter’s monadic ray?)

EOH- 581 - rays 7 & 6 disciples

EOH- 620 - body consciousness dominates life - particularly women around 50th year (Chiron return)

EOH- 621 - gunas

EOH- 644 - ray 2

EOH- 644-7 - ray energies from June full Moon - 1, 2, 3, 7

EOH- 645 - rays 1 and 3

EOH- 646 – rays 3 and 7

EOH- 655-9 - rays - Sun - symbol of constant stimulation by hierarchy; 7 types of energy (rays) - 5 in full use

EOH- 655 - energy of prana (ray 7); energy of emotions (ray 6); energy of mental plane (ray 5)

EOH- 656 - energy of humanity (ray 4)

EOH- 657 - energy of 2nd aspect (ray 2, ray 4); ray 4

EOH- 658 - energy of first divine aspect (ray 1)

EOH- 659 - energy which can only be applied very much later...middle of Aquarian age (ray 4 Mercury rules middle decanate)

EOH- 666 - gold symbol of 3rd ray (see EA and Taurus’ association with gold - hence 3rd ray connection with Taurus; Moon exalted, Venus ruler on 3rd ray line etc)

EOH- 667 - ray 7 - order producing, rhythm

EOH- 668 - ray 7 balance/noble middle way (Uranus es. ruler Libra); ray 7 now coming into activity (greater ray 7 cycle? lesser ray 7 cycle last century)

EOH- 669 - ray 1 - will to good; goodwill aspect of 1st ray

EOH- 669 - goodwill work (ray 2) being galvanised into violent activity by ray 1

EOH- 685 - HPB gave background of plan under ray 1 impulse; AAB gave detailed structure (ray 2)

EOH- 688 - Sirius - true great white lodge; black lodge - cosmic evil

Esoteric Psychology Volume 1

EP I- 3 - rays, study of - cycles, times

EP I- 23 - rays, 7 lords; 7 rishis Great Bear

EP I- 23 - (Vulcan) - ‘planet for which Sun is regarded as esoteric substitute’ - ray 1 lord

EP I- 23 - Jupiter - vehicle ray 2 lord

EP I- 23 - Saturn - vehicle of ray 3 lord

EP I- 24 - Earth - not sacred planet nor body of manifestation for rays

EP I- 24 - ray 4 lord - resumes activity 600 years hence (Mercury ruled decanate of Aquarius); next century will see reawakening of arts

EP I- 25 - ray 6 - debate as to whether ray lord expresses through Mars

EP I- 26 - rays - lesser cycles within Pisces cycle (see cycles section)

EP I- 49 - Venus/Sun? - morning stars; ray 4 keywords quite Venusian - beauty, art, harmony

EP I- 54 - soul is an aspect of body; etheric body is the ‘subtle coherent soul’ - ruled by Moon - see EH, EA508 - houses/Moon;- (relates to rising sign describing physical appearance and being highest soul potential - also relates to the ‘Trutine of Hermes’ used for rectification of birth time - ascendant at birth is Moon position at conception and vice versa)

EP I- 58 - astrology, entire basis - sensory response to environment

EP I- 62 - rays, lords - planets expressed through

EP I- 63-89 - rays, 7 (in detail) - purposes of deity

EP I- 71 - Aquarius - Saturn disruption of first decanate - ray 4 lord will offset in less than 100 years

EP I- 73-4 - rays 2,3,5,7 - masters embodying - before end of century

EP I- 81 - constellations - raven, dove; Pisces - fish?

EP I- 88-9 - ray relationships

EP I- 103 - Aquarius - 2nd decanate (Mercury; do decanates set structure for ray cycles? - e.g. Mercury ruling 2nd decanate Aquarius and ray 4 cycle strong in 600 years)

EP I- 123-4 - rays, 4 (in incarnation: 2,3,5,7) - 4 types of human; 4 castes of India (priest, king, merchant, labourer)

EP I- 127-8 - rays, colours

EP I- 133 - rays, senses

EP I- 134 - ray 4 - Jewish race connection

EP I- 142 - rays, seven sacred planets

EP I- 142 - (ray) - soul nature/quality same throughout world period (which cycle?)

EP I- 142 - ray, (personality) - form life and nature - determined by rays in incarnation at time, cyclic need and group conditions

EP I- 152 - constellation and solar system - clear distinction

EP I- 153 - constellations, relation to solar system - basis of astrological research

EP I- 153 - Gemini, constellation - waxing/waning

EP I- 153 - rays, 7 - under astrological control of 12 constellations on 25,000 year cycle/12 month cycle (do constellations constitute ‘dweller’ for rays?)

EP I- 155 - numbers - 7 ray lives plus 12 CH plus 3 major aspects of deity = 22 mystic number - number of adept

EP I- 169 - birth moment - fixed in accordance with karmic necessities

EP I- 169 - planetary ray, influence of; influence of planet is really influence of hierarchy ruling over planet

EP I- 201-12 - ray descriptions (many astrological keywords which relate to ray energy coming through signs)

EP I- 215 - kingdoms, 7

EP I- 216 - rays and kingdoms (see tabulation at end)

EP I- 217 - rays, three - expression by vegetable kingdom

EP I- 225 - Aquarian influences - stability of 7th ray

EP I- 230 - Taurus - astrological governor of mineral kingdom (Vulcan soul ruler)

EP I- 231 - glamours of group leaders

EP I- 240 - Pisces age, end of - ray 6 influence

EP I- 243 - ray 2 influence in mineral kingdom - next subrace (6th)

EP I- 243-4 - disciples/initiates - marked (psychological) stages in development - indicate place upon the path;

EP I- 245-6 - planets and kingdoms;(see EA 70-1 - analogous to initiations/planets)

EP I- 246 - Saturn, Mars rule vegetable kingdom esoterically

EP I- 251-2 - (Cancer Leo Aquarius - Neptune common denominator) - emergence from herd to group - see EA

EP I- 258 - Moon (chain) - aspiration (relates to 6th CH ‘lunar lords’- Sagittarius - ruled by Earth esoterically which has Moon as satellite)

EP I- 258 - ray, major - manifestation - merged with ‘aspiration’ creating new being

EP I- 260 - rays/animals - ray one - elephants; ray 2 - dogs; ray 3 - cat; ray 6 - horse

EP I- 260-1 - ray determining soul through response to master

EP I- 261 - rays, centres - aspirant

EP I- 261 - astrologically understood - new cycle

EP I- 263 - rays/races - see DON

EP I- 264 - ray 3 - death (Saturn/reaper); rays 3 & 5 - lords of

EP I- 265-6 - rays/cycles - see cycles refs. see 316-9 and DON refs.

EP I- 266 - ray activity/cycles - true significance of law of rebirth

EP I- 280 - Aquarian age - coming of

EP I- 292 - Aquarius - Saturn ruling 1st decanate - choice; Mercury 2nd - fusion of soul/personality, spiritual illumination; Venus 3rd - brotherhood, intelligent love; (700 years/decan?)

EP I- 294 - rays, horoscope etc. - emphasis in future in determining man’s life purpose

EP I- 298 - generations, coming three (1935, 1945, 1955) (look at ray cycles to determine soul groups)

EP I- 313 - (Taurus) - man.. task of raising matter into heaven… glorifying rightly the form side.

EP I- 313 - Aquarian age - coming glory

EP I- 314-5 - (initiation - 1st) - birth of Christ, 2nd birth

EP I- 315 - rays, study - vies with astrology

EP I- 320-1 - rays 1,4,5 - mental body; rays 2,6 - astral body; rays 3,7 physical

EP I- 321 - ray, soul - on one of 7 rays or groups (subrays)

EP I- 321 - rays 3, 5 - govern major cycles of individual because they govern humanity as a whole

EP I- 321 - ray 4 - intuition; ray 5 - intellect

EP I- 325 - rays, zodiac - masters learning to adapt

EP I- 329 - rays, 7 - main types of humanity (see DON); 12 astrological groups

EP I- 329-30 - psychological division of humanity - racial, 12 astrological groups

grades of human beings; see DON too

EP I- 331 - Aquarian age - new psychology (of rays) will work out to fruitfulness

- Piscean age - electrical science basic achievement

EP I- 332 - rays - personality/soul - integrated personality

EP I- 332 - rays and astrological influences - what are differences?

- astrological effects due to apparent progress of Sun - 25,000 years/12 months

- ray forces from 7 constellations of OAWNMBS - not from 12 constellations of zodiac; our solar system one of 7 constellations

EP I- 333-407 - rays which determine every individual’s problem:

1 - ray of solar system

2 - ray of our Planetary Logos

3 - ray of human kingdom

4 - ray of Aryan race (racial ray)

5 - rays governing any particular cycle

6 - ray of a nation, or particular ray influencing a nation

7 - ray of the soul

8 - ray of the personality

9 - rays for mental astral physical

EP I- 334 - ray 2 dual - combining two great cosmic principles and energies;

- governs ‘personality’ of solar Logos - personality/soul rays; determines quality/purpose - (2/1 - monadic ray 1st?)

EP I- 335 - planets, 7 sacred - express 7 rays; every planet expresses two ray forces - soul/pers.

- 2 rays are in esoteric conflict in each planet

EP I- 335 - rays/planets - sacred/non-sacred - but does not say whether soul/personality ray of the particular Planetary Logos.

Tabulation deals with major ray cycles (racial?) and not minor.

(is order of tabulation a clue?)

|Sacred | |Non-Sacred | |

| | | | |

|Vulcan |Ray 1 |Mars |Ray 6 |

|Mercury |Ray 4 |Earth |Ray 3 |

|Venus |Ray 5 |Pluto |Ray 1 |

|Jupiter |Ray 2 |Moon (veiling hidden planet) |Ray 4 |

|Saturn |Ray 3 |Sun (veiling hidden planet) |Ray 2 |

|Neptune |Ray 6 | | |

|Uranus |Ray 7 | | |

EP I- 335 - planets, sacred/non-sacred - secret of certain major initiation

EP I- 336 - planets - totality of 12 planetary manifestations

EP I- 336 - planets - non-sacred/sacred associations through rays - new field of investigation for astrologers

EP I- 337-8 - ray, personality - of Planetary Logos - ray 3 - ‘selective adaptability’/active intelligence

- ray 3 personality of Planetary Logos clue to distress/pain in world (Moon chain karma - 3rd aspect etc)

EP I- 338 - ray, cosmic - Planetary Logos conditioned by - but not by egoic; why Earth is not one of 7 sacred planets

EP I- 338 - ray 3 dominates man at this time

EP I- 339 - ray, personality - of human makes response to Planetary Logos’ integrated personality ray

EP I- 339 - rays - 2 major - ray 2 solar system, ray 3 of Planetary Logos

340 - ‘revolution’ - complete turning around (Libra is reorientation/reversal and the turning of the wheel); ‘experimental ideas’ (also Libran/Uranian)

EP I- 340 - rays, vibrations - can all be reduced to formulas and symbols

EP I- 341 - ray influences - govern/express themselves through forms/environment - interplay of 2 rays of solar system/planet

EP I- 341 - (Pluto in Cancer) - 1914-18 war - smashed glamorous material security/destroyed instinctual/sensual selfishness

EP I- 342 - discipleship, path of - mankind on verge of liberation which will lead there- liberation from free choice (Saturn in relation to Libra prominent in planetary horoscope as well as Saturn ruling first decanate of Aquarius)

EP I- 343 - ray 4 governs human kingdom (soul) and 5th ray is personality - major influences which sweep through humanity as a whole

EP I- 344 - ray 4 tends ever toward beauty/harmony

EP I- 346 - numbers - 4,5,6,9,11,24,29.

EP I- 346 - ray 4 - humanity

EP I- 347 - ray 5 - personality ray of humanity

EP I- 347 - ray lords 4,5 - close interplay (Venus/Mercury manas/buddhi in human; divine hermaphrodite is humanity’s eventual fusion or soul/pers. integration)

EP I- 347 - rays, controlling - point in evolution more accurately realised

EP I- 348 - rays - 3 occultly quiescent, 4 rays in varying degrees of activity

EP I- 348 - rays 1,4,6 out of manifestation

EP I- 348-9 - ray 3 just beginning to wane - effect of crystallising nature (Saturn ruler 3rd) - dogmatic, sectarian and theological attitudes

EP I- 350 - ray one out of manifestation - functioning entirely behind scenes (Pluto expression?)

- ray 1 potency dominates when the stage of accepted discipleship is reached - increases in power as path is progressed (Scorpio/Pluto?)

EP I- 350-1 - ray 1 - increasing group of those who can function - united responsiveness will constitute a channel (ashram externalised)

EP I- 351 - rays -right understanding of responsiveness of humanity to rays - recognise law in nature to do with Manu

EP I- 351 - ray 6 governs path of probation - nourishes fires of idealism of aspirant (Virgo/sag? - mutable cross)

EP I- 351 - ray 2 governs path of discipleship - transmutes knowledge into wisdom (fixed cross)

EP I- 351 - ray 1 governs path of initiation - detachment, destruction, dynamic will

EP I- 351 - rays - of aspect/attribute - ‘elder three’ - father - 1,2,3; ‘younger four’ - mother

- rays of aspect- longer cycles than rays of attribute; occultly slow, cumulative, momentum increases

- rays of attribute - steady heartbeat/regular rhythm in solar system

EP I- 352 - major rays - great racial development; minor rays - psychic sensitivity; series of incarnations on ray cycles

EP I- 352 - rays of aspect - will/purpose; rays of attribute - quality/character - of incarnating Logos

EP I- 352 - rays of aspect - symbolically - egoic aspect solar Logos; rays of attribute personality

EP I- 353 - rays of aspect - produce primarily the unfolding of the Plan

- rays of attribute produce the unfolding of the qualities of deity

EP I- 354 - path of discipleship - requirements steadily increasing in difficulty

EP I- 354 - path of probation - ‘outer court’ and ‘the path of discipleship’ by Annie Besant - path of discipleship - ‘treatise on white magic’

EP I- 355 - ray 5 - ray of quality (2nd ray association) - acquisition of knowledge (Taurus ruled by Venus is about the acquisition of knowledge)

EP I- 356 -ray 5 - intellect rapidly awakening

EP I- 357-63 - rays in cyclic manifestation (see cycles refs)

EP I- 358 - rays 6,7 functioning simultaneously - following in regular numerical sequence - such periods rare/long intervals - come at peculiarly significant period of divine activity- 7th coming in, 6th passing out; ray 7 will bring into manifestation the idealism of 6th

EP I- 358 - ray 6 mystics of orient/occident (Piscean age)

EP I- 358 - ray 6 - ideal, service, sacrifice, mystical vision

EP I- 358 - ray 7 - magician - white/black magic

EP I- 359-63 –

|Ray 6 |Ray 7 |

| | |

|fostered vision |materialises vision |

|mystic was highest aspirant |magician |

|separations, nationalism, sectarianism, selective, |fusion and synthesis, blends spirit/matter |

|divisive mind | |

|bands of disciples not in close relation - dissension |groups of initiates working in close unison |

|sense of duality - academic materialistic psychologists|higher unity personality, soul/pers. |

|modern electricity |electrical phenomena producing coordination of forms |

|knowledge of light/electricity; astral light; |will change theories to facts; illumination in all fields |

|illumination; astro-physics/astronomical | |

|sacrifice/crucifixion; philanthropy, being kind |group service and sacrifice; divine service, individual |

| |sacrifice within group; brotherhood |

|individualism (Leo veils Neptune esoterically, ruler of|group spirit, rhythm of group, objectives, ritual workings |

|6th) - groups of individuals gathered around an | |

|individual | |

|historical Christ, Christian faith, son of love; |cosmic Christ, religion of light |

|militancy, separativeness, narrow idealism | |

|idealistic religions - necessary narrowness needed to |developed souls released to inaugurate scientific |

|guide infant souls |understanding of divine purpose - will foster religious |

| |synthesis |

|separative instincts, dogmatic religion, scientific |recognition of wider issues - new world religion - unity but|

|factual accuracy (Virgo polarity of Pisces), doctrinal |not uniformity; internationalism, brotherhood |

|schools, cult of patriotism | |

ray 6 fostered vision; ray 7 materialises vision

- ray 6 mystic was highest aspirant; ray 7 magician

- ray 6 separations, nationalism, sectarianism, selective, divisive mind; ray 7

- fusion and synthesis, blends spirit/matter

- ray 6 bands of disciples not in close relation - dissension; ray 7 groups of initiates working in close unison

- ray 6 sense of duality - academic materialistic psychologists; ray 7 higher unity personality, soul/pers.

- ray 6 modern electricity; ray 7 electrical phenomena producing coordination of forms

- ray 6 knowledge of light/electricity; astral light; illumination; astro-physics/astronomical; ray 7 will change theories to facts; illumination in all fields

- ray 6 sacrifice/crucifixion; philanthropy, being kind; ray 7 group service and sacrifice; divine service, individual sacrifice within group; brotherhood

- ray 6 individualism (Leo veils Neptune esoterically, ruler of 6th) - groups of individuals gathered around an individual; ray 7 group spirit, rhythm of group, objectives, ritual workings

- ray 6 historical Christ, Christian faith, son of love; militancy, separativeness, narrow idealism; ray 7 cosmic Christ, religion of light;

- ray 6 idealistic religions - necessary narrowness needed to guide infant souls; - ray 7 developed souls released to inaugurate scientific understanding of divine purpose - will foster religious synthesis

- ray 6 separative instincts, dogmatic religion, scientific factual accuracy (Virgo polarity of Pisces), doctrinal schools, cult of patriotism; ray 7 recognition of wider issues - new world religion - unity but not uniformity; internationalism, brotherhood

EP I- 363 - ray 7 - ritual/service

EP I- 364 - Aquarian age will reveal that man is polarised on astral plane - rituals (baptism initiation?)

EP I- 364 - ray 6 produced modern psychology - ray 7 will carry it to maturity

EP I- 364-5 - ray 7 import - ‘treatise on white magic’ by DK

EP I- 365 - ray 7 - rhythm really designates ritual - (many examples)

EP I- 365 - rays, 7 - pass in and out under ritualistic impulse

EP I- 366 - ray 7 - anthills, beehives - instinctive rituals

EP I- 366 - ray 7 - esoteric psychology - rituals/rhythms of lower vehicles

EP I- 366 - ray 6 - separativeness, individualism - prepared way for ray 7

EP I- 367 - stars - nothing can prevent what they decree in new coming era

EP I- 368-9 - ray 6 - Masonic fraternity - sectarian, materialistic influence; ray 7 will change

EP I- 369 - ray 7 - magical work blending spirit/matter

EP I- 369 - ray 7 - mineral kingdom - radioactivity - radium - radiations cyclic in appearance

EP I- 370 - ray 7 influence will help discovery of new cosmic rays - use substance of incoming ray energy (look at Millikan’s study of Cosmic Rays)

EP I- 370 - rays, cosmic - aspects of planetary kundalini

EP I- 371 - ray 7 - opportunity for some animals to individualise

EP I- 371 - ray 7 - refining of physical bodies

EP I- 372 - ray 7 - response of lowest to highest kingdom; response of solar system to ray 7

EP I- 372-3 - ray 7 - grand geometrician works thru - masons/cathedrals - glory mineral world and master builders

EP I- 373 - solar system is Temple of God

EP I- 373-4 - ray 7 - electricity - electrotherapeutics 1935-1985 - fuller measure in Aquarian age

EP I- 374 - rays, coloured - for vitality

EP I- 375-9 - rays - laws - lines of demarcation; 1 - law of synthesis; 2 - law of attraction; 3 - law of economy

EP I- 391 - every ray produces 3 major patterns

EP I- 401 - ray of soul on all 7 rays

EP I- 402 - rays, souls on 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th must eventually, after 3rd initiation, blend with the 3 major rays, or monadic rays

EP I- 402 - ray of monad always 1,2, or 3

EP I- 402 - rays dominating sequentially through life: physical ray, emotional ray, mental ray, soul ray;

EP I- 402 - ray, personality - effect of general integration is to produce incarnation(s) where personality ray emerges clearly - 3 body rays subordinate to it

EP I- 402 - rays, soul/personality - great fight

EP I- 402-3 - discipleship, path of - kurukshetra of battle soul/personality

EP I- 403 - ray, soul - eventually dominates; lower body rays become subrays of controlling ray - true soul/personality ray relation; (as in solar system, so below)

EP I- 403 - souls, 7 groups - responsive to 3rd ray of Planetary Logos - all are upon subray of 3rd ray

EP I- 403 - ray of Planetary Logos subray of 2nd ray

EP I- 404 - Ray of Planetary Logos (diagram)

| | |1. | | |

| | |The solar ray of love wisdom | | |

| | |‘God is Love’ | | |

| | | | | |

| | |2. | | |

| | |The Seven Rays | | |

| | | | | |

|1. |2. |3. |4. |5. |6. |7. |

|Will |Love |Intellect |Harmony |Science |Devotion |Ceremony |

| | | | | |

| | |3. | | |

| | |Planetary Egoic Ray | | |

| | |with seven subrays | | |

| | | | | | | |

|1. |2. |3. |4. |5. |6. |7. |

|Will |Love |Intellect |Harmony |Science |Devotion |Ceremony |

| | | | | |

| | |4. | | |

| | |Personality Ray of Planetary Logos | | |

EP I- 404 - Earth not a sacred planet

EP I- 404 - rays, soul, personality, mental, astral, physical - work of each aspirant - know thyself - take initiation

EP I- 404-5 - rays, group - every human being governed by -

a) 4th kingdom soul - 4, personality - 5

b) racial rays 4,5 for Aryan race

c) cyclic ray

d) national ray

EP I- 405 - rays, soul - of individual and 4th kingdom gradually negate rays governing personality as one nears path of probation/discipleship

EP I- 405 - ray, soul - study to grasp:

a) process followed -externalisation

b) secret to be found - manifestation

c) purpose to be known - realisation

EP I- 405-6 - rays of kingdom of souls: personality - 5; (soul?)intuition - 2;

- ray, personality - main field of expression in physical body, determining life trend, purpose, appearance, occupation;

- ray, soul - specific action on astral body

- ray, monadic - influences mental body after personality integration

EP I- 406 - ray, soul - active via astral after alignment

EP I- 406 - ray, personality - induces separative attitude/detachment from group of souls

EP I- 407 - ray, soul - induces group consciousness/detachment from external forms

EP I- 407 - ray, monad - effect only understood after the 3rd initiation

EP I- 411 - Ray Methods of Teaching the Truth

|Ray 1 |Higher expression: |Science of statesmanship/government |

| |Lower expression: |Modern diplomacy/politics |

|Ray 2 |Higher expression: |Process of initiation as taught by masters |

| |Lower expression: |Religion |

|Ray 3 |Higher expression: |Communication/interaction; radio, telegraph, telephone, transportation |

| | |(satellites, T.V., computers) |

| |Lower expression: |Use and spread of money and gold |

|Ray 4 |Higher expression: |Masonic work based on formation of Hierarchy – related to ray 2 |

| |Lower expression: |Architectural construction - modern city planning |

|Ray 5 |Higher expression: |Science of the soul; esoteric psychology |

| |Lower expression: |Modern educational systems |

|Ray 6 |Higher expression: |Christianity and diversified religions/relation to ray 2 |

| |Lower expression: |Churches/religious organisations |

|Ray 7 |Higher expression: |All forms of white magic |

| |Lower expression: |Spiritualism in its lower aspects |

EP I- 413 - septenary correspondences:

|Mineral |Base |Adrenals |

|Vegetable |Heart |Thymus |

|Animal |Solar Plexus |Pancreas |

|Human |Sacral |Gonads |

|Egoic |Throat |Thyroid |

|Planetary |Ajna |Pituitary |

|Solar |Head |Pineal |

EP I- 413-5 - quotes from TCF on rays / kingdoms

EP I- 415 - ray 7 and animal kingdom

EP I- 416-7 - seven keys to the seven ray methods

EP I- 418-21 - septenary tabulations from ‘secret doctrine’

EP I- 421 - ray one Uranus; ray 2 Neptune; ray 3 Saturn; Saturn is ever the stabiliser; rays 1,2 through Vulcan, Jupiter, Saturn toward Earth; ‘10 rays of perfection’

EP I- 421 - rays and planes

Ray I.....Will, dynamically applied, emerges in manifestation as power.

Ray II....Love, magnetically functioning, produces wisdom.

Ray III...Intelligence, potentially found in substance, causes activity

EP I- 421 - rays and senses:

|Hearing |Ray 7 |Magic |Word of Power |

|Touch |Ray 1 |Destroyer |Finger of god |

|Sight |Ray 3 |Vision |Eye of god |

|Taste |Ray 6 |Idealism |Desire of nations |

|Smell |Ray 4 |Art |Beauty of revelation |

|Intellect |Ray 5 |Mind |Knowledge of god |

|Intuition |Ray 2 |Love-wisdom |Understanding of god |

EP I- 421 - rays of aspect/attribute

EP I- 422-3 - Rays and the Kingdoms (see also TCF)

|Kingdom |Ray |Expression |

| | | |

|1 – mineral |7 ceremonial order |radioactivity |

| |1 will or power |basic reservoir of power |

| | | |

|2 – vegetable |2 love-wisdom |magnetism |

| |4 beauty or harmony |uniformity of colour |

| |6 idealistic devotion |upward tendency |

| | | |

|3 – animal |3 adaptability |instinct |

| |6 devotion |domesticity |

| | | |

|4 – human |4 harmony thru conflict |experience, growth |

| |5 concrete knowledge |intellect |

| | | |

|5 – souls |5 concrete knowledge |personality |

| |2 love-wisdom |intuition |

| | | |

|6 – planetary lives |6 devotion to ideas |the plan |

| |3 active intelligence |creative work |

| | | |

|7 – solar lives |1 will or power |universal mind |

| |7 ceremonial magic |synthetic ritual |

EP I- 422-8 - kingdoms

Esoteric Psychology Volume 2

EP II- 6 - seven planetary Logoi - solar Logos

EP II- 6 - Planetary Logos not a sacred planet; only as another non-sacred planet reaches its consummation can the whole plan for Earth be realised

EP II- 7 - Planetary Logos - consciousness - "monadic realisation"

EP II- 15 - outstanding individuals in the world - consummated individuality; another success is that of the Monad, veiled by personality and the soul

EP II- 16 - dominant personality functioning for three or seven lives (occasionally 11) using ambition; integration of sheaths.

EP II- 17 - three and rays of lower personality - dominate Ray of physical body - soul Ray waxes.

EP II- 17 - soul Ray - "Ray of persistent and magnetic grasp"

EP II- 17 - many degrees/stages of soul awakening

EP II- 17 - personality/soul rays seem to clash

EP II- 17-18 - soul Ray - disciple - being reoriented to monadic Ray

EP II- 18 - rays of lower self blended into three personality rays - then blended into personality Ray - then under dual Ray of soul

- soul rays dominate personality and three become one - resonate to egoic group

- and third degree soul Ray blends with monadic Ray

EP II- 21 - soul/personality rays

EP II- 22 - Ray of physical - influence under - Lemurian correspondence

- Ray of astral of great power; Atlantean correspondence

- Ray of mental - Aryan correspondence - just beginning to waxing power

- close relation to solar angel, also angel of presence

EP II- 26 - personality Ray - definite control in West

EP II- 27 - Individualisation, initiation, identification - whole process of human evolution up to third degree - can function in 4 dimensions

EP II- 29 - karma in human kingdom - no free will; karma plus intelligent responsibility inextricably interwoven (Saturn)

EP II- 30 - eventually no consciousness of Ray quality or type - transcended

EP II- 32 - "seven great rays sweep into manifested life"

EP II- 33 - Wesak - Buddha - appears at will

EP II- 34 - mountain top of isolation - Dweller (Saturn/Capricorn)

EP II- 35 - Ray type determines reaction to Individualisation, initiation, and identification

- " blessed one" - perfectly expresses Ray quality

EP II- 36-9 - reaction of seven Ray types to individual - "old commentary"

EP II- 39-43 - Ray keywords from stanzas - negative/positive - dualities; close study will aid in one's Ray comprehension and stage of development

EP II- 41 - Ray 4 not the Ray per se of creative artist - founder equally on or rays without exception; Ray 4 - intuition

EP II- 45-8 - stanzas on rays and third initiation

EP II- 53 - life of soul - graphs (astrological?) for crises - personal and racial.

EP II- 54 - age of soul indicated by response apparatus.

EP II- 55-6 - “patterns” (could be astrological)

EP II- 58 - two crises of soul.

EP II- 60 - third aspect of mind; 2nd aspect - love.

EP II- 62-3 - age of soul conditions form.

EP II- 74 - “carefully timed and directed orientation” (astrological?)

EP II- 74 - disciples do review of themselves every 7 years (Saturn cycle)

EP II- 75 - full Moon - initiation - preparation rapidly as safely possible

EP II- 80-3 - ray methods of appropriation

EP II- 83 - seven rays are seven types of electrical phenomena

EP II- 84 - seven ray methods of appropriation - ending of process

EP II- 87-8 - ray 4 - Law of Sacrifice - first major expression in age of Pisces

EP II- 89 - Pisces age - forgiveness and atonement

EP II- 91 - ray 4 - Law of Sacrifice

EP II- 92 - ray 4 not in manifestation but is major factor in the larger cycle.

EP II- 92 - Earth - importance in solar system

EP II- 92 - ray 4 - harmony, at-one-ment, beauty

EP II- 93 - “Sacrifice of a World Saviour” - lifetime of a soul predominantly on ray 2 - teaching ray.

EP II- 95 - Pisces age - emotional glamour

EP II- 96 - salvage - [Pluto as soul ruler of Pisces]

EP II- 97 - ray lords - manifesting through planets. Ray lives - varying psychological characteristics condition method of expressing sacrifice

EP II- 97 - Earth conditioned by the “Divine Rebel” (Mars - see 99)

EP II- 98-9 - Mars, Saturn and Earth - pain and sorrow, Law of Sacrifice - not on other planets. Earth not sacred.

EP II- 99 - Mars, Earth, Saturn - personality of ray 3 life. (Link to Mars as “nursling of the Pleiades - 3rd aspect) Saturn - mental, Mars - astral, Earth - physical

EP II- 99 - Uranus, Jupiter, Venus - expression of ray life (Ray 2? - Uranus - mental, Venus - astral, Jupiter - physical)

- [similarly - Ray 1 through Vulcan (mental), Pluto (astral) and Sun (physical)??]

- [ray 4 through Mercury (mental), Neptune (astral), Moon (physical)

EP II- 99 - twelve planets theory

EP II- 99 - Mars, Saturn. Earth - pain/sorrow - particularly Earth - result of rebellion (fallen angels)

EP II- 100-1 - Earth, Saturn, Mars - “state of consciousness” transcended

EP II- 101 - ray 3 - predominant types - pass through Mars, Saturn, Earth schemes

EP II- 101 - ray 3 - majority of humanity monads at this time - 7-fold expression

EP II- 102 - personal ray analysis - do in conjunction with consultation of horoscope

EP II- 102 - Mars, Saturn, Earth - Law of Sacrifice

EP II- 102 - third degree - antahkarana - “way of escape”

EP II- 103 - Saturn influence on human life; ending of Mars ‘rebel’ influence

EP II- 104 - dispassion, discrimination, detachment - (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn?)

EP II- 109 - ray 2 - Law of Magnetic Impulse

EP II- 110 - seven groups of souls on higher mental - 7 ray groups

EP II- 110 - ray 2 deity, solar system - hence all is controlled by Law of Magnetic Impulse

EP II- 118 - ray 6 - Law of Service

EP II- 118 - evasion of Law of Service brings penalties (Saturn)

EP II- 118 - symbol of Law of Service - man with a pot of water (Aquarius); esoteric name “Law of Water and Fishes”.

EP II- 119 - fanaticism in service (ray 6)

EP II- 119 - Law of Service - imposition - coming from Aquarius (age)

EP II- 119 - Aquarius - regimenting masses (Germany WW2) - individual serves group through forced negation of lower self. (See charts of Nazi Party and Third Reich and Hitler - Leo/Aquarius axis strong)

EP II- 119 - Aquarius Age - Christ fore-runner - ‘water of life’ - ‘water of fishes’. Pisces Age prepared the way for divine expression of service.

EP II- 120 - Aquarian Age - man with jar of water on shoulders (burden - Saturn decan); or jar on head - poise/balance - Law of Polar Union - ‘originator for zodiacal sign for constellation of Libra’.

EP II- 122 - Aquarian humanity learning to react to the life which informs this constellation.

EP II- 123 - Aquarian influences - registered in emotional body/solar plexus

EP II- 124 - seven ray types of distinctive service

EP II- 128 - service according to man’s ray

EP II- 129 - busy-ness distorts service (ray 3)

EP II- 130 - coming age (Aquarius) - major science built around service

EP II- 138 - ray methods of service

EP II- 138-9 - rays in manifestation will determine world service. Those whose egoic ray is in manifestation will work easier.

- Recognition will lead to a careful study of the times and seasons (astrology)

EP II- 139 - sufficient egoic ray types in incarnation (NGWS) - can be impressed as group. This century has been the first time that this has been possible.

EP II- 139 - rays - individuals will work according to ray, also of race/nation

EP II- 140 - recognition of personality/soul rays

EP II- 140-1 - ray 1 servers - impact of ideas on humanity- destroy old

EP II- 141-2 - ray 2 servers - assimilate/disseminate ideas. Wise use of slow action based upon love.

EP II- 142 - ray 3 servers - stimulate intellect of humanity; ideas rendered vocal by intellectual ray 3 types/ray 3 personalities

EP II- 142-3 - ray 4 servers - few ray 4’s in incarnation - many ray 4 personalities; Harmonise new ideas with old. Bridging - true intuitives

EP II- 143 - ray 5 servers - investigate form to find hidden idea. More active now than any time in human history.

EP II- 143-4 - ray 6 server - effect of ray 6 in past 2000 years - to train humanity in the art of recognising ideals - the blueprint of ideas.

EP II- 144 - ray 1 disciple can galvanise people into activity by an idea, ray 6 by an ideal

EP II- 144 - ray 6 personality/group - more destructive than first ray - many ray 6 disciples today

EP II- 145 - ray 7 server - organise evoked ideal onto physical plane; ray 7 coming into power.

EP II- 145 - leadership by one - old age (Pisces); leadership by group - new age (Aquarius)

EP II- 145 - ray 7 disciple - major task - carrying forward the emergence of an idea without the dominance of any individuals.

EP II- 145 - ray 7 - Great Invocation - inaugurating mantram of incoming ray 7.

EP II- 145 - ray 7 - Aquarius influences

EP II- 146 - Law of Service outlined to “make one of the most esoteric influences of the solar system clearer” (ray 6 too?)

EP II- 147 - ray 1 - Law of Repulse - is an aspect of the Law of Love

EP II- 148 - ray 1 quality of Law of Repulse. Angel with the flaming sword (Manjushri?)

EP II- 149 - Law of Repulse - 7 directions

EP II- 152 - seven minor laws - evolutionary unfoldment in man (corresponds to seven rays)

EP II- 156-7 - stages of progress through desire (11 points - some zodiacal correspondence: 1= Aries, 2=Taurus, 5=Leo, 8=Virgo, 9=Sagittarius, 10=Libra, 11= Scorpio)

EP II- 160 - understanding pairs of opposites - see noble middle path. (Libra)

EP II- 163 - ray types - techniques for Law of Repulse

EP II- 164-5 - ray forces

EP II- 166 - Law of Repulse - 7 ray ways

EP II- 166-172 - Ray directions for Law of Repulse

EP II- 173-4 - four laws (seem to follow zodiacal sequence of Scorpio, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn)

EP II- 173 - death - ‘fall of a leaf’ (Autumn - Scorpio)

EP II- 173 - Libra - balancing of forces. Scales -three crosses at Golgotha symbolic

EP II- 174 - antahkarana (Sagittarius?); initiation (Capricorn)

EP II- 174 - Law of Group progress - Mountain and Goat (Capricorn)

EP II- 176 - ray vibration of disciple

EP II- 181 - transmitters of soul/personality rays. Soul ray to group

EP II- 190 - knowledge (ray 3) wisdom (ray 2); political ray 1 work - ‘imposition’ - much ray 1 in constitution

EP II- 191 - ray 2 groups bridge Christ and humanity

EP II- 194 - Aquarian Age will see consummated the new civilisation

EP II- 195 astrological implications of laws - energies of zodiac signs have specific effects on a Being - blending and balancing energies - impelling

EP II- 195-6 - “In December, 1935, the energies of Capricorn were augmented by the pouring in of forces from a still greater constellation which is—to our zodiac—what the zodiac is to the Earth. This augmentation will take place again in 1942. It must be remembered that, from certain angles, the circle of twelve signs or constellations constitutes a special unity which revolves within our universe of heavens as our planet revolves in the centre of our circle of influences. By means of this augmentation—during the coming Aquarian zodiacal cycle—groups on Earth can avail themselves of the tide of Capricornian influences which will flow into our radius of registration every seven years. The one just past, gave a tremendous impetus to the work of the New Group of World Servers, and was the cause of the very good reaction in the world to their particular impulse. This worked out in every nation and in every group as a marked tendency to good will. In 1942, there will come another planetary inflow of which we all are begged to avail ourselves, and for which we are urged to make due preparation. This "week of group impact" occurring every seven years, will run from December 21st till December 28th, and if this should at any time fall at the period of the full Moon, the opportunity will be most significant. This possibility must be watched. This week should be regarded as pre-eminently the "festival week" of the New Group of World Servers, and after 1942 advantage must be taken of this period, and special preparation made. This fact invites the attention of all of us.”

EP II- 199 - Sun in all its glory

EP II- 201 - five types of souls: 1. Lemurian Egos, our true Earth Humanity. 2. Egos which came in on Atlantis. 3. Moon chain Egos from the Moon. 4. Egos from other planets. 5. Rare and advanced Egos awaiting incarnation.

EP II- 202 - seven emanations of spiritual energy

EP II- 203-7 - soul stages:

1. (Aries?) Dormant humans - rare.

2. (Taurus?) Slow, inert, inarticulate - emotionally asleep, mentally unawakened relatively rare - several thousands on planet - complete incapacity to respond to mental training and culture.

3. (Gemini?) Emotionally and psychically alive. Desire nature rampant. Relatively large numbers in Negro race - child souls. Modern correspondence to old Lemurian cultures.

4. (Cancer?) Emotional - millions in every race and nation - mind not strong yet. Modern Atlanteans.

5. (Leo?) Intelligent human beings - still predominantly emotional. Average citizens of modern world. Oscillate between life of the senses and mind. Astral turmoil. Nice, good people - but mass consciousness. Sheep of the human family.

6. (Virgo?) Souls who think - cream of human family - writers, artists, thinkers, politicians, religious, scientific, skilled workers, artisans. World aspirants learning ideal of service.

7. (Libra?) Probationers/mystics. Conscious of duality - torn between pairs of opposites. Sensitive, struggling, mentally alive - but not mentally in full control.

8. (Scorpio?) Intelligence/Love nature awakened (2nd degree?) and integrated - tread Path of Discipleship. Practical mystics/occultists.

9. (Sagittarius?) Initiates - know no separation as souls. (3rd degree?)

10. (Capricorn?) Masters and adepts. (4th degree onwards?)

EP II- 211 - three major monadic types (Rays 1,2,3) from Moon and Lemuria.

EP II- 211 - Moon Chain egos: Ray 3 - 75%. Rays 1 & 2 - remaining 25%.

- Lemurian egos: Ray 2 - 75%. Ray 3 - 25%. Ray 1 - negligible.

- Early Atlantis egos: Ray 1 - 80%. (1st Subrace?); 20% ‘along Love-Wisdom line’.

- Later Atlantis (see p.209) - Moon Chain egos.

EP II- 212 - door to open soon to ‘peculiar and rare’ souls - who will bring to civilisation ‘rare and new qualities of Deity’.

EP II- 212 - all seven rays - inrush in planetary life. Animal kingdom had reached stage of development and became infant humanity (3rd sub/3rd root)

EP II- 214 - pouring in of triple energy in 7 ways

EP II- 214 - egos of will (ray 1) - relatively and naturally few. Egos of love more frequent in appearance. Egos of intelligence - widely distributed.

EP II- 214 - egos of love and intelligence must inaugurate the new civilisation - field for culture of Kingdom of God.

EP II- 217 - rays - seven - colours - light

EP II- 220-5 - seven (ray) rules for inducing soul control

EP II- 220 - Seven Rules: (Ray 1) Blending/synthesis. Destruction (Pluto) - pain/sorrow. Release, liberation, expansion.

- (Ray 2) Quality of hidden vision (Neptune/Jupiter?). Produces physical sight, astral illusion and concrete knowledge. Basic cause of all sensory perception - instinctive urge for consciousness. High result of desire.

- (Ray 3) Instinct to formulate a plan. (Saturn) Activities: instinctual, intelligent, intuitive, illuminative.

- Ray 3 covers all activity at present focussed in ray 7. Separate/selfish activity - blended cooperation. Result of manas - humanity expresses ‘Ray of Willed Intent’.

- (Ray 4) Urge to creative life through divine faculty of the imagination. Ray 4 - unity/beauty through conflict. Leads to warfare, struggle, building of forms later to be destroyed. Quality of vibratory radiance, revelation of ‘world of meaning’. Cause of subtle essence seeking expression through every form.

- (Ray 5) Factor of Analysis. Separates and divides. Leads to identification and wider choice. Will lead to Kingdom of the Gods. (Lipikas?)

- (Ray 6) Quality to idealise. Material desire leading to cruelty and sadistic expression (Mars rules ray 6). Sacrifice, one-pointed devotion, purpose. Cause of all organisation and cooperation. (Ray 7/Aquarius) In order to materialise ideals, the trend to organise comes in. Result of World Saviours.

- (Ray 7) Interplay of great dualities -alignment with divine purpose. Produces sense of being imprisoned by the time factor - victim of speed. Results in rhythmic living, adaptation of energy. Result of at-one-ments on physical plane.

EP II- 228 - rules express themselves equally on all seven rays

EP II- 228-9 - Seven rays - colour/quality - divine instincts and potencies. Rays are determined and controlled by these potencies. Rays are the 7 major expressions of the divine quality as it limits the purposes of deity.

EP II- 231-7 - (Ray 1) - tendency to synthesis.

EP II- 232 - instinct to synthesis underlies all universes, constellations, solar systems, planets

EP II- 237-41 - [ray 2] - quality of hidden vision

EP II- 240 - endurance an aspect of ray of love - to persist and remain. 7 rays are subrays of ray of love

EP II- 241-6 - [ray 3] - urge to formulate a plan

EP II- 245 - Hierarchy - 7 elements (rays)

EP II- 246 - [ray 4 ] - urge to creative life through divine use of the imagination

EP II- 249 - imagination - picture making faculty [Moon/Mercury as rulers of ray 4 - Moon veiling Neptune or undiscovered planet?)

EP II- 249 - ray of creative artist - artist on all rays

EP II- 250 - artist for many lives comes under the influence of one particular personality ray

EP II- 250 - [ray 5] - factor of analysis

EP II- 254 - [ray 6] - quality to idealise

EP II- 255 - [ray 7] - interplay of great dualities

EP II- 262-3 - few souls come in of their own free will - key people in any age

- determining factors in any historical period - pioneers

- work as builders/destroyers (rays 2/1)

- they have been greatly augmented this past century (1840’s - 1940’s)

- hence rapid development of Aquarian Age characteristics

EP II- 266 - astral nature - Atlantis. Today among lower groupings of human family. Children 7-14.

- Aryan - physical, astral and mental blending - taking place racially - will be completed for bulk of humanity when Sun enters Sagittarius as Sun is entering Aquarius now. Adolescents 14-21. (This is ambiguous: could be 2160 year cycle, hence in 4,320 years, or larger 25,000 year cycle, hence 50,000 years)

- Sixth subrace - soul/personality coordination via astral nature - will be for world aspirants (6th subrace - buddhic/astral)

EP II- 267 - personality - mask of soul (Sun sign = personality)

EP II- 269 - activities of the soul through its ray energies.

EP II- 273 - ray 7 coming in today - will bring sensitivity to great approaches.

EP II- 277-8 - Buddha embodied ray 3 with ray of love - full ripened seed of past solar system (and Moon chain)

EP II- 278 - Christ embodied “peace of inclusiveness” from touch of Acquiescence

EP II- 278 - Christ focussed on astral plane by His Divine Acquiescence - hence he is First Initiator. (Neptune is Christ quote in EA)

EP II- 280 - 3 major rays - 3 Temples of the Mysteries - 3 avatars; 4 minor rays produce power for needed approach

EP II- 282 - understanding of the rays with which personality has to work - is essential in the work of the third avatar is to be made possible

EP II- 284 - soul energy - will/love (mind/emotion)

EP II- 284-5 - seven energies (bodies/rays)

EP II- 288 - rays 1,4,5 - govern mental body; rays 2,6 - the astral; rays 2,7 - physical - one of DK’s most important statements

EP II- 288 - certain ray meditations bring in soul influence

EP II- 288 - ray 4 governing mind links with ray 2 solar system - clue to the whole problem of pain and suffering (Moon rule ray 4)

EP II- 289 - Technique of Fusion leads to emergence of personality ray. Technique of Duality - relation of soul and personality rays

EP II- 290 - lunar lords - build lower nature - elementals coloured by the rays

EP II- 290 - mental body rays 1,4,5: exceptions on Path of Discipleship sometimes

EP II- 291 - rays 1, 4, 5 - give right impulse to govern lower life

EP II- 291 - ray 1 in evolved and unevolved

EP II- 291-2 - ray 2 in evolved and unevolved

EP II- 292 - artist on all the rays

EP II- 292 - ray 4 mental - when nearing the Probationary Path; mental elemental of ray 4 nature; creative activity the path of least resistance

EP II- 292 - soul/personality - both ray 4: Da Vinci, Shakespeare (clues as to Francis Bacon’s make-up?)

EP II- 293 - ray 5 in evolved and unevolved

EP II- 293 - idée fixe - ray 5 mental, ray 6 emotional/personality

EP II- 293 - rays 2 and 6 colour astral, rays 3/7 the physical

EP II- 294 - seven ray energies through seven chakras - heart of every lotus - pure manasic energy and hence its purely first three rays

EP II- 294 - manasic energy in lotuses is quiescent until an advanced stage of Discipleship is reached

EP II- 295 - hypothetical ray structure 2 1 2, 5, 6, 2

EP II- 295 - only initiates can work out their monadic ray

EP II- 295 - monadic ray is life element with which Masters must deal as they prepare a disciple for initiation

EP II- 295 - monadic ray is basically quiescent until after the 4th degree

EP II- 295-6 - three rays “thrice periodical vehicles” - monad, soul, personality

EP II- 296 - monadic ray gives “freedom of the solar system”; egoic ray gives “freedom of the planetary sphere”; personality ray gives “freedom of the three worlds”.

EP II- 296 - correspondence of rays of personality to rays of monad/soul: ray 5 mental/ray 1 soul - facilitates contact - 1,3,5,7 line.

EP II- 296-7 - ray 6 astral connects with ray 2 monad - astral/buddhic - will be used at 4th degree: 2,4,6 line

EP II- 297 - ray 2 physical relates personality/monad

EP II- 297 - ray 2 personality and body - material inclusiveness and material acquisition: selfish, self centred person - not particularly intelligent; ray 1 ego used selfishly

EP II- 298-9 - four basic ray charts - keep personality chart up to date:

a) Chart at individualisation - very ancient - only soul ray and physical ray are clearly defined - chart of “man who is asleep”.

b) Chart of highest personality expression - “man who dreams”.

c) Soul/personality at war - Arjuna experience - “man awakening”.

d) Accepted disciple.

- all four charts form “dossier of a disciple”.

EP II- 300 - after 1st initiation the Master adds another ray chart to study; students are set ray charts to do and analyse

EP II- 301 - astrology: modern psychology will employ; will find a “man’s place in the Sun” - in general scheme; time factors governing every individual. (length of life?)

EP II- 303 - correlation of rays with science re: energy

EP II- 304 - difference in rays governing elementals of lower bodies and personality.

EP II- 307-8 - individualisation - rays govern physical; emotional dormant. Intellection - rays govern mental - lower concrete - integrated person. Four rays of personality very strong.

EP II- 321 - soul ray determines mind energy demonstrated.

EP II- 328 - six stages: (Correspond to zodiac signs). Appropriation - will to be (Aries). Will aspiration - materialise (Taurus) - root of desire.

EP II- 329-30 - approach - etheric (Gemini) Wesak full Moon. Approach at individualisation in Gemini. (Wesak sidereal Gemini?)

EP II- 330 - appearance in form (Cancer)

EP II- 330 - activity/ambition - Sagittarius/Capricorn

EP II- 332 - own ray as that of one’s group

EP II- 334 - four types of experts - educators, psychologists,, churchmen, physicians. (ray types)

EP II- 334 - personality and egoic rays in advanced people

EP II- 334 - must be pronounced development of personality ray to allow true diagnosis - defining of egoic ray through nature of conflict with personality.

EP II- 335 - creative artist who takes sudden interest in maths - coming under ray 2 soul influence (Lewis Carrol); ray 6 personality - religious devotee who changes to science - coming under ray 5 soul.

EP II- 336-7 - stages of consciousness: 1) animal - animism religion 2) desire for material satisfaction - leading to development of imaginative faculty - ends as a mystic 3) mental consciousness 4) different emphases of states of consciousness - self emphasis - power/purpose - selfish - predominantly material stage - ambitious, effective - but a divine discontent arises

EP II- 343 - soul/personality rays blended.

EP II- 346 - ray of soul occultly applies mode of integration

Esoteric Astrology

EA- 6 - planets, 70 - "hidden"

EA- 7-8 - astrological key to Secret Doctrine - will reveal 4th great fundamental of Ageless Wisdom of which three are already given in Proem of SD"

EA- 9 - astrology, modern - reversed true procedure - emphasis on specific instead of Source energies

EA- 9 - astrology, esoteric - etheric body of universe is where energies play - hence etheric body of planet, solar system etc

EA- 10 - analogy, law of - human etheric reflects greater 'body' - see refs on centres etc

EA- 11 - space is etheric - cosmic golden web

EA- 11 - rays - centres/chakras, 7 - through their activity, ray tendencies emerge; point in evolution indicated

EA- 11 - planets, sacred 7 - 7 human chakras

EA- 12 - Earth - energy emanating from. see 15, 29

EA- 13 - Moon - thought effect of ancient thoughtform - veils Vulcan/Uranus - average /advanced

EA- 13 - constellations, 12 - recipients of energies from many other sources that blend with constellation

EA- 14 - astrology - influence of planets in human sheaths is esoterically the solar centres (fixed stars conveying ray energies) - planets are vehicles for rays/solar centres (paraphrase from quote)

EA- 14-15 - Earth - major influences - Gt Bear Sirius Pleiades, 7 solar systems, 7 sacred planets, 5 non-sacred-planets("hidden"), 7 planetary centres,, 7 human centres, 12 zodiac constellations- 9 fold energy impact plus various e.g. Betelgeuse, Antares, Suns, solar systems - their force is not direct, being filtered by constellations

EA- 15 - stars (Suns) such as Betelgeuse, Antares - (specific) relation to constellations of zodiac

EA- 15 - planets - ruling/directing human personality affairs from "stations" in 12 houses

EA- 16 - birth, time of - exact moment see 63

EA- 16 - planetary influences - trend of outer life circumstances/destiny fate; condition /control those with no conscious soul experience; weakens with soul influence; - force flowing through planets and not planets per se which then govern/control (rays/12 constellations)

EA- 16 - horoscope - inconclusive/inaccurate with soul control

EA- 16-17 - Sun sign - physical, mental, spiritual nature - secret of personality ray - soul responsiveness - see 339 - "the result of the interplay between the opposite signs leads to some aspect of definite personality manifestation, this being largely determined by the ray of the personality" (secret of personality ray?)

EA- 17 - Sun sign - indicates integration achieved/point of unfoldment of soul qualities; present available equipment, present life quality, immediately possible group relations - reversal of ex. astrology

EA- 17 - astrologers, ex. and es. - horoscopes of personality/purposes of soul

EA- 17-18 - rising sign - remoter possibilities - spiritual goal of immediate/future incarnation(s); struggle, death of personality - physical/mystical; (relation of Sun sign to rising sign)

EA- 18 - Sun sign - present problem; sets pace personality life; quality, temperament, life tendencies; Rajasic; line least resistance.

EA- 18-19 - rising sign - immediate soul purpose, secret of the future; force that will lead to success; sattva - right relation soul/personality; recognition soul force

EA- 19 - Moon - force from certain planets, not Moon; past, limitation, handicaps; physical body prison of soul

EA- 19 - Saturn -hindering/stimulating effects depending on vehicle; conditions point in evolution

EA- 21 - (Scorpio) - triumph over death/overcome desire (reversal of wheel)

EA- 21 - horoscope-casting for senior aspirants, disciples, initiates; soul contact, much meditation see 512-4

EA- 21 - signs, zodiac - life expression of Heavenly Man (Planetary Logos);

EA- 21-2 - signs/constellations - signs, zodiac - their effect upon solar Logos - lives who inform these great constellations...primary effect is on Planetary Logos (is DK talking about 2 zodiacs here? constellations/signs)

EA- 22 - zodiac influences evoke will aspect of Heavenly Man/monads/souls/personalities - advanced, average

EA- 23 - planetary influences - disciple uses to carry out soul purpose

EA- 23 - zodiacal influences, outside solar system altogether - initiate has to be aware (greater zodiac?)

EA- 23 - zodiac, whole story - book of life - initiates - 12 constellations

- book of wisdom - disciples -12 planets

- book of form - humanity - 12 creative hierarchies

EA- 23 - zodiacal signs - affect mainly those who live below diaphragm/average humanity - base, sacral, solar plexus, spleen

EA- 24 - solar systems (Suns/stars), inner group - with zodiacal - affect those living above diaphragm - heart, throat, ajna, head

EA- 24 - chakras see 25

EA- 24 - Venus - Earth's polar opposite

EA- 24 - astrology, esoteric - emphasises four types of force -

-quality of solar system

-quality of Planetary Logos

-quality of polar opposite - Venus

-quality of attraction of 3 planets in esoteric triangle

EA- 25 - chakras - higher receiving, lower galvanising

EA- 25 - Earth/Sun - "it relates finally the lowest centre at the base of the spine to the highest centre, the head centre. This is a correspondence of the relation of the Earth to the Sun" (does this mean that the Earth is/will be the base chakra in our solar system and the Sun is the crown? -is there a correspondence to Draco as the base and Great Bear as crown in the greater system? - see 45 "secret of the dragon"; TCF. also SD3 -377-8 - dragon/Sun - temples/initiation - also, if Earth is base and Sun the crown, where do the other 7 sacred planets fit in as regards the seven main chakras in the body of the solar Logos?

EA- 25-6 - rays, 7- inter-relations in cosmic process - concerned esoterically with:

7 rays + 12 signs of zodiac

7 rays + 12 creative hierarchies

7 rays + planets ruling 12 houses

EA- 26 - ray life - expression of solar life - many energy links

EA- 26-7 - rays/zodiacal constellations - relationship; DK's approach to exposition of esoteric astrology-not writing esoteric astrology per se, but about 7 rays/interplay with planetary/Earth forces

EA- 28 - energies, three - human analogy - constellations of myth/legend - related to our system (monad); 12 zodiacal constellations(soul); 12 planets in solar system (personality)

EA- 29 - constellations - Gt Bear Sirius Pleiades - intimately related to 7 Solar Systems (do they act as synthesising schemes to 7 solar systems of which they are 3, as a higher octave analogy of the Saturn, Neptune, Uranus synthesising schemes in this system of 7 sacred planets of which they are 3? 7+3 =10) see 112 - "Gt Bear Sirius Pleiades ...with the seven solar systems...are the 10 constellations connected with a still greater zodiac which the...number...ten" (paraphrasing)

EA- 30 - zodiac, lesser/planets in 12 houses - undeveloped humanity conditioned by

EA- 30-1 - planets - average humanity, those nearing path and probationers respond to

- planets, affecting their personalities

- Sun sign- life trends/point least resistance

- rising sign - life goal for that life cycle/or over 7 lives

EA- 31 - zodiac, greater - "the last two constitute the Greater Zodiac" (does he mean the last two points, i.e. Sun and rising sign or is he talking about the last two lives of a 7 lives cycle?) - see 112 - greater zodiac/soul, lesser/personality

EA- 31 - rays, 7 - 7 stars Great Bear, 7 Pleiades are positive/negative aspects to Earth

EA- 31 - astrological deduction -innermost secret connected with triangles of 14 stars Gt Bear/Pleiades and 7 planetary Logoi (sacred triangles)

EA- 32 - horoscope of planet - triangles connected with Logoi and Gt Bear/Pleiades are more potent than influence of zodiacal constellations

EA- 32 - constellations - 3 "intimate" - Gt Bear Sirius Pleiades -correspondence to human offsetting planets, dominating personality life as Logoi have transcended 12 constellations

EA- 33 - ray 7 - influences 5th CH

EA- 33 - Cancer - close relation to 7th ray - relates spirit to matter - manifests form

EA- 33 - constellations - Gt Bear Sirius Pleiades

EA- 36 - numbers, study - in relation to hierarchies

EA- 37 - ray 3 - 4 rays of attribute work as minor under 3rd - relate to 4 liberated hierarchies

EA- 37 - Pisces -individualisation/present cycle - 3rd ray relation via 1st CH

EA- 37 - Scorpio - human hierarchy - great tests

EA- 38 - constellations, 7 - force embodied by 7 CH

EA- 38 - Sun, central spiritual, heart of - 1st CH

EA- 39 - Earth - "star of suffering" - necessary crucifixion of animal physical nature, particularly along sex lines" - (Cancer/Capricorn axis)- see Makara refs., separate listing

EA- 39 - Great Bear - 2nd CH - source of monads

EA- 39 - anatomy, cosmic - 2nd ventricle within Sacred Heart

EA- 40 - solar Logos - point in evolution - force demonstrating; 2nd aspect of 7th type of force - see tabulation TCF 1224

EA- 41 - number 13 (lunar cycle) - 5th CH is dual

EA- 41 - number 8 - 3rd CH

EA- 42 - CH - 4th - buddhi - see 31 - son aspect - "blue Logos"

EA- 43 - CH - 4th - occupying 3rd place - see 39,41,43

EA- 44 - solar Logos - 4 lower CH who can pass through body of solar Logos and take forms - they are links between the life of the past and of the future - they are the present (Sco, Cap, Sag, Aqu)

EA- 45 - CH - 2nd - duality - son as he vitalises the Sun (Virgo)

EA- 45 - CH - 4th - human nomads/mediators (Scorpio)

EA- 45 - CH - 5th(10th) - linked to 5 liberated CH - expresses their synthesised life (Capricorn) see Makara and other 5th CH refs.

EA- 45 - CH -5th - history of Buddha - (astral or soul of Gautama Buddha used by monad of Shankaracharya. SD 5- 363-372. see compiler's separate Makara references)

EA- 45 - constellation - relation of 5th CH to a "certain constellation" has bearing on mystery of Buddha - hidden in karma of solar Logos and relation to another solar Logos - true "secret of the dragon" - "serpent energy" which caused influx manasic energy into solar system - (Sirius? - source of cosmic manas; Draco? -see 25 notes - Sun as "fiery dragon" - Makara? -crocodile/dragon/Capricorn) - see Makara refs.

EA- 46 - Draco - "has the same relation to the ONE (OAWNMBS) greater than our Logos (solar Logos or Sirius?) as the centre at the base of the spine in the human being"-e.g.- Ursa Major = head; Sirius = ajna; Pleiades = throat; solar (blue) Logos = heart; Orion = solar plexus; Antares = sacral; Draco = base. see 25,45

EA- 46-7 - CH -5th - "hearts of fiery love" - Sons of Men - 12 petalled lotuses/higher correspondences

- 12 petals/12 CH/12 zodiac signs

- Logoic 12 petalled - cosmic mental (Sirius?)

- solar 12 petalled - (solar Logos) -

- Planetary Logos - 12 petalled

- human egoic -12 petalled

- human heart centre -12 petalled

EA- 47 - Sun, central spiritual; heart of Sun; physical Sun - "three great cosmic centres" where energy flows through from solar Logos ("blue" Logos or greater?)

EA- 48 - souls (egos) - "vital...correspondence between 7 head centres and 7 groups of egos on the mental plane...occult analogy between 3 head centres and the expression of these 7 groups in the 3 worlds."

EA- 49 - CH -6th/7th - lowest residue of previous system

EA- 50 - Sirius energy via Cancer/Capricorn/Saturn - 5th CH

EA- 50 - Great Bear energy via Aries/Libra/Sun (veiling Vulcan) - 2nd CH

EA- 50 - Pleiades via Gemini/Sagittarius/Mercury - 4th CH

EA- 51 - zodiac signs, 12/12 planets inter-relations

EA- 51 - planets, 12 governing 12 houses - physical plane expression/personality

EA- 51 - constellations - stimulate soul within form - cause changes in outer expression, through fusion of constellation/planets

EA- 51 - Sun sign - "potency of the Sun of probability"

EA- 51 - rising sign - "Sun of possibility"

EA- 52 - signs - paramount signs of influence - Taurus Scorpio Capricorn; sag Leo Cancer

EA- 52 - signs - discriminating mind developed - specifically in Aries Gemini Libra - overcomes desire by experiment/experience (Libra balances the pairs of opposites on the astral from the mental-see 302; Aries a dual sign - Mercury es. ruler; Mercury ex. ruler Gemini)

EA- 52 - astrology, esoteric - reverses orthodox astrology because of reversal on astral plane of ideas

EA- 52 - planetary forces

EA- 52 - Sun sign - expanding energies

EA- 52 - rising sign - driving energies

EA- 52 - constellations -12

EA- 53 - constellations -3, blended with 7 rays

EA- 53 - planets – 7 sacred - increasingly effective near Path of Discipleship; 5 non-sacred

EA- 53 - chakras (?) - "the forces of the man pour out and upon each fiery point appears a centre of reception" - analogy of man as 5 pointed star (Sun, Moon, Earth, Mars, Pluto) - hands, feet, crown?

EA- 53 - constellation -12, blended with 12 planets

EA- 54 - zodiacal signs - response "dependant upon waning influence of planets to hold down consciousness aspect of the man...deep esoteric truth" - (monadic response?)

EA- 54 - energy - 2 streams, cosmic/systemic reach man via 7 planetary schemes, 7 planetary centres "intrinsic duality" (love-wisdom)

EA- 54 - houses, 12

EA- 55 - planetary forces - conscious/directed fusion with specific planets/group of planets (pairs of opposites on physical)

EA- 55 - Sun sign and planets perfectly directed and adjusted (pairs of opposites on astral, offset and regulated)

EA- 55 - Sun sign, rising sign coherently blended and expressed (pairs of opposites on mental) - soul and personality, angel/dweller, electric fire/fire by friction

EA- 55 - constellations - 3 major (Gt Bear Sirius Pleiades)

EA- 55-6 - constellation - Gemini - dual forces - brothers quarrelling - Castor/Pollux - true method of resolving dualities

EA- 56 - zodiac signs, 12 - symbols of 7 are dual Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Aquarius, Pisces -refers to signs also as constellations

EA- 56 - constellations, 7 - (se above) - closely related to 6 of 7 sacred planets/1 non-sacred (Aries-Mercury,Taurus-Vulcan,Gemini-Venus,Cancer-Neptune,Libra-Uranus,Aquarius-Jupiter, Pisces-Pluto; - all the es. rulers)

EA- 56 - signs, 2 - Leo (isolated separation); Sagittarius - one-pointed desire

EA- 56 - Virgo/Scorpio triple sign - crucial in experience of human being - function of triple form - tests in Scorpio/reality of Virgo. see 480 and other refs. listed

EA- 57 - Capricorn - symbol - "constructed in an inaccurate and definitely misleading manner"; mystery of crocodiles - see 155 - "symbol of this sign is undecipherable and intentionally so...called 'signature of God'...correct delineation......produces an inflow of force which would not be desirable"; 158 (see Makara refs)

EA- 57 - CH, 3 - 4th, 5th, 6th - condition man in incarnation

EA- 57 - constellations, 3 "three major controlling influences" (Gt Bear Sirius Pleiades) - electric fire

EA- 57-8 - constellations, 12 - increasingly responsive - solar fire

EA- 57-8 - planets - fire by friction

EA- 58 - constellations - conductors of cosmic energy/transmitters of their own

EA- 58 - zodiacal wheel - ordinary/reversed; illusion/reality

EA- 59 - horoscope of planet - horoscope of Spirit of planet and informing Life - their relationship/interplay; (spirit = soul? Planetary Logos = personality?) - horoscopes superimposed - planetary pattern emerges

EA- 59 - horoscopes/charts - patterns noted when soul/personality brought together (tropical/sidereal? - see 514 (point 8)

EA- 59-60 - horoscopes of disciples - soul/personality charts

EA- 60 - constellations, 6 in upper, 6 in lower zodiacal wheel - polar opposites interaction

EA- 60 - Cancer - mass consciousness

EA- 61 - Scorpio -triumphant disciple

EA- 61 - Leo - disciple finds himself

EA- 61 - Gemini - potent for disciples on probationary path; Sagittarius too

EA- 61 - Capricorn - crisis of renunciation

EA- 61 - Sun, path of - for pledged disciple and initiate

EA- 61 - Leo discoveries find crown in Aquarius; individual/group

EA- 61 - Cancer Leo Aquarius - mass individual group consciousness

EA- 62 - Capricorn, crab (Cancer), Pisces - see LOTS 45 for goat/crab fish analogies

EA- 62 - zodiac sign - initiate expresses spiritual fruit of earlier life experience, etc.

EA- 62 - astrology based upon illusion - imaginary path of Sun in heavens

EA- 62-3 - constellations - exist/streams energy; misuse of energies created illusion/polarised on astral

EA- 63 - precession of equinoxes

EA- 63 - birth, time of - fixed time is as yet unknown - precession etc. see SD2-387(3,102 BC)

EA- 63-4 - astrological computation - definite - individualisation - see cycles refs.

EA- 64 - Leo, Sun in - see cycles refs.

EA- 64 - Venus/Gemini - crisis of individualisation see 352,355. EP1-393

EA- 64 - Masonic - Leo - EA degree; Gemini - FC degree; Sagittarius - MM; Capricorn HRA - see 104,155,157. (see also Leadbeater's "Hidden Life of Freemasonry" pp.249-51)

EA- 65 - constellations/planets - effects on mass/individual/disciple -initiate; accounts for variation in rulerships of constellations

EA- 65 - astrological conclusions, orthodox - mass of people

EA- 65 - astrology, esoteric - disciples, advanced individuals

EA- 65 - CH - interim situation in this world cycle - (initiates?)

EA- 66 - tabulations - exoteric/esoteric rulers of signs, rays, planets etc - ordinary, disciples, initiates

EA- 66 - horoscope - mass of people move within - lack of will

EA- 67 - signs - Taurus/Pisces-Vulcan/Pluto-ray 1- world saviour

-Leo/Aquarius-Sun/Jupiter-ray 2-world server

-Sagittarius/Capricorn-Earth/Saturn-ray 3 - initiate

-Aries/Virgo-Mercury/Moon-ray 4 - cosmic/individual Christ

-Cancer/Scorpio-Neptune/Mars-ray 6-triumphant disciple

-(Gemini/Libra missing see bottom of p.66)

EA- 68 - tabulations - planetary rulers, constellations, rulers, rays - hierarchies

EA- 68 - Aries/Capricorn - 7th/5th ray energy - "stand alone" - see 66 - (note) - "Gemini and Libra are two constellations which-through their rulers-express 5th and 7th ray energy. For some occult reason they remain unrelated to any other of the signs." - (Venus/Capricorn/Makara?)

EA- 68 - rays

- ray 1-Taurus/Pisces-Vulcan/Pluto

- ray 2-Leo/Virgo-Sun/Jupiter

- ray 3-Gemini/Libra-Earth/Saturn

- ray 4-Scorpio/Aquarius-Mercury/Moon

- ray 6-Cancer/Sagittarius-Neptune/Mars

EA- 68 - signs - Leo/Virgo - sphinx - see 154,230, 288

EA- 69 - astrological prediction, accuracy - based upon thoughtforms of signs, astrologer's intuition, astrologer to respond to changes

EA- 69 - signs, 12 - potency of thoughtforms - focal points for certain forces

EA- 69 - astrologer - intuition/sensitivity

EA- 69 - astrologer - respond to changes, precession etc.

EA- 69 - precession of equinoxes/pole shift

EA- 69 - planets, constellations - reactions to, change

EA- 69 - astrologer - must study point in evolution of subject

EA- 69 - rays - most necessary study - quality, characteristics, life objectives

EA- 70 - horoscope of soul - different combinations of forces to those controlling personality life - disciple/initiate

EA- 70 - centres - below/above diaphragm

EA- 70 - planets - Mercury, Saturn, Vulcan, Pluto, Neptune, Venus, Jupiter, Moon, Mars - see initiation refs - stages of evolution

EA- 71 - planets - Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter - see initiation refs.

EA- 71 - Sun - "veiling a sacred planet hitherto unknown, is steadily and persistently reaching the man via the solar angel."

EA- 79 - Vulcan/cain - (vul-cain - see SD, IU refs)

EA- 85 - Gt Bear Pleiades Sirius - energies - 16 all told - see TCF536 "egoic lotus....the laws of karma are adjusted, the clue being found in the mastery of the 16 rays of the Ego for which 16 rays (and)16 mantras or words are given...mystery of the 16 rays of the Ego will be revealed when the force of the Sacred Tetraktys is merged with that of the Holy Twelve".

EA- 90 - horoscopes (charts) of the crosses - see 18, 59-60,90,514

EA- 94 - wheels - 6 stages for each (6+6+6=18; 666)

EA- 96 - Scorpio - death of personality - see 214

EA- 96 - "Scorpio...death and burial in the Earth...descent into the depths in order to be lifted again to the heights (mountain top in Capricorn)" - (hence Scorpio cap sag in C.H. pp.34-5)

EA- 101 - reversal of wheel - see also: 21,25,52,58,60-1,84,107,110,119, 160, 166 (Scorpio), 168,183,196 (Leo), 198 (Scorpio), 208,220-1,224 (Libra, Scorpio, Uranus), 227-8,229-30, 239, 276 (dual activity of great wheel), 302,370 (Taurus), 374 (Taurus), 380 (Taurus), 382 (Taurus - see 392,398), 447, 472 (Aries)

- 2 reversals? before 1st degree initiation - anticlockwise to clockwise? before 4th from clockwise to anti-clockwise? - see 101 "crisis of burning ground"-183, 107, 110; 261-2, 276.

EA- 102 - signs, four /four birth places - renewed cyclic activity

EA- 103 - personality/soul? - is person a...

EA- 103 - death, which /what crisis?

EA- 103 - wheel, which direction around?

EA- 105 - exaltation detriment fall - 3 phases of path

EA- 107 - cycles, four different - of progress - followed by 12 lives (labours) see 62 (recapitulation), 128 (on cardinal cross?), 131 (12 final tests) - see cycles

EA- 109 - rays expressing through signs, cue to - ex. ruler for person. ray, es. ruler for soul ray

EA- 114 - Pluto - affects soul life more than personality life

EA- 129-30 - Venus in Pisces; Virgo polarity

EA- 154 - (Aldabaran) - eye of bull; see pp 376,379,392-3,403, SD4-353-4; TCF 965

EA- 154-5 - zodiac - clue to entire

EA- 161 - signs, 7 - see 163

EA- 166 - signs - Ari Gem Can Vir Sco - path of evolution/karmic difficulty;

Gem Sag Cap path discipleship; Tau Lib Pis - path of initiation

EA- 173 - planet, hidden - Sun stands for es.; Sun ex. for Mercury

EA- 175 - signs - Leo Sag Aqu will reveal divine intent /mark points of crisis in progress

EA- 179 - star, 6 pointed - see 247,275,304,364,389. 275, 364, 389

EA- 180 - probationary disciple, two stages

EA- 180-1 - Scorpio - probation; sag - discipleship; cap - initiation

EA- 186 - chart, factors in considering

EA- 189 - disciples - pledged - under observation

EA- 197 - pole star, - 2 pointers - disciples initiates

EA- 200 - Mars/6th/3rd ray connection

EA- 202 - Scorpio - points of crisis, reorientation

EA- 202 - Ursa Minor - little bear

EA- 213 - St Paul (Scorpio); Christ/Jesus 168-9,583(Capricorn - look at Aries, Leo, Virgo, Pisces too) 286 (dominant world figures), 585 - Nero, Hitler ("advanced personalities")

EA- 216 - horoscope - clue to triple interpretation of rulers/rays

EA- 222-4 - rays - ascertaining soul/personality

EA- 228-9 - Libra - probationary path (249 too); Scorpio discipleship; Sagittarius initiate; see 180-1

EA- 247 - triangles - important in future horoscopes

EA- 252 - Lilith - last of the virgin goddesses - Virgo (Moon of Pluto)

EA- 253 - decanates - [look at aspects between planets and rulers of decanates in which they reside - e.g. Venus semi/sq Saturn: soul body integration (physical astral/mental decanates)]

EA- 260 - Virgo - "blinded stage" in masonry (not previously indexed)

EA- 261-2 - zodiac wheel progression - three modes

EA- 259 - Virgo - discipleship

EA- 262 - horoscopes of form/soul - distinction between - ex/es rulers

EA- 265-6 - signs of crisis - Leo Libra Capricorn - point of evolution. (see also 287, 299 -Leo Scorpio cap)

EA- 266 - horoscopes - mass

EA- 273 - crosses - intermediate

EA- 275 - Solomon's seal - see 364, 389. (6 pointed star refs. 179)

EA- 282 - exaltation detriment fall - wider theme of soul's life (see 105 too)

EA- 282-3 - decanate for disciple/average

EA- 285-6 - Saturn - position to do with soul chart? (Hitler reference) Leo new cycle

EA- 288 - Leo - paramount control in life of aspirant

EA- 298 - house, certain - Sun Moon Saturn - sign of initiation

EA- 318 - signs, water - personality development. Can, Vir, Sco, Cap, Pis - peculiar stage of discipleship

EA- 319 - incarnations - period of three to four

EA- 320 - water(y) triangle. tests up to 3rd degree - (3rd degree symbol of 5 pointed star/triangle)

EA- 332-4 - signs - intermediate relationship - initiatory stages

EA- 335 - crosses, three - where upon path of evolution

EA- 339 - ray of personality - secret? “interplay between opposite signs leads to some aspect of definite personality manifestation” - see 17 - “Sun sign… holds secret of personality ray”

EA- 349 - signs - Gemini Libra Aquarius - certain situations in lives; Sirius Pleiades Great Bear

EA- 355 - Gemini - month of June - advantage to bring nearer to spiritual realities

EA- 365 - Jupiter in Gemini

EA- 387-8 - signs - Aries Taurus Gemini closely connected to 1st, 2nd, 3rd initiations

EA- 395-6 - soul age, relative - person/groups - hints?

EA- 398 - signs - Tau, Gem, Can, Leo, Vir, Lib, Sco - life experience signs

EA- 399 - signs - Sag, Cap, Aqu, Pis - signs of discipleship/initiation

EA- 400 - constellations - Andromeda, Cassiopea, Coma Berenice, Virgo

EA- 447 - Leo/Uranus/7th ray - similar combinations - in horoscope of 1st degree initiate

EA- 449 - signs - Leo Pis Cap - path of return for humanity

EA- 464 - crosses -12 arms - soul

EA- 464 - horoscope, certain triangular relationships

EA- 467 - signs, eight - Ari, Tau, Gem, Can, Lib, Sco, Sag, Cap - evolution of soul- psychic unfoldment of aspirant

EA- 468 - horoscope of soul: triangles = possibility; crosses = process, points of crisis;

horoscope of soul - new types of charts demonstrating soul purpose/group relations

EA- 471-2 - signs - Leo Vir Pis - lie behind three types of unfoldment in humanity

EA- 472 - soul, seven crises - 7 centres etc see 476

EA- 472 - constellations, five - crises of disciple - Sag Lib Tau Pis Aqu

EA- 472 - burning ground - Leo (not previously indexed)

EA- 473-7 - crises, seven - practical lessons from; moments of crisis passed thru 3 times- soul cycle recapitulated in minor sense in one life or group of lives

EA- 475-7 - constellations, seven: individualisation to discipleship; constellations, eight: selfhood to self initiated soul

EA- 475 - crises, to produce/surmount - objective/subjective rhythms

EA- 476 - cross of life, twenty four episodes which mark (24 is number of Shamballa - relates to life aspect/cardinal cross)

EA- 476-7 - constellations, five - disciple/initiate - Leo joins 7 + 5

EA- 480 - astrologer, new - must consider 1) triangles 2) ascendant 3) 3 crosses

EA- 480 - Virgo/Scorpio triplicities and link with science of triangles.( Ophites, serpents, Demeter, Persephone, matter/spirit - EA56, 271, IU2-444-5,449,461-2 (Ezekiel's wheel),489-90)

EA- 486 - decanates - "3 constellations(Taurus Scorpio Pisces)...are to this zodiac what the planets are to the decanates"

EA- 492-3 - Masonic analogy for evolution of consciousness (not previously indexed)

EA- 508 - triangle - Earth Mars Pluto - with Venus determining factor prior to probationary path

EA- 510 - probationers/disciples: ex/es. rulers;. sacred/non-sacred;.Sun/Moon veiling

EA- 512 - horoscope evaluation - points to consider/questions to ask

EA- 513-4 - Sun sign - ex rulers; ascendant - es. rulers - ex/es horoscopes.

ascendant - es. ruler -destiny of disciple

Sun ascendant - es. planets - superimposition =outer/inner life

Sun ex. ruler /ascendant es. ruler - problem of disciple in incarnation

EA- 515 - Sun sign/asc - each incarnation will be different

EA- 538 - houses see 540,542 (not previously indexed)

EA- 562 - Pleiades - from Taurus when entering fixed cross

EA- 566 - (Ophiuchus - the serpent holder) - Scorpio

EA- 564 - zodiac, lesser - plays its part with 3 arms of cross

EA- 569 - mutable to fixed cross - transition

EA- 602 - ray energies, basic - working out in persons/planetary/zodiacal relationships

EA- 607-8 - little bear - (Ursa Minor)

EA- 612 - chart, interior light - advanced aspirant - see diagram 5 - p.611

EA- 614 - paths - 1) evolution/probation 2) discipleship 3) initiation

EA- 614 - ray 1 type - reach 3rd/7th initiations more easily

EA- 621 - constellations/signs - distinction between galaxies of stars and signs as concentrated influences

Esoteric Healing

EH- 4-5 - rays, 7 - techniques of healing

EH- 45 - tabulation - 7 centres/7 rays

EH- 49-50 - each centre expressive of 7 ray energies

EH- 51 - rays, centres, diseases - tabulation

EH- 52 - ray structure - two tabulations - astral/soul

EH- 66 - ray quality determines temperament, which determines disease; different rays/disorders

EH- 67-8 - ray 1 - irritation, imperil - master M

EH- 75-6 - ray type and point in evolution of patient - healer must know for accurate diagnosis; astrological conditions

EH- 76 - etheric body connected to lungs, kidneys, stomach: lungs/mind - (Gemini/Venus); stomach/desire - (Cancer/Neptune); kidneys/etheric (Libra/Uranus) [soul rulers]

EH- 77 - ray structure indicates condition of centres

EH- 96 - rays - understanding of - healing with thought

EH- 100 - certain ray forces - certain centres

EH- 104 - ray 2 - method of healing adapted for beginners

EH- 106 - will to live aspect - ray 1; equality of rhythm - ray 2; crystallisation - ray 3

EH- 106 - will - organs of respiration; sleep; love - heart/circulatory/nervous system; see 108,143

EH- 106 - (ray 2) love aspect - controls etheric - assimilation of prana

EH- 106 - life (1) force uses blood stream (look at relation of ray 6/Neptune and ray 1); psychic force uses nervous system (Venus). (see 143)

EH- 107 - (ray 3) activity aspect - thru organs assimilation/elimination (Virgo/Scorpio); stomach, large/small intestine

EH- 107 - (ray 2) - 2nd aspect - astral body reflection of; etheric is ‘2nd body’ - hence 2nd ray

EH- 107 - nervous system (Venus); etheric (Moon/Vulcan)

EH- 108 - 1st aspect - respiration/sleep- death, insanities, brain diseases (Aries); 3rd aspect - stomach/bowel-beneath solar plexus centre (Virgo)

EH- 108 - 1st aspect - develop goodwill - heals respiratory disease

2nd aspect - laws of vitality - heals blood, veins, nervous, senility

3rd aspect - assimilation/elimination - heals stomach, bowels, genitals (Virgo/Scorpio)

EH- 109 - 1st solar system - 100,000,000,000 monads

2nd solar system - 200,000,000,000 monads - (see LOOM 289 - 60,000,000 monads)

3rd solar system - 300,000,000,000 monads

EH- 110 - ray of disciple in relation to centres

EH- 124 - ray of disciple - those affected

EH- 128-9 - ray 7 types more susceptible to blood diseases (clue to AAB’s make-up? see UA)

EH- 129 - diseases of nervous system - hard aspects of/to Venus?

EH- 129 - over/under organised - imbalance of glandular system (Saturn rules this - see 143)

EH- 130 - rays 2,6 disciples - nervous diseases

EH- 130 - ray 2 - building ray; ray 6 - tension, evil fanaticism, altruistic devotion

EH- 130 - ray 2 - soul’s activity through all the centres

EH- 130 - ray 6 - close relation to solar plexus

EH- 131 - ray - failure to sound forth

EH- 132 - ray 1 - problems breathing/respiratory

EH- 132 - ray 4 disciples - intuitive understanding of OM

EH- 136 - ray energy of soul

EH- 137 - ray of personality; ray energies controlling centres

EH- 137 - ray of soul, soul contact

EH- 138 - ray of soul - 7 subsidiary rays

EH- 138 - ray of soul, magnetic pull - dominating personality ray

EH- 140 - rays, 7 - find 7 glands as medium of expression - replica of septenary universe; glands are a relating system (Saturn rules and is exalted in Libra, the sign of relating

EH- 141 - etheric (Moon/Vulcan), nervous system (Venus) - (look at Taurus - with Venus/Vulcan as personality/soul rulers and myth of marriage of Aphrodite/ Hephaistos - analogy for relation of etheric/nervous system)

EH- 142 - etheric, nervous, endocrine systems responsive to personality/soul ray (personality ray must have close relation to etheric, soul ray to nervous, monadic to endocrine?)

EH- 142 - (3 aspects) - etheric? - appearance; nervous - quality; endocrine - life?

EH- 142 - relationship blood system (Neptune) to nervous system(Venus) - (could be a reflection in the greater scheme where the Logos of the 6th ray (Neptune?) is incarnate upon Venus (see TCF 595) and Venus is higher self to Earth. Myth of Aphrodite born in Neptune’s domain, the sea. Neptune ‘higher octave’ of Venus. Also relates to Neptune as 2nd synthesising scheme for this second solar system which could be 4th of 7 solar systems - ties in with Neptune ruling 4th of ‘lower vehicles’ - see EH143. May also relate to Neptune as ruler of ray 6 being the vehicle for the solar Logos whose magical square is 666. Our solar Logos (blue Logos/ray 6) may be in this case the 6th of the 7 solar systems. Much speculation here!)

EH- 142 - relationship of glandular to blood (Saturn etc - see 143)

EH- 143 - etheric, nervous, endocrine, blood - 4 distributing agents of combined rays (see TWM 569 - ‘five airs’)

EH- 143 - etheric from circulatory angle - Moon(Vulcan?); nervous (Venus); endocrine (Saturn); blood (Neptune)

EH- 143 - rays of soul/personality correspond to duality of 4 streams

EH- 143 - four aspects of matter correspond to 4 divine attributes (4 rays of attribute - Moon/etheric - ray 4; Venus/nervous - ray 5; Neptune/blood - ray 6; Saturn/endocrine - ray 7????); correspond to 3 divine aspects

EH- 143 - ‘These four systems are in reality the manifestation of the four aspects of matter in its lowest or purely physical expression...Each of these is essentially dual’ - see 107 - ‘nervous system controlled from astral via etheric...circulatory system controlled from etheric’

Moon/etheric - EA 357 - Gemini/3rd ray; EA 513 Earth/3rd house?; EA 19 - Moon /physical; EA 378 - Taurus/physical; EA 303,273 - Aquarius - physical permanent atom - see also EA 321,142,138-9,219,273,322,341,395, - Moon veiling Neptune; EA 352-3 - Gemini/etheric/dual activity - constellation - ancient Moon connection; EA 64 - Gemini - individualisation)

Venus/nervous (astral) - EA 323 - Moon/Neptune/Cancer; EA 357 - ray 4, Gemini/Sagittarius; EA 321 - Moon/Neptune; EA 366-7 - Gemini rules thymus/entire nervous organism)

Saturn/endocrine (mental) - EA 357 - ray 5 Capricorn/Venus) - (direct relation to Moon/Vulcan/etheric)

Neptune/blood (buddhic) - EA 366 - Gemini governs oxygenation of blood; EA 211-3 - Mars vitalises blood (direct relation to Venus/nervous/astral)

EH- 144 - initiation into physical incarnation - gate of Cancer; initiation into kingdom of god - gate of Capricorn

EH- 144-5 - central spiritual Sun - crown chakra corresponds to

EH- 146 - 2nd aspect - related to Buddha for initiate

EH- 147 - ajna centre corresponds to physical Sun - personality, true persona, mask

EH- 147 - ajna distributes ray 3 energy - (hence Venus, Mercury and Saturn relating at various stages)

EH- 148 - third eye, left and right eyes (see EA 429 - will love intelligence - Vulcan Mercury Venus; Vulcan soul ruler of Taurus - the ‘bull’s eye’)

EH- 149 - ajna - imagination, desire (rays 4,6); idealism (Neptune/6th ray) - linked to 3rd, 2nd rays.

EH- 149 - ray 1 - head centre

EH- 149 - ajna - 48 + 48 ‘units of force’ - 96 (look at Scorpio associations here - 8th sign - 8x12 =96; Mercury’s rulership of ajna and hi. ruler of Scorpio - imagination, desire, Moon’s all in Scorpio and rulership of ray 4 with Mercury. Also 4x12=48 - Cancer/4th sign - soul ruler Neptune, Scorpio ruler Mars - two rulers of ray 6)

EH- 150 - ray influences - some more dominant than others

EH- 151 - throat ruled by Saturn; head - Uranus; ajna - Mercury - disciple only - different after 3rd degree, before 1st degree - see EA 517 - average man - Vulcan/head, Venus/ajna, Earth/throat; disciples/initiates - Vulcan/head, Venus/ajna, Saturn/throat.

EH- 152 - Uranus Saturn Mercury - key to process of ninefold initiation - see EA 427,429 - Sirius, Great Bear, Pleiades respectively.

EH- 152 - ray 3 expresses: sacral - average man; throat - aspirant/probationer; ajna - disciple/initiate

EH- 155 - thyroid symbolises 3rd aspect of intelligence - substance impregnated with mind

EH- 156 - heart corresponds to heart of Sun (Neptune - rules blood, divine circulatory flow - see 159 - heart centre = solar fire

EH- 158 - orientation - (Libra?); concentration (Leo), meditation (Virgo) - see EA

EH- 159 - responsibility (Saturn) learnt by humanity will bring thymus into proper function (Gemini rules thymus - Earth hi. ruler Gemini and co-ruler 3rd ray with Saturn)

EH- 160 - thymus - love, right human relations (Gemini rules thymus, Venus soul ruler - relationships)

EH- 164 - astrological rulership of parts of body? - throat/Taurus, lungs/Gemini, heart/Leo, spleen/Cancer?, stomach/Cancer-Virgo?, sex organs/Scorpio, skin/bony structure - Capricorn, blood/Neptune, nervous/Gemini.

EH- 165 - physical/skin-bone (Saturn); soul/blood (Neptune); spirit/nervous (Uranus/Venus?); (3 synthesising schemes?)

EH- 165 - three aspects: 5 ventricles of brain - physical; 3 glands in head - soul; 2 eyes - monad

EH- 165-6 - throat/3rd aspect/physical; heart/2nd aspect/soul; lungs/1st aspect/spirit

EH- 166 - three aspects: sex organs(sacral)/ creative aspect/physical (look at Uranus exalted in Scorpio and its relation to the 3rd ray)

- stomach/solar plexus/2nd aspect/soul (look at Jupiter exalted in Cancer and hi. ruler Virgo - both signs related to stomach; Virgo takes through it ray 2 energy - it ‘assimilates’ and ‘builds’)

- spleen (spleen centre) 1st aspect/spirit (look at Sun/Vulcan? exaltation in Aries)

- (with all of above signs Scorpio, Virgo, Aries - Mercury rules; may constitute macrocosmic triangle)

EH- 170 - science of triangles for human system (chakras etc) to be developed, like science of triangles for astrology (7 major centres - 7 constellations/7 sacred planets; 22 minor chakras - 12 zodiac signs + 10 planets?; 343 points of light - stars, etheric planets, asteroids?

EH- 170 - solar plexus - reflection in personality of heart of Sun (hence ‘higher light’ of solar plexus - Neptune)

EH- 170 - solar plexus most separative centre (look at Mars as non-sacred co-ruler of Ray 6 and Neptune as sacred co-ruler; also relation of 10 petalled solar plexus with 10th sign Capricorn - mystery of Makara; Mars is exalted in Capricorn and has connection to Ray 3 which comes through Capricorn, via its occult relation to the Pleiades, the 3rd aspect; 2x3=6; Neptune is Makara - SD; Venus, hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, has occult relation as solar plexus is primitive ‘brain’; Venus ruler of 5th ray - 2x5=10 etc. etc. see Makara file.

EH- 172 - solar plexus - mediums, clairvoyants (Neptune soul ruler Cancer)

EH- 172-3 - chakra repolarisations on 2nd, 3rd, 1st ray lines

EH- 173 - solar plexus - Atlantis/Poseidonis (Neptune)

EH- 176 - sacral centre - corresponds to physical Sun (look at ‘magical square of Sun’ as 666, and the sacral as 6th centre; Mars as 6th ray ruler embodying many sacral traits - sexuality etc; look at Uranus as ruler of sacral.)

EH- 176 - prenatal charts? - symbolism sacral - conception, gestation, form building (look at Uranus)

EH- 177 - spleen - organ of reception, of prana - physical Sun

EH- 178 - key to spiritualistic movement (Cancer Sun, Pisces rising) - survival subtle bodies - 2nd ray line

EH- 179 - science of triangles governs human frame

EH- 180 - (Scorpio) - sex - principle of mysticism (Scorpio 2nd degree initiation)

EH- 182 - serpent of matter/wisdom (Pluto/Mercury - both rulers of Scorpio - sign of the serpent - Ophiuchus)

EH- 183 - ray types - awakening of centres

EH- 187-8 - three head centres - 3 rays: medulla - 3, ajna - 2, crown - 1; 3 races - Lemuria, Atlantis, Aryan

EH- 188 - three crosses - evolution (mutable), discipleship (fixed), initiation (cardinal) - centres below/above diaphragm, in head

EH- 190 - etheric body personality expression (hence Sun sign connection)

EH- 190 - rays - personality/soul - thru etheric centres

EH- 191 - Moon - lunar lords - lower self - disease

EH- 193 - general mass (Cancer); probationary path (Leo?)

EH- 194 - ray, soul - personality or astral is quality of soul expression

EH- 196 - ray of personality dictates definite life pattern of nadis - geometry per rays

EH- 195-6 - nervous system externalisation of etheric (ancient Moon connection with Gemini; Venus soul ruler; see 143 too; Moon veiling Uranus, myth of Venus born from his blood)

EH- 197 - nadis - [ life aspect (Uranus); nerves - soul aspect (Venus); endocrine - form aspect (Saturn)]

EH- v203 - Sun, radiation - spleen

EH- 210 - base of spine (Mercury rules average) - relates spirit/matter

EH- 215 - rays, 5 - disciple works with

EH- 219 - Sun - vitality - physical

EH- 219 - ray type of disciple

EH- 235 - Planetary Logos - imperfect god (non sacred planet)

EH- 242 - ray type in relation to organisation of subtler bodies

EH- 271 - astrological, ray types - when healing

EH- 276 - rays - 5 fold structure

EH- 277 - true astrology charts of soul, personality etc. - indicate purpose of soul, etheric body state

EH- 278-9 - significance of time cycles; true astrological findings when hour of disincarnation known

EH- 279 - conditioning rays which govern etheric body’s manifestation in space

- astrology which governs etheric body’s manifestation in time

EH- 287 - birth date of patient

EH- 292-3 - seven ray causes of karma

EH- 293 - defects emerging from astral conditions; horoscope of Planetary Logos

EH- 298 - lords of 7 rays who inform 7 sacred planets

EH- 298 - Planetary Logos non sacred planet

EH- 298 - Sanat Kumara - heavy karma (Saturn Makara)

EH- 298-300 - ray 1 - (imperfection) - power to crystallise, death (Saturn/Pluto)

- ray 2 - (imperfection) - accretion/abundant growth (Jupiter)

- ray 3 - (manoeuvring/manipulation) -results on astral (Saturn; 3+3=6 Mars/ray 6)

EH- 301 - ray 4 - combat, beauty, battle

EH- 302 - ray 5 - separative, multiplicity; cold, austere, ascetic, cruel (Saturnian)

EH- 303 - ray 6 - mists/fog, misuse of sex/desire (Mars)

EH- 304 - ray 7 - knew not the need of forms

EH- 336-7 - eyes (Mercury/Venus)

EH- 339-41 - full Moon - psychoses

EH- 340 - Pisces/Aquarius transition period

EH- 341 - full Moon - Logos’ meditation - astral body Logos/humanity

EH- 342 - mental types/ aspirants benefit from full Moon; problems for average

EH- 342 - Sun - solar lord - race dominated by

EH- 342 - Moon and its phases - major mystery of; less neurosis as it loses power

EH- 343 - ray 2, 1 - healing method questions - ray lines

EH- 344 - ray types - age of soul

EH- 345 - ray types of group

EH- 345 - rays - love quality dominant

EH- 362 - Moon - symbol of generative, creative life - form (veils Uranus)

EH- 363 - Lilith - world mother symbol before Eve (see SD and creation of “Liliths”)

EH- 383 - misuse of rays 1,2,3 - syphilitic - 3; TB - 2; Cancer -1.

EH- 383 - fivefold rays

EH- 411 - ray 1 - destroyer - lord of ray 1 (Pluto)

EH- 416 - death is initiation (Capricorn - initiation/death)

EH- 416 - Solar Logos - great cosmic ENTITY

EH- 421 - (ray 2) - conditioning etheric “by the transmutation of the violet into the blue”

EH- 421 - rays - building devas same ray or complimentary ray

EH- 422 - Moon - mystery of failure

EH- 434 - aspects, 3 - 3 rays

EH- 438 - first divine aspect - ray 1 - death (441,444 - destroyer)

EH- 444 - destroyer (1st aspect) - resurrection principle - Pisces message (Pluto soul ruler)

EH- 452 - body of Christ principle (buddhic vehicle) only begins to coordinate when lower principles fade out (Mars for Neptune - see TCF 899, LOTS 137-8)

EH- 454-5 - 3 aspects: Being -1; Living - 2; Moving - 3

EH- 459 - ray 1 - sandalwood (destroyer) at death

EH- 468 - rays, 7 - of light

EH- 469-70 - birth time - taking incarnation - birth hour - ‘sound’ of baby

EH- 471 - ray 1 - destroyer aspect, rays 2,3; ray 2 love aspect

EH- 478 - ray type of person who has just died

EH- 481 - rays, 7 - knowledge of constitution of man - based on esoteric astrology

EH- 483 - astrological influences - part of new medical approach]

EH- 507 - ray type - conditioning dominant personality (Leo)

EH- 507 - rays - conflict soul/personality rays (Scorpio - 2nd degree)

EH- 510 - integration various stages - zodiacal progression? - mercy (Scorpio), conviction (Sagittarius), spiritual ambition (Capricorn), example of hierarchy (Aquarius), pure love (Pisces)???

EH- 512 - ray of soul - at earlier stage of incarnation

EH- 513 - ray - personality/soul in direct contact; chakras head, ajna etc

EH- 514 - soul ray - pouring into personality

EH- 523 - solar Logos - 7 planetary Logoi

EH- 573 - ray type - determining friction

EH- 583 - rays - epoch making importance

EH- 590-1 - planetary ray - 3rd; rays of monad, soul, mental, astral, physical

EH- 590 - ray of physical body esoterically ascends upward toward juncture

EH- 590 - ray of personality - result of vast cycle of incarnations

EH- 591 - rays - of monad and its ‘polar opposite’ the planetary 3rd ray

EH- 597 - rays - fivefold structure

EH- 597 - rays - monad, planetary ray - active in advanced - good health

EH- 598 - rays, 7 - secret enables master to control epidemics

EH- 599 - ray 7 - representative of Mahachohan

EH- 601 - rays, types; centres

EH- 607 - Moon - lunar lords - builders in body; evil = pain and suffering

EH- 608 - Moon - symbol of form - mother of form; seeds of death in lunar emanation

EH- 612 - Earth - Planetary Logos incarnated in

EH- 618 - third aspect - active intelligence

EH- 619 - seven rays subsidiary to love aspect (ray 2)

EH- 619 - seven sacred planets; 7 centres

EH- 619 - rays - 3 major

EH- 624 - lunar lords - work closely with karmic law

EH- 636 - Earth - not yet a sacred planet

EH- 641 - lunar lords at times overpower soul

EH- 646 - lunar lords all ruled by Spirit of the Earth

EH- 650 - rays 2,3,5 - healers on; 1,4,7 - healers; ray 6 healers; healer’s own ray to be ascertained

EH- 651 - ajna centre

EH- 667 - will aspect - first direct contact with human mind (Pluto in Leo)

EH- 691 - lunar lords of personality - permanent atoms; high initiation for lunar lords

EH- 693 - rays, 7 - 7 techniques of healing

EH- 693 - soul ray of aspirant seldom in control; ray energies, techniques

EH- 694 - ray words - DK not communicating

EH- 695 - seven rays - totality of energies on planet; composes primary ray of Love Wisdom

EH- 695 - ray 2 - dominating ray of solar system

EH- 696 - second ray, 2nd subray of all rays - healer always works through - becomes connected to soul./personality rays

EH- 696 - rays 2,4,6 in form nature used to heal - must not heal otherwise

EH- 696 - ray 2 rare to find lacking in ray structure

EH- 696 - ray 2 healers are great; Christ greatest of 2nd ray

EH- 696 - ray of soul conditions technique employed in healing

EH- 696 - ray in personality closest to 2nd ray - healing must flow through

EH- 696 - second subray of soul ray determines approach to healing problem

EH- 696 - rays 2,4,6 deemed appropriate to healing thru personality vehicle

EH- 697 - rays, 7 - soul ray

EH- 697 - lesser and greater triangles of centres - relates to Science of Triangles

EH- 698 - rays 2,4,6 - personality vehicle

EH- 698 - ray of soul related to centre in etheric

EH- 698-9 - rays of healer/patient - combinations thereof

EH- 699-700 - ascertaining successfully 2 major rays

EH- 700 - high initiate to work with lower vehicle rays

EH- 700 - rays of healer/patient - soul/personality

EH- 700 - rays of disciples in DINA - experiment with this data; DINA - 2nd ray ashram - rays are apparent

EH- 701-2 - healer should ascertain own rays - easier than finding patient’s

EH- 701 - ray quality - spiritual advancement required to find

EH- 701 - ray of personality easier to find in non advanced

EH- 702 - rays of patient; healer focuses attention in his own ray

EH- 702 - rays 1,3,5,7 or 2,4,6 - healer to surmise ray line

EH- 703 - healer’s ray sent through centre associated with disease

EH- 705 - ray techniques - simple physical application dangerous

EH- 705 - black lodge can only work with personality ray

EH- 706-13 - ray techniques

EH- 706 - ray 1 technique; spiritual Sun

EH- 707 - ray 1 - dynamic destroyer

EH- 707 - ray 1 soul; ray 1 personality

EH- 707-8 - ray 2 technique

EH- 708-9 - ray 3 technique; task to control emotional nature

EH- 709 - ray 4 technique; true ray knowledge; ray 4 governs 4th kingdom - human; ray 4 not in incarnation; ray 4 heals primarily thru sound/music - chord of 4th ray

EH- 710 - ray 4 cycles into manifestation - more information

EH- 710-11 - ray 5 technique - works scientifically/concretely; more hints on ray 5 than others

EH- 711-2 - ray 6 technique - seldom disciplined

EH- 712 - end of ray 6 cycle

EH- 712 - ray 6 healer fanatical, aggressive, too sure

EH- 712 - ray 7 technique - brings together life and substance

EH- 713 - ray 7 will dominate planet in new age

EH- 713 - ray 1 - discovery of atomic liberation

EH- 713 - incoming 7th ray

Rays and the Initiations (Unfinished)

RI- 19-24 - fourteen rules - correspond to zodiac signs?) (italics mine)

- rule 1 - Aries - ‘let the disciple search within’ (start of Aries pioneering journey); ‘fire of mind focussed in the head’s clear light’

- rule 2 - Taurus - ‘let memory rule’ (memory is Taurean ‘acquisitiveness of knowledge’ and aspect of the Dweller later in opposite sign Scorpio)

- rule 3 - Gemini - ‘let the disciple sound the call’ (Mercury/Gemini/communication etc); ‘dual the moving forward’

- rule 4 - Cancer - ‘nourish the lesser lives’

- rule 5 - Leo - ‘solar angels dim the light of the lunar angels’

- rule 6 - Virgo - ‘purificatory fires’, ‘nourish that which is lowest’

- rule 7 - Libra - ‘Great Council in the highest Secret Place’, ‘radiant halls where move the lights which carry out the Will of God’ - (both quotes sound like references to Shamballa with which Libra is associated - see EA168)

- rule 8 - Scorpio - ‘upon the double circle’ (no. eight/8th sign/Scorpio)

- rule 9 - Aquarius - ‘only when the group is known and sensed’

- rule 10 - Sagittarius - ‘Army of the Voice, the devas in their serried ranks...within the veils of maya’ (Sagittarius rules 6th Creative Hierarchy)

- rule 11 - Pisces - ‘let them destroy by their dynamic will’ (Pluto soul/hi. ruler Pisces); ‘at the fourth great cycle of attainment’ (fourth initiation? - closely related to Pisces - see Initiation index refs. in Esoteric Astrology)

- rule 13 - Capricorn -‘laws’, ‘secret lost of alchemy’(magical work of Cap/7th ray) ‘get ready to reveal the hidden mystery’ (at initiation in Capricorn); ‘let Transfiguration (Capricorn/3rd degree initiation) follow Transformation’

RI- 23 - rule 12 - ‘Let the disciple (Scorpio) learn to use the hand (Gemini) in service (Virgo); let him seek (Sagittarius) the mark of the Messenger (Mercury/Gemini) in his feet (Pisces) and let him learn to see with the eye which looks out from between the two. (Taurus)’- (note 3 axes mentioned here - Taurus/Scorpio, Gemini/Sagittarius and Virgo/Pisces - whole of mutable cross and half of fixed cross)

- ‘Let the group serve as Aquarius indicates; let Mercury speed the group upon the upward way and let Taurus bring illumination and the attainment of the vision; let the mark of the Saviour as the group toils in Pisces, be seen above the aura of the group.’

RI- 87 - (Pluto?) - destructive power of Shamballa/spirit

RI- 88 - Gemini full Moon June 1943 - outpouring of divine love reached its highest expression - for all time

RI- 89 - Gemini - complete victory of life over form, of spirit over matter, is consummated and celebrated

RI- 92 - full Moon June 1945 from full Moon June 1936 - 9 year initiatory period for Christ of evoking Shamballa energy

RI- 95 - Avatar links up with Planetary Logos - April 1945 - (Taurus /Wesak full Moon - Moon’s node conjunct Sirius)

RI- 96-7 - Monad...relates to forces active on Pluto and another planet which must remain nameless, and to the Central Spiritual Sun

- Soul - Venus and Mercury, Sirius, Heart of the Sun

- Personality - Saturn and Mars, physical Sun

RI- 100 - (Pluto) - death process - purification of personality

RI- 120 - ray 1 - destroyer aspect - worldwide destruction through 1st kingdom - mineral

Labours of Hercules

LH- 1 - twelve great gates = zodiac

LH- 5 - twelve labours - path of discipleship depicted

LH- 5 - five stages of initiation of Jesus climax 12 Labours

LH- 6-9 - astrological connotations of 12 labours

LH- 7 - Hercules enacted life history of every aspirant

LH- 10 - greater zodiac of 25,000 years

LH- 12 - twelve zodiac signs - planetary tendency to divinity

LH- 13 - reversed zodiac wheel

LH- 15 - Hercules was "18 summers" when he slew the Lion ("beast" of personality - 2x9=18, 2nd degree etc)

LH- 15 - Gemini - teachers; Scorpio - desire

LH- 15 - Minerva - wove Hercules' robe

LH- 15 - Vulcan forged H. breastplate

LH- 15 - Neptune provided H. horses

LH- 15-16 - Mercury supplied H. with a sword

LH- 16 - Apollo the Sun gave H. a bow of light - Archer/Sagittarius

LH- 17 - Apollo, Jupiter (ray 2)

LH- 18 - H. a twin; one a son of man, the other a son of Zeus

LH- 23-4 - fixed cross - Taurus = power to do, Scorpio = motto is silence, Leo = power to dare, Aquarius = power to know

LH- 24 - Aries to Pisces

LH- 25 - planets/gods

LH- 27 - son of Mars - Diomedes

LH- 29 - signs - 3 constellations for each sign - embody disciple's problem, indicate solution; 3 fold spirit

LH- 29 - zodiacs - clockwise, reversed

LH- 31 - Aries - "Lamb slain from the foundation of the world" - Rev 13:8 (has to do to 25,000 year cycle - DK)

LH- 31 - Aries is outgoing power

LH- 32-3 - Aries - begin, create, resurrection

LH- 33 - Aries is "Wherein sacrifice of righteousness was made"; "sign of fallen angels".

LH- 33 - Aries - urge to be free from form control

LH- 33 - Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Pisces, Virgo, Capricorn, Libra

LH- 34 - Vishnu presides over Aries

LH- 34 - Aries - head, thinker, right direction, orientation,

LH- 34 - Sun god, horse sacrifice; horse is intellectual activity. Aries princely sign of Ram

LH- 35 - Aries - brood mares - feminine aspect of the mind - birth to ideas - destructive lower mind

LH- 35 - Aries - pioneering, militant spirit

LH- 36 - Aries - Mahomet and Moses born under - Warrior and Law Giver; Islam most militant religion. (Note Law Giver - Aries opposite Libra)

LH- 36 - Cassiopea - matter form (see EA 400 - under Taurus)

LH- 36 - Cetus = evil

LH- 36 - Perseus - helmet of invisibility (Similar to Pluto); sandals of swiftness (Mercury)

LH- 36 - Aries keynote - hope

LH- 39 - Taurus - maze of King Minos (ray 3)

LH- 40 - (Pleiades) - Sisters Seven

LH- 40 - Cyclopes - one eyed giants (See SD ref. to rootraces)

LH- 41 - Aries - thought impulse; Taurus - desire

LH- 42 - tests (of Labours) most detailed in Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio, Pisces

LH- 42 - Taurus labour - Law of Attraction - magnetic force and principle of coherence that builds the form through which the soul manifests

LH- 42 - Taurus - problem of sex

LH- 42-3 - Arges, Bronte, Steropes - whirling activity, thunder, lightning

LH- 44 - Leo - fire spirit- lower nature, serpent force; Taurus - creative force; Aquarius - light bringer; Scorpio - monster of darkness

LH- 44 - Aldabaran - eye of Bull - illumination

LH- 44 - Taurus - "Interpreter of divine voice" (Word made flesh)

LH- 44 - Taurus - Bulls eye, lantern, papal bull = interpreters of Gods voice

LH- 45 - Taurus - Moon exalted - Venus rules; form builder, matter, Mary. Glorification of matter and illumination through its medium. Body (matter) is purified, consecrated, spiritualised so that light can shine through.

LH- 45 - Venus - Earthly, heavenly love; carnal desire - spiritual love; creator of beauty rhythm and love. Bull and cow = creation.

LH- 45 - "The Zodiac: A Life Epitome" -Walter Sampson - reference book

LH- 45 - Pleiades in shoulder of bull; Pleiades symbol - dove with wings outstretched in saddle of bull; dove sacred to Venus

LH- 46 - Taurus - sex - higher and lower aspects

LH- 46 - Alcyone - central spiritual Sun. Pleiades symbol of soul. Lost Pleiad symbol of the obscuration of spirit.

LH- 46-7 - Taurus/Scorpio - sex/illusion

LH- 47 - Orion, Eridanus, Auriga. Orion - three kings - 3 aspects. Orion = 'breaking forth of light"; Medusa = illusion

LH- 47 - Eridanus - "River of the judge"; river of life carrying souls into incarnation

LH- 48 - Auriga - charioteer of soul

LH- 48 - Maya - Scorpio, sex - Taurus: 2 aspects of law of attraction: Taurus/physical, Scorpio/astral.

LH- 50 - Minotaur's maze - illusion (ray 3)

LH- 51 - sex problem solved when disciple subordinates personal self to group

LH- 53 - Taurus - lower nature (sacral) - higher is third eye - Bulls eye, Cyclopes.

LH- 54-9 - five stages of Hercules labour (5 stages of manas?)

LH- 55 - Bronte - 1st aspect - thunder - creative sound of God; Steropes - lightning - light of soul - 2nd aspect; Arges - 3rd aspect - whirling activity

LH- 56 - Busiris - arch deceiver - son of Poseidon (Neptune - deception/illusion ex.)

LH- 59 - Hesperis - evening star (Venus soul ruler of Gemini)

LH- 60 - Gemini test - desire of Taurus carried forward into world of completion

LH- 61 - Gemini is apple tree of knowledge (see EA64)

LH- 61 - Nereus - "Ancient of the Sea" - very elusive (Neptunian)

LH- 61 - Gemini labour - whole planet had to be searched

LH- 62 - Gemini air sign - mutable - glamours always changing

- Busiris/Poseidon; Busiris fluent in speech (shadow of Mercury)

LH- 64 - Castor and Pollux - stars of Gemini. Personify Pleiades (Castor/mortal) and Great Bear (Pollux/immortal). Apollo/Hercules - soul/personality

LH- 65 - Gemini - "place of Him who cometh"

LH- 65 - Gemini problem – at-one-ment of lower/higher self

LH- 65 - Gemini - Romulus/Remus, Cain and Abel, Jachin and Boaz

LH- 65 - Lemuria - Gemini - Masonry - 3rd race - 3rd sign

LH- 66 - Gemini - Castor and Pollux - "two gods at the door"

LH- 66 - Gemini - intellect - Aryan race - (3rd race since individualisation)

LH- 66 - Gemini - Mercury - education; intellect to pure reason

LH- 66 - Gemini - communication - London, USA - English language - world tongue

- world markets of distribution

LH- 67 - Gemini - Nereus/Busiris - higher and lower teachers

LH- 67 - Gemini - conquest of the air

LH- 67 - Venus esoteric ruler of Gemini - rules 2nd decanate; Saturn governs 3rd decanate - discipleship. Saturn opens door to incarnation/initiation - Mercury Venus Saturn - 3 decanates

LH- 68 - Gemini constellations - Lepus the Hare, Canis Major, Canis Minor

LH- 68 - Sirius - leader of the heavenly host. Star of Initiation. Immortal hound of heaven - chases lesser dog, the underdog, man in incarnation.

LH- 69 - Sirius called "Apes" (the Head) in Egypt; Prince, Chieftan

LH- 69 - Canis Minor - underdog, redeemer - brightest star. Burden bearer - Atlas.

LH- 69 - Lepus the Hare - "Bashtibekti" = "falling confounded" - intense crimson star (Aratus 250BC). Lepus is story of our past - matter aspect.

LH- 69 - Canis Minor - the present - aspirant; Canis Major - future - disciple

LH- 70 - Gemini - disciple to register contact with the soul

LH- 81 - Cancer - last of four preparatory signs. Mass sign - human family, nation, race - first touch of more universal sense (Neptune)

LH- 82 - Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio - four signs of physical plane struggle for achievement; four signs of crisis and stupendous endeavour

LH- 82 - Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces - final four signs of achievement

LH- 83 - Cancer - instinct - intuition

LH- 85 - Cancer - gate into physical incarnation

LH- 85 - Cancer/Capricorn - solstices

LH- 86 - Cancer - beetle in Egypt (scarab)

LH- 86 - Cancer for aspirant - new birth

LH- 86-7 - Cancer crab - oversensitive, shy, elusive, indefinite

LH- 87 - cardinal cross

LH- 87 - Cancer - no conspicuous stars. No Hebrew word for Crab (ironic, as Jewish race is ray 3 personality and has many Cancer traits)

LH- 87-8 - Praesepe - Beehive - symbol of collective organisation of human family

LH- 88 - unevolved Cancer - mass consciousness

LH- 88 - Cancer called "coffin" by Hebrews - loss of identity. Early Christians called Cancer "the grave of Lazarus". (Tomb/death symbol of Capricorn opposite - Cancer womb; Cancer can be seen as "death of the soul - coming into incarnation)

LH- 88-9 - Cancer/Capricorn - Mother/Father

LH- 89 - Cancer collective animal soul; Capricorn collective universal soul]

LH- 89 - Cancer/Capricorn - birth of Jesus Christ

LH- 89 - "The Manger" constellation in Cancer - Jesus "born" in (opposite Capricorn where his birth is normally celebrated)

LH- 89 - Asellus constellation in Cancer - Asses tails for Cancer symbol

LH- 90 - Cancer - " a sorrowful little voice underground, a low, half captured, half elusive melody".

LH- 90 - Cancer/Capricorn

LH- 90 - Great Bear is 'sheepfold'

LH- 91 - Biblical references to astrology - Ezekiel 34 (see IU) and John 10.

LH- 91 - Pole star in Ursa Minor - Polaris

LH- 91 - Human race came into being in Cancer (in 2,160 year period between Gemini and Leo at individualisation - see EA64)

LH- 91 - Argo constellation - stretches from Cancer to Capricorn - 64 stars including Canopus

LH- 92 - Cancer - hidden intuition

LH- 93 - Artemis/Moon rules over form

LH- 101 - Leo 5 pointed star of individualisation. Number 10 perfection (Capricorn/Makara)

LH- 101 - (Rays) - Lords of Will, Sacrifice, Knowledge, Boundless Devotion.

LH- 102 - Aquarius - universal consciousness - Leo self assertive individual. Individual in Leo, Initiate in Capricorn

LH- 102 - In Leo meet Father spirit and Mother matter = son aspect (sphinx Leo/Virgo)

LH- 103 - fixed cross - Leo Taurus Aquarius Scorpio

LH- 103 - Taurus - sexual desire "sacrificed" - "raised up into heaven"

LH- 104 - Leo - lower mind sacrificed to higher mind

LH- 104 - Scorpio - sacrifice of illusion to reality

LH- 104 - Aquarius - sacrifice of individual to universal whole

LH- 104 - Leo labour - crucifixion of lower self - conquering of individual self assertion

LH- 104 - original zodiac - ten constellations

LH- 104 - Leo/Virgo - sphinx

LH- 104 - Regulus star in Leo - ruler, Lawgiver. Leo "The Sickle" constellation - "cut down that which hinders". (Look at Saturn relation to Leo - Regulus -regulate/Lawgiver; 3rd synthesising scheme corresponds to physical Sun - see TCF; sickle symbol)

LH- 105 - Leo constellation - 95 stars (other books give different figures)

(See "Sacred Vessel of the Mysteries" - Berges)

LH- 105 - Leo - "a pouring out" - refers to Nile flooding during August (heliacal rising of Sirius; also hints at polar opposite Aquarius)

LH- 105 - Leo - individualisation - see EA 64

LH- 105 - Leo - constellations of Hydra, Corvus and Crater. Drink from Crater the Cup of suffering; overcome the serpent of illusion in the Hydra;

LH- 106 - Hydra constellation - 60 stars (other books give different figures)

LH- 106 - Crater - 13 stars - cup of obligation in Masonry.

LH- 107 - Corvus - 9 stars

LH- 107 - Cygnus in Aquarius

LH- 107 - Leo - lion treads on serpent (Dendera Zodiac)

LH- 107 - Capricorn - mountain

LH- 107 - Aquila - eagle of Scorpio

LH- 108 - Lion is coordinated dominant personality

LH- 109 - Capricorn - mountain; Aquarius cycle; Age of Capricorn

LH- 110 - pituitary gland in 'cave' - "lair of the lion". (See DK's remarks on ajna in EH)

LH- 112 - temple of the Moon; sacrifice to Mars

LH- 113 - Venus -queen of love

LH- 114 - Monster of the deep (Pisces polar opposite of Virgo)

LH- 115 - Virgo oldest of signs. Lilith Eve Isis Mary. Pisces world saviour born. Quote from EA 251-2

LH- 115 - Virgo - eight other signs pour through

LH- 115 - Virgo births new ideas

LH- 115 - Virgo triple symbol like Scorpio (see EA481, IU - Ezekiel's Wheel)

LH- 115 - Virgo - in relation to prostitution and adultery

LH- 118 - Virgo - goddess of virtue and vice

LH- 118 - Taurus - eye of illumination - bulls eye

LH- 119 - Virgo - relation to 666.

LH- 119 - Virgo - Mercury - mind.

LH- 119 - Virgo symbol - branch of fruit, ear of corn, sheaf of wheat

LH- 120 - Virgo constellations - Coma Berenice, Bootes, Centaur. (Chiron exalted in Virgo)

LH- 120 - Virgo is cup shaped - holy grail

LH- 120 - Spica - ear of corn in Virgo. Bethlehem - house of bread.

LH- 121 - Virgo - mutable cross - probationary path.

LH- 121 - Hippolyte - was to be redeemed by unity.

LH- 121 - Virgo - first step forward to union of spirit and matter.

LH- 122 - Virgo - 9 signs - 9 months of gestation

LH- 122 - Mercury/Moon rulers of Virgo - Vulcan veiled

LH- 122 - planets/rays

LH- 122 - Mercury Saturn and Venus rule 3 decans

LH- 122 - charts of soul/personality

LH- 123 - Mermaid - symbol of at-one-ment of Virgo/Pisces - ray 2 duality

LH- 123 - Lesson for Virgo - "no truth is real that does not include its opposite" Rudyhar

LH- 123 - Virgo - tolerance, compassion, charity

LH- 123 - Virgo - hygiene, details, technique, analysis

LH- 123 - Pisces - courage, battlefield (Pluto); message is liberation.

LH- 124 - Virgo - keynotes

LH- 127 - Libra - paradoxes/extremes; neither human nor animal symbol

LH- 127 - Libra - figure of justice - blindfolded woman holding scales - blinded to objective sight - open to subjective intuitive sight

LH- 127 - Centaur encountered in Libra must be known again at 9th gate - Sagittarius

LH- 128 - Libra via Scorpio

LH- 128 - Libra - law sex money; sex is sacrament – at-one-ment of male and female (quote from EA 250)

LH- 130 - Libra - fumes of pleasure

LH- 130 - Libra avoids direct encounter (ray 3) - doesn’t expend force unnecessarily

LH- 130 - Libra - ability to find unusual solutions (ray 3 abstract; also Uranus)

LH- 131 - Libra - humour (ray 3; Uranus)

LH- 131 - Libra - highly organised (ray 3 Saturn; ray 7 Uranus - EA comment - HPB)

LH- 131 - Libra - weighing balancing, indecisive

LH- 131 - Libra - spins threads of relationships (ray 3 - weaver) - spider

LH- 131 - Libra - relates concrete and abstract minds

LH- 132 - Libra - sits between higher and lower worlds - hence ability for compassion

LH- 132 - Libra does not like aggressive struggle of living - rather retreat to Library

LH- 133 - Libra not a zealot or tyrant

LH- 134 - Libra weighs and measures to achieve equilibrium. Laws of karma is equilibrising activities that prevent continuance of imbalanced conditions(Saturn)

LH- 134 - Libra cherishes dream of harmony

LH- 134 - Libra - persuasion courtesy cooperation

LH- 134 - Libra (Venus) strongly feminine - grace, artistic, beauty.

LH- 135 - Libra - Uranus vibration - "Behold I make all things new"

LH- 135 - Aries/Mars - opposite Libra. Exoterically - must be at-one-ment between will and higher mind, expressing itself through desire or love. (Marital/Martial axis - Libra/Aries)

LH- 135-6 - Libra, Uranus, Saturn - ray 3, 3rd creative hierarchy. Law sex money. Law - 1st aspect, sex - 2nd aspect (Relation between pairs of opposites), money - 3rd aspect.

LH- 136 - Libra - Venus Uranus Saturn.

LH- 136 - Libra - ease - expression of totally accepting relatedness - elegance.

LH- 136 - Libra - vegetable kingdom, sex, natural affinity

LH- 137 - Aries keynote is adaptability; Rudhyars' views on Aries

LH- 137 - Libra - constellations - Southern Cross

LH- 138 - Libra - open door to Shamballa - narrow razor edged path

LH- 138 - Libra - Lupus - wolf's head symbol of initiate

LH- 138 - Corona the crown of 7 stars (Pleiades/ray 3 connection)

LH- 138 - Libra - master of no man's land; sign of interlude

LH- 138 - Libra - man who doesn't speak - Jesus' years between 12 and 30 - of silence - balanced spirit and matter.

LH- 139 - Chiron = "good thought"; Pholos = "bodily strength"; test of desire nature. (Look at Centaur symbology EA - Sagittarius) Boar of desire.

LH- 139 - Libra - cardinal cross - governs Path of Initiation. (EA 279)

LH- 139 - Libra - "I choose the way which leads between two great lines of force"

LH- 142 - Scorpio - Mars - sex.

LH- 143 - Scorpio - advanced sign of integrated disciple

LH- 143 - Scorpio - hydra of mind

LH- 144 - Scorpio - nine heads of hydra

LH- 146-9 - Scorpio - nine heads of hydra - Physical - sex, comfort, money. Astral - fear, hatred, desire for power. Mental - pride, separativeness, cruelty.

LH- 151 - true Scorpio labour - only when coordinated personality.

LH- 151 - Scorpio labour - has to demonstrate triumph over illusion.

LH- 152 - three signs of death - Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio. Cancer - death of elemental being; Pisces - death of world saviour - crucifixion. (see EA - Scorpio/Pisces)

LH- 152 - Scorpio - sign of magic. Virgo the witch - prepares ingredients that are weighed in Libran scales and carried forward as magical work in Scorpio.

LH- 152 - Virgo - Christ in you. Libra fluctuates between the pairs of opposites.

LH- 153 - Scorpio test - form or Christ - which will triumph

LH- 153 - Taurus - desire - sex. Antares, Aquila - Scorpio.

LH- 153 - Eagle, USA, Sagittarius.

LH- 153 - Constellations - Serpens, Ophiuchus, Hercules.

LH- 156 - Sagittarius - aspirant

LH- 158 - Aries - man eating mares; Sagittarius - man eating birds; both fire signs - plane of mind.

LH- 158 - Taurus - sex. Gemini - duality - coordination of body and soul. Cancer - mass consciousness - human incarnation - intuition.

LH- 158-9 - Leo - forceful individual. Virgo latent Christ. Libra equilibrium. Scorpio -astral - completes what started in Taurus. Sagittarius - unity (Gemini - duality). Capricorn - kingdom of souls.

LH- 159 - Sagittarius - Centaur with bow and arrows.

LH- 160 - Aries - thought at its source. Sag - thought and speech.

LH- 160 - Sagittarius - "sign of the effect of Scorpio"; "Sign of silence" - restraint of speech - control of thought

LH- 161 - Capricorn - mountain goat. (Cancer/Capricorn - gates in/out of incarnation)

LH- 161 - Sagittarius - little gate to Capricorn.

LH- 162 - Aquila constellation - bird out of time and space. Cygnus/swan/4 stars-soul.

LH- 162 - Virgo - indication of life; Sagittarius - completion of prenatal stage; Capricorn - birth of Christ

LH- 163 - Sagittarius - chrysalis - neither one thing nor another. Caterpillar chrysalis butterfly (3 aspects)

LH- 163 - Scorpio - complete breaking down of everything to fluid.

LH- 163 - Sagittarius - sign of power from achievement in Scorpio

LH- 164 - Sagittarius - "spirit of truth"; sectarianism is Sagittarius misused

LH- 164 - Sagittarius - first of universal signs

LH- 165 - Sagittarius - "spirit of right"

LH- 165 - Aries - gift of existence; Leo - gift of opportunity; Sagittarius - gift of power.

LH- 165 - Constellations in Sagittarius - Lyra the Harp - make music with life. Ara the Altar - place all one has upon. Draco - the serpent of wisdom.

LH- 170 - Hades (Pluto)

LH- 171 - Capricorn - most mysterious (Makara); mountain goat; scapegoat.

LH- 172 - Capricorn - goat crocodile unicorn

LH- 172 - Capricorn - knees

LH- 172 - Capricorn/Cancer - gates - initiate

LH- 172-3 - Aquarius - animals in bulk (Augean stables)

LH- 173 - Pisces labour - Hercules captures all oxen - group consciousness

LH- 173 - Capricorn - 3rd degree (Matthew 17)

LH- 173 - Capricorn - superhuman sign

LH- 174 - Capricorn - no spurning of each other

LH- 175-6 - Constellations of Capricorn - Sagitta, Aquila, Delphinus - ancient fish (Makara)

LH- 176 - Capricorn - climbing mountain - descent into hell

LH- 176 - Virgo - raising matter into heaven; raising up of psychic nature

LH- 178 - Capricorn - Sun gods born in

LH- 179 - Aquarian labour - clears Augean stables of karma; Pisces world saviour

LH- 182 - Capricorn - goat initiate

LH- 182 - Aquarian age - last 200 years (astronomical reference later - p220)

LH- 182 - Pole star and Vega in conjunction in 2000 AD (erroneous: Polaris is in late Gemini tropically, as Vega is in mid Capricorn. Vega used to be a Pole star. Probably meant Polaris and Betelgeuse)

LH- 183 - Taurus - bull worship - man wrestles with animal in himself; Aries the Ram - sacrifice of animal nature replaced wrestling with the animal nature; Pisces the Fishes - essential duality (Ray 2)

LH- 184 - fish/fish avatar/fish in matter (human)

LH- 184 - Aquarius - water - purification - soul

LH- 184 - Aquarian age ends approx. 2,500 years time; Aquarius/Leo individual

LH- 184 - Scorpio - endurance - aspirant triumphs

LH- 185 - Aquarius - disciple becomes the serving master

LH- 185 - Aquarius - Saturn rules first decan - discipline, opportunity

LH- 185-6 - Aquarius - unselfish service/group work; self sacrifice

LH- 186 - Capricorn - spiritual kingdom

LH- 187 - Aquarius - man with inverted vase - rivers of life and love

LH- 187 - Aquarius - Saturn rules 1st decan - internationalism vs patriotism; universality vs dogma; materialism vs letting go.

LH- 188 - Aquarius - Mercury rules 2nd decan - group conscious illumination

LH- 188 - Aquarius - Venus rules 3rd decan - inclusive love

LH- 188-9 - Regulus and Kefus - lawgivers

LH- 189 - Aquarian law based upon spiritual illumination

LH- 190 - Christ as astrologer - cycle of Pisces/Aquarius

LH- 190 - Constellations in Aquarius - Piscis Australis, Pegasus, Cygnus

LH- 190 - Neptune - Augeas - son of Neptune (deceiver)

LH- 191 - Aquarius - Mercury decan of Aquarian age - public opinion moulded by thought

LH- 193 - Aquarian spirit - leaving people free

LH- 197 - Pisces - "sign of obedience"

LH- 199 - Pisces rules feet - treading the Path

LH- 199-200- Pisces - sign of death to the personality - end of a zodiacal cycle

LH- 200 - three signs of salvation: Leo - work out your own salvation. Sagittarius - service and silence; Pisces - world saviours.

LH- 200 - Constellations in Pisces: "The Band" - one fish=average person, one fish = aspirant. Andromeda - chained woman - matter harnessed. Cassiopeia in Aries - matter seated on her throne. Coma Berenice in Virgo - sacrificed her hair to be of service - soul. Cepheus - husband of Cassiopeia, father of Andromeda.

LH- 202 - full Moon of June 1945 (Gemini) - Christ decides to reappear to humanity

LH- 210-14 - summary of 12 zodiac signs - keynotes, rulers etc.

LH- 215-17 - zodiac definitions - various authors; precession references.

LH- 219 - zodiacal ages

LH- 220 - Age of Aquarius - 200 years ago - astronomers (see 182)

LH- 220 - Sirius - Star in the East; Spica - ear of corn; Bethlehem - house of bread

LH- 221 - Assumption of the Virgin - August 15 (Leo); Birth of the Virgin (Sept 8/Virgo)

LH- 221 - twelve sons of Jacob - astrological allegory

LH- 221 - crosses; 36 crosses in zodiac; 36 "crossing stars"

LH- 222-3 - Three crosses: - cardinal cross: Aries - creation, commencement. Cancer - first door into existence. Libra - balance between life and form. Capricorn - door into spiritual life. "Cardinal" comes from Latin word meaning "hinge of a door" - hence door of initiation.

- fixed cross: Taurus - illumination, mind. Leo - individuality, self consciousness. Scorpio - final freeing from illusion. Aquarius - server of the race, pouring out living water of purification. Cross of soul - Hercules. Sacred four signs in Christianity - Ezekiel.

- Mutable cross: Gemini - interplay between higher and lower. Virgo - form which nurtures the Christ child. Sagittarius - aspirant - speeding toward goal. Pisces - death, consummation. World saviour.

LH- 223-4 - twelve signs of Jacob as astrological allegory

LH- 225-9 - summary of 12 labours through the signs.

- Aries: Capture of man-eating mares. Hercules makes his start - reacts to thought impulse, learns some mind control. Intelligent disciple - undefined spiritual urge to righteousness.

- Taurus: Learns nature of desire - transmute to aspiration, dominate sex and use it rightly an thus capture Cretan bull. Potency of attraction (Venus) produces the great illusion - but eventually becomes illumination.

- Gemini: Thought and desire of Aries and Taurus work out onto physical plane. Gathers golden apples of knowledge. Subordinates three aspects of lower personality toward his enterprise.

- Cancer: Higher faculty of intuition brought into play - symbolised by doe - sensitive and difficult to find. Transmutes intellect into intuition. Higher correspondence of lower powers have to be developed.

- Leo: Kills the Nemean lion through courage and subordinating lower to higher.

Five labours of Aries to Leo - covers Path of Probation. Virgo to Capricorn - Path of Discipleship

- Virgo: First labour on Path of Discipleship done badly like first labour on Path of Probation. Kills Hippolyte when what he needed she was offering. Virgo -preparation for first initiation.

- Libra: Capture boar - demonstrates fitness to take 2nd initiation - emotional body.

Balances opposites in an amusing way. Poise and equilibrium achieved.

- Scorpio: Supreme test - to which humanity is now subjected. Emancipation from illusion. Overcomes desire, becomes a world worker.

- Sagittarius: Consummation of task begun in Aries - consummation of right thought.

- Capricorn: Becomes an initiate -can work in hell or heaven. Portrays the elevation of personality into heaven. Third initiation - transfiguration.

- Aquarius: Poured out cleansing waters in service to humanity. Most menial of all labours - idea of service work.

- Pisces: World saviour of all that is deemed animality - redeemed and transcended.


Cycles, time scales & dates, the nature of time, schemes, chains, rounds, globes in the works of Alice Bailey and H.P. Blavatsky.

This file will have many cross-references or duplications with the Destiny of the Nations file as the two subjects are so closely related.

The "cut off point" for what file is chosen over another file is near the globe, round and rootrace stages. Where this occurs there will be a duplicate reference entered in the other file.

Integrated into duration index: SD, IU, IHS, TCF, LOOM, LOTS, EOH, DON, TWM, EA, EH, GAWP, ROC, ENA, EP1, EP2.

To do: Dina 1 & 2, PH, RI, EP2.

Initiation Human and Solar

IHS- 3 - end of a greater cycle - ray 2 absorbs others

IHS- 23 - retrieving lost knowledge we had in earlier cycles

IHS- 23 - cycle of peace foretold in scriptures of world - ‘Sun of righteousness’

IHS- 28 - middle of Lemurian epoch 18,000,000 years ago - planetary logos incarnated

IHS- 29-30 - cycle preceding ours - Moon chain

IHS- 34 - door between animal/human kingdoms opened in next great cycle/round (5th) - several million years

IHS- 39 - earlier cycles in this system - Pratyeka Buddhas

IHS- 41 - four maharajahs have right to pass beyond periphery of planetary scheme - during this world cycle

IHS- 42 - Manu of the fifth root-race. He is the ideal man or thinker, and sets the type for our Aryan race, having presided over its destinies since its inception nearly one hundred thousand years ago.

IHS- 42 - periods of cycle of Manu overlaps

IHS- 43 - Christ presided over destinies of life since 600 BC (works astrologically with 4 lords of karma); Buddha his predecessor (held previous office of Christ)

IHS- 51 - Masters past 100 years (since 1819)

IHS- 97 - earlier cycles - devas who have passed through human kingdom

IHS- 113 - cycle of incarnation - later periods - pairs of opposites

IHS- 124 - egoic ray as it pours down through many cycles of time, future lives

IHS- 156 - realisation of cycles, times, seasons - control of speech

IHS- 165 - certain specific greater cycle - secret of initiation

IHS- 174 - at 5th degree - mathematical formula which sums up all cycles of manifestation

IHS- 179 - cyclic nature of initiation

IHS- 179 - special period of activity in cycle of heavenly man

IHS- 181 - heavenly man - aim for particular cycle

IHS- 181 - each great cycle - major initiation of a heavenly man

IHS- 181 - during cyclic evolution a minor ray may temporarily be regarded as a major ray

IHS- 183 - last cycle - adeptship/initiates were in Oriental/Hindu bodies

IHS- 183 - this cycle dominated by ray 6 which is just passing out, and the two preceding (?)

IHS- 198 - clue to great cycles - power of speech/silence

Letters on Occult Meditation

LOOM- 6 - direct alignment of certain planets with each other and Sun = logoic alignment; only 3 physical planets (in etheric matter) enter into alignment which marks attainment of Logos of cosmic egoic consciousness; Venus is one corresponding to emotional permanent atom; alignment of whole system with Sirius; holds secret of greater cycle

LOOM- 11 - personal attainment in this cycle - 4th subplane

LOOM- 26 - seventh cycle of greater cycle - mental atom achieve polarisation

LOOM- 27 - stages of growth vary - overlapping/parallelism - due to ray of monad -cyclic changes, astrological forces - often from unknown cosmic centres

LOOM- 28 - age of 28-35 - man finds himself - comes into his own - what line of activity will be

LOOM- 38 - factor of periodicity - egos in/out of incarnation

LOOM- 39-40 - need of a period

LOOM- 40 - all cycles not as fundamentally important; periods of cycle of real moment are “termini”, and those where overlapping and merging occur demonstrate as great revolutions/cataclysms/upheavals;

- points of merging in a cycle - crosscurrents found

- middle part of cycle - incoming vibration stabilised - calm, equilibrium

LOOM- 42 - after middle period in each cycle - limitation felt

LOOM- 77 - perfection of 5 fold man in this present greater cycle

LOOM- 100 - fires of Earth/Sun merge at end of greater cycle - solar system will have reached its apotheosis; lesser cycles run their course

LOOM- 101 - summer months - great cycle - fire devas

LOOM- 130 - transition period - danger with devas

LOOM- 130 - 14 years to rebuild subtle bodies (Saturn cycle?)

LOOM- 134 - cycles far ahead - evolution of dark brotherhood

LOOM- 155-6 - work during next 7 years ( August 11, 1920 - to 1927?) - ray 7 cycle?

LOOM- 174 - fourth cycle - 4 grades elementals; 4th globe of Earth

LOOM- 179 - force pouring through centres - present crisis 17th August 1920 - 1st ray cycle?

LOOM- 182 - next 500 years (1920-2420) - devas/humans closer

LOOM- 185 - fifth great cycle - culmination in 5th principle of mind

LOOM- 190 - one of darkest hours of kali yuga (1920 - approx end of first 5000 years of that cycle) (LOOM 190)

LOOM- 200 - Wesak - great event for human race’s relation to planet; “still greater moment in calendar” - funnel between Earth and logos of system - date not for communication - (could be Leo, ruled by Sun; solar system incarnation of Sirius - future festivals in Leo/August dedicated to Sirian contact) see 164

LOOM- 211-2 - colours do not move at same rate (may equate with ray cycles being of different duration; coloured rings absorb each other in stated cycles

LOOM- 220 - mystery of combinations of colours (ray relations) - apprehension gives key to greater cycle

LOOM- 222 - colours in relation to cycles

LOOM- 222 - seven rays and logos - analogy with personal life; ordered occult cycles under 7

great influences (rays)

LOOM- 224 - ray 7 one of 3 major rays in this round; wields power in ratio to the 4, on the 4,

under the 4

LOOM- 233 - colours move in own ordered cycles - coming in, going out of ray

LOOM- 233 - four rays - in 4th round are in flux at any one time

LOOM- 234 - synthesis achieved at the end of the greater mahamanvantara

LOOM- 248 - violet ray (7th) holds the secret for this immediate cycle

LOOM- 249-50 - cycle returns of building (buildings) with sound

LOOM- 250 - one hundred years from now (by 2025) - music - work of a constructive nature

LOOM- 287 - love wisdom - marks height of this (4th) round

LOOM- 288 - this particular half century (1900-1950) - evil karma being worked out through inadequate bodies of disciples

LOOM- 301 - mystery schools will reappear in the turning of the wheel

LOOM- 301 - lesser cycle - HPB laid foundation stone of first school of initiation

- lesser cycle relatively important - outgrowth of 5th rootrace, efflorescence of 5th

principle (hence minor 5th ray cycle?)

LOOM- 303 - study of Law of Periodicity

LOOM- 308 - preparatory school first in order of time; schools founded immediately before the coming of the Great Lord

LOOM- 309 - South America, South Africa - no branches yet - next cycle

LOOM- 309 - other schools at slightly later dates

LOOM- 326-7 - three periods of meditation - Sunrise, midday, Sunset - one and a half hours per day in first year, then 3 hours, up to 5 hours in final year

LOOM- 327 - hours of school - Sunrise to Sunset; rest at night by 10pm

LOOM- 345 - realisation of time -serving with discrimination

Consciousness of the Atom

CAT- 24-8 - stages of evolution

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

TCF- 7 - cycles - involves knowledge of number, sound, colour - mystery known only to adepts

TCF- 39 - kalpa; conjunction in Sri Lanka; list of all Hindu cycles.

TCF- 71 - rays/permanent atoms - work in ordered cycles

TCF- 107 - Earth cycles

TCF- 129 - cycles of chaos, experiment, experience, comprehension

TCF- 210 - fn. cycles of office of Christ - look at Krishna, Christ incarnating 3102BC and 33AD approx.-3000 year cycle

TCF- 211 - cycle - inner round -mysterious cycle - footnote

TCF- 212 - year 1942 - rod of power nearly used - not since Atlantis - cycle?

TCF- 237 - equinoxes, precession - Pleiades - (full 25,000 year cycle) - revelation of relationship of Pleiades to Earth - see also 232,250(fn) - Pleiades feminine/ours masculine

TCF- 256 - cycle, solar - "key of solar cycle and revolves around its central pole"

TCF- 273-284 - cycle - "why is evolution cyclic?"

TCF- 275 - cycles, two general types - 1) law of attraction/repulsion 2) law of periodicity/rebirth

TCF- 279 - cycles - successive states of repulsion/attraction

TCF- 284 - cycle - three types of cycle

TCF- 293 - evolution in universe (chart)

TCF- 300-1 - cycles of heavenly men – see 355

TCF- 302-3 - cycles, human - monadic egoic personality cycles

TCF- 303 -astral cycles - tie in with ray cycles?

TCF- 303-4 - cycles, human - seven egoic cycles - lesser cycles within; monadic cycles

TCF- 306 - numbers 666,777,888 - see EA427 - relates to crosses?

TCF- 328 - cycles - violet connected to greater cycles -end/beginning of cycles. 7th ray lord - end of colour spectrum band?

TCF- 355 - cycles, life - of a heavenly man

TCF- 359 - secret of cycles - periods of obscuration

TCF- 366 - cycles, human - cycles of 7 years in human being

TCF- 380-1 - cycles of logoi

TCF- 382-4 - cycles, human - "human being and his 49 cycles" monad ego personality; 7 soul cycles; root race-7 parts man plays

TCF- 428 - year 1924 - end of lesser cycle 1924 - start of 4th ray?

TCF- 439 - ray 6 - cycle dying out

TCF- 440 - cycles, study of - 100 years of Brahma

TCF- 446 - ray 7 cycle - close on 2500 years

TCF- 456 - A group of scientists will come into incarnation on the physical plane during the next seventy-five years who will be the medium for the revelation of the next three truths concerning electrical phenomena. A formula of truth concerning this aspect of manifestation was prepared by initiates on the fifth Ray at the close of the last century, being part of the usual attempt of the Hierarchy to promote evolutionary development at the close of every cycle of one hundred years. Certain parts (two fifths) of that formula have worked out through the achievements of such men as Edison and those who participate in his type of endeavour, and through the work of those who have dealt with the subject of radium and radioactivity. Three more parts of the same formula have still to come, and will embody all that it is possible or safe for man to know anent the physical plane manifestation of electricity during the fifth subrace.

TCF- 467 - cycle, future - disaster at close of 4th branch race of 6th sub race of 5th root race- likewise next 1000 years; beginning of end of cycle

TCF- 473 - ray 7 egos in 300 years numerically strong enough - first decanate of Aquarius- Saturn ruled

TCF- 498 - cycle, future - manas next 500 years

TCF- 510 - septenary lives- "cyclic sevens"

TCF- 592 - cycle of rebirth - "this law (of fixation on the mental plane) governs the time of rebirth, being one of the subsidiary branches of the law of karma."

TCF- 606 - numbers/cycles - "these three numbers (9th, 10, 11th hierarchies) are the basis of cyclic calculations which concern the egoic cycles, and the cycles of Vishnu, as distinguished from cycles dealing with the 3rd aspect."

TCF- 644 - guardians of rites of initiation - (cycles/testings)

TCF- 664 - esoteric astronomy and occult cycles- Pleiades - last decade this century

TCF- 715 - year 1914 - start of world war 1 start of a cycle - 1914

TCF- 717 - cycle in 18th century stated to last for several hundred years - relates to humanity/mineral kingdom

TCF- 719 - cycle, future - next 700 years - aboriginal races die out - end of very long cycle

TCF- 729 - cycles of kumaras as planetary avatars

TCF- 730 - cycles of initiation

TCF- 738 - cycles, human - period between egoic cycles; "egoic cycles coincide with the building of racial forms & civilisations" - look at Australia 1775 - start of ray 5 cycle - Capricorn

personality - 1901 horoscope; also 6th root race starting USA, N.Z. & Australia.

TCF- 738 - cycles - mystery of initiation

TCF- 739 - cycles of 5 - law of persistence

TCF- 743-4 - greater cycles - intricacies of figures; different rounds, cycles

TCF- 753 - year 1966 -period of 1966 till end of century-centennial effort of lodge - externalisation of hierarchy

TCF- 754 - greater cycle, toward end of - avatar will take physical body

TCF- 755 - cycle, future - next 25 years - approx 1921-1924 +25 = 1949 - fight against sovietism, crime radicalism

TCF- 759 - year 1980 - master Jesus - catholic church

TCF- 776 - cycle of the soul 777 incarnations

TCF- 792 - initiation - secrets of initiation - cycles - tabulation of cycles

TCF- 795 - cyclic computation in effects of great bear Sirius etc

TCF- 796 - cycles - true esoteric knowledge of cycles not gained by study of figures with lower mind

TCF- 797 - cycles, human - egoic cycles

TCF- 825-9 - cycle of 777 incarnations

TCF- 841-2 - cycles, human - egos who came in on 4th and 5th sub races of 5th rootrace - love petals very undeveloped

TCF- 846 - greater cycle, next - Capricorn?

TCF- 860-1 - egoic cycles of logos - 5th or 2nd

TCF- 871 - cycles of manu bodhisattva Mahachohan

TCF- 938 - a. The work of the building devas during the three and a half months prior to the realisation of life. This period sees the third stage of the building of the etheric body entered upon.

b. The building work of the next three and a half months of the gestation period.

c. The final process of concretion carried on through the remaining two months.

Students will here find it interesting to trace out the correspondence in this method of producing evolutionary manifestation in a planetary scheme with its rounds and races, and in a solar system with its manvantaras and greater cycles.

TCF- 998 - cyclic meditation of soul

TCF- 1029 - cyclic incarnation - law of periodicity

TCF- 1032 - cyclic evolution, cause of - spiral cyclic 2nd aspect

TCF- 1036 - ray cycles - spiral cyclic energy accounts for nature of cycles; ray cycles, egoic cycles

TCF- 1036 - cycles, seven - lodge's activity - high water mark every seven cycles

TCF- 1036 - number - 10 - multiples of 2nd ray; see EPJ article by Stephen Pugh

TCF- 1037 - century, last quarter each century

TCF- 1037 - cycle, end of century -inventors

TCF- 1037 - cycles will not coincide

TCF- 1037-8 - cycles, Mahachohan's - dates of foremost scientific discoveries since Plato

TCF- 1038 - cycles, second ray - foremost teachers

TCF- 1038 - cycles, Manu’s - races; subraces (30,000 years)

TCF- 1038 - cycle - constructive/destructive aspects of each cycle

TCF- 1038 - ray 1 -one hundred year cycle of first ray; 1st ray close of century; (2nd ray 200 years? etc)

TCF- 1039 - cycles, 1000 year; 2,500; 7,000; 9,000; 15,000; understand cycles through spirulae of atom

TCF- 1045 - cyclic-spiralling action - planetary atom

TCF- 1049-1054 - cycles, monadic

TCF- 1057 - horoscopes - inaccuracy because of vast cycles causing turning of various parts of our sphere to differing zodiacal constellations

TCF- 1057 - cycle of solar system 100,000 years

TCF- 1078 - initiation - larger cycle began in Atlantis; also at close of 4th root race

TCF- 1079 - cycle of 3rd degree initiation at time of Buddha ("arhats" - 4th degree initiates - see LOTS p.x)

TCF- 1079 - cycle, lesser - time of Christ (lesser cycle-200 years approx)

TCF- 1079 - century, 14th - start of fulfilment of cycle of 2nd order

TCF- 1080 - century, 21st (middle) peak of cycle (see LOTS p.x - 1965 to 2025 ad)

TCF- 1080 - cyclic coming in of egos - vegetarians; animal welfare

TCF- 1080 - cycle - past 500 years - egoic group - meat eaters

TCF- 1082 - cyclic tabulation - evolutionary, historical value

TCF- 1083-97 - wheel, turning of - many cycles

TCF- 1085 - wheel of the universe

TCF- 1085 - wheel, cosmic - 49 groups - millions of septenary constellations

TCF- 1086 - wheels, systemic - atomic life of individual constellations - 343 groups (microcosmically "points of light" in body)

TCF- 1087 - cycles of solar system - 4 major cycles - minor cycles which are multiples of 4

TCF- 1087 - wheels, planetary - 10 modes of expression

TCF- 1087 - cycle of kingdom; planetary centre cycle; monadic cycle

TCF- 1088 - cycles, earlier - history evolution of planetary logos

TCF- 1088 - cycles, monad

TCF- 1089 - cycles, monad - vast/ancient - 3 solar systems

TCF- 1090 - cyclic activity of centre on solar logos

TCF- 1090 - wheel, monadic cosmic

TCF- 1092 - wheel, monadic systemic wheel; monadic planetary wheel; egoic cycle - 3 cycles; wheel of a chain

TCF- 1093 - wheel of a globe

TCF- 1093 - cycle, lesser - of incarnations -wheel of a race

TCF- 1093 - cycles of physical incarnation (lesser cycles)

TCF- 1093 - wheel, greater turning of

TCF- 1093 - wheels, lesser

TCF- 1104 - cycles of intense mental activity/adjustment

TCF- 1139 - cycles cannot be given for tamasic types

TCF- 1140-1 - cycles, law of

TCF- 1144-5 - cycles, law of - most difficult - leads to initiation; methods of comprehension

TCF- 1145 - cycle of human being - periodical manifestation

TCF- 1148 - cycle, human - egoic appearance

TCF- 1149-51 - incarnations - rules governing (see also LOOM)

TCF- 1194 - cycles, peculiar series of - triple avatar; advanced monads

TCF- 1219 - cycle, coming - of regeneration - great lord

TCF- 1229 - astrobiography - Nicodemus 2nd degree; (Paul 2nd, took 3rd; possible majority disciples 2nd degree - few 3rd and 4th -Jesus; Lazarus? - hence many 3rd degree in this cycle? and/or 4th degree as it is higher turn of spiral of 2nd degree)

TCF- 1259 - cycles, past - mystics occident past 1000 years

Light of the Soul

LOTS- VII - 5th rootrace/5th subrace; yoga sutras - greatest demonstration in west - under cyclic law

LOTS- IX - ray 1 impulses - rise in the first quarter of each century - reach climax on physical in last quarter

LOTS- XIII - raja yoga in existence since beginning of Aryan race - 100,000 years

LOTS- 52 - wheels of cycles preceding Earth

LOTS- 91 - solar system - in this greater cycle

LOTS- 203 - great push of Hierarchy for this century 1926-2026 (see p.x) - control/purify psychic nature

LOTS- 265 - every form carries within it the evidence of previous cycles

LOTS- 299 - agnisvattas incarnate in world period

LOTS- 362 - complete understanding of the Law of Cycles would bring man to a high degree of initiation. Law of Periodicity underlies all the processes of nature - its study would lead a man out of the world of objective effects into that of subjective causes...time itself is simply a succession of states of consciousness - atom, man or God.

LOTS- 363 - time - "As an atom is a substance in which minuteness reaches its limit, so a moment is a division of time in which minuteness reaches its limit. Or, a moment is that much of time which an atom takes in leaving the position in space it occupies and reaching the next point. The succession of moments is the non cessation of the glow thereof."

- atom/moment - one and the same - behind lies the Cognisor of both - true understanding of Eternal Now - " just appreciation of the significance of past present future - this can be gained by concentrated meditation on time and its units....certain types (of the 7 ray types) with mathematical bent and a tendency to divine geometry and space and time concepts (rays 3,7) will with wisdom follow the method of developing intuitive knowledge"

A Treatise on White Magic

TWM- 8 - duality cyclically apparent

TWM- 9 - cycle of manifestation - intensification

TWM- 10 - all lives manifest cyclically

TWM- 25-6 - third degree initiate and above - study of nature of spirit, rate of vibration etc.; mental capacity developed by their cycle of incarnation; higher solar initiations - work from monad

TWM- 57 - soul’s meditation is cyclic

TWM- 61-2 - ebb/flow of soul’ lives

TWM- 62 - racial cycles (ebb/flow of civilisations)

TWM- 78 - European, American - rapid changes. Europe’s 3000 years. India - occultism

TWM- 82 - cycle of 10 years - student; previous life cycles

TWM- 84 - cycle for evolved egos not yet

TWM- 89 - cycle of service - hierarchy

TWM- 90 - millennium - symbolic of kingdom of god

TWM- 100 - light - 500 years ago (1425? ray 3 cycle)

TWM- 135 - next 200 years - preparing instrument for inauguration of new age - group of knowers, mystics, disciples

TWM- 137 - bringing in new cycle

TWM- 139 - new force, new cycle

TWM- 161 - (Taurus?) - peak of desire for material possessions past

TWM- 164 - rapidly approaching world cycle

TWM- 164 - world cycle only just been inaugurated - vast period of time (25,000?)

TWM- 240 - cycles of destruction/delusion

TWM- 242 - law of cycles - understanding; cyclic ebb & flow

TWM- 243 - soul cycles - extrovert/physical, introvert/spiritual - tiny life corresponds to great soul cycles

TWM- 248 - fundamental secret law of cycles - withdrawal and subsequent focussing of attention

TWM- 268 - thoughtforms have their own life cycle

TWM- 279 - cycles of creation/ performance in thoughtform building/disintegration - secret of beauty lies in right functioning of these cycles

TWM- 280 - disciple - group plan and purpose conforming to group plan for immediate cycle

TWM- 309 - cycle in this age - fear depression are Dweller for humanity.

TWM- 323 - aspirant’s sagacity - training is cyclic; law of periodicity

TWM- 324 - energy life cycle - occupation mundane affairs

TWM- 325 - lesser/greater cycles

TWM- 336 - coming cycle - new psychology

TWM- 339 - personalities - cycles ebb and flow

TWM- 341 - cycles of cosmic groups; lesser cycles of races/lesser groups

TWM- 378 - Hierarchy 18.5 million years ago - Shamballa; decided 17 million years ago to have dense physical plane organisation

TWM- 390 - Agni dominating influence in this world cycle; Indra subtly influencing

TWM- 391 - Lord of Fire will achieve his work for this cycle by arousing kundalini in large numbers in those who are ready - starting this century for the next 1000 years - carried forward actively

TWM- 401 - rays 1 & 2 - 1400 AD - nations, government

TWM- 402 - conclave of Masters in 1400 AD

TWM- 402 - Masters think in terms of larger cycles; smaller cycles priority

TWM- 404 - past 400 years - objective of all training (since 1500AD - 500 year cycle? - ray 2 - Phoenix cycle)

TWM- 404 - Law of Cycles - time limit - (1500 + 500 = 2000AD)

TWM- 405 - cycle 2500 years - Masters preparing humanity

TWM- 405 - cycle by cycle - racial pride - barriers between nations

TWM- 406 - rays cycling in and out of activity

TWM- 407 - 1500 AD - philanthropy unknown

TWM- 408-9 - last three centuries - group after group played its part; poets of Elizabethan Age (ray 3); musicians of Germany (ray 4); Victorian Era (ray 7?); schools of European artists (ray 2); cultural renaissance (ray 4, 3?); political (ray 1); French revolution (Rousseau) - past 200 years

TWM- 409 - age of restoration of what has been broken by the fall - 1500’s to 20th century

TWM- 412 - Conclave of 16th Century - external groups played their part

TWM- 412 - since 1500 AD - group work - Hierarchy to weld all threads

TWM- 413 - ‘about 17 years ago’ - (1911-16 - TWM written 1928-33) - Masters met - idea for NGWS

TWM- 432 - this great cycle - general trend of impulses affecting humanity are the attractive nature of the intuitional/astral (40,000 year 4th ray cycle?)

- present cycle - astral elemental of Planetary Logos

TWM- 440-1 - Sun in Sagittarius - first human tendencies - animal man stage completed when Sagittarius dominant - individualisation 21 million years ago - “knew not the great event” - see EA 64

TWM- 440 - Sun in Leo 18 million years ago - brain/mind coordination - self consciousness - see EA64

TWM- 441 - figure of 21,688,345 will prove useful when nature of time better understood

TWM- 458 - cyclic impulses - intelligences of the planet

TWM- 461 - cyclic activity of creative process

TWM- 465 - cycles of lives - groups of souls incarnate through pull of material forms

TWM- 465 - cyclic beat, rhythmic - earlier solar systems

TWM- 466 - souls who develop creative imagination - find subjective group - linked with earlier outer group souls - in great life cycle

TWM- 512 - cyclic activity - pulsating web; work/non work; speech/silence; day/night; God inhales/exhales; utilisation of interludes for freeing “prisoners of the planet”

TWM- 513 - cycles of silence of Planetary Logos

TWM- 513-5 - life interludes - cycle of incarnations; ebb/flow of daily life; meditation interlude

TWM- 514 - cycles in life - 7 years, 9, 11; months of endeavour/rest

TWM- 515 - the evolved work consciously with cycles

TWM- 515-6 - interlude between two activities - inhalation (see EA-Libra); cycle of recorded soul activity; 2nd part of interlude (Scorpio?)

TWM- 519-20 - cycles of excessive activity at this time for humanity; New Age, sign of zodiac

TWM- 522 - cycles of spirit/matter

TWM- 533-4 - Law of Cycles - (Saturn); liberation (Uranus/4th degree; Saturn cannot follow one onto the cardinal cross); principle of periodic appearance - love wisdom/time

TWM- 536 - past few thousand years - stupendous growth

TWM- 544 - small cycle corresponding to Armageddon will take place early in 6th rootrace

(6th family race of 1st rootrace?)

TWM- 544 - Wars - Mahabharata, WW I &2 - lower/higher astral worlds - seeds of disaster

TWM- 548 - astrologically speaking - inner significance of fixed cross must be understood, for they are potent in this world cycle

TWM- 557 - cycle of rebirth - each life sees initial purpose clarified

TWM- 561 - day of opportunity - has its term (cycle of opportunity)

TWM- 588 - past few centuries (1625 AD?) - mankind truly thinking entity (ray 5 cycle)

TWM- 606 - observers of times and seasons (astrology/cycles)

TWM- 606 - before 2 centuries have passed - scientific recognition of Kingdom of Souls (France)

TWM- 608 - goal 200 years ahead for 2nd group

TWM- 608 - close of a world age - goal

TWM- 615 - cyclic misuse of magical/psychic powers

TWM- 619 - Aquarian influence since 1640 AD - breaking down Pisces age

TWM- 631 - coming cycle

From Bethlehem to Calvary

FBC- 5 - Law of cyclic appearance; Christian cycle of expression

FBC- 18 - Christ came at beginning of astronomical Age of Pisces 2000 years ago - fish symbol

FBC- 19 - Pisces Age between Aries Age/Jewish dispensation and Aquarian Age - our

Sun now in process of transiting - astronomical facts - not astrological conclusions

FBC- 19 - Sun in Aries - scapegoat/ram in Old Testament/Passover Feast; Sun in Pisces - fish - eating on Good Friday; Sun in Aquarius - man bearing jar of water - unity, communion, relationship as brothers; water carrier - Christian dispensation in Pisces between two great world cycles - Aries/Aquarius

FBC- 19-20 - Aquarian Age for more than 2000 years

FBC- 33 - 15th century - message of Mohammed

FBC- 60-1 - Sun - career of Sun god through the heavens - Jesus - other Sun gods:

1) Birth from Virgin Mother (Virgo); 3 ) birth on 25th December (winter solstice) 4) Star in the East (Sirius); 6) Candlemas (February 2), Lent (arrival of spring) Easter Day (March 25th ) - crossing of equator by Sun; 11) Crucifixion - 3 days before Easter; 15) 12 disciples (zodiac signs); 17) summer solstice - John the beloved; 18 ) Assumption of the Virgin (August 15); 19) Nativity of the Virgin (Sept 8); conflict of the Christ with the autumnal asterisms; 20) serpent/scorpion (Scorpio/Ophiuchus); winter solstice dedicated to "doubting" St Thomas.

FBC- 62 - Christmas Day 25th December - 136 different dates by Christian sects - September 15, February, August, June, July.

- Pope Julius 337 AD

- Born on solstice, Virgo rising (Annie Besant)

FBC- 63 - Dec 24-5 - birth of Sungod rituals

FBC- 66 - Galilee - means "turning of the wheel"

FBC- 76 - 25,000 year zodiac cycle

FBC- 98 - Aquarius - group purity, relationship; began to enter about 200 years ago (1740's? - cuspal period?)

FBC- 103 - Christ's life divided into definite periods and cycles

FBC- 126 - cycles of mysticism, philosophy, science, matter

FBC- 185 - Christ/mankind - closing of a great cosmic cycle

FBC- 236 - "Obsequies of Adonis" (festival) in Alexandria, Egypt - March 25. Also Aesculapius, Tammuz - same tradition as Christ

Discipleship in the New Age Volume 1

Discipleship in the New Age Volume 2

Reappearance of the Christ

ROC- 8 - Avatars - whole cycles of future development expressed by them

ROC- 10 - (Pisces) - Christ struck keynote of New Age over 2000 years ago (Greater Aquarian cycle? - literally? - written 1947 - pre 53 BC?)

ROC- 11 - history is record of humanity's cyclic reaction to inflowing divine energy

ROC- 13 - date/hour of Christ's reappearance unknown

ROC- 15 - study of times/seasons - present time unique

ROC- 17 - Palestine - held in vicious grasp of Jewish religious leaders (2000 years ago)

- Pharisees/Sadducees

ROC- 18 - Middle Ages - churches/ schools of philosophy - major avenues for Christ's subjective activity

ROC- 18 - cycle of true democracy/education (ray 2 cycle)

ROC- 21 - cycle of conferences - clubs, committees

ROC- 22 - coming century - resurrection

ROC- 22-3 - death of civilisation, ideas - real cycle; present cycle of conferences preparing humanity for relationships

ROC- 23 - war years (WW1 & 2) - forced Christ to hasten His coming

ROC- 26 - Christ began to tread way of higher evolution 2000 years ago

ROC- 29 - end of the age - cycle; "Sun-teleia" = end of time period; "telos" = the end of the first period has not yet been reached

ROC- 30 - cycle which Christ will inaugurate after his Reappearance

ROC- 31 - Christ announced in 1945 His intention to re-emerge into physical contact with humanity

ROC- 31 - June 1945 (Gemini) full Moon - Christ used Great Invocation for first time

ROC- 33 - fact of Masters proclaimed in 1875

ROC- 40 - Christ completes work in next 2000 years which He inaugurated 2000 years ago (4000 year/ray 4 cycle?)

ROC- 41 - Since 700 BC - religious leaders - apostolic succession - spiritual history of humanity summarised

ROC- 42 - 1914-45 - spiritual awakening as a result of WW1 & 2

ROC- 43 - no date/hour of Christ's coming - time known only to 2 or 3

ROC- 44 - 1935 - Great Invocation - spiritual/organising effect

ROC- 46 - 3 festivals - Easter, Wesak, June

ROC- 49 - first time in history - love of God embodied in a man - Christ inaugurated era of love

ROC- 55 - massed sorrow of humanity over entire cycle of living

ROC- 57 - cyclic crisis in spiritual life of planet - realisation for disciples/students

ROC- 61 - 1945 - Christ's intention to reappear

ROC- 64 - Christ has been with humanity in bodily presence for 2000 years

ROC- 64 - 33 years - life of Christ

ROC- 66-7 - Christ's work subject to spiritual/cyclic timing

ROC- 69 - point of decision reached between Gemini full Moon 1936 and Gemini full Moon 1945 - Christ to reappear to visible presence on Earth

ROC- 69 - point of crisis responsible for Hierarchical tension - lies hid in field of long past experience (look at Krishna's death in 3102 BC?)

ROC- 71 - years of decision by Christ prior to June 1945

ROC- 72 - exact date of Christ's coming - only a few know

ROC- 71 - stupendous Hierarchical initiation - events symptomatic of the time of the end

ROC- 73 - crisis/decision (9 years); tension - time factor (18 years?); emergence (27 years); (9+18+27=54 + 1945 = 1990 AD?; 9,18,27 correspond to first three initiations and 54 (9x6) the 6th degree)

ROC- 73 - Gemini full Moon June 1945 - energy accumulating/mounting (tension period)

ROC- 74 - Spirit of Peace descended on Christ (since 1945?)

ROC- 74 - cycle of calm will offset turmoil

ROC- 75 - beginning of 19th century - excessive expression of hate reaching new high (1945)

ROC- 75 - May 1936 - June 1945 - first impacts on humanity of Spirit of Peace through Christ

ROC- 76 - close of WW2 - energy of Christ consciousness began (ray 2 cycle?)

ROC- 76 - cycle of tension - one Son of God cooperates with Christ - Avatar of Synthesis

ROC- 77 - Avatar's help dates from date that Great Invocation was first used (Gemini full Moon 1945 - see p.31)

ROC- 79 - times/cycles of planet - solar progression

ROC- 82 - Gemini full Moon June 1945 - Christ took over his duties definitely and consciously as teacher and leader in Aquarius solar cycle - first of World Teachers to cover two zodiacal cycles - Pisces/Aquarius; involves 3 modes of appearance - crisis, tension, emergence

ROC- 82-3 - Christ stood at centre of triangle of Buddha (3rd point), Spirit of Peace (2nd point), and Avatar of Synthesis (apex/1st point); his Aquarian work began - will continue for 2,500 years; (2,500 x 10 = 25,000?; different to 2,160 year cycle x12 = 25,920 years)

ROC- 86 - Gemini full Moon June 1945 - Christ - forerunner/teacher of Aquarian Age

ROC- 88 - end of cycle (end of Pisces Age) which Christ inaugurated 2000 years ago (when he evoked a response to truth and a mental understanding) we now have formulated doctrines, mental development (perhaps there is a relation here between Christ's ray 1 mind, Pluto first felt in mental body, and Pluto as soul ruler of Pisces)

ROC- 88 - first 3 months of crisis of Hierarchy and Christ - ended by Christ's decision

ROC- 89-90 - 1914-45 - dying world - destruction of subtle worlds (Pluto mainly in Cancer for this period)

ROC- 90 - Full Moon April 1945 (Taurus) - in Easter season, forces of restoration began their work, during period of 5 weeks (start of ray 2 cycle? - "carries the life which produces the birth of forms" [p.91] - etheric/Aquarius/ray 7)

{Aries (new cycle) full Moon March 28, 1945 was conjunct Neptune (Christ/idealism of new cycle) and squared (challenge to initiate action) by Saturn (karma, opportunity) - for all of April (approx. 5 week period) up to April 27, 1945 (Taurus full Moon); "stimulation of mass intelligence" (Saturn in Cancer) - "makes men think, plan, and take action" (ray 7 through Cancer and Aries) - see p. 91; (also interesting to note is that Pluto's exit from Cancer at the onset of WW2 (breaking down forms) is followed by Saturn's entry into Cancer at the end of the war (building of new forms).

ROC- 91 - Taurus full Moon of the Buddha (Wesak) 1945 - forces of enlightenment - initiating new world education - radio, movies, press, publishers, speakers, writers, radio commentators (Ray 3 cycle? - Saturn in Cancer, Uranus in Gemini)

ROC- 93 - June 1945 - forces of reconstruction - will aspect (Vulcan) - least powerful of 3 streams in 3 festivals of 1945. (Gemini full Moon May 27, 1945)

ROC- 96 - Buddha relinquished physical body centuries ago (Tsong Ka Pa connection?)

ROC- 96 - Buddha's work with humanity nearly finished

ROC- 97 - 30 years work in carpenter's shop - Christ in Palestine

ROC- 98 - Aquarian energies generated/active on Earth next 2000 years or 2,500 (see P.82-3)

ROC- 102 - cyclic teachers and lesser teachers

ROC- 106 - Buddha approximately 500 years before Christ (ray 2 cycle?) - first dim influences of Pisces Age felt impinging on scapegoat/ram (Aries)

ROC- 113 - time factor determined by Humanity

ROC- 119 - souls incarnate in groups, cyclically

ROC- 121 - hour for restoration of ancient mysteries has arrived

ROC- 121 - 1914-45 - war - cleansing of the Earth

ROC- 122 - Masonry to be freed of Jewish names etc. - out of date, though right 3000 years ago

ROC- 123 - present cycle marks end of the Age of Pisces - next 200 years - abolition of death

ROC- 126 - churches in Victorian Age - looked upon science as arch enemy

ROC- 126 - Humanity - next 2000 years

ROC- 126 - each Age - 5-fold development

ROC- 126 - Ages - Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces - Aquarius the 5th Age

ROC- 126-7 - Age of Gemini - two pillars/Masonry - 8000 years ago (6000 BC)

ROC- 127 - Age of Taurus - Mithra world teacher (4000 BC)

ROC- 127 - Age of Aries - Jewish dispensation (2000 BC) - during this cycle came Buddha, Shankaracharya and Shri Krishna (? - died 3102 BC)

ROC- 127 - in era after Christ returns - 100,000's will take initiation

ROC- 127 - (1948) - a time which is ante-chamber to New Age

ROC- 135 - Buddha/Christ - disciples/initiates in past 2000 years that have gathered around them

ROC- 135 - past 100 years - agonising emotional cycle for humanity(1848-1948?)

ROC- 137 - truly religious spirit more alive than any previous time - particularly countries in WW2 who suffered most - except USA, neutral countries - no spiritual revival (1948)

ROC- 147 - cycle/world period - always been for spiritual help

ROC- 148 - divine approaches, major - affecting humanity; minor approaches affect nation/group - another great approach now possible

ROC- 153-4 - church festivals - Moon cycle or zodiacal constellation; major festivals - strengthening of invocation

ROC- 154 - in future all religions will keep some holy days

ROC- 155-6 - three major festivals - Easter, Wesak, Goodwill (Aries, Taurus, Gemini full Moons); Christ at Gemini festival for past 2000 years

ROC- 156 - other full Moons, lesser festivals - will establish divine attributes; 3 major festivals - 3 aspects

ROC- 156 - aspects/attributes (rays) determined by close study of constellations - Capricorn - 1st degree - birth of Christ in cave of heart (see LH)

ROC- 157 - 12 annual festivals - revelation in divinity; 3 major festivals - Shamballa, Hierarchy, Humanity; 9 minor festivals - inter-relation of whole

ROC- 158 - Christ came to end cycle of emotional approach to divinity which had existed since Atlantean days (Pluto soul ruler Pisces)

ROC- 162 - Zionists - aggressiveness - land has not been theirs for more than 1500 years (since 500 AD? - look at history)

ROC- 163 - Christ will come when measure of peace, sharing in economic affairs; churches, political groups clean house

ROC- 164 - evolutionary proof that mankind has moved forward in wisdom and knowledge

ROC- 175 - time has come for money to be re-evaluated (ray 7 cycle)

ROC- 183 - last 10 years (1939-49?) - NGWS reorganised (see 186 - much headway)

ROC- 188 - not for us to set date of Christ's return

ROC- 188 - time - is a paramount factor in breaking ancient rhythms

Destiny of the Nations

DON- 4 - forces come into play cyclically or through demand

DON- 6 - next 150 years - many ray 2 egos coming in to incarnation (to 2070 AD?) - reconstruction, rebuilding

DON- 6 - ray 1 - first felt 200 years ago (early 1700’s)

DON- 9 - revelation at close of world period

DON- 11 - close of this century, close of next

DON- 15 - ray 1 - rare cycle of activity - Jews slaughter men, women, children - putting them to the sword (see 1 Samuel 15:3,8); (1087 BC according to Bible, though could be much more ancient esoterically; Temple of Solomon 966 BC, similar time - ray 1 Freemasonry); (Saul O.T. >Saul N.T.?)

DON- 18 - centre of Hierarchy making one of its cyclic impacts (ray 2); making one of its major cyclic approaches to humanity

DON- 18 - cycles of Hierarchy relatively frequent - have not coincided with that of Shamballa which are rare and infrequent, but will become more frequent (Shamballa cycles)

DON- 27 - next 3 centuries

DON- 28 - vision of “sybils” doesn’t extend beyond 2000 years

DON- 32 - ray - emergence/disappearance of ray is an event in time, slow development, psychic in nature, governed by law - secret of initiation

DON- 32 - time, nature of; period, time equation of minor rays; relation of time to space/event; time is a brain event - sense of speed is registered by brain

DON- 33 - battle for world Arjuna - cyclic/recurrent

DON- 34 - next 2 centuries - 4 problems solved - territorial possessions, sex, death, Jews (Taurus/Scorpio - world aspirant/disciple)

DON- 35 - up to 500 years ago (start of ray 3 and ray 2 cycles) - ancient simplicity - now no longer controlling

DON- 35 - in ancient days - lords of materiality had most control

DON- 36 - this major world cycle - balancing group of adepts and initiates work entirely with matter - love aspect of soul totally undeveloped

DON- 38 - Christ perfect expression of divinity for this cycle

DON- 43 - ray 7 dominated Atlantis for a very long time - particularly during the first half of its existence (millions of years cycle?) - just as 5th ray is prominent in 5th root race

DON- 48 - old Atlantean magic (cyclic turning of wheel)

DON- 49 - historical influence of rays past 2000 years; great events - periodic ray influence

DON- 64 - 1900’s - constant migrations - individuals and groups

DON- 66 - cycles of nations much vaster than human evolution

DON- 97 - “this present point of critical suspension” (WW2)

DON- 106 - early next century - initiate will appear to carry on teaching (post 2000AD)

DON- 110 - ray 6 - enduring effect last 2000 years

DON- 111 - past 20 centuries - emphasis on religious values

DON- 111 - past several thousand years - world religions centre stage - to make humanity seek one pointedly for the soul - hence emergence of 5th kingdom in Aquarian Age

DON- 112 - past 2000 years - much higher, rare, more difficult process of orientation

DON- 114 - ray 6 period - instinct of taste in food, human intercourse, colour, form, art, architecture - discriminating taste (Virgo polarity of Pisces Age) is high stage of development past 2000 years

- taste - higher correspondence - discriminating sense of values

DON- 115 - past 2000 years - more sensitised & developed more than any other time in past 10,000 years (since Age of Cancer -another water, feeling sign)

DON- 116 - 19th century - stalemate, static condition - "equilibrium" (concretising of rays 5,7?)

DON- 118 - (Renaissance?) - alchemists, philosophers' stone, control of etheric - 3 basic mineral elements (sulphur, Mercury, salt) symbolise lower 3 fold vehicles - analogy to racial unfoldment (Lemuria/physical - salt; Atlantis/astral - sulphur; Aryan/mental - Mercury)

DON- 126 - ray 7 - end of cycle - disciple's work

DON- 127 - last 2000 years - disastrously mismanaged - ray 6 types - unintelligent works - caused world with split personality - caused by ray 6 churchmen - mystics/devotees - orthodox religion pushed apart science and religion - separative on teaching of spirit and matter

DON- 128 - ray forces - cyclic intervention

DON- 136-7 - Ray 3 - since 1425 and thru Aquarian Age - longest of any ray cycles - within major cycle are periods of intensified activity which are like the pulsation of the heart - 3000 years - when out of incarnation - cycles of withdrawal but not of abstraction - they are 3000 years also in incarnation - now happening (since 1425?) - climaxing point of larger cycle

DON- 140 - this world cycle - all spiritual power in Hierarchy

DON- 142 - 2000 years from today - (1940's) - ray 1 felt on physical (start of the Age of Capricorn) - 100 years time will be felt on astral

DON- 142 - ray 2 - always in subjective manifestation - becoming objective on physical in next 2,200 years - then withdraws into background (to allow ray 1 to come in)

DON- 142 - ray 4 - comes in early 21st century

DON- 143 - ray 5 - in manifestation for nearly 70 years (written in 1946-9, hence 1876-9 started) and will pass out "by unique and special arrangement in another 50 years (1996-9?) thus breaking into its own normal cycle (?) - special needed impulse adequate - human spirit of discovery" (does "normal cycle" start in 1999-2000?)

DON- 143 - ray 5 - too long a cycle - disastrous possibilities

DON- 143 - ray cycles - usually set/determined - but ray 5 force temporarily withdrawn - will take 50 years (hence 1999)

DON- 144 - ray 6 - passing out with increasing rapidity

DON- 144 -ray 7 - coming in

DON- 146 - cycle of transition

DON- 146 - Christmas - significance of Sun moving northward; coming of Sun god to save the world; Festival of Christ - true/false; "God in flesh" came to us in the dark of the year - initiated new era of light

DON- 147-8 - Christ proclaimed he was light of world - Christmas Day 2000 years ago in Palestine (literally? - hence 49 AD? Written in 1949)

DON- 148 - Christmas Day - season of new beginnings; materialism, spending - hence religion served its purpose - must die

DON- 149 - Pisces - last 2000 years has been spreading light

DON- 150 - cycle of 30 years - infant Jesus grew to manhood

DON- 150 - 30 years (Saturn return) - period of spiritual unfoldment analogous to 3 decans of Aquarius

DON- 150 - past 2000 years - emphasis on death (Pluto, soul ruler of Pisces)

DON- 151 - only one day devoted to Resurrection

DON- 151 - Easter/Pentecost - will be two outstanding days of religious year

DON- 151 - Pentecost - symbol of right human relations - one spiritual speech (50th day after Easter - 7 lunar phases (1st quarter Moon of Gemini - speech/Mercury - ruled)

Glamour: A World Problem

GAWP- 18 - group service for past 2 centuries (since 1740’s - on mental?); group service on astral since 1875 (135 years to reach astral?)

GAWP- 71 - disciples on path - cyclic immersion in glamour

GAWP- 128 - substance controls for long cycle

GAWP- 157 - zodiac - great cycle (25,000 years) - nature of incarnation of human family (branch race approx. 30,000 years)

GAWP- 157-8 - close of a spiritual cycle

GAWP- 157-8 - spiritual/physical cycle - DK makes distinction; spiritual maturity means initiation

GAWP- 158 - zodiacal and racial cycles synchronise - rare; focus of dweller and angel - happening now at end of Piscean era - Aryan root race has reached spiritual maturity, but physical cycle still has a long way to go

GAWP- 160 - much later cycle opportunity will return

GAWP- 169 - June full Moon 1942 - hint; see other refs. to San Francisco conference, UN etc.

GAWP- 169 - June full Moon (30/5/1942) to June 15th - great onslaught by powers of evil

GAWP- 171 - clarification of glamour until 2025

GAWP- 183 - long/short cycles - primary/secondary revelations

GAWP- 197 - new era opening up at end of war

GAWP- 199 - ray 4 to manifest again

GAWP- 246 - evolutionary cycle - difficulty of evolution

GAWP- 269 - Virgo constellation - is lost to sight in radiance of the Sun; catholic festivals - (Assumption of the Virgin August 15 - Leo tropically, Virgo sidereally)

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle

TEV- 34 - five hundred years for the race to become naturally telepathic

TEV- 81 - dynamic impression from Shamballa - in great cycles, cyclic waves; impulsed from extraplanetary sources; moves outwards along the 7 rays.

TEV- 105 - element of time

TEV- 118 - ajna will remain for several centuries the agent of directed impression and not the objective of those impressions (Mercury decan of Aquarius?)

TEV- 134 - Shamballa/head - invokes beyond Earth - will evoke avatars - adding different energies - may lie centuries ahead.

TEV- 136 - at end of world cycle we will know which centres/which rays

TEV- 141 - about 300 years after HPB - astral body will still govern race of men

TEV- 141 - "The etheric body is primarily composed of the dominant energies to which the man, group, nation, or world reacts in any particular time cycle or world period."

TEV- 163 - Book of Revelation dictated 1900 years ago by Master Hilarion (as St Paul; written 1940-1944, hence around 40-44 AD)

TEV- 178 - cosmic etheric (space) is field of untold energies; basis of all astrological computations; the playground of all historical cycles - cosmic, systemic, planetary - related to constellations, Suns, distant stars, numerous universes, our solar system and its planets.

TEV- 181 - later Atlantis - Laya Yoga fell into disrepute; Laya Yoga will be restored in next 500 years (toward Mercury decan of Aquarius? Aquarius relates to etheric permanent atom)

TEV- 184 - in this major systemic solar cycle - Members of Hierarchy task to bring all to an understanding of place, responsibility and relationships.

TEV- 187 - in this present world cycle - Hierarchy most potent radiation

TEV- 187 - period of dynamic potency is being prolonged this century from one day to five days; next century, perhaps even longer

Education in the New Age

ENA- 9 - age of 17 - study of psychology/soul

ENA- 10 - first 14 years

ENA- 11 - history of mental development

ENA- 25 - fifth year of child’s life - process of questions for child

ENA- 25 - period of increased stimulation 1935-42; responsive souls of this time

ENA- 29 - world manvantara, world period - illusion of duality

ENA- 32 - evolutionary cycle - recapitulation

ENA- 36 - internal history of man

ENA- 49 - seven year cycles - curriculum for youth; civilisation 1-14 years; culture 14-21; spiritual 21-28

ENA- 51 - training a person for 28 years

ENA- 53 - Buddha/Christ culminated/begun ages of knowledge/love

ENA- 75 - eleven years onward - education from

ENA- 79 - education last 2-3 thousand years - starting in east, culminating in west

ENA- 80 - under 16 years old - education emphasis

ENA- 89 - next 150 years - bridging cleavages (up to 2100 AD? - see 94)

ENA- 91 - decades for better civilisation (hint on cycle?)

ENA- 91 - coming two generations - egos equipped to deal with problems

ENA- 94 - bridging work next 150 years (see 89) - bulk of intelligent people will be integrated personalities

ENA- 99 - most difficult transitional period world has seen

ENA- 104 - Pisces age passing - youth brought up

ENA- 119 - South Americans 1 million years ago

ENA- 119-20 - ending of Pisces age: Piscean ideals - (1)idea of authority/paternalism (2)idea of sorrow/pain - detachment (3) self sacrifice (4) satisfaction of desire

ENA- 121 - aggression in order to possess - keynote of civilisation for past 1500 years

ENA- 121 - Aquarian Age coming into manifestation; Pisces Age; Aries Age of Ram/Goat (Jewish influence)

ENA- 124 - great step forward in our evolution in past 200 years (early 1700’s?) - themes of philosophers in middle ages now commonplace

ENA- 134 - many souls achieving perfection - passing away altogether from planetary life - will be intensified in Aquarian Age - millions of souls never intended at this time to incarnate - promiscuity

ENA- 136 - rhythmic law - animals; seasonal law - vegetables

ENA- 137 - relation of sexes - element of time enters into experience of soul

ENA- 138 - sex rhythm - cyclic experience

ENA- 139 - next 1000 years - motives leading to marriage

ENA- 139 - time for producing forms for incarnating souls

Externalisation of the Hierarchy

EOH- 4 - world war 1 ushers in age of brotherhood (Aquarius - Uranus enters Aquarius 1912)

EOH- 7 - new age, dawning - time hints? - 1965?

EOH- 20 - hierarchy steadily approached physical plane since 15th century

EOH- 21 - 1934-7

EOH- 22 - early autumn 1936

EOH- 24 - fall of 1936

EOH- 25 - extraplanetary beings - help in 1936

EOH- 31 - DK starts to build own groups 1931

EOH- 55 - eclipse cycles of year - religious festivals - Taurus, Gemini full Moons

EOH- 72 - close of 20th century

EOH- 78 - critical cycle

EOH- 81 - next 3 years critical 1939-42

EOH- 88 - present world cycle; Pisces, Aquarius

EOH- 96 - points of crisis; cycles - major opportunities

EOH- 97 - first stage of possible fusion by NGWS 1942, of hierarchy/humanity

EOH- 101 - this particular cycle - DK’s vision

EOH- 106 - hierarchical conclave 1925

EOH- 112-3 - complete personality cycle 28 years (1914-42)

EOH- 116 - death stage 1914-18; birth stage 1939-45

EOH- 133 - trend toward fusion 1575 AD (ray 2 cycle); conclave 1425

EOH- 155 - lord of world works with times/seasons

EOH- 158 - great invocation since 1425 (ray 3 cycle)

EOH- 175 - years of crisis/tension 1941-2 (Uranus con. Saturn) 1941 - April - for next 12 months - most important decision for humanity ever

EOH- 176 - September 1939 over 9 years - objectives world goodwill

EOH- 213 - fresh cycle of civilisation, culture, growth - possibility now (1945)

EOH- 269 - ‘lamb slain from the foundation of the world’ - start of 25,000 year cycle in Aries (2,160 year cycle - possibly at end, as 2,160 year cycle of Pisces would constitute the first ‘decanate’ of the 25,000 year cycle of Pisces)

EOH- 269 - ancient date - Sagittarius start of greater world cycle in Orient - centaur, rider on white horse. (see EA64 subjective approach)

EOH- 278 - law of cycles

EOH- 285 – May 1941 momentous time

EOH- 287 - present world cycle 2,500 years (ray 7?)

EOH- 288 - Wesak 1941 - possible major turning point for humanity

EOH- 292 - avatars cause of cycles of civilisations

EOH- 292 - national/personal dweller has cycles (28 years? - ‘personality cycle’ - see 112-3)

EOH- 294 - cycles in disciple’s life - aspect of confrontation

EOH- 295 - humanity at its darkest hour - 1941 - dweller/soul

EOH- 297 - lesser avatars since 1400 AD - national dilemmas

EOH- 298 - next century complete manifestation of 7th ray - Pisces influence gone

EOH- 303 - next 100 years - avatar of synthesis

EOH- 306 - full Moon June 1941 - Christ/avatar of synthesis

EOH- 308 - person to be overshadowed - ready for 22 years (since 1919, same date that DK contacted AAB)

EOH- 309 - present 1941 - time cycle of opportunity

EOH- 310 - DK’s arousal to service of selfish aspirants - 1932-8

EOH- 316 - meditation to Jan 1st 1942 (Capricorn)

EOH- 317 - next 3 years - 1941-4 - DK’s work with group - stabilisation

EOH- 317 - plans for 1942-5 formulated August 1941 - in dark of year - nadir of human distress

EOH- 318 - Atlantic charter 14th August 1941

EOH- 321 - use of both ‘great invocations’ 1936, 1940

EOH- 323 - organising of men/women of goodwill started 1934

EOH- 325 - if there is to be true peace in the world by 1975

EOH- 326 - next 12 months August 1941-2 - decisive in human affairs - (pearl harbour Dec 7 1941)

EOH- 328 - may 1943-November 1943 - preparatory activity for psychological rehabilitation Taurus/Scorpio)

EOH- 329 - consolidating work 1945-6

EOH- 330 - goodwill work 1936 foundation for all goodwill

EOH- 337 - December 25 1941 to June 22nd 1942 (cap/Cancer solstices) - inner purpose of humanity will decide its future for many hundreds of years.

- in decision will be discovered point of evolution of humanity

- decision will date coming new age

- hierarchy will be able to make prediction and determine action

EOH- 337 - reference to EA570-5 re great invocation

EOH- 338 - new world cycle of Aquarius - humanity, through great invocation will inaugurate

EOH- 343 - Christ contacted Shamballa force 2,000 years ago

EOH- 346 - last 2,000 years - humanity responsive to will

EOH- 347 - since 1900 emphasis on Wesak in west

EOH- 349-52 - Wesak full Moon 1942 to Gemini full Moon 1942 - Buddha/Christ prepared to invoke avatar/lords of liberation (see also 351) [Uranus con. Saturn in Taurus]

EOH- 350 - Taurus/Gemini full Moons complete cycle of work

EOH- 352 - April 15th (Aries) to June 15th (Gemini) critical periods materially/spiritually

EOH- 361 - Gemini full Moon (1942) - test between 3 centres humanity, hierarchy, Shamballa; - may full Moon (30-5-1942; UN formed early 1942)

EOH- 363 - until 2025 - world teaching on glamour

EOH- 367 - August 1942 - critical point of war passed - axis’ inevitable defeat

EOH- 387 - Wesak 1943 - hierarchy preparing for centuries to consummate; anchoring seeds new world religion; start of Aquarius?

EOH- 389 - past year 1942-3 - acutest suffering

EOH- 389 - Wesak in 1925 preparing for Wesak 1943 (18 years - node cycle?)

EOH- 390 - new cycle - spiritual contact/liberation evoked

EOH- 394 - major preparation for ‘approach’ Wesak full Moon 1936

EOH- 394 - measure of failure 1936

EOH- 395 - Wesak 1943 - opportunity for consummation of Wesak 1936 (7 year cycle)

EOH- 396 - ‘sacred season’ may/June 1943 and 1944

EOH- 396 - great invocation given out past 6 years (1936-7)

EOH- 398-9 - NGWS focus desire (Taurus) of humanity from Wesak to July 1943; (NGWS is Taurus)

EOH- 406 - great cyclic approaches of divine to human - ‘can be traced down the centuries’

EOH- 417 - past 2 centuries (since 1740’s?) - teachings on ‘way of higher evolution’.

EOH- 436 - next 100 years (to 2045 AD?) - externalisation of ashrams - preparatory to reappearance of hierarchy on Earth

EOH- 443 - five years - sweeping/cleansing process of war

EOH- 445 - quarter of a century - (since 1919) - DK has been teaching

EOH- 445 - major significance in planetary history - Aries Taurus Gemini full Moons of 1945: 28/3/1945, 27/4/1945, 26/5/1945

EOH- 446 - ray one activity swinging into action 1945 (subray cycle?) - empowering ray 1 ashrams

EOH- 446 - cycle of conferences/councils - Shamballa guidance. (see also - 452, 455, 457, 470, 478, 491)

EOH- 447-8 - inauguration of cycle of group functioning

EOH- 448 - triangles of all true movements condition long cycles in world affairs

EOH- 448 - long cycle of ecclesiastical rule

EOH- 454 - middle of June 1945 - final decision for hierarchy about furthering humanity’s cause without infringing upon free will

EOH- 466 - past 500 years (approx. 1445 - 1425AD start of ray 3 cycle) - widespread education -Buddha’s legacy

EOH- 469 - Gemini full Moon 1945 - new message must be sent out by churches

EOH- 470 - past 200 years (since 1740’s?) prepared humanity for this stage

EOH- 470 - cycle of conferences - San Francisco

EOH- 474 - DK wrote pamphlets in 1932

EOH- 474 - may 1936 - hierarchical appeal to NGWS culminated - GI continued another 3 years

EOH- 480 - cycle of distribution of energy of love (Pisces age)

EOH- 490 - esoteric appropriateness in setting of time cycle - GI used by DK’s ashram one month before Gemini full Moon

EOH- 491 - August 6, 1945 - greatest spiritual event since human kingdom appeared - atomic bomb Japan - new era (Aquarius) ushered in by scientists (ray 5)

EOH- 491 - war started 1914; 1939 most important phase; imminent release of atomic energy was the subjective factor for starting second ‘phase’ of war

EOH- 493 - time schedule of evolutionary process

EOH- 499 - next 50 years (1945-95) - humanity govern decisions of best for all

EOH- 510 - end of century - church universal ‘s outlines will appear

EOH- 513 - turning of cyclic wheel

EOH- 514 - intensive work beginning 1940 for mysteries

EOH- 517 - preliminary education work 7 years - 1918-25

EOH- 517 - germination 7 years 1925-32

EOH- 518 - forms move through their cycles rapidly

EOH- 518 - vital and unusual cycle 1918 - speeded up 1925 - climax 1934 - plus 3 years of excessive endeavour = 1937

EOH- 519 - cycle of externalisation by hierarchy - not since Atlantis

EOH- 519 - hierarchy directs unfolding cyclic cultures and their resultant civilisations

EOH- 520 - hierarchy receives esoteric fire of god which brings to an end cycles, ideologies, civilisations and organisations

EOH- 520 - each major cycle receives new forms of the same ancient yet basic teachings - this present one is such a cycle - DK’s work

EOH- 521 - externalisation of master’s ashrams on outer plane - DK’s New York, May 1941?

EOH- 522 - DK’s 5th initiation nearly 90 years ago (1946 - 90 = 1856-ish; 7th ray subcycle; Tibetan race 7th subrace 4th rootrace)

EOH- 523 - exoteric training of disciples/humanity in this new cycle

EOH- 524 - countless cycles - hierarchy withdrawn on higher mental/ buddhic

EOH- 524 - countless cycles hierarchy submitted to needed training

EOH- 525 - labours of past cycles

EOH- 529 - today (1946?) - Chohans passing out of hierarchy into Shamballa

EOH- 529-30 - initiations through all levels going to 2025 AD - general assembly of hierarchy

EOH- 530 - present cycle 1925-2025 - ‘stage of the forerunner’

EOH- 530 - cycle of great activity 1946

EOH- 532 - next two centuries (1946-2146?) - imaginative conception more common

EOH- 535 - past 700 years (from 1246AD-ish)- planetary antahkarana - chain of hierarchy

EOH- 535 - great council 1825 - first impact of Shamballa energy awakened humanity’s thinking

EOH- 536 - millennia of years - Shamballa/humanity working ex/es

EOH- 537 - cycle of ‘Shamballa impact’ now over (1946 - ray 1 subcycle?)

EOH- 538 - task of reorganisation completed by may 1946

EOH- 539 - hierarchy directed its thoughts toward humanity in 1925

EOH- 541 - new ashram formed Wesak 1946 - wisdom aspect strong - (16/5/1946 - Venus con/ Uranus in Gemini) - 2/3 ashram of DK’s? - see 521

EOH- 541 - Wesak 1946 - supremely important - fresh tide of ray 2 energy (ray 1 subcycle finishes, while ray 2 subcycle commences? - see 537)

EOH- 542 - June full Moon 1946 - prime/outstanding importance (Venus con. Uranus in Gemini may have helped bring through much ray 2 energy; Gemini only takes ray 2 and is gateway for Sirian energy’)

EOH- 542 - Buddha will aid Wesak for few more decades (approx. 1976?)

EOH- 542-3 - June full Moon 1946 - preparation for revelation

EOH- 546 - since 1931 - DK’s activities

EOH- 547 - world war - subterranean fashion 1918-39 (Pluto in Cancer)

EOH- 553 - Wesak/Christ festivals 1946 - beginning of cycle for participation by humanity

EOH- 553 - Wesak - new keynote announced in 35 years - (1946 + 35 = 1981?)

EOH- 553 - start to be made with overshadowing disciples at Wesak 1947; 3 or 4 countries

EOH- 554 - autumn/winter 1946 - stepping up of goodwill; 1946 unique/peculiar opportunity

EOH- 555 - my, June festivals (1946)

EOH- 556 - new cycle 1946 - climax of war; formation of limited nations

EOH- 557 - followers of Christ for nearly 3,000 years (1000BC-ish) - referring to his appearance as Shri Krishna (see SD3-358, SD3 - 229 fn)

- DK also refers on 557-8 to ‘one other who was little known but who did great work in still earlier centuries’ (pre 1000BC? Zoroaster?)

EOH- 562 - hastening of certain plans slated for several centuries later - 1946-2025

EOH- 562 - certain devas past 200 years with hierarchy (since about 1740’s?)

EOH- 562-3 - great awakening expected in age of Capricorn 2,300 years hence - has already

happened (WW1 & 2?) (2,300-2,160 = 140 years to end of Pisces age? - presuming DK is talking about the start of the age of Capricorn and 2,160 year cycles)

EOH- 566 - work of destruction by hierarchy in past 175 years (since 1775) (start of ray 5 cycle)

EOH- 567 - ‘...condition the cycle into which period we are now entering. This is, therefore, the most amazing period in the history of humanity....we are entering another greater round of the Zodiac and this coincides with the lesser zodiacal activity because Aquarius governs the greater immediate cycle of 25,000 years and is also the sign into which the Sun is now moving for a period of 2,300 years – a most amazing happening and full of import in our planetary history.’ (is 2,300 years a full cycle? - see 563)(see EA37 etc - all refs. to ‘greater’ age being Pisces)

EOH- 567 - ‘it is a cycle wherein...Shamballa, hierarchy, humanity are in direct and unimpeded relation’

EOH- 567 - ‘ it is a cycle in which the planetary Logos, having successfully taken initiation....has also established certain extra-planetary relationships...which will create a situation in which our planet will become a sacred planet’

EOH- 568 - since 1425 AD hierarchy have been aware of externalisation - major disturbance to rhythm of many tens of thousands of years

EOH- 571 - occult groups prior to 1919 will disappear

EOH- 576-7 - ashrams 1st 2nd 5th rays externalising 1946? - ‘at this time’; see 581

EOH- 580 - great changes in next 25 years - 1946 + 25 = 1971

EOH- 581 - ray 4 will come into manifestation before many generations have passed - but only from the angle of its incarnating monad

EOH- 587 - vanguard of disciples/initiate from 3 ashrams - 1975

EOH- 595 - spiritual history since 700 BC - religious leaders since, who have founded the great modern world faiths - apostolic succession (700 BC Zoroaster)

EOH- 598 - spiritual and organising effect of sound since 1935

EOH- 602 - Christ’s work 2000 years go - holds clue to future work

EOH- 610 - cyclic crisis in spiritual life of planet

EOH- 612 - June 1947 - great opportunity

EOH- 616 - cycle of agony, distress - Christ ends

EOH- 631 - DK’s work finishes 1949 - see 633; contacts AAB 19/11/1919 - see 636

EOH- 632 - next 20 years books will go ahead (1948-68) - see 640-1

EOH- 633 - AAB 28 years work in DK’s ashram (Saturn cycle)

EOH- 633 - new emerging cycle - DK selecting those to work

EOH- 633 - starting of Arcane School in 1921 by AAB; 10 years after DK expands range of contacts, begins to form own ashram (1931)

EOH- 634 - decade of DK’s work - 1930-40 - created triangles and men of goodwill; nucleus of great synthesis in this 2nd decade of DK’s work; 3rd decade 1939-49

EOH- 635 - next 10 years - 1948-58 - full import of DK’s statement of Christ’s return

EOH- 635 - work to be done in next two decades 1948-68 see also 640-1

EOH- 642 - Wesak, June full Moons 1948 - reception/distribution

EOH- 652 - full Moon June 1949

EOH- 657 - next 50 years (1949-99) - major hierarchical endeavour

EOH- 659 - year 1952 will see the 5 specialised energies swing into great activity (coincides with many ashram members incarnating?) {rays 2, 1, 3, 7, 2/3} see 664-7

EOH- 660 - 2000 year old stimulation by KH's ashram

EOH- 664 - western democracies/soviet union - as well educated as intellectual man in middle ages (from roman decadence 5th century AD to renaissance 1500 AD; now refers only to 11th-15th centuries, the earlier period known as the Dark Ages)

EOH- 665 - master R head of 3rd ray ashram; labour master within 3rd ray ashram (3/7?); English industrial revolution started nearly 100 years ago (1840’s) (from 1680 with added impetus from ray 5 cycle in 1775 AD - 1840’s full swing - Blake’s ‘dark satanic mills’; ray 2 potency declined)

EOH- 668 - ray 7 balance/noble middle way (Uranus es. ruler Libra); ray 7 now coming into activity (greater ray 7 cycle? lesser ray 7 cycle last century)

EOH- 668 - every October/March (Libra/Aries) master R gathers together his council of helpers, masters, senior initiates in 3rd, 5th, 7th ray ashrams

EOH- 669 - DK ray 2 master - works with energy of right human relations

EOH- 669 - in this cycle (ray 1 subcycle?) DK’s ashram closely linked to M’s ashram

EOH- 673 - energies in particular cycles bring about events, condition civilisations

EOH- 674 - last century - hierarchy widens scope of teaching activity (HPB - 1888)

EOH- 677 - disciples in ashrams - training for nearly 150 years (since 1800-ish?)

EOH- 678 - agents of 1st ray working for nearly 200 years (since 1740’s? 1775 ray 5 cycle - could be ray 1 ‘agents; unless it was ray 6 subcycle of time and ‘agents’ were members of 1/6 or 6/1 ashram);

EOH- 678 - agents of 2nd ray working since 1825 - moved outward in force soon after 1860 (start of ray 7 subcycle - hence may have been ‘agents’ of 2/7 or 7/2 ashram?)

EOH- 680 - mental inclination of esotericists past 100 years (since 1840’s?; ray 1 subcycle?; Aries/Aquarius activity 1835?)

EOH- 684-5 - past 100 years (since 1840’s?) - internal consolidation of hierarchy

EOH- 688 - in the coming cycle - potency of Shamballa

EOH- 690 - cycle of defeat of cosmic evil

EOH- 692 - cycle close at hand - discovering magnetised areas of past centuries

EOH- 693 - rays in active manifestation in this cycle - particularly 1,2, 7

EOH- 694 - after 1975 - great changes in world - purification

EOH- 697 - since 1860 (ray 7 subcycle) - appearance of initiates/masters

EOH- 700 - new cycle - exoteric training of disciples & humanity

Esoteric Psychology Volume 1

EP I- 3 - rays, study of - cycles, times

EP I- 24 - ray 4 lord - resumes activity 600 years hence (Mercury ruled decanate of Aquarius); next century will see reawakening of arts

EP I- 26 - ray 1 - not in manifestation

ray 2 - in manifestation since 1575 AD

ray 3 - “ “ “ 1425 AD

ray 4 - comes in slowly after 2025 AD

ray 5 - in manifestation since 1775 AD

ray 6 - passing rapidly out since 1625 AD

ray 7 - in manifestation since 1675 AD

chronological: 1425 ray 3 - 1575 ray 2 - 1675 ray 7 - 1775 ray 5 - 2025 ray 4

intervals in years: ray 3 – 150 - ray 2 - 100 - ray 7 – 100 - ray 5 - 250 - ray 4

EP I- 26 - lesser cycles within the sign Pisces - four rays in manifestation - 2,3,5,7

EP I- 26 - 4th coming in, 6th passing out - six rays with souls in incarnation

EP I- 65 - ray 1 lord works through law of periodicity - cycles?

EP I- 71 - ray 4 far more influence in less than a 100 years (before 2035)

EP I- 83 - next 2,500 years many ‘miracles’, change - ray 7;(is this cycle for the sign Aquarius or a 2,500 year cycle per se, which is a ray 4 cycle - see JEP Stephen Pugh )

EP I- 83 - world...has changed during past 500 years (since 1435) - ray 3 cycle started in 1425 - 500 + 2,500 = 3,000, a cycle related to 3rd ray?

EP I- 83 - during the next 200 years changes more deep seated/rapid - growth of intellectual powers is gaining momentum (ray 5 or 7 cycle? ray 5 comes thru Aquarius)

EP I- 86 - ray 7 never out of manifestation more than 1500 years - most active of rays

EP I- 96 - next 200 years - abolition of death (5th, 7th rays?) - establishment of the soul’s existence (France 5th ray destiny)

EP I- 103 - intensification of light to 2025AD - relative stability (ray 2 cycle?)

EP I- 103 - Aquarius second decanate (ruled by Mercury - do decanate rulers inaugurate cycles? e.g. Mercury and ray 4 at full potency)

EP I- 118 - true influx of communicators not till early 50’s

EP I- 142 - (personality ray) - form life determined partly by cycles; soul qualified by ray life - cyclic appearance

EP I- 165 - long period of influence of each ray divided into 7 stages, each of which is qualified by the influence of the greater ray period, being intensified when its own subray period is reached e.g. 6th ray greatest during 6th subray period

EP I- 165 - ray 6 dominant at this time, though passing out - in operation before the dawn of Christianity

EP I- 165 - ray 7 subray became modifying influence about 1860 (Eliphas Levi, HPB, golden dawn)

EP I- 165 - ray 7 subray - ecumenical council at Rome 1870 - papal infallibility

- Tractarian movement in England

- steady increase of ritualism/sacerdotalism in various churches

- tightening of priestly authority in church of Rome

EP I- 165 - ray 6 subray - Wesley/Whitfield in England; Molinos and the Quietists of Spain/Central Europe; St. Martin and his spiritual philosophers in France;

- (look at the Spanish inquisition - 4th?)

EP I- 166 - subray influence 150-200 years; must manifest more than once in each cycle of great ray because we know ray 6 was incarnated well before rise of Christianity

EP I- 166 - Buddhism could not have been last outcome of the great second ray period because interval between rise of Buddhism and Christianity was 500 years

EP I- 166 - Buddhism probably arose under influence of 2nd subray of the great six ray period.

EP I- 166 - Alchemists/Rosicrucians (Bacon, Dee etc) subray 5

EP I- 166 - Flagellants - self torture/mutilation - subray 4 - inquisition?

EP I- 166 - astrology widely practiced - subray 3 (1600-1700’s after subray 5?)

EP I- 166 - Gnostic period (late BC early AD?) subray 2

EP I- 166 - Alchemists/Rosicrucians, Flagellants, astrologers all more or less contemporaries

EP I- 166 - modern spiritualism - subray 7; started by secret society which has existed since last period of 7th ray dominance in Atlantean times)

EP I- 167 - Brahmanism under ray 1 influence

EP I- 167 - last ray 2 period - ‘do not know what may have been the religion..’ (hint?)

EP I- 167 - Chaldean, Egyptian and Zoroastrian religions - 3,4,5 respectively

EP I- 167 - Christianity and probably Buddhism - ray 6

EP I- 167 - Mohammedanism - hybrid offshoot of Christianity with tinge of Judaism - not a root religion

EP I- 170 - the Plan tentatively formulated 1900 - quarterly meeting of hierarchy; 1925 - forcing process to 1950; formation NGWS

EP I- 189-90 - rays in and out of manifestation - seeming discrepancies; law of cycles, law of periodicity

EP I- 190 - certain rays paramount influence but another ray may govern major cycle - a cycle of which the ray under consideration may only be a temporary aspect;

- e.g. 7th coming in, 6th going out, yet 6th is major ray cycle to go for 21,000 years yet (is this DK’s ray 6 cycle incarnate before Christianity? - about 2,873 BC [age of Gemini] - as of 1995, based on the 25,868 year cycle )

- are subray cycles of this cycle 1,500-2,000 years, as in the smaller cycle?

- what is order of subrays manifesting? - could it be 2,7,4,6,5,3,1 as espoused by B. Balsys in ‘Revelation’ vol. 2 - p.45? (order of ashramic externalisation)

EP I- 190 - this greater ray 6 cycle ‘might well be regarded’ as the 6th subray of ray 4,

manifestation for several thousand years and operative for another 40,000 years... yet 4th ray is out of manifestation as regards its minor and cyclic influence

(is ray 4 cycle 44,000 years? greater ray 6 subcycle of 25,000 seems somewhat disproportionate to greater cycle - over half )

EP I- 190 - note from DK - do not lose yourself in intricacies and analyses - eliminate detail, deal with general conformation of solar plan.

EP I- 225 - progressive tables of elements will show three stages of life cycle; the cycles covered are so vast - action of fire so varying

EP I- 225 - world cycles of 7th ray - hidden changes take place in 7 groups of mineral substances

EP I- 226 - radiation increases as cycles come and go

EP I- 240 - end of age of Pisces - forest destruction - initiation by fire and water; water has been major agency in vegetable kingdom development - subjective fact that bought steam age into being (see eucalypts and radiation ref. in TCF)

EP I- 256 - up to 200 years ago - toll exacted by animals incalculable

EP I- 257 - cycles of rays 2,6 functioning simultaneously - their major and lesser cycles coincided - start of animal domestication

EP I- 257 - past 200 years the relation between animal/human kingdoms has become mental (ray 5 cycle 1775?)

EP I- 261 - ray 7 cycle - all life in the new cycle (astrologically understood and periodically and cyclically understood) may express itself

EP I- 262 - individualisation - great function of humanity begun, which is the transmitting of ray forces cyclically (see EA 64 for dates from which to measure)

EP I- 263 - major ray cycles inconceivably long - in relation to race

EP I- 265-7 - Cyclic Manifestation

- major solar cycle ray 2

- planetary cycles such as race cycles and their rays

- cycles with 12 signs of zodiac:

-complete zodiacal round 25,000 years

- each of the 12 signs every 2,100 years

- ray cycles for rootrace periods

- lesser cycling in and out

- ray cycles determined by their numerical figures

- ray 1 = 1,000,000, 100,000,1,000, 100, 1 year(s)

- ray 7 = 7,000,000 7,000 etc

EP I- 266 - seven rays function simultaneously, but cyclically more dominant - certain lines/results of activity at different times

EP I- 266 - cyclic ray activity - true significance of law of rebirth - incarnation/reincarnation process

EP I- 266 - cyclic appearance governs rays, kingdoms, races - lies behind chemical affinity, marriage relation - law of attraction/repulsion

EP I- 278 - civilisation crumbling at end of cycle (Pisces) - perversions

EP I- 284 - most critical point of world history today - great cyclic opportunity

EP I- 292-3 - next 200 years old influences die out; Saturn decanate of Aquarius - cycle where choices will be made; Mercury second decanate, Venus 3rd decanate - (700 year intervals)

EP I- 298 - coming three generations - 1935,1945, 1955 - soul groups? ray 7 prominent? (see 367)

EP I- 313-4 - next 50 years (1937 + 50 =1987) ‘second birth’ for many (2nd degree); will produce analogous activity in hierarchy - ‘Christ incarnated in many’

EP I- 316-7 - rays/races tabulation - (see DON refs.) refers to major ray cycles; constant mingling of other rays with major ray

EP I- 321 - soul/personality cycles - rays 5/3 (Aryan race) govern major cycles of individual

EP I- 339 - last 25 years (1912-1937) tremendous speeding up compared to 50 years ago (1887-1912) [Uranus entered Aquarius 1912]

EP I- 341 - 1914-18 great crisis smashed glamorous material security /instinctual selfishness (Pluto in Cancer)

EP I- 347 - ray 5 withdrawn from major cycle governing humanity; close interplay in this major cycle between rays 4 and 5

EP I- 348 - rays 1,4,6 out of manifestation

EP I- 348 - ray 6 began to decline in influence only 300 years ago (1625)

EP I- 348 - rays 2,3,5,7 still potent

EP I- 348 - ray 3 the longest in incarnation - (since 1425?); 1875 - ray 3 occultly completed its outgoing and began to curve upon itself and thus return; (450 years since 1425, so assuming 450 for return, then 900 years for cycle - see s. Pugh’s JEP refs.)

EP I- 349 - ray 2 rapidly recurring cycle - excessive potency - constant cycles of waxing/waning; never out of incarnation

EP I- 349 - ray 2 cycles dynamic - recur in regular rhythm during 25,000 year zodiacal cycle in sequences of 500 years (phoenix - Pluto cycle x 2)

EP I- 349 - ray 2 potency declined 1825 as the peak of 250 years emerged - (started 1575); (1825 century conclave of masters) - led to growth of separativeness - produced European wars, world wars; (see ‘cycles of becoming’ by Ruperti and his comments re this period as per planetary cycles)

EP I- 349 - ray 2 declines for another 140 years (1935 + 140 = 2075; 1575 + 500 = 2075)

EP I- 350 - ray 5 latest into activity - coming forth into power

EP I- 350 - ray 7 since 1675

EP I- 351-2 - rays of aspect longer cycles than rays of attribute, and their measure is ‘occultly slow’, cumulative, with increasing momentum

EP I- 352 - rays of attribute have briefer cycles and produce a steady heartbeat and regular rhythm in the solar system

EP I- 352 - major rays - great racial development; minor rays - psychic sensitivity; series of incarnations on ray cycles

EP I- 352 - study rays cyclic influence on mankind; when major ray in manifestation, then divine purpose will be seen emerging with greater clarity

EP I- 355 - cyclic recapitulations go on ceaselessly

EP I- 335 - rays/planets - sacred/non-sacred - but does not say whether soul/personality ray of the particular planetary logos.

Tabulation deals with major ray cycles (racial?) and not minor.

(is order of tabulation a clue?)

|Sacred | |Non-Sacred | |

| | | | |

|Vulcan |Ray 1 |Mars |Ray 6 |

|Mercury |Ray 4 |Earth |Ray 3 |

|Venus |Ray 5 |Pluto |Ray 1 |

|Jupiter |Ray 2 |Moon (veiling hidden planet) |Ray 4 |

|Saturn |Ray 3 |Sun (veiling hidden planet) |Ray 2 |

|Neptune |Ray 6 | | |

|Uranus |Ray 7 | | |

EP I- 357 - close of 6th root race 10,000,000 years

EP I- 363 - cyclic activities, rituals of Plan

EP I- 367 - ray 7 aspirants/disciples take over control toward 1955 (born 1915-ish - Uranus in Aquarius?(see also 298)

EP I- 368 - 100-300 years margin of difference between failure and success of NGWS

EP I- 369 - radiations of mineral kingdom cyclic in appearance

EP I- 371 - ray 7 - opportunity for some animals to individualise; (2nd, 3rd or 6th subcycle of ray 7?

EP I- 371-2 - animal brain - fuller knowledge of laws governing cycles

EP I- 372 - close of our great world period - response to ray 7

EP I- 374 - ray 7 cycle - electro therapeutics 1935-85

EP I- 378 - law of tides aspect of law of cycles which controls solar evolution

EP I- 396 - ‘garnered treasures of a thousand cycles’

Esoteric Psychology Volume 2

EP II- 8 - soul evolution: Individualisation - personality; initiation - ego; identification - Monad

EP I- 23 - unfolding of egoic Lotus - paralleling activities, overlapping of rays etc. within time cycle

EP I- 27 - cycles of the soul

EP I- 49 - cycles of Appropriation

EP I- 83 - 2,050 AD - mystery of electricity revealed “middle of next century”. Will be more initiates in the world.

EP I- 139 - sufficient egos/ray types in incarnation (NGWS) - can be impressed as group. This century has been the first time that this has been possible.

EP I- 143 - ray 5 servers - investigate form to find hidden idea. More active now than any time in human history.

EP I- 183 - next few decades - subjective group linking (written 1935-9, possibly 1936 [see p.194]; hence 1940’s -1970’s)

EP I- 192 - past 150 years - Science of World Finance has appeared (1936 - 150 = 1786 AD approx. - 1775 ray 5 of Science cycle. 1781 - Uranus discovery - ray 7 finance)

EP I- 194 - past 200 years - Law of Group Progress. (since 1736 approx.?)

- fuller tide at May (Wesak/Taurus) full Moon 1936. (This can be considered a horoscope for the NGWS)

EP I- 195-6 - “In December, 1935, the energies of Capricorn were augmented by the pouring in of forces from a still greater constellation [Page 196] which is—to our zodiac—what the zodiac is to the Earth. This augmentation will take place again in 1942. It must be remembered that, from certain angles, the circle of twelve signs or constellations constitutes a special unity which revolves within our universe of heavens as our planet revolves in the centre of our circle of influences. By means of this augmentation—during the coming Aquarian zodiacal cycle—groups on Earth can avail themselves of the tide of Capricornian influences which will flow into our radius of registration every seven years. The one just past, gave a tremendous impetus to the work of the New Group of World Servers, and was the cause of the very good reaction in the world to their particular impulse. This worked out in every nation and in every group as a marked tendency to good will. In 1942, there will come another planetary inflow of which we all are begged to avail ourselves, and for which we are urged to make due preparation. This "week of group impact" occurring every seven years, will run from December 21st till December 28th, and if this should at any time fall at the period of the full Moon, the opportunity will be most significant. This possibility must be watched. This week should be regarded as pre-eminently the "festival week" of the New Group of World Servers, and after 1942 advantage must be taken of this period, and special preparation made. This fact invites the attention of all of us.”

EP I- 183-194 - new groups - NGWS

EP I- 199 - cycles of space and time

EP I- 202 - seven emanations of spiritual energy

EP I- 215 - period of unprecedented opportunity and crisis (1936 era or wider?)

EP I- 216 - broad sweep of evolutionary cycle - human family

EP I- 216 - later developments during coming century

EP I- 241 - nine year cycles: 1933, 1942 etc - Hierarchy meets in silent conclave (Moon’s node cycles - half of eighteen years? Next one in 2005.

EP I- 251 - major part of activity of law of cycles is right use of emphasis

EP I- 251 - Masters must understand the Will of God in any cycle.

EP I- 253 - form differentiations will cease in the human kingdom in this cycle.

EP I- 260-1 - just after 1725 - influence brought to bear on group of souls who helped to bring on Victorian Age - their time had not yet truly come - they helped avert difficulties that had been present since 1525 (outgoing cycle of ray 6)

- Awakened human consciousness to “essential freedom”, reacted against dogmatism of the church,, scientific developments, sexual and proletarian revolutions (ray 7 group? - provided material base for NGWS later in 1925)

- Have “wrought havoc” through their “self-willed power”. (7/1 ashram?)

- Enormous strides in “light of humanity” these past 200 - 300 years.

[ray 7 1675, ray 5 1775]

- NGWS since 1925 - effected by group of souls who “hastened their entrance into incarnation”

EP I- 266 - astral nature - Atlantis. Today among lower groupings of human family. Children 7-14.

- Aryan - physical, astral and mental blending - taking place racially - will be completed for bulk of humanity when Sun enters Sagittarius as Sun is entering Aquarius now. Adolescents 14-21. (This is ambiguous: could be 2160 year cycle, hence in 4,320 years, or larger 25,000 year cycle, hence 50,000 years)

- Sixth subrace - soul/personality coordination via astral nature - will be for world aspirants (6th subrace - buddhic/astral)

EP I- 270 - in this cycle and Aryan race - the Hierarchy is recapitulating the three initiations and making certain approaches to the race

- Lemurian recapitulation - thousands in “next few years” will come to soul consciousness

- Masses will be made aware of the “Lemurian appropriation” (Jurassic Park one of those factors?)

EP I- 273 - amazing nature of the epoch through which race is passing

EP I- 273 - success of Hierarchy since 1925 through NGWS - initial impulses in 1875. 1936 Wesak festival - success in getting response from Humanity.

EP I- 283 - Law of Cycles

Esoteric Astrology

EA- 4 - "solar system must no longer be regarded as a point around which the zodiac revolves or through which the Sun passes in its great cycle of approximately 25,000 years."

EA- 7 - "rhythms, cycles and the times and seasons that esoteric astrology deals"

EA- 9 - "certain Lives whose cycle of expression"

EA- 19 - "forces (1st ray/Shamballa?) beating in an almost violent and somewhat new measure and tempo upon our planetary life"

EA- 20 - "in the greater cycle of man's many incarnations" (25,000 years?)

EA- 20-21 - wheel, reversal of - Aries to Pisces - 25000 years?

EA- 31 - rising sign - 7 lives - greater zodiac?

EA- 36 - "three hierarchies (4th, 5th & 6th) are -in this greater cycle-of profound importance (25,000 or 250,000 years etc?)

EA- 37 - Pisces -governs present world cycle 25000 years. see 37,129,344. EOH 567 -(says Aquarius)

EA- 53 - "..a great world period comes to an end" - 25,000 years?

EA- 53 - cycle of reincarnations - human conditioned by non sacred planets

EA- 58 - wheel/Great Illusion - reversal

EA- 63 - great cycle, beginning of - Sun in Aries (2,160 year cycle? - approx. 40BC?; 25,000 year cycle)

EA- 64 - individualisation - 21,688,345 years ago (written 1931 - see TWM 440-1 - "though

exactness is not possible in a system of mutation such as ours")

- Sun was in Leo - see 352,355

- Sun was in Gemini - see 37,113,131,352,537. EP1-393

- Sun was in Sagittarius - see 537-8

EA- 65 - "Creative Hierarchies, giving the interim situation in this world cycle." (25,000???)

EA- 68-9 - Great Illusion - "gradual shifting and changing brought about by precession of the equinoxes, or the slow shift of the pole of the planet."

EA- 70 - "cyclically the energies the energies from the constellations pour through the planetary centres"

EA- 77 - "certain prominent cycles of polarisation emerging as the fore-ordained results of "periods of crisis"

EA- 81 - cyclic law, basis - "crisis, polarisation, sweep" - passage of Sun 25,000 years

EA- 85 - cycle, world - occult phrase "interim or interlude of evolution" (Sanskrit: "sandhi"; pralaya?)

EA- 86 - Great Wheel 25,000 years - tabulation interpreted in terms of

EA- 94 - wheels - 3 - cycles of: evolution, discipleship, initiation

EA- 101 - wheel - two reversals? - before 1st and before 3rd or 4th?

EA- 102 - signs, birth -"renewed cyclic realisation"

EA- 106 - Aries- beginning of cycles

EA- 106 - cycles, four different - progress on the path

EA- 107 - cycles, four different - of progress - followed by 12 lives (labours) see 62 (recapitulation),128(on cardinal cross?), 131(12 final tests)

EA- 112-3 - zodiacs, lesser/greater

EA- 121- cycles, new - of the divine adventure

EA- 128-9 - Pisces...great cycle (25,000) through which we are passing (going into 25,000 cycle in Aquarius); also, in the Piscean age, the lesser cycle out of which we are at this time moving

EA- 130 - Venus is exalted in Pisces at the end of the greater cycle, the Sons of God who are the Sons of Mind are raised up into glory through experience and crucifixion because they have learned to love and truly reason. (crucifixion keyword for 4th initiation, which is probably goal for certain amount of disciples at the end of the 25,000 year cycle; love is associated with the heart and 4th chakra; reasoning is a mercurial - ray 4 - buddhic process)

EA- 130 - at the end of the age (I refer here to a greater round of the zodiac, and to no shorter cycle) the glorification of Venus, of Virgo, the virgin, and of mother Earth...(start of Aquarian 25,000 cycle? - see EOH 567)

- are there two or more cycles on the greater wheel?

EA- 134 - Aquarius important in solar system at this time - it is the sign into which our Sun is rapidly moving (see also EOH 567)

EA- 141- Aquarius unusually potent in this world cycle - turn back on all further progress in this cycle

EA- 141- Aquarius, in - significance of cycles mastered and understood by initiate

EA- 150 - signs - Pisces Aquarius Capricorn-beginning/final signs according to state of wheel of life

EA- 150 - great wheel of zodiac

EA- 159 - Capricorn - new cycle of effort

EA- 160 - Libra - reversal of wheel in Atlantis-initiation-dark brotherhood war

EA- 172 - Aquarius - Sun entering Aquarius

EA- 193 - signs/constellations - certain signs close relation to major constellations

EA- 201 - Aquarius - next 2000 years

EA- 215-6 - Mars - entire west under Mars influence which will end in next 5 years (written 1939-1942)

EA- 217 - age, new - "entering into manifestation" - new civilisation/culture

EA- 231 - great world cycle, next - final judgement

EA- 238 - Libra - Bhagavad-Gita Mahabharata - "mid Atlantean days" in Libra

EA- 242 - zodiacs - ten/eleven sign zodiacs

EA- 254-5 - signs - mass movement of spirit/matter - Aries to Pisces via Taurus-reversed/discipleship

EA- 268- cycle - hint as to world period in now - world server in Aquarius(2160?), world saviour Pisces (25,000?)

EA- 276 - wheel - both wheels simultaneous - dual activity of the Great Wheel - dark night of soul

EA- 278 - Pisces consummates work carried forward in this major world cycle

EA- 285- cycle, present - "ante-chamber" of new age

EA- 286 - Leo - new cycle

EA- 344 - "Pisces is the starting point on the clockwise (ordinary) wheel at this time for the greater zodiacal round of 25,000 years..." (see 37,129)

EA- 345 - cross - one sign in each cross which dominates other three - Gemini on mutable X

EA- 345 - Virgo - 9 cyclic changes in cosmic gestation period

EA- 346 - cross - mutable cross extremely potent on reversed wheel (wheels for each cross - one each direction = 6?)

EA- 347 - Pisces for this great cycle is alpha/omega

EA- 352 - Gemini - all cyclic manifestations - interplay between two brothers of Gemini

EA- 352 - Gemini, greater round of zodiac - as it is now in Pisces (see 37,64,129, 344)

EA- 357 - cycle - in this world cycle - expressions of rays 3,4,5

EA- 370 - wheel turning upon itself

EA- 382 - Aries in this world cycle - sign of beginning (25,000 of another wheel?)

EA- 383 - Taurus/Earth closer - in this world cycle

EA- 387 - Aries secret of beginnings of cycles

EA- 408 - pole star - no mathematical accuracy at moment

EA- 409 -10 cycles - lesser/greater cycles - "great sweep the of Sun around the greater zodiac came to an end when the Sun entered Pisces over 2000 years ago"

EA- 413 - “humanity as a whole is today reversing itself upon the great zodiacal wheel” - could account for DK’s seemingly contradictory statements about Pisces and Aquarius being the start of the greater 25,000 year cycle - i.e. Pisces for humanity and Aquarius for those on the path)

EA- 427 - tabulation - Pisces/ Sirian energies; future festivals Sirius; hence going into 25,000 Pisces cycle? - one of several wheels?

EA- 437 - Pisces passing out of influence as we progress on great wheel

EA- 441 - cycle - present world cycle - everything unusually emphasised

EA- 437 - “ now passing out of influence as we progress upon the great wheel of the zodiac” - could mean lesser cycle as great wheel turns, and /or greater cycle from Pisces to Aquarius.

EA- 447 - ray 7 - entering into major cycle of activity

EA- 449 - time cycle of 3rd degree initiate - triangles

EA- 453 - time factors for application of information to specific cycles

EA- 486 – year 1835 - Aries/Aquarius activity

EA- 519 - period, world - transfer from lower to higher centres in this world period in this century if humanity wills it (see LOTS p.x - 1965 - 10 year cycles to 2025)

EA- 537 - cycles - 1875-1975; from 1925 from 1945.

EA- 589-90 - great wheel (25,000) - tabulation interpreted only in terms of

EA- 591 - cycle - nature of life manifestations in any cycle

EA- 595 - great zodiacal wheel - great bear, Sirius, Pleiades through

EA- 596 - cycles, long - mystery death/immortality

EA- 622 - past 350 years - emphasis on 2nd ray energy - (1586-89 since reign of QE1)

Esoteric Healing

EH- 41 - long cycle of soul

EH- 55 - long cycle of lives - difficulties in awakening centres

EH- 61 - secret of right understanding of times and cycles - disease problems

EH- 78 - next couple of centuries - congestion major problem

EH- 89 - cyclic manifestation of sex impulse; female cycles; cyclic control - subordinating appetites - failure - cause of disease

EH- 89 - Law of Cycles - widespread infringement; tides, lunar cycles

EH- 90 - cycles, proper - right use of time, Law of Rhythm entirely new science - correct cycles for physical functioning

EH- 92 - cycle - laying foundation for - in another life cycle

EH- 98 - law of periodicity - rhythmic life

EH- 110 - present cycle - disease/death

EH- 121 - diseases cyclic in appearance

EH- 121 - ‘blood is the life’ (Neptune/heart/life thread; see 143)

EH- 125 - rhythm, cyclic life of disciple

EH- 126 - cyclic condition to do with pairs of opposites

EH- 138 - cycle in life of aspirant - personality control begins to weaken

EH- 162 - 1400 AD - relation of solar plexus to heart - expressed diagram p. 715

EH- 181 - centres - other cycles of movement, change; cycle of manifestation

EH- 194 - great cycle of evolution - monadic stimulation

EH- 233 - death - great law of cycles - see 247

EH- 244-5 - withdrawal of soul in cycles - destroyer aspect of planet - ray 1; death in vegetable/animal kingdoms - (autumn season - Scorpio/Pluto)

EH- 247 - life cycle of non human form - 3 main stages

EH- 247 - length of cycles - deep mystery - specific to various conditions in nature

EH- 248 - cycles known only to masters and initiates

EH- 248 - cyclic law within planetary life/death - reabsorption/close of cycle of reincarnation

EH- 249 - war cycle - epidemics in aftermath

EH- 252 - diseases cyclic in appearance

EH- 260-1 - last 2000 years - 4 acts of liberation

EH- 260-1 - Magna Charta; declaration of independence; negro in USA; United Nations

EH- 263-9 - Jewish race

EH- 265 - Jewish assimilation with British, Dutch, French

EH- 267 - rays of Jews - creative

EH- 267 - Jew to see himself as British, Italian etc.

EH- 268 - Germans influenced by actions in Atlantis

EH- 278 - DK thinks in cycles

EH- 278-9 - significance of time cycles; true astrological findings when hour of disincarnation known

EH- 279 - conditioning rays which govern etheric body’s manifestation in space

- astrology which governs etheric body’s manifestation in time

EH- 295 - “cycle of distress” (incarnation)

EH- 297 - world cycle - physical ill health during

EH- 334 - life cycles, incarnations

EH- 361 - year 1936 - Christ’s approach to first subplane of astral

EH- 374 - cycle coming will garner fruit of ages

EH- 380 - conference 1725

EH- 382 - past 50 years - TB under control (recent upsurge 1996) [Atlantean disease]

EH- 390 - next cycle - wrong attitudes on death will end

EH- 391 - cycles of work, cycles of restitution

EH- 403 - time between incarnations

EH- 404 - time concepts - child/childraces/abstract minds

EH- 406 - present planetary cycle - death of astral control (Scorpio/2nd degree)

EH- 412 - next 200 years - abolition of death

EH- 417 - cyclic evolution, source of - heart beats of Logos

EH- 417 - cycles rhythm vibration

EH- 418 - cyclic rhythm - cessation of

EH- 418 - cycles of chaos, experiment, experience, comprehension - brought on by mobility (rajas) phase of motion

EH- 419 - cycle (of life) draws to a close

EH- 420 - cycle of Planetary Logos is synthesis of tiny cycles of the cells of His body

EH- 421 - solar pralaya - close of 100 years of Brahma - end of 2nd solar system

EH- 422 - planetary cycle not always successful

EH- 425 - cycle relatively late; Christian cycle/era; natural process cyclically undergone

EH- 426 - cyclic ebb and flow

EH- 431 - cyclic intention and directive of Planetary Logos - death through war

EH- 432 - cycle today - greatest destruction of forms in history of planet

EH- 432 - destruction of cycle of separateness

EH- 433 - cyclic life stabilised by Law of Attraction

EH- 433 - coming cycle - Shamballa force

EH- 434 - cyclic integrations in life cycle of soul

EH- 436 - cyclic purpose - death

EH- 440 - another 100 years - revelation on death (442 - before close of next century)

EH- 443 - death in this age and cycle

EH- 448 - cycle of incarnation

EH- 451 - start of new age - WW2; past 500 years (1425 start of ray 3 cycle; last decanate of Pisces age; 500 years Phoenix cycle - Pluto)

EH- 463 - life cycles - 7 years, 14, 21 etc - etheric, astral, mental

EH- 463-4 - approximate age of soul determined at 14 years

EH- 483 - cycle in human affairs - disease will be exception rather than rule

EH- 500 - cycles, majority - soul has little concern

EH- 505 - cycle of incarnation

EH- 506 - cycles, many - not a personality - just a member of mass

EH- 507 - lives, many - personality life

EH- 509 - cycle of incarnations - avoiding selfish personality expression

EH- 590 - ray of personality - result of vast cycle of incarnations

EH- 614 - in this cycle - physical body responsive to impulses emanating from elsewhere

EH- 633 - under cyclic law - all forms act; cyclic relation of soul and elemental spirit; time

EH- 636 - cyclic influence of planetary spirit

EH- 642 - cycles of outward expression - controlling monad

EH- 664 - initiation - past 200 years - many initiated - entered ashrams of Masters - unforseen by Hierarchy - rapid but difficult way to be tried (since 1725-45?; see 667 too)

EH- 672 - cycle of evolution inaugurated by Christ (Pisces age)

EH- 679-80 - cyclically possible - SK’s will expressed; cycle of divine destruction

EH- 686 - world cycle - dharma is aspect of karma

EH- 710 - ray 4 cycles into manifestation - more information

EH- 712 - end of ray 6 cycle

The Rays and the Initiations (To be re-read)

RI- 34 - time cycles - 1943-55 years since HPB in 1888 - Secret Doctrine

RI- 88 - Gemini full Moon June 1943 - outpouring of divine love reached its highest expression - for all time (ray 2 cycle culminating?)

RI- 121 - immediate interim period between ages - 150 years (sandhi? - could be last part of interim period of 500 years?)

RI- 145 - 1825 (Uranus enters Aquarius 1828) - centennial conclave - industrial movement (capital/labour - rays 3,7); little growth on such a scale prior to 1825 (see p.412)


Private note to AAB from DK:

The tropical/sidereal zodiacs will be exactly 30 degrees apart 2117AD

SVP (Michelson) 5Pisces19 (34secs); true SVP 3Pisces37 (11.4secs) as of 1/1/95.

Hence, SVP out by 122 years (1 degree 42 mins 22.6 secs)

2117 AD minus 2,160 years = 43BC; minus 2,160 years = 2203BC; minus 2,160 years = 4363BC

Journal of Esoteric Psychology

Stephen Pugh (Issue no.?)

20 - 2,500 years ago - outgoing peak of 5,000 year cycle

Numerical Foundation p. 24 - ray cycles

ray 1 10x1=10x10=100x10=1,000

ray 2 10x5=50x10=500x10=5,000

ray 3 10x9=90x10=900x10=9,000

ray 4 10x2.5=25x10=250x10=2,500

ray 5 10x3.5=35x10=350x10=3,500

ray 6 10x1.5=15x10=150x10 =1,500

ray 7 10x7=70x10=700x10 =7,000

John Bellman (Issue no.?)

76 - 2,100 years ago 0 Aries (tropical) = 0 Aries (sidereal)

77 - greater zodiac is sidereal zodiac

78 - birth of Jesus in 6BC; Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Pisces coincided with major turn of the wheel (start of 25,000 Pisces?)

81 - 5th ray incarnates 1775 ad - 1999 = 225 years

Peter Kubaska (Issue 5, no. 2?)

- 248 year orbital cycle Pluto (planetary dweller)

79 - pole star approx. 17 precession cycles ago (425K) was double, formed by Capella and Aldabaran, close to where Vega is now located.

82 - alpha/beta - Ursa Major in alignment 3101 BC (start of kali yuga)

82 - Sirius 25M, Pleiades 250M, Ursa Major 2.5 B


References to the Root Races, Destiny of the Nations, Civilisations, Ashrams, Groups, Conferences, NGWS, etc. in the works of Alice A. Bailey and H.P. Blavatsky.

This file will have many cross-references or duplications with the Cycles file as the two subjects are so closely related.

Initiation, Human and Solar

IHS- 13 - pageant of the races - golden thread of pedigree thru many types

IHS- 31 - Veddhas of Ceylon; hairy Ainus; bushmen of South Africa

IHS- 32 - Lemuria - establishment of Hierarchy

IHS- 33 - Gobi Desert - central home of SK and Hierarchy

IHS- 33 - majority of masters reside in various nations - focal points for Lord of the World

IHS- 33 - middle of 4th root race

IHS- 35 - world war recrudescence of Atlantis

IHS- 40-1 - four maharajahs - lords of karma - world, racial, national, group, individual (link to 4 ‘royal stars’?)

IHS- 41-2 - Vaivasvatu Manu of 5th root race - inception 100,000 years ago; Aryan affairs, India, European, USA - 6th root race

IHS- 42 - China - Manu 4th rootrace (270,000 years ago - final stagers of destruction of Atlantis)

IHS- 43 - Manu sets race type - directs minds of statesmen; North America, Australia (6th rootrace type)

IHS- 45 - Mahachohan may hold office for several rootraces - Lord of Civilisation; one of Kumaras was Mahachohan in Lemuria

IHS- 45 - Mahachohan took position 2nd subrace of 4th rootrace - achieved adeptship on Moon chain (3rd degree at that time; as did Buddha); brought in large numbers of Moon chain egos in middle of rootrace (halfway through 3rd subrace of 4th rootrace? - to coincide with individualisation in 3rd subrace of 3rd rootrace?)

IHS- 45 - (Master R took over as Mahachohan - sometime in 1930’s? - end/start of cycle?)

IHS- 46 - office of Christ covers 4th and 5th rootraces (hence as 5th rootrace has reached its spiritual peak, the one holding office of Christ took over 2,000 odd years ago)

IHS- 46 - Master Jupiter Regent of India; Master R Regent of European/America - holds office temporarily under Manu; hold in their hands the reins of government for continents/nations

IHS- 54 - Master Jupiter - India/Northern Frontier

IHS- 54 - Master Morya - Rajput prince - authoritative position in Indian affairs (see “The Masters Revealed” by K. Paul Johnson); Manu of 6th rootrace; carries out Manu’s plans - helps further racial evolution through Mahachohan

IHS- 54 - Master KH - World Teacher for 6th rootrace; current Christ will vacate office when 6th rootrace comes into being; Kashmiri

IHS- 56-7 - Jesus - Syrian body - Joshua, Son of Nun, Jeshua in time of Ezra, taking third initiation (Book of Zechariah); Apollonius of Tyana

IHS- 58 - Master R - Hungarian - racial affairs of European; mental outgrowth of USA, Australia (could mean that mental body of both countries is same - see DON 91 - 3 or 5?); ray 3 pupils on ray 7

IHS- 59 - Master Hilarion - Cretan - ray 5

IHS- 59 - English Master - Anglo-Saxon race - Labour Movement

IHS- 60 - Master P - Irish body; Serapis - ray 4

IHS- 61 - Masters training for 6th rootrace; 5th subrace of 5th rootrace

IHS- 61 - ray 1 and 2 Masters - pupils from Mahachohan

IHS- 61 - Masters/Christ externalised by end of century - particularly M, KH & Jesus

IHS- 61 - initiate 3rd degree or Master at head of all great organisations

IHS- 66 - 6th subrace ‘colony’ - community living

IHS- 67 - special group of people incarnating to link up physical/astral

IHS- 94 - latter end of 4th subrace of 4th rootrace - method of initiation to middle of 5th round

IHS- 97 - human development most difficult in solar system

IHS- 105 - Wesak - Buddha conveys energies from Silent Watcher via Sanat Kumara; Silent Watcher evoked WW2 - conference at Shamballa

IHS- 105 - Manu below Mahachohan in evolution

IHS- 110 - Manu - politics, government, races; Boddhisattva - religion, beliefs, faiths; Mahachohan - science, civilisation, education

IHS- 120 - ray group, egoic group - relation to the Plan

IHS- 125 - ray group, egoic group

IHS- 130 - seven times in history of planetary scheme has rod been recharged

IHS- 130 -Shamballa - sacred point of planetary manifestation - corresponds to heart of human being

IHS- 130-1 - magnetised spots on Earth’s surface; every nation has ‘magnetic point’; national heart basis of national character; usually chief city of nation built around it (Sydney, opera house, the rocks, circular quay, harbour bridge etc.?)

IHS- 131 - great organisations, cultures, civilisations

IHS- 131 - freemasons - two magnetic centres - one in European

IHS- 131-2 - all organisations have magnetic spots (e.g.TS)

154 - human kingdom - loves sounds

IHS- 182 - ray 7 brings opportunity to occidental races (active concrete mind, vast business capacity) of initiation on ray regarded as major ray (7)

IHS- 183 - period of attainment by occidentals on ray suited to their mind

IHS- 183 - Oriental - meditation - modicum of executive organisation, practicality

- occidental - organisation which lower mind produces; meditation of intense business concentration; purification of motive will bring opportunity

IHS- 187 - surging current of public opinion manipulated by those on ray 2 - magnetic work

Letters on Occult Meditation

LOOM- 1 - great leaders of race - 4 fold alignment - (soul/personality)

LOOM- 12 - life of meditation in monastery/nunnery in European - Master Jesus

- or in India, Tibet, China - Master M, KH

LOOM- 34 - 60,000,000,000 evolving units in humanity on causal levels

LOOM- 34 - adept of egoic ray supervises development in groups: subray of egoic ray; period of individualisation; point of attainment; - under adept of ray work Masters on their rays (major ashrams/subray ashrams)

LOOM- 38 - egos separated into ray groups on 3rd subplane of mental plane

LOOM- 38-9 - egos - 49 groups merge on 2nd subplane of mental - become 42 groups etc (hints on ashrams)

|Monadic plane | |7 great groups | |

|Atmic plane |Atomic subplane |14 groups |7 x 2 |

|Buddhic plane |1st subplane |21 groups |7 x 3 |

| |3rd subplane |28 groups |7 x 4 |

|Mental plane |1st subplane |35 groups |7 x 5 |

| |2nd subplane |42 groups |7 x 6 |

| |3rd subplane |49 groups |7 x 7 |

LOOM- 45 - group on Earth not exact reflection as group on egoic levels - only certain units in incarnation at any time

LOOM- 45 - national group - racial physical body

LOOM- 45 - Orientals/occidentals - tendency for westerners to ape Orientals

LOOM- 46 - forms of meditation suitable for different nationalities - intensify virtues, remedy defects

LOOM- 46 - Orient/occident - each their own schools

LOOM- 46 - head of school same nationality as student

LOOM- 47 - family group - physical pedigree, brain, conformity of head (phrenology)

LOOM- 47 - family history, forbears, progress of youth, life medical history

LOOM- 65 - people on same ray form group

LOOM- 65-70 - groups

LOOM- 68 - ray 7 activity - deva contact by groups (Findhorn, Perelandra)

LOOM- 68 - groups working on laws of rays

LOOM- 69 - seven esoteric groups - training for discipleship and 1st degree initiation

LOOM- 76 - awakening of centres dependant upon nationality

LOOM- 92 - national heredity; occidental/Oriental body

LOOM- 107 - karma of national heredity

LOOM- 110 - man’s subrace characteristics; Oriental/occidental body

LOOM- 110 - each race has one outstanding feature of emotional body - Italian - fiery, romantic, unstable, brilliant; Teuton - phlegmatic, matter of fact, sentimental and stolidly, logically clever

LOOM- 111 - meditation in Atlantis/Aryan

LOOM- 112 - Orient is to humanity what heart is to body - source of light, heat, vitality; Occident is brain, mental activity, directing, organising factor, accumulator of facts, instrument of lower mind; difference between Oriental/occidental is great

LOOM- 112 - Oriental - philosophical, dreamy, trained to think abstractly, fond of abstruse dialects, temperamentally lethargic, climatically slow; ages of metaphysical thinking, vegetarianism, climatic inertia, rigid adherence to forms, strict rules of living - exact opposite of occidental

- Occidental - practical, quick in action, business like, dynamic, slave to organisation, concrete mind, critical, acquisitive, rapid mental decision, head more than heart, vitalised throat centre

LOOM- 113 - head/heart centres; throat - top of spine, base of skull; more active than throat for Oriental

LOOM- 113 - Oriental - heart; Occidental - head

LOOM- 113-4 - Oriental meditation could be detrimental to Occidental and vice versa

LOOM- 114 - races, nationalities

LOOM- 114 - ray 7 provides for Occidental what has long been privilege of Oriental

LOOM- 114-20 - group dangers - (astrological houses? -116-7 - family group -= 4th house; associates/friends - 11th house etc

LOOM- 116 - family group - church workers - beginners tried here

LOOM- 117 - groups - TS, Christian Science, New Thought, Spiritualists; Soviet in Russia

LOOM- 118 - family group - emotional plane (Cancer?)

LOOM- 122 - this stage in world history - danger of obsession

LOOM- 154 - national, group karma

LOOM- 163 - each rootrace has its mantric chord

LOOM- 167 - Manu manipulates forms of nations, races

LOOM- 170-1 - Manu - government, racial development, occultism - 4 Lords of Karma work closely with

LOOM- 171 - continents, races, nations - basic rules of government; egoic group/Master - then contact with department; ruler of world, planetary logos, solar logos

LOOM- 172 - Mahachohan - business organisation - artists, musicians, scientists; spirits of love and activity

LOOM- 172 - racial problem

LOOM- 185 - all civilised peoples - fire of intellect

LOOM- 189 - Manu - mantrams for moving continents

LOOM- 191 - religions -most degraded races - worshipping of deity

LOOM- 193-4 - Atlantean tale in Bible - walls of Jericho fell down - trumpets

LOOM- 198 - Wesak in India - forms funnel via hierarchy for Buddha’s energy; geometrical movement of concourse gathered in that Himalayan centre (Wesak Valley)

LOOM- 200 - Wesak - great event for human race’s relation to planet; “still greater moment in calendar” - funnel between Earth and logos of system (could be Leo, ruled by Sun; solar system incarnation of Sirius - future festivals in Leo/August dedicated to Sirian contact) see 164

LOOM- 201 - Manu - manipulating nations, government, politics

LOOM- 222 - colours in relation to races

LOOM- 224 - in no. 4 lies history of present

LOOM- 229 - seven rays - 7 sacred planets, 7 initiations, 7 rootraces/subraces

LOOM- 233 - Atlantean/Aryan race - very different auras

LOOM- 234 - groups similar vibration - same basic hue; large masses

LOOM- 236 - highly developed souls waiting to incarnate; analogy to (Moon chain?) souls who incarnated on Atlantis

LOOM- 250 - faculty of Lemurians, Atlanteans to raise great masses (Easter Island, Stonehenge, Pyramids) through sound

LOOM- 251 - work of financiers, capitalists - meditate on line of Mahachohan (3) - approach of Probationary Path

LOOM- 262 - group soul governed by Master

LOOM- 286 - line of 2nd ray can be followed on Raja yoga line or Christian Gnostic line

LOOM- 298 - stimulation and intensification to people in USA, Australia, India, Russia, Scotland (as apart from UK?) and Greece. Belgium, Sweden and Austria too

LOOM- 298 - national subdivisions of one school

LOOM- 299 - America, Anglo Saxon races - problems through being literate, increased mental ability

LOOM- 301 - lesser cycle - HPB laid foundation stone of first school of initiation

- lesser cycle relatively important - outgrowth of 5th rootrace, efflorescence of 5th principle (hence minor 5th ray cycle?)

LOOM- 304 - four branches of school - TransHimalayan, Southern Indian, 4th rootrace(China), and headquarters in Occident - 6th rootrace instruction (Australia, NZ, USA - advanced schools Australia/California)

LOOM- 305 - racial characteristics/races - details of methods differ

LOOM- 305 - southern Indian school - 2nd, 3rd subraces of Aryan (Iranian/Arabian)

- Himalayan - 1st, 4th, 5th subraces (Hindu, Keltic, Teutonic)

- headquarters of 4th rootrace in China - many of that race

- 4th branch of school - Master R, English Master (3), Hilarion (Australia, NZ, USA - must be 6th subrace - only one not mentioned; interesting to note that the above Masters are strongly on the odd ray line - 7,3,5 respectively; Australia and NZ have strong 3rd rootrace connection - Lemuria; also strong Labour movement (domain of English Master) in Australia)

LOOM- 306-10 - national divisions of one school

LOOM- 306 - causal body vibration of national group; educational work of nation reaches certain height - use mental equipment of nation as stepping stone

LOOM- 306 - only nations which originally had training schools for mysteries, will be again, during earlier stages, permitted national schools; exceptions - UK, USA, Canada, Australia - really only Australia as UK/USA had schools in Atlantis (does Australia’s exception qualify it for the site of the ‘4th school’ - over California?)

LOOM- 307 - Egypt - profoundly occult/advanced school; USA preparatory school Midwest; Advanced school in California (one of first started) - 307 - during next 5 years (1920-5) seeds laid for USA school

- school for Latin countries - Italy or south of France

- earlier grades on magnetised spots in Wales or Scotland (Findhorn?)

- school for more advanced grades - Ireland - preparation for major initiation (2nd or 3rd?) on 2nd ray - under eye of Bodhisattva

- school in Egypt for those taking initiation on 1st ray in occident

LOOM- 308 - advanced school in Italy - initiation on 3rd ray - Mahachohan (rays 6/4 - attribute)

- Sweden - preparatory school - Northern/German races

- Russia - advanced school affiliated to Swedish school

- Egyptian school affiliated with prepatory school in Greece or Syria

LOOM- 308 - preparatory school first in order of time; schools founded immediately before the coming of the Great Lord

LOOM- 308 - schools/countries - 7 groups occult training - see p.69

Preparatory Grades leading to............ Advanced School

1. Greece (Vir/Cap) or Syria (Jesus/6th) Egypt (ray 1 school)

2. Middle West - USA (Aqu/Gem) (2/6)(Aqu) California

3. Southern France (Pis/Leo) (5/3) Italy 6/4(ray 3 school)

4. Scotland or Wales (2/1) (Vir/Pis) Ireland (ray 2 school)

5. Sweden(5?) (Aqu/Leo) Russia 7/1 (ray 7?)

6. New Zealand (Gem/Vir) (Vir/Cap) Australia 2/3/7? (ray 7?)

7. Japan (Sco/Cap) 1/7 (Tau/Lib) China 1/3) (ray 3/7?)

- Can each of 7 rays be apportioned to schools? - more likely 4 or 5 rays in incarnation

- first 6 schools for 5th rootrace; Japan/China - 4th rootrace

- see also EOH 85, DINA 712, DON 104

LOOM- 309 - South America, South Africa - no branches yet - next cycle

LOOM- 309 - UK, USA, Australia - schools in process of inception - Sweden will be shortly

LOOM- 311 - preparatory school near some big city; advanced school more inaccessible (mountains)

LOOM- 313 - preparatory school near sea or expanse of water but never in city

LOOM- 328 - study of history of man - one of subjects of future schools

LOOM- 329 - service to race - practical work

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

TCF- 62-3(fn) -

Schemes, Chains, Rounds, World Periods, Rootraces, Subraces, Branch Races

- one solar system = 10 planetary schemes

- one solar period = 9 planetary evolutionary schemes (63 chains)

- one scheme = 7 chains

- one chain = 7 globes - root manu globe A, seed manu globe G; major manvantara = 1 human round along planetary chain

- one globe = 7 rounds - 7x7 rootraces = 49- minor manvantara )SD3-309

- one round = 7 root races

- one root race = 7 subraces

- one subrace = 7 family/branch races

We are now in:

1) A solar system of the 4th order

2) In solar system 2

3) 4th scheme in system (out of 9) - 49 globes - corresponds to monad

4) 4th chain in scheme - corresponds to soul

5) 4th globe in chain - corresponds to series of incarnations one globe - personality

6) 4th round in globe - vaivasvata manu

7) 5th root race in round

8) 6th subrace in 5th rootrace

9) 6th branch race in subrace (Australia, N.Z., USA)

TCF- 112 - races - Lipikas

TCF- 431 - 6th subrace - deva evolution (Australia, new Zealand, USA)

TCF- 467 - fourth branchrace of 6th subrace – disaster

TCF- 598,600 - rays ruling sub races/branch races

TCF- 612-13 -deva activity

TCF- 618 -Virgo - 1st solar system - Jewish race connection?

TCF- 738 - egoic cycles, civilisations - rays of countries? e.g. 1775AD, 5th ray cycle corresponds to Australia’s discovery

TCF- 792 - planetary centres, egoic groups

TCF- 797 - egoic family group - ‘astral family’

TCF- 813 - group relationships

TCF- 826 - class distinctions

TCF- 841 - egos from Jupiter/Venus schemes - India, Orient, Latin, USA

TCF- 841-2 - primary lotuses - France?

TCF- 861 - petals - planetary centres

TCF- 871 - Speaking generally, therefore, it might be stated that egoic groups in whom the knowledge petals are being organised and unfolded come under the primary influence of the Mahachohan; those in whom the love aspect, or the second circle of petals, is opening come under the primary influence of the Bodhisattva, with the knowledge unfoldment paralleling the work; whilst those in whom the third tier is being opened come under the energy direction of the Manu, with the two other types of force co-ordinated. It will be apparent to the careful reader that in this fact lies hid the secret of why the Mahachohan holds office longer than either of His two Brothers, holding it as He does for an entire world period. The key to these cycles lies hid in the following thoughts: the Bodhisattva and the Manu change more frequently and pass on to other work owing to the fact that They each embody one type of triple force, whereas the Mahachohan is the focal point for five types of energy, each in its turn triple in nature.

TCF- 884 - planetary centres

TCF- 904 - race will be clairvoyant before end of 5th root race

TCF- 907 - California /Alaska - serious physical disturbance (Earthquake)

TCF- 924 -Jewish race - solar plexus of planet - 3rd ray transmitter/communication- see also EOH 87,89

TCF- 979 - Crotona - Pythagoras

TCF- 1051 - rays of family/national influence

TCF- 1062 - eucalyptus radioactive; yellowcake for uranium mined in Australia

TCF- 1082 - cyclic tabulation - historical value

TCF- 1093 - wheel of a race

TCF- 1105 - national thought currents

TCF- 1123 - healing of nations

TCF- 1146 - differences between Earth/Moon chain humanity

TCF- 1244 - organisations relation to occult organisations

TCF- 1248 - 2nd path magnetic work - public opinion

TCF- 1259 - mystics of the occident past 1000 years

Light of the Soul

LOTS- VII - 5th rootrace/5th subrace; yoga sutras - greatest demonstration in west - under cyclic law

LOTS- VII - 5th rootrace/Aryan - 5th subrace - Anglo Saxon - 5th principle manas; 5th plane - mental, 5th ray concrete knowledge

LOTS- VIII - Lemuria - Hatha yoga - 3rd degree was highest initiation; Atlantis - Bhakti yoga - 4th degree; Aryan - Raja yoga - 5th degree

LOTS- VIII-IX - Buddha - Arhats (4th degree) - climax in East for Aryan race; corresponding climax in West - zenith between 1965 and 2025.

LOTS- IX - ray 2 - coming impulse for Arhats in West as it was in East; ray 1 impulse bought forth HPB

LOTS- XIII - Raja yoga in existence since beginning of Aryan race - 100,000 years

LOTS- 56 - Lost Word of 5th rootrace

LOTS- 71 - Aryan - mental race - misplaced bodily activity; aggressive intensity of endeavour

LOTS- 121 - yogas, rootraces - Raja - Aryan etc; Bhakti yoga led to 4th degree in Atlantis

LOTS- 122 - Lemurian - previous chain - Hatha/laya yogins

LOTS- 122 - Atlantis - Bhakti - 4th degree; Aryan - Raja yoga

LOTS- 126 - race with which one is allied

LOTS- 140 - fourth race - on 4th globe, 4th round - the 4 vidyas/4 noble truths/4 basic elements form sum total of knowledge

LOTS- 167 - fifth subrace of 5th rootrace (Anglo-Saxon) - era of personal self (Leo/5) - identification with mind (5)

LOTS- 174-5 - fifth subrace of 5th rootrace - suicide - refinement of physical body, evolution of astral.

LOTS- 175 - fear (astral hydra) Doubt (See M's comment in Agni Yoga)

LOTS- 214 - fifth rootrace not to follow Hatha yoga

LOTS- 214-5 - races/yogas

LOTS- 233 - Aryan race - Raja yoga - all the rules of the road

LOTS- 274 - races - Indian guides - shells of thoughtforms left by Atlantean race - preserved through magic. No Lemurian shells left.

LOTS- 276-7 - historical records - races, nations, groups, families; physical/astral families

LOTS- 278 - group, race

LOTS- 290 - elephant for 5th rootrace - symbol of most powerful and mighty in animal kingdom - strength, power, force - transmutation/sublimation of animal nature.

LOTS- 304 - solar plexus - concentrated attention upon - knowledge of physical body. Centres most awakened in 5th rootrace for Aspirant - awakened but not unfolded in 5th rootrace: Base - 4 petals; Solar Plexus - 10 petals; Heart - 12 petals; Throat - 16 petals; Head - 1000 petals.

- Spleen dominant in Lemuria, but "automatic" now

LOTS- 306 - Heart - centre of trunk. Three major centres in Atlantis were head, solar plexus and base.

LOTS- 306-7 - at close of 5th rootrace - three main centres - head heart base; in 6th rootrace - head, heart and throat. In 7th rootrace - head ajna throat - monad soul creative word.

LOTS- 320 - Christ - outstanding example of love and intelligence (Venus/Virgo - EA) in Occident as Krishna was to India (east)

LOTS- 320 - Christ in Palestine - raised dead - used Jesus' body

LOTS- 355 - races - senses: hearing - Lemurian; touch - Atlantean; Sight - Aryan

LOTS- 381 - forty years in desert with Tabernacle and conquest of Canaan had to precede building of temple (analogy for causal body)

LOTS- 413 - Lemuria - brain/mind coordinated - sight simultaneously developed

A Treatise on White Magic

LOTS- 33 - nationalities

LOTS- 74 - evolution of race - relation between centres: head/base etc. - east/west hemispheres

LOTS- 78 - European, American - rapid changes. European’ 3000 years. India - occultism

LOTS- 79 - Masters in various countries - English race, Sweden, Russia

LOTS- 79 - east/west - concrete/abstract minds; 1st subrace of Aryan rootrace - India

LOTS- 84 - occidental races - meat - fermentation of foods - unsuited to occultism

LOTS- 86 - racial initiation - solving of male./female relation

LOTS- 93 - discipleship, path of - first 2 initiations - relief human/animal suffering; better relations of nations and groups

LOTS- 111 - personality under racial thoughtform

LOTS- 134 - occident - point of evolution

LOTS- 142 - ancient nations - sound (India)

LOTS- 144 - nations are all embodied thoughtforms - sound light vibration

LOTS- 224 - first degree initiation of humanity - individualisation; 2nd degree - start of WW2

LOTS- 224 - second degree initiation of world - outcome still in balance (from WW2 to end of century or 2025? - look at Jupiter Neptune Venus positions - 2nd degree; Jupiter/Saturn ‘trigon’ of 60 years from 1941 to 2001)

LOTS- 225 - effects of racial emotions on climactic conditions

LOTS- 241 - 3 groups - 1) politics/government/nations; 2) religions, mass psychology, devotion, arts; 3) business, money, commercial relations

LOTS- 243 - races, nations, cycles

LOTS- 243-4 - study of racial ebb & flow will make individual experience clearer

LOTS- 258 - initiation - 5th degree - not one achieved yet in esoteric groups of the world

LOTS- 276 - soul is at the birthing in humanity as a whole (2nd degree?)

LOTS- 283 - races, segregation - physical harmony, racial types - manu’s organisations

LOTS- 292 - race - mental energy

LOTS- 303-4 - brotherhood

LOTS- 307 - astrological factors conditioning planetary chart - racial/individuals; southern path of Sun in winter/autumn; dark half of Moon, two weeks to new Moon

LOTS- 307 - forces external to planet - sweep through race/nation

LOTS- 313 - breaking down separative wall of individualism - selfishness/nationalism; bringing etheric body of Earth into rapid vibration

LOTS- 315 - roots of mass psychology/mob rule - astral body of humanity

LOTS- 315 - world leaders work with astral - ray 1 - inspiring of fear through destruction; ray 2 - magnetically; ray 3 - law of expediency

LOTS- 315 - family, friends - astral effects

LOTS- 322 - world unrest - Masters gather aspirants to certain localities

LOTS- 333 - atomic power - change political/economic situation

LOTS- 336 - sound will establish civilisation adequate for new race

LOTS- 339 - individual - state/nation - clubs/organisations (Leo/Aquarius axis)

LOTS- 339 - present schools of philosophy

LOTS- 341 - cycles of cosmic groups; lesser cycles of races/lesser groups

LOTS- 354-5 - Christian souls work in mass formation

LOTS- 362 - seven groups of egoic lives - will to be cosmic mental plane

LOTS- 367 - fashioning of race - archetype

LOTS- 371 - troubles of family, nation, race

LOTS- 376-7 - aspirant repeats in himself racial unfoldment, racial drama

LOTS- 378 - first subrace of Atlanteans - hierarchy

LOTS- 379 - first outpost of hierarchy - Ibez - central South America; Mayans one of its branches at much later period - Sun worship; 2nd branch in Asia (Gobi?)

LOTS- 379 - mysteries of Central Asia: Chaldea, Babylon, Turkestan, Manchuria, Gobi

LOTS- 381 - mystery schools of Chaldea, Greece, Egypt

LOTS- 382 - America - thoughtforms fro Ibez mysteries as yet undestroyed

LOTS- 382 - heart centre - Atlantean days

LOTS- 390 - new age inaugurated by Agni’s devas - new world/civilisation/continent; last great transition - Varuna - (Atlantis/Poseidonis)

LOTS- 391 - great part of 5th root race - three fifths close to Probationary Path

LOTS- 398 - aspirants in Atlantis - Bhakti yoga - crisis; analogous to Aryan

LOTS- 401 - rays 1 & 2 - 1400 AD - nations, government

LOTS- 401 - India, America, China, Germany - concrete orthodoxies

LOTS- 405 - cycle by cycle - racial pride - barriers between nations

LOTS- 405-6 - groups of workers/thinkers moulded our world past 3 or 4 centuries - definite specific work: cultural (ray 4), political (ray 1), religious (ray 6), scientific (ray 5), philosophical (ray 3), psychological (ray 2), financial (ray 7) - see p.410

LOTS- 406 - student of history - trace golden thread of groups; raised mental standard of race

LOTS- 407 - two groups of humanity - old/new orders

LOTS- 407-8 - world brotherhood of nations - right government, proper development, national unselfishness

LOTS- 408-9 - last three centuries - group after group played its part; poets of Elizabethan Age (ray 3); musicians of Germany (ray 4); Victorian Era (ray 7?); schools of European artists (ray 2); cultural renaissance (ray 4, 3?); political (ray 1); French revolution (Rousseau) - past 200 years

LOTS- 409 - age of restoration of what has been broken by the fall - 1500’s to 20th century

LOTS- 409 - Catholic mystics - glory of occident; Lutherans, Calvinists, Methodists, Pilgrim fathers ‘sour & earnest men ‘ (Saturnian), Huguenot /Moravian martyrs; rays 2,6

LOTS- 410 - religious groups rays 2,6; political - ray 1; cultural (ray 4); scientific (rays 5,3)

LOTS- 410 - groups small in number in relation to nations - place in Plan quite easily traced - all disciples and initiates of lesser degrees

LOTS- 411 - groups from all groups of rays; financiers primarily 7th ray;

- order of emergence - Philosophers (ray 3 - 1st aspect - archetypal ideas), Psychologists (ray 2), Businessmen (ray 3)

LOTS- 411 - modern philosophers already powerfully moulding thought; ancient Asian influence - western Philosophy just starting

LOTS- 411 - two most modern groups - psychologists/financiers (rays 2,7) - synthetic in foundational aspects; financiers latest group

LOTS- 412 - Conclave of 16th Century - external groups played their part

LOTS- 412 - since 1500 AD - group work - Hierarchy to weld all threads

LOTS- 415 - groups of the past - ray characteristics; new group - all rays

LOTS- 416 - true Aquarian - exponent of new group

LOTS- 416 - integrating group of mystics

LOTS- 416 - USA, Africa, Asia, European - disciples ‘thinking truth’

LOTS- 430-1 - NGWS - politicians, economists, scientists, churchmen, practical mystics, occultists

LOTS- 440 - people submerged in planetary and racial destinies - their own affairs offset/negated

LOTS- 456-7 - All that we have here considered covers the time till the coming in of the new subrace. This race will summarise and carry to a temporary conclusion the manasic effort of the fifth rootrace of mental growth, and will cause results of stupendous import. During the sixth subrace, the emphasis will not be so much on the development of mind, as it will be on the utilisation of the concrete mind, and its acquired faculty, for the development of the powers of abstract thought. Perhaps too much importance has been attached to the statement of some occult writers that the sixth subrace will be intuitive. The intuition will be awakening, and will be more prominent than now, but the outstanding characteristic will be the ability of the units of the sixth subrace to think in abstract terms, and to use the abstract mind. Their function will be to perfect (as far as may be in this round) [Page 457] the group antaskarana, 53 or the link between the mental and the buddhic. This bridge will be of a usable nature during the sixth rootrace in which the intuition will show real and general signs of existing. In this rootrace, units only show signs here and there of real intuition, having built the necessary bridge in their individual selves. In the sixth rootrace small groups will be intuitive.

LOTS- 464 - carried forward on tide of evolution - secret of racial/national karma

LOTS- 466 - souls who develop creative imagination - find subjective group - linked with earlier outer group souls - in great life cycle

LOTS- 527 - humanity brain of planetary deity

LOTS- 528 - history of all races/peoples - under heading of progressive spiral development

LOTS- 536 - retrospect of history

LOTS- 544 - sixth rootrace - destiny of black magicians tied up with - final break, division between black and white forces - true Armageddon (ties in with karma of 6th sub race of Atlantis? 666 etc);

LOTS- 544 - small cycle corresponding to Armageddon will take place early in 6th rootrace (6th family race of 1st rootrace?)

LOTS- 554-6 - groups of lives, soul groups

LOTS- 589 - centres in the body of humanity; NGWS - heart/ajna of etheric body of humanity

LOTS- 592 - esoteric significance of Union Jack - indicates point in racial evolution (on fixed cross? combination of mutable and fixed crosses)

LOTS- 604-5 - group of world workers - 3 groups - 1) organised observers 2) telepathic communicators 3) hierarchy (3 crosses?)

LOTS- 604-5 - organised observers - in one of 7 groups - investigate great drama of history in order to discover its main trend; triple thread running through history - 1) thought - development of the form aspect - racial trends - forms of races/countries/flora /fauna keep pace with needs of slowly emerging sons of God. 2) consciousness - from instinct to intellect to intuition. 3) the Plan itself - entering the truly unknown

LOTS- 606 - observers of times and seasons (astrology/cycles)

LOTS- 606 - historical retrospect as part of the emerging preparation which will inaugurate the future

LOTS- 606 - before 2 centuries have passed - scientific recognition of Kingdom of Souls (France)

LOTS- 608 - goal 200 years ahead for 2nd group

LOTS- 620 - panorama of history 500 years ago - powerful personalities

LOTS- 627 - herd instinct - modern civilisation, vast centres, huge cities, massed tenements

LOTS- 632-3 - three groups - Piscean, Aquarian, Piscean/Aquarian

LOTS- 634 - humanity as a whole (for first time) senses vision

From Bethlehem to Calvary

FBC- 14 - Orient/Buddha, Occident/Christ

FBC- 17 - Palestine - Holy Land - Christ emerged from Orient; Palestine bridge between East/West hemispheres (see p.18 too)

FBC- 17-18 - Christianity - bridging religion of transitional period - individual/group consciousness; religion of cleavage - purpose to reveal duality (Pisces is most dualistic sign in zodiac - see EA)

FBC- 18 - Christ - brought message to nations of future world unity

FBC- 19 - race is reaching "upper room" (Aquarius) of achievement

FBC- 35 - history of humanity - search for light

FBC- 48-9 - individual/race - analogy

FBC- 50 - nations/tribes - international consciousness

FBC- 51 - transfer of many groups - many countries

FBC- 52 - Asia - ancient word Tao; Western race - Aum - degenerated to Amen

FBC- 54 - race - crisis, initiation, vision

FBC- 63 - Anglican nation settles Britain 500 AD (Arthur/Manu?)

FBC- 63 - English converted to Christianity in 6th/7th centuries (Parallels Islam, reformation of a Tibetan Buddhism - see Cycles file)

FBC- 63 - Latin races

FBC- 68 - masses approaching racial Bethlehem

FBC- 68 - world problem = bread (Virgo polarity of Pisces) - how to feed the masses physically/spiritually; cave -Virgo

FBC- 101 - Jesus’ words moulded Western civilisation

FBC- 198 - Calvinism doctrine

FBC- 199 - Jewish tradition

FBC- 209 - Holy Land - narrow strip of land between two hemispheres -Christ crucified

FBC- 236 - "Obsequies of Adonis" (festival) in Alexandria, Egypt - March 25. Also Aesceplius, Tammuz - same tradition as Christ

FBC- 237 - Egyptian and Christian traditions very similar

Discipleship in the New Age Volume 1

Discipleship in the New Age Volume 2

DINA II- 425-6 - Such a manifestation inevitably takes place in moments of planetary crisis, when the seventh ray is active and when the Sun is in Aquarius. Such a combination of relationships is being established now, for the seventh ray is rapidly coming into manifestation and the Sun is in Aquarius, for the Aquarian Age is just beginning. The Objective of this combination (which has occurred six times during the period of the fifth root-race) is to bring about illumination and the establishment of order upon the Earth.

Reappearance of the Christ

ROC- 8-9 - Avatars - new teaching for new civilisation - racial perfection

ROC- 10 - Avatar - sets up energy which produces civilisation

ROC- 11 - history is record of humanity's cyclic reaction to inflowing divine energy

ROC- 12 - countries have not done needed work for reappearance of Christ

ROC- 17 - Palestine - held in vicious grasp of Jewish religious leaders (2000 years ago)

- Pharisees/Sadducees

ROC- 18 - Government - 3 departments - Statesmanship (ray 1), Politics (ray 2), Legislation (ray 3)

ROC- 22-3 - death of civilisation, ideas - real cycle

ROC- 32-4 - groups, public, aspirants, Hierarchy

ROC- 41 - Since 700 BC - religious leaders - apostolic succession - spiritual history of humanity summarised

ROC- 46 - Buddha/Christ - leaders of East/West

ROC- 51 - Christ works through groups

ROC- 53 - humanity passing from glory to glory in long panorama of history

ROC- 57 - Jerusalem -place of peace

ROC- 59 - lines of light between nations

ROC- 76 - spiritual messengers - history of presentation of ideas - developed into cultures, civilisations

ROC- 77 - United Nations - Avatar works through - but not Security Council

ROC- 77-8 - NGWS - Avatar works through - has unique relation - task to usher in new age

ROC- 79 - Taurus - sign of bull - Mithraic worship - reversion to by Children of Israel - Golden Calf

ROC- 79 - Aries Age - Scapegoat - Jewish history

ROC- 81 - Taurean worship of Bull in Golden Calf - Jews liking for; Jewish dispensation used scapegoat/ram in Age of Aries; Christian/Age of Pisces/fishes

ROC- 81 - movement of Sun from Aries to Pisces - Christ came to bring Jewish dispensation to an end

ROC- 81 - Jewish rejection of Christ - have remained symbolically/practically in Age of Aries - have to pass into Pisces when Christ comes again in Aquarius

ROC- 81 - Jews - ancient sin of non - responsiveness to evolutionary process; rejected that which was spiritual and new in the desert; did it again in Palestine 2000 years ago; Jew remains satisfied with religion of 5000 years ago.

ROC- 89 - governments, groups, churches, - all energy distributors, storehouses

ROC- 90 - NGWS - middle way

ROC- 91 - new energies (ray 7?) bringing definite reorganisation of national life

ROC- 92 - NGWS - energies of enlightenment

ROC- 93 - Buddha/Christ swayed hemispheres and centuries; lesser teachers swayed countries etc.

ROC- 93 - forces of reconstruction (will aspect/ray 1) affect mainly nations; United Nations; use of (will) energies dependent upon quality of recipient nation, measure of true enlightenment and point of evolution. "Nations are the expression today of the massed self centeredness of a people and of their instinct to self preservation"

ROC- 95-6 - Christ unifier of East and West

ROC- 96-7 - Buddha relates Humanity to Shamballa

ROC- 98 - NGWS - builders of new civilisation

ROC- 109 - international relations - nations, capital/labour, churches

ROC- 110 - NGWS will work through people of Goodwill - dedicated to right relations

ROC- 113 - discipline of war - torture of forms - result of wrong human relations

ROC- 114 - NGWS - will intensify spiritual expectancy

ROC- 115 - Eastern/western students' attitudes to how of rebirth

ROC- 119 - souls incarnate in groups, cyclically

ROC- 121 - Atlantean days - "god" walked among men

ROC- 122 - Masonry to be freed of Jewish names etc. - out of date, though right 3000 years ago

ROC- 128 - western hemisphere - particularly USA will not share in process - too selfish

ROC- 129 - culmination of civilisation - reflection of spiritual intent - one of its initiations

ROC- 129 - history will some day be based on the initiatory growth of humanity; production of culture, consciousness of initiates

ROC- 129 - civilisation is reflection in mass of cyclic influence leading to an initiation; culture emerges in civilisation through those who seek to penetrate inner realms

ROC- 132 - United Nations - Law of Love

ROC- 132 - new race of men can come into being

ROC- 135 - significant turning point in human history - transition from emotional to mental; field of trial well known to aspirants - battlefield of millions (2nd degree?)

ROC- 137 - truly religious spirit more alive than any previous time - particularly countries in WW2 who suffered most - except USA, neutral countries - no spiritual revival (1948)

ROC- 139 - Mental Science/Unity - organisations

ROC- 139 - East/West - presentations of divine truth have not kept pace with the unfolding intellect of humanity

ROC- 142 - European - starving children

ROC- 144-5 - Jewish dispensation - Jehovah - "unpleasant soul of a nation"

ROC- 148 - history of humanity is history of humanity's demand for light

ROC- 148 - divine approaches, major - affecting humanity; minor approaches affect nation/group - another great approach now possible

ROC- 158 - Christ came to end cycle of emotional approach to divinity which had existed since Atlantean days (Pluto soul ruler Pisces)

ROC- 162 - European - starvation (post war), Russia; Zionists - aggressiveness - land has not been theirs for more than 1500 years; Jews in European

ROC- 164 - Roman Empire - values the same now as in those corrupt times

ROC- 165 - war was " broom of Father of all " sweeping away obstructions

ROC- 174 - restoration of cities, transport - because of wrong human relations, misuse of money, needless items

ROC- 174 - WW1 & 2 - selfish motives for fighting nations

ROC- 174-5 - United Nations - demands from all sides; resources of coal, oil; underground activities of great powers and capitalists they create

ROC- 175-6 - Russia, USA, Great Britain, France - attitudes to money

ROC- 176-7 - two groups who can do much financially

ROC- 178 - groups - Unity/Christian Science/New Thought - raise money - esoteric groups can't

ROC- 182-3 - NGWS - group Avatar/Saviour

ROC- 183 - last 10 years (1939-49?) - NGWS reorganised (see 186 - much headway)

ROC- 183-4 - NGWS - divided into two divisions - (Ajna centre in body of logos - 2 petals?) - 1) disciples of Christ in touch with Hierarchy 2) aspirants, world conscious people in touch with masses

ROC- 185 - races, nations - breaking down barriers; NGWS - major task - summarise and make effective work of Buddha and Christ

ROC- 188 - reactionary forces in every nation

Destiny of the Nations

DON- 7 - history of the world based upon the emergence of ideas

DON- 8 - Nazism, Fascism, Communism (rays 1,3)

DON- 9 - monarchy (ray 1), democracy (ray 2), communist (ray 3)

DON- 10 - Atlantean ancient control

DON- 11 - new culture for few, new civilisation for many

DON- 12 - human history - regular rhythmic progression toward unity/synthesis

DON- 13 - Shamballa energy behind WW2

DON- 15 - ray 1 - rare cycle of activity - Jews slaughter men, women, children - putting them to the sword (see 1Samuel 15:3,8); (1087 BC according to Bible, though could be much more ancient esoterically; Temple of Solomon 966 BC, similar time - ray 1 Freemasonry; 1087 and 966 = 1026 average, hence 1000 year cycles at Hierarchical conclaves?); (Saul O.T. >Saul N.T.?)

- [Jewish race (latest) founded in Israel 22nd Century BC?]

DON- 17 - sound of nations heard as mass sound for the first time (this century)

DON- 19 - instinctual life of nations to be scientifically studied; a phase which leads to the individualistic life of nations (from mutable to fixed cross?)

DON- 20 - NGWS - energy of love from Hierarchy primarily focussed through

DON- 22 - will, love, intelligence - totalitarianism, democracy, communism - respectively

DON- 28 - Roman times - “sybils” - on 7th ray

DON- 29 - ray 6 - line of least resistance for majority - particularly Aryan race

DON- 29 - ray 7 - has for a long time been stimulating the activities of all ray 5 nations

DON- 33 - rays 4 & 5 - energy of humanity itself; rays 3,5,6 condition animal kingdom

DON- 34-5 - Jews - wandering, incarnating soul - mistake of being elect; Oriental race (India?)

DON- 35 - world problem essentially religious

DON- 35 - present strain (this century) - so many people beginning to think

DON- 36 - (5th root race) - unfoldment of mind through success of evolutionary process

DON- 37 - untrained masses - susceptibility to dark brotherhood’s mental imposition

DON- 43 - spiritualism - religion of old Atlantis; ray 7 dominated Atlantis for a very long time - particularly during the first half of its existence (millions of years cycle?) - just as 5th ray is prominent in 5th root race

DON- 44 - masses are Atlantean changing to Aryan

DON- 45 - rays 6 & 7 groups are antagonistic to each other

DON- 46 - America - centre of old Atlantis - inherited psychic, religious form

DON- 47 - nations conditioned by Law of Cleavages; advanced groups responding to Law of Understanding

DON- 48 - NGWS - aspirants, disciples; psychic unfoldment in masses parallels spiritual unfoldment of humanity

DON- 48 - old Atlantean magic (cyclic turning of wheel)

DON- 49 - all great nations controlled by two rays - personality ray controls, but aspirants and disciples sense soul ray

DON- 49 - NGWS - must evoke soul ray of nation

DON- 49 - historical influence of rays past 2000 years; great events - periodic ray influence

DON- 49 - egoic/personality national rays very potent at this time - certain national rays not active

DON- 49 - Britain and Germany - natural rapport between personality rays

DON- 49-50 - Great Britain and France - similarity esoteric national mottoes - 3 feathers/Fleur de Lys

DON- 49-50 - “a close analysis of the following will reveal certain lines of racial understanding” -tabulation of countries, rays, mottoes:

|Nation |Personality Ray |Soul Ray |National Motto |Sign |

| | | | | |

|India |4 |1 |I hide the light |Cancer |

|China |3 |1 |I indicate the way |Libra |

|Germany |4 |1 |I preserve |Capricorn |

|France |5 |3 |I release the light |Leo |

|Gt Britain |2 |1 |I serve |Virgo |

|Italy |4 |6 |I carve the paths |Aries |

|USA |2 |6 |I light the way |Sagittarius |

|Russia |6 |7 |I link the two ways |Gemini |

|Austria |5 |4 |I serve the lighted way |Taurus |

|Spain |7 |6 |I disperse the clouds |Aquarius |

|Brazil |2 |4 |I hide the seed |Scorpio |

- Note - DK has possibly, for a certain reason, indicated 11 nations, not in alphabetical order. They may correspond to the 12 astrological signs but not the ones already given by DK, with another nation to be added - e.g. “I preserve” - Capricorn. The mottoes could also correspond to the 22 paths of the major arcana, and/or the 22 minor chakras in the body of the planetary logos.

- Aries/Italy, Taurus/Austria, Gemini/Russia, Cancer/India, Leo/France, Virgo/Great Britain, Libra/China, Scorpio/Brazil, Sagittarius/America, Capricorn/Germany, Aquarius/Spain, Pisces?? - highly speculative

DON- 50 - France - brilliant intellect, scientific bent - rays 5,3 - brilliant, colourful history (Leo personality; empire of the mind, glory of the soul - will carry revelation to the world

DON- 50 - Great Britain - ray 1 personality - governing faculty, art of control - has produced first tentative grouping of federated nations; USA - similarly - nationals of many nations

DON- 52 - government - coming new age technique

DON- 52 - British Empire ruled by ray 2 - connected to Gemini ruling London, USA; fluid, Mercurial, intuitional mind closely allied to love

DON- 52 - ray 4 coming into power again soon - prominent in destinies of India, Germany, Brazil, Italy, Austria; preparatory turmoil in four of these countries (which is exception?)

DON- 52 - ray 6 - potent in USA, Russia, Spain, Italy - fanatical adherence to an ideal - responsible for change

DON- 52 - Germany/Italy - harmonising of ray 4

DON- 52-3 - India hides the light - when revealed, will bring harmony in the form - will bring about right functioning of ray 1 power or government; Great Britain will emerge into renewed activity - personality ray same as India’s soul ray

DON- 53 - British linked to India - ‘family quarrel’ - close link between rays 4 and 2

DON- 53 - Germany - static stabilising tendency - ray 1 personality; ray 4 tends to standardise/harmonise all elements within borders to point of regimentation

- ray 1 - bulk of people in power were on first subray - transmitters ray 1 energy

DON- 53 - ray 1 - Germany/Great Britain similar (ray 1 personalities)

DON- 54 - ray 6 - Russia/USA idealism - both ray 6 personalities

DON- 54 - ray 7 - Russian driven by ray 7 soul to enforced ceremonial of ordered rhythms leading to idealised order; forces in Russia - magic of the form; Russian reaction to enforced rule - magical ray 7 influence

DON- 54 - Germany’s standardised order definitely submitted to dark brotherhood control

DON- 54 - ray 2 - only Great Britain, USA, Brazil under influence

- Great Britain custodian of wisdom aspect of ray 2 for Aryan race; USA will in future, Brazil will supersede both

- Great Britain, USA, Brazil embody attractive cohesive aspect of ray 2 - demonstrated though wisdom and right government based on true idealism and love

DON- 54-5 - Great Britain - aspect of mind - intelligent government based on just and loving understanding (London - Libra)

DON- 55 - USA - intuitive faculty expressed as illumination - power to fuse/blend

DON- 55 - Brazil - will represent a linking, interpreting civilisation - unfoldment of abstract consciousness - blend of intellect/intuition - reveals wisdom aspect of love in its beauty

DON- 55 - destiny of the nations lie hid in their present activities (WW1&2)

DON- 55 - time not yet where nations will know the parts they will play in the history of the nations

DON- 55 - nations - vices/virtues - dependant on point in evolution, control of personality ray, and general national focus

DON- 55-6 - some nations feminine/negative, masculine/positive

DON- 55-6 - India, France, USA, Russia, Brazil - feminine, nurturing mother, feminine in psychology, intuitive, mystical, alluring, beautiful, fond of display and colour; also materialistic, fond of pageantry, possession, money - they mother/nurture civilisation and ideas

DON- 56 - China, Germany, Great Britain, Italy - masculine and positive, mental, political, governing, standardising, group conscious, occult by inclination, aggressive, full of grandeur; law, race, empire; more inclusive, wider terms than feminine countries

DON- 56 - rays, governing - influence national relationships and major intellectual cleavages

DON- 56 - Spain, Austria, France - rays 7, 5, 3 respectively - destiny of these nations closely related in middle ages

DON- 56 - USA - spiritually related with Brazil, Russia, Italy and intimately associated in its form aspect; early influx of certain emigrants into USA - South American countries - ideal of Pan America

DON- 56 - national relations all on the form side - emerge from personality rays of nations

DON- 56 - ray 2 - love/inclusiveness and ray 3 - active intelligence shows predominantly in our electrical civilisation; ray 5 of exact science potently active with rays 3,2 (through Aquarius)

DON- 57 - rays produce world pattern which moulds planetary forms

DON- 57 - rays - produce patterns - emotional, mental, soul - analogy races, nations, human psychology

DON- 57 - ray - every ray produces 3 patterns imposed on form nature:

- emotional aspiration of man/nation/race - sum total of desire

- mental/emotional - positive/negative of man/nation/race

- soul pattern - supersedes personality pattern - imposes on personality

DON- 58 - France - ray 5 soul - prove fact of soul to world - genius of French intellect may interpret soul pattern into understandable terms for humanity

DON- 58 - Germany - genius - ray 4 soul - music, philosophy; rampant personality

DON- 58 - England’s ideal of justice - pattern of personality ray (London’s Libra personality)

- true government - genius soul quality of British (government ray 1, democracy ray 2)

DON- 58 - USA - idealism - future racial light - personality ray controls

DON- 59 - Italy - ray 6 soul - devotion to the past; Rome (soul memory) - Roman Empire; stands for peace - ‘I carve the paths’ - road builders

DON- 59 - British - largely reincarnated Romans - original railroad builders/Romans ancient road builders

DON- 59 - Rome - religion reoriented/reinspired from Rome; Master Jesus will try to respiritualise church from chair of the Pope pf Rome

DON- 59-60 - USA - ray 6 personality - desire, sex, materiality; values on money very different from French

- rapid response of American to every idealism - spiritual government

DON- 60 - Russia - ray 7 soul, ray 6 personality - fanatical ray 6 regime - cruelty

- spiritual harmlessness, national ideology

- materiality of certain sections of populace (?)

- essential brotherliness, mystical aspiration

DON- 61 - Russia - task to link east/west; desire/spiritual aspiration

- fanaticism produces cruelty - understanding produces love

- developed materialism; perfected holiness

- rare mystical spirit and truly religious Orientation

- Russia symbol of world Arjuna in very special sense

- new and magical religion will emerge product of Hierarchy/Humanity

- Eastern light will irradiate west (through Russia)

- ‘Sun of righteousness’ - crucifixion of great nation (Russia)

- vital Russian exponent of true religion - a man fulfilling ancient Russian prophecy

DON- 61-2 - Spain - ray 6 soul/ray 7 personality (opposite Russia; look at Spanish Inquisition - ray 6, ritual bullfight - ray 7)

- Spain acts as link between European and Africa - has done so before

- Spain/Russia - inevitable relationship

- battleground of fascist/communist in Spain

- triumph of fascism - egoic ray 6 relation to Italy - proximity of two countries

- ray 6 character highly crystallised (ray 7) - fanaticism, natural cruelty, fervent idealism, arrogant pride, mystical quality (Christian mystics);

- ray 7 personality - intense individualism (Uranus; Ernest Hemingway’s attraction - also ray 6 USA personality)

- Spain - future magical work of church - scientific magic

DON- 63 - nations - governing signs not related to geographical positions of countries

DON- 63 - nations - study of nations’ signs related to future (destiny) and karma (past) [hence Moon] of nations/races

DON- 63 - nations - souls informing - remain detached from them until they can function on Earth

DON- 63 - nations - not possible to assign correct ruling signs to countries until more known about group astrology, past influences and forecasts (look at time cycles of ray groups of souls past and present)

DON- 64 - nations/countries - differentiation between - will increasingly not be synonymous

DON- 64 - nations - Britain, USA, Brazil, Argentine - great synthesis of people

DON- 64 - Jew/German - racial segregation - relates to personality of humanity, not soul - feeds pride in nation

DON- 65 - USA - prone to isolationist spirit - warning on through magnetic storms - severed contact with European

DON- 65 - Germans - isolationist

DON- 65 - nations - Hierarchy at one with right element in every nation

DON- 66 - nations react like humans under influence of rays - personality/soul

DON- 66 - nations - present personality influences indicated by their governing signs of zodiac

DON- 66 - nations reborn over centuries several times - come into incarnation for a period if unimportant, or a civilisation if dramatic/significant

DON- 66 - nations - personality ray/governing influences change frequently

DON- 66-7 - nations - (tabulation by DK agrees in part with exoteric assignment of zodiacal signs to countries)

|Country |Soul Ruler |Soul Ray |Personality Ruler |Personality Ray |

| | | | | |

|Argentina |Cancer |Not given |Libra |Not given |

|Austria |Libra |4 |Capricorn |5 |

|Belgium |Sagittarius |Not given |Gemini |Not given |

|Brazil |Leo |4 |Virgo |2 |

|China |Taurus |1 |Libra |3 |

|Finland |Capricorn |Not given |Aries |Not given |

|France |Pisces |5 |Leo |3 |

|Germany |Aries |4 |Pisces |1 |

|Grt Britain |Gemini |2 |Taurus |1 |

|Greece |Virgo |Not given |Capricorn |Not given |

|Holland |Aquarius |Not given |Cancer |Not given |

|India |Aries |1 |Capricorn |4 |

|Ireland |Virgo |Not given |Pisces |Not given |

|Italy |Leo |6 |Sagittarius |4 |

|Japan |Scorpio |Not given |Capricorn |6 (see p. 99) |

|Poland |Taurus |Not given |Gemini |Not given |

|Romania |Leo |Not given |Aries |Not given |

|Russia |Aquarius |7 |Leo |6 |

|Scandinavia |Libra |Not given |Cancer |Not given (4 nations) |

|Spain |Sagittarius |6 |Capricorn |7 |

|Switzerland |Aries |Not given |Aqarius |Not given |

|Turkey |Cancer |Not given |Scorpio |Not given |

|USA |Aquarius |2 |Gemini |6 |

DON- 66 - nations’ soul zodiac sign - emerging influence of nation; other zodiac sign governs personality ray/conditions masses (hence soul/personality rays from signs in most cases - e.g. Brazil - Virgo personality/ray 2 personality - ray 2 comes through sign of Virgo; Austria - Capricorn personality/ray 5 personality - Venus, ruler of ray 5, is Hierarchical ruler of Capricorn. These 2 different ways of relating the rays to signs may indicate different stages of evolution. In the above tabulation this theory works for most countries except for two, USA and India, where the polar opposite sign fulfils the criteria - e.g. India is Capricorn personality/ray 4 personality - there is no association whatever thus far in the compiler’s knowledge of ray 4 with Capricorn, yet the opposite sign Cancer is ruled by the Moon, co-ruler of the fourth ray. Another theory may be association through exaltation, fall, detriment - e.g. another somewhat incongruous exception to the above theory is France - Pisces soul/ray 5 soul - Venus, ruler of ray 5 is exalted in Pisces; in India’s case, the Moon, ray co-ruler, is in detriment in Capricorn. Remember DK’s remarks that exaltation, detriment and fall indicate the 3 phases of the path - EA 109.)

DON- 66-8 - (nation) - soul of a people - those who react to soul ray and the sign affecting it (my italics) - (nation’s ascendant); masses conditioned by personality ray, hence Sun sign of a nation

DON- 68 - nation’s response - quality of their capital city and decisions made there

DON- 68 - British Empire - several major, distinctive sections - with ruling signs; their major and powerful part in WW2

DON- 68 - Great Britain - Gemini soul/Taurus personality - multiplicity/integration - duality/triplicity and differentiation - condition aspects of Empire

(England, Scotland, Wales represent a trinity - rays 1,3,2 respectively)

DON- 68 - nations under major control of Britain’s Gemini/Taurus:

Australia Virgo/Capricorn rays not given (2/3?)

Canada Taurus/Libra “ (5/3? French influence)

India Aries/Capricorn 1/4

New Zealand Gemini/Virgo rays not given (2/7?)

South Africa Aries/Sagittarius rays not given (1/4?)

DON- 69 - 5 major divisions and lesser ones (microcosm of 5 major planetary centres/endocrine glands)

DON- 69 - nations - countries related to their mother country through their planetary rulers - definite hint conveyed; zodiac signs relate, but planets more influential at this stage of evolution. (This may relate to above theory of stages of evolution of countries - i.e. the ray coming through the sign, relating to soul/personality rays, may indicate higher evolution, whilst the planetary ruler of a ray relating to soul/personality rays may indicate less evolved stage - yet the personality, soul, or hierarchical rulerships may indicate specific stages of growth.)

- (Mercury is very obvious above, as it rules Britain’s Gemini soul, Australia’s soul, NZ’s soul/personality, India and South Africa’s souls. Venus is the next strongest, as soul ruler of Britain’s/NZ’s Gemini soul, hierarchical ruler of Australia’s /India’s personality, and personality ruler of Canada’s Taurus/Libra.

Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Earth, Vulcan can be looked at in same detail.)

DON- 69 - cities, capital:

|Country |Capital |Soul Ruler |Personality Ruler |

| | | | |

|Belgium |Brussels |Gemini |Capricorn |

|France |Paris |Virgo |Capricorn |

|Germany |Berlin |Scorpio |Leo |

|Gt Britain |London |Leo |Libra |

|Italy |Rome |Taurus |Aquarius |

|Poland |Warsaw |Capricorn |Pisces |

|Russia |Moscow |Taurus |Aquarius |

|USA |Washington |Cancer |Sagittarius |

DON- 69 - nation - Capricorn seldom appears as egoic expression of a nation, quite often as personality - Austria, Greece, India, Japan, Spain (Australia) - indicating age, crystallisation, materialism. (Warsaw may be particularly important in light of this statement, although it is not a country, it is its capital. Australia’s personality may be the legacy of its British inheritance)

DON- 69 - race, 6th root - ‘next great and succeeding race’; Capricorn will then be in egoic expression - soul in greater control (starting with Age of Capricorn after Age of Aquarius?)

- certain great groups ready for initiation

DON- 70 - rays - effects conditioned by interplay of rays of soul/personality of nation - need to distinguish between horoscope of territory housing nation and people who compose nation

DON- 70 - nations - some nations fluid, not properly integrated; others integrated entities, fully expressing personalities; others crystallised, nearly run course as personalities; others under influence of soul ray leading to another cycle of fluidity, before the definiteness of the initiate entity becomes apparent; a few are embryonic.

DON- 71 - national horoscope can be personality or soul based

DON- 71 - nation/race - no means yet of determining date of birth - boundaries/history not adequate guide

DON- 71 - France/Japan - demonstrable entities

DON- 71 - India/Jewish race - once great/powerful nations

DON- 71 - German nation very modern - race strain very ancient

DON- 71 - nations, branches, sub-branches, strains, types, races

DON- 71 - nations - entities who have emerged clearly

DON- 71 - nations - simile/analogy of human body - organisms which control and condition these areas - Law of Correspondences - developing & vestigial

DON- 71-2 - humanity, body of - certain areas vibrate in unison - certain souls quality/keynote; magnetic interplay between countries and nations which occupy them; vibratory interplay - Laws of Attraction/Repulsion - intercourse/relationship between nations

DON- 72 - France - Pisces soul/Leo personality - ray 5 soul/ray 3 personality

- soul of France subjectively ruled European for most important/influential part of Pisces age

- coloured, dominated through her Leo personality in middle ages in European (500AD-1500AD)

- mediated Piscean quality to then civilisation

- Leo personality - self conscious, self centred, brilliantly intelligent, individual - conditioned European; intensely nationalistic modern France - negates Aquarian tendency (Leo polarity) and its advanced Pisces soul; self interest of Leo brings conflict - slowly awakening to this.

- France comes before the world; goal of her Pisces soul - salvation of others;

- France ray 5 soul/Leo personality - intellectual brilliance/scientific bias

DON- 72 - Paris - Capricorn personality - crystallisation; Virgo soul nurtures French nation

- France Pisces soul - Paris Virgo soul - infant Christ in Virgo comes to full flower in Pisces - hope of France

DON- 73 - France - may lead world spiritually one day if true Pisces soul can be brought forth

DON- 73 - France - has led before politically and culturally

DON- 73 - France - personality ray must be subordinated to soul ray; Leo personality must respond to polar opposite of Aquarius

DON- 73 - France - Leo ruled by Sun made France what she was (look at Louis 14th ‘the Sun king’ and Napoleon’s horoscope) - irradiated European for centuries; personality not spiritual

DON- 73 - France - Pisces soul - Pluto soul ruler - must bring death of Leo personality; Jupiter influence ensures no greater outer dissolution of nation

DON- 73 - France - ray 2 needed as more spiritual expression; ray 2 material success in part (Jupiter) - once she dies to self.

DON- 73 - Paris - Capricorn personality - death, initiation into spiritual life

DON- 73-4 - France Pisces soul - Pluto cooperation can lead to revelation in Virgo (soul ruler of Paris) - can bring new conditions within European

DON- 74 - France - her demand for personal security must give place to security for the whole

DON- 74 - France - ‘signs (cosmic energy) and planets transmitting solar/cosmic energies’ condition France in incarnation (implies that signs are of Greater Zodiac?)

DON- 74-5 - France’s signs/rays:

Pisces soul - rulers Jupiter/Pluto

Leo personality - ruler Sun

Virgo - soul of Paris - rulers Mercury, Moon, Jupiter

Capricorn - personality of Paris - rulers Saturn, Venus

- Indirect ray influences through planetary rulers:

a) ray 2 via Jupiter/Sun - the most powerful

b) ray 1 via Pluto - destroyer, death of Leo influence

c) ray 3 via Saturn - cooperates wit ray 3 personality - offers definite opportunity through focus of power in Paris

d) ray 4 via Mercury - can France work for world harmony?

e) ray 5 via Venus - realised cooperation with ray 5 soul can bring consummation of Pisces genius

f) ray 4 via Moon - aiding work of Mercury, producing needed internal conflict that will release France from Leo personality

- note DK does not mention the 6th ray here which comes through Virgo/Pisces

DON- 75 - astrology - DK emphasising - concerned with effective energies (see previous reference to essential astrology) - what they are, whence they come.

- DK not concerned with predictive astrology; coming emphasis in astrology - available energies - use the subject makes of them/opportunity they present

DON- 75 - France - DK has given in detail - so that it can be applied to other nations

DON- 75 - France - Pisces power in Pisces age/potent Leo personality - France expressed tendency to save the world - on path of world saviour; brilliant clear vision of rays 5/3 - intellectual bias

DON- 75 - Paris - Saturn rules - giving opportunity - enabled French Revolution to occur

DON- 75-6 - French Revolution/Magna Carta at Runnymede - release from bondage

DON- 76 - French Revolution - climax, high point in evolution of nation (Initiation? at particular cycle - start of short ray 5 cycle - soul ray)

DON- 76 - Paris - Capricorn/Pluto have produced crystallisation and death since French Revolution, or obscuration of France’s emerging soul aspect - note of France has not been selfless

DON- 76 - France - dominated by selfish Leo personality

DON- 76 - Germany - Aries soul/ray 4 soul; new phase/cycle in history of country - conflict releasing soul to fuller expression

DON- 76 - Germany - Pisces personality (Pluto ruled) cooperates with ray 1 personality - power/destroyer

DON- 76-7 - German/French relations - problem; France’s Pisces soul/Germany’s Pisces personality; soul solution - France’s Pisces soul at end of Piscean age

DON- 77 - France - integrated personality - Germany not; France is mental, Germany is astral; France more potent

- France’s Leo personalty control to detriment of world

DON- 77 - Berlin - Leo personality - France Leo personality - both Leo/Pisces influenced - self interest and individualistic Leo - constant clashing

DON- 77 - France - should not forget Napoleonic wars, nor Great Britain the Boer War

DON- 77 - USA - section of entire European continent - hence European sins, mistakes

DON- 78-9 - Germany - rays, signs:

Aries soul - rulers Mars, Mercury, Uranus

Pisces personality - rulers Jupiter, Pluto

Berlin Scorpio soul - rulers Mars, Pluto

Leo personality - ruler Sun

Germany Soul ray - 4; personality ray - 1

- ray influences, indirect -

- Ray 6 - via Mars as ruler of Aries and double Scorpio - fanaticism, unreasoning devotion, blind acceptance, misdirected virtue.

- Ray 4 - via Mercury as ruler of Aries/Scorpio, soul ray - intensifying conflicting conditions (WW2), between idealism/facts, between France/Germany, groups inside Germany

- Ray 7 - via Uranus, hierarchical ruler Aries (exalted Scorpio) - affects masses through standardising, regimenting. “Grounds” first ray - power direction.

- Ray 2 - via Jupiter, ruler of Pisces, and Sun, ruler of Leo - personality rays of Berlin/Germany (Leo/ray 1) express self love.

- Ray 1 - via Pluto, soul ruler Pisces, personality ray Germany, with death giving power of Scorpio which rules Berlin. Destroying agent offset by Jupiter.

- Ray 6 - via Mars - martially applied, lack of true spiritual love, diverted into sentimental personality devotions

DON- 79 - Germans - not an integrated race - victims; provided medium for Atlantean conflict to precipitate; ancient feud - materialism, forces of light in this particular world cycle.

DON- 79 - Germany - mediumistic (Pisces personality) - fluid grasp of essentials, inability to stand by pledges - as was Hitler (Taurus Sun, Libra asc. Saturn in Leo - watery aspects are node in Cancer, Neptune in 8th)

DON- 79 - Germany - Aries soul, Berlin Leo personality which produced Hitler

DON- 79 - Germany - negative Pisces’ personality attitude

DON- 80 - Germany - her Mars, Leo, Pisces in lower octave - dominant; Scorpio can offset situation - sign of discipleship, one of death signs in zodiac

DON- 80 - Berlin - struggle for soul of people of Germany takes place here

DON- 80 - France - Pisces soul can do much to release Germany’s Pisces personality - crux of world problem (WW2)

DON- 80 - Great Britain - soul ray ruled by Gemini - understands personality/soul - can do much to help (Germany)

DON- 80 - (Berlin) - first great crisis in Scorpio on path of discipleship is determining in its effect upon the future

DON- 80 - Great Britain - Gemini soul, Taurus personality which governs material outer form of nation - John Bull expressive of British personality (From Pope and Swift 1712 AD, where the Dutch are Nicholas Frog, the French Lewis Baboon etc.- Bull describes himself as “an honest plain dealing fellow, choleric, bold, of inconstant temper, apt to quarrel with his best friends, especially if they pretended to govern him - temper depends very much on the air - his spirits rose and fell with the weather glass [sounds Gemini or lunar - Moon exalted in Taurus]; - was quick(Gemini), understood his business very well, a boon companion, loving his bottle and his diversion”; also from character in play who is an honest tradesman, generous and kind hearted, but irascible under a sense of injustice [London’s Libra] )

DON- 80 - Great Britain - some astrologers think that Aries rules - true only for England

DON- 80 - Great Britain - constant movement, restlessness of British - all over Earth (Gemini)

DON- 80-1 - Great Britain - Gemini from personality angle - secretive, devious, diplomacy, subtlety, political activity (“Yes Prime Minister” TV show)

DON- 81 - Great Britain - Gemini’s often distrusted - GB no exception

DON- 81 - Great Britain - Gemini does not control yet - soul of Great Britain struggling for control

DON- 81 - Great Britain - Taurus has led way for a long time - material aims, acquisitive desires, arrogant will, blind moving forward, desired possession

DON- 81 - Great Britain - Gemini/Taurus - movement, pervasiveness, ‘dowered human race’

DON- 81 - London - heart centre of British Empire; ruled spiritually by Leo, materially by Libra; Leo soul factor links Britain to France (Leo personality)

DON- 81 - London - Libra governs British policy

DON- 81 - Great Britain - regards herself preserver of balance of power - justice, law, order (London Libra personality) - Gemini nature offsets this; Taurus frequently blinded to issues (Mad cow disease may mirror some aspect of Taurus personality and its relation to rest of European)

DON- 81 - London - Leo link to Berlin - Leo in its more self assertive aspect

DON- 81 - London, Paris, Berlin - triangle via Leo - conditions European potently - destiny of immediate future (post WW2)

DON- 82 - Great Britain - Leo relating to France’s Leo - Norman Conquest of 11th century (look at for clues on ray cycles)

DON- 82 - Great Britain/USA - both have soul ruler Gemini (must say something about stage of evolution for entities on ray 2 line)

DON- 82 - USA - little Taurus influence - hence frequent misunderstanding with GB - Gemini fluidity does not aid.

DON- 82 - Great Britain - Taurus arrogance, self will of Bull must give way to fluid understanding of the inclusive Gemini consciousness

DON- 82 - British - just/wise, self sufficient technique, blindness to others viewpoints - Taurus control

DON- 82-3 - German super race, French nationalism, superiority/sure pride of British - eternally right; noisy self assertion of USA - personality control of all these nations

DON- 83-4 - Great Britain - signs/rays:

Gemini soul - rulers Mercury, Venus, Earth

Taurus personality - rulers Venus and Vulcan

London Leo soul - ruler Sun (veiling Neptune, Uranus)

Libra personality - rulers Venus, Uranus, Saturn

Ray 2 soul, ray 1 personality

Indirect ray influences through planetary rulers:

a) Ray 4 via Mercury links to Germany’s ray 4 soul. Warlike history of Britain; harmony of the Empire

b) Ray 5 via Venus links Britain very closely to France - nowhere in Germany’s make-up. Venus rules Taurus, Gemini, Libra - hence well developed lower concrete mind in British nation.

c) Ray 3 via Earth/Saturn - clue as to why British Empire covers the Earth. Close connection between Earth as a whole and Britain. (Microcosm of macrocosm?) Links to ray 3 personality of France.

d) Ray 1 via Vulcan - very little of destroyer aspect of Pluto. Links Britain’s Taurus personality to Germany’s ray 1 personality. Forging of chains which tie Empire together - making unity through will of people.

e) Ray 2 via Sun ruling soul of London - channel for soul force of British Empire, when not controlled by Libra.

f) Ray 7 via Uranus, giving grounded physical plane control over place and circumstance, legal fundamentals, in cooperation with Libra, and its love of order and rule, providing full expression for the first ray energies of the British Empire.

DON- 85 - British soul - love is the basic motivating power.

DON- 85 - British attitudes coloured by Taurus, Leo, Libra.

DON- 85 - Britain - Libra will to order/balanced judgement. Taurus blindly seeking her desires.

DON- 85 - Britain - one of main aggressors - brought to an end aggression (WW2) with aid of France.

DON- 85 - Britain/France - future of world lies in their hands - if soul controls and personality is negated.

DON- 85-6 - Russia - her part is embryonic - lies more in east than west. Aquarius soul/Leo personality. Her function far ahead in Aquarian age when Leo personality control is offset.

DON- 86 - Russia - planetary influences - Sun (ray 2), Uranus (ray 7), Jupiter (ray 2), Moon (ray 4) - humanitarian, non-destructive combination.

DON- 86 - Russia - Leo intensely individualistic, dominating. Russian horoscope indicates that change can occur.

DON- 86 - Italy - Leo soul - links to France, Britain, Berlin - cannot evade these relationships.

DON- 86 - Italy - more closely related to Great Britain than France because Rome is ruled by Taurus and Leo. (Britain Taurus personality, London Leo soul)

DON- 86 - Italy - Sagittarius personality - undeviating aim of Italian state.

DON- 86 - Rome - blinded by Taurean influence

DON- 86 - Italy - inner straight line of planned and foreseen activity will hold her to true objective

DON- 87-8 - Italy - rays/signs:

Leo soul - ruler Sun

Sagittarius personality - rulers Jupiter, Earth and Mars

Rome Taurus soul - rulers Venus, Vulcan

Leo personality - ruler Sun

Soul ray 6, personality ray 4

Indirect ray influences via planetary rulers:

a) Ray 2 - via Sun/Jupiter - links to Britain and a basic understanding. Wisdom more than love. Love is understanding wisdom in active expression.

b) Ray 3 - via Earth - this influence gave Italy world dominion in the past - swayed Italian personality (in WW2) to thought of another world Empire

c) Ray 6 - via Mars - also soul ray - Mars has dominated Italian/Roman history. This tendency lay at base of German/Italian axis. Not controlling factor today.

d) Ray 5 - via Venus - links to Britain. Venus/Jupiter = scientific bent for good of world - telephone - Graham Bell, radio by Marconi.

e) Ray 1 - via Vulcan - forger and worker in metals associated with undeveloped aspect of Leo influence.

DON- 88 - many hints on pp.87-88 that will clarify British/Italian relations. Destinies closely allied - can influence Germany with help of France.

DON- 88-92 - USA

DON- 88 - USA - processes bringing end to adolescent stages of growth - moving to maturity

DON- 88 - USA - Gemini ruled (personality) - linked to Britain. Aquarian soul - ray 2 soul same as Britain

DON- 88-9 - Washington - Cancer soul, Sagittarian personality. USA the crab preoccupied with its own house, which it carries heavily on its back - vanishes into hiding at first sign of trouble; Sagittarian influence - potent one pointedness on decisions

DON- 89 - USA - ray 6 personality - fanatical blindness

DON- 89 - USA - like Russia - countries in the making; power shifting from Washington to New York; Cancer influence will lessen and USA will take her place among adult nations

DON- 89 - USA - Gemini nature/Aquarian soul - human expression

DON- 89 - USA - no zodiacal rulers link it with France - indirectly through Cancer - polar opposite of Capricorn (Paris) - hence very small migration from France; USA has stronger link to Italy - Sagittarius rules Italy/Washington

DON- 89-92 - USA - rays/signs:

Aquarius soul - rulers Uranus, Jupiter, Moon

Gemini personality - rulers Mercury, Venus, Earth Washington Cancer soul - rulers Moon, Neptune

Sagittarius personality - rulers Jupiter, Earth, Mars (note personality polarities here between country and capital)

Soul ray 2, personality ray 6

Indirect influences via planetary rulers:

a) Ray 7 - via Uranus - inherited from Atlantean world which stills rules the territorial aspect of the States, a remnant of old Atlantis - magical, spiritualistic, occult groups.

b) Ray 2 - via Jupiter - links to Britain and indirectly to France.

c) Ray 4 - via Moon - veiling Vulcan who “forges on his anvil through fire and blows, that linking network which covers all the nation and makes it hold together” (see myth of Vulcan and the Net in TGH); ray 4 and ray 1 via Moon veiling Vulcan link Germany and States - hence vast numbers of Germans who migrate to USA to escape personality activity of Germany expressing destroyer aspect of ray 1.

d) Ray 4 - via Mercury the Messenger, emphasising the harmony aspect in contradistinction to the conflict angle which Moon/Vulcan have precipitated - Moon/Vulcan relation produces the political conflict which always rages in the States.

e) Ray 5 - via Venus - confers intelligence so marked in Americans - eventually will determine lines along which education and religious organisations will run.

f) Ray 3 - via Earth - “grounding” Americans - making the soil their problem. Prominence of agriculture, cotton, corn belt.

g) Ray 6 - via Mars - greatly augments ray 6 personality - presenting real problems in a young people apt to be fanatical and exclusive. Exclusiveness major weakness of ray 6 type.

h) Ray 4 - via Moon veiling Uranus - brings different type of conflict. Uranus is medium for 7th ray, and blending with the 4th ray via the Moon brings about a magical relationship between diverse nationalities, fusing them into a blended whole - not the case at this time. (1940’s)

DON- 92 - USA - influences relate it to practically every country in European - causes chaos and confusion, richness in national life. (USA taking over as 6th sub race from European 5th subrace)

DON- 92 - planetary centres - energies (affecting countries) released through planetary inlets

- city in same location:

London British Empire

New York Western Hemisphere

Geneva European/USSR

Tokyo Far East

Darjeeling India/greater part of Asia

DON- 92 - planetary centres - two more planetary inlets added later (Australia/Africa)

DON- 93 - Darjeeling - not yet reached full strength

DON- 93 - planetary centres - two triangles of force:

Darjeeling (1st aspect)

London (2nd aspect)

New York (3rd aspect)

Geneva (1st aspect)

New York (2nd aspect)

Tokyo (3rd aspect)

- Geneva/Darjeeling - pure spiritual energy can be directed with more facility - constitute higher points of triangles; more subjective than other centres.

DON- 93 - planetary centres - 5 cities of “impelling energy”:

|City |Soul Ray |Personality |Sign |

| | |Ray | |

| | | | |

|London |5 |7 |Gemini |

|New York |2 |3 |Cancer |

|Tokyo |6 |4 |Cancer |

|Geneva |1 |2 |Leo |

|Darjeeling |2 |5 |Scorpio |

Note: London is given earlier as Leo soul, Libra personality - here as Gemini, either as a planetary centre and/or expressing the Gemini soul of Great Britain.

New York as Cancer links to Washington’s Cancer soul and USA’s Cancer Sun in the 1788 horoscope. DK’s ashram [2/3?) resonates to NY’s 2/3. Ray 3 arts, financial capital.

Tokyo - ray 6 soul links to Japan’s ray 6 personality. Cancer (ray 3) - financial capital similar to NY.

Geneva - ray 1- neutral host for political conferences of other countries. Leo influence of European.

Darjeeling - see EA523 - ray 1 pouring through at this time (1940s - via ray 5?)

- Study this tabulation in connection with other information on cities/nations - interplay of forces unavoidable

- see EA518-533 for much more on planetary centres.

DON- 93 - planetary centres - personality rays change from period to period

DON- 94 - rays - one or other will dominate - spiritually Oriented/personality forces, constructive/destructive

DON- 94 - planetary centres - supreme importance - certain cities holy - heart more desirable than head

DON- 95 - nations - world order based upon materialism

DON- 95 - Law of Contrasts will eventually bring illumination

DON- 95- Lord of World - releasing new energies (transmuted thru WW2) - cooperative spirit - clue to scientific process

DON- 96 - planetary centres - being abnormally/deliberately stimulated because this is Aryan race

DON- 96 - New York world centre - why United Nations is to work here

DON- 96 - planetary centres - two others - quiescent - one in Africa will be found; another in region of Australia - many millions of years later (note DK doesn’t say in Australia - could be under sea, on island or adjoining country; Africa could be sacral centre, Australia base of the spine if it is to awaken last - perhaps at end of 6th root race, 10 million years hence; chakras may hint at soul/monadic rays)

- Speculations on planetary centres:

|Chakra |Speculation 1 |Speculation 2 |Speculation 3 |

|(mainly soul rays) | | | |

| | | | |

|Head (Shamballa) |Geneva 1/2 |Darjeeling |London |

|Ajna (NGWS) |London 5/7 |New York | |

|Throat (Humanity) |New York 2/3 |Geneva | |

|Heart (Hierarchy) |Darjeeling 2/5 |London |Geneva |

|Solar Plexus (Jews*) |Tokyo 6/4 |Tokyo | |

|Sacral (Mat. Forces*) |Africa |Africa | |

|Base |Australia |Australia | |

* See EOH89

DON- 96 - Geneva - ray 2 (personality) - inclusiveness, binding together, brotherly love, expression of service (very Aquarian keywords - polar opposite of Leo given for Geneva);

- Conditions Switzerland - fusion of three powerful racial types in group formation - not admixture - French, Italian, German.

- Two antagonistic divisions of Christian faith work together

- Seat of Red Cross

DON- 97 - Geneva - motto - “ I seek to fuse, to blend and serve.”

DON- 97 - London - ray 1 in its building aspect not destroying aspect (ray 1 personality of Britain; thru ray 7 personality of London)

- Service of the whole

- Law of Synthesis - new emphasis from Shamballa

- Governments of world have found asylum in Geneva

- motto - “I serve”

- Intelligent justice, fair economic distribution

DON- 97 - New York - expresses ray 6 (personality ray USA) - conflict in ideologies

DON- 97 - USA - those who seek to keep USA from assuming her responsibilities

DON- 97-8 - ray 6 - militant/active or mystical/pacific/futile - both condition USA (1940’s)

DON- 98 - Great Britain/USA - two major world democracies

DON- 98 - Darjeeling - ray 1 comes through (India 1/4) - stimulates will to power of all dictators (dictators on all levels)

DON- 98 - India - “I hide the light” - light pours in from East; new light from Shamballa - light of life itself

DON- 99 - Great Britain/USA - closely related - both ray 2 souls; Great Britain/India via ray 1

- Great Britain serving humanity at immense cost

DON- 99 - USA - ray 6 glamour of fighting for ideal

DON- 99 - Tokyo - ray 1 coming through in its lower materialistic aspect

- ray 1 soul (?) of Japan governs consciousness of leaders (WW2)

- ray 6 personality of Japan (soul ray of Tokyo) responding to call of ray 1 energy coming through Tokyo

- Japan - link with Germany through soul rays of both nations and with Italy through the personality rays.

- (DK does not give soul/personality rays of Japan in the tabulation in DON67 - he says that the first ray is flowing through Tokyo, then in the next sentence that Japan is governed by the soul ray in the consciousness of its leaders - this does not mean that Japan is a first ray soul. Then he states clearly that Japan is a ray 6 personality - responding o the call of first ray energy - but this again is not necessarily the soul ray - only ray 1 forces coming through Tokyo at that time. Then he says that Japan is linked to Germany through the soul ray of both nations - this could mean that Japan is a ray 4 soul - corresponding also with Italy’s personality ray and substantiating the previous statement that “Japan is governed by the soul ray in the consciousness of its leaders” - i.e. the ray 4 glamour of war - it could of course also have to do with the ray 1 glamour of power. Another strong indicator of ray 4 is Japan’s strong history in arts and aesthetics; also, the Orient is a ray 4 soul, and Japan stands not only in the middle of the Orient but also (post war) acts as a major bridge to the Occident, linking with its ray 4 personality. If Japan were a ray 4 soul and ray 6 personality, it would be the inverse of Tokyo’s ray 6 soul and ray 4 personality - which is identical to Italy too, making those forces extremely powerful. Even after the above argument, Japan could still be a ray 1 soul - she can be ruthless in war (and in business) and she was the first ever recipient of two ray 1 devices - nuclear bombs; there are also strong indications that Japan has a ray 3 mind - ray 7 is also extremely strong.)

DON- 100 - nation - fate of nation lies in its leaders who martial forces, focus national intent - develop characteristics of people.

DON- 100 - Germany dominates axis group of Italy/Japan

DON- 100-1 - Occident/Orient - 2 major divisions of world; Occident 2/4, Orient 4/3 - much light to the inter human relation by studying this tabulation

DON- 101 - rays - in period of shifting rays - rays change for individual/nation, hemispheres/planets

DON- 101 - USA, Great Britain, Russia - hold destiny of humanity in their hands - all have fusing, racial experiments

DON- 101 - Russia - development retarded by dictatorship which will shortly end

DON- 101 - USA - development retarded by corrupt politics (WW2)

DON- 101 - Great Britain - development retarded by ancient, imperialistic tendencies

DON- 101 - USA - learning most slowly (WW2)

DON- 101 - Occident/Orient linked through ray 4 - understanding when ray 2 soul of Occident is controlling factor (hence countries with ray 4 may play prominent role in bridging east/west?)

DON- 101-2 - (astrology) - science of energy relationships can be studied: 1) antagonisms/ray energies 2) identity of forces/interests/activities 3) fusion, unity of vision, goals 4) humanity as a whole - countries with rays 2,4 play important part

DON- 102 - chakras - 5 major planetary centres - vehicles for expression - e.g.:

Geneva - European; New York - USA; Tokyo - Far East; Darjeeling - Near East; London - British Empire

DON- 102 - 102 - chakras - 5 cities exoteric expression of esoteric centres - correspondence in planetary body of 4 centres up spine and ajna centre in body of humanity

DON- 102 - Occident - head centre - beginning to react to ray 2; Ajna reacting to ray 4

DON- 103 - (astrology) - science of relationships - wide research:

1) spiritual nature/centres/ruling planets, inter-relation/quality ray forces/personality rays - will reveal all relationships and produce two basic "events in time": a) blending of subjective/objective life b) hence new relations between individuals

2) national centres - esoteric ruling energies - revealing destiny in relation to group units. Soul/personality of nations studied/centre within each nation/qualities of 5 or 6 major cities investigated.

DON- 103 - centres in USA - NY - (throat), Washington - (head), Chicago - (solar plexus), LA - (heart), Kansas City - (sacral?) - see EOH - 85

- study of psychic nature, intellectual appeal, soul/personality qualities

DON- 104 - British Empire - London, Sydney, Johannesburg, Toronto, Vancouver: subsidiary studies - Calcutta, Delhi, Madras (3 aspects?), Singapore, Jamaica - all subjectively related (see DINA 2 - 712 - in relation to Sydney)

DON- 104 - Russia, USA, Great Britain - 3 great fusing energies/blocs from consciousness angle

- Russia fusing Eastern European, west/north Asia (fuses Orient/Occident)

- USA - fusing central/west European & west. hemisphere (look at USA having a cross section of European within its borders)

- British Empire - fusing races through whole world (see EA - 531, LOOM - 308, EXT - 85)

DON- 104 - nations, lesser - will participate (in fusing) - purified national purpose

DON- 105 - USA, Russia, Great Britain - basically human, for the people

DON- 105 - Magna Carta, constitution, Bill of Rights

DON- 107 - Great White Brotherhood/Dark Brotherhood - 2 directing agencies behind world events: - work in opposition on mental plane - world Arjuna caught in between - battle fought on astral

DON- 108 - rays 6 & 7 - both rays in conflict - forces two groups (GWB/DB) are using

DON- 108 - economics/religion - 2 major instruments

DON- 112 - nations of people - idealistic

DON- 116 - ray - quality - its soul nature 1) changes culture/civilisation 2) other kingdoms - soul/form aspect 3) type of souls incarnate in any ray period

DON- 116 - ray 7 - civilisation

DON- 118 - Egypt - home of ancient magic - physical effects, material results, production of gigantic forms, magical protection of physical form

DON- 119 - history - most interesting, crucial period in racial/planetary history - evolutionary process successful

DON- 119 - history - Shamballa - refusal to impose will without cooperation of human family - caused delays in human evolution

DON- 120 - race, consciousness - dim outlines of the plan

DON- 120-1 - War in this century misuse of ray 1 destroyer aspect

DON- 120 - war founded on ideology rather than land/materialism

DON- 132 - Eastern teachings affected Christianity - bridging religion

DON- 132 - European, America - "Light in the East" will shift to; synthesis of mystical/occult

DON- 133 - history of Christianity is history of European - study Law of attraction/repulsion - ray 7 will end cleavages

DON- 146 - NGWS - anchoring on Earth in every land, city

DON- 148 - desire of all nations

DON- 149 - Aquarian Age - emphasis shift from Bethlehem to Jerusalem - from infant saviour to risen Christ

DON- 150 - European

DON- 150 - (Virgo/Gemini arms of mutable cross) - Virgin Mary/Mother Earth - constant movement of people (Jewish tradition - humanity is "wandering Jew")

DON- 150 - nations - thirsty for truth

DON- 152 - all nations united in complete understanding - diversity of languages no barrier to human relations

DON- 152 - United Nations - aims will be brought to fruition

Glamour: A World Problem

GAWP- 46 - rays 3 and 6 - inquisition - Jesuits

GAWP- 71 - national glamour - ray tendencies; racial glamour - money

GAWP- 89 - path of purification - physical disciplines - preparing many for - military in European

GAWP- 100 - national, racial glamour

GAWP- 113 -

| Race |Duality |Problem |Method |Goal |

| | | | | |

|Lemurian |Physical force vs vital |Maya |Astral control |1st degree |

| |energy | | | |

| | | |Hatha yoga: |Inspiration |

| | | |aspirants | |

| | | |Laya yoga: | |

| | | |disciples | |

|Atlantean |Pairs of opposites |Glamour |Mental control |2nd degree |

| |Qualities | |Bhakti yoga: |Illumination |

| | | |aspirants | |

| |Sentiency | |Raja yoga: | |

| | | |disciples | |

|Aryan |Dweller on threshold |Illusion |Soul control |3rd initiation |

| |Angel of the Presence | |Raja yoga: |Intuition |

| | | |aspirants | |

| | | |Agni yoga: | |

| | | |disciples | |

GAWP- 120 - national, family, racial traits - produce powerful glamours on individual

GAWP- 129 - modern ideas in European - glamour

GAWP- 134 - re-establishing idea of brotherhood before race today

GAWP- 146-8 - Germans Jews - separative (ray 1 glamour)

GAWP- 147 - British race reincarnated Romans; many Germans reincarnated Jews

GAWP- 153 - national dweller

GAWP- 156 - rays governing humanity - 2/3 - 5,6,7

GAWP- 157 - personality rays for humanity change from age to age; Pisces age passing out; rays 1,4 missing; ray 4 basic personality ray for 4th CH

GAWP- 157 - Aquarian age - rays for humanity - personality 5, mental 4, astral 6, physical 7

GAWP- 157 - Lemuria, Atlantis, Aryan - 3 most important incarnations; dweller for each race - faced at close of each spiritual cycle (which is not the duration of a rootrace)

GAWP- 158 - Aryan race ready for initiation (between 1st and 2nd?)

GAWP- 158 - Atlantean racial crisis

GAWP- 161 - Germany Japan Italy

GAWP- 161 - United Nations all tainted by glamour

GAWP- 163 - Germany - glamour (Aries/Pisces - 4/1); Japan - maya (Scorpio/Capricorn - 1/6); Italy

- illusion (Leo/Sagittarius - 6/4) - see DON 67

- Looking at personality signs:

Italy - Sagittarius - fire - mental - illusion

Germany - Pisces - water - astral - glamour

Japan - Capricorn - Earth - physical - maya

- Does this necessarily indicate soul age - e.g - Italy as most advanced? or simply ray lines of development?

GAWP- 163 - united nations represent Angel

GAWP- 164 - four freedoms, castes, races

GAWP- 169 - June full Moon (30/5/1942) to June 15th - great onslaught by powers of evil

GAWP- 171 - nations ending glamour, illusion, maya

GAWP- 179 - western races must move to spiritual supremacy

GAWP- 180 - Eastern mystics are now western occultists

GAWP- 208 - nations create aggregate of forms

GAWP- 210 - Hitler and 6 evil men (shadow of 7 rays)

GAWP- 255 - Indians (Hindu) lack will (ray 1 soul not manifesting yet?)

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle

TEV- 4 - League of Nations - Master Serapis was behind - intelligent banding together of nations for world peace

TEV- 5 - Master Jesus - working in occident. Colonel House registered idea - passed onto Woodrow Wilson (6th ray aspirant)

TEV- 16 - Lemurian times - instinctual response to etheric contact - mode of communication; self preservation/self reproduction

TEV- 17 - Atlantean - astral telepathy - sp receiving agent; emitting agent: whole area of diaphragm

TEV- 35 - disciples working on telepathic line are nurturers of the future intuitional civilisation - Aquarian age. Seed of future racial potency (6th sub/rootrace)

TEV- 45 - entire history of planet is one of reception and distribution by groups or aggregates of groups of living beings. Key to Humanity's trouble (focussing in economic troubles of past 200 years) has been to take and not to give; accept and not share; grasp and not distribute. War is dire penalty for this. Impressions from Hierarchy are distorted. NGWS to offset this evil.

TEV- 46 - impression of humanity by ashrams of Masters as they affect idealists, aspirants, humanitarians. United ashrams form ashram of Christ - work through Humanity. NGWS impresses humanity.

TEV- 48 - science of impression if studied, will greatly facilitate presentation of ideals that must condition Aquarian age - will eventually produce next culture and civilisation.

TEV- 84 - sudden response of groups to mass ideologies has been unexpected by Hierarchy - difficult to handle.

TEV- 120 - final rootrace of men

TEV- 128 - Christian church - wrong slant to teaching

TEV- 133 - impression from Hierarchy for culture/civilisation

TEV- 136 - rays of attribute shift and change constantly. Humanity as throat centre is under constant influence of the 7th ray, as is the solar plexus centre of planet. (Jewish force - see EOH 89)

TEV- 141 - about 300 years after HPB - astral body will still govern race of men

TEV- 141 - "The etheric body is primarily composed of the dominant energies to which the man, group, nation, or world reacts in any particular time cycle or world period."

TEV- 178 - cosmic etheric (space) is field of untold energies; basis of all astrological computations; the playground of all historical cycles - cosmic, systemic, planetary - related to constellations, Suns, distant stars, numerous universes, our solar system and its planets.

TEV- 181 - later Atlantis - Laya Yoga fell into disrepute

TEV- 185-6 - only in final rootrace will human triangle make appearance in world politics, government and statesmanship - 1; world religions - 2; world economics and finance -3.

Education in the New Age

ENA- 15 - reading writing arithmetic - symbolic of unfoldment of the race (3 aspects?)

ENA- 38 - race consciousness/race memory - national history

ENA- 38 - Germany/Italy - axis - racial crystallisation

ENA- 38 - civilisation - definition; Atlantis - mysticism

ENA- 39-40 - nations - emotional attitudes in Atlantis

ENA- 40 - new civilisation ushered in by Christ

ENA- 40 - children - Atlantean in consciousness - analogous to pre-natal stage

ENA- 40 - Atlantean consciousness - Aryan - problem of educators

ENA- 40 - present race - different civilised attitude emerging - nearing consummation

ENA- 41 - nation - mental values; economic life is priority

ENA- 41-2 - Aryan/Atlantean races

ENA- 42 - Atlantean civilisation definitely religious

ENA- 42 - history - time of flood

ENA- 42 - undue sensitivity of modern man - heritage of Atlantis

ENA- 42 - Atlantean/Aryan civilisations both gone too far - noble middle way of past civilisations will characterise Aquarian age

ENA- 43 - Atlantis - culture, civilisation

ENA- 43 - church in ancient days - educator

ENA- 44 - humanity passing through major crisis (this century)

ENA- 44 - one or two key people in nations - influence masses

ENA- 44 - NGWS - slow formation of - present at new civilisation

ENA- 44 - teaching of history - nationalistic pride, greed, cruelty

ENA- 44 - heroes are all conquerors

ENA- 44 - building of history on great and good ideas

ENA- 46 - multi-culturism of UK, USA, USSR, India

ENA- 47 - Magna Carta, French Revolution, Bill of Rights, Atlantic Charter, Four Freedoms - five great declarations

ENA- 48 - evocation of racial karma

ENA- 49 - university analogous to Hierarchy

ENA- 50 - Asia, European, America - triple unfoldment - instinct, intellect, intuition - respectively - as far as Aryan race is concerned

ENA- 52 - paths: purification - civilisation - general racial development

discipleship - culture - training of intelligentsia

initiation - illumination - production of illumination

ENA- 53 - K petals have unfolded racially - L petals unfolding; first K petal in Lemuria, 2nd K petal in Atlantis, 3rd K petal in Aryan

ENA- 56 –

Education and Science

I. Knowledge petals


masses of men……intellectuals……...spiritual man


Religion and Philosophy

II. Love petals

Cooperation…..loving understanding… love

Intellectuals… aspirants…..Hierarchy

Governments and Social Order

III. Will and Sacrifice petals


(in the Plan) (Directed will (of the Plan by

of all disciples) the Hierarchy)

ENA- 57 - keynotes - education (3) religion (2) politics (1)

ENA- 62 - Piscean groups - esotericists; politics/government not divorced from spiritual

ENA- 63 - wars will end when predisposing causes are found through esoteric research

ENA- 70 - science of the 7 rays - light on racial, individual types - 2 major rays, 3 minor

ENA- 71 - ancient racial episodes - characteristics inherited from past

ENA- 71 - racial types - Lemurians, Atlanteans, Aryans - new race - physical, emotional, mental - idealistic vision

ENA- 73 - types - Atlantean/emotional, Aryan/emotio-mental, later Aryan/New Age

ENA- 79 - Asia, European - few privileged groups

ENA- 79 - epochs of cultural expression - Elizabethan, Renaissance, Victorian (poets and writers), Germany (poets and musicians), Italian, Dutch, Spanish artists

ENA- 79 - USA, Canada, Australia - mass education instituted

ENA- 80 - Germany - wrong education

ENA- 80 - goal of world citizenship

ENA- 82 - nation in which destiny has placed young people; nations relating to nations

ENA- 85-6 - history of growth of perceptive faculties under differing material/racial conditions - outstanding figures in religion, art, literature, history

ENA- 88 - national/religious differences

ENA- 90 - united nations formed by growing idealism

ENA- 90 - education on past history of race

ENA- 99 - ideals coloured by racial/national trends

ENA- 103 - group ideologies - democracy (2), totalitarianism (1), communism (3)

ENA- 107 - financial control - USA; Government control - European, Great Britain

ENA- 108 - contribution of each nation to the whole

ENA- 111 - world war - “major surgical operation” for humanity

ENA- 113 - same individualities come and go within civilisations, cultures, races and nations

ENA- 113 - mystical tendency produced mystics, explorers (Aries), discoverers (Sagittarius) and inventors (Aquarius)

ENA- 114-5 - ray plan for humanity: politics (1) - spoken word; religion (2) - written word

ENA- 115 - destiny of race - moulding of racial types

ENA- 116-25 - reasons for world unrest

ENA- 118 - emergence of new racial type - primarily in 5th (subrace of 5th rootrace) or Caucasian; 4th rootrace - few among Japanese and Chinese

ENA- 118 - fifth kingdom of souls will emerge from 5th rootrace

ENA- 119 - fourth rootrace - Chinese, Japanese, Mongoloids - islands of southern oceans, descendants of South Americans 1 million years ago

ENA- 119 - new racial type - a state of consciousness - eventually conditions body nature

ENA- 119 - new coming race (6th subrace) - mystical perception

ENA- 119-20 - ending of Pisces age: Piscean ideals - (1)idea of authority/paternalism (2)idea of sorrow/pain - detachment (3) self sacrifice (4) satisfaction of desire

ENA- 120 - races today steeped in misery/pain

ENA- 122 - brotherhoods, groups, fraternities, parties (Aquarian influence)

ENA- 125 - ideas of 7 rays are recognised - growth of psychological understanding - hence nations/religions will arrive will arrive at mutual understanding

ENA- 126 - mental body of human - organ of relationship to all other races

ENA- 127 - study of evolution of old tribes

ENA- 128 - family group - unit

ENA- 129 - group interplay

ENA- 130 - new form of family unit

ENA- 131 - Aquarian Age - civilisation of light and love

ENA- 132 - parenthood makes a state, nation, group possible

Externalisation of the Hierarchy

EOH- 21-2 - periods 1934-7, 1936; early autumn 1936

EOH- 24 - fall of 1936

EOH- 25 - 1936 - help from extra-planetary beings

EOH- 25-6 - spirit of peace

EOH- 31 - DK starts to build his groups 1931

EOH- 39 - Hermes, 5th root race

EOH- 49 - Rousseau/Renaissance

EOH- 51-5 - governments; control

EOH- 69 - destiny nations - esoteric study of social organisation of humanity

EOH- 72 - close of 20th century

EOH- 77 - wandering Jew; tangible/commercial; Mercury

EOH- 78 - five forces in human family (3 major, two minor)

EOH- 81 - next 3 years critical (1939-42)

EOH- 85-6 - seven centres/chakras of USA; Germany, Canada, Britain, Australia

EOH- 96 - 2 groups of NGWS? (2 petals ajna?)

EOH- 97 - possible first stage of fusion by NGWS of hierarchy/humanity - 1942

EOH- 102 - esoteric network

EOH- 105 - Versailles treaty

EOH- 106 - voice of soul of humanity - 1925 hierarchy conclave (see RI - 716)

EOH- 106 - communications

EOH- 110 - ancient past - world scriptures, ancient monuments, symbols, myths, legends

EOH- 112 - French revolution - rebirth of civilisation

EOH- 112 - Australia 1776? - past 200 years

EOH- 112 - personality cycle of 28 years between 1914-1942

EOH- 114 - cycles of civilisation/human -analogous to human - death of civilisation/incarnation of humanity

EOH- 116 - death stage 1914-18; birth stage 1939-45; death of personality of humanity, coming in of soul

EOH- 120 - civilised beginnings, city living problems

EOH- 127 - nazism, fascism, communism

EOH- 131-2 - aristocracy, bourgeois, proletariat - 3 factors (3 aspects - 1, 2, 3)

EOH- 132 - British empire - Shamballa force working through

EOH- 132 - 3 nations/3 world centres: Great Britain/Shamballa 1st ray; USA Hierarchy 2nd ray; Russia Humanity 3rd ray.

EOH- 133 - federation 18th-19th centuries - fusion/formation Italy/Germany - first felt around 1575 (ray 2 cycle)

EOH- 133 - France Germany Italy Portugal Spain; Shamballa force - (Rousseau) Napoleon Bismarck, Mussolini, Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Franco

EOH- 175 - years of crisis/tension - 1941-2 - (Uranus con. Saturn)

EOH- 175 - April 1941 for next 12 months - most important decision for humanity ever

EOH- 176 - September 1939 over 9 years objectives of world goodwill

EOH- 182 - gangsters expression of hatred/selfishness in national life

EOH- 183 - middle ages - conquerors/dictators

EOH- 184 - history of world - theme of war - roman empire France Britain Germany America Russia Japan Asia

EOH- 187 - axis powers

EOH- 190 - Britain - aristocracy dominating middle classes/proletariat

EOH- 200 - major world groupings of future

1) British empire, USA, Scandinavian countries, Germany/north European nations

2) Latin countries, France, Spain, Mediterranean countries, Balkans, south America

3) USSR, some Asiatic nations - china, Japan

EOH- 203 - Germany ray 4 soul - 4 major world problems - 4th kingdom humanity; Pisces personality at end of Pisces age

EOH- 205-11 - New Group of World Servers

EOH- 210 - task of English speaking to rebuild world

EOH- 211 - Aries Taurus Gemini full Moons 1940

EOH- 213 - fresh cycle of civilisation, culture, growth; international relationships

EOH- 231 - Great Britain France Holland USA; Italy satellite of Germany

EOH- 235-6 - western hemisphere seat of all civilisation; spiritual future of humanity in west

EOH- 236 - Great Britain a fortress for the forces of light

EOH- 237 - allies preparation for war inadequate]

EOH- 238 - great Englishman/government official/aspirant

EOH- 239 - allies defeated in earlier phase of conflict thousands of years ago

EOH- 242 - UK, Britain

EOH- 257-8 - seven men who embody seven material aspects of rays and their manifestations - war (1) fear (2) cruelty (3); Hitler (1) von Ribbentrop (?) Goebbels (3?) Goering (?) Hess (?) Himmler (?) Streicher (?)

EOH- 258 - France - selfishness; spiritual nucleus

EOH- 259 - Armageddon WW2

EOH- 271 - French revolution - liberty equality fraternity (Aquarian keywords - Uranus discovered at this time)

EOH- 274 - Mahachohan hierarchical representative in European - master R (between 1919 and 1941 he has assumed this post? possibly from conclave 1925)

EOH- 275 - externalisation of dark brotherhood prefaces white brotherhood

EOH- 285 - may 1941 momentous time

EOH- 288 - Wesak 1941 possible major turning point for humanity

EOH- 292 - avatars cause of cycles of civilisations; national dweller cycles

EOH- 293 - dweller challenges freedom of nation/race - past/limitations/habits (Moon)

EOH- 294 - avatars as embodiments of evil (dweller) - appear from age to age

EOH- 294 - dweller/angel simultaneously - situation today in world - humanity is battleground

EOH- 295 - humanity at its darkest hour (1941) - dweller/soul

EOH- 297 - lesser avatars since 1400 AD - national dilemmas

EOH- 298 - Lincoln a racial avatar; Bismarck correspondingly from realm of cosmic evil - avatar

EOH- 298 - founding of nations - ray 1 - Shamballa - government

EOH- 300 - Christ life in Palestine-great changes in hierarchical structure (2nd to 4th initiations)

EOH- 303 - avatar synthesis next 100 years (work with 7th ray avatar)

EOH- 306 - Christ/avatar of synthesis full Moon June 1941

EOH- 309 - present 1941 time cycle of opportunity

EOH- 316 - Roosevelt/Churchill meeting on ocean - crisis world affairs

EOH- 317 - next 3 years (1941-44) DK’s work with group - stabilisation

EOH- 317 - plans for 1942-5 formed August 1941 - in dark of year - nadir of human distress

EOH- 318 - Atlantic charter 14th August 1941 (birth chart) [Leo/Sirius]

EOH- 319 - four freedoms

EOH- 321 - use of both ‘great invocations’ 1936,1940

EOH- 323 - organising of men/women of goodwill started 1934

EOH- 325 - if true peace is to be found in world by 1975

EOH- 326 - Germany’s responsibility for starting war

EOH- 326 - next 12 months decisive in human affairs (August 1941-2) (pearl harbour Dec 7 1941

EOH- 328 - may 1943 preparatory activity (Taurus full Moon?); may 1943 -November 1943 psychological rehabilitation (Taurus/Scorpio axis)

EOH- 329 - consolidating work 1945-6

EOH- 330 - goodwill work in 1936 foundation for all goodwill

EOH- 331 - four freedoms - 8 points of Atlantic pact (Atlantean conflict significance?)

EOH- 334-5 - ray 1 workers in NGWS integrate with ray 2 workers

EOH- 337 - December 25 1941 to June 22nd 1942 (cap/can solstices) - inner purpose of humanity will decide its future for many hundreds of years.

- in decision will be discovered point of evolution of humanity

- decision will date coming new age

EOH- 344 - groups/nations - love not expressed very well

EOH- 345 - Germany - use of will - sensitive, negative people

EOH- 346 - Hitler/Nero - using will destructively as advanced personalities (incarnation hint?)

EOH- 349 - four freedoms relate to lower self

EOH- 349-50 - Wesak 1942 - Buddha/Christ prepared to invoke avatar/lords of liberation

EOH- 354-5 - three nations express 3 aspects of glamour: Germany/glamour; Japan/maya; Italy/illusion. see also 356

EOH- 356 - Italy - individualistic - mentally polarised

EOH- 358 - united nations need to learn to apply law of love

EOH- 361 - may full Moon 30/5/1942 (UN formed early 1942)

EOH- 367 - aggression of Japan focus of evil initially - then Germany

EOH- 367 - August 1942 - critical point of war passed - defeat inevitable of axis powers

EOH- 369 - Ghandi’s impractical pacifist ideals

EOH- 371 - Quisling, Laval - axis leaders

EOH- 380 - Roosevelt, Churchill - speeches

EOH- 387 - Wesak 1943 hierarchy preparing for centuries to consummate - anchoring seeds of new world religion (start of Aquarius?)

EOH- 394 - Wesak 1936 major preparation for ‘approach’; measure of failure for NGWS

EOH- 396 - great invocation given out since 1936-7

EOH- 398-9 - task of NGWS to focus desire of humanity (NGWS is Taurus) - using will (Vulcan - soul ruler Taurus)

EOH- 406 - great cyclic approaches of divine to human can be traced down the centuries

EOH- 407 - Shamballa determines great political movements, destiny nations, races

EOH- 408 - Magna Charta, declaration of independence, Atlantic charter

EOH- 423 - climaxing period in human history - lords of karma very active

EOH- 424 - super race - Germany; ‘sons of heaven’ - Japanese race

EOH- 425 - evil forces - possession of Hitler too Goebbels, Ribbentrop, Himmler, Mussolini, Hess, Goering (see 257-8)

EOH- 427 - Germany/Japan - forces of evil working through

EOH- 428 - Germany ‘negative’ nation - tendency to aggression, evil, selfish for a long time. (see 432 - similar to Jewish race)

EOH- 428 - Japanese must go back to nursery state - long before it is safe to trust them

EOH- 428 - Italy - normal; Germany/Japan not normal

EOH- 430 - Germany/Japan - ancient leaders (Atlantis)

EOH- 431 - Russia/Poland - border issues - separativeness

EOH- 434 - Germany first Marched on Poland, forcing France, UK into war; Japan started war in east

EOH- 436 - externalisation of ashrams next 100 years - preparatory to reappearance of hierarchy on Earth

EOH- 436 - hatred of German/Japanese

EOH- 436-7 - Germans attacking Jews opened flood gates of hate

EOH- 437 - Poland France Yugoslavia Greece - divided against themselves

EOH- 437 - full Moon may 1944-may 1945 - maximum effort by hierarchy to ‘close the door where evil dwells’

EOH- 438 - April full Moon - preparation/reception ray 1 energy

EOH- 439-40 - may full Moon 1944 - Buddha sounds mantram

EOH- 440 - June full Moon 1944 - hierarchy release ‘will to good’ energy on humanity

EOH- 441 - work of Christ/hierarchy to may 1945

EOH- 441 - Christ in retreat for a month - can’t be reached till may 5th 1944 - consulting Buddha/lord of world

EOH- 443 - five years - sweeping/ cleansing process of war

EOH- 445 - March April may full Moons 1945 - major significance in planetary history (Aries 28/3/45; Taurus 27/4/45; Gemini 26/5/45) - will determine destiny of humanity for centuries

EOH- 446 - ray 1 ashrams swinging into action with ray 1 empowering

EOH- 446 - cycle of conferences, councils - Shamballa guidance (see 452,455,457,470,478, 491)

EOH- 447-8 - two momentous preliminary conferences inaugurating new cycle of group functioning

EOH- 448 - yalta site of initial conference - triangle of men of goodwill - see 449.

EOH- 448 - triangles of all true movements condition long cycles in world affairs

EOH- 448 - political destiny of ray 1 groups/ashrams

EOH- 448 - long cycle of ecclesiastical rule has biased human thinking

EOH- 448-9 - conferences etc. - result of intense activity of ray 1 disciples

EOH- 450 - conference Mexico city - foundation for San Francisco conference (1945 Wesak)

EOH- 451 - Russian ideology misunderstood - future example of brotherhood

EOH- 451 - china needs full literacy; educational supremacy - days of ancient glory (ray 3)

EOH- 451 - European/Britain - significance western hemisphere and USA - deeper maturity vs youthful exuberance

EOH- 451 - Americans ignorant of history of their original nations

EOH- 452 - free press absent in USA

EOH- 454 - middle of June 1945 - final decision for hierarchy about furthering humanity’s cause without infringing upon free will

EOH- 455 - hierarchy’s work 1945 - Easter/Wesak - Christ

EOH- 455 - four freedoms

EOH- 456-7 - Easter - restoration; spirit of resurrection next 3 Easters

EOH- 458 - (German) selfishness seed of death

EOH- 458 - spirit of resurrection; ‘Sun of righteousness’ - ‘with healing in his wings’; invoking of at March full Moon

EOH- 461 - san Francisco conference - isolationists to be most feared

EOH- 462 - forces of enlightenment hold sway over men to 1949

EOH- 464,466 - Wesak - Buddha - 5 days - April 25-30 - major test at san Francisco conference; next 5 Wesaks 1945-50

EOH- 465 - Wesak - right invocation

EOH- 466 - widespread education last 500 years - Buddha’s legacy (since start of ray 3 cycle 1425)

EOH- 467 - destiny nations, races - demand for enlightenment at Wesak

EOH- 469 - Gemini full Moon 1945 - new message must be sent out by churches

EOH- 470 - coming century (after 2000AD?) - meaning of resurrection will unfold;

EOH- 470 - imminence of Cycle of Conferences - usher in era of relative tranquillity; past 200 years prepared humanity (1745-1945 approx.)

EOH- 474 - Japan Italy Germany - taken possession of by forces of evil (see 489)

EOH- 474 - may 1936 - hierarchical appeal to NGWS culminated; GI continued to 1939

EOH- 475 - September 1939 - ‘supreme wickedness’ broke loose on Earth - WW2 starts

EOH- 475 - Poland first recipient of Germans - selfish, fascist, anti-Semitic attitude of Polish

EOH- 479 - middle ages - Christ’s avenue - churches, schools of philosophy

EOH- 479 - three departments government: (rays)- 1- statesmanship, 2 - politics, 3 - legislation

EOH- 480 - cycle of true democracy

EOH- 480 - June full Moon - Christ’s unique occasion (see chapter 2 ROC)

EOH- 480 - new note this year (1945) which will distinguish the new age and characterise the coming civilisation and culture (start of Aquarian age?)

EOH- 480-1 - Christ will create new blueprint on which new age will be developed

EOH- 481 - Germany Japan under complete control of the united nations

EOH- 481 - June full Moon (1945) Christ will bless the world

EOH- 482 - three full Moons Aries Taurus Gemini - 3 spiritual energies: Aries - forces of restoration; Taurus - forces of enlightenment; Gemini - forces of reconstruction (Gemini - etheric); see 484-5,487.

EOH- 486 - three full Moons 1945 - 3 points in time for power release

EOH- 489 - san Francisco conference major importance

EOH- 490 - esoteric appropriateness in setting of time cycle - GI used for one month by DK’s group before Gemini full Moon; DK’s ashram, KH’s M’s

EOH- 491 - August 6 1945 - greatest spiritual event since human kingdom appeared - atomic bomb Japan - new era (Aquarius) ushered in by scientists (ray 5)

EOH- 491 - war started 1914; 1939 most important phase - immanent release of atomic energy was subjective factor for starting second phase of war in 1939

EOH- 493 - time schedule of evolutionary process

EOH- 493 - four months of 1942 - hierarchy prepared to withdraw from human contact for an indefinite period (September - December? - see letters in EOH for April may June August)

EOH- 494 - when Sun moved northward (1942 Capricorn solstice) hierarchy knew the battle had been won

EOH- 495 - Germany’s surrender did not win war

EOH- 495-6 - Japanese - 4th root race - psychological/physiological

EOH- 496 - Japanese - justification in using atomic bomb

EOH- 496 - German negativity caused failure in maintaining tension

EOH- 497 - new era (Aquarius) - liberation keynote - liberation of soul forces in atom

EOH- 499 - London Washington Vatican - monied interests gave gloomy outlook

EOH- 499 - next 50 years (1945-95) humanity govern decisions of best for all

EOH- 499 - Great Britain, USA, Canada - right attitude for human relations

EOH- 504 - India - sacred land; ‘master who is specially linked...with the sacred land of India’ (master Jupiter?) see 507

EOH- 505 - intuitive statesmen - angelic inspiration

EOH- 506 - America - Hilarion

EOH- 506 - occidental countries - Christians - master Jesus

EOH- 507 - UK, USA - much glory when they work together

EOH- 507 - Anglo-Saxon race - future is great

EOH- 507 - India - master who works in and for (master Jupiter?) see 504

EOH- 508 - rays, 4 dominant at any one period with one strongest - corresponds to 4 castes of India; 4 groups angels; 4 etheric subplanes

EOH- 510 - church movement transient place for evolving life

EOH- 510 - church universal - outlines will appear at end of century

EOH- 511,513 - church, masonry, education - 3 fields for new age group (3 aspects)

EOH- 513 - Palestine - same egos incarnating that were present in old days of Palestine

EOH- 519 - hierarchy directs unfolding cyclic cultures and their resultant civilisations

EOH- 520 - hierarchy receives esoteric fire of god which brings to an end cycles, ideologies, civilisations and organisations

EOH- 521 - externalisation of master’s ashrams on outer plane - DK’s New York, 1941?

EOH- 522 - DK’s 5th initiation nearly 90 years ago (1946 - 90 = 1856-ish; 7th ray subcycle; Tibetan race 7th subrace 4th rootrace)

EOH- 525 - volcanic episodes/Earthquakes preceding 6th rootrace

EOH- 527 - ashrams 7 x 7 = 49; 7 rays/7subrays - distributors of rays to 7 planetary centres; 7 human centres

EOH- 527 - ray 2 will align/adjust 49 subsidiary ashrams; ray 1 the same for major ashrams; important hint - (will ‘adjusting’ energy work through ashram with ray 2 and ray 1 energies? - e.g. 2/1 ashram)

EOH- 541 - new ashram formed Wesak 1946 - wisdom aspect strong - (16/5/1946 - Venus con/ Uranus in Gemini) - 2/3 ashram of DK’s? - see 521

EOH- 543 - India - ancient revelation given to her people - self/not-self

EOH- 548 - ray 1 ashram/ray 5 group - atomic bomb (1/5 or 5/1 ashram?)

EOH- 548 - USA UK Canada - own secrets on atomic bomb

EOH- 553 - usefulness of Wesak/Christ festivals nearly finished; ray one disciple overshadowed at Wesak; ray 2 at Christ festival) - start to be made Wesak 1947; 3 or 4 countries

EOH- 571 - occult groups prior to 1919 will disappear

EOH- 572-3 - politics religion finance - all regenerated

EOH- 575 - Jerusalem/ Palestine

EOH- 576-7 - ashrams 1st 2nd 5th rays externalising 1946? - disciples coming into incarnation ‘at this time’; see 581

EOH- 578 - Roosevelt - ray 1 disciple - 4 essential freedoms

EOH- 580 - ray 3 ashrams - finance

EOH- 587 - vanguard of disciples/initiate from 3 ashrams - 1975

EOH- 589 - evolution of human family; ancient /modern civilisations

EOH- 595 - spiritual history since 700 BC - religious leaders since, who have founded the great modern world faiths - apostolic succession (700 BC Zoroaster)

EOH- 599-600 - Easter Wesak June festivals

EOH- 601 - Emmaus - disciples who walked there

EOH- 604 - Christ worked through three beloved disciples, 12 apostles, chosen 70, interested 500

EOH- 613 - no true intercourse between nations

EOH- 613-4 - USA / Zionists/ Great Britain/Russia; Italy, china, Poland, Balkans, Germany, Japan

EOH- 615 - USA Russia Great Britain - fight for oil

EOH- 615 - Hindu/Moslem control of India

EOH- 615 - highly clever, anti-communistic roman catholic church

EOH- 615 - Zionists/Jewish persons

EOH- 615 - Palestine, Great Britain, Chile, Canada, Belgium and many others

EOH- 616 - corrupt roman empire - in time of Christ

EOH- 627 - Russia - communism; Great Britain - justice trade fair play; USA - democracy; France - lost prestige

EOH- 636 - German/Japanese totalitarianism

EOH- 637 - evil animating Germany; Russian oligarchy; Zionists; anti-Russian sentiment from west

EOH- 638 - Russia - all dominant

EOH- 638 - nations - armed armistice - explosion must and will eventually take place and destroy world as it has before

EOH- 638-9 - world in which USA, capitalism controls; USA essential kindness

EOH- 639 - Britain, France, Benelux countries (1/1/1945 - Belgium Netherlands Luxemburg)

EOH- 639 - groups of nations - blocs - Russia

EOH- 640 - united nations still hope of world - error in admitting totalitarian powers - Russia

EOH- 643-4 - five masters/five ashrams - preparatory work: 2, 1, 3; labour movement (3/7 ashram?); DK’s subsidiary ashram (2/3 ashram?)

EOH- 645 - world leaders - developed wills present

EOH- 644-7 - ray energies from June full Moon - 1, 2, 3, 7

EOH- 649 - totalitarian powers

EOH- 650 - democracies in confusion

EOH- 651 - when point of balance (Libra) reached - hierarchy will come (Libra prominent in planetary horoscope at end of century - see EA)

EOH- 651 - forces of evil in every country

EOH- 653 - organisation of certain master’s ashrams in various countries

EOH- 656 - Roosevelt - 4 freedoms

EOH- 658 - monastic orders east and west - true detachment erroneously applied

EOH- 659 - five masters/5 ashrams - externalisation

EOH- 660 - KH’s ashram one of last to manifest - first step Wesak message 1947

EOH- 661 - ashrams of wisdom/love - DK’s ashram wisdom (closer to 3rd aspect hence 2/3 ashram?)

EOH- 662-3 - ray 1 ashram - Morya; ray 1 synthesis higher than unity; politics, government

EOH- 664 - master of labour movement - most successful awakening of masses

EOH- 664 - western democracies/soviet union - as well educated as intellectual man in middle ages (from roman decadence 5th century AD to renaissance 1500 AD; now refers only to 11th-15th centuries, the earlier period known as the Dark Ages)

EOH- 664 - labour movement arose from masses/working classes; group of disciples - presentation of plan at their level

EOH- 664 - labour master - 3rd ray master

EOH- 665 - master R head of 3rd ray ashram; labour master within 3rd ray ashram (3/7?); English industrial revolution started nearly 100 years ago (1840’s) (from 1680 with added impetus from ray 5 cycle in 1775 AD - 1840’s full swing - Blake’s ‘dark satanic mills’; ray 2 potency declined)

EOH- 665 - right direction of labour will lead to foundation of new civilisation

EOH- 666 - labour ashram - worldwide economic problems

EOH- 667 - master R’s 3rd ray ashram - rules 5th, 7th ray ashrams

EOH- 668 - national cultures preserved - new civilisation preserved

EOH- 668 - every October/March (Libra/Aries) master R gathers together his council of helpers, masters, senior initiates in 3rd, 5th, 7th ray ashrams

EOH- 669-70 - in this cycle (ray 1 subcycle?) DK’s ashram closely linked to M’s ashram; works closely ray 7 ashram

EOH- 669 - goodwill work (ray 2) being galvanised into violent activity by ray 1

EOH- 673 - energies in particular cycles bring about events, condition civilisations

EOH- 674 - centres of energy direction - where ashram of master is located

EOH- 675-6 - five planetary centres - master/ashram will be present; next few years ashrams forming in or near 5 centres of London Geneva New York Tokyo Darjeeling; will be 5 points where externalisation will focus

EOH- 676-7 - subsidiary ashram represent 3 major rays, 2 minor

EOH- 677 - disciple on 2nd, 7th, rays - educational propaganda

EOH- 677 - disciples in ashrams - training for nearly 150 years (since 1800-ish?)

EOH- 678 - London, New York signs of life; Geneva active; Darjeeling occultly vibrating; Tokyo small activity

EOH- 678 - agents of 1st ray working for nearly 200 years (since 1740’s? 1775 ray 5 cycle - could be ray 1 ‘agents; unless it was ray 6 subcycle of time and ‘agents’ were members of 1/6 or 6/1 ashram)

EOH- 678 - agents of 2nd ray working since 1825 - moved outward in force soon after 1860 (start of ray 7 subcycle - hence may have been ‘agents’ of 2/7 or 7/2 ashram?)

EOH- 679 - ashram members on many rays - not just 2nd

EOH- 682 - Himalayas - masters work from

EOH- 682 - north America - English master and master P (Hodson’s ’Polydorius’?)

EOH- 685 - HPB gave background of plan under ray 1 impulse; AAB gave detailed structure (ray 2)

EOH- 693 - ashrams 1,2 & 7 - science of applied purification

EOH- 693 - ray 1 ashram - destruction of evil; ray 2 ashram - fostering of good; ray 7 ashram - bringing spiritual energy in contact with substance

EOH- 697 - DK’s location in northern India

Esoteric Psychology Volume 1

EP I- 4 - historical survey of rays down the ages

EP I- 28 - Palestine - where Christ incarnated - midway between Asia/European

EP I- 96 - next 200 years - abolition of death (5th, 7th rays?) - establishment of the soul’s existence (France 5th ray destiny)

EP I- 99 - artists, scientists, poets of world

EP I- 134 - Jewish race - ray 4 connection

EP I- 155 - 7 planetary centres/continents are life expression of planetary logos

EP I- 161 - animal rays correspond to countries’ rays - see 260

EP I- 165 - 6th subray period - England France Spain

EP I- 165 - ray 6 subray - Wesley Whitfield in England; Molinos and the Quietests of Spain/central European; St. Martin and his spiritual philosophers in France;

- (look at the Spanish inquisition - 4th?)

EP I- 166 - Gnostics alchemists Rosicrucians

EP I- 167 - Chaldean, Egyptian and Zoroastrian religions - 3,4,5 respectively

EP I- 173-7 - nations - brotherhood of nations - planned 1900,1925

EP I- 173 - NGWS enunciate principles of national relations

EP I- 174 - Russia - dictatorship of proletariat subversive of the rule and control of aristocracy, bourgeois and intelligentsia

EP I- 174 - Germany - dictatorship racial superiority

EP I- 174-5 - America - dictatorship of organised business

EP I- 175 - Great Britain - dictatorship of empire

EP I- 175 - Italy, Turkey - other great experiments

EP I- 176 - Orient - ignorance in areas of religion

EP I- 176-7 - Orientalist scholars France Germany England - linked east/west

EP I- 177 - India china northern Africa - must be awakened to inner significance of their own faiths

EP I- 177 - India Japan Syria - certain 2nd ray teachers - part Christianity plays

EP I- 177 - world federation of nations by 2025

EP I- 178 - national group isolation; politics (rays)1,6,7; religion 2,4; education 3,5

EP I- 180 - swaying of nations by speech

EP I- 185 - government, nations

EP I- 186 - five planetary centres

EP I- 187 - federation of nations

EP I- 256 - Lemuria/animals; Australia, Africa, tropic sea islands - huge toll on humans

EP I- 260 - animal rays correspond to countries’ rays - see 161

EP I- 262 - study of ray influences in this historic period

EP I- 262 - next 3 years (1935-7) - 5 planetary centres/correspondences to 5 senses in man

EP I- 278 - perversions found when civilisations crumbling - homosexuality retrogressive etc

EP I- 284 - all periods of world history have not been as critical as they are today

EP I- 315 - Athenians - always looking for something novel/unusual (3rd, 4th, 7th?)

EP I- 316-9 - rays and races: (refers to major ray cycles) - dominating ray reappears with greater frequency than other rays; close correspondence certain rays /races/subraces

ray full expression major influence

1 will 7th rootrace 1st, 7th subraces

1st ray souls perfection of the plan

2 love-wisdom 6th rootrace 2nd, 6th subraces

2nd ray souls perfected intuition

3 intelligence 5th rootrace (Aryan) 3rd, 5th subraces

3rd ray souls perfected intellect

4 harmony 4th rootrace (Atlantean) 4th, 6th subraces

4th ray souls perfected astralism/emotion

5 knowledge 3rd rootrace (Lemurian) 5th, 3rd subraces

5th ray souls perfected physical

6 devotion 2nd rootrace 6th *, 2nd subraces

6th ray souls

7 ceremonial magic 1st rootrace 7th, 1st subraces

7th ray souls

* (if 6th subrace in USA, N.Z., Australia, then a 6th/2nd ray subcycle may have started in last 200 years; perhaps around 1776 - USA civil war, Australia settled etc - short ray 5 cycle started 1775; 6th ray expression strong in these 3 countries - USA - personality; via Virgo in Australia - soul/N.Z. - personality; Australia also has about 5 planets in 1901 federation chart.)

EP I- 327-8 - castes - caste is a symbol of translation - souls pass from caste to caste as they translate their bodies; alignments must occur first between:

a) physical and emotional bodies - (sudras - labourers)

b) these two and the mental body - (vaisyas - merchants)

c) these three and the soul - (kshatriyas - kings/warriors)

d) these four and the group of world servers - (Brahmans - priests)

- above esoteric parallels of which caste system is prostituted symbol

EP I- 329 - psychological division of humanity - racial, 12 astrological groups

EP I- 333 - national ray influencing individual

EP I- 338-9 - tendency to speed - study of history

EP I- 341 - smashing of security for world 1914-18

EP I- 342- few illumined souls in every nation - without exception (WW2)

EP I- 343 - humanity - rays 4/5

EP I- 345 - races - 4th, 5th, 6th

EP I- 348-57 - racial, national, cyclic rays; withdrawal of 2nd ray (1825 on) led to European wars and great world war; (information here is mainly on cycles per se, except for pp 353-7 on rootraces)

EP I- 350 - certain nations sensitivity to inner guidance

EP I- 352 - major rays - great racial development; minor rays - psychic sensitivity; series of incarnations on ray cycles

EP I- 353 - Aryan race 5/3; ray 3 -recognition of divinity of substance - outer garment of god; control of matter on physical plane; (see 316,319,357); ray 3 governs career of race

EP I- 353 - souls pass from Aryan to 6th rootrace

EP I- 354 - racial perfection (partial) from rays 3,5

EP I- 354 - flower of any race - masters, disciples, initiates

EP I- 354 - Lemuria - ray 1 active - special effort by hierarchy - 7th ray helped work go forward; at individualisation 3rd and 5th rays called in; rays 1 and 7 - fusion higher/lower of humanity

EP I- 355 - Aryan/Lemurian races linked by 5th ray - both very material - physical body control/physical forces of planet control; Hatha yoga - recapitulation now in Aryan race - dancing, athletics, sport, physical perfection

EP I- 355 - ray 5 secondary influence is leading Aryan race forward; ray 5 helped bring about individualisation

EP I- 356 - Lemuria - ray 5 stimulated instinctual nature - awareness of the form nature of deity

EP I- 356 - Atlantis - ray 2 - instinct merges into intellect - kamamanas

EP I- 357 - 6th rootrace closes in 10,000,000 years; rays 2,4 rule it - relation to Atlantean race; 2/4 are also ruling rays of occident; (if 6th subrace roots are in USA, N.Z. and Australia, perhaps their rays are very similar? - e.g. USA 2/6

EP I- 358 - ray 6 mystics of Orient/occident (Piscean age)

EP I- 366-7 - ray 7 dictators, executives, material efficiency experts; ‘genius’ (national deva?) of each nation has bought forth; cleaning house for federation of nations; take over toward 1955 - 7th ray aspirants, disciples

EP I- 370 - ray 7 activity - emergence of new racial type

EP I- 375-6 - differentiations of manifested life - basic distinctions between kingdoms; types, groups, families, branches, empires, nations

EP I- 376 - laws of synthesis, attraction, economy produce specific type of civilisation functioning under the laws of cleavage

EP I- 377-9 - laws/races - details

EP I- 379 - laws and races:

law of immersion 1st race

law of capitulation 2nd race

law of materialisation 3rd race - Lemurian

law of hidden radiance

law of the tides 4th race - Atlantean

law of cleavages 5th race - Aryan

law of loving understanding 6th race - next race

EP I- 379-401 - nations and rays

EP I- 380-1 - advanced groups in every nation - law of understanding - speeded up in Aquarian age; many thousands in America

EP I- 381 - old Atlantean magic paralleling spiritual growth

EP I- 382 - all nations controlled by personality ray which is dominant and potent;

- soul ray sensed only by disciples/aspirants

EP I- 382 - historical influence of rays in past 2,000 years - great events influenced or bought about by the periodic ray influence

EP I- 382 - rays governing nations very potent - materially and egoically; some problems due to fact that some rays governing nations are out of incarnation

EP I- 382-3 - rays of countries and mottoes (see also DON)

EP I- 383 - rapport between Germany/Great Britain via ray one personalities

EP I- 383 - relationship France/Great Britain - esoteric mottoes and symbols - Fleur de Lys adopted under divine guidance - 3 aspects - emphasis on 3rd; GB - 3 feathers - arms of prince of Wales

EP I- 383 - French scintillating brilliant intellect, scientific bent (5/3) - brilliant, colourful history - must cease living in past glories; new glory that of soul(5)

EP I- 384 - Great Britain - governing faculty, art of control - first tentative grouping of federation of nations

EP I- 384 - USA - fusing many nationalities

EP I- 384 - USA/Great Britain empires symbolic of new age technique of government

EP I- 384 - ray 2 soul British empire; Gemini governs London, USA

EP I- 384-5 - ray 4 soon to come into power in its major aspect; prominent India, brazil, Germany, Italy, Austria - much prepatory toil in 3 European countries (Great Britain, France, Germany; what does DK mean by this?)

EP I- 385 - Russia, USA, Italy, Spain - potent ray 6 - fanatical adherence to ideal

EP I- 385 - ray 4 harmonising in Germany/Italy

EP I- 385 - incoming ray (7th) - destruction going on in all these countries - through reaction to egoic ray

EP I- 385 - India will bring harmony in form aspect - free from glamour/illusion; will bring right functioning of 1st ray of government]

EP I- 385 - ray one link India/GB - many British subjectively linked with India - family affair in deeper sense - bitterness of an elder brother (India) who sees the younger (Great Britain) usurping his prerogatives; British administrators in India;

EP I- 385-6 - ray 2 GB links to ray 4 India

EP I- 386 - Germany - ray one personality - static stabilising tendency; ray 4 soul tends to standardise/harmonise all elements within her borders

EP I- 386 - Germany -bulk of souls in power (1930’s) on 1st subray of 7 different rays - from one dominant angle are transmitters of 1st ray force - hint given (whole spectrum covered)

EP I- 386 - ray one aspect - GB can understand German psychology better than Russia, Italy and France (Hitler admired England)

EP I- 386 - England can act as mediator (1933-35) with Germany

EP I- 386 - Russia/USA - ray 6 personalities

EP I- 386 - Russian 7th ray soul - imposition of enforced ceremonial of ordered rhythms, leading to an idealised order and community of interests.

EP I- 386 - Russia - enforced magical work - some forces need careful handling by masters - not quite black magic but magic of form

EP I- 387 - ray 2 nations - USA, brazil, Great Britain

EP I- 387 - Great Britain custodian of wisdom aspect of 2nd ray for Aryan race; USA the same for 6th subrace, germ of the 6th rootrace; brazil leading division of 6th root race (ancient ancestors of Mayans /Atlantis)

EP I- 387 - USA, brazil, GB - attractive, cohesive aspect of 2nd ray - wisdom, wise government, based on idealism and love

EP I- 387 - USA - fusion of races with Anglo-Saxon dominating; brazil later will represent best of Latin races;

EP I- 387 - GB - ideal of intelligent government based upon just loving understanding

EP I- 387 - USA - intuitive faculty - illumination - power to fuse / blend

EP I- 387 - brazil - (in thousands of years) - linking interpreting civilisation based on unfoldment of abstract consciousness, intellect/intuition

EP I- 388 - destiny of nations lie in present activity (before WW2)

EP I- 388 - ‘incidents of travel’ (toward destiny) lie hid in racial karma

EP I- 388 - time not yet to have destiny of any nation revealed to majority

EP I- 388 - nations’ virtues and vices dependant upon:

a) point in evolution

b) measure of control of personality ray

c) emerging control of egoic ray

d) polarisation of the nation

EP I- 388-9 - feminine countries - same as DON 55-6 - India, France, USA, Brazil, Russia - alluring, beautiful, intuitive, mystical, sensitive, fond of display and colour; too much emphasis on material, pageantry, possessions, money; they mother/nurture civilisation/ideas

EP I- 389 - masculine countries - China, Germany, Great Britain, Italy; mental, political, governing, standardising, group conscious, occult, aggressive, full of grandeur, interested in law, lay emphasis on race/empire.

EP I- 389 - masculine countries more inclusive/think in wider terms than feminine countries

EP I- 389 - consider higher and lower expressions of rays and how they work out in relation to soul/personality rays of nations (see EP1-411, 382-3)

e.g. - Germany - 4th ray soul - lower expression architectural construction - new and modern style of buildings (in 1930’s); (higher expression music, philosophy - see 392

- Germany - sound form of hierarchical government some day - ray 1 personality

- France - soul ray 5 - scientific interest in psychism/psychology

- guarantee of future contained within

- USA - ray 6 personality - diversified religions/idealistic organisations; ray 2 soul - phenomena/truth/reality of initiation

EP I- 390 - septenates of nature having primary roots in septenate of rays - (hence septenate of nations, or within empire? e.g. British Commonwealth - England, India, Australia, Canada, South Africa, Singapore, Jamaica (see DON 104, EOH 85)

- (EOH 85) - London - heart; Ottawa - throat; Sydney - solar plexus; DON 104 - Johannesburg - base?; Singapore - ajna?; Jamaica - sacral?; Delhi - head? - which leaves Calcutta, Madras, Toronto, Vancouver; DK does specify in DON 104 the study of London, Sydney, Johannesburg, Toronto and Vancouver with a subsidiary study of Calcutta, Delhi, madras, Singapore and Jamaica - ‘ which are all subjectively related’. (see also DINA 2 - 712, LOOM 308 on

- septenates within nations - 7 major cities as chakras (EOH 85 for USA)

EP I- 390 - intuitional relations and major intellectual cleavages based on governing ray influences - Spain (6/7) Austria (7/5) and France(5/3) - middle ages -destinies of these nations closely interlinked; relations emerge from personality rays

- USA, brazil, Russia, Italy - early influx Russians, Italians into America - hence pull of south American countries

- (look at Australia with Chinese, Greeks, etc)

EP I- 390 - relations between countries emerge from personality rays - many relationships

EP I- 390 - rays 2 -attraction/inclusiveness, 3 - electrical phenomena and 5 - intellect very active (1930’s)

EP I- 390 - incoming 7th ray is slowly and surely imposing order and hierarchical control on the planet

EP I- 390-1 - effect of influences:

- sensing of an ideal (ray 6?)

- formulation of a theory (ray 5?)

- growth of public opinion (ray 4?)

- imposition of growing pattern upon evolving life (ray 3?)

- production of a form based upon that pattern (ray 7?)

- stabilised functioning of life within the form (ray 2?)

- (breaking up eventually of that form - ray 1)

EP I- 391 - rays produce world patterns which mould planetary forms

EP I- 391 - each ray produces 3 major patterns for a nation, man or planet:

- emotional - aspiration of a nation - some total of desire tendency

- mental - thought processes of a nation - eventually controlling factor of personality; emotional/mental are negative/positive aspects of personality ray

- soul - destiny - supersedes earlier patterns

EP I- 392 - if 5th ray of France can come through, she can prove the fact of the soul

EP I- 392 - Germany’s genius music, philosophy - significance of the superman (Nietzsche)

EP I- 392 - England - ideal of justice - (law - ray 1 personality.) - ray 2 soul transmute to give pattern of true government

EP I- 392 - if ray 2 soul of USA predominates over ray 6 personality - pattern of lines of light which underlies structure of states - future racial light

EP I- 393 - USA emotional pattern - sentiment/desire - can be transformed into true benevolence (6 to 2? see DON 90-1)

EP I- 393 - USA mental pattern mass information, radio, newspapers can be transmuted into intuitive perception (3 to 4? see DON 90-1)

EP I- 393 - USA soul pattern - acquisitiveness/possessive through misuse of law of love (ray 2 soul) - transmuted to acquisition of things of the spirit

EP I- 393-401 - Jewish problem

EP I- 393 - clue to Jewish problem in ‘night of time’ when Sun was in constellation Gemini (see EA 64, 352, 355)

EP I- 394 - Jewish people ray 1 soul, ray 3 personality; astrological (Sun?) sign is Capricorn with Virgo rising; Mercury and Virgo play a prominent part in their destiny

EP I- 394 - ray 3 - tendency to manipulate forces/energy

EP I- 394 - ray 1 - natural law makers; goat (Capricorn) in their history; virgin mother (Virgo)

EP I- 394-5 - Sun and his 7 brothers did not function with true unanimity when solar universe came into being (refused to incarnate - first ‘fall’) - ‘war in heaven’; hence Earth not one of 7 sacred planets; lost pleiad; Lucifer, son of the morning (Venus hi. ruler Capricorn)

EP I- 395 - ‘fall’ was ‘trifling incident’ in the affairs of the 7 constellations

EP I- 395 - fall recapitulated in Lemuria - braking away/independence; disciples took issue with hierarchy - these disciples were the early founders of present Jewish race.

EP I- 397 - three who were refused - history of wandering Jew started

EP I- 397-8 - Jesus incarnated as a Jew - direct descendant of eldest of three original disciples (David?)

EP I- 398 - Jesus first of our humanity to achieve (Earth chain same as Christ?)

EP I- 398 - Jew is world prodigal son - sinned wilfully

EP I- 398 - Jew enunciates the law from its negative angle (fear); law of Moses rules world but fails to bring justice and true legality

EP I- 398 - Jews originators of Masonic tradition and mysteries; theirs and human history is embodied in the dramatic ritual

EP I- 398 - permission to enact each year on the return of the day when they may have entered into light, the story of the search for light (Taurus?)

EP I- 399 - vow of three to stand together has caused antagonism in other races

EP I- 399 - Jews produced much of beauty in world

EP I- 399 - ancient tendency to grasp/hold (Taurus) and preserve national integrity (Capricorn)

EP I- 399 - in old Lemuria its foremost people stood upon the path of discipleship

EP I- 399 - there are no racial strains in the western world which are not offshoots of this oldest select people, except for Finns, Lapps and Mongoloid nations.

EP I- 399 - modern Jew is as much a product of Anglo-Saxon race - has preserved original characteristics only through selectivity/racial segregation

EP I- 399-400 - British Israelites - travesty of truth - Jews of dispersion

EP I- 400 - very ancient relation - ancestors of:

a) Semitic race - Arabs, afghans, moors and their offshoots - modern Egyptians

- descended from eldest of three disciples (same as Jesus - hence Syrian body he now occupies; rootrace 5, subraces 2, 3?)

b) Latins/Celtic; - descended from second of three disciples (rootrace 5, subrace 4)

c) Teutons, Scandinavians, Anglo-Saxons - descended from the third of three disciples (rootrace 5, subrace 5)

- (subraces 3,4,5 - recapitulating all the rootraces)

EP I- 400 - descendants of two of three disciples have accepted Atlantean legends and chosen antagonistic stance toward Jew (which subraces? - 4 & 5?)

EP I- 400 - there is no pure race in world today due to intermarriage, promiscuity, illicit relations

EP I- 401 - climate and environment are greater determining factors than forced segregation - except through constant racial intermarriage

EP I- 401 - three great major strains in our modern civilisation - hatred of Jew will die

EP I- 401- Orientals remnants of Atlanteans have Jewish blood - have not mixed well

EP I- 401 - study of Masonic tradition will clarify much

EP I- 401 - ethnologists only work with effects of past 100,000 years not causes

EP I- 405 - national ray affects individual

EP I- 429 - tabulation of ray relationship to races

EP I- 430 - tabulation rays/nations (see DON)

Esoteric Psychology Volume 2

EP II- 12 - NGWS - separates identities into group activity

EP II- 24 - Lemurian consciousness - devoid of mind - tamas. Self-preservation/self perpetuation (Base/sacral)

EP II- 25 - Atlantean - realisation of desire

EP II- 25-6 - heard humanity still Atlantean. Intelligentsia/disciples/aspirants - passing rapidly out of that stage. Individualisation on Moon Chain.

EP II- 26 - Western civilisation - mind/body - Ray of mental body asserts itself. Aryan consciousness.

EP II- 51 - racial experience of soul - transfer of soul life from one race to another

EP II- 51-2 - five racial crises - analogy of 7 year cycles for bodies

EP II- 51-2 - four to 7 years; 14 years, 21-25, 35-42, 56-63. (Saturn cycles)

EP II- 67 - race as a whole - building of mental bridge started in middle of Aryan race.

EP II- 88 - Law of Sacrifice - governs appearance/disappearance of races and nations

EP II- 90 - history of planet - various points

EP II- 95 - Atlantis - astral glamour

EP II- 112 - Law of Magnetic Impulse - determining law of a race

EP II- 119 - Aquarius - regimenting masses (Germany WW2) - individual serves group through forced negation of lower self. (See charts of Nazi Party and Third Reich and Hitler - Leo/Aquarius axis strong)

EP II- 119 - Aquarius Age -

EP II- 130 - youth of nation/national groups - vocational training

EP II- 164 - ten commandments of Semitic religion.

EP II- 190 - divine will works out in the consciousness of races and nations - method of political group

EP II- 204 - (Gemini?) Emotionally and psychically alive. Desire nature rampant. Relatively large numbers in Negro race - child souls. Modern correspondence to old Lemurian cultures.

EP II- 209-10 - Individualisation on Moon Chain in 3rd Round (3rd Globe) in 5th Race.

Individualisation in Lemuria - (4th Globe) 4th Round, 3rd Rootrace.

Forced Initiation in Atlantis for best of the human family.

Our race (5th) - Individualisation of 6th Race types who came in Second Round.

Souls incarnating in old Atlantis (5th Subrace/3rd Branchrace?), came in as

humans of low order, but higher than Lemurian souls of the time.

EP II- 211 - three major monadic types (Rays 1,2,3) from Moon and Lemuria.

EP II- 211 - Moon Chain egos: Ray 3 - 75%. Rays 1 & 2 - remaining 25%.

Lemurian egos: Ray 2 - 75%. Ray 3 - 25%. Ray 1 - negligible.

Early Atlantis egos: Ray 1 - 80%. (1st Subrace?); 20% ‘along Love-Wisdom line’.

Later Atlantis (see p.209) - Moon Chain egos.

EP II- 212 - all seven rays - inrush in planetary life. Animal kingdom had reached stage of development and became infant humanity (3rd sub/3rd root)

EP II- 214 - egos of love and intelligence must inaugurate the new civilisation - field for culture of Kingdom of God.

EP II- 215 - subtle events that form history

EP II- 216 - broad sweep of evolutionary cycle - human family

EP II- 228 - true meaning of history grasped - wide sweep of human unfoldment down the ages is understood - when new psychology emerges.

EP II- 233 - huge modern cities - symbols of higher civilisations

EP II- 233 - standardisation/regimentation of nations to do with synthesis

EP II- 246 - as a race - preoccupied with outer, not inner symbol

EP II- 254-5 - anthropology/history - evolution of man/nations. There is a history being formulated of the seed of consciousness in nature - the power to recognise ideas - will carry us into the world of meaning.

EP II- 259 - quality of civilisation - can only be conditioned by Hierarchy

EP II- 260 - awakening souls can be influenced to retard or delay entry into life to effect conditioning of the processes of civilisation

EP II- 260-1 - just after 1725 - influence brought to bear on group of souls who helped to bring on Victorian Age - their time had not yet truly come - they helped avert difficulties that had been present since 1525 (outgoing cycle of ray 6)

Awakened human consciousness to “essential freedom”, reacted against dogmatism of the church,, scientific developments, sexual and proletarian revolutions (ray 7 group? - provided material base for NGWS later in 1925)

Have “wrought havoc” through their “self-willed power”. (7/1 ashram?)

Enormous strides in “light of humanity” these past 200 - 300 years.

[ray 7 1675, ray 5 1775]

- NGWS since 1925 - effected by group of souls who “hastened their entrance into incarnation”

EP II- 262-3 - few souls come in of their own free will - key people in any age

determining factors in any historical period - pioneers

work as builders/destroyers (rays 2/1)

they have been greatly augmented this past century (1840’s - 1940’s)

hence rapid development of Aquarian Age characteristics

EP II- 263 - “conditioning influence” provides influence where the “best in the race can flower forth”; “determining influences” use force.

EP II- 266 - astral nature - Atlantis. Today among lower groupings of human family. Children 7-14.

Aryan - physical, astral and mental blending - taking place racially - will be completed for bulk of humanity when Sun enters Sagittarius as Sun is entering Aquarius now. Adolescents 14-21. (This is ambiguous: could be 2160 year cycle, hence in 4,320 years, or larger 25,000 year cycle, hence 50,000 years)

Sixth subrace - soul/personality coordination via astral nature - will be for world aspirants (6th subrace - buddhic/astral)

EP II- 270 - in this cycle and Aryan race - the Hierarchy is recapitulating the three initiations and making certain approaches to the race

Lemurian recapitulation - thousands in “next few years” will come to soul consciousness

Masses will be made aware of the “Lemurian appropriation” (Jurassic Park one of those factors?)

EP II- 272 - racial Probation, Discipleship, Initiation - Lemurian, Atlantean, Aryan

Hierarchy - soul of Humanity within the racial form

EP II- 272 - Lemuria - first approach

EP II- 279 - Still more in immediate future will be “passed” (this century) - from race angle - a great number, but not for “raising”.

EP II- 301 - planetary/racial astrology deeply significant. Astrology of discipleship - relation of stars to activity of soul; astrology of initiation; horoscope of soul.

EP II- 310 - dense/etheric conflict in World War

EP II- 311 - world war - climax in process of devitalising maya.

EP II- 319 - races and nations - battle of opposites - world war 2 - planetary kurukshetra.

EP II- 339-40 - five crises of awakening: 1) sacral/Lemuria 2) solar plexus/Atlantis 3) throat/Aryan 4) heart/6th race 5) head - 7th race



Esoteric Astrology

EA- 170 - port said - wickedest city - evil of three continents

EA- 170-2 - India - Capricorn (personality) - crystallisation, humility etc.

EA- 215 - nations, Christian- swept by hate - 6th ray

EA- 215-6 - Mars - western hemisphere - Mars influence ended 1945.( See David Anrias "Through the Eyes of the Masters" p.71; 35 year cycle ended 1944)

EA- 217 - new civilisation/culture

EA- 232 - desire of all nations

EA- 253 - desire of all nations

EA- 327 - sweep of known history - reincarnating groups

EA- 327-8 - ray 4 - history war/conflict - 4th ray

EA- 328 - ray 2 changing civilisation

EA- 352 - Gemini - rise and fall of civilisations

EA- 360-1 - Gemini - London/USA. It is of interest to note that the struggle is going to be conditioned primarily by decisions arrived at in London (which is ruled by Gemini) and in the United States (which is also governed by Gemini). Humanity is now upon the Path of Discipleship as I have frequently told you and Scorpio rules that path; Gemini governs the way of many changes which conditions the struggle which began in Aries, focussed in Cancer, is brought to [Page 361] a crisis in Scorpio and ended in Capricorn. When Gemini, Scorpio and Mercury are correctly related we shall see the United States moving also on to the Path of Discipleship through a release from its present self-centred policy, its well-meaning evasion of responsibility and its innate fears and distrust. When the focus of the power in London is also rightly Oriented and is released into increased effectiveness by drastic purification of motive, then the united effect of both these clarifications will be human liberation. These facts are being slowly realised in London, ahead of the realisation which is more slowly awakening in the States.

EA- 373 - world wars 1 & 2 - consummation of conflict between pairs of opposites - nations misled.

EA- 374 - awakening of all nations

EA- 375 - nations - right relations

EA- 377-8 - nations, certain - will to power

EA- 378 - nations, group of - expression of desire

EA- 386 - Vulcan rules nations at certain stage of embryonic soul expression

EA- 426 - continents - 5, zodiac signs -5, 5 endocrine glands

(Cancer - America? Leo - European? Scorpio - Asia? Capricorn - Australia? Africa - Pisces?) 5 planetary centre correspondences and chakras could be respectively:

New York(throat), Geneva(head),Darjeeling(ajna), Tokyo(solar plexus), London - via Johannesburg - heart. (?) see 398-9,457-8, 521-33, EOH 85-92

EA- 426-521 - find refs on Uranus influence, Germany, base spine planet, rays 1/5 WW2

EA- 457-8 - centres, five planetary

EA- 518-28 - races, rays, signs for countries - 5 planetary centres; east/west; minor centres in British commonwealth and USA; mostly in DON - see note below at 518

USA - Washington - head; LA - heart; NY - throat; Chicago - s.p.; Kansa city - sacral?

boulder/Seattle - ajna?

AUSTRALIA - Sydney - s.p./heart?; Melbourne - throat?; Canberra - head?;

Brisbane - sacral? Adelaide - ajna? Perth - base? Hobart - s.p.?

- look at "sister cities"; ethnic majorities, mixes.

EA- 528-33 - planetary and systemic centres

EA- 518-9 - same as DON 94-5; EA519-521 not in DON; DON 95-6 not in EA; DON 96-105 same as EA521-531

EA- 539 - signs - Leo cap Pisces - world issues

EA- 542 - Germany - destiny

EA- 543 - Germany/Japan - materialism of west/east

EA- 545-6 - Germany - destruction of religion

EA- 545 - Russia - atheistic approach

EA- 579 - axis powers - early success

EA- 580-1 - allies showed little spiritual will

EA- 584-5 - Germany - massed negativity of its people

EA- 588 - war 2, world - causes

EA- 643 - note from SD1 718 (SD2 380 in 6 Volume set) - 70 planets preside over destiny of nations

Esoteric Healing

EH- 187-8 - three head centres - 3 rays: medulla - 3, ajna - 2, crown - 1; 3 races - Lemuria, Atlantis, Aryan

EH- 226 - early Atlantis - 12 million years ago; Lemuria - 15 million plus; animal man 21 million

EH- 229-30 - Lemuria - (ray 3); marriage/family units (Libra/Cancer/3rd ray) - goal for highest evolved; marriage embryonic group activity (Libra/Uranus)

EH- 250 - disease in nations

EH- 251 - psychological condition of race - tendency to disease

EH- 252 - diseases of agricultural/industrial races

EH- 294 - seven races/ 7 imperfections

EH- 329-330 - Oriental/ occidental bodies

EH- 367 - Baltimore, Rochester, Cleveland, Chicago - points of light - newer knowledge about human body (look at Alfred Still and Osteopathy)

EH- 378 - USA, India - 2 children - light vibration

EH- 404 - time concepts - child/childraces/abstract minds

EH- 431 - cyclic intention and directive of Planetary Logos - death through war

EH- 432 - cycle today - greatest destruction of forms in history of planet

EH- 518 - race, period in which soul works

EH- 564 - Atlantean root race - Law 4

EH- 610 - next great race (6th) - balance of spirit and matter

EH- 619-20 - three planetary centres (+4) = 7 - see EOH -89

EH- 661 - war 1914 - 45 - “backward decaying civilisation”

EH- 662 - Russia, USA, Great Britain

EH- 666 - defeat of evil - world turning point

EH- 667 - Lincoln, Roosevelt, Browning, Briand, Hitler

EH- 668 - Four Freedoms - evil blocking expression

EH- 668-9 - exploiters in every nation; working against unity of UN

EH- 669 - Russia free of exploiters (1940’s)

The Rays and the Initiations (Unfinished)

RI- 70 - Atlantic Charter

RI- 146 - Germany/Japan - WW2 - evil tide

Labours of Hercules

LH- 50 - Create - symbol of separated self from group (mainland)

LH- 153 - Eagle, USA, Sagittarius.

LH- 157 - USA - Aquila - arrows; prophecy in US seal. (see MP Hall)

LH- 162 - USA - Aquila Sagittarius (USA's rising sign); Cygnus - red cross (Red Cross)

LH- 189 - USA, Australia, Canada, NZ, SA - focal points of energy

Planetary Centres

See EOH 89, DON 92, EA 426

EA 426 - Cancer Leo Scorpio Capricorn Pisces relate to five great races

- five races under influence of five signs produce five continents

- European Africa Asia Australia America

- five continents are to the planetary life what five major endocrine glands are to the human being - they are related to the five centres (New York London Geneva Tokyo Darjeeling)

Possible Relationships:

sign continent centre/rays area centre

Cancer America 2/6 New York 2/3 west. hemisphere humanity (throat)

Leo European Geneva 1/2 European/USSR Shamballa (head)

Scorpio Asia Darjeeling 2/5 central/west Asia NGWS (ajna)

Capricorn Australia Sydney 2/? Australia (N.Z.?) Jews (solar plexus)

Pisces Africa Johannesburg? Africa (base)

Tokyo 6/4 far east material force (sacral)

London 5/7 hierarchy (heart)

Tokyo corresponds to materialistic forces in terms of money (Japan cap. personality), as well as DK’s remark about the most powerful of db being Oriental (EP2-577). With rays 6/4 it mediates between east (4/3) and west (2/4), via its ray 4 personality.

Sydney corresponds to solar plexus because it is solar plexus of Commonwealth and has a large Jewish population.

- Speculations on planetary centres:

|Chakra |Speculation 1 |Speculation 2 |Speculation 3 |

|(mainly soul rays) | | | |

| | | | |

|Head (Shamballa) |Geneva 1/2 |Darjeeling |London |

|Ajna (NGWS) |London 5/7 |New York | |

|Throat (Humanity) |New York 2/3 |Geneva | |

|Heart (Hierarchy) |Darjeeling 2/5 |London |Geneva |

|Solar Plexus (Jews*) |Tokyo 6/4 |Tokyo | |

|Sacral (Mat. Forces*) |Africa |Africa | |

|Base |Australia |Australia | |


Order of technical terms relating to stages of growth, (point of evolution) and initiation:

Average Humanity

Intelligentsia/Advanced Humanity


Probationary Disciples

1st degree Little Chelaship

Accepted Disciples

Disciples (Initiates) 2nd degree Chela in the Light

Initiates 3rd degree Chela on the Thread

4th degree Chela in the Heart

5th degree Master of Wisdom

Initiation, Human and Solar

IHS- 9 - taking initiation will be most sacred ceremony of church

IHS- 10 - 1st degree initiation - first step into spiritual kingdom; 3 halls etc.

IHS- 12-13 - reaching of point where certain range of knowledge is his

IHS- 13-14 - 3rd degree? (eternal now); 4th degree? (golden sphere); 5th degree? (logoic thoughtform)

IHS- 15 - initiation ceremony marks point of attainment - doesn’t bring attainment; 3 higher mental subplanes

IHS- 16 - final two initiations (4th/5th?); first two initiations

IHS- 16 - initiations 6 and 7 (Buddhic/atmic)

IHS- 17 - each initiation more control of rays

IHS- 17 - control of 5 rays manifest at time by 5th degree initiate; 6th degree initiate gains power on another ray; 7th degree - power on all rays

IHS- 17 - initiation brings power on, not over, rays

IHS- 17-18 - 5th degree corresponds to 1st cosmic - (Entered Apprentice on Sirius)

IHS- 17 - first 4 initiations of solar system - 4 initiations of threshold

IHS- 18 - 6th degree corresponds to FC in masonry; 7th degree MM

IHS- 19 - crucifixion - 4th degree - unification of bodies of personality; unity of ego/monad

IHS- 19 - man becomes conscious ego at 3rd degree initiation

IHS- 19 - man unites with monad at 5th degree initiation

IHS- 22 - from 1st to 5th initiations in 5th kingdom

IHS- 22 - master - 5th degree - love wisdom comes to consummation; will shines forth at 6th/7th degrees (therefore knowledge consummates at 4th? - e.g. Francis Bacon)

IHS- 29 - initiates from Moon chain - inner group of lord of world

IHS- 33 - initiates of 1st degree

IHS- 41 - initiate of 3rd degree up - contact karmic lords

IHS- 56-7 - Jesus - 3rd, 4th, 5th initiations; ray 6

IHS- 57 - DK ray 2 - 5th initiation in 1875; knows more about rays than any of the Masters

IHS- 61 - initiate 3rd degree or Master at head of all great organisations

IHS- 61 - Path of Probation precedes Path of Initiation/Holiness

IHS- 63 - prenatal period: conception = individualisation; 9 months gestation = wheel of life; 1st degree = birth hour; probationary path latter period of gestation (Hints for progressions and Prenatal charts in astrology?)

IHS- 63-7 - probationary path

IHS- 63-4 - initiation - 1st degree

IHS- 64 - path of probation - several lives as ‘invisible helper’

IHS- 64 - initiates 1st, 2nd degree hold classes for Probationers, Accepted Disciples every night 10pm-5am worldwide

IHS- 65 - advanced egos/spiritually inclined not yet probationers - instructed by disciples, occasionally initiates

IHS- 65 - very advanced and probationers act as assistants to members of Hierarchy

IHS- 66 - 3rd degree after ‘synthesis instruction’

IHS- 78 - aspirant - teaching, literature, lecturing, music, painting, art

IHS- 79 - probationary path tests: money (Libra rules probationary path - es. ruler Uranus - ‘mystery of money’

IHS- 79 - aspirant’s life becomes destructive (Pluto at 1st degree - EA 70) - temporary downfall of some advanced souls

IHS- 80 - ray/subray - steps for aspirant according to..

IHS- 80 - after 4th degree - sharing energy of Planetary Logos

IHS- 80 - Discipleship as it manifests on the physical plane in service:

|Ray 1 |force |energy |action |the occultist |

|Ray 2 |consciousness |expansion |initiation |the true psychic |

|Ray 3 |adaptation |development |evolution |the magician |

|Ray 4 |vibration |response |expression |the artist |

|Ray 5 |mentation |knowledge |science |the scientist |

|Ray 6 |devotion |abstraction |idealism |the devotee |

|Ray 7 |incantation |magic |ritual |the ritualist |

IHS- 81 - disciples have all been magicians - passed onto 3rd ray

IHS- 82 - first two initiations - gluttony, drink, licentiousness must be dominated

IHS- 83 - initiates do fall

IHS- 84 - initiation, centres, rays of a disciple

IHS- 84 - 1st degree - heart centre - astral plane teachings

IHS- 84 - long period of incarnations between 1st and 2nd degree initiations (birth/baptism Jesus analogy - remaining 3 in 3 years)

IHS- 84-5 - 2nd, 3rd, 4th initiation in same life or succeeding life

IHS- 85 - crisis in astral at 2nd degree; 1st degree - physical

IHS- 85 - 2nd and 3rd degree frequently follow each other in one single life

IHS- 85 - first 3 initiations

IHS- 85 - 2nd degree - throat centre vivified

IHS- 86 - domination of concrete mind by soul is work of 2nd degree before 3rd degree

IHS- 86 - after 2nd degree - creative thought building

IHS- 86 - transfiguration - 3rd degree

IHS- 87 - head centres - 3rd degree - clair-voyance/audience

IHS- 88 - Lord of World officiates at 3rd degree

IHS- 88 - first 2 initiations - Christ is Hierophant

IHS- 88 - ray of monad - astral/mental vibrates to after 3rd degree

IHS- 88-9 - before 4th degree work intensified training - hastening and accumulating of knowledge unbelievably rapid; mastering perfectly 5th subplane matter; great sacrifice, pain, strenuous

IHS- 90 - after 4th, 5th degrees

IHS- 90 - achievement of 6th degree - intensive course in planetary occultism - wields law in planetary chain

IHS- 90 - 7th degree wields law in solar system

IHS- 91 - first 2 initiations - rod of initiation; 3d degree - rod of One Initiator

IHS- 92 - 4th degree - energy of egoic group at disposal

IHS- 92 - 5th degree - energy of planet at disposal

IHS- 92 - first to fifth degrees - Bodhisattva/Sanat Kumara initiators

IHS- 92 - 7th degree - Logos of scheme; 6th degree - ‘nameless’ being is initiator

IHS- 94 - latter end of 4th subrace of 4th rootrace - method of initiation to middle of 5th round

IHS- 94-5 - 4th degree - 4th CH, 4th round, 4th chain, 4th globe - analogous to solar logos

IHS- 96 - Earth, Venus and one other planet - great experiment of initiation

IHS- 96 - Neptune, Uranus and Saturn schemes - initiation not used

IHS- 98 - initiation - head, heart, throat

IHS- 99 - 4th degree - centre activated which causes disintegration of causal

IHS- 99 - 5th degree for Solar Logos - consummation for this solar system - achieves when all of humanity achieve 5th initiation (hence importance of ray 5 - manas)

IHS- 100 - all major initiations on mental plane

IHS- 100-111 - participants in initiation ceremony

IHS- 106 - final two initiations - Planetary Logos

IHS- 106 - Sanat Kumara occasionally meets with lesser initiates in times of great crisis

IHS- 107 - Sanat Kumara - Wesak festival - admitting to initiation ceremony those ready

IHS- 107 - minor initiations - rays of attribute - Christ;

- major initiations - rays of aspect - first two initiations -Christ

- higher 3 initiations - Sanat Kumara

IHS- 107 - 3rd degree sees Sanat Kumara face to face

IHS- 108 - 3rd degree - function of Sanat Kumara destroying 3rd subplane matter

IHS- 108 - 4th degree - 2nd subplane force; 5th degree - 1st subplane force - causal destroyed, atoms dispersed

IHS- 108 - first 2 initiations/last two - as above so below

IHS- 110 - path of discipleship - man’s ray; path of probation

IHS- 111 - 1st degree within reach of many

IHS- 113-4 - paths of probation/discipleship - touch (astral)

IHS- 114 - path of initiation - sight (mental)

IHS- 114-5 - 1st degree - 3rd aspect of soul; 2nd degree - 2nd aspect of soul; 3rd degree - 3rd aspect of soul

IHS- 116 - first three initiations

IHS- 116 - 3rd degree - pure spirit contacted (knowledge aspect of monad?)

IHS- 116 - 4th degree - secret of central bud

IHS- 117 - 4th degree - ‘father in heaven’; controls own times/seasons; love aspect of monad

IHS- 117 - 5th degree - will aspect of monad

IHS- 117 - 3d, 4th, 5th degrees aware of the ‘presence’

IHS- 119 - 6th degree - love aspect of monad - becomes aware of ‘star which encloses planetary star’ - solar logos (6th aspect; 666 is magical square of Sun)

IHS- 119 - 7th degree - emancipated Buddha

IHS- 120 - first four initiations - 1st degree - ego; 2nd degree - egoic group; 3rd degree - ray group; 4th degree - planetary logos

IHS- 120 - between 1st and 2nd degrees - one more life or several

IHS- 120-1 - 2nd degree - one’s egoic group - group purpose - other groups

IHS- 121 - 3rd degree - purpose of egoic ray which is subray of monadic ray; plans of planetary logos

IHS- 122 - 4th degree - working off of planetary karma

IHS- 123 - 5th degree - Earth and complimentary scheme work with 3rd scheme - solar triangle

IHS- 123 - 6th degree participates in solar, not just planetary purposes; see solar system as a unit - purpose of solar logos

IHS- 123 - 7th degree - penetrates beyond solar ring pass not

IHS- 124-5 - initiate sees earlier lives/groups of lives; future lives

IHS- 126 - 3rd, 4th, 5th degrees - planetary rod of initiation

IHS- 126 - initiation - planetary - electrical force from Sirius

IHS- 127 - first two initiations - hierarchical rod of power

IHS- 127 - stimulation of centres at initiation

IHS- 132 - initiation candidate - heart centre

IHS- 136-7 - destruction of causal body (4th)

IHS- 138 - rod of initiation used according to ray

IHS- 138-41 - initiation and chakras

IHS- 139 - after 3rd degree - stimulation in permanent atoms of triad

IHS- 139 - 1st, 2nd degree - etheric/astral centres; 3rd degree - mental centres

IHS- 144 - first 2 initiations; 3rd degree - direct planetary force

IHS- 156 - path of return - speech becomes more brief

IHS- 156-7 - aspirants preparing for initiation - 3 things to do; 3 aspects - Siva Vishnu Brahma

IHS- 158 - ray, subray groups - initiation

IHS- 158 - 3rd degree - sounding word of degree - mental plane; 2nd degree - astral

IHS- 160-1 - seven initiations - words given; 1st - physical., 2nd degree - astral, 3rd degree - lower mental, 4th degree - higher mental, 5th degree - buddhi, 6th degree - atma, 7th degree - monadic

IHS- 161 - 8th, 9th degrees - few if any of humanity achieve

IHS- 163-4 - each of 5 initiations affects 5 centres

IHS- 165 - planetary key, tone - secret of initiation

IHS- 165 - ray, number, department - secret of initiation

IHS- 167 - 3rd, 4th, 5th degrees - 3 keys of mysteries given (3rd -mystery of Brahma;

4th - mystery of sex - will aspect; 5th - solar system - intricacies of mechanism revealed

IHS- 168-9 - first of three fundamental secrets of solar system at 3rd degree

IHS- 169 - balance of forces on physical at 1st degree

IHS- 169-70 - ‘secret of the sea’ at 2nd degree; reading of akashic, balancing of karma

IHS- 170-1 - secret of Fohat at 3rd degree

IHS- 170-1 - completes revelation of 3rd degree at 4th degree

IHS- 172-3 - secret of polarity/sex - most vital secret - at 4th degree

IHS- 174 - primary secret of 4th degree is Vishnu aspect

IHS- 174 - secret of fire/spirit at 5th degree

IHS- 174 - at 5th degree - mathematical formula which sums up all cycles of manifestation

IHS- 174 - 6th and 7th degrees

IHS- 179 - cyclic nature of initiation

IHS- 179-80 - initiation - 3 grades

IHS- 179 - disciple, initiate, adept - transfer of consciousness to higher 3 subplanes of mental

IHS- 180 - Chohan of 6th degree

IHS- 180 - seven initiations - or 5, 10, 12 initiations

IHS- 181 - ray of ego - first 3 initiations taken on

IHS- 181 - ray of monad - last 2 initiations taken on

IHS- 181 - 5th degree becomes member of great white brotherhood on Sirius - 1st of Sirian initiations

IHS- 182 - 4th degree is synthesis of the initiations of the threshold in Sirian lodge

IHS- 182 - ray on which initiation is taken - depends on path of service

IHS- 182 - ray 7 brings opportunity to occidental races (active concrete mind, vast business capacity) of initiation on ray regarded as major ray (7)

IHS- 185 - 5th degree - paths to choose from

IHS- 187 - 6th degree trained for planetary logoi paths - trained by Chohan of ray

IHS- 192 - stages - aspirant to path, applicant for initiation, probationary path

Letters on Occult Meditation

- first page opposite diagram - monad - higher initiations

- soul impression from probationary path to 3rd degree initiation

LOOM- 2 - third, fifth initiations - centres awakened

LOOM- 3 - third subplane matter - secrets of initiation

LOOM- 5 - Path of Discipleship - merging many lives into one life

LOOM- 11 - fourth degree initiation - polarised in spiritual consciousness

LOOM- 12 - final achievement through occult meditation - (3rd degree?)

LOOM- 16 - fourth degree initiation - achievement by ray 1 or 2 methods

LOOM- 23-9 - fivefold evolution of ma up to 5th degree initiation - see top of 24, 74-5.

LOOM- 27 - stages of growth vary - overlapping/parallelism - due to ray of monad -cyclic changes, astrological forces - often from unknown cosmic centres

LOOM- 27 - fourth period - path of probation/discipleship

LOOM- 28 - fourth period - mystic meditation begins (ray 4 etc)

LOOM- 28 - fifth period - occult meditation begins; period of Path of Initiation (ray 5 etc)

LOOM- 29 - start of 3rd degree initiation - shifting of polarisation to higher triad begins

LOOM- 29 - symbolic age of 42 (Master of Wisdom) - point of perfected maturity in solar system (Saturn cycle); 6th/7th initiations correspond to 42-49; secrets of initiation - causal body

LOOM- 31 - specific gravity of causal body fixes moment of emancipation (4th degree?) - marks time when building is completed (parallel to Egyptian ‘weighing of souls’)

LOOM- 32 - on Path of Initiation/Probation - building of causal proceeds rapidly

LOOM- 34 - fourth degree initiation from time to time

LOOM- 35 - disciple - 1 helper works on emotional and 1 helper on mental

LOOM- 35 - adept of ray, Master of group, disciple/causal, disciple/mental, helper/emotional

LOOM- 35 - long period of lives the ego is practically unconscious of personality

LOOM- 35-6 - lives where ego more active

LOOM- 36 - probationary path reached - wild, earnest aspiration

LOOM- 37 - third degree initiation - monad becomes conscious of ego

LOOM- 52 - end of greater cycle - note will not be finished

LOOM- 69 - seven esoteric groups - training for discipleship and 1st degree initiation

LOOM- 75 - condition of centres before/after initiation

LOOM- 75 - second, third degree initiations - emotional, mental centres awakened

LOOM- 85 - (incarnation) - period where emotions do not control - intellectual hardness

LOOM- 86 - linking head/heart advanced man - and throat

LOOM- 86 - centres keyed high enough to receive stimulation - hour of initiation

LOOM- 115 - Path of Probation - personality equipped to serve others

LOOM- 129 - initiation of the portal - knowledge of colour and sound

LOOM- 130 - Path of Purification must precede Path of Illumination

LOOM- 131 - as Discipleship approached - dark brotherhood

LOOM- 131 - even for advanced disciple - difficult to discriminate

LOOM- 132 - even high initiates have been temporarily misled

LOOM- 142 - stages in evolution

LOOM- 144 - average man, aspirant, probationary path

LOOM- 148 - mystic works through rays of love, harmony, devotion - 2,4,6;

- occultist 1,3,7 (Aries takes these rays through it and is also symbol of magician;

- both mystic/occultist meet on ray 5 - on ray 5 mystic is resolved into occultist and works with all rays

LOOM- 148 - four minor rays - mystic/occultist pass through

LOOM- 148 - after initiation mystic becomes occultist; mystic path is probationary path

LOOM- 150 - before initiation - must do 3 things

LOOM- 163 - mantrams imparted orally in preparation for initiation

LOOM- 165 - ray mantrams - secrets to last 3 initiations (?)

LOOM- 174 - devas equivalent to 5th, 7th degree initiates

LOOM- 178 - secrets of initiation - knowing how to call devas; need not protective rites

LOOM- 179 - high initiate - can only use mantrams to attract subplane/plane deva

LOOM- 187 - those who train pupils for initiation know 4 types of mantrams

LOOM- 187 - rod of initiation focuses 3 fires

LOOM- 187 - Path of Initiation - mantrams - special significance

LOOM- 189 - initiate, disciple - purificatory mantrams

LOOM- 196 - initiation into lesser mysteries

LOOM- 200 - Probationary Path, initiation - when more of - more use of sound and rhythm

LOOM- 209 - aspirant to path of light has naught to do with involutionary colours - media for force of dark brotherhood - brown, grey, “loathsome” purple (7), lurid greens

LOOM- 228 - each life seen as a corresponding colour

LOOM- 229 - seven rays - 7 sacred planets, 7 initiations, 7 rootraces/subraces

LOOM- 231 - initiation that opens door to Hall of Wisdom

LOOM- 241 - eliminating undesirable colours leads to 3rd degree initiation

LOOM- 251 - work of financiers, capitalists - meditate on line of Mahachohan (3) - approach of Probationary Path

LOOM- 259 - fellow disciple/initiate contactable within Master’s aura

LOOM- 259 - 5th degree initiation - Master - see 262

LOOM- 260 - Hall of Wisdom - 5 grades (5 minor initiations?)

LOOM- 262 - first degree (master) on Sirius - 1st degree in greater lodge (entered apprentice)

LOOM- 263 - sixth and seventh degrees not always taken

LOOM- 264 - Master takes other initiations - work with all 7 logoi

LOOM- 264 - Initiation reveals but higher ones to be mastered

LOOM- 265 - Path of Probation

LOOM- 265-6 - four grades of relationship of Master/pupil; probation, accepted discipleship, Master’s intimate/Son of the Master, one with the Master (final 3 instantiations) /Beloved of the Master - John the Beloved (KH at 4th degree initiation?)

LOOM- 266 - final 3 initiations - originating source - Adi - atomic plane

LOOM- 266-7 - Master’s group - egoic/monadic rays same as Master’s

- those to take 1st & 2nd degrees taken of ray of ego

- those to take 3rd & 4th degrees taken on ray of monad

- cause of transference from one ray to another (takes place after 2nd degree initiation)

LOOM- 267-70 - Probationer - 3 stages - 1) intermittent contact with group 2) abstract thought - polarised in causal 3) something to give to group - to enrich it - must show that one desire is to serve; kept on periphery of aura - control of thoughts

LOOM- 268 - One Initiator who effects final liberation (4th degree)

LOOM- 268 - centre within Heavenly Man where initiate finds himself

LOOM- 270 - accepted discipleship most difficult period in man’s whole period of lives

LOOM- 270 -rod of initiation - holding force

LOOM- 271 - Path man will follow after 5th degree initiation

LOOM- 271-3 - Son of the Master - can consciously link up with Master

LOOM- 272 - man can take initiation and not be a “son of the master” - can acquire technical requisites

LOOM- 272 - discipleship is a personal relationship governed by karma and affiliation

LOOM- 272 - final stages of the Path - gathering own group

LOOM- 273 - after 5th degree - encloses within aura - his group

LOOM- 273 - secrets of initiation - method of interblending with Master’s group and own group

LOOM- 273 - Paths of Probation/Initiation - rights/powers

LOOM- 275 - destruction of causal body at 4th degree initiation

LOOM- 275 - first degree initiation - immediate goal of Master for pupil to prepare (3rd degree - 1st systemic?); hold vibratory rate for first 2 initiations

LOOM- 276 - secrets of 1st degree initiation - holding vibration for certain length of time

LOOM- 276 - initiation ceremony

LOOM- 276 - initiation ceremony == - great lord [presiding- great lord; rod of initiation

LOOM- 276 - earlier stages of work before admittance to later stages

LOOM- 277 - probationary period - person is left almost entirely to themself; ego aware of position on path

LOOM- 278 - Master makes small image of Probationer - magnetically linked - shows all fluctuations of his nature

LOOM- 278 - admittance of probationer as accepted disciple

LOOM- 278 - accepted disciple assigned to special classes by more advanced disciple

LOOM- 280 - accepted disciple rare

LOOM- 288 - realisation of Masters dependant upon place upon the Path, nearness to initiation

LOOM- 298 - trod path, neared portal of initiation in previous lives

LOOM- 303 - graded steps of development in one fundamental school

LOOM- 304 - first initiator - One Paramount Initiator - Lord of Ray

LOOM- 308 - advanced school in Italy - initiation on 3rd ray - Mahachohan (rays 6/4 - attribute)

LOOM- 314 - advanced schools pave way for initiation

LOOM- 315 - accepted disciples as head of advanced school - 6 instructors must be on Probationary Path

LOOM- 318 - advanced school head always initiate of 1st or 2nd degree - aim to prepare student for 1st degree

LOOM- 318 - initiate head - 2 advanced disciples of advanced school

LOOM- 319 - different grades of disciple; 1st degree - 3rd?

LOOM- 327 - Path of Probation - 5-7 years or longer; old disciples in lesser time - 1-5 years - usually 3

LOOM- 330 - ready to face initiator after 2-3 years in advanced school

LOOM- 336 - heat of Sun as electrical force; secret of initiation, rod of initiation

LOOM- 339 - small initiations - moving from one subplane to another - certain tests applied at night - consummated at 2nd degree initiation

- 4 small initiations culminate in 2nd degree; initiations on emotional plane of fire Earth air and water

LOOM- 339 - four initiations prior to adept; 4th degree - stands in intuitional body

LOOM- 340 - each initiation - electrical force has stabilising effect

LOOM- 340 - initiation marks permanent attainment, start of new cycle

LOOM- 341 - non-spectacular man frequently attains initiation before genius

Treatise on Cosmic Fire

(Most initiation refs. were not taken when text was read, hence have used mainly existing references in TCF index)

TCF- 4 - initiation - 9 causes

TCF- 52 - initiation - adept free from matter

TCF- 103 - initiation thru tests by fire - heavenly man = Venus/Mars?

TCF- 125 - initiations - first three leading to fourth

TCF- 139 - initiation, 1st degree - Virgo?

TCF- 162 - task of aspirants

TCF- 176 - initiates - rays

TCF- 188-9 - initiates - realisation

TCF- 198 - initiations - definition; relation to touch

TCF- 207-213 - initiation and centres

TCF- 210 - seasons - initiation at stated seasons - astrological. (See Geoffrey de Purucker's "In the Temple" - describing initiations at solstices/equinoxes)

TCF- 220 - initiates - liberation

TCF- 304-5 - Path of Initiation - developments on

TCF- 340 - initiations - four major

TCF- 360 - initiation - major cosmic in future

TCF- 362 - initiation - opening door

TCF- 384 - initiations - goals

TCF- 387 - initiation by Venusian planetary logos on 5th chain

TCF- 422 - initiates - 6th and 7th degree in this system

TCF- 446 - entrance onto Path of Initiation

TCF- 485 - initiates - work

TCF- 538 - third and fourth initiations - effect on causal body; three major initiations - consummation of rousing fire.

TCF- 590 - initiations - cosmic - of logos

TCF- 644 - initiation - guardians of rites - astrology cycles - testings - see also 730

TCF- 652 - treading Path of Initiation

TCF- 674-5 - initiate - knowledge and comprehension gained

TCF- 696 - initiations - vehicle for first three

TCF- 697 - initiate - becomes 5 pointed star and is at its centre; 6th and 7th plane; mystery of numbers - concern

TCF- 715 - initiate - requirements; initiates - work

TCF- 729-32 - initiation - individualisation

TCF- 730 - initiation - cycles - ties in with crosses/rays

TCF- 748 - pledged initiates - comprehension

TCF- 758 - initiates - 3rd degree; initiates - work

TCF- 792-4 - initiate - dealing with cycles

TCF- 828 - disciple, probationary - conscious act

TCF- 829 - initiation - 4th degree? seven stages

TCF- 868-886 - initiation - egoic body petals

TCF- 870 - initiation - cooperation of World Teacher, Master and Ego

TCF- 870-1 - minor initiations - egoic petals

TCF- 883 - initiations - first to third degree - opening of petals and effects

TCF- 883-6 - initiations - first two degrees - action of Rod

TCF- 893 - initiates of 2nd degree - teaching

TCF- 949 - initiate - admission to lodge degrees - meaning; initiates - work

TCF- 950 - disciples - training to meditate and work in mental matter

TCF- 959-60 - aspirants, initiates to 3rd degree - use of sutratma and antahkarana

TCF- 977-8 - aspirants - care in speech needed

TCF- 986 - initiates - white magic

TCF- 1042 - initiations - expansion of consciousness

TCF- 1054 - initiate - controlling energy

TCF- 1075 - five initiations/5 at-one-ments - kingdoms

TCF- 1149-51 - disciples - incarnations of disciples (rules)

TCF 1st Initiation

TCF- 51 - blending of fires

TCF- 114 - escape from ring pass not

TCF- 127 - polarisation - fixed in centre

TCF- 139 - vehicle for divine birth

TCF- 210 - rod used

TCF- 289 - entrance upon Path

TCF- 433 - magical force of 7th logos felt

TCF- 435 - Fohatic current enabling

TCF- 446 - transfer of centre of consciousness

TCF- 524-5 - work purely exoteric, not esoteric

TCF- 543 - entrance into spiritual kingdom

TCF- 627 - of Heavenly Men

TCF- 715 - forced - in 4th root race

TCF 2nd Initiation

TCF- 210 - rod used

TCF- 433 - aggressive fire of 6th logos felt

TCF- 475 - after - revelation of secret of transmutation

TCF- 738 - revelation regarding incarnation

TCF- 886 - fires of lower centres mounting to head

TCF- 899 - Neptunian influence

TCF 3rd Initiation

TCF- 170 - centres

TCF- 176 - initiate on monadic major ray

TCF- 184 - centres; kundalini blended with electric fire of pure spirit

TCF- 185 - continuity of consciousness

TCF- 259 - explanation revealed

TCF- 350-1 - two types

TCF- 358 - animation of our scheme

TCF- 433 - illuminating light of 5th logos felt

TCF- 485 - learning to transmute life of the animal kingdom

TCF- 542 - egoic wheel becomes fourth dimensional

TCF- 578 - causal body

TCF- 688 - explanation revealed

TCF- 713 - will or purpose aspect

TCF- 763 - appearance of egoic body

TCF- 830 - appearance of egoic body

TCF- 872 - key to the mystery of energy given

TCF- 962 - centres; circulation of fire or energy

TCF- 963 - fire

TCF 4th Initiation

TCF- 103 -Heavenly Man

TCF- 112 - revelation regarding Lipikas

TCF- 114 - functioning in Buddhic plane

TCF- 121 -achievements; liberating initiation

TCF- 126 - burning away of all barriers; liberating initiation

TCF- 182 - synthesis into 7 head centres

TCF- 323 - process

TCF- 364 - nine the number of initiation

TCF- 348-50 - method

TCF- 358 - revelations

TCF- 387-8 - Heavenly Man; planetary logos of Venus

TCF- 432 - vital factor of force of logos of 4th ray

TCF- 433 - harmonising life of 4th logos felt

TCF- 555 - process

TCF- 570 cosmic

TCF- 583 - on Moon chain

TCF- 591 -shattering in all forms

TCF- 644 - process

TCF- 678-9 - mystery - group of devas closely connected with

TCF- 713-4 - process; production by positive force of manasadevas

TCF- 763-4 - effect on causal body

TCF- 731 - nature of

TCF- 741 - effect on seven spirulae

TCF- 829 - nature of

TCF- 830 - inner bud of causal lotus bursts open

TCF- 854 - egos from one of two schemes

TCF- 867 - service after

TCF- 872 - key to the mystery of energy given

TCF- 882 - revelations

TCF- 883 - action of jewel

TCF 5th Initiation

TCF- 45 - of logos

TCF- 47 - of man in this solar system

TCF- 121 - ascension of man into atmic plane

TCF- 170 - triangle of centres

TCF- 272 -consciousness

TCF- 289 - consciousness

TCF- 421-2 - consciousness

TCF- 433 - consciousness

TCF- 509 - fires - effect on planetary etheric body

TCF- 688 - comprehension

TCF- 752-3 - awareness

TCF- 872 - key to mystery of energy given

TCF 6th Initiation

TCF- 121 - monadic consciousness

TCF- 146 - understanding of first logos limited

TCF- 422 - initiates of - in this system

TCF- 433 - force of second logos felt

TCF- 451 - power, extension

TCF- 485 - work in logoic etheric body - Buddhic and astral planes

TCF- 569 - discarding of all sheaths below monadic vehicle

TCF- 580 - of monad - with destruction of five lesser sheaths

TCF- 590 - of cosmic logos

TCF- 642 - development of devas equal to

TCF- 697 - plane

TCF- 753 - influences

TCF 7th Initiation

TCF- 57 - sign in an earlier solar system

TCF- 114 - achievement - escape from solar ring pass not

TCF- 121 - domination of entire sphere of matter

TCF- 183 - secret

TCF- 289-90 - period preceding attainment

TCF- 422 - initiates of - in this system

TCF- 433 - circulation of dynamic fire of first logos

TCF- 451 - power on all seven planes - results

TCF- 696 - significance of number 5 on Buddhic plane

TCF- 697 - plane and entrance into flame

TCF- 753 - influences

TCF- 847 - revelation of a truth

Light of the Soul

LOTS- VIII - Lemuria - Hatha yoga - 3rd degree was highest initiation; Atlantis - Bhakti yoga - 4th degree; Aryan - Raja yoga - 5th degree

LOTS- XI - mount of transfiguration (3rd degree)

LOTS- 8 - union of 2nd and 3rd aspects - consummated at 3rd degree

LOTS- 39 - first group - Path of Probation to 2nd degree - perception limited to phenomenal world - synthesising 6 lower centres to head centre - heart and throat into head

second group - Path of Discipleship/Initiation - work with all transmuted and purified centres - ability for samadhi through withdrawal into 1000 petal lotus - then abstract into egoic lotus

LOTS- 43 - Path of Initiation studied - necessity for will

LOTS- 47-8 - sutras 24-7 - picture of liberated man (4th degree); untouched by limitation (Saturn - cannot follow a man onto Cardinal Cross); free from karma (Saturn); free from desire (Mars - up to 3rd degree)

LOTS- 50 - passing from one initiation to another

LOTS- 53-4 - aspirants, probationers, accepted disciples, Master, Mahatma

LOTS- 63-4 - advanced disciple - deals consciously with fires in base chakra

LOTS- 73-5 - when disciple realises what principle his form is intended to express (see LOTS75) (rays)

LOTS- 121 - yogas, rootraces - raja - Aryan etc; Bhakti yoga led to 4th degree in Atlantis

LOTS- 122 - Atlantis - Bhakti - 4th degree; Aryan - raja yoga

LOTS- 130 - Probationary Path - Path of Discipleship up to 3rd degree: Must develop awareness of a) group vibration b) group purpose c) group centre

LOTS- 131 - Hall of Wisdom - admitted after 1st great initiation (3rd) - learns of place of his group in the planetary plan.

LOTS- 139 - stages of discipleship - causal body grows in beauty

LOTS- 143 - halls of learning, wisdom

LOTS- 168 - first incarnation to the Probationary Path - 1) Union of the soul with form and identification with matter.

- Probationary Path to the 3rd degree - union of thinking man with the spiritual man on Path of Discipleship

- Final stages of initiation - union of spiritual man with the Divine Thinker.

LOTS- 169 - Halls; human, mystic, occult

LOTS- 170 - Path of Probation - Purification - imprisoned by own thoughtforms; regards himself as part of the phenomenal world. Path of Discipleship - learns to distinguish himself and forms. Path of Initiation. Great Renunciation (4th)

LOTS- 171 - Aspirants/disciple - capacity to apprehend sorrow/joy, physical sensitivity; sense of values very acute

LOTS- 176-7 - seven stages of path - 7 initiations - 7 stations of cross

LOTS- 179 - Angel of the Presence - can only be seen at initiation

LOTS- 179 - Path of Discipleship - 6 fold process is correspondence of individualising process.

LOTS- 193 - aspirant - no excuse left

LOTS- 199-200 - aspirant - relatively short cycle of lives on the Path - must spend a life/lives in definite abstention; sex transmuted to sound. (Look at Scorpio/Taurus axis - sacral/throat; Virgo) Change of voice at puberty.

LOTS- 202 - Path of Probation - eliminative process commenced (Virgo/Scorpio?)

- Path of Discipleship - assimilation

- Path of Initiation - (after 2nd) - protective work begun.

LOTS- 206 - neophyte - interlude of great difficulty. "Conversion" (Christian) - a "turning around" (reversal of the wheel - Libra/Scorpio)

LOTS- 208 - Probationary Path - aspiration - purification (Sag/Virgo?)

LOTS- 208 - Purification by water (2nd) prior to Path of Discipleship. Now fiery ordeal is undergone (Leo?) (Between 1st and 2nd)

LOTS- 216 - advanced initiates - know mystery of astral body

LOTS- 226 - work of average aspirant with sheaths

LOTS- 247 - aspirant - steady perseverance, patient endurance, achievement of a little every day (all Taurus traits - Taurus rules world aspirant)

LOTS- 256 - aspirant - concentration (Leo), meditation (Virgo), contemplation (Libra)

LOTS- 277 - initiates, adepts, pledged disciples - direct ability to see akashic records

LOTS- 278 - Probationary Path - group activities and relation of one's soul which began when stepping onto Probationary Path

LOTS- 292 - up to 3rd degree - Temple of Solomon (causal vehicle) increasingly revealed

LOTS- 295 - Path of Initiation - trodden functioning in central organ in head

LOTS- 304 - solar plexus - concentrated attention upon - knowledge of physical body. Centres most awakened in 5th rootrace for Aspirant - awakened but not unfolded in 5th rootrace: Base - 4 petals; Solar Plexus - 10 petals; Heart - 12 petals; Throat - 16 petals; Head - 1000 petals.

- Spleen dominant in Lemuria, but "automatic" now

LOTS- 307 - most aspirants' concern is solar plexus; disciple - heart supersedes solar plexus. In Master - the head supersedes heart.

LOTS- 308 - deep mystery of initiation - for those who tread Path of Discipleship

LOTS- 308 - solar plexus knowledge as to condition of body through meditation; aspirant to grasp desires of solar plexus and start transferring energy from below to above.

LOTS- 314 - psychic current - nadi - passes from brain through top of head - seeing of divine beings - where man makes contact with solar forces. Halo effect of saints, advanced aspirants and disciples.

- Near coronal artery, pineal gland, medulla oblongata.

- Ajna concentration - can see coronal light - meditation upon can bring Masters/Siddhas into view.

LOTS- 317 - aspirant walks in light of day

LOTS- 331 - star, northern - "Let the seeker (disciple) after truth escape from drowning and climb the rivers bank. Let him turn towards the northern star and on firm ground stand, his face directed toward the light. Then let the star lead."

LOTS- 332 - birth to crucifixion (1st to 4th)

LOTS- 356 - Master of 5th degree - freedom; 6th degree - freedoms

LOTS- 358 - aspirant, initiate - Halls of Learning and Wisdom

LOTS- 361 - four classes of aspirants and disciples:

1) Observant of practice; probationers, aspirants

2) Intuition awakening - psychic powers

3) Disciples who have overcome all sense attractions - conquered senses

Those who stand firm in free spiritual consciousness - have passed through 7 stages of illumination

- Four types of spirits who lure aspirants from the Path

LOTS- 377 - highest adept - no contact outside solar system

LOTS- 378 - goal of true aspirant - unfoldment of higher powers

LOTS- 379 - advanced aspirants - Masters

LOTS- 379-80 - intense desire and meditation - methods of initiates

LOTS- 383 - third degree initiate - conformity to rules and laws

LOTS- 384 - aspirant on the Probationary Path/Purification - practices of sutra 4.

LOTS- 384 - methods of sutra 4 refer to Path of Discipleship

LOTS- 391 - fourth type of karma - Path before liberation (4th degree)

LOTS- 416 - complete picture of the soul and its unfoldment: Bhagavad-Gita, New Testament and Yoga Sutras

LOTS- 422 - "advanced expert warrior" and initiate

LOTS- 423 - ray 1 affirmations - stand, endure - hallmark of disciples

LOTS- 424 - transfer from mystic to occult

LOTS- 426 - third degree - soul/body unify; soul/spirit at 4th - individual karma comes to an end

A Treatise on White Magic

TWM- 24 - third degree initiate - synthetic thinker

TWM- 25-6 - third degree initiate and above - study of nature of spirit, rate of vibration etc.; mental capacity developed by their cycle of incarnation; higher solar initiations - work from monad

TWM- 29 - initiates are true biologists - initiates of mysteries

TWM- 38 - probationary disciple has tiny group recognition

TWM- 39-40 - final initiations of monad - kundalini

TWM- 47 - first degree initiate

TWM- 61 - discipleship most difficult stage of evolution

TWM- 70 - aspirant, high grade - sound use of lower mind; disciple

TWM- 73 - central spiritual Sun

TWM- 80 - first initiation - teachings on positive/negative vibration

TWM- 86 - advanced humanity - mind/brain; soul/personality - aspirants

TWM- 88 - third degree initiation - after soul/monad relation

TWM- 90 - work of initiation

TWM- 93 - discipleship, path of - first 2 initiations - relief human/animal suffering; better relations of nations and groups

TWM- 98 - aspirant learns to blend, fuse, raise energies of centres

TWM- 106 - head, heart, solar plexus, base - secrets of first initiation (Pluto/Vulcan - see EA70)

TWM- 106 - initiation and its interludes of active discipleship

TWM- 107 - Sun - in brain, head; dark centre within Sun - entrance to Path

TWM- 113 - subplane polarisation - indicates stages of growth - analogous to 7 rays

TWM- 121 - aspirant/disciple - experienced in heart -now need mental unfoldment

TWM- 135 - next 200 years - preparing instrument for inauguration of new age - group of knowers, mystics, disciples

TWM- 141 - disciples - work on mental plane

TWM- 146 - third degree initiation - true light, illumination

TWM- 147 - Paths of Probation, Discipleship

TWM- 164 - only about 400 accepted disciples in world (1930’s); hundreds on verge of acceptance; 1000’s on the probationary path

TWM- 165 - late stages of probationary path; early stages of discipleship (Virgo Libra Scorpio?)

TWM- 167-8 - probationer becomes accepted disciple once intuition is working; senior disciple acts as intermediary between probationer and master for 2 years

TWM- 168 - advanced disciple/initiate can only use psychic powers

TWM- 169 - great liberation - "occulty crossed the bridge" (4th degree?)

TWM- 172-3 - seven stages of contact with Master:

1) little chelaship - Master via another chela on physical plane

2) chela in the light - higher disciple directs chela from egoic level

3) accepted discipleship

4) chela on the thread

5) one within the aura

6) one within Master’s heart

7) blending of lights

TWM- 183 - aspirants - light in head

TWM- 192 - aspirants - sacral/throat; solar plexus/heart

TWM- 194 - up to third degree initiation - will aspect of soul

TWM- 198 - first initiation - prior to - aspirant goes blindly

TWM- 200-8 - awakening centres in aspirant - sequence 9 fold

TWM- 203 - probationary path - first prerequisite - building character (Virgo/Libra - see EA)

TWM- 203 - aspirant - in early stages nearly always a devotee (Leo-1st degree - veils Neptune/6th)

TWM- 211 - more advanced initiations - secret of being itself

TWM- 221 - initiation - moment a man can see on astral

TWM- 222 - first qualification of discipleship is discrimination (Virgo/Mercury; Scorpio/Mercury)

TWM- 223 - (Libra) - narrow razor edged path; (Libra) - kurukshetra (see EA 229)

TWM- 224 - second degree initiation - emotional crisis in which decisive action is taken

TWM- 224 - first degree initiation of humanity - individualisation; 2nd degree - start of WW2

TWM- 224 - second degree initiation of world - outcome still in balance (from WW2 to end of century or 2025? - look at Jupiter Neptune Venus positions - 2nd; Jupiter/Saturn ‘trigon’ of 60 years from 1941 to 2001)

TWM- 230 - Ajna centre activity for aspirant

TWM- 230 - aspirant disciple initiate - pinnacle of achievement where choice is made (Saturn/Capricorn - initiation)

TWM- 229 - paths - Virgo Libra Scorpio?

TWM- 231 - aspirants, probationary disciples, disciples, accepted disciples -stages of path

TWM- 237 - second degree initiation - mastery of opposing forces

TWM- 237-8 - average person - physical body; probationer - astral; accepted disciple - mental; initiate/adept

TWM- 238 - battle spread over several lifetimes - one life is critical (for 2nd degree initiation; Uranus exalted Scorpio)

TWM- 244 - aspirant repeats earlier cycles

TWM- 245 - aspirant - constant study, much thought, keen investigation

TWM- 247 - aspirant, probationer, advanced disciple, initiate - ‘midway’ spots emotional/mental planes; causal body

TWM- 247 - head Ajna; pure mystic - head; advanced man - pituitary

TWM- 250 - air - soul comes to full expression - 3rd degree/Aquarius/Libra?

TWM- 258 - initiation - 5th degree - not one achieved yet in esoteric groups of the world

TWM- 263 - fourth degree initiation - man stands alone

TWM- 264 - probationary path - key changes from life to life - on key for several lives; several times in one life

TWM- 264 - (4th degree) - ‘final shattering’, ‘masterpiece of many lives’

TWM- 266 - majority of aspirants - weak thought

TWM- 276 - soul is at the birthing in humanity as a whole (2nd degree?)

TWM- 276 - aspirant, disciple, accepted disciple - ‘pineal gland of humanity’ - abstract mind; pituitary - pioneers of arts, sciences, thinkers - concrete mind

TWM- 277 - upheaval in humanity analogous to that preceding passing onto path of discipleship

TWM- 280 - disciple - group plan and purpose conforming to group plan for immediate cycle

TWM- 281 - disciple - his series of lives unfolding

TWM- 281 - probationary paths up to stage - outer builders/physical forces

TWM- 287-8 - disciple - base, ajna, sacral, solar plexus; solar system - sacral

TWM- 290 - circulating rays - centres

TWM- 291 - aspirant - discriminate between forces, energies and rays

TWM- 296 - second initiation - Science of the Emotions - Bhagavan Das

TWM- 298 - aspirant - fears

TWM- 299 - third initiation - cosmic evil can be left behind

TWM- 301 - aspirant - sphere of service in death

TWM- 304 - Path of Discipleship - contact with ancient evil

TWM- 306 - discipleship, probationary path

TWM- 319 - aspirant - harmlessness; disciple transmutes wrong vibrations

TWM- 319 - chelas of entering degrees - right use of astral

TWM- 322 - world unrest - Masters gather aspirants to certain localities

TWM- 323 - aspirant’s sagacity - training is cyclic; law of periodicity

TWM- 343 - aspirant hindered by depression

TWM- 352 - disciple - teaching on initiation

TWM- 352 - probationary path - 1st degree initiation

TWM- 353 - birth/baptism initiations - many years by Jesus - remaining 3 initiations in 3 years

TWM- 353 - second initiation - crisis of control of astral

TWM- 353 - transfiguration - 3rd degree

TWM- 353 - disciple, aspirant, probationer - devas - groups with Masters

TWM- 354 - aspirants, disciples, probationers - work singly or in groups of 2 or 3 - never more than 9

TWM- 362 - interblending whorls of centres - probationer - path of initiation

TWM- 363 - ray/subray - egoic/personality - of disciple for initiation; vivification of centres

TWM- 374 - Atlantean aspirant - peace; Aryan disciple - realisation

TWM- 375 - third initiation - up to - dualistic self of aspirant, disciple

TWM- 375 - aspirant - endurance (Scorpio?); life of balance (Libra) - apparent inertia for 1 or 2 lives, then point of balance changes (incarnates in various decanates of Libra?)

TWM- 376 - aspirant’s kurukshetra - astral; disciple’s kurukshetra - mental

TWM- 376-7 - aspirant repeats in himself racial unfoldment, racial drama

TWM- 379 - fourth initiation - true meaning of Ibez

TWM- 380 - initiation - door opened - door from animal kingdom closed

TWM- 383 - third initiation - adepts kept mental force in obeyance until

TWM- 383 - up to third initiation - disciples work with entirely mental energy

TWM- 383 - prior to intuitional control - many lives lived; illumined mind dominant factor until after 3rd initiation - intuition works

TWM- 384 - up to third initiation - 7 differentiations persist

TWM- 385 - up to third initiation - 2nd aspect implies duality

TWM- 385 - unifying life sensed at third initiation

TWM- 385-7 - disciple - 4 stages of work - 4 initiations

TWM- 387 - third initiation consummated Atlantean period - chant for 3rd degree initiates

TWM- 387 - fourth initiation - egoic body served its purpose

TWM- 390 - fourth initiation of planetary logos and humanity at its level

TWM- 391 - great part of 5th root race - three fifths close to Probationary Path

TWM- 391 - first major Initiation - (capital ‘I’ denotes 3rd initiation - 1st systemic)

TWM- 393-4 - (astrological crosses?) - 8 stages of characteristics of individual starting to function as a personality (mutable cross in both directions? - 4x2=8)

TWM- 397- Path of Discipleship - sacrifice for the good of the whole puts man on...

TWM- 397 - dominant selfish personality expression - step forward at level of evolution

TWM- 398 - aspirants in Atlantis - Bhakti yoga - crisis; analogous to Aryan

TWM- 402 - probationary chelas, initiates - training for future work

TWM- 403 - aspirants, disciples, initiates - failure to preserve continuity of consciousness

TWM- 404 - below 3rd initiation - not possible to see Plan

TWM- 417 - Accepted Disciples - 400 in world (1930’s) - only 156 equipped mentally to be NGWS

TWM- 418 - leaders of world groups - Holland, Switzerland, Germany, USA, Great Britain - vast network of groups having one or more NGWS in them,

TWM- 427 - initiation of humanity into spiritual realities

TWM- 433 - open door of initiation

TWM- 438 - the inner group of 7 major or systemic energies (7 solar systems) effect the man living above the diaphragm - work through 7 representative centres in the head - 4 of them focus through the throat, heart, ajna and head centres; 3 are held latent in the region of the head centres (1000 petal lotus) - only enter into functioning activity after the 3rd initiation

TWM- 453 - initiate, aspirant - understanding of rules

TWM- 462 - shouldering of responsibilities of aspirant, disciple

TWM- 464 - group of lives (of individual) sets the pace - “simultaneously interacting with each other” - predisposes the future (for emotio/physical type)

TWM- 467-70 - stages in human evolution - (points of mutable cross? see EA 118-21)

TWM- 493 - aspirant - personality; disciple - soul.

TWM- 523 - aspirants - training in halls of learning/wisdom

TWM- 528 - aspirants disciples initiates - brain cells in planetary brain

TWM- 549 - fourth initiation - passed as saviour through 4 kingdoms

TWM- 558 - aspirant - transmuting desire into aspiration

TWM- 570 - disciples - receive energies from mental and egoic levels

TWM- 573 - monadic ray - only initiate of third degree can ascertain

TWM- 578-9 - key to door of initiation

TWM- 582 - mark of an aspirant; accepted discipleship; definition of discipleship

TWM- 586 - initiation - unfulfilled action

TWM- 588 - Path of Probation - three fifths of humanity (now)

TWM- 589 - one in a 1000 aspirants ready for awakening of centres

TWM- 594 - accepted discipleship

TWM- 602 - aspirant disciple initiate - grades of activity; states of extended consciousness, grades of responsibility

TWM- 605 - Mount of Initiation - Plan of God

TWM- 609 - aspirants - power to observe - joins trained communicators

TWM- 615 - aspirant - kurukshetra - (Libra governs Path of Aspiration/Arjuna/Kurukshetra)

TWM- 621 - questions for aspirant - how much is faculty of dramatisation governing their life? (Leo - drama - first degree)

TWM- 625-6 - aspirant, disciple - fears

TWM- 630 - fears of aspirant

TWM- 636 - probationary disciples - penalties; 3 dangers for disciples

From Bethlehem to Calvary

FBC- 9 - Gospels - 5 -fold sequential myth which teaches revelation of divination; 5 major episodes (see p11-15)

FBC- 12 - crises - Buddhist/Hindu (see p17)

FBC- 13 - crucifixion - (4th degree) - Great Renunciation; Baptism in Jordan - 2nd degree - "Entering the Stream"; Birth at Bethlehem (1st degree)

FBC- 15 - Christ - taught that individual is of value (Leo/1st degree) - preceded 1st degree - "new birth".

FBC- 16-17 - human family before the portal

FBC- 21-3 - Christ enacted story of 5 initiations:

Birth at Bethlehem - 1st degree - Nicodemus (see TCF - 2nd degree) - "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:2)

Baptism in Jordan - 2nd degree - Baptism of Holy Spirit/Fire (Matthew 3:11)

Transfiguration - 3rd degree - perfection (Capricorn/10th sign etc) - "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5:48)

Crucifixion - 4th degree - Great Renunciation - sacrifice - death of lower nature - St Paul (3rd degree - blinded on road to Tarsus - may have taken 2nd, 3rd & 4th in that life?) - " I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our lord, I die Daily" (1Corinthians 15:31)

Resurrection/Ascension - final triumph - " Oh death, where is thy sting? Oh grave, where is thy victory" - (1Corinthians 15:55)

FBC- 23 - humanity stands today on path of probation/purification; disciples preparing for 2nd degree - Baptism, initiates for the Transfiguration - mind control, Transfiguration of the personality

FBC- 24-5 - initiates never separate themselves from humanity by claiming initiate status

FBC- 25 - modern esoteric groups not custodians of initiation - can only prepare for discipleship

FBC- 26 - 1st degree - "Christ in you, the hope of glory" - Birth at Bethlehem - immediate goal for many aspirants

- "a full grown man in Christ" - discipleship - 2nd degree

- "till we all come, in the unity of the faith of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of the Christ" - 3rd degree

FBC- 27 - initiation - " graded and realised series of expansions of consciousness"

FBC- 27 - St Paul - one of the first to attain initiate status under Christian dispensation (see Romans 7:18-25)

FBC- 28 - sacrifice - essence of Crucifixion (4th degree/look at sacrifice petals/Neptune)

- Resurrection - 5th degree

FBC- 29,36 - world disciple is humanity (see p.46) - being prepared for initiation

FBC- 33-83 - initiations

FBC- 40 - humanity on verge of new birth (1st degree)

FBC- 42 - 2nd degree - Browning's poem "Saul"

FBC- 42 - 3rd degree - personality subordinated to the soul

FBC- 42 - 4th degree - Melchizedek

FBC- 43 - three initiators - the soul, Christ, Sanat Kumara

FBC- 44 - 1st degree, 3rd degree, 5th degree; major third, perfect 5th

FBC- 45 - 1st degree is "second birth" - "twice-born"

FBC- 45 - Nicodemus - 1st degree (see TCF 1229 - 2nd degree)

FBC- 47 - Birth at Bethlehem - recognition of the plan

FBC- 47 - 2nd degree - rejection of evil

FBC- 48 - initiation process - gradual revelation of plan - only part of general plan; discipleship/initiation - final stages of path of evolution

FBC- 50-1 - five initiations have certain parts in common

FBC- 51 - every initiation preceded by journey

FBC- 51 - 1st degree for humanity

FBC- 52 - every initiation word of power

FBC- 53 - each initiation - a sign giver: Birth at Bethlehem - a star

FBC- 53 - prayer for aspirants to initiation

FBC- 54 - every initiation leads to expanded service, testing

FBC- 59 - cave regarded as place of initiation - symbolically and actually

FBC- 59-60 - five initiations - 2 in a cave (1st/5th), 2 on a mountaintop (3rd/4th); one on a level between deeps and heights (river - 2nd)

FBC- 68 - life of discipleship before initiation - difficulty and darkness

FBC- 69 - cave of initiation - all kingdoms symbolised

FBC- 72 - star of initiation/initiation chamber

FBC- 72 - three kings - symbol of disciples preparing for 1st degree

FBC- 77 - birth initiation

FBC- 79 - 2nd degree initiation

FBC- 87 - 2nd degree - purification approaching 2nd

FBC- 95 - 2nd degree - Christ - Baptism

FBC- 96 - 3rd degree - transfiguration; 4th degree

FBC- 98 - 2nd degree - "entering the stream"

FBC- 100 - 3rd degree - mental control

FBC- 101 - 2nd degree - desire life confronted; "well pleased".

FBC- 102 - initiate discovers fellow initiate - urge for solitude

FBC- 102 - 2nd degree - purification complete

FBC- 103 - Patanjali - illumination in 7 fold stages

FBC- 106 - 2nd degree - dove symbol

FBC- 110 - 2nd degree - three temptations in desert - 40 days - see pp. 115-6;118-9

FBC- 118-9 - three temptations - three glamours. See 110; 115-6

FBC- 119 - aspirants - glamours

FBC- 122 - aspirants, world - economic problem - bread (Virgo)

FBC- 124 - disciple - Arjuna

FBC- 128 - aspirants/disciples - ambition a big problem

FBC- 131 - initiation - increased service

FBC- 136-7 - three initiations

FBC- 139 - 3rd degree - transfiguration - resolving of dualities

FBC- 140 - 3rd degree - Christ bought synthesis of higher/lower aspects of humanity

FBC- 144 - Mount of Transfiguration - Moses, Elias

FBC- 145 - Transfiguration - Mother (3rd) aspect

FBC- 145 - 1st degree - Mary symbol of form nature

FBC- 148 - transfiguration - radiance, radio-activity

FBC- 150 - 3rd degree? - " his face did shine as the Sun"

FBC- 151 - 3rd degree - significance of light

FBC- 158 - 2nd degree - humanity not yet passed through Jordan experience

FBC- 161 - all initiations - connection between Baptism and Transfiguration

FBC- 163 - transfiguration; 4th degree

FBC- 199 - 4th degree - crucifixion lesson - nature of the "saved life"

FBC- 238 - Resurrection - Masonic 3rd degree

Discipleship in the New Age Volume 1

Discipleship in the New Age Volume 2

Reappearance of the Christ

ROC- 9 - highest possible initiation - Avatars

ROC- 13 - disciples/initiates doing Christ's work

ROC- 25 - stage of evolution achieved by Christ in Palestine (6th degree - see RI-524)

ROC- 26 - Gethsemane of renunciation (4th degree)

ROC- 26 - Christ began to tread way of higher evolution 2000 years ago

ROC- 27 - Gospel story - divine unfoldment of Christ - work as a soul finished at 12

ROC- 29 - Christ's rare point in evolution (6th degree)

ROC- 33-4 - new type of mystic - practical

ROC- 39 - five crises - initiations

ROC- 40 - Christ will take that "stupendous" initiation (7th degree)

ROC- 44 - tomb to the resurrection - (5th degree)

ROC- 51 - transfiguration - 3rd degree

ROC- 52 - transfiguration (3rd degree) of those on the crest of the human wave of civilisation

ROC- 53 - crucifixion/great renunciation (4th degree)

ROC- 54 - ascension (5th degree) - great initiation of new testament

ROC- 55 - Christ facing greatest test prior to a great initiation (7th?) - will pass to a still more exalted position in Father's house (Shamballa) or to some distant place of service

ROC- 65 - One Initiator

ROC- 68 - point of crisis before expansion of consciousness (initiation); point of tension, point of emergence (relates to 3 crosses? crisis/cardinal; tension/fixed; emergence/mutable)

ROC- 69 - "decision" - point of climax in expression of His divinity (6th degree called "the Decision" - which He took 2000 years ago)

ROC- 71 - aspirants today find themselves - lure of substance overcome, desire dies

ROC- 71 - stupendous Hierarchical initiation - events symptomatic of the time of the end

ROC- 73 - "decision" - climaxing point of spiritual crisis

ROC- 73 - crisis/decision (9 years); tension - time factor (18 years?); emergence (27 years); (9+18+27=54 + 1945 = 1990 AD?; 9,18,27 correspond to first three initiations and 54 (9x6) the 6th degree)

ROC- 82 - "Initiation" = "entering into" - humanity undergoing true initiation as it enters into Aquarius

ROC- 86 - disciples - preparing to undergo initiation

ROC- 86 - 1st degree - Birth of the Christ in the cave of the heart (Virgo); new birth of esotericists when they speak of first initiation - experience of countless thousands toward end of Aquarian Age

ROC- 86 - 2nd degree - Baptism - will submerge hundreds of aspirants in many lands

ROC- 86 - 1st & 2nd degrees preparatory to true service and 3rd degree/Transfiguration; first two initiations will set seal on Christ's mission

ROC- 86-7 - major work of Christ to nourish advanced humanity so that they will be enabled to take 3rd and 4th initiations

ROC- 87 - 1st & 2nd degree initiates = "little ones"

ROC- 87 - first two initiations - disciple of love of god; higher initiations - disciple of will of god

ROC- 96-7 - one of Christ's senior disciples - ranks next to Christ in Hierarchical status - will take over Buddha's work (European Master?)

ROC- 103 - point of evolution of humanity - Hierarchy must know

ROC- 103 - Hercules - ancient hero/teacher; 12 Labours of Hercules - dramas - not factual; tests, trials of all aspirants, disciples, initiates

ROC- 119 - treading of path of return

ROC- 125 - mysteries of initiation

ROC- 126 - gospels indicate 5 points in spiritual history of aspirant; 5 stages in human consciousness - clearer in Aquarian Age

ROC- 127 - in era after Christ returns - 100,000's will take initiation

ROC- 127 - renunciation by many - but not 4th degree

ROC- 128 - initiation - experience livingness

ROC- 129 - Aquarian Age - many will take great renunciation (see 127) - will be the same as mass education in Pisces Age

ROC- 129 - history will some day be based on the initiatory growth of humanity; production of culture, consciousness of initiates

ROC- 133 - Christ/Buddha through world disciples, initiates

ROC- 134 - "transfiguration of a human being"

ROC- 135 - Buddha/Christ - disciples/initiates in past 2000 years that have gathered around them

ROC- 135 - significant turning point in human history - transition from emotional to mental; field of trial well known to aspirants - battlefield of millions (2nd degree?)

ROC- 156 - aspects/attributes (rays) determined by close study of constellations - Capricorn - 1st degree - birth of Christ in cave of heart (see LH)

ROC- 168 - Path of Discipleship - many hours in needless self care

ROC- 184 - intelligentsia - recognition of Humanity

Destiny of the Nations

DON- 13 - rays 1 & 2 bring ‘second crisis’ - initiation of race into mystery of ages - racial initiation

DON- 14 - point in evolution determines how energy handled

DON- 15 - ray 1 - true ray 1 personality - good of group at heart; ruthlessness, cruelty

DON- 16 - disciples of Shamballa - often cruel, headstrong

DON- 19 - instinctual life of nations to be scientifically studied; a phase which leads to the individualistic life of nations (from mutable to fixed cross?)

DON- 20 - NGWS - disciples/initiates

DON- 31 - world disciple influenced by Hierarchy

DON- 32 - ray - emergence/disappearance of ray is an event in time, slow development, psychic in nature, governed by law - secret of initiation

DON- 47-8 - advanced humanity - 7 stages of unfoldment

DON- 69 - certain great groups ready for initiation in 6th root race

DON- 70 - nations - some nations fluid, not properly integrated; others integrated entities, fully expressing personalities; others crystallised, nearly run course as personalities; others under influence of soul ray leading to another cycle of fluidity, before the definiteness of the initiate entity becomes apparent; a few are embryonic.

DON- 76 - French Revolution - climax, high point in evolution of nation (Initiation? at particular cycle)

DON- 106 - early next century - initiate will appear to carry on teaching (post 2000AD)

DON- 109 - disciples - probationers/accepted disciples - aspirants

DON- 109 - ray 6 - benefits - disciple's precious possession; transmuted from method/mode to characteristics and established habits

DON- 109 - disciples - must work with new forces

DON- 110-111 - ray 6 - methods of activity - devotion for disciple/aspirant

DON- 111 - Aquarian Age - age of worldwide discipleship leading to universal initiation in Age of Capricorn

DON- 114 - discipleship - discrimination, desire, taste

DON- 120 - third degree - Shamballa/Monadic centre - disciple ready for the 3rd degree

- second degree - after reorientation of soul to monad

DON- 120 - many of humanity have taken first two initiations

DON- 126 - ray 7 - end of cycle - disciple's work

DON- 128-9 - ray 6 disciple - astral plane dualism

DON- 128 - ray 7 disciple - integration on physical plane - dualism is physical/mental

DON- 129 - accepted disciple - 2nd degree - mind; 2nd - 3rd degree - soul; 3rd degree onwards? - mind/soul; after 4th degree - mind/soul/monad

DON- 130 - ray 7 disciple - laws of spirit/form

DON- 130 - rays of disciples - wield laws of group work according to ray impulse - personal dharma

DON- 130 - ray 6 disciple - learns to work frequently with ray 7 personality for several lives (before/after achieving discipleship) to realise vision

DON- 130 - ray 7 disciple - knowledge of ritual (ritual is ancient codified means whereby the attractive/expressive nature of energies to be used are organised/related); understanding of words of power - discovers by experiment (Uranus/ray 7)

DON- 131 - ray 7 disciples wield much power - must have purity of motive

DON- 131 - ray 6 disciples - purity of body - fanatical

DON- 132 - disciples in new age - emphasis on mental principle - conditions thought/speech

DON- 133 - ray 6 disciple - keynote - attraction/repulsion "I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men"

DON- 133 - ray 7 disciple - keynote - "Radiatory Activity" - telepathy, heat, radium (Madame Curie came forth in ray 7 subcycle)

DON- 136 - centres, 3 major world - relation of major initiations to these centres (Shamballa, Hierarchy, Humanity)

DON- 136-7 - first degree - humanity - increased stimulation of intellect - Christ principle, mental focus/intelligence, throat centre, Shamballa

DON- 137-8 - 3rd degree, ray 3, 3rd centre humanity, 3rd centre - throat, 3rd race - Aryan, 3rd plane - physical/atmic, third vehicle - personality, 3rd aspect - intelligence, 3rd messenger - Hercules, physical Sun - 3rd Sun

DON- 137 - 3rd initiation consummates 1st; 4th initiation consummates 2nd; 5th the 3rd

DON- 138-40 - second degree - Hierarchy - ray 2 - sense of relationships, unity

DON- 140 - 3rd degree - Shamballa - ray 1 - 1st initiation where soul/personality fused; 3rd degree - group implications - intensest conviction

DON- 141 - 3rd degree - 1st initiation of soul

DON- 142 - certain group of disciples from Shamballa

DON- 142 - imminent major planetary initiation

DON- 142 - ray 4 plus Saturn influence (Saturn decan of Aquarius) - will lead many onto path of discipleship (see EA 71-2)

DON- 144 - aspirant/disciple - stimulation of imagination

DON- 149 - disciple/initiate - first degree - story of birth

DON- 149 - 100's of thousands are taking or preparing to take the first initiation (Birth at Bethlehem, the "House of Bread" - Virgo polarity of Pisces Age)

DON- 150 - Baptism in Jordan - (2nd degree)

DON- 150 - 1st degree initiates - entering long silence of symbolic thirty years - leading to 2nd degree - complete control of emotions/Pisces characteristics

Glamour: A World Problem

GAWP- 3 - 3rd degree - intuition

GAWP- 7 - aspirants - ajna/head centres

GAWP- 15 - aspirants of world

GAWP- 26 -discipleship, path of - dweller activity

GAWP- 33 - aspirant, disciple - master’s consideration

GAWP- 33 - initiation up to 3rd - path of discipleship

GAWP- 40 - 3rd degree - prior to -dweller

GAWP- 40-1 - keynotes to solution of glamour relate to Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius - see EA178, 229 for similar keywords, also 494-5

GAWP- 42 - path of probation, discipleship, initiation (points of fixed cross)

GAWP- 45 - paths of discipleship, probation

GAWP- 49 - probationary path of discipleship (narrow razor edged path - Libra EA 225,227)

GAWP- 50 - aspirant, average

GAWP- 52 - power, illusion - first 2 initiations (Leo, Scorpio)

GAWP- 54 - 1st degree

GAWP- 57 - aspirants - idea/ideal - distinguishing

GAWP- 64 - initiates of fairly high degree - form of error

GAWP- 64 - disciples - misapplying ideas

GAWP- 67-8 - aspirant, disciple, initiate - concentration, meditation, contemplation - Leo, Virgo, Libra - EA228

GAWP- 69 - accepted discipleship - verge of - DINA students

GAWP- 71 - disciples on path - cyclic immersion in glamour

GAWP- 74 - initiation - 3rd degree? - ‘mountaintop of liberation’ - dispelling glamour

GAWP- 75 - probation, path of

GAWP- 78 - disciples, probationary - glamour of devotion to Masters

GAWP- 79 - probationary path - pairs of opposites (see EA -Libra; ray 4 glamour - Libra - 2nd aspect)

GAWP- 79 - aspirants, disciples - feeling, illumined mind

GAWP- 80-1 - senior aspirants, disciples or accepted disciples - battlefield mainly glamour

GAWP- 81 - initiate, true - intuition utilised

GAWP- 82 - aspirants - illumination to dispel glamour; pride, separativeness, criticism - ‘occultly glamorous characteristics (heads of mental hydra - see LH -148-9)

GAWP- 86 - discipleship - prior to - etheric energy - 2 stages

GAWP- 88 - probationary path - world war - many passed onto

GAWP- 88 - discipleship - sequence of unfoldment - great mystery

GAWP- 89 - path of purification - physical disciplines - preparing many for - military in Europe

GAWP- 90 - initiation - dweller dwells in portal of initiation - faces angel of presence open-eyed

GAWP- 90-1 - dweller prior to illumination (Scorpio), inspiration (Sagittarius), initiation (Capricorn) (see EA228) (Capricorn represents dweller/angel duality through esoteric/hi. rulers Saturn/Venus; dweller is 3rd aspect [Saturn-personality] and angel is 2nd aspect [Venus-soul]

GAWP- 91 - paths of aspiration, discipleship and initiation - dualities of physical, astral and mental respectively

GAWP- 92 - rays governing bodies - mental 1,4,5; astral - 2,6; physical - 3,7 - statement of infallible rule except disciples

GAWP- 95 - material possessions, beauty, comfort - (Taurus rules humanity) - aspirant reorients to probationary path; end of path of evolution

GAWP- 96-7 - physical/etheric pairs of opposites - path of purification (possibly related to Leo/Virgo and 1st degree)

GAWP- 97 - reversed wheel - unification of energies of physical plane (Virgo)

GAWP- 97 - reorientation, reversal of wheel by race/individual (Libra; Libra strong in planetary horoscope at end of this century - DK - hence many could be reversing wheel)

GAWP- 97 - aspirant, average - one pointed devotee (moving toward Scorpio)

GAWP- 97 - determination to travel in particular direction (Sagittarius; mutable cross generally - see 97 - Virgo)

GAWP- 98-9 - pairs of opposites on astral - Arjuna (Libra) - path of discipleship

GAWP- 98 - many ‘well’ meaning people at discipleship stage

GAWP- 98 - DINA - (DLR, DPR) - freedom from glamour - (both 1/5 rays; mental/illusion)

GAWP- 99 - path of purification

GAWP- 100 - paths of purification and discipleship

GAWP- 100 - right choice (Saturn/Libra - governs probationary path)

GAWP- 101 - aspirants, disciples, initiates - 1st, 2nd 3rd degrees - distinguish opposites

GAWP- 103 - initiations - final 3 (3,4,5) - angel dweller

GAWP- 103 - first 5 initiations

GAWP- 108 - 1st degree - highest in Lemuria; secrets of initiation; path - admission to - in Lemuria

GAWP- 111 - aspirants - advanced man - self pity - major glamour (ray 2)

GAWP- 113 - Atlantean race - reaction of aspirant to truth

GAWP- 113 -

|Race |Duality |Problem |Method |Goal |

| | | | | |

|Lemurian |Physical force vs vital |Maya |Astral control |1st degree |

| |energy | | | |

| | | |Hatha yoga: |Inspiration |

| | | |aspirants | |

| | | |Laya yoga: | |

| | | |disciples | |

|Atlantean |Pairs of opposites |Glamour |Mental control |2nd degree |

| |Qualities | |Bhakti yoga: |Illumination |

| | | |aspirants | |

| |Sentiency | |Raja yoga: | |

| | | |disciples | |

|Aryan |Dweller on threshold |Illusion |Soul control |3rd initiation |

| |Angel of the Presence | |Raja yoga: |Intuition |

| | | |aspirants | |

| | | |Agni yoga: | |

| | | |disciples | |

GAWP- 115-6 - aspirants - questions that arise

GAWP- 117 - paths - probationary, discipleship, initiation

GAWP- 118 - ray type - ascertaining by aspirant - brings method of release

GAWP- 126 - dweller guarding door of initiation; path of initiation; processes of initiation; initiatory lesson

GAWP- 126 - disciple - baffled; initiate - triumphant

GAWP- 127 - first 3 initiations, 2 final - lower major duality

GAWP- 127 - accepted discipleship to a master

GAWP- 131 - discipleship - illusion evoking emotional reaction

GAWP- 153 - DINA students in training for initiation

GAWP- 158 - Aryan race ready for initiation (between 1st and 2nd?)

GAWP- 158 - world disciple - Arjuna (Atlantis)

GAWP- 159 - advanced aspirants, disciples - opportunity for dweller

GAWP- 161-2 - aspirants, disciples of world

GAWP- 165 - aspirants, disciples, initiates - many new thousands

GAWP- 166 - renunciation, sacrificial will - interim stage; 4th degree?

GAWP- 167 - disciples/initiates of Buddha/Christ - energy concentrated thru; see 169 - past 2000 years

GAWP- 171 - higher initiations - ‘ technique of presence’ - 3rd degree becomes immediate goal

GAWP- 171-2 - 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree initiations; paths etc.

GAWP- 173 - 3rd degree - seen thru illusion

GAWP- 181 - before 5th degree - no hope of identifying with Purpose

GAWP- 183 - 3rd degree - consummation

GAWP- 185 - disciples, initiates - preserved purity of revelation

GAWP- 191-2 - aspirants disciples, initiates - knowledge, wisdom, intuition - (see EA 626)

- corresponds to physical Sun, heart of Sun, central spiritual Sun

- clue to relation of man to solar logos

GAWP- 195 - initiate perception - intuition

GAWP- 199 - rays 6,2,4 - aspirants, disciples to dissipate as it is their ray of least resistance; see 201 too

GAWP- 200 - 2nd degree initiation

GAWP- 203 - 3rd degree initiation - dualistic consciousness culminates

GAWP- 204 - disciples to 3rd degree initiation - 4 methods of dissipating glamour

GAWP- 206 - five major initiations

GAWP- 221 - ray 6 aspirants - majority dissipating glamour

GAWP- 225 - rays 6,4 - initiates transfer to 2nd ray

GAWP- 225 - non - initiate groups first to attack glamour

GAWP- 251 - disciplined, reoriented aspirant

GAWP- 254 - 4th, 5th degree - oriental in regard to

GAWP- 256 - 3rd degree initiates - success at breathing exercises

GAWP- 264 - disciples, initiates

GAWP- 266 - high stage of initiation after 5th degree

GAWP- 267 - disciples - crises - major initiations

GAWP- 267-8 - dweller - freedom to take higher initiations

GAWP- 268 - first 3 initiations

GAWP- 268 - disciple is dweller

GAWP- 268 - burning ground - 3 successive times (Pluto lower, Uranus higher) see 270,272

GAWP- 271 - John the Baptist - prior to 2nd degree of the threshold (4th?); waxing/waning analogy of soul with Moon and Gemini - see EA for more on Moon/Gemini.

GAWP- 271 - group initiation

GAWP- 271 - disciples, aspirants; DK did not consider problem of maya, glamour, illusion from angle of average man

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle

TEV- 1 - new groups, various rays, nationalities - held together by an inner structure of thought

TEV- 5 - Master Jesus - working in occident. Colonel House registered idea - passed onto Woodrow Wilson (6th ray aspirant)

TEV- 11 - Path of Discipleship - live in head centre

TEV- 34 - centres. Ajna - should be developed by disciple

TEV- 35 - disciples working on telepathic line are nurturers of the future intuitional civilisation - Aquarian age. Seed of future racial potency (6th sub/rootrace)

TEV- 38 - objective of accepted disciple - 3 rules (see TWM320)

TEV- 46 - impression of humanity by ashrams of Masters as they affect idealists, aspirants, humanitarians. United ashrams form ashram of Christ - work through Humanity. NGWS impresses humanity

TEV- 50 - until 3rd initiation - science of impression - establishing of sensitivity between spiritual triad and concrete mind.

TEV- 70 - science of impression conditions relation between junior/senior ashram members. Only 3rd degree initiates, adepts and Masters are permitted to know the Plan.

TEV- 72 - mysterious development of the esoteric sense - impossible before 3rd degree. After 3rd, better contact.

TEV- 73 - all who have taken 3rd degree have power to invoke/evoke.

TEV- 77 - 23rd Psalm, the Prophets, Isiah - Master to disciple communications.

TEV- 87 - first two initiations - impression from own soul/ashram; preceding 3rd degree - directly from Master; after 3rd degree - from spiritual triad.

TEV- 87 - only 3rd degree initiate can be entrusted with thoughtform making - no longer victim of his own personality; can be "entrusted with so dangerous a cycle of powers"

TEV- 88 - probationers use solar plexus and throat to receive and transmit

TEV- 89-90 - three lesser stages of impression correspond to last three initiation of 9; 6th degree - only Masters; 5th, 7th, 8th and 9th initiations.

TEV- 91 - three highest initiates referred to as "diamond souled".

TEV- 98 - discipleship - aura of major importance - indicates whether nearing path.

TEV- 99 - aspirants largely polarised in astral nature.

TEV- 99 - aspirant - three stages - astral, mental, soul

TEV- 100 - second degree initiation - soul sweeps in and submerges astral nature; what "vicarious atonement" refers - very distorted though.

TEV- 101-2 - Path of Discipleship - invoking ability develops

TEV- 102 - aspirants become prisoners - astrally speaking

TEV- 103 - accepting, accepted disciple - ashramic activity.

TEV- 107 - probationary path - aligning process should be started and brought to a high stage of effectiveness on Path of Discipleship.

TEV- 107 - fourth degree - astral body is by-passed before 4th - soul body by-passed before 5th initiation.

TEV- 111 - aspirants at one stage - strongly astral Buddhic

TEV- 115 - disciple's etheric body can reject much and tune it out

TEV- 117 - all aspirants work through solar plexus prior to elevation to heart; solar plexus and throat

TEV- 117 - solar plexus - new forms of art are solar plexus creations (1930's and 40's); throat is involved with a few

TEV- 128 - work of initiation intended to fit disciples and initiates for impression from Shamballa

TEV- 136-7 - two ray energies control at throat (Humanity) at this time:

- average integrated person - ray 3; aspirants/disciples up to 3rd initiation -7th ray especially as ray 7 is in incarnation

TEV- 140-1 - HPB an initiate of high standing; astral body was non-existent (taken 4th?)

TEV- 152 - fourth degree initiate - uses system of nadis

TEV- 154 - conscious growth and initiation

TEV- 157 - head/base of spine at 4th degree - intermediate 5 centres no longer required.

TEV- 159 - 6th initiation of decision

TEV- 160 - ray of monad - one of three major rays conditions disciple's absorption into Hierarchical departments - i.e. ray 1 soul to M, ray 2 to DK, ray 3 to ashram under Lord of Civilisation

TEV- 161 - "etheric substitution" (4 lower for 4 higher) allows the 5th initiation to be taken

TEV- 161 - first degree - purely a concern of a man's own soul - measure of Buddhic energy - conflict as etheric rejects buddhi

TEV- 161 - battle between higher and lower ethers in initiation process affects physical health. Rod of initiation stabilises ethers.

TEV- 163 - nine the number of initiation - all 3 points of 3 triangles. Destined number of disciples to take 9 initiations - will complete planetary etheric body

TEV- 168 - lower centres controlled by ethers 1,2,3; 4th ether controls when aspirant has reached point of integration - takes place on Path of Discipleship and Path of Initiation - higher ethers substituted for lower.

TEV- 169 - seven chakras of etheric vehicle of man always composed of physical ethers. On Path of Discipleship, they become vehicles of cosmic ethers.

TEV- 172 - disciple - focus in solar plexus - mental focus pulls to above diaphragm

TEV- 175-6 - until 6th degree - the monad guards two secrets but loses three when it takes control and the soul fades out.

TEV- 189 - NGWS can work with matter and substance

TEV- 195 - new disciple delays ashramic work because of inner focus and turning back on world.

Education in the New Age

ENA- 11 - age of soul, place in evolution; see 14

ENA- 31 - applicants for initiation; 3rd degree initiates utilise sutratma/ antahkarana

ENA- 31 - higher union with spiritual triad

ENA- 32 - unifications - subject of initiation

ENA- 33 - aspirants - links established

ENA- 33 - up to 3rd degree - process of bridging

ENA- 34 - disciple - mysticism line of least resistance

ENA- 52 - paths: purification - civilisation - general racial development

- discipleship - culture - training of intelligentsia

- initiation - illumination - production of illumination

ENA- 62 - transfiguration (3rd degree)

ENA- 71 - people studied from their point in evolution

ENA- 94 - bridging work next 150 years (see 89) - bulk of intelligent people will be integrated personalities

ENA- 134 - many souls achieving perfection - passing away altogether from planetary life - will be intensified in Aquarian Age - millions of souls never intended at this time to incarnate - promiscuity

Externalisation of the Hierarchy

(All refs from index under aspirants, disciples, initiation)

EOH- 7 - 2nd initiation - opening door

EOH- 8 - aspirants - term as used by DK

EOH- 46 - initiates -magnetic healers

EOH- 50 - disciples - world education in applied knowledge and wisdom

EOH- 58 - 3rd degree initiate - knowledge of soul of mineral kingdom

EOH- 63 - disciples - traits needed

EOH- 99 - 2nd initiation - requirement of esoteric sense

EOH- 102 - disciple - equipment required

EOH- 103 - disciple, trained - characteristics

EOH- 107,109 - initiation of race into Mystery of Ages

EOH- 110 - aspirants and disciples tested today - subject to inexplicable conflicts

EOH- 121-2 - Atlantean initiates and disciples

EOH- 125 - initiates’ knowledge of freedom and right use of will

EOH- 136 - initiation - definition; planetary initiation

EOH- 158 - initiation, 3rd - monadic recognition

EOH- 223-4 - aspirants and disciples, world - efforts in constructing thoughtform

EOH- 224 - aspirants, world - faulty thinking and work

EOH- 230 - disciple - few capable of synthetic thought

EOH- 280 -disciples - wall of impregnable spiritual light

EOH- 294 - disciple - evocation of manifestations; confrontation of life cycles

EOH- 308 - disciples - sensitive - inspiration

EOH- 311 - disciples - requirements today (1941)

EOH- 332 - disciples - service, learning, means

EOH- 388 - disciples -fusion and atonement - importance

EOH- 354 - disciples - traits needed

EOH- 409-10 - door of initiation - see 562, 700

EOH- 412 - preparation for initiation - see 520

EOH- 413 - group initiation and group life

EOH- 446 - disciples in fields of government and legislatures - strengthening

EOH- 448 - discipleship - subject distorted

EOH- 448-9 - disciple - first ray work

EOH- 497 - initiation of matter; liberating of souls of men

EOH- 507 - disciples - training by master

EOH- 511 - initiation in Masonic movement

EOH- 513 - paths leading to initiation

EOH- 513 - disciples and probationers - nucleus of New World Religion

EOH- 514-5 - effect of initiation in restoring mysteries

EOH- 514-5 - 1st and 2nd initiations - administration in new age

EOH- 523-4 - disciples - functioning on periphery of ashram

EOH- 527 - seven major ashrams - Chohans; 7 subsidiary ashrams - masters (5th), adepts (4th) aided by initiates of the 3rd degree/senior disciples

EOH- 529-30 - initiations through all levels going to 2025 AD - general assembly of hierarchy

EOH- 538 - initiates’ task of pouring out love principle

EOH- 553 - disciples - overshadowing - future

EOH- 558 - initiates of 3rd degree - quite a few working on Earth at this time (1946)

EOH- 562 - great influx of initiates and disciples; great awakening in human family/major spiritual reorientation (reversal of the wheel - 1st degree initiation)

EOH- 566-7 - hierarchical form no longer needed - corresponds to 4th degree

EOH- 569 - senior initiates knowledge of worldly affairs

EOH- 569 - 4th degree initiates - authorities on modern finance

EOH- 571-2 - initiates do destructive work in preparation for externalisation

EOH- 572 - initiates builders of the new world

EOH- 575 - 3rd initiation - objectively staged

EOH- 586 - motives of disciples

EOH- 607 - training of initiates by Christ

EOH- 608 - (Christ) facing major test, preparatory to a great initiation (7th?)

EOH- 622 - recognition of aspirants needed for service

EOH- 642 - disciples - strengths - increased - sources

EOH- 643 - disciples - no compulsion ever exerted

EOH- 644 - disciples from 5 ray ashrams trained for work of contacting public

EOH- 658 - disciples -task

EOH- 660 - disciple - techniques and disciplines - formulation in KH's ashram

EOH- 664-5 - disciples responsible for labour movement

EOH- 666 - discipleship - hallmark

EOH- 677 - disciple - senior or world - presence at five centres

EOH- 690 - learning protective rules; effects of initiation

EOH- 690 - disciples - absorption of the thoughts of others - extreme sensitivity; registering of desires of others

EOH- 690 - higher identification of senior initiates

EOH- 692 - initiates’ work of world purification

EOH- 694 - aspirants - discovery for training in telepathic susceptibility

EOH- 696 - conveyance of information to aspirant

EOH- 698 - disciples functioning actively in human affairs

EOH- 700 - public inauguration of system of initiation

EOH- 700 - disciple - exoteric training in new cycle

EOH- 700-1 - disciples - goals - material and spiritual

Esoteric Psychology Volume 1

(Taken from index up to page 243 - then from read text)

EP I- 10 - aspirants, disciples - testing

EP I- 37 - initiations - higher, revelation

EP I- 38 - initiates - consciousness

EP I- 40 - Atlantean initiation

EP I- 50 - initiation - process

EP I- 53 - disciples, initiates - characteristics

EP I- 56-7 - disciples - characteristics

EP I- 59 - aspirants - instruction, intuition

EP I- 61 - initiates - consciousness

EP I- 87 - Chohans of 6th degree

EP I- 105-8 - disciples, initiates - work

EP I- 107-8 - aspirants, initiates - work

EP I- 108 - Chohans of 6th degree

EP I- 112 - disciples - growth

EP I- 113 - aspirants, instruction. Disciples - group formation

EP I- 114-8 - disciples - group formation

EP I- 115-7 - aspirants, disciples - instruction, training

EP I- 128 - initiate of 3rd degree - soul ray

EP I- 131 - initiates - light

EP I- 150 - initiate of 3rd degree - comprehension, understanding of life

EP I- 153 - disciples, initiates - characteristics

EP I- 155-6 - initiates - response to planet; synthetic force; first/second initiation - influence; highest initiations

EP I- 195-6 - aspirants - studies

EP I- 197 - aspirants - perfume

EP I- 197 - initiation - mineral kingdom

EP I- 198-9 - initiation - animals

EP I- 200 - aspirants -perfume

EP I- 200 - initiation - factors

EP I- 223-4 - initiation - mineral kingdom

EP I- 226-7 - initiation - mineral kingdom

EP I- 230 - initiation - mineral kingdom

EP I- 240 - initiation - vegetable kingdom

EP I- 243-4 - disciples/initiates - marked (psychological) stages in development - indicate place upon the path

EP I- 246 - initiations -planetary influences (see EA 71)

EP I- 259 - initiation - animals

EP I- 297 - disciples, initiates - incarnation

EP I- 304-7 - disciples, initiates - sex life of; marriage, family

EP I- 314 - disciples - characteristics

EP I- 324-5 - aspirants -adaptation

EP I- 328 - initiation - 3rd - transfiguration - crisis in initiatory work

EP I- 328-9 - initiates, 3rd degree - consciousness

EP I- 332 - initiations, major - knowing world of Deity

EP I- 342 - discipleship, path of - mankind on verge of liberation which will lead there - liberation from free choice (Saturn in relation to Libra prominent in planetary horoscope as well as Saturn ruling first decanate of Aquarius)

EP I- 347 - 4+5 = 9 initiation; adept of 5th achieved complete harmony through right knowledge; realise it at 4th, demonstrates it at 5th

EP I- 350-1 - disciples - first ray energy

EP I- 360 - aspirants - fusion of soul and body

EP I- 378 - initiation - cannot take unless functioning as a soul

EP I- 378-9 - disciples - work

EP I- 380-1 - aspirants - recognition of need for control; disciples - recognition of needs for service

EP I- 406 - initiation, 4th - clear vision of mental body

- initiators, three

1) 1st initiator - soul of man controlling personality

2) 2nd initiator - the Christ - releasing the love nature

3) final initiator - planetary logos - illumining the mind

EP I- 404 - aspirants - studies

EP I- 412 - discipleship - ray expressions

Esoteric Psychology Volume 2

EP II- 7 - Path of Discipleship - preparation for initiation

EP II- 7 - third degree - monadic realisation

EP II- 9 - Disciples - love/will in personality; initiate is - we all through love and intelligence

EP II- 12 - definition of initiation

EP II- 14 - very little egoic control at first degree

EP II- 14 - third degree - " full grown man in Christ"

EP II- 14 - between at first and second degree much time can elapse

EP II- 16 - Path of Discipleship, Path of Initiation

EP II- 16 - Master of wisdom

EP II- 17 - first degree - when "onlooker" throws weight on side of soul - first degree can be taken

- third degree - Ray of soul focuses fully through and centres are controlled by that Ray - can take third degree

- Ray of personality is extinguished/"occultly absorbed by soul Ray"

EP II- 18 - identification final stage of soul unfoldment only understood by those preparing for fourth degree

EP II- 19 - third degree can only understand "energy of life itself"

EP II- 20 - third degree - creation of third aspect but not second by man

EP II- 22-3 - aspirants - three Ray influences - equate with the three races

- Path of Probation - subordinated to outer petals of egoic Lotus

- Path of Discipleship - astral - Ray of soul through love petals

- Path of Initiation - mental - Ray of mental through sacrifice petals

EP II- 23 - after third degree - sensitive to bud of Lotus

EP II- 27 - higher stages of Path of Initiation - active 5th dimension

EP II- 30 - 5th degree - Ray paths open up

EP II- 31 - after major initiations - language only blinds - for the adept

EP II- 35 - for ways for disciple to tread before 4 gates to city to Shamballa can be trod

- way of release; way of loneliness; way of isolation; is way that leads to mountaintop; way of purification

EP II- 43-4 - Disciples - fault-finding of others - incorrect speech - ambiguous, critical

EP II- 45-8 - stanzas on rays and third initiation

EP II- 45 - third degree - realisation on identification

EP II- 48 - futility of dealing with secrets of initiation through words. Masonic dramas will measure up

EP II- 50-1 - liberation (4th) - salvage

EP II- 51 - five points of crisis

EP II- 56 - 3rd degree - union of “pattern” and “conditioned form”. 4th degree.

EP II- 58-9 - (Masonic symbolism of) initiations

EP II- 66 - third degree - consummation of process

EP II- 69 - third degree - after antahkarana completed

EP II- 75 - probation onto path of discipleship

EP II- 75 - full Moon - initiation - preparation rapidly as safely possible

EP II- 105 - parents on Path of Discipleship - attachments to personalities. Children teach lesson that releases for initiation.

EP II- 146 - stages: discipleship, accepted discipleship, not yet accepted, aspirants - Masters study all minutely. Selected for sensitivity to Aquarius.

EP II- 147 - Path of Discipleship - Law of Repulse can only be felt

EP II- 148 - initiation to be undergone before 5 divisions of Paradise to the place of light (Buddhi - hence 5 higher subplanes of mental)

EP II- 149 - Law of Repulse - Paths of Discipleship and Initiation.

EP II- 150 - Law of Repulse - full force felt after the 3rd degree.

EP II- 151 - Law of Synthesis on Path of Initiation.

EP II- 152 - seven minor laws - understanding makes one ready for 4th initiation.

EP II- 152-3 - Masonic degrees as stages of initiation

EP II- 152-3 - fourth degree - fundamental degree.

EP II- 156 - Path of Discipleship - Law of Repulse can control for first time.

EP II- 156-7 - stages of progress through desire (11 points - some zodiacal correspondence: 1=Aries, 2=Taurus, 5=Leo, 8=Virgo, 9=Sagittarius, 10=Libra, 11= Scorpio)

EP II- 159 -aspirant on Probationary Path - Law of desire gives way to Law of Repulse

EP II- 159 - Law of Repulse on Path of Discipleship.

EP II- 161 - third degree - Law of Repulse dominant.

EP II- 162 - Path of Initiation - Law of Repulse.

EP II- 166 - sequence of events re Prodigal Son - most concise

EP II- 175 - Probationary Path - discrimination (Virgo)

EP II- 176 - Pledged/Accepted Disciple - Law of Group Progress - preparation for initiation

EP II- 179 - Paths of Probation/Discipleship - methods of ‘raising the race’

EP II- 180 - mastery of death - ‘raised into life’ (Masonry - 3rd degree)

EP II- 187 - those on Paths of Probation/Discipleship - members of early stages of groups

EP II- 199 - advanced aspirants, disciples and initiates - can understand laws 6 & 7

EP II- 202-3 - lotuses at stages of unfoldment

EP II- 203-7 - soul stages:

1. (Aries?) Dormant humans - rare.

2. (Taurus?) Slow, inert, inarticulate - emotionally asleep, mentally unawakened - relatively rare - several thousands on planet - complete incapacity to respond to mental training and culture.

3. (Gemini?) Emotionally and psychically alive. Desire nature rampant. Relatively large numbers in Negro race - child souls. Modern correspondence to old Lemurian cultures.

4. (Cancer?) Emotional - millions in every race and nation - mind not strong yet. Modern Atlanteans.

5. (Leo?) Intelligent human beings - still predominantly emotional. Average citizens of modern world. Oscillate between life of the senses and mind. Astral turmoil. Nice, good people - but mass consciousness. Sheep of the human family.

6. (Virgo?) Souls who think - cream of human family - writers, artists, thinkers, politicians, religious, scientific, skilled workers, artisans. World aspirants learning ideal of service.

7. (Libra?) Probationers/mystics. Conscious of duality - torn between pairs of opposites. Sensitive, struggling, mentally alive - but not mentally in full control.

8. (Scorpio?) Intelligence/Love nature awakened (2nd degree?) and integrated - tread Path of Discipleship. Practical mystics/occultists.

9. (Sagittarius?) Initiates - know no separation as souls. (3rd degree?)

10. (Capricorn?) Masters and adepts. (4th degree onwards?)

EP II- 209 - five initiations correspond to five races

EP II- 210 - Christ (Earth Chain) on Path of Probation in Atlantis. Buddha (Moon Chain) incarnated a very short time ahead of his brother.

EP II- 210 - many disciples today came in from Moon Chain with much already unfolded.

They have not worked from Lemurian times as has Christ.

EP II- 221 - to blend and synthesise - basic cause of all types of initiation

EP II- 227 - Laws of Nature - stage of manifestation - point reached in the divine expression

EP II- 242 - after third degree - response to the monad

EP II- 243 - Path of Discipleship - soul must play part

EP II- 247 - initiate - one occupied by the inner life

EP II- 259 - four broad categories for human beings: souls/personalities/mind awakening/ masses unawakened.

EP II- 263 - personalities: 1) moving to category of “conditioning souls” 2) integrated and coordinated - but not soul influenced 3) awakening personalities

EP II- 267 - world disciple - coordination of soul, mind, brain

- first to fourth degree - coordination of soul/personality/Hierarchy

- third degree onwards - soul/personality/spirit coordination

EP II- 269 - impact of soul at sequential initiations

EP II- 269 - first three initiations - physical/Lemuria, astral/Atlantis, mental/Aryan

EP II- 270 - third degree - soul/personality perfectly blended

EP II- 270 - in this cycle and Aryan race - the Hierarchy is recapitulating the three initiations and making certain approaches to the race

- Lemurian recapitulation - thousands in “next few years” will come to soul consciousness

- Masses will be made aware of the “Lemurian appropriation” (Jurassic Park one of those factors?)

EP II- 270-1 - Approaches of Appropriation (1st), Acquiescence (2nd), Enlightenment (3rd).

EP II- 274 - Probationary Path - reorientation/readjustment - soul contact - response to Approach of Appropriation

EP II- 275 - long time between 1st and 2nd initiations

EP II- 275 - aspirant moves from Probationary Path to Path of Discipleship. Result of Approach of Acquiescence

EP II- 276 - Arjuna - battle of astral plane - reversal (of wheel). Very definite stage in life of aspirant - [Libra - reversal of wheel?]; many fall into self pity too.

EP II- 277 - Approach of Enlightenment - portrayed by Buddha - “when he took illumination”. Path of Initiation.

EP II- 279 - initiation - in three races - Lemuria, Atlantis and Aryan

- more advanced were “passed” (Masonic 2nd degree) in Atlantis.

- Still more in immediate future (this century) - from race angle - a great number, but not for “raising”.

- Fair number will be “raised to immortality” (Masonic 3rd degree)

- [DK] is not speaking of the five major initiations but of “certain group events” predominantly cosmic in nature.

EP II- 278 - seven steps prior to Approach of Appropriation at Individualisation

- 5 initiations ahead for world disciple toward Approach of Acquiescence [could be 6th degree on higher turn of spiral)

- 7 + 5 steps (12) on Approach to Enlightenment

EP II- 280 - Christ’s temple the most difficult initiation process of all. Ray 2 Love - astral

EP II- 281 - next avatar - “materialising power” [7/1 rays?]; ray 1

EP II- 281 - temple of initiation on physical plane - first initiation will then take place on Earth - initiation of the Outer Court.

EP II- 281-2 - Holy Place (2nd degree) Christ presides - most difficult and most transforming initiation

EP II- 282 - Transfiguration initiation (3rd degree)

EP II- 287 - after 3rd initiation - work with spirit

EP II- 290 - mental body rays 1,4,5: exceptions on Path of Discipleship sometimes

EP II- 292 - ray 4 mental - when nearing the Probationary Path

EP II- 294 - manasic energy in lotuses is quiescent until an advanced stage of Discipleship is reached

EP II- 294 - etheric body after the 3rd degree - monadic energy

EP II- 295 - only initiates can work out their monadic ray

EP II- 295 - monadic ray is life element with which Masters must deal as they prepare a disciple for initiation

EP II- 295 - monadic ray is basically quiescent until after the 4th degree

EP II- 296-7 - ray 6 astral connects with ray 2 monad - astral/buddhic - will be used at 4th degree: 2,4,6 line

EP II- 300 - after 1st initiation the Master adds another ray chart to study; students are set ray charts to do and analyse

EP II- 304-5 - Two important life stages: 1) Soul control - ajna - precedes passing onto Probationary Path - average person today. 2) More definite awakening - base aligns with centres in etheric - precedes initiation. Centre of lotuses aroused. Hub of the wheel - dynamic action. Esoteric Psychology based upon this.

EP II- 305-6 - Three stages of evolutionary activity:

1) Being alive - all centres active in slow rhythmic way - 3 petals functioning.

2) Stage of first fusion - petals vibrant.

3) Stage of second fusion - all centres/petals.

- Christ: birth, transfiguration and ascension.

EP II- 306-7 - 1) individualisation - centres awaken - function faintly.

2) Intellection - all petals; all centres awake but central focal point quiescent. Heart/throat receptive.

3) Discipleship - 2 head centres - petals more active. Path of Purification and Discipleship.

4) Initiation - 4 centres above the diaphragm.

EP II- 308 - Path of Discipleship - soul ray increasing conflict with personality ray

Battle of pairs of opposites begins. Soul ray slowly dominates personality ray - which dominates lower rays. Initiation - monadic ray.

EP II- 308 - Individualisation - being. Intellection - personality. Discipleship - magnetic. Initiation - dynamic.

EP II- 310 - passing to Path of Probation - much of humanity. Prolonged conflict on astral lies ahead of all. Aspiration prior to initiation - Arjuna experience. Much mystery and difficulty in sequence of human unfoldment.

EP II- 311 - physical activities - initiation - preparing for millions to pass onto the Path of Purification

EP II- 312 - Dweller dwells in shadow of portal of initiation

EP II- 313 - Path of Purification - lower opposites - etheric/physical (Virgo)

- Path of Discipleship - astral pairs of opposites (Libra).

- Path of Initiation - higher opposites - soul/personality.

EP II- 316 - after the 3rd initiation - no longer identified with vehicles of expression.

EP II- 326 - three groups of people

EP II- 327 - involution/evolution

EP II- 328 - six stages: (Correspond to zodiac signs). Appropriation - will to be (Aries). Will aspiration - materialise (Taurus) - root of desire.

EP II- 331 - consciousness goes through all six stages in reverse order

EP II- 332 - appearance (Cancer) Arjuna (2nd degree)

EP II- 332 - approach (3rd degree) aspiration (Taurus) appropriation - (4th - Aries) - mysteries of higher initiations.

EP II- 334 - intelligentsia, probationers, disciples

EP II- 339-40 - five crises of awakening: 1) sacral/Lemuria 2) solar plexus/Atlantis 3) throat/Aryan 4) heart/6th race 5) head - 7th race

EP II- 341 - right arrangement according to ray type of energies arousing centres leads to direct alignment of the centres in spine. Ray types of vehicles - personality/soul. Monadic ray absorbs rays of personality/soul at 3rd and 5th initiations.

EP II- 342 - path of pursuit leads to path of return

EP II- 344 - aspirant re-orients to the Probationary Path

EP II- 345 - after 3rd initiation - integration to Monad

Esoteric Astrology

(Compilation - mostly direct references - several speculative)

1st degree initiation:

EA- 54 - Path of Purification (1st - Path of Probation)

EA- 70 - "at the first initiation...crystallising and destroying forces of Vulcan and Pluto.."

EA- 143-44 - Leo -prepares for and takes it in Leo

EA- 157 - Gemini/Leo significance first two initiations (see 64,104,155)

EA- 160 - "certain men then reached the stage of discipleship wherein they could consciously mount the fixed cross and be prepared for a major initiation" (1st degree is first initiation on fixed cross)

EA- 161-2 - "humanity...great step forward in self-conscious (Leo) unfoldment"

EA- 316 - first two initiations - burning ground (lesser?)

EA- 326 - "one of the secrets of the first initiation"

EA- 355 - "individualisation and initiation" - Gemini connection

EA- 387-88 - "secret of Gemini has to be grasped at the first initiation"

EA- 390 - "...entered into at 1st initiation is consummated in Pisces(4th?) "

EA- 447 - "Sirius, Leo and Uranus...will enable take 1st initiation"

" Leo that man undergoes the preparatory stages of this first initiation"

EA- 471 - "recognition of Christ the aspirant of the first initiation emerges"

EA- 472 - "crisis of birthplace"...initiation... Virgo - (1st initiation?)

EA- 472 - "triangle Leo Virgo Pisces...impact of Piscean force...has...brought humanity, the world disciple to the very door of initiation" (1st initiation)

EA- 631 - "attraction, subtraction, abstraction" related to the first three initiations

2nd degree initiation:

EA- 54 - Path of Discipleship (2nd)

EA- 70 - "second initiation...three planets - Neptune Venus Jupiter" - 3 chakras. see TCF899 - "it is Neptunian influence which presides over and makes possible the 2nd initiation"

EA- 84 - preparation for 2nd birth - 2nd initiation? or 1st?

EA- 143-44 - Scorpio - desire subdued

EA- 157 - "Taurus opens the door into Hierarchy when the significance of Gemini and Leo is understood and the first two initiations can therefore be taken" see 64,104,155

EA- 162 - "disciples of world...and in others the second"

EA- 211 - "final struggle in Scorpio only takes place when the point of balance between soul and body has been reached in Libra"

EA- 220 - "great mystery, revealed only at the time of the second initiation" -Virgo /Pisces / Neptune, fish goddesses (relates to Eleusinian Mysteries and Ceres /Demeter /Hades/ Persephone?)

EA- 223 - Taurus/Scorpio..."all teaching on baptism and purification" - (2nd degree symbology)

EA- 224 - "Baptism by water (a name for the second initiation)...testing...purification...Scorpio"

EA- 298 - energies from "heart of Sun...disciple ready for second initiation"

EA- 316 - first two initiations - burning ground(lesser)

EA- 318 - interplay of forces/esoteric linking of Cancer Virgo Scorpio Capricorn Pisces at a "particular and peculiar stage of discipleship" (2nd degree? or 4th?

- Neptune seems to be a constant here;

EA- 320 - "tests and trials of the initiate up to the 3rd initiation are directed toward this end")

EA- 335 - study of mutable cross - significance of the 2nd initiation

EA- 388 - secret of Taurus at 2nd initiation (polar opposite Scorpio - 2nd degree symbol)

EA- 390 - "..takes form at the 2nd initiation in the will to liberation in Taurus..."

EA- 631 - "first three initiations"

3rd degree initiation:

EA- 24 - "Three of the energies work through the head centre but only after the third initiation." (constellations, planets, creative hierarchies -p23)

EA- 29 - "the effect of the three great constellations also cannot be noted by individual man until such time as he becomes conscious of the monadic vibration, after the 3rd initiation"

EA- 31 - "...after the third initiation there is a recognition of them upon the physical plane" (subtler forces from 3 major constellations)

EA- 55 - Path of Initiation (3rd)

EA- 55 - "the life an light of the three major constellations can-after the third initiation-be occultly available to the initiate"

EA- 70 - "third initiation, the Moon (veiling a hidden planet) and Mars bring about a fearful conflict" see 199 - " Mars/Saturn exceedingly potent...with initiation into the life of the hierarchy" (does Moon veil Saturn? Capricorn closely connected to third)

EA- 84 - "crisis of initiation. Transfiguration...after the third initiation mounts a third cross"

EA- 100-2 - "fire of Aries...potency of burning ground...Uranus rules occult way" (3rd initiation?)

EA- 101 - "crisis of the burning ground...activity of choice of initiate...makes choice in Libra...pass through burning ground to liberation(4th?)"

EA- 102 - "world server in Aquarius" (sign of 3rd degree)

EA- 136 - "always individualised son of god until after the 3rd initiation"

EA- 141- "bulk...of world initiates Aquarius" (Aquarius 3rd degree) - see 144

EA- 144 - "in Aquarius the long effort of the soul is consummated...the man then takes the 3rd initiation"

EA- 147 - "Leo indicates the height of achievement of the human soul" (could mean 3rd initiation as height of achievement of fixed cross, or 4th initiation where causal body is destroyed" -DK goes on: "...that initiation and liberation..." - "liberation" being keyword for 4th initiation

EA- 148 - "this achievement reaches its goal at the third initiation" soul dominating personality. see 147

EA- 157 - "...Capricorn...last three initiations...significance of Scorpio and Virgo" see 253-4, IU2, TCF

EA- 162 - "...initiates...subjected to...Scorpio Capricorn Pisces" (2nd, 3rd, 4th?)

EA- 163 - "When he has taken the 3rd initiation"

EA- 208-9 - "initiate of the third the monad...passes through most subtle tests"

EA- 262 - "three signs from Capricorn to Pisces, until the third initiation, including Capricorn"

EA- 276 - "life of conscious duality...up to and immediately preceding the third initiation"

EA- 290 - "this triangle (Taurus Leo Aquarius) demonstrates finally the perfection or consummation of the human way" (3rd degree?)

EA- 298 - "in connection with the horoscope of the Leo subject...when Sun, Moon (hiding a planet) and Saturn are all combined in a certain house, you have what is called the "sign" of the man who is to take initiation" (numerically may be 3rd house/ 3rd initiation - Saturn rules 3rd; however, may relate to 4th - "Leo...connected through numerical affinity with Mercury" (4th ray)

EA- 300 - "influence of Sirius is not consciously felt until after the third degree initiation" -see 298

EA- 319 - "Therefore, for an initiate and for a period of three incarnations, the four signs of revelation (Cancer Virgo Scorpio Capricorn) intensify their effect upon him, until in the fourth incarnation he begins to respond to the inner influence of Pisces. He thus demonstrates his ability to react to Shamballa influence and...goes out to salvage and save." (just before 3rd? 4th?)

EA- 319-20 - "In Pisces...the dualism of soul and spirit emerges...and tests and trials of the initiate up to the third initiation are directed to this end." ("dualism soul/spirit" resolved at 4th)

EA- 320 - water(y) triangle. tests up to 3rd degree - (3rd degree symbol of 5 pointed star triangle)

EA- 331 - "The initiate who has taken the three lower initiations"

EA- 335 - study of fixed cross - significance of third initiation

EA- 354 - "Mercury is the revealer of the Spiritual Triad to the soul and this carries the disciple to the stage of the 3rd initiation"

EA- 383 - relation of Earth to Venus only revealed at third initiation

EA- 387-88 - "secret of Aries...beginnings, cycles...At the third initiation...begins to understand the life of the spirit"

EA- 390 - "...second initiation. Taurus...finds itself released through the will to serve-universally-in Aquarius" (3rd initiation)

EA- 447 - "Leo marks the height of achievement for the human soul...stimulated by Shamballa force"(3rd or 4th?)

EA- 449 - response to triangles not possible "till the time cycle of the third initiation arrives"

EA- 466 - "through the potency of Libra he has succeeded in achieving that point of balance which makes the final escape from the pairs of opposites possible" - (escape means taking at least 2nd if not 3rd) - see 302 - Libra related to mental unit/Leo with astral permanent atom

EA- 472 - crisis of initiation...Capricorn (3rd initiation?)

EA- 505-6 - "...distinction between sacred and non sacred planet...paralleling correspondence between the consciousness of the initiate(up to and including the third initiation) and the consciousness of the Logos of a non-sacred planet. Soul and body, consciousness and form are blended and a definite fusion is taking place... Transfiguration, the third initiation."

EA- 565 - "..of which the third initiation is but the beginning" - speaking about Christ as 4th degree

EA- 606 - "emerges in the human consciousness after the third initiation" - understanding and climax study of divine psychology - rays/constellations/planets etc.

EA- 614 - Paths of discipleship/initiation...."third stage of evolutionary process...entered into at the third initiation"

EA- 620 - "will to good demonstrated at the third initiation"

EA- 625 - "unknown to initiates below third degree - transcending will

EA- 631 - "first three initiations" - attraction subtraction abstraction in relation to 3rd ray

4th degree initiation:

EA- 38-9 "...Hierarchy...which is fifth in final liberation, or taking its fourth Initiation"

EA- 52 - "...when the conditioning planetary forces, the expanding energies of the Sun sign and the driving energy of the rising sign are all being controlled and directed by the illumined spiritual man, you will then have a soul on the very verge of liberation." (4th?)

EA- 61 - "the man reaches Capricorn...then comes the crisis of renunciation. (4th) see 107

EA- 62 - "a functioning world saviour in Pisces...the fish who swims free in the ocean of matter" see LOTS 45 for goat fish crab analogies

EA- 71 - "..fourth initiation, Mercury and Saturn again bring about great changes and revelation.. " (HPB exact Mercury/Saturn conjunction in Virgo - took 4th in that life) see 599 - " 'seeds of death' emerge through the medium of this ray(4th) and the Grim Reaper, Death (Saturn), is but an aspect of this will, conditioned by the 4th ray and emerging from the fourth plane" - (Saturn/Moon connection? - Moon co-ruler 4th ray; death of causal and quite frequently physical at 4th initiation; Moon/Saturn speculation for 3rd - see p.70)

EA- 101 - "..pass through the burning ground to liberation" (4th initiation? - see 3rd in. refs.)

EA- 105 - Venus in Aries - "just as the personality is lost sight of in the light of the soul, the solar angel, so the soul itself disappears and its power and radiance fade out when the Presence, which it has hitherto veiled, appears and dominates the scene at the end of the greater world cycle....the solar angels...give place to the monad, the One." (causal destroyed at 4th initiation)

EA- 107 - "Renunciation...disciple...renounces all...lays himself on the altar of sacrifice...achieves the final liberation" (4th initiation)

EA- 116-7 - "This dual bondage is brought to an end by what is called the final death, when the complete release of the life aspect from the life of the form takes place...soul itself...nature of form...dual itself in consciousness to the One...climaxing story of Pisces...fourth Creative saviours(Jesus took 4th at crucifixion) sacrifice in Pisces which absorbs them back into their originating Motive" (4th initiation)

EA- 130 - " of Pluto is to 'cut the thread which binds the two opposing lives together'...the task of Venus to reunite the severed lives but with no binding thread'...Venus is exalted in Pisces and at the end of the greater cycle the Sons of God...are raised up into glory through experience and crucifixion because they have learned to love and truly reason" (4th initiation?)

EA- 130 - "...Venus exalted in Pisces at end of greater cycle...raised up into glory through experience and crucifixion" (crucifixion is keyword for 4th - see BTC175)

EA- 131-2 - "...Mercury 'falls' in Pisces...what is the esoteric meaning?, coming into full soul consciousness, requires now no mediator but deals directly himself with his emanating source. Mercury..(becomes)...the Sun mediating between the higher aspects - soul and spirit...mediator... between life and consciousness itself...fusion of what is already related."

EA- 137 - "seventh, second and fourth rays.(related to Aquarius via rulers)..determine the final stages of man's stages and happenings of the Path of Initiation" (4th ray/4th degree?)

EA- 141 - "Those who achieve in Pisces and make the higher and further grade of development, pass...Shamballa" (4th?)

EA- 144 - "...takes the third initiation...taking the next two initiations on the cardinal cross" (Taurus- Vulcan as transition energy? see 392-3

EA- 147 - "Leo indicates the height of achievement of the human soul" (4th initiation? see 3rd initiation refs)

EA- 157 - "Aries opens the door to Shamballa when the experience of Taurus and Capricorn have been undergone....Capricorn...last three initiations"

EA- 165 - "Libra guards the secret of balance, of equilibrium and finally speaks the word which releases the initiate from the power of the Lords of Karma" ("Esoterically, Saturn cannot follow man onto the cardinal cross" - Saturn falls in Aries -105)

EA- 168 - "and the world saviour in Pisces, thus completing the round of the zodiac and able to say triumphantly in Pisces 'it is finished' "

EA- 179 - "Identification, governing liberation - Pisces.."

EA- 188 - "Pisces...indicating the final goal of man"

EA- 196 - "pole star...'star of reorientation'...brings a man back to his originating source" (monad)

EA- 202 - "...only of significance to initiates of the fourth degree" - Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Pleiades

EA- 208 - "the initiate of the 3rd degree - upon a higher turn of the spiral - reorients himself to the Monad and passes through most subtle tests to certain undefinable spiritual recognitions"

EA- 211 - "Scorpio governs "the initiates"...the true esoteric name of man" (4th CH, 4th ray/4th in.? etc) (see previous sentence for ref. to 2nd initiation)

EA- 217-8 - Cancer/Neptune/7th ray/etch - "not to be understood by anyone below the stage of the fourth initiation"

EA- 225 - Venus in Scorpio - spiritual intuition - "This solar angel... must give place eventually to the Presence. Venus must wane...and the Sun must wax

EA- 258 - Pisces - world saviour - initiation

EA- 276-7 - "the veil of the temple was rent in twain from top to bottom" (causal body too? ) "Where is the one God Who has forsaken me?...I see the dark of distant spirit.."

EA- 290 - Taurus Leo Aquarius triangle - (3rd degree? see 3rd refs.)

Leo Virgo Pisces - 4th degree? - " a still more subtle expression of consciousness"

EA- 296 - "(at the final revelation and liberation)" (4th?) - "the activity of Uranus...only registered at a very advanced stage of the path...arouses the centre at the base of the spine and draws the kundalini fire upwards""

EA- 299-300 - see above p.71 - Mercury/Saturn

EA- 299 - Sirius/Leo/Mercury/Saturn - "prepares the aspirant for initiation";

EA- 300 - "after the 3rd initiation Sirius becomes a major life factor...Sirius, Leo, Sun, Moon (veiling Saturn?) and Mercury are now the influences with which the initiate is concerned" (Sirius is "4th path" hence 4th degree connection - see TCF 1258-1261)

EA- 359 - "Mercury...hierarchical ruler of Scorpio...its effect is of a planetary's true significance will not be understood until the consciousness of individual man is also planetary in its scope and grasp, which is never the case until after the 3rd initiation" (Mercury rules 4th ray, 4th ray comes through Scorpio, 4th CH, 4th initiation etc.)

EA- 390 - "that which is begun or 'entered into' at the first initiation is consummated and completed in Pisces" (4th?)

EA- 392-3 - "revealed to Christ at the fourth great initiatory crisis" - Gethsemane experience/Vulcan (Taurus/4th ray/4th in.

EA- 442 - see above p.71 - Saturn/Mercury

EA- 442 - "Saturn breaks up existing conditions...thus enabling the influence of Mercury" -"seeds of death" - Capricorn see 158

EA- 472 - Crisis of renunciation. Crucifixion

EA- 481 - "soul is consciously at-one-ing itself with form and at the same time with spirit...when...Virgo is consummated in Pisces...make man the true triangle" (4th?)

EA- 496 - "..identification with...the subjective and real Self and...withdrawing from that which is the not-Self is the keynote of the fourth initiation" - related to triangle of Cancer/Leo/Aquarius (Neptune is soul/hi. ruler respectively for all three, and is known as the "One Initiator", which is also the Christ who only officiates up to the 2nd degree. However Neptune does have a connection with the 4th degree or buddhic consciousness: "No man begins to coordinate the buddhic vehicles until he comes under Neptunian influence in some life or other...his personality horoscope will show Neptunian influence dominating somewhere" TCF899 - see TCF113

EA- 565 - "The Piscean aspect in its highest expression is demonstrated by His sensitivity to immediate and unbroken contact with His "Father in Heaven"; He was in constant contact with the Monad, thereby proving to the world that He was initiated into states of consciousness of which the third initiation is the beginning."

EA- 620 - "..will-to-good demonstrated in the higher initiations when God- consciousness is achieved. This is the third stage of divine fulfilment. It connotes Monad, Life."

EA- 632 - "Libra...constellation...point of of the spirit and the potency of matter" (4th?)

5th degree initiation:

EA- 52-3 - "Eventually the energies of the twelve constellations and-at a final stage of experience and development(5th?)-of the three great constellations which condition the solar Logos are blended with the innate energies of the seven rays or of the seven planetary Logoi. This marks a point of perfection." (5th?)

EA- 53 - "until after the fifth and final initiation the non-sacred planets have no effect"

EA- 60 - "this dualism is present until the last and final initiation" (5th?)

EA- 71 - "fifth and final initiation, Uranus and Jupiter produce a 'beneficent organisation'..."

- see 336 - 5th? - "Capricorn...highest initiation...entrance into life aspect of deity" - see 137 - "seventh, second and fourth rays...determine final stages of man's progress as well as the initial stages" (2nd & 7th through Jupiter/Uranus)

General Comments on Initiation:

EA- 67 - signs - Taurus/Pisces-Vulcan/Pluto-ray 1- world saviour

- Leo/Aquarius-Sun/Jupiter-ray 2-world server

- Sagittarius/Capricorn-Earth/Saturn-ray 3 - initiate

- Aries/Virgo-Mercury/Moon-ray 4 - cosmic/individual Christ

- Cancer/Scorpio-Neptune/Mars-ray 6-triumphant disciple

- (Gemini/Libra missing see bottom of p.66)

EA- 180 - probationary disciple, two stages

EA- 189 - disciples - pledged - under observation

EA- 328-330 - initiation secrets - development of inner light

EA- 332-4 - signs - intermediate relationship - initiatory stages

EA- 328 - initiation secrets - light

EA- 467 - signs, eight - Ari, Tau, Gem, Can, Lib, Sco, Sag, Cap - evolution of soul- psychic unfoldment of aspirant

EA- 473-7 - crises, seven - practical lessons from; moments of crisis passed thru 3 times- soul cycle recapitulated in minor sense in one life or group of lives

EA- 476-7 - constellations, five - disciple/initiate - Leo joins 7 + 5

EA- 510 - probationers/disciples: ex/es rulers; sacred/non-sacred; Sun/Moon veiling

EA- 614 - paths - 1) evolution/probation 2) discipleship 3) initiation

Esoteric Healing

(Indexes have been added to text read)

EH- 24-5 - disciples -psychological troubles

EH- 26-7 - disciples - care in choice of healer

EH- 34-5 - aspirants - energy control

EH- 35 - disciples, initiates - types

EH- 37 - initiation - effect on centres

EH- 49 - aspirants, disciples - diseases

EH- 55 - aspirants, disciples - diseases

EH- 75 aspirants and disciples, initiates - condition of centres

EH- 75-6 - ray type and point in evolution of patient - healer must know for accurate diagnosis; astrological conditions

EH- 81 - initiation - sign and symbol

EH- 87 - initiation - preparation for

EH- 114-210 - diseases due to life of discipleship

EH- 115 - disciples - diseases; initiates of 2nd and 3rd degrees

EH- 115-6 - disciples - energy reception; soul energy inflow

EH- 116 - disciples - over-stimulation; polarisation

EH- 120-34 - disciples -problems - specific

EH- 121 - disciples - death

EH- 121-2 - disciples - nervous system diseases; problems - categories

EH- 122-5 - disciples - influence of environment

EH- 123-9 - disciple - heart centre awakened - problems

EH- 123-4 - disciples - organising centre of group; personality contacts

EH- 125 - disciples - impersonality

EH- 125-6 - disciples - difficulties of rhythm

EH- 126 - initiates - life; 2nd degree initiates

EH- 126-7 - disciples - psychological cleavages

EH- 128 - initiates of 3rd degree

EH- 128 - disciples - ray 7 diseases

EH- 129 -disciples - underdevelopment

EH- 129-30 - disciples - nervous system diseases; over-stimulation

EH- 130 - disciples - rays 2,6 difficulties

EH- 130-2 - disciples - respiratory problems

EH- 132 - ray 4 disciples - intuitive understanding of OM

EH- 132 - disciples - problems of centres

EH- 132 - disciples on ray 1 - predisposition and powers

EH- 135-220 - aspirants and disciples - difficulties incident to soul contact

EH- 136 - disciples - death

EH- 138 - disciples, initiates of 3rd degree - centres - objective

EH- 138-9 - initiate - (cardinal cross); aspirant/disciple - (fixed cross); average primitive man - (mutable cross) - (see 81 - 5 stages of chakra unfoldment)

EH- 138 - until after the 3rd degree - stimulation, readjustment, attainment

EH- 139 - 3rd degree - connected to physical permanent atom (Aquarius - see EA303; Aquarius also represents 3rd degree on fixed cross) - effects

EH- 144 - initiations - nine; hierarchical

EH- 145 - initiates of 3rd and 4th degree

EH- 146 - initiates - link with Shamballa; 3 aspects

EH- 147 - disciples, initiates of 3rd degree - personality expression

EH- 148 - disciples, initiates - vision

EH- 151 - initiations - nine

EH- 151-2 - disciples -triplicities

EH- 151 - throat ruled by Saturn; head - Uranus; ajna - Mercury - disciple only - different after 3rd degree, before 1st degree - see EA 517 - average man - Vulcan/head, Venus/ajna, Earth/throat; disciples/initiates - Vulcan/head, Venus/ajna, Saturn/throat.

EH- 152 - Uranus Saturn Mercury - key to process of ninefold initiation - see EA 427,429 - Sirius, Great Bear, Pleiades respectively.

EH- 152 - aspirants - first initiation

EH- 156-7 - initiation of 2nd degree - results

EH- 159 - initiates - fusion of soul and personality; work

EH- 161 - becoming accepted disciple

EH- 171 - training accepted disciple for initiation; tests for initiation

EH- 173 - initiates of 3rd degree

EH- 174 - aspirants to Path of Discipleship - task

EH- 175 - initiations - major - transferences

EH- 175 - disciples - difficulties caused by energy transfer; heart disease

EH- 176 - initiations - effects on two thirds of humanity

EH- 180 - (Scorpio) - sex - principle of mysticism (Scorpio 2nd degree initiation)

EH- 180 - disciples - diagram of centres

EH- 183 - initiates - self demands, adequacy, cause

EH- 184-5 - initiates of 3rd degree - study of three basic energies

EH- 185 - paths, 3 - ida pingala sushumna nadis (3 crosses - initiation) on Path of Discipleship

EH- 188 - three crosses - evolution (mutable), discipleship (fixed), initiation (cardinal) - centres below/above diaphragm, in head

EH- 192 - discipleship - early stages - disharmony

EH- 193 - general mass (Cancer); probationary path (Leo?)

EH- 193 - candidate for discipleship - problem

EH- 193 - disciples - self preparation

EH- 197 - Path of Discipleship - monadic activity

EH- 201 - disciples, initiates - energy control

EH- 210 - initiation, 3rd - centres

EH- 213 - disciples - inflow of spiritual life

EH- 215-6 - disciples - creativity and development

EH- 215-7 - disciples - scientific unfoldment

EH- 216 - initiation - 3rd - centres

EH- 219-20 - disciples - cooperation with medical profession

EH- 228 - Lemurian initiates

EH- 236 - initiates - powers

EH- 238 - disciples, initiates - heart disease

EH- 239 - aspirants - inhibition of emotional reactions

EH- 248 - initiates - work

EH- 254 - disciples - work

EH- 283 - initiates - work

EH- 312-3 - disciples - attention, focus, shift

EH- 325 - disciples - aim

EH- 327 - disciples - lesson regarding health

EH- 334 - initiates - diet

EH- 334 - initiations - preparation for

EH- 339 - disciples - melancholia

EH- 341 - aspirants - benefits of full Moon cycle

EH- 342 - mental types/ aspirants benefit from full Moon; problems for average

EH- 342 - initiation 3rd - revelation

EH- 344 - disciples, initiates - distribution of force

EH- 349 - initiates - powers

EH- 356 - initiates - distinction between healing energies

EH- 366 - aspirants, disciples - frustration; integrated, functioning

EH- 367-8 - disciples - light

EH- 372 - disciples - career within limits of task

EH- 381 - disciples, initiates - inspiration

EH- 405-6 - initiation -2nd degree

EH- 405 - initiates - passage of cosmic physical plane; 4th degree

EH- 406 - initiates - will; 4th degree

EH- 416 - death is initiation (Capricorn - initiation/death)

EH- 429 - aspirants, disciples, initiates - death experience

EH- 434 - initiation - 3rd - liberation

EH- 435 - Path of Discipleship and Initiation - spiritual determination/will

EH- 445 - initiates - unawareness of personality activities

EH- 447 - aspirants - death experience; sleep

EH- 447-8 - initiates - powers of the eye

EH- 448 - initiation - processes

EH- 448 - initiation in death

EH- 449 - initiates - service

EH- 449 - initiates - after death; development

EH- 450 - disciples - awareness of creative activity and love; discovery of group in ashram; awareness of death

EH- 453 - Path of Initiation - of light and life

EH- 463-4 - approximate age of soul determined at 14 years

EH- 464 - initiates - death

EH- 464 - freedom from astralism

EH- 468 - initiation - definition

EH- 472-3 - aspirants, disciples, initiates - death experience

EH- 486 - disciples, initiates - in mental body immediately after death

EH- 489-90 - disciples - liberation

EH- 498 - disciples - integrated personality - absorption by soul

EH- 499 - initiates, senior - permission to use word forms

EH- 501-2 - disciples, initiates - death; identification of self with soul; discarding of physical body at will; Law 10

EH- 502 - initiates - insensitivity to pain

EH- 505 - initiates - service

EH- 505 - disciples, liberated - creation of body

EH- 507 - conflict terminates at 3rd degree (Aquarius); identification of personality with soul

EH- 507 - initiation 3rd - liberation

EH- 508 - aspirants - objectives

EH- 509 - Path of Accepted Discipleship - task

EH- 512-3 - soul state of mind - 3 stages: 3 crosses?

EH- 514 - disciples - death

EH- 514 - conflict of personality and soul on Path of Discipleship

EH- 514 - process of reversal (on wheel - Libra)

EH- 514 - reversal of wheel (Aries to Pisces via Taurus); probationary path (Libra); path of discipleship (Scorpio)

EH- 515 - 3rd degree - elimination of thoughtform of personality (Aquarius/Leo polarity)

EH- 515-6 - initiation 3rd - liberation

EH- 518 - soul prepares itself for 4th degree

EH- 519 - transfiguration initiation - 3rd degree

EH- 519 - resurrection - 5th degree

EH- 519-20 - disciples - freedom of ashram

EH- 528 - moving of large group of average humanity onto Path of Discipleship (Scorpio) (see DK’s remark in EA that Libra will govern planetary horoscope at end of century)

EH- 529-30 - disciples - entrance into medical profession

EH- 536 - cosmic initiation of Planetary Logos in WW2

EH- 539 - initiate of 4th degree - perfect health

EH- 540 - initiates - death

EH- 546 - disciples, initiates - sense of universality

EH- 552 - disciples, initiates -permitting disintegration of self

EH- 560 - disciples - incurrence of disease as service

EH- 564 - Atlantean initiates

EH- 565 - initiate of 2nd degree - problems of health

EH- 566 - aspirants, disciples -diseases

EH- 568 - below 1st degree - real cause of death - inability to express the true

EH- 569 - disciples, initiates - interplay of head and basic centres

EH- 571 - initiation before 4th degree - eye of soul - head centre

EH- 572 - disciples - energy distributors

EH- 573 - advanced disciples - healer

EH- 576 - first initiation - Atlantean times - healing

EH- 576 - Lemurian initiates

EH- 578 - initiates - making today

EH- 579 - aspirants - control

EH- 580 - Lemurian initiates

EH- 579-80 - Atlantean initiates

EH- 584 - aspirants - solar plexus and heart comparison

EH- 585 - Path of Discipleship - response to soul energy

EH- 585 - initiates - consciousness

EH- 586 - initiation - study connected with

EH- 592 - disciples -diseases

EH- 594-5 - first initiation - coordinated activity solar plexus / heart (1st great mountaintop)

EH- 595 - first initiation - energy conflict with forces

EH- 595 - first and second initiations - physical ills, diseases of saints; tests

EH- 598 - initiates of 3rd degree - health

EH- 610 - initiates - evacuation of frustration

EH- 613 - initiate of 3rd degree - physical body

EH- 640 - third initiation - death of personality - culminates at 3rd (Leo/Aquarius axis)

EH- 640 - conflict of personality and soul on Path of Discipleship/Initiation

EH- 640 - initiation 3rd - liberation

EH- 642 - initiate - death

EH- 646-7 - initiates - powers

EH- 654 - fourth initiation - Master Jesus; initiates - 6th ray

EH- 656 - initiates - clairvoyance

EH- 659-60 - initiates - rules and laws important to

EH- 660 - disciples - poise

EH- 663 - initiates - rules and laws important to

EH- 664-5 - initiation - past 200 years - many initiated - entered ashrams of Masters - unforseen by Hierarchy - rapid but difficult way to be tried (since 1725-45?; see 667 too)

EH- 666 - aspirants - dweller on the threshold

EH- 667-8 - disciples - work

EH- 668 - aspirants - attraction to hierarchy

EH- 668 - initiates - service

EH- 671 - sixth initiation of Christ - mastery over evil

EH- 671 - initiations - five in Gospel story

EH- 671-3 - disciples - poise

EH- 672 - initiation - basic requirements

EH- 672 - fifth and sixth initiations - state of awareness; Rule 6 - 6th degree

EH- 672 - third initiation - practical application of 3 basic requirements; 5th initiation

EH- 672-3 - disciples - control of emotions

EH- 673 - initiate of higher degrees - monadic

EH- 673-4 - disciples - liberation

EH- 674 - initiates - perception and knowledge

EH- 675-6 - disciples - self discipline

EH- 676 - initiate - higher - will to good - group effect; destructive on individual

EH- 676 - initiate - will of personality of very high order - of initiated disciple

EH- 678 - after 2nd degree before 3rd degree - later stages of Path of Discipleship and stages upon Path of Initiation

EH- 678 - initiation of 3rd degree - Law 10

EH- 681 - Path of Discipleship - learning by sight; learning by hearing - stage of orientation (to Path of Initiation) - spiritual correspondence of sight

EH- 683 - Path of Initiation? - 3 stages of ‘esoteric living’

EH- 684 - initiates (4th degree), disciples - “discarding of hindrances” - very advanced - 4th degree initiates - “O Rising One”; liberation

EH- 685-6 - embryonic stages of discipleship - fulfilment of duty, responsibility, desire to serve

EH- 686 - Path of Discipleship - moves from Path of Probation when service, duty, dharma are blended

EH- 687 - initiates - sphere of obligation

EH- 688 - initiates, disciples understand where they are on path

EH- 689 - soul is form for 4th degree initiation; mental atom is form

EH- 690 - status of initiate in ashram

EH- 690 - initiates - registration of creative sound

EH- 690 - seven paths shown to initiate

EH- 691 - initiate of ashram or Shamballa

EH- 691 - prior to 4th degree initiation

EH- 691 - initiates - intermediary with personality; form qualities absorbed by soul

EH- 691-2 - initiation - for lunar lord of personality

EH- 693 - aspirants - average ray of soul

EH- 695 - initiated disciple and intelligent aspirant - statements on rays

EH- 700 - initiates - trained recognition and work through rays of lower bodies

EH- 705 - initiates of black lodge

EH- 705-6 - disciples - energy reception

EH- 713 - fifth initiation - liberation of Master

Rays and Initiations (Re-read)

RI- 89 - Gemini - initiation

RI- 163 - resurrection initiation (5th) - ascension initiation (6th) - Law of Life

Labours of Hercules

Esoteric Astrology

(The following is a combination of all the references on the five initiations from reading the text, integrated along with all the references to initiation, aspirants and disciples in the book index)

EA- 21 - disciple - horoscope casting

EA- 22 - disciple - effect of zodiacal signs

EA- 23 - initiate awareness; disciple's duty

EA- 24 - "Three of the energies work through the head centre but only after the third initiation." (constellations, planets, creative hierarchies -p23); disciples

EA- 29 - "the effect of the three great constellations also cannot be noted by individual man until such time as he becomes conscious of the monadic vibration, after the 3rd initiation"

EA- 31 - "...after the third initiation there is a recognition of them upon the physical plane" (subtler forces from 3 major constellations)

EA- 35-6 - Hierarchy of initiates

EA- 38-9 "...Hierarchy...which is fifth in final liberation, or taking its fourth Initiation"

EA- 42 - initiations of "imperishable jivas'

EA- 52 - "...when the conditioning planetary forces, the expanding energies of the Sun sign and the driving energy of the rising sign are all being controlled and directed by the illumined spiritual man, you will then have a soul on the very verge of liberation." (4th?)

EA- 52-3 - "Eventually the energies of the twelve constellations and-at a final stage of experience and development(5th?)-of the three great constellations which condition the solar Logos are blended with the innate energies of the seven rays or of the seven planetary Logoi. This marks a point of perfection." (5th?)

EA- 53 - "until after the fifth and final initiation the non-sacred planets have no effect"

EA- 53 - Path of Discipleship - influence of planets

EA- 54 - Path of Purification (1st - Path of Probation)

EA- 54 - Path of Discipleship (2nd)

EA- 55 - Path of Initiation (3rd)

EA- 55 - "the life an light of the three major constellations can-after the third initiation-be occultly available to the initiate"

EA- 57 - Path of Discipleship - hierarchical relationship

EA- 60 - initiate - absence of dualism

EA- 60 - "this dualism is present until the last and final initiation" (5th?)

EA- 61 - "the man reaches Capricorn...then comes the crisis of renunciation. (4th) see 107

EA- 61 - disciple in Sagittarius; disciple - influences of Scorpio

EA- 62 - "a functioning world saviour in Pisces...the fish who swims free in the ocean of matter" see LOTS 45 for goat fish crab analogies

EA- 62 - service of an initiate

EA- 66-7 - initiates and disciple - constellations & planetary rulers; triumphant disciple

EA- 67 - signs - Taurus/Pisces-Vulcan/Pluto-ray 1- world saviour

- Leo/Aquarius-Sun/Jupiter-ray 2-world server

- Sagittarius/Capricorn-Earth/Saturn-ray 3 - initiate

- Aries/Virgo-Mercury/Moon-ray 4 - cosmic/individual Christ

- Cancer/Scorpio-Neptune/Mars-ray 6-triumphant disciple

- (Gemini/Libra missing see bottom of p.66)

EA- 69-70 - disciple - horoscope casting - reaction to influences

EA- 70 - disciple - influence of Saturn

EA- 70 - "third initiation, the Moon (veiling a hidden planet) and Mars bring about a fearful conflict" see 199 - " Mars/Saturn exceedingly potent...with initiation into the life of the hierarchy" (does Moon veil Saturn? Capricorn closely connected to third)

EA- 70 - "at the first initiation...crystallising and destroying forces of Vulcan and Pluto.."

EA- 70 - "second initiation...three planets - Neptune Venus Jupiter" - 3 chakras. see TCF899 - "it is Neptunian influence which presides over and makes possible the 2nd initiation"

EA- 71 - "..fourth initiation, Mercury and Saturn again bring about great changes and revelation.. " (HPB exact Mercury/Saturn conjunction in Virgo - took 4th in that life) see 599 - " 'seeds of death' emerge through the medium of this ray(4th) and the Grim Reaper, Death (Saturn), is but an aspect of this will, conditioned by the 4th ray and emerging from the fourth plane" - (Saturn/Moon connection? - Moon co-ruler 4th ray; death of causal and quite frequently physical at 4th initiation; Moon/Saturn speculation for 3rd - see p.70)

EA- 71 - "fifth and final initiation, Uranus and Jupiter produce a 'beneficent organisation'.."

- see 336 - 5th? - "Capricorn...highest initiation...entrance into life aspect of deity" - see 137 - "seventh, second and fourth rays...determine final stages of man's progress as well as the initial stages" (2nd & 7th through Jupiter/Uranus)

EA- 76 - disciples - using solar plexus as clearing house; awakened heart and head

EA- 83 - Path of Discipleship - 12 incarnations

EA- 84 - "crisis of initiation. Transfiguration...after the third initiation mounts a third cross"

EA- 84 - preparation for 2nd birth - 2nd initiation? or 1st?

EA- 89-90 - disciple - horoscope casting

EA- 90 - implications of initiation

EA- 90 - disciple - gauging by Masters

EA- 91-2 - cross of an initiate

EA- 97 - initiation into air

EA- 100-2 - "fire of Aries...potency of burning ground...Uranus rules occult way" (3rd initiation?)

EA- 101 - "crisis of the burning ground...activity of choice of initiate...makes choice in Libra...pass through burning ground to liberation(4th?)"

EA- 101 - "..pass through the burning ground to liberation" (4th initiation? - see 3rd in. refs.)

EA- 102 - "world server in Aquarius" (sign of 3rd degree)

EA- 105 - Venus in Aries - "just as the personality is lost sight of in the light of the soul, the solar angel, so the soul itself disappears and its power and radiance fade out when the Presence, which it has hitherto veiled, appears and dominates the scene at the end of the greater world cycle....the solar angels...give place to the monad, the One." (causal destroyed at 4th initiation)

EA- 107 - "Renunciation...disciple...renounces all...lays himself on the altar of sacrifice...achieves the final liberation" (4th initiation)

EA- 108 - initiation into freedom

EA- 116-7 - "This dual bondage is brought to an end by what is called the final death, when the complete release of the life aspect from the life of the form takes place...soul itself...nature of form...dual itself in consciousness to the One...climaxing story of Pisces...fourth Creative saviours(Jesus took 4th at crucifixion) sacrifice in Pisces which absorbs them back into their originating Motive" (4th initiation)

EA- 128 - disciple - task

EA- 130 - "...Venus exalted in Pisces at end of greater cycle...raised up into glory through experience and crucifixion" (crucifixion is keyword for 4th - see BTC175)

EA- 130 - " of Pluto is to 'cut the thread which binds the two opposing lives together'...the task of Venus to reunite the severed lives but with no binding thread'…Venus is exalted in Pisces and at the end of the greater cycle the Sons of God...are raised up into glory through experience and crucifixion because they have learned to love and truly reason" (4th initiation?)

EA- 131-2 - "...Mercury 'falls' in Pisces...what is the esoteric meaning?, coming into full soul consciousness, requires now no mediator but deals directly himself with his emanating source. Mercury..(becomes)...the Sun mediating between the higher aspects - soul and spirit...mediator... between life and consciousness itself...fusion of what is already related."

EA- 136 - "always individualised son of god until after the 3rd initiation"

EA- 137 - "seventh, second and fourth rays.(related to Aquarius via rulers)..determine the final stages of man's stages and happenings of the Path of Initiation" (4th ray/4th degree?)

EA- 141 - "Those who achieve in Pisces and make the higher and further grade of development, pass...Shamballa" (4th?)

EA- 141- "bulk...of world initiates Aquarius" (Aquarius 3rd degree) - see 144

EA- 141 - world initiates - liberation

EA- 143-4 - initiation on fixed cross

EA- 143-44 - Leo -prepares for and takes it in Leo

EA- 143-44 - Scorpio - desire subdued

EA- 144 - "...takes the third initiation...taking the next two initiations on the cardinal cross" (Taurus- Vulcan as transition energy? see 392-3

EA- 144 - "in Aquarius the long effort of the soul is consummated...the man then takes the 3rd initiation"

EA- 147 - "Leo indicates the height of achievement of the human soul" (4th initiation? see 3rd initiation refs)

EA- 147 - "Leo indicates the height of achievement of the human soul" (could mean 3rd initiation as height of achievement of fixed cross, or 4th initiation where causal body is destroyed" -DK goes on: "...that initiation and liberation..." -"liberation" being keyword for 4th initiation

EA- 148 - "this achievement reaches its goal at the third initiation" soul dominating personality. see 147

EA- 148 - disciple - influence of Saturn; disciple today

EA- 154 - triumphant initiate

EA- 155 - emergence of initiation consciousness

EA- 157 - "...Capricorn...last three initiations...significance of Scorpio and Virgo" see 253-4, IU2, TCF

EA- 157 - "Aries opens the door to Shamballa when the experience of Taurus and Capricorn have been undergone....Capricorn...last three initiations"

EA- 157 - Gemini/Leo significance first two initiations (see 64,104,155)

EA- 157 - "Taurus opens the door into Hierarchy when the significance of Gemini and Leo is understood and the first two initiations can therefore be taken" see 64,104,155

EA- 160 - "certain men then reached the stage of discipleship wherein they could consciously mount the fixed cross and be prepared for a major initiation" (1st degree is first initiation on fixed cross) - Atlantis

EA- 161-2 - "humanity...great step forward in self-conscious (Leo) unfoldment"

EA- 162 - disciples - testing

EA- 162-3 - influence of Scorpio on initiate; preparation for initiation

EA- 162 - "...initiates...subjected to...Scorpio Capricorn Pisces" (2nd, 3rd, 4th?)

EA- 162 - "disciples of world...and in others the second"

EA- 162-3 - world disciple - influences; relationships

EA- 163 - "When he has taken the 3rd initiation"

EA- 163 - initiates - relationships

EA- 164-5 - readiness for initiation

EA- 165 - "Libra guards the secret of balance, of equilibrium and finally speaks the word which releases the initiate from the power of the Lords of Karma" ("Esoterically, Saturn cannot follow man onto the cardinal cross" - Saturn falls in Aries -105)

EA- 165-6 - Path of Discipleship and Initiation - rays important

EA- 166 - Path of Discipleship and Initiation - planets and constellations

EA- 166 - disciple in Sagittarius

EA- 167 - mountain of initiation

EA- 168 - Capricornian initiate

EA- 168 - "and the world saviour in Pisces, thus completing the round of the zodiac and able to say triumphantly in Pisces 'it is finished' "

EA- 169 - five major initiations

EA- 177 - disciple - pledged attitude

EA- 179 - "Identification, governing liberation - Pisces.."

EA- 180 - probationary disciple, two stages; illumination on Probationary Path

EA- 181 - Path of Discipleship - Sagittarius. Path of Initiation - mountaintop

EA- 185 - disciple - goal

EA- 187-8 - disciple in Sagittarius

EA- 188 - "Pisces...indicating the final goal of man"

EA- 189 - disciples - pledged - under observation

EA- 189 - initiation - definition

EA- 192 - disciple - identification

EA- 195 - Path of Discipleship - Scorpio; spiritual will

EA- 196 - disciple - guidance

EA- 196 - pole star...'star of reorientation'...brings a man back to his originating source" (monad)

EA- 197 - planet of initiation

EA- 198 - disciples - response mechanism

EA- 199 - tests and trials of initiates

EA- 199 - Path of Discipleship - lines of influential energy

EA- 201 - fruits of initiation

EA- 202 - "...only of significance to initiates of the fourth degree" - Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Pleiades

EA- 207-8 - disciple - self initiated trials

EA- 208 - "the initiate of the 3rd degree - upon a higher turn of the spiral - reorients himself to the Monad and passes through most subtle tests to certain undefinable spiritual recognitions"

EA- 208-9 - aspirant - two major crises

EA- 208-9 - "initiate of the third the monad...passes through most subtle tests"

EA- 211 - "Scorpio governs "the initiates"...the true esoteric name of man" (4th CH, 4th ray/4th in.? etc) (see previous sentence for ref. to 2nd initiation)

EA- 211 - "final struggle in Scorpio only takes place when the point of balance between soul and body has been reached in Libra"

EA- 217-8 - Cancer/Neptune/7th ray/4th CH - "not to be understood by anyone below the stage of the fourth initiation"

EA- 218 - disciple in Sagittarius

EA- 220 - "great mystery, revealed only at the time of the second initiation" -Virgo /Pisces / Neptune, fish goddesses (relates to Eleusinian Mysteries and Ceres /Demeter /Hades/ Persephone?)

EA- 223 - Taurus/Scorpio..."all teaching on baptism and purification" - (2nd degree symbology)

EA- 224 - "Baptism by water (a name for the second initiation)...testing...purification...Scorpio"

EA- 224 - disciple - influences of Scorpio

EA- 225 - Venus in Scorpio - spiritual intuition - "This solar angel... must give place eventually to the Presence. Venus must wane...and the Sun must wax

EA- 239 - disciple, world - preparation for initiation

EA- 241 - initiation - definition

EA- 243 - disciple - influences of Scorpio

EA- 243 - world initiates - Sagittarius and Capricorn

EA- 249 - Path of Probation - humanity on; Libra ruler

EA- 250 - Path of Discipleship - Scorpio

EA- 252 - Path of Discipleship - Aries

EA- 258 - Pisces - world saviour - initiation

EA- 262 - "three signs from Capricorn to Pisces, until the third initiation, including Capricorn"

EA- 264-5 - nine initiations

EA- 268-9 - initiate - range of vibrations; difficulties on path of Discipleship

EA- 276 - "life of conscious duality...up to and immediately preceding the third initiation"; difficulties on path of Discipleship

EA- 276-7 - "the veil of the temple was rent in twain from top to bottom" (causal body too? ) "Where is the one God Who has forsaken me?...I see the dark of distant spirit.."

EA- 277 - disciple in Sagittarius

EA- 283 - disciple - entrance into sign

EA- 284 - initiate/disciple awareness; readiness for initiation; Mercury/Sun interchangeable

EA- 286 - effects of initiation

EA- 288 - life of the aspirant in Leo

EA- 290 - Taurus Leo Aquarius triangle - (3rd degree? see 3rd refs.)

Leo Virgo Pisces - 4th degree? - " a still more subtle expression of consciousness"

EA- 290 - "this triangle (Taurus Leo Aquarius) demonstrates finally the perfection or consummation of the human way" (3rd degree?)

EA- 294 - initiation - entrance through burning ground

EA- 296 - "(at the final revelation and liberation)" (4th?) - "the activity of Uranus...only registered at a very advanced stage of the path...arouses the centre at the base of the spine and draws the kundalini fire upwards"

EA- 298 - readiness for initiation

EA- 298 - energies from "heart of Sun...disciple ready for second initiation"

EA- 298 - "in connection with the horoscope of the Leo subject...when Sun, Moon (hiding a planet) and Saturn are all combined in a certain house, you have what is called the "sign" of the man who is to take initiation" (numerically may be 3rd house/ 3rd initiation - Saturn rules 3rd; however, may relate to 4th - "Leo...connected through numerical affinity with Mercury" (4th ray)

EA- 298 - initiation of planetary logos

EA- 299 - preparation for initiation

EA- 299 - Sirius/Leo/Mercury/Saturn - "prepares the aspirant for initiation"; 300 - "after the 3rd initiation Sirius becomes a major life factor...Sirius, Leo, Sun, Moon(veiling Saturn?) and Mercury are now the influences with which the initiate is concerned" (Sirius is "4th path" hence 4th degree connection - see TCF 1258-1261)

EA- 299-300 - see above p.71 - Mercury/Saturn

EA- 300 - "influence of Sirius is not consciously felt until after the third degree initiation" -see 298

EA- 300 - advanced initiate in Leo - concern

EA- 304 - initiation - physical plane; initiator of mysteries -past and present

EA- 307-8 - requirements for initiation

EA- 309-10 - initiate response to Uranus

EA- 316 - first two initiations - burning ground (lesser?)

EA- 318 - interplay of forces/esoteric linking of Cancer Virgo Scorpio Capricorn Pisces at a "particular and peculiar stage of discipleship" (2nd degree? or 4th? - Neptune seems to be a constant here)

EA- 318 - disciple - horoscope casting

EA- 319 - disciple - influences of Scorpio

EA- 319 - "Therefore, for an initiate and for a period of three incarnations, the four signs of revelation (Cancer Virgo Scorpio Capricorn) intensify their effect upon him, until in the fourth incarnation he begins to respond to the inner influence of Pisces. He thus demonstrates his ability to react to Shamballa influence and...goes out to salvage and save." (just before 3rd? 4th?)

EA- 319-20 - "In Pisces...the dualism of soul and spirit emerges...and tests and trials of the initiate up to the third initiation are directed to this end." ("dualism soul/spirit" resolved at 4th) Shamballa influence

EA- 320 - water(y) triangle. tests up to 3rd degree - (3rd degree symbol of 5 pointed star triangle)

EA- 320 - "tests and trials of the initiate up to the 3rd initiation are directed toward this end")]

EA- 320 - symbol of an initiate

EA- 322 - disciple - sensitivity; difficulties on path of Discipleship

EA- 322-3 - consciousness of the initiate

EA- 326 - "one of the secrets of the first initiation"

EA- 328 - initiation secrets - light

EA- 328-330 - initiation secrets - development of inner light

EA- 331 - "The initiate who has taken the three lower initiations"

EA- 331-4 - initiate response to 12 signs

EA- 332-4 - signs - intermediate relationship - initiatory stages

EA- 335 - study of fixed cross - significance of third initiation

EA- 335 - study of mutable cross - significance of the 2nd initiation

EA- 338-9 - initiates - interplay of opposite signs

EA- 347 - initiate - Sun in Leo - horoscope interpretation

EA- 348 - consciousness of the initiate

EA- 352 - Path of Discipleship - soul energy transmission

EA- 353 - Path of Discipleship - influence of Mercury

EA- 354 - "Mercury is the revealer of the Spiritual Triad to the soul and this carries the disciple to the stage of the 3rd initiation"

EA- 355 - "individualisation and initiation" - Gemini connection

EA- 357 - initiation - agency of Venus

EA- 359 - "Mercury...hierarchical ruler of Scorpio...its effect is of a planetary's true significance will not be understood until the consciousness of individual man is also planetary in its scope and grasp, which is never the case until after the 3rd initiation" (Mercury rules 4th ray, 4th ray comes through Scorpio, 4th CH, 4th initiation etc.)

EA- 362 - minor initiation of the astral plane

EA- 365 - Gemini initiate

EA- 366 - health of an initiate

EA- 371 - initiates - will

EA- 383 - relation of Earth to Venus only revealed at third initiation

EA- 387-88 - "secret of Gemini has to be grasped at the first initiation"

EA- 387-88 - "secret of Aries...beginnings, cycles...At the third initiation...begins to understand the life of the spirit"

EA- 388 - secret of Taurus at 2nd initiation (polar opposite Scorpio - 2nd degree symbol)

EA- 390 - "..takes form at the 2nd initiation in the will to liberation in Taurus..."

EA- 390 - "...entered into at 1st initiation is consummated in Pisces(4th?) "

EA- 390 - "...second initiation…Taurus...finds itself released through the will to serve-universally-in Aquarius" (3rd initiation)

EA- 390 - "that which is begun or 'entered into' at the first initiation is consummated and completed in Pisces" (4th?)

EA- 390 - initiation - need of realisation

EA- 391 - initiation - definition

EA- 392-3 - "revealed to Christ at the fourth great initiatory crisis" - Gethsemane experience/Vulcan (Taurus/4th ray/4th in.

EA- 394 - disciple - Taurean - goal

EA- 411 - initiation of planetary logos

EA- 421 - centres of disciple - energies from triangle

EA- 440-1 - disciple - influence of Saturn

EA- 442 - see above p.71 - Saturn/Mercury

EA- 442 - "Saturn breaks up existing conditions...thus enabling the influence of Mercury" -"seeds of death" - Capricorn see 158

EA- 447 - "Leo marks the height of achievement for the human soul...stimulated by Shamballa force"(3rd or 4th?)

EA- 447 - "Sirius, Leo and Uranus...will enable take 1st initiation"

" Leo that man undergoes the preparatory stages of this first initiation"

EA- 449 - response to triangles not possible "till the time cycle of the third initiation arrives"

EA- 450-2 - disciple - response to Leo Pisces Capricorn influence

EA- 451 - disciple - response to Shamballa

EA- 464 - initiates - triangular expression; aspirants - triangular response

EA- 466 - aspirant - effect of the energies of Sirius

EA- 466 - "through the potency of Libra he has succeeded in achieving that point of balance which makes the final escape from the pairs of opposites possible"- (escape means taking at least 2nd if not 3rd) - see 302 - Libra related to mental unit/Leo with astral permanent atom

EA- 466-7 - disciple - effect of energy of Great Bear

EA- 467 - signs, eight - Ari, Tau, Gem, Can, Lib, Sco, Sag, Cap - evolution of soul- psychic unfoldment of aspirant

EA- 469-70 - initiation of planetary logos

EA- 469 - Path of Initiation - influences

EA- 471 - "recognition of Christ the aspirant of the first initiation emerges"

EA- 471 - initiate awareness

EA- 472-3 - individual disciple - unfoldment

EA- 472 - "crisis of birthplace"...initiation... Virgo - (1st initiation?)

EA- 472 - "triangle Leo Virgo Pisces...impact of Piscean force...has...brought humanity, the world disciple to the very door of initiation" (1st initiation)

EA- 472 - crisis of initiation...Capricorn (3rd initiation?)

EA- 472 - Crisis of renunciation. Crucifixion

EA- 473-7 - crises, seven - practical lessons from; moments of crisis passed thru 3 times- soul cycle recapitulated in minor sense in one life or group of lives

EA- 474 - cycle of initiation

EA- 475 - disciple - liberation from human kingdom

EA- 476-7 - individual disciple - unfoldment

EA- 476-7 - constellations, five - disciple/initiate - Leo joins 7 + 5

EA- 481 - "soul is consciously at-one-ing itself with form and at the same time with spirit...when...Virgo is consummated in Pisces...make man the true triangle" (4th?)

EA- 496 - "..identification with...the subjective and real Self and...withdrawing from that which is the not-Self is the keynote of the fourth initiation" - related to triangle of Cancer/Leo/Aquarius (Neptune is soul/hi. ruler respectively for all three, and is known as the "One Initiator", which is also the Christ who only officiates up to the 2nd degree. However Neptune does have a connection with the 4th degree or buddhic consciousness: "No man begins to coordinate the buddhic vehicles until he comes under Neptunian influence in some life or other…his personality horoscope will show Neptunian influence dominating somewhere" TCF899 - see TCF113

EA- 498 - problems of disciples

EA- 503 - initiation - definition

EA- 504-5 - initiations of logoi

EA- 505-6 - "...distinction between sacred and non sacred planet...parallel in correspondence between the consciousness of the initiate(up to and including the third initiation) and the consciousness of the Logos of a non-sacred planet. Soul and body, consciousness and form are blended and a definite fusion is taking place... Transfiguration, the third initiation."

EA- 508 - Probationary path - entrance

EA- 510 - probationers/disciples - problems: ex/es rulers; sacred/non-sacred; Sun/Moon veiling

EA- 512 - initiates - centres - rulerships

EA- 513 - initiates and disciples - planets ruling

EA- 513-4 - destiny of the disciple - indications

EA- 514 - casting the horoscope of an initiate/disciple - problems

EA- 538 - disciple - influences of Scorpio

EA- 540 - initiation of disciples

EA- 542 - number of an initiate; initiation of humanity

EA- 554 - cross of discipleship

EA- 555 - crisis/cross of initiation

EA- 562 - crisis/cross of initiation

EA- 565 - "The Piscean aspect in its highest expression is demonstrated by His sensitivity to immediate and unbroken contact with His "Father in Heaven"; He was in constant contact with the Monad, thereby proving to the world that He was initiated into states of consciousness of which the third initiation is the beginning."

EA- 565 - "..of which the third initiation is but the beginning" - speaking about Christ as 4th degree

EA- 565-8 - initiate - simultaneous focus of 12 energies

EA- 597 - initiation - agency of 1st ray

EA- 605 - initiation - agency of the 1st ray

EA- 606 - "emerges in the human consciousness after the third initiation" - understanding and climax study of divine psychology rays/constellations/planets etc.

EA- 613 - ray 1 and initiation

EA- 614 - Paths of discipleship/initiation...."third stage of evolutionary process...entered into at the third initiation" - training.

EA- 614 - paths - 1) evolution/probation 2) discipleship 3) initiation

EA- 615 - initiates - will

EA- 618 - disciple - able to stand as transforming will

EA- 618-9 - disciple - transmission, transfiguration, transformation

EA- 620 - "..will-to-good demonstrated in the higher initiations when God-consciousness is achieved. This is the third stage of divine fulfilment. It connotes Monad, Life."

EA- 620 - "will to good demonstrated at the third initiation"

EA- 625 - "unknown to initiates below third degree - transcending will

EA- 631 - "first three initiations" - attraction subtraction abstraction in relation to 3rd ray

EA- 631 - "first three initiations"

EA- 631 - "attraction, subtraction, abstraction" related to the first three initiations

EA- 632 - "Libra...constellation...point of of the spirit and the potency of matter" (4th?)

EA- 688 - initiate and sponsors in a triangle

Esoteric Astrology

(Compilation from “Esoteric Astrology” by Alice Bailey - mostly direct references, several speculative)

1st Degree Initiation:

EA- 54 - Path of Purification (1st - Path of Probation)

EA- 70 - "at the first initiation...crystallising and destroying forces of Vulcan and Pluto.."

EA- 143-44 - Leo -prepares for and takes it in Leo

EA- 157 - Gemini/Leo significance first two initiations (see 64,104,155)

EA- 160 - "certain men then reached the stage of discipleship wherein they could consciously mount the Fixed Cross and be prepared for a major initiation" (1st degree is first initiation on Fixed Cross)

EA- 161-2 - "humanity...great step forward in self-conscious [Leo] unfoldment"

EA- 316 - first two initiations - burning ground (lesser?)

EA- 326 - "one of the secrets of the first initiation"

EA- 355 - "individualisation and initiation" - Gemini connection

EA- 387-88 - "secret of Gemini has to be grasped at the first initiation"

EA- 390 - "...“entered into” at first initiation is consummated in Pisces [4th?] "

EA- 447 - "Sirius, Leo and Uranus...will enable take the first initiation"

" Leo that man undergoes the preparatory stages of this first initiation"

EA- 471 - "recognition of Christ the aspirant of the first initiation emerges"

EA- 472 - "Crisis of the Birthplace"...initiation... Virgo - (1st initiation?)

EA- 472 - "Triangle: Leo, Virgo, Pisces...impact of Piscean force...has...brought humanity, the world disciple, to the very door of initiation" (1st initiation)

EA- 631 - "Attraction, Subtraction, Abstraction" related to the first three initiations

2nd Degree Initiation:

EA- 54 - Path of Discipleship (2nd)

EA- 70 - "second initiation...three planets – Neptune, Venus and Jupiter" - 3 chakras see TCF899 "it is Neptunian influence...which presides over and makes possible the second Initiation"

EA- 84 - preparation for 2nd birth - 2nd initiation? or 1st?

EA- 143-44 - Scorpio - desire subdued

EA- 157 - "Taurus opens the door into Hierarchy when the significance of Gemini and Leo is understood and the first two initiations can therefore be taken" see 64,104,155

EA- 162 - "disciples of world...and in others the second"

EA- 211 - "final struggle in Scorpio only takes place when the point of balance between soul and body has been reached in Libra"

EA- 220 - "great mystery, revealed only at the time of the second initiation" -Virgo /Pisces / Neptune, fish goddesses (relates to Eleusian Mysteries and Ceres/Demeter/Hades/ Persephone?)

EA- 223 - Taurus/Scorpio..."all teaching on baptism and purification" - (2nd degree symbology)

EA- 224 - "Baptism by water [a name for the second initiation]...testing...purification...Scorpio"

EA- 298 - energies from "heart of Sun...disciple ready for second initiation"

EA- 316 - first two initiations - burning ground (lesser)

EA- 318 - interplay of forces/esoteric linking of Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces at a "particular and peculiar stage of discipleship" (2nd degree? or 4th? - Neptune seems to be a constant here

EA- 320 - "tests and trials of the initiate up to the third initiation are directed toward this end"

EA- 335 - study of mutable cross - significance of the 2nd initiation

EA- 388 - secret of Taurus at 2nd initiation (polar opposite Scorpio - 2nd degree symbol)

EA- 390 - "..takes form at the second initiation in the will to liberation in Taurus..."

EA- 631 - "first three initiations"

3rd Degree Initiation:

EA- 24 - "Three of the energies work through the head centre but only after the third initiation." (constellations, planets, Creative Hierarchies - p23)

EA- 29 - "the effect of the three great constellations also cannot be noted by individual man until such time as he becomes conscious of the monadic vibration, after the third initiation"

EA- 31 - "...after the third initiation there is a recognition of them upon the physical plane" (subtler forces from 3 major constellations)

EA- 55 - Path of Initiation (3rd)

EA- 55 - "the life an light of the three major constellations can - after the third initiation - be occultly available to the initiate"

EA- 70 - "third initiation, the Moon (veiling a hidden planet) and Mars bring about a fearful conflict" see 199 - " Mars/Saturn exceedingly potent...with initiation into the life of the hierarchy" (does Moon veil Saturn? Capricorn closely connected to third)

EA- 84 - "crisis of initiation. Transfiguration...after the third initiation mounts a third cross"

EA- 100-2 - "fire of Aries...potency of burning ground...Uranus rules the occult way" (3rd initiation?)

EA- 101 - "crisis of the burning ground...activity of choice of initiate...makes choice in Libra...pass through burning ground to liberation [4th?]"

EA- 102 - "world server in Aquarius" (sign of 3rd degree)

EA- 136 - "always individualised Son of God until after the third initiation"

EA- 141- "bulk...of world initiates Aquarius" (Aquarius 3rd degree) - see 144

EA- 144 - "in Aquarius the long effort of the soul is consummated...the man then takes the third initiation"

EA- 147 - "Leo indicates the height of achievement of the human soul" (could mean 3rd initiation as height of achievement of Fixed Cross, or 4th initiation where causal body is destroyed" -DK goes on: "...that initiation and liberation..." - "liberation" being keyword for 4th initiation

EA- 148 - "this achievement reaches its goal at the third initiation" soul dominating personality. see 147

EA- 157 - "...Capricorn...last three initiations...significance of Scorpio and Virgo" see 253-4, IU2, TCF

EA- 162 - "...initiates...subjected to...Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces" (2nd, 3rd, 4th?)

EA- 163 - "When he has taken the third initiation"

EA- 208-9 - "initiate of the third the monad...passes through most subtle tests"

EA- 262 - "three signs from Capricorn to Pisces, until the third initiation, including Capricorn"

EA- 276 - "life of conscious duality...up to and immediately preceding the third initiation"

EA- 290 - "this triangle [Taurus Leo Aquarius] demonstrates finally the perfection or consummation of the human way" (3rd degree?)

EA- 298 - "in connection with the horoscope of the Leo subject...when the Sun, the Moon (hiding a planet) and Saturn are all combined in a certain house, you have what is called the "sign" of the man who is to take initiation" (numerically may be 3rd house/ 3rd initiation - Saturn rules 3rd; however, may relate to 4th - "Leo...connected through numerical affinity with Mercury" (4th ray)

EA- 300 - "influence of Sirius is not consciously felt until after the third degree initiation" -see 298

EA- 319 - "Therefore, for an initiate and for a period of three incarnations, the four signs of revelation (Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn) intensify their effect upon him, until in the fourth incarnation he begins to respond to the inner influence of Pisces. He thus demonstrates his ability to react to Shamballa influence and...goes out to salvage and save." (just before 3rd? 4th?)

EA- 319-20 - "In Pisces...the dualism of soul and spirit emerges...and tests and trials of the initiate up to the third initiation are directed to this end." ("dualism of soul and spirit" resolved at 4th)

EA- 320 - water(y) triangle...tests up to 3rd degree - (3rd degree symbol of 5 pointed star triangle)

EA- 331 - "The initiate who has taken the three lower initiations"

EA- 335 - study of Fixed Cross - significance of third initiation

EA- 354 - "Mercury is the revealer of the Spiritual Triad to the soul and this carries the disciple to the stage of the 3rd initiation"

EA- 383 - relation of Earth to Venus only revealed at third initiation

EA- 387-88 - "secret of Aries...beginnings, cycles... At the third initiation...begins to understand the life of the spirit"

EA- 390 - "...second initiation...Taurus...finds itself released through the will to serve - universally - in Aquarius" (3rd initiation)

EA- 447 - "Leo marks the height of achievement for the human soul...stimulated by Shamballa force" (3rd or 4th?)

EA- 449 - response to triangles not possible "till the time cycle of the third initiation arrives"

EA- 466 - "through the potency of Libra he has succeeded in achieving that point of balance which makes the final escape from the pairs of opposites possible" - (‘escape’ means taking at least 2nd if not 3rd) - see 302 - Libra related to mental unit / Leo with astral permanent atom

EA- 472 - crisis of initiation...Capricorn (3rd initiation?)

EA- 505-6 - "...distinction between sacred and non sacred planet...paralleling correspondence between the consciousness of the initiate(up to and including the third initiation) and the consciousness of the Logos of a non-sacred planet. Soul and body, consciousness and form are blended and a definite fusion is taking place... Transfiguration, the third initiation."

EA- 565 - "..of which the third initiation is but the beginning" - speaking about Christ as 4th degree

EA- 606 - "emerges in the human consciousness after the third initiation" - understanding and climax study of divine psychology - rays/constellations/planets etc.

EA- 614 - Paths of discipleship/initiation...."third stage of evolutionary process...entered into at the third initiation"

EA- 620 - "will to good demonstrated at the third initiation"

EA- 625 - "unknown to initiates below third degree" - transcending Will

EA- 631 - "first three initiations" – attraction, subtraction, abstraction in relation to 3rd ray

4th Degree Initiation:

EA- 38-9 "...Hierarchy...which is fifth in final liberation, or taking its fourth Initiation"

EA- 52 - "...when the conditioning planetary forces, the expanding energies of the Sun sign and the driving energy of the rising sign are all being controlled and directed by the illumined spiritual man, you will then have a soul on the very verge of liberation." (4th?)

EA- 61 - "the man reaches Capricorn...then comes the crisis of renunciation. " (4th) see 107

EA- 62 - "a functioning world saviour in Pisces...the fish who swims free in the ocean of matter" see LOTS 45 for goat fish crab analogies

EA- 71 - "..fourth initiation, Mercury and Saturn again bring about great changes and revelation." (HPB exact Mercury/Saturn conjunction in Virgo - took 4th in that life) see 599 - "'seeds of death' emerge through the medium of this ray [4th] and the Grim Reaper, Death [Saturn], is but an aspect of this will, conditioned by the 4th ray and emerging from the fourth plane" - (Saturn/Moon connection? - Moon co-ruler 4th ray; death of causal and quite frequently physical at 4th initiation; Moon/Saturn speculation for 3rd - see p.70)

EA- 299 - Sirius/Leo/Mercury/Saturn - "prepares the aspirant for initiation"; 300 - "after the 3rd initiation Sirius becomes a major life factor...Sirius, Leo, Sun, Moon [veiling Saturn?] and Mercury are now the influences with which the initiate is concerned" (Sirius is "4th path" hence 4th degree connection - see TCF 1258-1261)

EA- 130 - "...Venus exalted in Pisces at end of greater cycle...raised up into glory through experience and crucifixion" (crucifixion is keyword for 4th - see BTC175)

EA- 442 - "Saturn breaks up existing conditions...thus enabling the influence of Mercury" -"seeds of death" – Capricorn - see 158

EA- 101 - "..pass through the burning ground to liberation" (4th initiation? - see 3rd in. refs.)

EA- 105 - Venus in Aries - "just as the personality is lost sight of in the light of the soul, the solar angel, so the soul itself disappears and its power and radiance fade out when the Presence, which it has hitherto veiled, appears and dominates the scene at the end of the greater world cycle....the solar angels...give place to the monad, the One." (Causal destroyed at 4th initiation)

EA- 107 - "Renunciation...disciple...renounces all...lays himself on the altar of sacrifice...achieves the final liberation" (4th initiation)

EA- 116-7 - "This dual bondage is brought to an end by what is called the final death, when the complete release of the life aspect from the life of the form takes place...soul itself...nature of form...dual itself in consciousness to the One...climaxing story of Pisces...fourth Creative saviours [Jesus took 4th at crucifixion] sacrifice in Pisces which absorbs them back into their originating Motive" (4th initiation)

EA- 130 - " of Pluto is to 'cut the thread which binds the two opposing lives together'...the task of Venus to reunite the severed lives but with no binding thread'...Venus is exalted in Pisces and at the end of the greater cycle the Sons of God...are raised up into glory through experience and crucifixion because they have learned to love and truly reason" (4th initiation?)

EA- 131-2 - "...Mercury 'falls' in Pisces...what is the esoteric meaning?, coming into full soul consciousness, requires now no mediator but deals directly himself with his emanating source. Mercury..(becomes)...the Sun mediating between the higher aspects - soul and spirit...mediator...between life and consciousness itself...fusion of what is already related."

EA- 137 - "seventh, second and fourth rays [related to Aquarius via rulers]...determine the final stages of man's stages and happenings of the Path of Initiation" (4th ray / 4th degree?)

EA- 141 - "Those who achieve in Pisces and make the higher and further grade of development, pass...Shamballa" (4th?)

EA- 144 - "...takes the third initiation...taking the next two initiations on the Cardinal Cross" (Taurus - Vulcan as transition energy? see 392-3)

EA- 147 - "Leo indicates the height of achievement of the human soul" (4th initiation? see 3rd initiation refs)

EA- 157 - "Aries opens the door to Shamballa when the experience of Taurus and Capricorn have been undergone....Capricorn...last three initiations"

EA- 165 - "Libra guards the secret of balance, of equilibrium and finally speaks the word which releases the initiate from the power of the Lords of Karma" ("Esoterically, Saturn cannot follow man onto the Cardinal Cross" - Saturn falls in Aries -105)

EA- 168 - "and the world saviour in Pisces, thus completing the round of the zodiac and able to say triumphantly in Pisces 'it is finished'"

EA- 179 - "Identification, governing liberation - Pisces.."

EA- 188 - "Pisces...indicating the final goal of man"

EA- 196 - "Pole star...'star of reorientation'...brings a man back to his originating source" (monad)

EA- 202 - "...only of significance to initiates of the fourth degree" - Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Pleiades

EA- 208 - "the initiate of the third degree - upon a higher turn of the spiral - reorients himself to the Monad and passes through most subtle tests to certain undefinable spiritual recognitions"

EA- 211 - "Scorpio governs "the initiates"...the true esoteric name of man" (4th CH, 4th ray / 4th initiation? etc) (See previous sentence for ref. to 2nd initiation)

EA- 217-8 - Cancer/ Neptune/ 7th ray/ 4thCH - "not to be understood by anyone below the stage of the fourth initiation"

EA- 225 - Venus in Scorpio - spiritual intuition - "This solar angel...must give place eventually to the Presence. Venus must wane...and the Sun...must wax"

EA- 258 - Pisces - world saviour - initiation

EA- 276-7 - "the veil of the temple was rent in twain from top to bottom" (causal body too?) "Where is the one God Who has forsaken me?...I see the dark of distant spirit.."

EA- 290 - Taurus Leo Aquarius triangle - (3rd degree? see 3rd refs.)

Leo Virgo Pisces - 4th degree? - " a still more subtle expression of consciousness"

EA- 296 - "(at the final revelation and liberation)" (4th?) - "the activity of Uranus...only registered at a very advanced stage of the path...arouses the centre at the base of the spine and draws the kundalini fire upwards"

EA- 299-300 - see above p.71 - Mercury/Saturn

EA- 359 - "Mercury...hierarchical ruler of Scorpio...its effect is of a planetary's true significance will not be understood until the consciousness of individual man is also planetary in its scope and grasp, which is never the case until after the 3rd initiation" (Mercury rules 4th ray, 4th ray comes through Scorpio, 4th CH, 4th initiation etc.)

EA- 390 - "that which is begun or 'entered into' at the first initiation is consummated and completed in Pisces" (4th?)

EA- 392-3 - "revealed to Christ at the fourth great initiatory crisis" – Gethsemane experience/ Vulcan (Taurus/ 4th ray/ 4th initiation.)

EA- 442 - see above p.71 - Saturn/Mercury

EA- 472 - Crisis of Renunciation. Crucifixion

EA- 481 - "soul is consciously at-one-ing itself with form and at the same time with spirit...when...Virgo is consummated in Pisces...make man the true triangle" (4th?)

EA- 496 - "..identification with...the subjective and real Self and...withdrawing from that which is the not-Self is the keynote of the fourth initiation" - related to triangle of Cancer/ Leo/ Aquarius (Neptune is soul/hierarchical ruler respectively for all three, and is known as the "One Initiator", which is also the Christ who only officiates up to the 2nd degree. However Neptune does have a connection with the 4th degree or buddhic consciousness: "No man begins to coordinate the buddhic vehicles until he comes under Neptunian influence in some life or other...his personality horoscope will show Neptunian influence dominating somewhere" TCF899 - see TCF113

EA- 565 - "The Piscean aspect in its highest expression is demonstrated by His sensitivity to immediate and unbroken contact with His "Father in Heaven"; He was in constant contact with the Monad, thereby proving to the world that He was initiated into states of consciousness of which the third initiation is the beginning."

EA- 620 - "..will-to-good demonstrated in the higher initiations when God-consciousness is achieved. This is the third stage of divine fulfilment. It connotes Monad, Life."

EA- 632 - "Libra...constellation...point of of the spirit and the potency of matter" (4th?)

5th degree initiation:

EA- 52-3 - "Eventually the energies of the twelve constellations and - at a final stage of experience and development [5th?] - of the three great constellations which condition the solar Logos are blended with the innate energies of the seven rays or of the seven planetary Logoi. This marks a point of perfection." (5th?)

EA- 53 - "until after the fifth and final initiation the non-sacred planets have no effect"

EA- 60 - "this dualism is present until the last and final initiation" (5th?)

EA- 71 - "fifth and final initiation, Uranus and Jupiter produce a 'beneficent organisation'..."

- see 336 - 5th? - "Capricorn...highest initiation...entrance into life aspect of deity" - see 137 - "seventh, second and fourth rays...determine final stages of man's progress as well as the initial stages" (2nd & 7th through Jupiter/Uranus)

General Comments on Initiation:

EA- 67 - signs - Taurus/Pisces - Vulcan/Pluto -ray 1- world saviour

-Leo/Aquarius - Sun/Jupiter -ray 2- world server

-Sagittarius/Capricorn - Earth/Saturn -ray 3- initiate

-Aries/Virgo - Mercury/Moon -ray 4- cosmic/individual Christ

-Cancer/Scorpio - Neptune/Mars -ray 6- triumphant disciple

-(Gemini/Libra missing see bottom of p.66)

EA- 180 - probationary disciple, two stages

EA- 189 - disciples - pledged - under observation

EA- 328-330 - initiation secrets - development of inner light

EA- 332-4 - signs - intermediate relationship - initiatory stages

EA- 328 - initiation secrets - light

EA- 467 - signs, eight - Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn - evolution of soul - psychic unfoldment of aspirant

EA- 473-7 - crises, seven - practical lessons from; moments of crisis passed thru 3 times - soul cycle recapitulated in minor sense in one life or group of lives

EA- 476-7 - constellations, five - disciple/initiate - Leo joins 7 + 5

EA- 510 - probationers/disciples: exoteric/esoteric rulers; sacred/non-sacred; Sun/Moon veiling

EA- 614 - paths - 1) evolution/probation 2) discipleship 3) initiation

From Bethlehem to Calvary

FBTC- 21-3 - Christ enacted story of 5 initiations:

Birth at Bethlehem - 1st degree - Nicodemus (see TCF - 2nd degree) - "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:2)

Baptism in Jordan - 2nd degree - Baptism of Holy Spirit/Fire (Matthew 3:11)

Transfiguration - 3rd degree - perfection (Capricorn/10th sign etc) - "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5:48)

Crucifixion - 4th degree - Great Renunciation - sacrifice - death of lower nature - St Paul (3rd degree - blinded on road to Tarsus - may have taken 2nd, 3rd & 4th in that life?) - " I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our lord, I die Daily" (1 Corinthians 15:31)

Resurrection/Ascension - final triumph - "Oh death, where is thy sting? Oh grave, where is thy victory" - (1 Corinthians 15:55)


The Science of Laya Yoga (Chakras) has not been done (from the text by myself) for Isis Unveiled or The Secret Doctrine. However, I include references from the existing index of the 6 volume Secret Doctrine.

Centres included are "planetary centres" such as NGWS, Nirmanakayas, Shamballa, Hierarchy, Humanity.

Initiation, Human and Solar

IHS- 30 - seven centres within head centre

IHS- 75 - lower centres; throat

IHS- 76 - transfer from solar plexus to heart - much pain

IHS- 79 - over-stimulation of centres; head centre

IHS- 84 - initiation, centres, rays of a disciple; heart centre

IHS- 85 - 2nd degree - throat centre vivified

IHS- 87 - head centres - 3rd degree - clair-voyance/audience

IHS- 98 - initiation - head, heart, throat

IHS- 99 - 4th degree - centre activated which causes disintegration of causal

IHS- 99 - centres of Heavenly Men of solar system - perfected human monads; 7 centres in body of logos

IHS- 99 - Solar Logos - heart centre of greater entity

IHS- 101 - centres greatly stimulated in initiation

IHS- 102 - 1st and 2nd degrees in previous life - many unaware in this life

IHS- 103 - paths of discipleship, initiation

IHS- 104-5 - 5th degree can contact Silent Watcher; 6th, 7th degrees

IHS- 116 - heart centre - solar angel - same group/ray; lotus 9 petals + 3 = 12

IHS- 123 - centres of force in solar logos

IHS- 127 - stimulation of centres at initiation

IHS- 130 -Shamballa - sacred point of planetary manifestation - corresponds to heart of human being

IHS- 132 - initiation candidate - heart centre

IHS- 133 - centres in candidate’s body

IHS- 137-8 - soul - 12 petal lotus - 3 circles of petals - knowledge, love, will

IHS- 138-41 - initiation and chakras

IHS- 139 - 1st, 2nd degree - etheric/astral centres; 3rd degree - mental centres

IHS- 138 - base of spine

IHS- 139 - heart, throat, 7 head centres, head centre

IHS- 143 - planetary centre (planet) energy transferred via Sun to initiate via numerically correct chain of scheme

IHS- 158 - centres connected to rays, planes

IHS- 163-4 - each of 5 initiations affects 5 centres

IHS- 189 - cosmic third eye - clue in human physical eye

IHS- 200-2 - seven head centres - 7 centres in body; evolution of centres

IHS- 204-5 - transfer of lower centres to higher

IHS- 206 - hand centres - healing, blessing, prayer

IHS- 207 - third eye

Letters on Occult Meditation

LOOM- 2 - four lesser centres; alta major centre; pineal, pituitary

LOOM- 2 - third, fifth initiations - centres awakened

LOOM- 62 - centres rapidly awakening - heart/head

LOOM- 70-86 - effect of word on centres

LOOM- 71 - seven physical centres (7 becomes 5)

LOOM- 72 - spleen (3rd ray connection)

LOOM- 73 - three fundamental centres - base solar plexus heart - average person

- base heart throat - Probationer

- heart throat head - Path itself

LOOM- 74 - solar plexus - lower centres

LOOM- 74 - seven head centres - 3 major, four minor - correspond to 7 centres

LOOM- 75 - throat, head centres

LOOM- 75 - condition of centres before/after initiation

LOOM- 75 - second, third degree initiations - emotional, mental centres awakened

LOOM- 75-6 - awakening of centres dependant upon rays of monad, ego, nationality

LOOM- 76 - seven centres - diagram

LOOM- 77 - base of spine

LOOM- 77 - awakening of centres according to man’s primary ray

LOOM- 77 - base - 4 petals - orange - shape of cross

LOOM- 78 - solar plexus - 10 petals - rosy/green; heart - 12 petals - golden; throat - 16 petals - silvery blue; ajna - 96 petals - rose yellow/ blue purple; crown - 12 central petals - white/gold - 960 petals around central 12; 96 + 12 + 960 = 1068 or 356 x 3 = 1068 (look at nos. 360 - Hindu Year and degrees of a circle, as well as anagram of 356, which is 365, days in Western year.

LOOM- 78 - meditation - centres; shattering of causal body

LOOM- 79 - kundalini touching each centre

LOOM- 79-80 - order of development of centres according to ray of Spirit (monad)

LOOM- 80 - uneven awakening of centres; 3 fold nature of centres - etheric, emotional, mental

LOOM- 80 - emotional centre awakened - demonstrating etherically

LOOM- 80 - petals of centres - multiples of 4

LOOM- 80 - total of petals - 1,110 - perfection of microcosm; 10 perfected personality, 100 causal perfection, 1000 - spiritual (monadic) achievement

LOOM- 82 - each centre has to be scientifically awakened, revolutions intensified

LOOM- 83 - each etheric centre has to be magnetically linked

LOOM- 83 - each centre to be awakened afresh by sacred fire

LOOM- 83 - unfoldment of centres gradual

LOOM- 84 - meditating on heart

LOOM- 84 - direct relation between 12 petalled heart and heart in head

LOOM- 84 - solar plexus - should not be focussed upon in meditation; basis of physical healing

LOOM- 84 - throat centre - works radiantly

LOOM- 85 - mental permanent atom - pure reason, abstract thought

LOOM- 85 - solar plexus - green of activity

LOOM- 85 - whirling of force through vortex - forms petals of lotus

LOOM- 85 - two head centres - synthesis of lower crosses (centres - base/sacral?)

LOOM- 85 - sacred word - stimulation of petals in each centre

LOOM- 85-6 - meditation in heart/head

LOOM- 86 - linking head/heart advanced man - and throat

LOOM- 86 - centres keyed high enough to receive stimulation - hour of initiation

LOOM- 89 - certain pupils - centres stimulated by Master/HPB

LOOM- 95 - solar plexus, heart; one of 3 head centres

LOOM- 106 - throat centre and corresponding centre in head

LOOM- 113 - head/heart centres; throat - top of spine, base of skull; more active than throat for Oriental

LOOM- 113 - Oriental - heart; Occidental - head

LOOM- 154 - awareness of effects after meditation - centres rotating in 4th dimensional order

LOOM- 161-2 - seven centres - power to heal

LOOM- 165 - some mantrams have direct effect on centres

LOOM- 179 - force pouring through centres - present crisis 17th august 1920

LOOM- 185-6 - base, spleen - kundalini, heat

LOOM- 192 - sacred word stimulating centres; construction of funnel effected through centres - holds hid secret of most potent use of sound; projection in mental matter by one of major centres; head centre

LOOM- 194 - effects on different centres

LOOM- 197 - centre affected by movement

LOOM- 197-8 - modern dance - undesirable stimulation of sex organs

LOOM- 219 - rays macrocosmically - microcosmically as kundalini playing between 3 centres - head heart throat

LOOM- 221-2 - alignment of centres

LOOM- 222 - seven sacred planets, 7 colours, 7 centres etc

LOOM- 243 - centres in healing - condition, awakened, rotation

LOOM- 268 - centre within Heavenly Man where initiate finds himself

LOOM- 275 - base of the spine to head - kundalini

LOOM- 278 - analogy of rod of initiation applied to centres - with Master stimulating centres of Probationer via image

LOOM- 280 - Master stimulates centres in pupil’s bodies - correct 4th dimensional rotation

LOOM- 290 - channel by disciple between heart and head; 7 centres in body - counterpart in head; illumination comes from linking counterpart in head

LOOM- 302 - Shamballa sacred centre of planet

LOOM- 330 - centres scientifically developed in advanced school

LOOM- 339 - throat, head - keying up at night

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire (only 6 or 7 refs. so far - have added all I could find from index)

TCF- 5 - centres, 7 - of logoic force

TCF- 55 - base of the spine - Sun as - of solar system (veils Pluto?) - human base chakra analogy (check Draco p.795 - other analogies with Draco as base in seven solar systems) - see 61,138,207-8,

TCF- 55 - spleen centre - association with base of spine

TCF- 57 - spleen centre and prana - see 84,90,98-100,812

TCF- 58 - centres, mental - see 204; concern of astral centres

TCF- 65-6 - centres, 7 - fire devas - Fohat

TCF- 85-6 - top of the head - connection with etheric body; withdrawal at death - see 125, 133

TCF- 86 - spleen centre - association with top of head; correspondence to umbilical cord

TCF- 86 - head centre exit

TCF- 99 - etheric centres - description of

TCF- 105-6 - etheric centres - means of reception of pranic fluids

TCF- 124 - head centres - changes and action in

TCF- 124 - head centres, activation of 3 major - see 136

TCF- 133 - head centre - exit, withdrawal at death

TCF- 135 - centres - triangles of man

TCF- 134-8 - centres - triangles and kundalini

TCF- 136 - head centre - synthetic]

TCF- 136 - throat centre - radiation of fires of manas

TCF- 136-7 - head centres and kundalini - see 124

TCF- 137 - alta major centre - junction of fires

TCF- 161-213 - centres and motion

TCF- 162 - centres - dangers from arousing

TCF- 163-73 - centres - nature of

TCF- 165 - centres connected with force

TCF- 165 - centres connected with monad and immortality

TCF- 166 - centres, 49 in bodies

TCF- 166 - centres of Heavenly Men on three solar planes

TCF- 167 - base of the spine - functions

TCF- 166-8 - centres - description of - see 170, 207, 212-3

TCF- 168 - head centre - sphere of influence

TCF- 169 - alta major centre connection with throat centre

TCF- 169-70 - centres - triangles of man

TCF- 170 - centres - at 3rd degree - see 184, 962

TCF- 171-3 - centres - evolution of

TCF- 173-83 - centres and rays

TCF- 178-9 - centres - act upon causal body

TCF- 179 - centres - reflections in human being

TCF- 180-1 - centres of heavenly man

TCF- 182 - centres - in body of He about Whom Naught May Be Said - see 292, 295, 511, 520, 553-4, 572, 1242

TCF- 182 - centres, head - synthesis into at 4th degree

TCF- 183 - head centre - sevenfold expression of

TCF- 183-85 - centres and kundalini

TCF- 184 - centres, 3 - 4th and 5th dimensional

TCF- 185-207 - centres and senses - normal and supernormal

TCF- 203-6 - centres - evolution of

TCF- 204 - centres, atmic; buddhic centres

TCF- 204 - centres, astral - perfected activity of

TCF- 206 - centres and embodiment by planetary chains

TCF- 207-13 - centres and initiation

TCF- 208-9 - centres - stimulation and results at initiation

TCF- 272 - centre in body of greater cosmic entity - solar logos

TCF- 287 - solar plexus - use

TCF- 290-1 - centres, 7 - in body of logos - se 905, 920-1

TCF- 294 - centre, etheric - subjective life expression

TCF- 319 - (fn) head - light in the

TCF- 357 - centre - in solar logos - heavenly man

TCF- 358 - centre - electrical force of - nature and quality

TCF- 368-9 - centre embodied by our planetary logos

TCF- 393 - centres, 7 - of Entity

TCF- 446 - centre of consciousness, transfer - 1st degree initiation

TCF- 516 - seven centres - appearance on etheric levels

TCF- 520 - centres, buddhic - of Logos - see 518; 12 petals of heart centre

TCF- 537 - three centres under vitalising power of logos

TCF- 537-8 - centres of force of threefold spiritual man; wheels of energy

TCF- 538 - heart centre - monad

TCF- 590 - centres of logos - perfecting

TCF- 590 - centres - heart, throat - transmutation into

TCF- 617 - centres, etheric - location of in man

TCF- 624 - centre, great force - Sirius

TCF- 625 - centres, lower -devas-astrological teaching of the Secret Doctrine - force centres; mystery, key of centres; notes and harmony of centres

TCF- 625 - centres - head, heart, throat

TCF- 634-5 - centres, etheric - vitalisation of man

TCF- 636-7 - centres in body of solar or planetary logos

TCF- 642 - centres - Earth - vitalisation

TCF- 646 - centre, each - under influence of one planet;

TCF- 646 - centres of man - devas are constituent substance

TCF- 646-9 - base of the spine - description and functioning - see 894; deva group

TCF- 647 - centres, etheric petals of see 857-66

TCF- 647-9 - basic etheric centres - kundalini fires within

TCF- 649 - centre, buddhic - matter of - of Planetary logos

TCF- 658 - centres, vivification of

TCF- 663 - centres and substance, body of manifestation - of heavenly man

TCF- 684 - heart, physical - importance - see 1098

TCF- 686 - heart centre of heavenly man

TCF- 687 - centres - etheric - of logoi

TCF- 697 - centres of heavenly man - work through

TCF- 698 - head centre of heavenly man

TCF- 699 - heart centre - force, expression

TCF- 702 - heart centre - relation to gaseous elements; function in life of a cell; generator of intelligent essence

TCF- 709 - lotus, centre of - down flow of buddhi to

TCF- 723 - centres, cosmic - force from - see 767

TCF- 742-3 - centres of planetary logos - see 590,769, 861, 905, 920, 952

TCF- 762 - permanent atom functioning at base of lotus petals

TCF- 770-1 - centres of planetary logos - work through groups

TCF- 785 - centres, lower, and heart - coordinated

TCF- 788 - base of the spine - link with point in brain via spleen

TCF- 790 - base of spine centre - channel to brain and head centre

TCF- 790-1 - centres, five etheric - effect on shape of body

TCF- 803 - centre, of heavenly man - aggregate of groups form one petal

TCF- 817 - centres - planetary/asteroid/systemic/constellational correspondence to diagram of chakras e.g three-fold monad = Great Bear, Sirius, Pleiades; atma buddhi manas = 3 rays aspect; egoic lotus = zodiac/constellations; 7 sacred planets = 7 chakras; 5 non-sacred planets = permanent atoms;

TCF- 831 - lotus, egoic petals, devas of - destruction of causal

TCF- 857-8 - centres, etheric - definition and function of

TCF- 857-67 - centres, etheric - petals of

TCF- 858 - centres, astral - function of

TCF- 859 - spleen centre - energy of

TCF- 859 - ajna centre - 96 petals

TCF- 859 - centres, lower - energy transference from lower to higher

TCF- 859-60 - head centre - structure

TCF- 861 - centres, etheric - of group - formation of group centres in petals

TCF- 861 - centres, buddhic - systemic - of planetary logos

TCF- 862 - centres, astral - egoic force and

TCF- 862-7 - centres, etheric - fourth dimensional condition of

TCF- 863 - heart centre - becoming stimulator in brother; spiritual centre within, awareness of - reaching of hidden centre in others

TCF- 864 - centre between shoulder blades; location of throat centre

TCF- 864 - head centre - results in increase of higher activity

TCF- 865 - centres - lower 6

TCF- 867 - head centres - stimulation and response of to egoic contact

TCF- 886 - centres, physical - three higher affected by force streams

TCF- 894 - (ajna centre) - 3rd eye opening - see 907, 1008, 1010

TCF- 899 - centres, astral - attention of Hierophant; control of astral centres

TCF- 900 - throat centre - direction of fire to

TCF- 908 - throat centre - inclination of devas to seek and function there

TCF- 919 - centres, etheric - sum total and composition of all humanity

TCF- 921 - centres - purpose of; centre of Brahma; throat centre; throat, heart, head - transmitters of energy

TCF- 922 - centres - of Vishnu -energy transmission

TCF- 923 - centre - energy flowing through - type, knowledge of

TCF- 924 - solar plexus - logoic and planetary

TCF- 927 - centres of solar system with 49 major petals

TCF- 929 - throat centre, logoic - devas from; 49 logoic petals

TCF- 944 - centres, 3 - of physical nature - within cranium; escape from at death

TCF- 944 - alta major centre connection with sutratma and 2 other centres

TCF- 960-2 - alta major centre - functions of - see 966

TCF- 960,962 - head centres - transmission of egoic energy or will to

TCF- 962 - head centres, 3 - work as a unit

TCF- 964 - heart centre - relation to pituitary body

TCF- 964 - centres, physical - awakened through alignment

TCF- 964 - head centre, major - awakens with pineal gland beginning to function

TCF- 964-5 - centres - inter-relationships of

TCF- 965 - alta major centre - relation to throat centre

TCF- 965-66 - (ajna centre) - functions of third eye - see 974-5, 1007, 1008

TCF- 967-8 - centres, physical - factors affecting development

TCF- 975 - solar plexus - use

TCF- 986-7 - centres - use by black and white magicians

TCF- 999 - centres, mental - correspondence to brain

TCF- 1007 - (ajna centre) - 3rd eye -use in contemplation

TCF- 1008 - (ajna centre)- rediscovery in future of 3rd eye; sends forth thought form; synonyms

TCF- 1009 - head centre - top - vehicle of ego

TCF- 1009-12 - (ajna centre) -factors of formation of third eye

TCF- 1009 - (ajna centre) - composition of 3rd eye - see 1129-30

TCF- 1010 - alta major centre - vibration of

TCF- 1010 - head centres, three - functioning

TCF- 1010-11 - (ajna centre) - 3rd eye powers; sign of white magician

TCF- 1012 - (ajna centre) - development of 3rd eye

TCF- 1047 - centres, 3, monadic - energy types

TCF- 1122- centres - 18 - on three planes

TCF- 1129 - (fn) - alta major

TCF- 1130 - (ajna centre) - 3rd eye link

TCF- 1155-61 - throat, alta major and mental - relation between

TCF- 1163 - throat centre - Saturn - throat centre of solar logos

Light of the Soul

LOTS- 39 - first group - Path of Probation to 2nd degree - perception limited to phenomenal world - synthesising 6 lower centres to head centre - heart and throat into head

- second group - Path of Discipleship/Initiation - work with all transmuted and purified centres - ability for samadhi through withdrawal into 1000 petal lotus - then abstract into egoic lotus

LOTS- 63-4 - advanced disciple - deals consciously with fires in base chakra

LOTS- 69 - third eye; pineal gland - clear apprehension of Knowledge; alta major centre - spiritual vision - true perception

LOTS- 78 - laya yoga - geometrical progression

LOTS- 80 - pituitary and pineal glands; seven points in the head - symbols in physical matter of three aspects manifesting as seven.

LOTS- 81-2 - seven methods of attainment...infer that seven centres are involved - solar plexus, base, ajna, head, sacral, throat, heart.

- correspond to the 7 Rishis of the Great Bear

LOTS- 83 - planet, sacred - each centre corresponds to a sacred planet; certain qualities of the Sun are the qualities of the centres: solar plexus - warmth; ajna - illuminating light; base - kundalini fire; head - cold light; sacral - moisture; throat - red light; heart - radiant magnetic

LOTS- 83-4 - "twelve spokes" - heart chakra (zodiac)

LOTS- 84 - knowledge which dreams give (see p.82) (look at alta major centre/throat)

LOTS- 109 - third eye in process of unfoldment

LOTS- 121 - yogas, rootraces - raja - Aryan etc; Bhakti yoga led to 4th degree in Atlantis

LOTS- 122 - karma yoga - 4 centres below diaphragm. Bhakti - heart and throat. Raja - head.

LOTS- 122 - Atlantis - Bhakti - 4th degree; Aryan - raja yoga

LOTS- 179 - head chakra - pineal, pituitary.

LOTS- 180 - illumination - pineal gland analogy of Sun in solar system

LOTS- 209 - kundalini at base chakra; head/pineal vitalises 5 centres up the spine

LOTS- 212 - pineal/brain - transfer of consciousness. Brahmanandra - opening at the top of the head. Egoic lotus.

LOTS- 221 - centres and their awakening

LOTS- 228 - light in the head - halo of saints

LOTS- 230 - pineal gland - withdrawal of consciousness - man's point of realisation is centralised between middle of forehead and pineal gland

LOTS- 231 - one thousand petal lotus - sahasara - withdrawing consciousness to

LOTS- 258 - activity of solar plexus

LOTS- 266 - glory of jewel in the lotus

LOTS- 274 - solar plexus - astral - middle kingdom - vegetable

LOTS- 283 - pineal/head - brahmanandra

LOTS- 289 - head - light in; centres

LOTS- 290 - base of spine - fire - symbol is elephant (muladhara)

LOTS- 290 - base of spine - elephant; in head is 1000 petal lotus hiding Vishnu; "Elephant force" is 3rd aspect - energy of matter (kundalini/Kali) aroused and conjoined with second aspect.

LOTS- 291 - light in the head

LOTS- 292 - light in the head - pineal gland

LOTS- 292 - Temple of Ezekiel - Father (Monad?)

LOTS- 293 - central organ - heart or head: Heart is earlier stage of unfoldment, later the head, "where the true light has its abiding place"

LOTS- 293 - heart centre opens before head centre.

LOTS- 293 - twelve petal lotus within the head - higher correspondence of heart centre. Intermediary between 12 petal egoic lotus and head centre per se. Pineal gland.

LOTS- 294 - transfer of solar plexus to heart - awakening of heart. Junction of head and heart.

LOTS- 294 - all life below solar plexus, including solar plexus goes to head heart throat.

Heart centre reflection of soul and should guide heart issues from (ajna) "throne between the eyebrows"

LOTS- 294 - heart centre in undeveloped - closed buds facing down; path of the heart leads up to the head, where is found first portal of the path proper.

LOTS- 295 - Path of Initiation - trodden functioning in central organ in head

LOTS- 295 - awakening of heart leads to consciousness of source of heart centre within the head. This in turn leads to 12 petal egoic lotus on higher mental plane

LOTS- 296 - seven major centres; head - radiant

LOTS- 304 - solar plexus - concentrated attention upon - knowledge of physical body. Centres most awakened in 5th rootrace for Aspirant - awakened but not unfolded in 5th rootrace: Base - 4 petals; Solar Plexus - 10 petals; Heart - 12 petals; Throat - 16 petals; Head - 1000 petals.

- Spleen dominant in Lemuria, but "automatic" now

LOTS- 305 - ajna - light in the head is cast upon things subtle, hidden, remote, obscure

LOTS- 305 - three major centres produced three major glands

LOTS- 305 - three major centres - sound, form, words. Glands/chakras correlations:

Pineal/Pituitary - Head; Thyroid - throat; Spleen - Heart.

LOTS- 305 - heart development in Atlantean race - consequent growth and coordination of astral. Activity paralleled by spleen - organ of vitality - Sun force in the body.

LOTS- 306 - glands/centres - there is not the same close relation between glands and centres below diaphragm as above.

LOTS- 306 - Heart - centre of trunk. Three major centres in Atlantis were head solar plexus and base.

LOTS- 306-7 - at close of 5th rootrace - three main centres - head heart base; in 6th rootrace - head, heart and throat. In 7th rootrace - head ajna throat - monad soul creative word.

LOTS- 307 - most aspirants' concern is solar plexus; disciple - heart supersedes solar plexus. In Master - the head supersedes heart.

LOTS- 307 - solar plexus - transmuting all lower desires into higher

LOTS- 308 - solar plexus - animal soul becomes merged in the soul of man.

LOTS- 308 - solar plexus activity and the first 3.5 months of gestation (pre-natal charts/astrology); "quickening" at 5.5 months - and life makes itself felt. Birth of Christ in heart.

LOTS- 308 - solar plexus knowledge as to condition of body through meditation; aspirant to grasp desires of solar plexus and start transferring energy from below to above.

LOTS- 309 - centres and organs tabulation:

Head - Brain, pineal gland, pituitary body

Throat - Larynx, vocal cords, palate, thyroid gland

Heart - Pericardium, ventricles, auricles, with spleen affected.

Solar Plexus - Stomach

Spleen - Spleen

Sacral - generative organs

Base - eliminative organs, kidneys, bladder.

LOTS- 310 - physical organs are effects of centres

LOTS- 310-11 - base moves to head; sacral to throat; solar plexus to heart; spleen to all centres - physical only.

LOTS- 311 - throat meditation can arrest hunger and thirst.

LOTS- 311 -great nerve just below the throat - in well or pit of throat (vagus?) - meditation upon produces immobility and rigidity in body (related to crystallising influences of Saturn?)

LOTS- 311 - concentration on solar plexus - aware of every part of body - lower siddhis

LOTS- 311 - solar plexus - understanding of sutras

LOTS- 311-12 - sacral feeds generative organs - moves to throat

- hunger/thirst - 2 aspects of desire: hunger is masculine and grasping. Thirst is feminine and receptive. Symbols underlying sex impulse. Hunger and thirst can be arrested esoterically. (see p.311)

LOTS- 312 - solar plexus - performing its highest function. Solar plexus typifies astral plane - middle/battleground between lower/higher (kurukshetra/Libra)

LOTS- 312 - "Kurma nadi", "tortoise tube" - associated with throat (see 312) (See LOTS - "Tortoises" - slow ones)

- Throat is lowest of three major centres and slowest.

LOTS- 313 - light in head - trimming one's lamp

LOTS- 314 - psychic current - nadi - passes from brain through top of head - seeing of divine beings - where man makes contact with solar forces. Halo effect of saints, advanced aspirants and disciples.

- Near coronal artery, pineal gland, medulla oblongata.

- Ajna concentration - can see coronal light - meditation upon can bring Masters/Siddhas into view.

LOTS- 317-8 - pineal gland - centre in brain - seat of soul - termination of sutratma from Monad

LOTS- 319 - first point (of sutratma) connects with pineal, 2nd in the heart, and 3rd in base.

LOTS- 319 - meditation/concentration - in head and heart

LOTS- 319-20 - head - will brought into functioning activity; heart - love of God brought into functioning activity

LOTS- 328-9 - centres/lotuses, plexi; nerve ganglia reflections of plexi

LOTS- 329 - prana - nose to heart; 5 vital airs.

LOTS- 329 - samana - heart to solar plexus; apana - solar plexus to soles of feet - organs of elimination, rejection, birth - special relation to elimination/generation

LOTS- 329 - upana - nose to top of head - brain nose eyes

- vyana - through 1000's of nadis - connected to blood - veins arteries channels

LOTS- 331 - solar plexus - freedom from water

LOTS- 332 - Temple of Solomon - three parts of the Outer Court: centres/organs below diaphragm; "the Holy Place" - centres/organs above diaphragm to throat; "the Holy of Holies" - head "Mercy Seat".

LOTS- 332 - heart - samana

LOTS- 332 - life currents directed from soul upon the throne

LOTS- 342 - head centre dual - ajna/crown.

Tabulation of planes/chakras etc

|Plane |Nature |Sense |Centre |

| | | | |

|Earth |Physical |Smell |Base |

|Astral |Emotional |Taste |Solar plexus |

|Manasic |Mental |Sight |Head |

|Buddhic |Intuitional |Touch |Heart |

|Atmic |spiritual |sound |Throat |

LOTS- 354 - third eye; eye of Shiva

LOTS- 413 - third eye - organ of subtle vision - reveals light in heart of every form (very Taurean - eye of Shiva - Moon/Vulcan)

The Soul and Its Mechanism (endocrine/chakra only - no other useful refs)

SM- 41 - ductless glands list

SM- 41-4 - pineal gland

SM- 44-6 - pituitary gland - posterior/anterior - masculine/feminine

SM- 46-7 - thyroid gland

SM- 47-8 - thymus gland

SM- 48 - pancreas

SM- 48-50 - adrenal glands

SM- 50 - gonads

SM- 109-127 - seven chakras

A Treatise on White Magic

TWM- 42-4 - esotericism of body - relates to astrology - planetary rulers/signs; chakras; see 49-50

TWM- 46 - seven major plexi (centres)

TWM- 50 - seven planetary logoi - 7 chakras in human

TWM- 74 - centres/glands

TWM- 77 - centres in etheric body

TWM- 87 - base/head; heart/solar plexus; throat/sacral - petals

TWM- 87 - 12 Creative Hierarchies - secret of 16 petals of throat

TWM- 98 - solar orb = soul; lunar orb = solar plexus; 3 Suns

TWM- 98 - aspirant learns to blend, fuse, raise energies of centres

TWM- 104-5 - three rays - centres

TWM- 106 - head, heart, solar plexus, base - secrets of first initiation (Pluto/Vulcan - see EA70)

TWM- 108 - ajna - ‘throne’ - (see Egyptian symbology - Uraeus etc.); centres

TWM- 108 - (Taurus) - bull of god (bull’s eye/third eye); Sun (Vulcan)

TWM- 189-208 - heart throat ajna; awakening of centres

TWM- 183 - aspirants - light in head

TWM- 190 - colours, petals of centres

TWM- 192 - aspirants - sacral/throat; solar plexus/heart

TWM- 199 - ajna - 48x2 petals = 96 (4th CH, Scorpio, Mercury)

TWM- 199-200 - numbers/petals: 48+2=50 no. of perfected personality; 5=man, 10=perfection; 96+48=144 - 12x12 CH; 144+1000 = 144,000 (not 1144) = 9 initiate

TWM- 200-8 - awakening centres in aspirant - sequence 9 fold

TWM- 205 - astrological significances of centres

TWM- 212 - three major centres - 3 directions of contemplation

TWM- 212-3 - ajna centre - soul/pineal interacts with personality/pituitary; eye of Shiva (ray 1)

TWM- 213 - Sun/spiritual Sun; physical eye/spiritual eye - see 205

TWM- 213-4 - ajna - controlling factor magical work - will aspect/monad controlling; destroying; Shiva

TWM- 230 - ajna centre activity for aspirant

TWM- 236-7 - heart throat ajna

TWM- 247 - head ajna; pure mystic - head; advanced man - pituitary

TWM- 248 - focussing in etheric - 7 centres

TWM- 249 - solar plexus - related to midway spot in head - vital spiritual force enters through cranial aperture

TWM- 250 - solar plexus where water and land meet - government of personality; water land air meet in the head

TWM- 276 - hierarchy constitutes head centre of humanity

TWM- 276 - aspirant, disciple, accepted disciple - ‘pineal gland of humanity’ - abstract mind; pituitary - pioneers of arts, sciences, thinkers - concrete mind

TWM- 284-6 - centres, anatomy, glands

TWM- 287-8 - disciple - base, ajna, sacral, solar plexus; solar system - sacral

TWM- 290 - circulating rays - centres

TWM- 295 - astral centres - energies from 7 planets and Sun thus putting man en rapport with all parts of the solar system - constitutes fixation of man’s life destiny, until he awakens to his immortal heritage and becomes sensitive to new forces which emanate from the form - reason why horoscope is frequently accurate for unevolved and unawakened, but in error for the highly evolved.

TWM- 310 - sacral/solar plexus; solar plexus - animal brain - sex expression

TWM- 321 - heart of Sun - heart centre

TWM- 324 - etheric centres

TWM- 360 - centres in man - intellect/vision - head centre; animal - sentiency/pain - heart; vegetable - colour - throat; mineral - solar plexus.

TWM- 362 - interblending whorls of centres - probationer - path of initiation

TWM- 363 - ray/subray - egoic/personality - of disciple for initiation; vivification of centres

TWM- 364 - heart/heart of Sun; throat - opens way into full understanding of path of physical Sun (repolarises Sun from sacral) - all true astrologers must have functioning; head - central spiritual Sun

TWM- 380 - centres - laws of energy - Ibez adepts

TWM- 382 - heart centre - Atlantean days

TWM- 422-3 - head/ajna centres; pineal/pituitary

TWM- 433 - solar energies - physical Sun - spleen, heart, throat, minor centre between shoulder blades

TWM- 438 - signs of Earth, water, air and fire concern man who lives below the diaphragm - who utilises the 4 lower centres - base, sacral, solar plexus, spleen

TWM- 438 - the inner group of 7 major or systemic energies (7 solar systems) effect the man living above the diaphragm - work through 7 representative centres in the head - 4 of them focus through the throat, heart, ajna and head centres; 3 are held latent in the region of the head centres (1000 petal lotus) - only enter into functioning activity after the 3rd initiation.

TWM- 452 - second aspect ‘coherent force’ - produces human psychological make-up (2nd ray conditioning etheric? etheric as ‘personality’); individual note; vibratory activity of body - organs/glands

TWM- 452 - third aspect - activity of atoms/cells with body - etheric/spleen

TWM- 496 - seven centres; triple nervous system - 3 aspects - 1) cerebro-spinal 2) sympathetic 3) peripheral; Nadis/centres - 1, nervous system - 2, endocrine - 3

TWM- 497 - 3 aspects - Being - head/brain -1; Living - heart/blood -2; Moving - stomach -3

TWM- 500-2 - centres for life exit - solar plexus/head; below apex of heart

TWM- 503 - “king seated between eyebrows” - (ajna)

TWM- 504 - solar plexus

TWM- 505-6 - centres, colours: head - orange; solar plexus - red; heart - green; medulla oblongata

TWM- 519 - science of centres - black magicians

TWM- 566 - centres

TWM- 569-70 - five airs - signs ruling? (prana - Gemini; samana - Virgo; apana -Scorpio; upana - Aries; vyana - Venus - see EA 142, LOTS 329-30)

TWM- 571-2 - centres - awakened, dormant - solar angel/lunar forces - see 573

TWM- 575-7 - hand centres; centres - general

TWM- 581 - seven centres - all working

TWM- 587 - seven centres - rhythm;

TWM- 587-97 - awakening of centres

TWM- 588 - centres, glands

TWM- 588 - ray of personality/soul in relation to centres awakening

TWM- 589 - centres in the body of humanity; NGWS - heart/ajna of etheric body of humanity

TWM- 591-2 - centres/etheric webs

TWM- 593 - solar plexus/sacral in women./men

TWM- 594 - ray types/centres

TWM- 596 - numbers - 8 no. of Christ - 8 centres including spleen (eighth sphere?); no. 8 basic symbol of all centres - all petals of centres are multiples of 8 (or 4); petals are like superimposed 8’s.

Reappearance of the Christ

ROC- 135 - hearts - active; solar plexus - end of activity

ROC- 183-4 - NGWS - divided into two divisions - (Ajna centre in body of logos - 2 petals?)

- 1) disciples of Christ in touch with Hierarchy

- 2) aspirants, world conscious people in touch with masses

Destiny of the Nations

DON- 10 - three major planetary centres - five rays

DON- 18 - Hierarchy - second great planetary centre

DON- 24 - centres, 3 - only through humanity do they work

DON- 26 - rays, minor - rays 6 & 7

DON- 33 - ray 6 works through/controls solar plexus; ray 7 controls sacral; emotion sex desire

DON- 42 - solar plexus/sacral - sublimation; head/heart

DON- 92 - planetary centres - energies (affecting countries) released through planetary inlets - City in same location:

London British Empire

New York Western Hemisphere

Geneva Europe/USSR

Tokyo Far East

Darjeeling India/greater part of Asia

DON- 92 - planetary centres - two more planetary inlets added later (Australia/Africa)

DON- 93 - Darjeeling - not yet reached full strength

DON- 93 - planetary centres - two triangles of force:

Darjeeling (1st aspect)

London (2nd aspect)

New York (3rd aspect)

Geneva (1st aspect)

New York (2nd aspect)

Tokyo (3rd aspect)

- Geneva/Darjeeling - pure spiritual energy can be directed with more facility - constitute higher points of triangles; more subjective than other centres.

DON- 93 - planetary centres - 5 cities of “impelling energy”:

|City |Soul Ray |Personality Ray |Sign |

| | | | |

|London |5 |7 |Gemini |

|New York |2 |3 |Cancer |

|Tokyo |6 |4 |Cancer |

|Geneva |1 |2 |Leo |

|Darjeeling |2 |5 |Scorpio |

Note: London is given earlier as Leo soul, Libra personality - here as Gemini, either as a planetary centre and/or expressing the Gemini soul of Great Britain.

New York as Cancer links to Washington’s Cancer soul and USA’s Cancer Sun in the 1788 horoscope. DK’s ashram [2/3?) resonates to NY’s 2/3. Ray 3 arts, financial capital.

Tokyo - ray 6 soul links to Japan’s ray 6 personality. Cancer (ray 3) - financial capital similar to NY.

Geneva - ray 1- neutral host for political conferences of other countries. Leo influence of Europe.

Darjeeling - see EA523 - ray 1 pouring through at this time (1940s - via ray 5?)

- see EA518-533 for much more on planetary centres.

DON- 93 - planetary centres - personality rays change from period to period

DON- 94 - planetary centres - supreme importance - certain cities holy - heart more desirable than head

DON- 96 - planetary centres - being abnormally/deliberately stimulated because this is Aryan race

DON- 96 - planetary centres - two others - quiescent - one in Africa will be found; another in region of Australia - many millions of years later (note DK doesn’t say in Australia - could be under sea, on island or adjoining country; Africa could be sacral centre, Australia base of the spine if it is to awaken last - perhaps at end of 6th root race, 10 million years hence; chakras may hint at soul/monadic rays)

Speculations on planetary centres (as of 1997):

|Chakra |Speculation 1 |Speculation 2 |

|(mainly soul rays) | | |

| | | |

|Head (Shamballa) |Geneva 1/2 |Darjeeling |

|Ajna (NGWS) |London 5/7 |New York |

|Throat (Humanity) |New York 2/3 |Geneva |

|Heart (Hierarchy) |Darjeeling 2/5 |London |

|Solar Plexus (Jews*) |Tokyo 6/4 |Tokyo |

|Sacral (Mat. Forces*) |Africa |Africa |

|Base |Australia |Australia |

DON- 102 - chakras - 5 major planetary centres - vehicles for expression - e.g.:

Geneva - Europe; New York - USA; Tokyo - Far East; Darjeeling - Near East; London - British Empire

DON- 102 - chakras - 5 cities exoteric expression of esoteric centres - correspondence in planetary body of 4 centres up spine and ajna centre in body of humanity

DON- 103 - (astrology) - science of relationships - wide research:

1) spiritual nature/centres/ruling planets, inter-relation/quality ray forces/personality rays - will reveal all relationships and produce two basic "events in time": a) blending of subjective/objective life b) hence new relations between individuals

2) national centres - esoteric ruling energies - revealing destiny in relation to group units. Soul/personality of nations studied/centre within each nation/qualities of 5 or 6 major cities investigated.

DON- 103 - centres in USA - NY - (throat), Washington - (head), Chicago - (solar plexus), LA - (heart), Kansas City - (sacral?) - see EOH - 85

- study of psychic nature, intellectual appeal, soul/personality qualities

DON- 104 - British Empire - London, Sydney, Johannesburg, Toronto, Vancouver: subsidiary studies - Calcutta, Delhi, Madras (3 aspects?), Singapore, Jamaica - all subjectively related (see DINA 2 - 712 - in relation to Sydney)

DON- 105 - centres, planetary - DK cannot give human correspondence - misuse possible

DON- 105-6 - centres - colours/mathematical vibrations must be researched/ascertained; hints given in the Ageless Wisdom

DON- 117 - centres, 7 - coordination, rhythmic relation

DON- 133-4 - ray 7 humanity - etheric body main concern - endocrine glands, vitality, centres

DON- 136 - centres, 3 major world - relation of major initiations to these centres (Shamballa, Hierarchy, Humanity)

DON- 139 - heart centre of race awakened - coming into activity; 2nd major centre in individual

Glamour: A World Problem

GAWP- 78 - solar plexus

GAWP- 85-6 - seven major centres - maya, etheric

GAWP- 107 - throat and sacral centres - Lemuria

GAWP- 141-4 - solar plexus, heart; heart of Sun, central spiritual Sun

GAWP- 149 - sacral (maya); solar plexus (glamour); {throat for illusion?) - (look at 3 phases of the Path - EA 109)

GAWP- 150 - lower centres - personality; higher centres - soul

GAWP- 152 - solar plexus affected by irritation; transfer solar plexus to heart

GAWP- 249 - centres, 7

GAWP- 251 - centres - 3 eyes

GAWP- 252 - centres - 5 up spine

GAWP- 260-1 - centres in etheric body; spiritual responsiveness; problem to solve is source of incentives, impulses, impressions, inspiration...(astrology)

GAWP- 263 - centres, 7

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle

TEV- 9 - solar plexus telepathy; sp/throat

TEV- 11 - Path of Discipleship - live in head centre

TEV- 12 - solar plexus - centre one uses most

TEV- 14 - new telepathy - throat/ajna

TEV- 16 - solar plexus - area around - in direct "touch" with astral body

- centre near spleen - direct instrument for prana to enter

TEV- 17 - Atlantean - astral telepathy - sp receiving agent; emitting agent: whole area of diaphragm

TEV- 18 - solar plexus - today still very active; heart, throat, solar plexus; throat sends - solar plexus receives.

- throat centre of all creative work; heart/throat must work in synthesis

TEV- 18 - heart centre between shoulder blades - linked to heart in head centre

TEV- 19 - head, heart, throat centres: head receptive to impression

- ajna receives idealistic intuitional impressions; ajna can broadcast back out using throat as creative formulation of thought

TEV- 19 - Hindu philosophy outlines the activity of the centres

TEV- 20 - sp to sp telepathy; mind to mind; heart to heart;

TEV- 20 - "broken heart" is disrupted solar plexus centre

TEV- 23 - heart must be awakened in groups responding to Master; head must be awakened for soul to control

TEV- 23 - heart - symbol of the Sun

TEV- 24 - solar plexus impressions - mass psychology

TEV- 25 - heart, throat - methods of telepathy; also ajna throat head

TEV- 34 - centres. Ajna - should be developed by disciple

TEV- 41 - ajna - brain just behind ajna (near pituitary body) where thoughtform first makes its impact. Also can appear in solar plexus.

TEV- 42-3 - Shamballa - impressed from Sirius, or one or other constellations which are at any time astrologically en rapport with planet, by members of Great Council

TEV- 43 - Shamballa impressed from triangle of energy from two circulating planets with our planet - form a triangle in any particular cycle. Three Buddhas of activity receive impression for distributing to Hierarchy.

Shamballa impressed from Venus - Earth's alter ego, via Lord of the World and any three of His council.

TEV- 44 - Hierarchy impressed by certain great lives - according to cyclic rhythms at full Moons - Wesak

TEV- 44 - Nirmanakayas transmit from Shamballa to Hierarchy

TEV- 45 - Buddhas of Activity are to Shamballa what Nirmanakayas are to Hierarchy, NGWS are to Humanity; Domestic animals to animal kingdom (p.68); Devas to vegetable kingdom (p.79).

TEV- 45-6 - Buddhas of Activity impressed by: Will of God.

- Nirmanakayas impressed by Love of God

- NGWS impressed by Active Intelligence of God.

TEV- 46 - impression of humanity by ashrams of Masters as they affect idealists, aspirants, humanitarians. United ashrams form ashram of Christ - work through Humanity. NGWS impresses humanity

TEV- 50 - head - anchoring centre for antahkarana. Ajna processes recorded intuition into a form.

TEV- 50 - head ajna throat - lowest triad

TEV- 62 - Humanity will be major magnetic centre on planet

TEV- 88 - solar plexus/throat; mind/ajna

TEV- 88 - probationers use solar plexus and throat to receive and transmit

TEV- 99 - emanations from love petals of egoic lotus

TEV- 105 - head centre - thinking man

TEV- 109 - solar plexus activity - "sympathetic telepathy"; mental telepathy - no solar plexus

TEV- 111 - solar plexus - astral buddhic awareness

TEV- 111 - egoic lotus - knowledge petals

TEV- 112 - ajna in relation to abstract mind (p.111)

TEV- 116 - sacral - impressions come through for low grade human being - physical appetites and comforts; sacral not major registering organ

TEV- 116 - solar plexus - average human

TEV- 117 - all aspirants work through solar plexus prior to elevation to heart; solar plexus and throat

TEV- 117 - solar plexus - new forms of art are solar plexus creations (1930's and 40's); throat is involved with a few

TEV- 117 - magnetic aura around head - sensitive to highest impression

TEV- 118 - ajna will remain for several centuries the agent of directed impression and not the objective of those impressions (Mercury decan of Aquarius?)

TEV- 125 - three major centres of planetary logos:

Head Shamballa Will Synthesis Being

Heart Hierarchy Love Reason Attraction

Throat Humanity Intelligence

TEV- 128 - three great centres en rapport all the time - unbroken series of impressions

TEV- 129 - seven centres of planetary logos - only considering three - largely composed of units of deva evolutions

TEV- 129 - head heart throat of planetary logos

TEV- 132 - heart centre - Hierarchy; Shamballa/Hierarchy - arrival of Lords of Flame from Venus. Hierarchy of that time were advanced humanity - 49 of them - not souls awaiting incarnation.

TEV- 132 - head heart alignments

TEV- 133 - heart (Hierarchy), throat (Humanity) aligning with head (Shamballa)

TEV- 133 - throat (Humanity) - prime creative agency - evokes heart (Hierarchy)

TEV- 134 - Shamballa/head - invokes beyond Earth - will evoke avatars - adding different energies - may lie centuries ahead.

TEV- 135 - centres as transmitters of 7 ray energies. Head ray 1, Heart ray 2, Throat ray 3 - Shamballa, Hierarchy, Humanity

TEV- 135 - Shamballa is primarily ray 2 as it is ray of solar system. Ray 1 focussed in the heart (Hierarchy) because heart is centre of life (look at correspondence in human being). Humanity ray 3 - via head and heart.

TEV- 136 - all centres come under influence of rays

TEV- 136 - average humanity - centres above diaphragm inactive

TEV- 136 - not possible to say which centre expresses which ray - constant movement and activity

TEV- 136 - base chakra - ray 1

TEV- 136 - at end of world cycle we will know which centres/which rays

TEV- 136 - rays of attribute shift and change constantly. Humanity as throat centre is under constant influence of the 7th ray, as is the solar plexus centre of planet. (Jewish force - see EOH89)

TEV- 136-7 - two ray energies control at throat (Humanity) at this time:

- average integrated person - ray 3; aspirants/disciples up to 3rd initiation -7th ray especially as ray 7 is in incarnation

TEV- 137 - on path of return - one is impressed by centre of which one is an integral part: Human family - ray 3, Hierarchy/heart ray 2, Shamballa ray 1 - initiation

TEV- 137 - three centres in etheric correspond to three planetary centres

TEV- 143 - 142-3 - "The etheric body is composed of interlocking and circulating lines of force emanating from one or other, or from one or many, of the seven planes or areas of consciousness of our planetary life.

"These lines of energy and this closely interlocking system of streams of force are related to seven focal points or centres to be found within the etheric body. These centres are related to certain types of incoming energy."

(The above quotes seem to hint at the Science of Triangles - 7 centres x 3 points of triangles within each.)

TEV- 143 - when energy does not relate to a centre, it remains quiescent; when related, that centre becomes vibrant and receptive.

TEV- 143 - energies of etheric are dual: general and particular

TEV- 143-4 - etheric body has many centres of force - 7 major centres

TEV- 144 - all lesser centres are conditioned by 7 main centres - here knowledge of egoic/personality rays is very useful.

TEV- 145 - etheric/nervous system - close relation (See EH143)

TEV- 145-6 - amount and type of energy controlling nervous system is conditioned by chakras in that area.

TEV- 146 - centres affect nadis, nerves in any immediate environment

TEV- 146 - seven centres are NOT within physical - in etheric outside physical - related to physical by nadis.

TEV- 146 - five centres are in etheric counterpart of spine - energy passes through vertebrate of spine and circulates throughout etheric body "as it is interiorly active within physical".

TEV- 146 - three head centres - one just above top of head (crown/1000 petal lotus); another in front of eyes and forehead (Ajna); third at back of head (alta major)

- 8 centres all told but in reality seven, as alta major is not counted in the initiation process any more than the spleen.

TEV- 146 - seven centres have appeared in response to the seven rays' potent impact - developed into responsive distributing centres.

TEV- 146-7 - effects of seven centres on physical produced an "attracted response" from dense matter, producing seven endocrine glands".

TEV- 147 - development of etheric falls into 2 historical stages:

- 1) Endocrine glands developed, and as a consequence, had an effect on bloodstream; life aspect animates blood, through medium of centres and their agents, the glands. "The blood is the life". (Jupiter in Aries)

- 2) As consciousness developed, centres expanded influence through nadis to the nervous system

147 - etheric body is transmitter of two types of energy (relation to blood via the glands - to nervous system via the nadis)

- one is kama-manasic, the other atma-buddhic.

TEV- 149 - three planetary centres of Lord of the World

TEV- 151 - head centre awakened - ovoid appearance of etheric much more obvious

TEV- 151 - seven chakras - 21 minor centres, 49 focal points = 77. (Look at analogy for 49 Masters, 7 Chohans, 3 Department heads, 3 Buddhas of Activity, etc.)

TEV- 151 - lines of etheric merge as they near a centre

TEV- 152 - centres in totality and many points of contact found in etheric are responsible for the creation and preservation of the entire glandular system. Nadis responsible for 2 fold glandular system - clue to problem of creativity

TEV- 155 - head heart throat

TEV- 157 - soul is spiritual counterpart of solar plexus

TEV- 157 - head/base of spine at 4th degree - intermediate 5 centres no longer required.

TEV- 159 - Planetary logos works through 3 main centres - Shamballa, Hierarchy, Hum.

- exist in etheric substance - may/may not produce physical correspondences

- Masters have etheric body of atmic, buddhic, monadic and logoic planes.

TEV- 159-60 - disciple through his own head and heart throat, stays in relation to 3 major centres

TEV- 162-3 - nadis and etheric energies create 7 major chakras, subsidiary centres and endocrine glands.

TEV- 164 - transformation of squares to triangles has no reference to transmitted energies of (planetary) centres - easier flow

TEV- 165 - centres are "crossing points" of energies where the etheric body possesses seven triangles; Shamballic view of a human centre is a triangle with a point in the centre. Hierarchically, seven centres are seen as lotuses with petals though always a triangle at the heart of the lotus (see Hindu) - jewel in the lotus.

TEV- 165-6 - egoic lotus diagram description: "Personality is conditioned by the circle, which is emanating influence of lotus, and an interplay is thereby set up. Lotus is itself conditioned by the soul and in its turn conditions the "sphere of influence in the aura of the lotus", thus reaching into and conditioning the personality life. The triangle is conditioned by the spiritual triad, when the antahkarana is built or in process of building, and in its turn first of all inspires or fires the soul, and then finally destroys it. The dot at the centre is indicative of monadic life, first of all in its lowest expression of physical life and vitality, and finally as the "point of sensitivity".

TEV- 167 - centres as controlling factors of personality. Lower centres - base, sacral, solar plexus - controlled by 4 ethers of planetary physical. Higher centres - heart, throat, ajna, head - controlled by 4 cosmic ethers.

TEV- 168 - lower centres controlled by ethers 1,2,3; 4th ether controls when aspirant has reached point of integration - takes place on Path of Discipleship and Path of Initiation - higher ethers substituted for lower.

TEV- 168 - direct relation between four aspects of karma and 4 ethers -will constitute basis of new occult science (4 lords of karma - Saturn, Pluto?, Mercury? Venus? - Saturn may rule 3rd subplane - humanity 3rd centre - hence Saturn's prominence today. Mercury 4th subplane, Venus 2nd subplane, Pluto 1st)

TEV- 169 - seven chakras of etheric vehicle of man always composed of physical ethers. On Path of Discipleship, they become vehicles of cosmic ethers.

TEV- 169-76 - four aspects of centres

TEV- 169 - point at centre, jewel in lotus

TEV- 170 - point at centre - seven principles protect; 7 points/7 jewels in 7 chakras

TEV- 170 - seven subrays of monadic ray made manifest through 7 centres

TEV- 170 - thousand petal lotus in head "colours" all other chakras

TEV- 170-1 - petals of centres are indicative of state of consciousness - unfoldment and development conditioned by rays, age of soul's expression; brightness conditioned by life's particular focus.

TEV- 172 - disciple - focus in solar plexus - mental focus pulls to above diaphragm

TEV- 172 - centres as expression of natural unfoldment - secondary importance

TEV- 172 - centres are focal points through which energy can be distributed to impact centres of others - service aspect.

TEV- 173 - students to look at service aspect of chakras - this is where petal knowledge needed - indicates number of energies available for service - 2,12,16 etc

TEV- 173 - oriental symbols as illustrations of centres should be discontinued - no use to the western mind.

TEV- 173-5 - sphere of radiation of centres

TEV- 173 - aura is indicative of one's centres - study can indicate: 1) development of centres and whether above/below diaphragm 2) nature of controlling rays

TEV- 175 - centres are brought into activity through cultivation of certain virtues - not by meditation on the centres.

TEV- 175 - seven centres - "swing into each others orbit" when centres become living spheres of radiatory activity.

TEV- 175 - central triangle of energies in chakra - indicate the 3 rays that condition the "periodical vehicles" - monad soul personality.

TEV- 179 - every form in the etheric body of space is a centre

TEV- 180 - magnetic interplay between centres of energy is basis of all astronomical relationships between universes, solar systems and planets: " Bear in mind, however, that it is the CONSCIOUSNESS aspect which renders the form magnetic, receptive, repudiating and transmitting; this consciousness differs according to the nature of the entity which informs or works through a centre, great or small… the life which pours through all centres and which animates the whole of space is the life of an Entity; it is therefore, the same life in all forms, limited in time and space by the intention, the wish, the form and the quality of the indwelling consciousness; the types of consciousness are many and diverse, yet one life remains ever the same and indivisible, for it is the ONE life."

TEV- 180 - integrating factor relating centre to centre is life itself

TEV- 180-1 - "a form is a centre of life within some aspect of the Entity, Space, where a living, animated existence, such as that of a planet, is concerned. This centre has within it a point of life and is related to all surrounding energies; it has its own sphere of radiation or influence which is dependant on the nature or strength of its consciousness and upon the dynamic conditioning factor of the ensouling entity's thought life. These are points worthy of your most careful consideration. Finally, every centre has its central triangle of energies ….expressing form, consciousness and life - which holds form and consciousness together…Life conditions the radiation of the form, its responsiveness or lack to environing energies and the general nature of the informing life, plus its creative ability….Much that I have given you here will serve to elucidate that which I have written upon in esoteric astrology. It will give you the key to that science of relationships which is essentially the key to astrology and Laya Yoga."

TEV- 181 - later Atlantis - Laya Yoga fell into disrepute; Laya Yoga will be restored in next 500 years (toward Mercury decan of Aquarius? Aquarius relates to etheric permanent atom)

TEV- 181 - restored science of Laya Yoga will put emphasis on quality of centre

TEV- 182 - planet is a centre within the solar system; planetary logos ensouling the life of Earth.

TEV- 183 - our planet is a great lotus located within the 12 petal lotus of the solar system. Lotus of the Earth responsive to many energies as outlined in EA

TEV- 183 - SK works through triangle of lesser centres brought into expression by three major rays

TEV- 183-4 - ray 1 formed Shamballa; ray 2 Hierarchy, ray 3 Humanity

TEV- 185 - centre of humanity - secondary activity to relate Humanity and Hierarchy centres - assume control of subhuman kingdoms and relate them to each other

TEV- 185 - each centre has governing triangle: Shamballa - 3 Buddhas of Activity; Hierarchy - Manu, Christ and Mahachohan. 185-6 - only in final rootrace will human triangle make appearance in world politics, government and statesmanship - 1; world religions - 2; world economics and finance - 3.

TEV- 186 - all 3 centres - Shamballa, Hierarchy, Humanity can be depicted as the point in the centre of the triangle, and the triangle inside the circle.

TEV- 190 - heart usually first to be awakened; two centres receptive/distributive:

- ajna - distributor of soul force - energy from heart and throat.

- Solar plexus - works with sacral/base and all subsidiary centres below the diaphragm

TEV- 191 - Head - will to be - energy of immortality - related to soul/heart

- Base - will to live - instinctual - related to personality desire/solar plexus; relation between base and solar plexus

TEV- 193 - head heart throat - receive three major centres; agent for distribution of energy received from heart, head, throat - is the ajna

- solar plexus is agent for purification, transmutation and transmission of energies of all centres below the diaphragm.

- Solar plexus - majority of human beings function through for reception and transmission - until heart is awakened.

TEV- 193 - relationship between centres: a) below diaphragm and above it b) 3 major centres with each other - head heart throat c) 3 major centres and 3 planetary centres

TEV- 194 - Hierarchy consists of 7 ray ashrams - definition of an ashram

Education in the New Age

ENA- 6 - force centres - understanding

ENA- 10 - endocrine system of child studied

ENA- 18 - K petals, L petals of egoic lotus; 2 of each - genius

ENA- 28 - head, heart

ENA- 31 - solar plexus - connect physical./astral; soul energy anchored in heart

ENA- 32 - heart/head - sutratma/antahkarana

ENA- 32 - solar plexus, head, heart - triple threads anchored; throat - man a conscious creator

ENA- 33 - heart/spleen - life thread; solar plexus - L petals of egoic lotus

ENA- 33 - head - K petals of egoic lotus

ENA- 33 - head/heart - W petals of egoic lotus

ENA- 36 - seven centres - relation to mind; endocrine glands - see 51.

ENA- 37 - science of endocrinology - material means of producing changes

ENA- 53 - K petals have unfolded racially - L petals unfolding; first K petal in Lemuria, 2nd K petal in Atlantis, 3rd K petal in Aryan

ENA- 54 - Education and Science

Knowledge petals

civilisation culture illumination

masses of men intellectuals spiritual man

Purification Discipleship Initiation

Religion and Philosophy

Love petals

cooperation loving understanding group love

intellectuals world aspirants Hierarchy

Governments and Social Order

Will and Sacrifice petals

participation purpose precipitation

(in the Plan) (Directed will (of Plan by of all disciples) Hierarchy)

ENA- 66-7 - etheric web between centres on spinal column - ‘doors’ to higher consciousness

ENA- 92 - head/heart

ENA- 94 - head, heart, throat

ENA- 147 - heart, spleen, will petals (3 lesser threads which make 3rd thread); solar plexus/heart - love petals; ajna/head - knowledge petals

ENA- 147-8 - science of antahkarana is basis of science of force centres

Externalisation of the Hierarchy

Taken from book index only - not from reading whole text. Ashrams externalising could all be seen as unfolding lotuses

EOH- 17 - head centre - meditation

EOH- 37 - egoic lotus unfolding

EOH- 73-4 - heart and throat

EOH- 95 - heart centre - consecrated to loving

EOH- 169 - pituitary body - externalisation of ajna centre

EOH- 247 - heart centre - allowing no scope for solar plexus reaction

EOH- 698 - centres, five spiritual -beginning

Esoteric Psychology Volume 1

(Taken from book index only - not from reading whole text)

EP I- 99-100 - centres of force - study

EP I- 128 - centres - ray activity

EP I- 155 - centres - of Adept

EP I- 218 - base - vivification

EP I- 260-62 - centres - ray activity

EP I- 289 - sacral, throat - raising energy

EP I- 290 - ajna - symbolism, work

EP I- 291 - ajna - stimulation, work

EP I- 295 - sacral, throat - raising energy

EP I- 319 - base, ajna, head, heart, sacral, solar plexus, throat - race and expression;

EP I- 326 - centres - awakening - results

EP I- 428 - centres - ray activity

Esoteric Psychology Volume 2

EP II- 23 - unfolding of egoic Lotus - paralleling activities, overlapping of rays etc. within time cycle

EP II- 63-4 - centres and glands

EP II- 64-5 - base, crown; spleen links life and consciousness.

EP II- 65-6 - spleen and solar plexus; base and crown.

EP II- 83 - seven force centres

EP II- 116-7 - ajna, crown - 2 balls of fire - soul consciousness - pineal/pituitary

EP II- 122 - disciple raises solar plexus energies to heart - awakens

EP II- 123 - Aquarian influences - registered in emotional body/solar plexus

EP II- 123 - heart/solar plexus -service

EP II- 150 - petals of heart lotus

EP II- 153 - eighteen centres: 7 etheric, 7 astral, 3 rows of egoic lotus petals, + jewel =18. (jewel awakens at 4th)

EP II- 158 - heart awakened through service. 2 head centres - obedience.

EP II- 174 - Law of Group Progress (groups as centres)

EP II- 194 - past 200 years - Law of Group Progress. (since 1736 approx.?)

- fuller tide at May (Wesak/Taurus) full Moon 1936. (This can be considered a horoscope for the NGWS)

EP II- 195-6 - “In December, 1935, the energies of Capricorn were augmented by the pouring in of forces from a still greater constellation [Page 196] which is—to our zodiac—what the zodiac is to the Earth. This augmentation will take place again in 1942. It must be remembered that, from certain angles, the circle of twelve signs or constellations constitutes a special unity which revolves within our universe of heavens as our planet revolves in the centre of our circle of influences. By means of this augmentation—during the coming Aquarian zodiacal cycle—groups on Earth can avail themselves of the tide of Capricornian influences which will flow into our radius of registration every seven years. The one just past, gave a tremendous impetus to the work of the New Group of World Servers, and was the cause of the very good reaction in the world to their particular impulse. This worked out in every nation and in every group as a marked tendency to good will. In 1942, there will come another planetary inflow of which we all are begged to avail ourselves, and for which we are urged to make due preparation. This "week of group impact" occurring every seven years, will run from December 21st till December 28th, and if this should at any time fall at the period of the full Moon, the opportunity will be most significant. This possibility must be watched. This week should be regarded as pre-eminently the "festival week" of the New Group of World Servers, and after 1942 advantage must be taken of this period, and special preparation made. This fact invites the attention of all of us.”

EP II- 197 - heart centre awakened - connected to hearts of 8 others; head chakra - hold the mind steady in the light

EP II- 197 - NGWS - requirements

EP II- 198 - head, heart, throat

EP II- 213 - animal forms energised through head, heart and throat

EP II- 233 - solar plexus - instinct. Throat/ajna - intellect. Heart/head - intuition. Head - illumination.

EP II- 270 - NGWS - mediating group

EP II- 271 - inverted lotus (the world); open lotus of Kingdom of Souls

EP II- 286 - K petals of egoic lotus - 3 manasic/mental/mind; L petals

EP II- 294 - seven ray energies through seven chakras - heart of every lotus - pure manasic energy and hence its purely first three rays

EP II- 301 - glands/effects - psychology study

EP II- 301-2 - seven centres - seven aspects: head/monad; heart/soul; ajna/personality; throat/mental; solar plexus/emotions; sacral/physical; base/life itself, (monadic centre).

EP II- 302 - base centre (monadic centre) only awakened after 3rd degree. Kundalini from base sweeps all centres into activity. Sacral transmutes to throat. Solar plexus to heart. Mistaken notion of occultists around kundalini.

EP II- 304-5 - sacral/mental elemental - later to throat. Solar plexus/astral elemental - later to heart. Base/physical elemental transferred later to head centre.

- Soul focussed in head and mental consciousness; throat - creative consciousness; heart - feeling consciousness.

- Two important life stages: 1) Soul control - ajna - precedes passing onto Probationary Path - average person today. 2) More definite awakening - base aligns with centres in etheric - precedes initiation. Centre of lotuses aroused. Hub of the wheel - dynamic action. Esoteric Psychology based upon this.

EP II- 305-6 - Three stages of evolutionary activity:

1) Being alive - all centres active in slow rhythmic way - 3 petals functioning.

2) Stage of first fusion - petals vibrant.

3) Stage of second fusion - all centres/petals.

- Christ: birth, transfiguration and ascension.

EP II- 306-7 - 1) individualisation - centres awaken - function faintly.

2) Intellection - all petals; all centres awake but central focal point quiescent. Heart/throat receptive.

3) Discipleship - 2 head centres - petals more active. Path of Purification and Discipleship.

4) Initiation - 4 centres above the diaphragm.

EP II- 315 - centres not awakened sufficiently or overstimulated. Solar plexus and throat centres - problems for psychology. Thyroid instability.

EP II- 338-9 - centres awakening

EP II- 339-40 - five crises of awakening: 1) sacral/Lemuria 2) solar plexus/Atlantis 3) throat/Aryan 4) heart/6th race 5) head - 7th race

EP II- 341 - right arrangement according to ray type of energies arousing centres leads to direct alignment of the centres in spine. Ray types of vehicles - personality/soul. Monadic ray absorbs rays of personality/soul at 3rd and 5th initiations.

Esoteric Astrology

(Has only been done from the text by myself up to page 77.

All references from index have been added, so it is fairly comprehensive.)

EA- 22 - Shamballa - planetary head centre; human centres - activation; planetary centres - energies, forces pouring through

EA- 23 - zodiacal signs - affect mainly those who live below diaphragm/average humanity - base, sacral, solar plexus, spleen

EA- 24 - solar systems (Suns/stars), inner group - with zodiacal - affect those living above diaphragm - heart, throat, ajna, head

EA- 24 - chakras see 25. Human centres (4) affected by signs and energies.

EA- 25 - chakras - higher receiving, lower galvanising

EA- 25 - Earth/Sun - "it relates finally the lowest centre at the base of the spine to the highest centre, the head centre. This is a correspondence of the relation of the Earth to the Sun" (does this mean that the Earth is/will be the base chakra in our solar system and the Sun is the crown? -is there a correspondence to Draco as the base and Great Bear as crown in the greater system? - see 45 "secret of the dragon"; TCF. also SD3 -377-8 - dragon/Sun - temples/initiation - also, if Earth is base and Sun the crown, where do the other 7 sacred planets fit in as regards the seven main chakras in the body of the solar logos?

EA- 46 - draco - "has the same relation to the ONE (OAWNMBS) greater than our Logos (solar logos or Sirius?) as the centre at the base of the spine in the human being"-e.g.- Ursa Major = head; Sirius = ajna; Pleiades = throat; solar (blue) logos = heart; Orion = solar plexus; Antares = sacral; draco = base. see 25,45

EA- 46-7 - CH -5th - "hearts of fiery love" - Sons of Men - 12 petalled lotuses/higher correspondences

- 12 petals/12 CH/12 zodiac signs

- logoic 12 petalled - cosmic mental (Sirius?)

- solar 12 petalled - (solar logos) -

- planetary logos - 12 petalled

- human egoic -12 petalled

- human heart centre -12 petalled

EA- 47 - Sun, central spiritual; heart of Sun; physical Sun - "three great cosmic centres" where energy flows through from solar Logos ("blue" logos or greater?)

EA- 48 - souls (egos) - "vital...correspondence between 7 head centres and 7 groups of egos on the mental plane...occult analogy between 3 head centres and the expression of these 7 groups in the 3 worlds."

EA- 53 - chakras (?) - "the forces of the man pour out and upon each fiery point appears a centre of reception" - analogy of man as 5 pointed star (Sun, Moon, Earth, Mars, Pluto) - hands, feet, crown?

EA- 70 - centres - below/above diaphragm

EA- 70 - "lower regions" - lower centres

EA- 70 - centres - solar plexus, heart, throat

EA- 76-9 - centres (chakras) - use; see TCF 169-70, EH, LOTS

EA- 77 - planets/chakras - relation - cycles of polarisation/periods of crisis - see 40-42

EA- 77 - centres - triangles

EA- 78 - thymus gland - chest; in front of throat (minor); - ruler; sacral/solar plexus - rulers

EA- 80 - sacral - Earth; centres on path of initiation

EA- 88 - centres - triangles

EA- 89 - head - vivified - description

EA- 191 - sacral - relation to throat; ruler

EA- 296 - base of spine - rousing; head - highest attraction of kundalini

EA- 297 - centres and crosses

EA- 301 - base of spine - rousing; head - highest work of soul; 3 major centres

EA- 367 - heart - awakening

EA- 397 - thyroid gland

EA- 418-9 - centres - human - activation; triangles

EA- 425 - centres, human and logoic - aliveness

EA- 427-9 - centres - cosmic and human triangles; planetary centres

EA- 428 - centres and aspects

EA- 450-2 - centres - human response to activities of planetary centres

EA- 451 - ajna - awakening in disciple; throat - control in aspirant

EA- 453 - planetary centres - energy status

EA- 478 - head ajna heart triangle

EA- 511-13 - centres - relation to planets as ray influences

EA- 515 - centres - variance with incarnation

EA- 517 - centres - relation to planets as ray influences

EA- 689 - base, solar plexus, heart triangle

Esoteric Healing

EH- 45 - tabulation - 7 centres/7 rays

EH- 49-50 - each centre expressive of 7 ray energies

EH- 51 - rays, centres, diseases - tabulation

EH- 55 - long cycle of lives - difficulties in awakening centres

EH- 77 - ray structure indicates condition of centres

EH- 81 - ‘fiveness’ - 5 stages of chakra unfoldment - 5 senses

EH- 81-2 - five pointed star symbol of etheric body (Gemini/Venus association)

EH- 85 - centres, 7 - 7 types of force

EH- 100 - certain ray forces - certain centres

EH- 110 - ray of disciple in relation to centres

EH- 130 - ray 2 - soul’s activity through all the centres

EH- 130 - ray 6 - close relation to solar plexus

EH- 137 - ray of personality; ray energies controlling centres

EH- 138-9 - repolarisation of energies from lower to higher centres

EH- 142 - 7 chakras - 7 glands - tabulation

EH- 144-5 - central spiritual Sun - crown chakra corresponds to

EH- 144-62 - centres - 7 major

EH- 147 - ajna centre corresponds to physical Sun - personality, true persona, mask

EH- 147 - ajna distributes ray 3 energy - (hence Venus, Mercury and Saturn relating at various stages)

EH- 148 - third eye, left and right eyes (see EA 429 - will love intelligence - Vulcan Mercury Venus; Vulcan soul ruler of Taurus - the ‘bull’s eye’)

EH- 149 - ajna - imagination, desire (rays 4,6); idealism (Neptune/6th ray) - linked to 3rd, 2nd rays.

EH- 149 - ray 1 - head centre

EH- 149 - ajna - 48 + 48 ‘units of force’ - 96 (look at Scorpio associations here - 8th sign - 8x12 =96; Mercury’s rulership of ajna and hi. ruler of Scorpio - imagination, desire, Moon’s all in Scorpio and rulership of ray 4 with Mercury. Also 4x12=48 - Cancer/4th sign - soul ruler Neptune, Scorpio ruler Mars - two rulers of ray 6)

EH- 151 - throat ruled by Saturn; head - Uranus; ajna - Mercury - disciple only - different after 3rd degree, before 1st degree - see EA 517 - average man - Vulcan/head, Venus/ajna, Earth/throat; disciples/initiates - Vulcan/head, Venus/ajna, Saturn/throat.

EH- 152 - ray 3 expresses: sacral - average man; throat - aspirant/probationer; ajna - disciple/initiate

EH- 155 - thyroid symbolises 3rd aspect of intelligence - substance impregnated with mind

EH- 155 - life cycle of soul - throat centre slowly reverses itself

EH- 156 - heart corresponds to heart of Sun (Neptune - rules blood, divine circulatory flow - see 159 - heart centre = solar fire

EH- 159 - responsibility (Saturn) learnt by humanity will bring thymus into proper function (Gemini rules thymus - Earth hi. ruler Gemini and co-ruler 3rd ray with Saturn)

EH- 160 - thymus - love, right human relations (Gemini rules thymus, Venus soul ruler - relationships)

EH- 162 - 1400 AD - relation of solar plexus to heart - expressed diagram p. 715

EH- 169-91 - centre, continued

EH- 170 - science of triangles for human system (chakras etc) to be developed, like science of triangles for astrology (7 major centres - 7 constellations/7 sacred planets; 22 minor chakras - 12 zodiac signs + 10 planets?; 343 points of light - stars, etheric planets, asteroids?

EH- 170 - solar plexus - reflection in personality of heart of Sun (hence ‘higher light’ of solar plexus - Neptune)

EH- 170 - solar plexus most separative centre (look at Mars as non-sacred co-ruler of Ray 6 and Neptune as sacred co-ruler; also relation of 10 petalled solar plexus with 10th sign Capricorn - mystery of Makara; Mars is exalted in Capricorn and has connection to Ray 3 which comes through Capricorn, via its occult relation to the Pleiades, the 3rd aspect; 2x3=6; Neptune is Makara - SD; Venus, hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, has occult relation as solar plexus is primitive ‘brain’; Venus ruler of 5th ray - 2x5=10 etc. etc. see Makara file. Also myth of Venus/Mars - Vul-cain/Taurus)

EH- 172 - solar plexus - mediums, clairvoyants (Neptune soul ruler Cancer)

EH- 172-3 - chakra repolarisations on 2nd, 3rd, 1st ray lines

EH- 173 - solar plexus - Atlantis/Poseidonis (Neptune)

EH- 176 - sacral centre - corresponds to physical Sun (look at ‘magical square of Sun’ as 666, and the sacral as 6th centre; Mars as 6th ray/CH ruler embodying many sacral traits - sexuality etc; look at Uranus as ruler of sacral - with Moon veiling.)

EH- 176 - prenatal charts? - symbolism sacral - conception, gestation, form building (look at Uranus)

EH- 177 - spleen - organ of reception, of prana - physical Sun

EH- 178 - sacral - lunar lords (Mars ruling 6th CH; throat - solar lords (look at Saturn - ruler of throat - as analogous to physical expression of Sun, as 3rd aspect of solar triad; Cancer/Capricorn - Moon/Saturn - Jupiter/Mars exalted - both connected to 6th CH)

EH- 178 - solar plexus - 2nd aspect; sacral - 3rd aspect (Moon/Saturn - Cancer/Capricorn axis); base - 1st aspect (Pluto rules both; caduceus - nadis)

EH- 181 - centres - other cycles of movement, change; cycle of manifestation

EH- 183 - ray types - awakening of centres

EH- 185 - paths, 3 - ida pingala sushumna nadis (3 crosses - initiation)

EH- 187-8 - three head centres - 3 rays: medulla - 3, ajna - 2, crown - 1; 3 races - Lemuria, Atlantis, Aryan

EH- 188 - three crosses - evolution (mutable), discipleship (fixed), initiation (cardinal) - centres below/above diaphragm, in head

EH- 190 - rays - personality/soul - thru etheric centres

EH- 203 - Sun, radiation - spleen

EH- 210 - base of spine (Mercury rules average) - relates spirit/matter

EH- 461 - minor centres - see 467

EH- 465-6 - minor centres

EH- 513 - ray - personality/soul in direct contact; chakras head, ajna etc

EH- 526 - head centres - patient’s centres

EH- 539 - centres

EH- 547-8 - centres

EH- 566-8 - good beautiful true - 3 aspects - head heart throat

EH- 571 - eyes - left eye - manas (Venus), right eye - buddhi (Mercury)

EH- 571 - initiation before 4th degree - eye of soul - head centre

EH- 573 - centres - 3rd eye/head; ajna as distinct from 3rd eye

EH- 578 - sacral/throat centres

EH- 579 - spleen

EH- 581 - head, alta major

EH- 584 - solar plexus, heart

EH- 592 - solar plexus, heart, throat; major/minor relation to each other

EH- 593-4 - interplay of centres above and below diaphragm

EH- 594 - solar plexus, heart

EH- 595 - science of the centres will emerge

EH- 600 - knowledge of centres imperative

EH- 601 - rays, types; centres

EH- 602 - healer/patient synchronise centres - see 604-5

EH- 603 - centres of healer

EH- 604 - head centre - seat of soul energy

EH- 605 - overstimulated centre

EH- 606 - stimulation of patients’ centres; healer’s centres

EH- 606 - minor centres - 21; 7 major

EH- 617-8 - seven major centres - endocrine glands; petals of centres

EH- 619 - seven sacred planets; 7 centres

EH- 619-20 - three planetary centres (+4) = 7 - see EOH -89

EH- 620-1 - seven human centres; 7 centres in Christ

EH- 622 - science of the centres; centres hold body together; head, heart, endocrine glands

EH- 624-5 - 7 major centres and their glands

EH- 628 - centre - closed and sealed point - perfect healer works with

EH- 630 - centre in etheric to receive attention

EH- 642 - heart and hand centres

EH- 648 - heart and ajna centres

EH- 649 - centres - general

EH- 690 - heart and head centres

EH- 697 - heart, solar plexus centres; head, and ajna centres and centre which registers soul ray

EH- 697 - lesser and greater triangles of centres - relates to Science of Triangles

EH- 698 - heart, solar plexus, ajna, head

EH- 698 - ray of soul related to centre in etheric

EH- 702 - centre in patient

EH- 698 - ray of soul related to centre in etheric

EH- 703 - healer’s ray sent through centre associated with disease

EH- 704 - centres up spine turned toward healer

EH- 707 - head centre to head centre

EH- 708 - heart centre - 12 petals


Initiation, Human and Solar

IHS- 4 - Job (Book of )

IHS- 6 - Browning (poet) - see also 88 (reputed by Dr. Douglas Baker to be a Master)

IHS- 37-8 - Shankarcharya, Vyasa, Mahomet, Jesus, Krishna, St Paul, Luther; leading lights of European history

IHS- 63 - Thackeray

Letters on Occult Meditation

LOOM- 197 - David - Psalmist of Israel - dancing

LOOM- 266 - John the Beloved (KH at 4th degree initiation?)

Consciousness of the Atom

CAT- 82 - Browning, Robert - see 91, 93-4, 103

CAT- 37 - Crookes, Sir William - see 41,78

CAT- 38-9 - Edison, Thomas - see 39-40

CAT- 55-6 - Plutarch

CAT- 56 - St Paul, St John - see 149, 158-9

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

TCF- 380 - Alexander Pope

TCF- 426 - electrical inventions - Tesla technology see 492 too.

TCF- 429 - vimana. See EH - photography, radio.

TCF- 445 - scientists - group of - which ashram? 5th ray - curie, tesla, edison, einstein

TCF- 716 - Burbank - (see "Autobiography of a Yogi" - Yogananda)

TCF- 1037 - inventors - tie in with cycles

TCF- 1080 - Confucius - will reincarnate

TCF- 1142 - astronomers will become lipikas - training in divine mathematics

TCF- 1229 - Nicodemus - 2nd degree initiate same as Paul

Light of the Soul

LOTS- XIII - date of birth of Patanjali is unknown; could be 820BC-300BC; or 10,000BC

LOTS- 84 - Krishna, Buddha, Christ - meditate on

LOTS- 320 - Christ - outstanding example of love and intelligence (Venus/Virgo - EA) in Occident as Krishna was to India (east)

LOTS- 320 - Christ in Palestine - raised dead - used Jesus' body

LOTS- 423 - St Paul - great initiate

A Treatise on White Magic

TWM- 180 - HPB - deep knowledge, ability to be inspired, clairaudience

TWM- 356 - St. Paul; Akbar; Seneca

TWM- 395 - Mussolini, Pope - power purpose, will (ray 1)

TWM- 415 - Meister Eckhardt

TWM- 417 - Shakespeare, Napoleon, Beethoven, Da Vinci

TWM- 536 - Da Vinci, Shakespeare, Newton, Einstein, St. Francis, Buddha, Christ

TWM- 619 - Robert Browning

From Bethlehem to Calvary

FBC- 27 - St Paul - one of the first to attain initiate status under Christian dispensation (see Romans 7:18-25)

FBC- 39-40 - Robert Browning - poem "Paracelsus" (HPB)

FBC- 42 - 2nd degree - Browning's poem "Saul"

FBC- 45 - Nicodemus - 1st degree (see TCF 1229 - 2nd degree)

FBC- 80 - St Paul - sin

FBC- 90 - Zarathustra - duality taught; Moses, Christ, Buddha

FBC- 95 - John the Baptist

FBC- 102 - Schweitzer - quote (3rd?)

FBC- 112 - St Nicholas - Father Christmas - godliness

FBC- 130 - Pope - "Essay on Man".

FBC- 152-3 - disciples in Bible

FBC- 154-5 - Peter, James and John - 3 aspects

FBC- 183 - Clement of Alexandria - church festivals - based on astrology zodiac - 12 signs

FBC- 198 - Calvinism doctrine

FBC- 236 - "Obsequies of Adonis" (festival) in Alexandria, Egypt - March 25. Also Aesceplius, Tammuz - same tradition as Christ

FBC- 237 - Hercules, Baldur, Mithra, Bacchus, Osiris

Discipleship in the New Age Volume 1

Discipleship in the New Age Volume 2

Reappearance of the Christ

ROC- 12 - Saul of Tarsus (Paul)

ROC- 30 - St Paul - distorted death of Christ symbolism in effort to blend new religion with old Jewish religion

ROC- 96 - Buddha relinquished physical body centuries ago (Tsong Ka Pa connection?)

ROC- 100-1 - Buddha's "vestures" - emotional & mental bodies of Buddha bequeathed to Christ (similar to Sankacharya)

ROC- 103 - Hercules - ancient hero/teacher; 12 Labours of Hercules - dramas - not factual; tests, trials of all aspirants, disciples, initiates

ROC- 104 - Hermes - unknown date; Vyasa - "death is not the end"

ROC- 105 - Buddha - group of thinkers in India

ROC- 106 - Christ's exact date of birth remains debatable

ROC- 107 - Sankaracharya

ROC- 107 - Krishna - previous incarnation of Christ

ROC- 117 - Dane Rudyhar

ROC- 125 -HPB - promotion of Masters

ROC- 127 - Age of Aries - Jewish dispensation (2000 BC)

Destiny of the Nations

DON- 34-5 - John Calvin - mistake

DON- 37 - Master Jesus - ray

DON- 38-9 - Hercules - rays and work

DON- 59 - Master Jesus - spiritual attempt in future

DON- 138 - Hercules - grade of messenger

Glamour: A World Problem

GAWP- 14 - Plutarch

GAWP- 137 - Isaiah, Ezekiel - only true prophets; John (Revelation) - incarnation of KH?

GAWP- 183 - HPB took 4th degree?

GAWP- 196 - Patanjali, Eckhardt - fusion - 3rd degree?

GAWP- 240 - Pilate - symbol of human intellect

GAWP- 271 - John the Baptist - prior to second degree of the Threshold (4th?); waxing/waning - analogy of the soul with Moon and Gemini - see EA

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle

TEV- 4 - League of Nations - Master Serapis was behind - intelligent banding together of nations for world peace

TEV- 5 - Master Jesus - working in occident. Colonel House registered idea - passed onto Woodrow Wilson (6th ray aspirant)

TEV- 140-1 - HPB an initiate of high standing; astral body was non-existent (taken4th?)

TEV- 141 - about 300 years after HPB - astral body will still govern race of men

TEV- 163 - Book of Revelation dictated 1900 years ago by Master Hilarion (as St Paul; written 1940-1944, hence 40-44 AD)

Education in the New Age

ENA- 8 - Steiner

ENA- 79 - Lao Tze, Buddha, Confucius, Krishna, Christ

Externalisation of the Hierarchy

EOH- 28-9 - Plato, Aristotle, Socrates (Age of Aries - ideas)

EOH- 39 - Hermes - his work

EOH- 49 - Rousseau

EOH- 134-5 - dictators

EOH- 258 - Hitler obsession

EOH- 260 - Moses, Akbar, Da Vinci

EOH- 297 - Luther, Shakespeare, Columbus, Da Vinci

EOH- 298 - Patanjali, Plato, Shankaracharya, Lincoln - avatars. Bismark - racial avatar from realm of cosmic evil

EOH- 307-8 - Hitler -obsession

EOH- 310 - Nero

EOH- 316 - Churchill - see 301,318-9,331,380.

EOH- 316 - Roosevelt. See 301, 318-9, 331, 380, 578 (ray 1), 656

EOH- 345-6 Hitler - evil work

EOH- 368 - Ghandi - unrealistic pacifism; possible civil war in India

EOH- 490 - ashrams of DK (see 633), KH & M.

EOH- 504 - Hilarion - preparation for coming of Christ

EOH- 578 - Rooseveldt - ray 1 disciple - 4 essential freedoms

EOH- 631 - AAB amanuensis of Master

EOH- 633 - AAB - resumption of more active work

EOH- 636 - Shakespeare - initiate, poet.

EOH- 683 - St Paul - initiate stage of learning rightly to withdraw and work in isolated unity - "caught up in third heaven".

EOH- 685 - HPB gave background of Plan under ray 1 impulse; AAB gave detailed structure (ray 2)

EOH- 687 - St John - disciple of love - (incarnation of KH?) influenced by buddhic vehicle of Christ

EOH- 697 - AAB and FB - teaching

Esoteric Psychology Volume 1

EP I- 73 - Buddha, Caesar, Leonardo da Vinci, Alexander the Great

EP I- 165 - Wesley, Whitfield, Molinos, St Martin, Spanish mystics

EP I- 202 - Luther, Carlyle, Whitman, Kitchener, Napoleon

Esoteric Psychology Volume 2

EP II- 278 - Buddha and Christ - cosmic avatars

EP II- 292 - soul/personality - both ray 4: Da Vinci, Shakespeare (clues as to Francis Bacon’s make-up?)

EP II- 303 - C.W. Leadbeater - mistaken notion around kundalini.

EP II- 316 - Annie Besant - “Study in Consciousness”.

EP II- 318 - St Paul - epistle to Romans “continuity of desire - will to good -will to evil “as it takes place within the periphery of consciousness”.

Esoteric Astrology

EA- 167 - Moses - symbolism

EA- 168-9 - Christ/Jesus (Capricorn - look at Aries, Leo, Virgo, Pisces) - see 568

EA- 213-5 - St Paul - Scorpio (MDR speculates: Aries Asc, 8th house Sun, Moon in 3rd, possibly Mercury/Moon in Sagittarius) (PL - He was called Mercury and Barnabas was Jupiter in one place they visited) see 234

EA- 285-6 - dominant world figures - Hitler etc

EA- 564-8 - Life of Jesus

EA- 583 - Christ born I Capricorn

EA- 585-6 - Nero, Hitler - "advanced personalities" (were they the same soul?)

EA- 623 - Morya - ray

Esoteric Healing

EH- 601 - Peter - initiate and healer (was he DK?)

EH- 667 - Lincoln, Roosevelt, Browning, Briand, Hitler

EH- 671-2 - Christ - 3 temptations - expression of higher harmlessness

Rays and Initiations

RI- 87-8 - Father Damien; Master Jesus; Hitler

Labours of Hercules

LH- 49 - Buddha, as high initiate, married and had a son

LH- 50 - Moses, David - married with families


Letters on Occult Meditation

LOOM- 34 - 60,000,000,000 evolving units in humanity on causal levels

LOOM- 80 - total of petals - 1,110 - perfection of microcosm; 10 perfected personality, 100 causal perfection, 1000 - spiritual (monadic) achievement

LOOM- 157 - certain forms built on numerical aspects of rays: concrete building rays - occultist; rays abstract and attribute - mystic

LOOM- 163 - key to unlocking mysteries of each subplane - 35 mantrams (7x5)

LOOM- 174 - fourth cycle - 4 grades elementals; 4th globe of Earth

LOOM- 212 - colours in groups of 3’s and 5’s - foundation of diamond pattern on back of Serpent of Wisdom (ray 2, round 2); 3 major colours with 4 interweaving (hint as to geometrical path of kundalini?, DNA geometry etc)

LOOM- 224 - in no. 4 lies history of present

LOOM- 224 - ray 7 one of 3 major rays in this round; wields power in ratio to the 4, on the 4, under the 4

LOOM- 229 - numerical correspondences - 3,4,5,7

LOOM- 252 - science of numbers - science of colour and sound

LOOM- 252 - physical disease will be numerically considered - all constructive work in terms of numbers, colours, sounds; numerical vibration known

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

TCF- 364 - nine the number of initiation

TCF- 574 - numbers: 18, 27 (2nd/3rd initiations) see 585 for no. 9

TCF- 609 - numbers: 7=evolution of substance; no. 9 = consciousness (Libra/Virgo?-Sagittarius/Cancer?)

TCF- 696 - significance of number 5 on buddhic plane

TCF- 697 - mystery of numbers - concern

TCF- 859-60 - numbers - 8 = duality - Mercury "messenger 8th gate"-see p.705. see EA298 (again, Scorpio/Mercury connection; if 8 is duality and duality is overcome at the 2nd initiation, ruled by Scorpio)

TCF- 914 - numbers - deva evolution = 6 (Virgo); man =5; deva perfection =12

TCF- 992 - numbers - black magician and no.666

TCF- 1200 - numbers - no.13 = Moon - 5th creative hierarchy

Light of the Soul

LOTS- 37 - processes in sutras 17 & 18 only carry aspirant to edge of the soul - still confined to three worlds (add subplanes 7 + 7 + 4 = 18)

LOTS- 93 - numerology, symbology, geometry

LOTS- 285 - number colour vibration

LOTS- 349 - etheric form must be built to number and design

A Treatise on White Magic

TWM- 199-200 - numbers/petals: 48+2=50 no. of perfected personality; 5=man, 10=perfection; 96+48=144 - 12x12 CH; 144+1000 = 144,000 (not 1144) = 9 initiate

TWM- 596 - numbers - 8 no. of Christ - 8 centres including spleen (eighth sphere?); no. 8 basic symbol of all centres - all petals of centres are multiples of 8 (or 4); petals are like superimposed 8’s.

From Bethlehem to Calvary

FBC- 75-6 - twelve = completion (initiation); 12 disciples; 12 in Old Testament; 12 signs of the Zodiac

FBC- 88 - thirty = perfection of personality; ten

Discipleship in the New Age Volume 1

Discipleship in the New Age Volume 2

Reappearance of the Christ

ROC- 27 - Christ at 12 - number of completed work; 12 apostles = service/sacrifice (Pisces 12th sign)

ROC- 122 - number - clue to evolutionary process

ROC- 139 - astrology, numerology - teachings of

Destiny of the Nations

DON- 131 - numerological indications - words of power/slogans

DON- 137-8 - 3rd degree, ray 3, 3rd centre humanity, 3rd centre - throat, 3rd race - Aryan, 3rd plane - physical/atmic, third vehicle - personality, 3rd aspect - intelligence, 3rd messenger - Hercules, physical Sun - 3rd Sun

DON- 139 - 2nd planetary centre, Hierarchy, ray 2, 2nd degree, heart - ray 2 centre, 2nd race Atlantis as it climaxes in 4th race (look at Celtic subrace), 2nd vehicle - soul, 2nd aspect, 2nd messenger - Buddha/Christ, heart of Sun

DON- 141 - 1st planetary centre, ray 1, 3rd (1st) initiation, 1st divine race/final race, 3rd plane (mental - 1st plane soul consciousness), 1st periodic vehicle - monad, 1st aspect, central spiritual Sun

Telepathy and then Etheric Vehicle

TEV- 163 - nine the number of initiation - all 3 points of 3 triangles. Destined number of disciples to take 9 initiations - will complete planetary etheric body

Externalisation of the Hierarchy

EOH- 413 - numbers: Buddha associated with D (= 4); Christ with I (= 9)

Esoteric Psychology Volume 1

EP I- 155 - numbers - 7 ray lives plus 12 CH plus 3 major aspects of deity = 22 mystic number - number of adept

Esoteric Astrology

EA- 36 - numbers, study - in relation to hierarchies

EA- 37 - number - 8 - number of Christ

EA- 41 - number 13 (lunar cycle) - 5th CH is dual

EA- 41 - number 8 - 3rd CH

EA- 298 - "in connection with the horoscope of the Leo subject...when Sun, Moon (hiding a planet) and Saturn are all combined in a certain house, you have what is called the "sign" of the man who is to take initiation" (numerically may be 3rd house/3rd initiation - Saturn rules 3rd;however, may relate to 4th - "Leo...connected through numerical affinity with Mercury" (4th ray)

EA- 427 - numbers 666 "beast", 999 spiritual nature

Esoteric Healing

EH- 109 - 1st solar system - 100,000,000,000 monads

2nd solar system - 200,000,000,000 monads-(see LOOM 289 - 60,000,000

3rd solar system - 300,000,000,000 monads

EH- 599 - initiation - 9 - 7 masters + 2

The Rays and the Initiations

RI- 79-81 - Shamballa = 24; 9 = initiation/Shamballa; 6 = form manifestation/6th ray - idealism /devotion to unseen goal; 666 = Beast/materialism - 3rd aspect expresses itself through pure materialism (3x2=6);

- ‘initiate is one who has experienced and expressed 666 and found it naught; (nought?=0) who has dropped the 6 and become 66, and thus has found himself upon the Way; later, again, he drops the 6 and becomes the perfected 6 - form the instrument and expression of spirit.’

- 24 = double 12 - greater and lesser zodiac; 6 = space, 24 = time, and is key to great cycle of manifestation - clue to all cyclic appearance or incarnation

- 24 - two figures define method of evolution: 2 = quality of love wisdom/spiritual hierarchy, 4 = conflict/human hierarchy; 2 and 4 side by side = relation; with 2 over 4 the initiate passes from the 4 into the 2.

- Shamballa numbers - six are on 1st ray line - - spirit and matter, will and intelligence; 4 and 2 are on 2nd ray line; 8 = inaugurates new cycle/no. of Christ consciousness/Hierarchy; 7 = relative perfection/number of man

RI- 100 - eighteen fires - 18 states of matter (of personality) 7+7+4=18

Labours of Hercules

LH- 21 - eighteen - ten of perfection; eight of the Christ

LH- 104 - Leo constellation - 95 stars (See "Sacred Vessel of the Mysteries" - Berges)

LH- 105 - number 90 + 5 = 95. Man the personality and initiate. 9x10=90 initiation/perfection. 5 = man.

LH- 106 - Hydra constellation - 60 stars (other books give different figures);

6 = creative mind, 6 days of creation; Virgo 6th sign (which Hydra covers) - t he completed form. 666 = number of the beast. 6 = limitations of body.

LH- 106 - Crater - 13 stars - number of matter, form. Judas - betrayal.

LH- 191 - number 30 = 3x10; 3 =personality, 10 = completion




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held by the Lucis Trust Ltd.

Permission has been given

to use this text for personal

research purposes only. It is

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Compiled by J. C. King.




Ref. No. Title Abbrev.

1. Initiation, Human and Solar IHS

2. Letters on Occult Meditation LOM

3. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire TCF

4. A Treatise on White Magic TWM

5. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. 1 DNA.1

6. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. 2 DNA.2

7. The Problems of Humanity - (No References)

8. The Reappearance of the Christ ROTC

9. The Destiny of Nations - (No References)

10. Glamour: a World Problem GWP

11. Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle TEV

12. Education in the New Age - (No References)

13. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy EOH

14. Esoteric Psychology Vol. 1 EP.1

15. Esoteric Psychology Vol. 2 EP.2

16. Esoteric Astrology EA

17. Esoteric Healing EH

18. Rays and the Initiations. RAI



















































SUN 60











E.A. P.63

I earlier gave a hint upon which definite astrological computation could be based when I gave the time of the Great Approach of the Hierarchy to our planetary manifestation when individualisation took place and the fourth kingdom in nature appeared.

I placed that stupendous event as happening 21,688,345 years ago. At that time, the Sun was in Leo. The process then initiated upon the physical plane and producing outer physical events took approximately 5000 years to mature, and the Sun was in Gemini when the final crisis of individualisation took place and the door was then closed upon the animal kingdom.

The Sun was in Leo when physical plane individualisation took place as a result of the applied stimulation.

The Sun was in Gemini when this Approach was consummated by the founding of the Hierarchy upon the earth. This is one of the great secrets which the Masonic rituals typify, for the symbol of the sign, Gemini, is the source of the concept of the two pillars, so familiar to Masons. It might therefore be stated that, symbolically speaking:

Leo governs the E.A. degree

Gemini governs the F.C. degree

Sagittarius governs the degree of the M.M. up to the episode of the raising of the Master, and that

Capricorn governs the final part of the ceremony and the H.R.A.

E.A. P.104

It might be here noted that the experience of the three crosses has a Masonic significance, and can be connected with the Blue Lodge.

1. The Common Cross (that is, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini Sagittarius) relates to the E.A. Degree.

2. the Fixed Cross (that is Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius)

relates to the F.C. Degree

3. The Cardinal Cross (that is, Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn) relate to the M.M. Degree

Much will come to light in Masonry when its astrological implications are studied and understood.

E.A. P. 349-50

It might be stated that:

Gemini forms a point of entrance for cosmic energy from Sirius.

Libra is related to and transmits the potencies of the Pleiades.

Aquarius expresses the universal consciousness of the Great Bear.

It might be profitable for you to bear in mind at this point what I have often told you, that the great White Lodge on Sirius is the spiritual prototype of the Great White Lodge on Earth (the Hierarchy) of which modern Masonry is the distorted reflection, just as the personality is a distorted reflection of the Soul.

I would also remind you again of the relation between Gemini and Masonry to which reference has frequently been made.


E.P.1 P.126

Calling in of devas for healing purposes.

Next, by a steady experimentation with invocations, and through their use the method of calling the devas will be discovered. This development must be approached with caution, for to the unprotected it leads to disaster. hence the necessity to inculcate pure living, the learning of protective invocations and formulas, and the powers of the church and Masonry to protect. Forget not that evil entities exist on other planes than the physical and that they can respond to analogous vibrations, and that the invocations that call a deva, may if sounded inaccurately call a being that will work havoc. In ritual lies protection. Hence the emphasis laid upon church forms and on the Masonic rituals - an emphasis which will increase and not grow less as the years slip by.

T.C.F. P. 466

Every Ray affects in more or less degree the planes or subplane which is its numerical correspondence; the student should bear this in mind, and should therefore recollect that for all purposes of investigation at this time the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Magic will have a powerful influence:

On the 7th or physical plane, regarding it as a unit

on the 7th subplane of the physical astral and mental planes

On the 7th or lowest human principle, prana in the etheric body

on all Monads in incarnation who are 7th Ray Monads

On a peculiar group of devas who are the agents between magicians (both white and black) and the elemental forces. One group works with evolutionary force and one with involutionary forces. One is the agent of constructive purpose and the other of destructive.

More need not be submitted anent this group as they are not easily contacted, fortunately for man, and can as yet only be reached by a particular group ritual accurately performed a thing as yet practically unknown. The Masons eventually will be one of the chief agents of contact, and as men are as yet not ready for such power as this will put into their hands, true Masonry will develop but slowly. Nevertheless, under the magnetic force of this 7th Ray, the growth of Masonry is inevitably sure.

T.C.F. P.934

The etheric doubles of all that man creates.

These are a special group of etheric builders who, under karma, are forced to act in conjunction with human beings. It is neither safe nor advisable as yet to impart to men knowledge anent the workers in etheric matter, which would enable them to contact them, nor is it wise as yet to link up coherently the scattered facts already given in different occult books. Science is treading on the borderland of discovery, and trespassing already into the domain of the building devas.

Yet if the hints given above are studied, if the various secrets of the builders are pondered upon, and if the esoteric side of Masonry is carefully and persistently meditated upon, the work of the Great Architect and His many assistants will stand forth in a clearer and fuller light. One hint may here be given, forgetting not that the work is twofold:

The construction of the tabernacle, or the building of the temporary forms is the work of the Divine Carpenter, whilst the building of the Temple of Solomon or the construction of the more permanent structure is the work of the Supervising Architect. One concerns operative and the other speculative Masonry in the true esoteric significance of the word.


T.C.F. - P. 934

The construction of the tabernacle, or the building of the temporary forms is the work of the Divine Carpenter, whilst the building of the Temple of Solomon or the construction of the more permanent structure is the work of the Supervising Architect. One concerns operative and the other speculative Masonry in the true esoteric significance of the word.


T.C.F. P.533

You therefore have a sequence of consequences or of the results of spiritual attainment which are as follows:

1. Factual Ceremonials, based on externalisation

Initiation 1 - The Birth

Initiation 2 - the Baptism

2. Symbolic Representation based on spiritual visualisation

Initiation 3 - The Transfiguration

Initiation 4 - The Renunciation

Initiation 5 - The Revelation

3. Illumination through Revelation, based on living Light

initiation 6 - Decision

Initiation 7 - Resurrection

initiation 8 - Transition

Initiation 9 - Refusal


These three grades of appreciation or of comprehension of the initiatory process are hinted at in the Masonic Work.

The ceremonial aspect can be related to the degrees of Entered Apprentice and of Fellow Craft, plus certain little-practiced degrees, as for instance that of Mark Mason degree, and one or two others; these are expansions of the implied teachings. The initiations, covered by the term symbolic representation, find their first hint in the sublime Third Degree, that of Master Mason, in the Holy Royal Arch, and in one or two succeeding degrees, the higher degrees of the Scottish Rite constituting a vague and nebulous attempt to hold before the Masons of the world, those expansions of consciousness and of growth into the Light, which are experienced in the remaining higher initiations - those subject to the process called illumination through revelation.

The Masonic Work is an ancient and laudable attempt to preserve in some germinal form, the spiritual truth anent initiation. In spite of distortion, some loss of the Ancient Landmarks, and a deplorable crystallisation, the truth is there, and at a later date, (in the early part of the next century) a group of enlightened Masons will re-arrange the rituals and adapt the present forms and formulas in such a manner that the spiritual possibilities symbolically indicated, will emerge with greater clarity and a deepened spiritual potency; the coming form of Masonry in the New Age will necessarily rest upon the foundation of a newly interpreted and enlightened Christianity, having no relation to theology and being universal in nature.

E.P.2 - P. 152

These seven laws are the basis of all true psychological understanding, and when their influence is better grasped, man will arrive at real self knowledge. he will then be ready for the fourth initiation which releases him from all further need for rebirth.

This is the truth which underlies the Masonic teaching, which is given under the symbolism of the first eighteen degrees. These can be divided into four groups of degrees:

Entered Apprentice - Fellow Craft (followed by the Mark Degree) Master Mason (followed by H.R.A.) and the grouped degrees, four to seventeen, in the Scottish Rite. These seventeen degrees prepare the man for the fourth or fundamental degree taken by the MAN WHO IS A MASTER MASON.

It can only be taken when the Master is in possession of the true Lost Word. He has risen from the dead, he has been entered, passed and raised, and now can be perfected. herein lies a great mystery. These seventeen degrees leading to the first great step taken by the risen Master are subjectively related to the seventeen laws which we have been considering. There is a parallelism worth noting between:

1. The eighteen laws:-

(a) The three major laws of the universe

(b) The seven minor laws of the solar system

(c) The seven basic laws of the soul

(d) plus what we might call the great law of Deity itself,

the Law of God's synthetic purpose.

2. The eighteen subplanes through which man makes his way:-

(a) The seven physical subplanes

(b) The seven astral or emotional-desire subplanes

(c) The four lower mental subplanes

3. The eighteen degrees in Masonry from that of the Entered Apprentice to that of the perfected initiate of the Rose Croix Chapter.

4. The eighteen centres of force with which the spiritual man has to work:-

The seven centres in the etheric body

The seven centres in the astral body

The three rows of petals in the egoic lotus

The "Jewel in the Lotus" at the heart of the flower of the

Soul which makes the eighteenth centre.

I.H.S. P. 17-18

One great fact to be borne in mind is, that the initiation of the planet or of the solar system are but the preparatory initiations of admission into the greater Lodge on Sirius. We have the symbolism held for us fairly well in Masonry, and in combining the Masonic method with what we are told of the steps on the Path of Holiness we get an approximate picture. Let us enlarge somewhat:

The first four initiations of the solar system correspond to the four "initiations of the Threshold" prior to the first cosmic initiation. The fifth initiation corresponds to the first cosmic initiation, that of "entered apprentice" in Masonry; and makes a Master an "entered apprentice" on the Lodge on Sirius. The sixth initiation is analogous to the second degree in Masonry, whilst the seventh initiation makes the Adept, a Master Mason of the Brotherhood on Sirius.

A Master, therefore, is one who has taken the seventh planetary initiation, the fifth solar initiation and the first Sirian or cosmic initiation.


R.A.I. - 330-332

Restoration of the Mysteries.

These two pages are a repeat, almost word for word, of the description of the Restoration of the Mysteries in the "Reappearance of the Christ" - Page 120 - except for one interesting

addition in this book, or deletion in "Reappearance" of the reference to Sirius in the following passage:

These ancient Mysteries were originally given to humanity by the Hierarchy (and were in their turn - received by the Hierarchy from the Great White Lodge on Sirius).

R.A.I. - P.418

Masonry as originally instituted far back in the very night of time and long ante-dating the Jewish dispensation, was organised under direct Sirian influence and modelled as far as possible on certain Sirian institutions and bearing a slight resemblance also to our Hierarchical life as seen in the Eternal Now. Its Blue Lodge with its three degrees is related to the three major groups of Lives on Sirius, for there, there are no kingdoms of nature such as we possess. These groups of Lives, receive all Those who choose the fourth Path (the Path to Sirius) and train Them in the mode of existence and the type of livingness which is found on Sirius.

This will make it plain to you that the least developed of the Sirian Lives are - from our standpoint - all of Them initiates of very high degree. Masonry is, therefore, connected in a peculiar way with the fourth Path. Down the ages, the Masonic tradition has been preserved, changing its nomenclature from time to time, reinterpreting its Words of Power, and consequently getting further and further removed from its original beauty and intent.

The time has now come, under cyclic law and in preparation for the new Age, for certain changes to be worked by Masons with spiritual understanding. The present Jewish colouring in Masonry is completely out of date and has been preserved far too long, for it is today either Jewish or Christian and should be neither. The Blue Lodge degrees are entirely Jewish in phrasing and wording and this should be altered.

The Higher Degrees are predominantly Christian though permeated with Jewish names and words. This too should end. This Jewish colouring is today one of the main hindrances to the full expression of Masonic intention and should be changed, whilst preserving the facts and detail and structure of the Masonic symbolism intact.

Whatever form the new nomenclature will take and this change will inevitably come, that too will pass away after due service rendered. This the cyclic transformation will proceed until such time as the bulk of humanity standing of the fourth path will pass through the initiatory process on Sirius, of which our E.A. degree is a faint recollection.

R.A.I. - P.533

Its present form, resting as it does on a Jewish foundation which is nearly five thousand years old, must disappear. This must take place, not because it is Jewish, but because it is old and reactionary, and has not followed the evolutionary passage of the Sun through the zodiac. That passage should and does symbolise human evolution and just as the sin of the children of Israel in the wilderness was their reverting to a dispensation and religious ritual which had passed and gone (the religion of the people in the time of Taurus the Bull, symbolised by their falling down and worshipping the golden calf,) so today modern Masonry is in line to do the same, and the ancient usages and forms, consistent and right in the Jewish dispensation are now obsolete and should be abrogated.

E.O.H. - P. 511

The three main channels through which the preparation for the new age is going on might be regarded as the Church, the Masonic Fraternity and the educational field. All of them are as yet in relatively static condition, and all are as yet failing to meet the need and to respond to the inner pressure. But in all of these three movements, disciples of the Great Ones are to be found and they are steadily gathering momentum and will before long enter upon their designated task.

The Masonic Movement when it can be divorced from politics and social ends and from its present paralysing condition of inertia, will meet the need of those who can, and should wield power. It is the Custodian of the Law; it is the home of the Mysteries and the seat of initiation. It holds in its symbolism the ritual of Deity, and the way of salvation is pictorially preserved in its work. The methods of Deity are demonstrated in its Temples, and under the All-Seeing Eye, the work can go forward. It is a far more occult organisation than can be realised, and is intended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists. In its ceremonials lies hid the wielding of the forces connected with the growth and life of the kingdoms of nature and the unfoldment of the divine aspects in man. In the comprehension of it symbolism will come the power to co-operate with the divine plan. it meets the need of those who work in the first Ray of Will or Power.

E.O.H. - P. 513

In the esoteric group, which is composed of the true spiritual esotericists found in all exoteric occult groups, in the Church, by whatever name it may be called, and in Masonry you have the three paths leading to initiation. as yet they are not used, and one of the things that will eventuate - when the new universal religion has sway and the nature of esotericism is understood will be the utilisation of the banded esoteric organisms, the Masonic organism and the Church organism as initiating centres. These three groups converge as their inner sanctuaries are approached. There is no dissociation between the One Universal Church, the sacred inner Lodge of all true Masons, and the innermost circles of the esoteric societies. Three types of men have their need met, three major rays are expressed and the three paths to the master are trodden, leading all three to the same portal and the same Hierophant.

E.O.H. - P. 514

There is no question therefore that the work to be done in familiarising the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance at this time. These Mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church and the Masonic Fraternity, if those groups leave off being organisations with material purpose, and become organisms with living objectives. When the Great One comes with His disciples and initiates we shall have (after a period of intensive work on the physical plane beginning around the year 1940) the restoration of the Mysteries and their exoteric presentation, as a consequence of the first initiation. Why can this be so? Because the Christ, as you know is the Hierophant of the first and second initiations, and He will, if the preparatory work is faithfully and well done, administer the first initiation in the inner sanctuaries of those two bodies. Many faithful workers will during His period of work on earth, take this first initiation, and some few will take the second.

E.O.H. - P. 517

Finally, Church members and members of the Masonic Fraternities must familiarise themselves with the inner significance of the various rites, ceremonies, colours and rituals, and with the work performed upon the floor of the temple. They must know why such and such things are done in due order, and the reason for the various precedences, the words, the gestures and acts.

E.O.H. - P. 518

One thing always I appeal to you to remember, for it is of vital importance. It is the fact that in the destruction of the form lies hid the secret of all evolutionary growth. This is not a truism, you can see it in constant expression. The Masters utilise the form (a form of Church organisation, a Masonic Fraternity, an esoteric group) as much as may be. They seek to work through its imprisoning the life within the confining walls for just as long as the purpose is served and the race is instructed through that form. Then comes the time when the form may no longer serve the intent, when the structure atrophies, crystallises, and becomes vulnerable and easily destroyed. So it goes and a new form takes its place.

..... In the infancy of the race, the forms for long endured. Evolution moved more slowly. But now on this upward trend, the form has but short duration. it lives vitally for but a brief period; with rapidity it moves through its cycle; with rapidity it disintegrates and is succeeded by another. This rapidity will increase and not decrease as the consciousness, or inner expanding realised life of the race, vibrates to a more rapid rate of rhythm.

E.P.1. P.368-9

Under this seventh ray influence the Masonic Fraternity will come into a new and pronounced spiritual activity and begin to approximate its true function and to fulfil its long-seen destiny. One point it might be of interest here to note. During the period of the activity of the 6th Ray, the Fraternity fell into into a crystallised and sectarian attitude, along with the many other grouped circles. It fell also into the snare of materialism and the outer form has for centuries been of more importance in the eyes of Masons than the inner spiritual meaning. The symbols and the system of allegories have been emphasised, whilst that which they were intended to convey and to reveal to the initiated has been quite forgotten.

Also the trend of the attention of a Lodge of Masons and the main emphasis, has been potently placed on the function and place of the W.M. and not upon the inner significance of the work on the floor of the Temple. The lodge has not been regarded as an integrated functioning entity. This must and will be changed and the potency and the effectiveness of the Lodge work and ceremonial will be demonstrated. it will be seen that in the regularity of the rituals and the sanctified formality of the ordained ceremonials lies the true meaning of the work, and the use of the Word.

The coming era of group work and power and of organised synthetic ritualist activity will profoundly affect Masonry, as the importance of a central dominating figure passes out with the 6th ray influence and the true spiritual work and function of the Lodge itself is understood.

I.H.S. - P.9

The question anent initiation is one that is coming more and more before the public. Before many centuries pass, the old mysteries will be restored, and an inner body will exist in the Church - the Church of the period, of which the nucleus is already forming - wherein the first initiation will become exoteric, in this sense only, that the taking of the first initiation will, before so very long, be the most secret ceremony of the Church performed exoterically as one of the mysteries given at stated periods attended by those concerned. It will also hold a similar place in the rituals of the Masons. At this ceremony those ready for the first initiation will be publicly admitted to the Lodge by one of its members, authorised to do so by the Great Hierophant


I.H.S. P. 61

Two other Masters, specially concerned with the seventh or ceremonial ray, Whose particular work it is to supervise the development of certain activities within the next fifteen years work under the Master R. Very definitely may the assurance be given here, that prior to the coming of the Christ, adjustments will be made so that at the head of all great organisations will be found either a Master, or an initiate who has taken the third initiation. At the head of certain of the great occult groups, of the Freemasons, of the world, and of the various great divisions of the Church, and resident in many of the great nations will be found initiates or Masters.

R.O.T.C. P. 120

Revelation of the Mysteries of Initiation

It will then be possible for the Hierarchy, the Church of Christ hitherto invisible, to externalise itself and to function openly upon the physical plane. This will indicate a return to the situation which existed in Atlantean days when (to use Biblical symbology, Genesis Chaps. 2 and 3) God Himself walked among men; He talked with them and there was no barrier between the Kingdom of men and the Kingdom of God.

Divinity was then present in physical form and the Members of the spiritual Hierarchy were openly guiding and directing the affairs of humanity, as far as man's innate freedom permitted.

Now in the immediate future, and on a higher turn of the spiral of life, this will again happen. the Masters will walk openly among men, the Christ will reappear in physical Presence. Another thing that will happen will be that the ancient Mysteries will be restored, the ancient landmarks will again be recognised - those landmarks which Masonry has so earnestly preserved and which have been hitherto securely embalmed in the Masonic rituals, waiting the day of restoration and of resurrection.

These ancient Mysteries were originally given to humanity by the Hierarchy and contain the entire clue to the evolutionary process, hidden in numbers, in ritual in words and in symbology, ....they provide ... the teaching which humanity needs in order to pass from darkness to Light, from the unreal to the Real and from death to Immortality. Any true Mason who understands even if only to a slight degree the significance of the three degrees of the Blue Lodge, and the implication of that in which he participates will recognise the above three phrases for what they are, and will recognise the significance of the three degrees.

R.O.T.C. - P. 120

I mention it here with Masonic purpose because it is closely related to the restoration of the Mysteries and has held the clue (down the ages) to that long awaited restoration to the platform upon which the required teaching can be based and the structure which can express (when freed of its Jewish names and nomenclature, which are long out of date, though right three thousand years ago) the history of man's moving forward upon the Path of Return.

R.O.T.C. - P. 122

Masonry has also lost the true livingness it once possessed, but in its forms and rituals, the truth is preserved and can be recovered. This Christ will do. He will also revive these Mysteries in other ways; not all will see the Church or Masonry for the revitalising of their spiritual life. The true Mysteries will also reveal themselves through science, and the incentive to search for them there will be given by the Christ.

R.O.T.C. P. 124

The ground is being prepared at this time for the great restoration which the Christ will engineer. The world religions (including Christianity) and Masonry are today before the judgment seat of humanity's critical mind, the word has gone forth almost unanimously that both of them have failed in their divinely assigned tasks. It is realised everywhere that new life must be poured in, but this will take a new vision and a new approach and living conditions, and this only the appearance of the Christ can teach and help us bring about.


R.A.I. P.197

Blindness is a prelude to initiation of no matter what degree.

In the early stages of evolution, blindness is natural, innate, unavoidable and impenetrable. For ages man walks in the dark. Then comes the stage wherein this normal blindness is a protection, but has also entered a phase wherein it can be overcome.

From the moment when a human being catches the first faint glimpse of the "something other" and sees himself in juxtaposition to that dimly sensed, distant reality, the blindness with which I have dealt is something imposed by the soul upon the hastening aspirant, so that the lessons of conscious experience, of discipleship, and later of initiation may be correctly assimilated and expressed; by its means, the hurrying seeker is defended from making too rapid and superficial progress. ... This truth is recognised, though not truly interpreted by the Masonic Fraternity.

In one of the most important and highest initiations, the candidate enters with unblinded eyes, and no hoodwink is applied. Then halfway through the ceremony, he is blinded and in that condition passes through the terrific tests, symbolic of a certain high stage on the Path.

R.A.I. P.214

The silence imposed in an Ashram is refraining from certain lines of thought, the elimination of reverie and the unwholesome use of the creative imagination. .... The initiate learns to keep his thought apparatus in a certain effective condition. His thoughts do not intermingle the one with the other, but are contained in separate compartments or carefully filed for reference and later use. There are certain layers of thought (again speaking symbolically) which are held within the Ashram itself and are never permitted to enter the mind of the disciple or the initiate when not consciously working in the Ashram; others are related to the group and its work, and are given free play within the group, still others are of a more mundane nature and govern the daily life of the disciple. ... These are only indications of what I mean, but will suffice to show, a little of what is meant by the silence of the initiate. Within the permitted levels of contact, speech is free and unimpeded, outside those levels, no indication is given that the other spheres of thought activity even exist. Such is the silence of the initiated disciple.

E.P.2 - P.51

In this phrase is summed up the work and opportunity of the soul, for it works towards the regeneration of matter, and not towards the consummation of its own salvation. It might be stated that the liberation of the soul or ego, comes about when its work of salvaging matter has been carried forward to a desired point.

It is not primarily due to the attainment of a certain spiritual stature by the man and the demonstration of certain spiritual qualities. This desired stature and these spiritual qualities are manifested when the vehicles have been "occultly saved" and matter has thus been transformed, transmuted and symbolically, "raised up into heaven". When the vehicles vibrate in unison with the soul, then is liberation achieved.

T.E.V. - P. 159

All Masters for instance do not work through a physical vehicle. They nevertheless have an etheric body composed of the substance of the cosmic etheric levels - buddhic, atmic, monadic and logoic level and these levels are the four cosmic ethers, the higher correspondence of our etheric planes.

T.E.V. - P. 160

The Monad as you know, is to be found on the cosmic second etheric level, called the monadic plane. When the antahkarana has been built, then cosmic etheric substance can be slowly substituted for the ordinary and familiar etheric substance which "substands" the dense physical body of a man.

T.E.V. - P. 161

The evolutionary processes can equally well be stated to be those of eliminating the physical substance lying between the dense physical body and the astral sentient body, and substituting substance of the four highest planes, the four cosmic ethers.

Physically speaking, it is this etheric substitution which enables a man successively to take the five initiations which make him a Master of the Wisdom.


E.P.1 - P.50

The fourth ray is essentially, the refiner, the producer of perfection within the form, and the prime manipulator of the energies of God in such a way that the Temple of the Lord is indeed known in its true nature as that which "houses" the Light. Thus the Shekinah will shine forth within the secret place of the Temple in its full glory.

Ray 4 - Higher Expression - The Masonic work, based on the

formation of the Hierarchy and

related to the second ray.

Lower Expression - Architectural construction

modern city planning.

Ray 7 Higher Expression All forms of white magic

Lower expression Spiritualism of "phenomena"


E.A. P.346

The formless nature of the influence of Gemini is strikingly born out if the significant of Masonry is studied. This world-wide institution was - as I have earlier told you - organised under the influence and impulse of this sign, and is governed by it in a most unusual manner.

The format or exoteric symbolism of Masonry has frequently changed during th millennia of years through which it has been active. Its present Jewish colouring is relatively modern and not necessarily enduring, but its significance and its history of unfoldment are the history of the INDWELLING CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS and of that inner light, and this must unalterably be continued.

That which has entered through the two pillars of Hercules, the disciples (Jachin and Boaz) and through the sign Gemini has entered to stay.

E.A. - P.364

Only one ray is therefore lacking where Gemini is concerned, and that is the 7th ray of organisation. This accounts for the instability and the fluidity of the Gemini influence, and is largely responsible for the frequent failure of the Gemini person to express the beauty, ideals, etc. which are sensed so that they materialise upon the physical plane. Six forces (Rays 1-6) meet in Gemini and for this reason, the double triangle or King Solomon's Seal is one of the subjective symbols of this sign, linking it again with the Masonic tradition and indicating also again the essential dualism of this sign.

All the inner potencies are, therefore present and only the stabilising seventh ray energy is omitted from the dowry of the man born in Gemini. Thus we can easily account for the versatility of the Gemini subject. The effectiveness of Mercury is also enhanced in its interpretive aspect because the Gemini person can always find points of contact with people on nearly every ray.

This is an interesting point to remember if you will realise that the great Masonic ritual was inaugurated under the influence of this sign, and yet the ray of ritual was omitted. This is due to the fact of reaction, producing opposition and therefore interplay and struggle. Hence the tests and trials of the Masonic procedure.


E.H. - P. 181-183

On Kundalini and the Centre at the base of the spine

(somewhat edited)

This centre is found at the very base of the spine, and supports all the other centres. It is relatively quiescent at this time, for it is only roused into full activity by an act of the will, directed and controlled by the initiate.

It is responsive only to the will aspect and the will-to-be in incarnation is the factor which at present controls its life and produces its effects as it feeds and directs the life principle in matter and form.

Just as we are told that the life principle is "seated in the heart" so the will-to-be is seated in the base of the spine.

(The following statements were then made:)

1. This basic centre is the point where under the evolutionary law, spirit and matter meet and life is related to form.

2. It is therefore the centre where the essential dualism of the manifested divinity - man or Planetary Logos - meet and produce form.

3. The nature of this divinity is only revealed when the second aspect has accomplished its work, through the medium of the third aspect, but under the directing will of the first aspect.

4. It is the centre where the "serpent of God" undergoes two transformations:

(a) The serpent of matter lies coiled

(b) This serpent is transformed into the serpent of wisdom

(c) the serpent of wisdom is translated and becomes the "dragon of living light"

5. These three stages are nurtured by the life and energy pouring down through the entire length of the spinal column via the etheric correspondence of the spinal cord, and - in time and space - this downpouring (plus the simultaneously uprising life) produces:

(a) The awakening in a gradual and orderly manner of

the centres according to ray types.

(b) The reversal of the centres so that the consciousness

of the indwelling man is adequate to his environment.

(c) The synthesis of the life energies of all the centres,

and adequacy to the demands of the initiate and the

service of the Hierarchy and of Humanity.

6. The spinal column ... houses a threefold thread. This is the externalisation of the antahkarana, composed of the antahkarana proper, the sutratma, or life thread, and the creative thread. This threefold thread within the spinal column is therefore composed of three threads of energy which have channelled for themselves in the substance of the interior of the column a threefold way of approach and of withdrawal. These are called in Hindu, the "ida', the "pingala" and the sushumna" paths and they together form the path of life for the individual man and are wakened into activity sequentially and according to ray type and point of evolution.

The sushumna path is not used correctly and safely until the antahkarana has been built and the Monad and Personality are thereby related, even if it is only by the most tenuous thread.

Then the Monad, the Father, the Will aspect can reach the personality in a direct manner, and can arouse the basic centre, and with it, blend, unify and raise the three fires.

8. These three paths of life are the channels for electric fire, solar fire and fire by friction, and are related in their usage to the three stages on the path of evolution;

The Path of Probation

The Path of Discipleship to 3rd initiation

The Path of Initiation

9. The Kundalini Fire is in reality the union of these three fires, which are focussed by an act of the enlightened will, under the impulse of love, in the base centre. This unified fire is then raised by the use of a Word of Power (sent forth by the Will of the Monad) and by the United Authority of the Soul and personality integrated and alive. The human being who can do this in full consciousness is therefore an initiate who has left the third initiation behind him. He and he alone, can safely raise this triple fire from the base of the spine to the head centre.

10. As usually interpreted by the ignorant esotericist in the various occult groups, the kundalini fire is something which must be "raised" and when it is raised, all the centres will then come into functioning activity and the channels up and down the spine will be cleared of all obstruction. This is a dangerous generalisation and a reversal of the facts.

The kundalini fire will be raised and carried up into heaven when all the centres are wakened and the channels up the spine are unimpeded. This removal of all obstruction is the result of the livingness of the individual centres which through the potency of their life, themselves are effective in destroying all hindrances and obstructions. They can "burn up" all that hinders their radiation.

What usually happens in accidental cases, is that the aspirant by an effort of the mind, and not of spiritual will, succeeds in arousing the lowest of the three fires, the fire of matter, "fire by friction" and this causes a premature burning and destroys the etheric web in the etheric body.

These circular disks or webs are to be found between each pair of the centres up the spine and also in the head. They are normally dissipated as purity of life, the discipline of the emotions, and the development of the spiritual will are carried forward.

There are four of these webs. When the fourfold personality is highly developed, and the ajna centre is awakening then these webs slowly and gradually normally and automatically disappear.

The webs in the head are of much higher quality and bisect the skull horizontally and vertically. Thus they symbolise the Cross upon which a Son of God is crucified.

L.O.M. P. 79

The connection between the centres, the causal body and meditation lies hid in the following hint: It is through the rapid whirling and interaction of these centres, and their increased force through meditation, (the ordered occult meditation) that the shattering of the causal body is effected. When the inner fire is circulating through each centre, and when kundalini is spiralling accurately and geometrically from vortex to vortex the intensification interacts in three directions.

It focuses the light of the Higher Self into the lower vehicles,

It draws down from the Threefold Spirit (Monad) more fire from the Spirit

It forces the unification of the higher and lower.

When this is done...and when kundalini in its sevenfold capacity touches each centre...the fire burns up entirely the Temple of Solomon the permanent atoms are destroyed, and all is reabsorbed into the Triad.

T.C.F. P.123 (see also P.183 where this text is briefly enumerated in point form).

Kundalini and the Spine

The second stage is that in which the pranic fluids begin to blend with the fire at the base of the spine and to drive that fire slowly upwards, transferring its heat from the centres below the solar plexus to the three higher centres, that of the heart the throat and the head. This is a long and slow process when left to nature, but it is just here that (in a few cases) a quickening of the process is permitted in order to equip workers in the field of human service. This is the object of all occult training.

The third stage is that in which active radiatory matter, or prana is blended ever more perfectly with the fire latent in matter; this results in certain effects.

It produces a quickening of the normal vibrations of the physical body so that it responds with more readiness to the higher note of the Ego, and causes a steady rising of the blending fires through the threefold channel in the spinal column. In the second stage this vitalising blended fire reaches a centre between the lower part of the shoulder blades, which is the point of conjunction, and of complete merging, of the fire from the base of the spine, and the fire circulating along the pranic triangle. It will be remembered how one point of this triangle originates there. When the threefold basic fire and the threefold pranic fire meet and merge, then evolution proceeds with greatly increased velocity.

The result of this merging (at the first Initiation) leads to a change in the action of the centres ..and they manifest as radiant whirling centres of living fire. The three major head centres become active,

From being three centres that react faintly to each other's vibratory movement, the fire leaps from centre to centre, and each wheel becomes linked by a chain of fire till there is a triangle of fire through which the kundalini and pranic fires radiate back and forth. The fire of kundalini produces the heat of the centre, and its intense radiance and brilliance, while the pranic fire produces ever increasing activity and rotation.

As time elapses between the first and fourth Initiation, the threefold channel in the spine, and the entire etheric body is gradually cleansed and purified by the action of the fire, till all dross is burnt away.

As the fire of kundalini and prana proceed with their work, and the channel becomes more and more cleared, the centres more active, and the body purer, the flame of spirit, or the fire from the Ego, comes more actively downwards, till a flame of real brilliance issues from the top of the head. This flame surges upwards through the bodies towards its source, the causal body.

Simultaneously, with the activity of these fires of matter and Spirit, the Fires of Mind burn with greater intensity. ... As time progresses, the fire of mind burns more brightly and thus reaches a point where it begins to burn through the etheric web - that portion of the web that can be found guarding the centre at the very top of the head, and admitting entrance to the downflow from the Spirit (Monad).

The kundalini fire is consciously directed and controlled by the mind or will aspect from the mental plane. The two fires of matter (i.e. the basic fire, and pranic fire) by the power of the mind of man are blended first with each other, and then with the fire of mind.

The united result of this blending, is the destruction of the etheric web, and the consequent production of continuity of consciousness and admission into the personal life of man, of LIFE MORE ABUNDANT or the third fire of Spirit.

The downrush of Spirit and the uprising of the inner fires of matter produce corresponding results on the same levels on the astral and mental planes, so that a paralleling contact is brought about, and the great work of liberation proceeds in an ordered manner.

The first three initiations see these results perfected,and lead to the fourth where the intensity of the united fires results in the complete burning away of all barriers and the liberation of the Spirit by conscious directed effort from out its threefold lower sheath. Man has consciously to bring about his own liberation. These results are self-induced by the man himself, as he is emancipated from the three worlds, and has broken the wheel of re-birth himself instead of being broken upon it.

T.C.F. - P.893

Kundalini and the reptile kingdom

The secret of the reptile kingdom is one of the mysteries of the second round, and there is a profound significance connected with the expression "the serpents of wisdom" which is applied to all adepts of the good law.

The reptile kingdom has an interesting place in all mythologies and all ancient forms of truth impartation, and this for no arbitrary reason. It is not possible to enlarge upon the underlying truth which is hidden in the karmic history of our planetary Logos, and is revealed as part of the teaching given to initiates of the second degree.

The second great life impulse, or life wave, initiated by our Planetary Logos, when brought in conjunction with the first, was the basis of that activity which we call evolutionary energy; it resulted in a gradual unrolling or revelation of the divine form.

The Heavenly Serpent manifested, being produced out of the egg, and began its convolutions, gaining in strength and majesty, and producing through its immense fecundity millions of lesser "serpents". The reptile kingdom is the most important part of the animal kingdom in certain aspects, if such an apparently contradictory statement can be made.

For all animal life can be seen passing through it during the prenatal stage, or returning to it when the form is in advanced decomposition. The connection is not purely a physical one, but it is also psychic.

When the real nature and method of the kundalini or serpent fire is known, this relation will be better understood, and the history of the second round assume a new importance.

The secret of life lies hidden in the serpent stage - not the life of the Spirit, but the life of the Soul, and this will be revealed as the "serpent of the astral light" is truly approached and duly studied.

One of the Four Lipika Lords who stand nearest to our Planetary Logos is called "The Living Serpent" and His Emblem is a serpent of blue with one eye, in the form of a ruby in its head. Students who care to carry the symbology a little further can connect this idea, with the "eye of Shiva" which sees and knows all and records all, as does the human eye in a lesser degree. All is photographed upon the astral light, as the human eye receives impressions upon the retina. The same thought is frequently conveyed in the Bible, in the Hebrew and Christian recognition of the all-seeing Eye of God.

The third eye is one of the objects of kundalini vivification ... which when open allows the higher subtler planes to stand revealed. All this physico-psychical occurrence is possible to man owing to certain events which happened to the Heavenly Serpent in the second or serpent round. These happenings necessitated the formation and evolution of that peculiar and mysterious family we call the reptilian. A group of special devas work with the reptile evolution.

If students will apply themselves to the consideration of the above facts, to the investigation of the serpent lore in all lands, mythologies and scriptures, and if they will link up this knowledge with that concerning those heavenly constellations which have a serpent appellation (such as for instance the Dragon) much illumination may come.

(Note: Our second Solar Logos, is known in Treatise on Cosmic Fire, as the Dragon of Wisdom).

As H.P.B. has pointed out, birds and serpents are closely connected with wisdom, and therefore with the psychic nature of God, of men and of devas.

T.W.M. - P. 593

There has been much loose talk about the raising of the kundalini fire and much misapprehension in the matter. Let me assure you that it is most difficult to raise, and can only be done by a definite act of the will and through the intense mental focussing and concentrated attention of the man, seated on the throne of consciousness in the head. The Masonic tradition has the teaching clearly held in its beautiful ritual of the raising of the great Master-Mason. Only when there is united effort of a five-fold kind, and only after repeated failure does the vivifying life course through the entire body and bring to life the true man.


E.A. P.63

I earlier gave a hint upon which definite astrological computation could be based when I have the time of the Great Approach of the Hierarchy to our planetary manifestation when individualisation took place and the fourth kingdom in nature appeared.

I placed that stupendous event as happening 21,688,345 years ago. At that time, the Sun was in Leo. The process then initiated upon the physical plane and producing outer physical events took approximately 5000 years to mature, and the Sun was in Gemini when the final crisis of individualisation took place and the door was then closed upon the animal kingdom.

The Sun was in Leo when physical plane individualisation took place as a result of the applied stimulation.

E.A. - P.300-01

For the advanced initiate in this sign (Leo) and after the third initiation, Sirius becomes a major life factor. He begins to respond to its vibration because he now rules the Sun and the Moon, and is controlling those two planets, for that is what the Sun and the Moon have become to him - simply planets to be ruled.

... Sirius Leo, the Sun, the Moon and Mercury are now the influences with which the initiate is concerned. The influences of Sirius three in number are focussed in Regulus, which is ....called the heart of the Lion.


Several major triangles of force were active when individualisation took place, and the Lions, the divine and tawny orange Flames" came into being and thus humanity arrived on the planet.


R.A.I. - P.51

The O.M. rightly sounded, releases the soul from the realm of glamour and enchantment. It is the sound of liberation, the great note of resurrection and of the raising of humanity to the Secret Place of the Most High when all other Words and sounds have failed. It is not a triple sound as is the A.U.M. but a dual sound, significant of the relation of spirit and soul and of life and consciousness. This Lost Word symbolic of the loss in the three worlds (typified by the degrees of the Blue Lodges in Masonry) must be recovered and is in process of discovery today. The mystics have sought after it; the Masons have preserved the tradition of its existence; the disciples and initiates of the world must demonstrate its possession.

E.P.1 - P.53

The Lost Word will then be recovered and uttered for all to hear, and the Master will arise and walk among His Builders in the full light of the glory which shines in the East. The spiritualising of forms might be regarded as the main work of the seventh ray.

L.O.M. - P. 193

You have in the Christian Bible the remnant of a tale which has descended to us from Atlantean days. In those days the use of SOUND on physical and emotional levels was understood and practised, being utilised for selfish ends in most of the cases. You read that at the sound of trumpets, sounded a certain number of times after a rhythmical circuit of the walls of Jericho those walls collapsed. This was made possible by the occult knowledge of the leaders of the people who - being versed in the science of sound and having studied its destructive and creative effects - knew just the moment to apply that science and effect the desired end.

The united sounding of the Sacred Word

This is one of the most usual methods, and the most direct way of forming a funnel for the transmission of power. If it is so effective in the case of the individual as has been again and again demonstrated, surely its united use will be tremendously effective, and even dangerously patent. It is the loss of the use of this Word that has crippled and hindered the efficiency of all the present exoteric faiths but this loss has been deliberately brought about owing to the dangers incident to the low point of evolution of the human hierarchy.

R.A.I. - P.55

The AUM itself or the Word made flesh; this creates finally a point of tension in the fourth kingdom of nature at which point the evolutionary cycle becomes possible, and the first dim note of the OM can be faintly heard. ... then comes a point of tension from which the man eventually achieves liberation from the three worlds and stands as a free soul; he is then a point within a circle from which he now works, and the circle the sphere of his self-initiated activity.

E.H. - P.131

The problems connected with the respiratory or breathing system are all related to the heart, and therefore concerned with the establishment of right rhythm and right contact with the environment. To these problems of individual or separative existence and of its opposite, the Sacred Word, the OM is intimately related.

It might be said in the words of an occult manual on healing that "He who lives under the sound of the AUM knows himself. he who lives sounding the OM knows his brother. He who knows the SOUND knows all".

The secret of constituting a pure channel is considered in the first group of problems; and the establishing of right relation by right sounding forth of the attractive note of the soul is considered in the last two groups.

This third group of difficulties, problems and diseases are of course those of people upon all the rays, but first ray people have a definite predisposition to these specific troubles (e.g. heart troubles) At the same time, when they rightly utilise their latent powers, they can overcome by the right use of the OM, and finally of the SOUND, the incidental problems and difficulties far more easily than those on other rays. You have here a reference to the Lost Word of Masonry and to the SOUND of the Ineffable Name.


R.A.I. - P.346

One other point I would seek to make clear. As you know, an Ashram has in it disciples and initiates at all points of evolutionary development and of all grades and degrees. these all work together in perfect unison and yet, within their differentiated ranks, for each degree stands alone yet united with all the others - with their own established rapport, their coded telepathic interplay, and a shared occult secrecy and silence which guard the secrets and knowledge of one grade from another and from the unready. Similarly, when an aspirant seeking upon the physical plane to find those who will share with him the mystery of his next immediate step or demonstrated expansion, discovers his own group, he will find that it has in it those who have not reached his particular point of wisdom and those also who have already left him far behind. He will be drawn into a vortex of force and a field of service simultaneously.

He will learn therefore, the lessons required by one who is to work in an Ashram and will know how to handle himself with those who may not yet share with him the secrets which he already knows, and with those who have penetrated deeper into the Mysteries than he has.

R.A.I. P.214

The silence imposed in an Ashram is refraining from certain lines of thought, the elimination of reverie and the unwholesome use of the creative imagination. .... The initiate learns to keep his thought apparatus in a certain effective condition. His thoughts do not intermingle the one with the other, but are contained in separate compartments or carefully filed for reference and later use. There are certain layers of thought (again speaking symbolically) which are held within the Ashram itself and are never permitted to enter the mind of the disciple or the initiate when not consciously working in the Ashram; others are related to the group and its work, and are given free play within the group, still others are of a more mundane nature and govern the daily life of the disciple. ... These are only indications of what I mean, but will suffice to show, a little of what is meant by the silence of the initiate. Within the permitted levels of contact, speech is free and unimpeded, outside those levels, no indication is given that the other spheres of thought activity even exist. Such is the silence of the initiated disciple.


I.H.S. - P. 131

Many of the places on the earth's surface for instance, which are famed for their healing properties, are thus noted because they are magnetised spots, and their magnetic properties demonstrate as healing influences. The recognition of these properties by man is but the preamble of a later and more definite recognition, which will eventuate when his etheric sight is normally developed.


All physical plane organisation - governmental, religious, or cultural- is the working out of inner forces and causes, and before they definitely appear in physical manifestation, a focalisation - if it might be so expressed - of these influences and energies, takes place on etheric levels. The organisation of the Freemasons is a case in point. It has two magnetic centres, one of which is in Central Europe.


D.I.N.A. VOL 1 - Page 636

(personal instructions to an Ashram member)

You spend the greater part of your subjective life upon the astral plane. You endeavour largely unconsciously to work as an astral magician works, using words to bring life and form together. You do not use the Word. ....But at present you love this type of thing, and believe that all you contact is a reality. As long as this is the case, your soul life is blocked at astral levels.

Until my brother, you are polarised in the soul, you are playing with fire, and the magical work of the astral plane is full of danger for you. Even your intense interest in Masonry is for this life unwise, for the Masonic Work is magical work, being a reflection of the processes of initiation whereby the power of the spirit and the power of substance are brought together through the magical work of the soul.

E.P.1. - P.53

The seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order or magic embodies a curious quality which is the outstanding characteristic of the particular Life which ensouls this ray. It is the quality or principle which is the co-ordinating factor unifying the inner quality and the outer tangible form or appearance. This work goes on primarily on etheric levels and involves physical energy. This is true magical work. I should like to point out that when the fourth ray and seventh ray come into incarnation together, we shall have a most peculiar period of revelation and of light-bringing. it is said of this time that then "the Temple of the Lord will take on an added glory and the Builders will rejoice together". This will be the high moment of the Masonic work, spiritually understood.


E.P. 2 - P.57

Conditioning - Marble

But it must also be remembered that we are dealing with matter-substance and with forms which are already conditioned and which were conditioned when the creative process began. The material to be found in the quarries of manifested purpose, is symbolically speaking MARBLE and is thus conditioned. It is not clay or slate. It is from this marble with all the inherent attributes of marble, that the Temple of the Lord must be built, in conformity to the design or pattern. This conditioned substance must be accepted as existing and must be dealt with as it is.

E.P.2 - P.58

The design the material and the future temple are all subjectively related and it is this that the soul knows. For the soul is the One who appropriates the material, (already conditioned and qualified) and for ages the soul wrestles with that material, building it into tentative forms, discarding it at will, gathering again together the material needed, and steadily making more adequate models as the pattern is visioned.

E.P.1 - P.229

The mineral kingdom

....The resolving agencies are fire, intense heat and pressure. These three agencies have already succeeded in bringing about the divisions of the mineral kingdom into three parts, the baser metals, as they are called, the standard metals (such as silver gold and platinum) and the semi-precious stones and crystals. The precious jewels are a synthesis of all three, one of the basic syntheses of evolution. In this connection, some correspondences between the mineral kingdom and the human evolutionary cycles might here be noted.

1. Base metals - physical plane - Dense consciousness - the first initiation.

2. Standard metals - astral plane - Self-consciousness -the second initiation.

3. Semi-precious stones and crystals - mental plane - Radiant consciousness -

the third initiation

4. Precious jewels - egoic consciousness and achievement - the fourth initiation.

The correspondences of fire, heat and pressure, in the evolution of the human being are self-evident, and their work can be seen paralleling that in the mineral kingdom.

The mineral kingdom is governed astrologically by Taurus and there is a symbolic relation between the "eye" in the head of the Bull, the third eye, the light in the head and the diamond. The consciousness of the Buddha has been called the "diamond-eye".

(Note by Ed.: If you look at the space inside the square and compasses combined, you will see a diamond shape).

E.P.1. - P.373

Three final points I wish to touch upon. As you may have noted from some of our earlier tabulations, there is a definite relation between the first kingdom in nature, the mineral kingdom, and the final kingdom, the solar kingdom, the seventh and last to appear in manifestation upon our planet.

There is a mysterious unity of response between the lowest and the highest kingdoms, between that which expresses the densest manifestation of the divine life, and that which embodies its final and glorious consumption. This response is fostered by the play of the 7th Ray, which produces those initial reactions to organised movement and ritual which, at the close of our great world period, will demonstrate the response of our entire solar system to the same basic seventh ray influence.

What can now be seen in the organisation of a crystal, a jewel and a diamond, with their beauty of form and line and colour, their radiance and geometrical perfection, will appear likewise through the medium of the universe as a whole.

The Grand Geometrician of the Universe works through this seventh ray, and thus sets his Seal upon all form life, particularly in the mineral world. This the Masonic Fraternity has always known, and this concept it has perpetuated symbolically in the great world cathedrals, which embody the glory of the mineral world, and are the sign of the work of the Master Builder of the Universe.

When the great work is consummated, we shall see the Temple of God, the solar system, organised objectively and subjectively; its courts and holy places will then be accessible to the sons of men, who will work then without limitation, and will have free access to all parts of the building.

Through the magic of the Word, which will then have been recovered, all doors will fly open, and the consciousness of man will respond to every divine manifestation.

More of this I may not here say, but the work of the Craft, is symbolic of the ritualistic organisation of the universe. Of this the mineral kingdom, (with which the Craft work is done) and through which the geometrical plan expresses itself, is at the same time the symbol and the undertaking, the beginning and also the concrete expression of divine purpose.


R.A.I. - P.418

Masonry as originally instituted far back in the very night of time and long ante-dating the Jewish dispensation, was organised under direct Sirian influence and modelled as far as possible on certain Sirian institutions and bearing a slight resemblance also to our Hierarchical life as seen in the Eternal Now. Its Blue Lodge with its three degrees is related to the three major groups of Lives on Sirius, for there, there are no kingdoms of nature such as we possess. These groups of Lives, receive all Those who choose the fourth Path (the Path to Sirius) and train Them in the mode of existence and the type of livingness which is found on Sirius.

This will make it plain to you that the least developed of the Sirian Lives are - from our standpoint - all of Them initiates of very high degree. Masonry is, therefore, connected in a peculiar way with the fourth Path. Down the ages, the Masonic tradition has been preserved, changing its nomenclature from time to time, reinterpreting its Words of Power, and consequently getting further and further removed from its original beauty and intent.

The time has now come, under cyclic law and in preparation for the new Age, for certain changes to be worked by Masons with spiritual understanding. The present Jewish colouring in Masonry is completely out of date and has been preserved far too long, for it is today either Jewish or Christian and should be neither. The Blue Lodge degrees are entirely Jewish in phrasing and wording and this should be altered.

The Higher Degrees are predominantly Christian though permeated with Jewish names and words. This too should end. This Jewish colouring is today one of the main hindrances to the full expression of Masonic intention and should be changed, whilst preserving the facts and detail and structure of the Masonic symbolism intact.

Whatever form the new nomenclature will take and this change will inevitably come, that too will pass away after due service rendered. This the cyclic transformation will proceed until such time as the bulk of humanity standing of the fourth path will pass through the initiatory process on Sirius, of which our E.A. degree is a faint recollection.

T.W.M. - P. 378 - 382

Institution of the Hierarchy

... The arousing of mind in animal man in a triple way -

By the direct incarnation of certain members of the White Brotherhood whereby new factors were transmitted to man

By the definite implantation of what is called the spark of mind, in man, the mental apparatus of thought in the causal body.

By the gradual stimulation of the mental faculty until it flowered forth as manifested mind.

This covered a vast period of time, ... and it was necessary during the first sub-race of the Atlantean Root Race ... about seventeen million years ago to have on the physical plane an organisation and a headquarters for the mysteries, and to have a band of Adepts and Chohans who would function in dense physical bodies and thus meet the need of the rapidly awakening humanity.

The first outpost of the Shamballa Fraternity was the original Temple of Ibez and it was located in the centre of South America ... a second branch was later established in Asia and of this branch, the Himalayan and Southern Indian adepts are the representatives though the work is materially changed.

A word now as regards the work of the Ibezhan adepts and Their mysteries, it is necessary here to point out that the whole trend of Their work was in a way different to that of the adepts at this time. Their objective was to stimulate mysticism and the stimulating of the kingdom of God within the human atom. The Ibezhan adepts had to deal with a humanity which was in its infancy, whose polarisation was most unstable, and whose co-ordination was very imperfect. ...All this took a vast period of time, and it is the remnants of the earlier Temple practices which have come down to us in degraded phallic teaching, in Tantrik magic and the practices of Hatha Yogis.

The infant Humanity of Lemurian and early Atlantis had to be taught what they were by means of symbols and methods which to us would be crude, impossible and of a nature which the race should have transcended for many millions of years.

At the time the door of initiation was opened...the Lodge came to two decisions:

(1) That individualisation must cease until man ...had transcended the physical and astral...and become group conscious.

(2) That the path of mysticism must lead eventually to the occult path, and plans be made to impart teaching, and mysteries organised that would reveal the nature of God in all that is seen, and not only in man. Gradually the teaching was re-organised, and the curriculum increased; little by little, the mysteries were developed as the people became ready for them, until we have the marvellous Schools of the Mysteries of Chaldea, Egypt, Greece and many others.

...The work of the Ibezhan adepts and the mysteries of the Temple of Ibez are still persisting and are being carried out by the masters and adepts in physical incarnation throughout the world.

R.O.T.C. - P. 126

Each age has left a reflection of a modern fivefold development upon it. Four ages have just passed away, astronomically speaking: Gemini, Taurus, Aries and Pisces. Today Aquarius, the fifth age is coming into power. In Gemini its symbolical sign of the two pillars set its seal upon the Masonic Fraternity of the time, and the two pillars of Jachin and Boaz - to give them their Jewish names which are of course not their real names - came into being approximately eight thousand years ago.

T.W.M. - P. 399

The New Group of World Servers

..... An event is however transpiring on earth which is in its way, as momentous and as important as that crisis in Atlantean times when the physical, vital and astral bodies were co-ordinated and formed a functioning unit. Then the 'yoga of devotion' or bhakti yoga was initiated for the training of aspirants at that time. A physical plane replica (as far as such a replica was then possible) was organised of those who could work devotedly and who could learn through the use of ceremonial and pictures, some mode of activity which would carry on the hierarchical work on earth and thus constitute a training school for those who would later be admitted into the ranks of the Hierarchy.

The remnants of this Atlantean group remain with us in the modern Masonic movements, and the work of the Hierarchy was thus perpetuated in sign and symbol. There has thus been preserved in the consciousness of the race, a pictorial representation of a momentous planetary condition which worked out in the human family in this threefold objective.

Form and symbol, tool and furniture, temple and tone, office and externalities were the prominent factors; they veiled the truth and we have therefore preserved the 'outer and visible form of an inner and spiritual' reality.

Only those were, in those days, allowed to participate in these mysteries and work who felt within themselves the longing and desire for the mystical vision, and who loved deeply and were devoted to the spiritual ideal. They were not required to possess active mentalities, and their intellectual powers were practically nil. They liked and needed authority; they learnt through ceremonial; they were devoted to the Great Ones Whose names and forms stood behind the office holders in the exoteric lodges.


E.P.2 - P.55

Pattern - the Tracing Board

Patterns are in the last analysis, only those types of energy which are struggling to emerge into material expression and which eventually subordinate the more superficial and obvious energies to their newer imposed rhythms. Thus they produce the changed types, new forms, and different notes, tones and appearances. These patterns are literally the divine ideas, as they emerge and take mental form.

It might here be thought that these patterns .... produce the conditioning here discussed. Literally and curiously this is not so. Conditioning concerns the response, innate and inherent of matter or substance, to the pattern. It might be said that the pattern evokes and awakens response, but that the conditioning of the resultant activity is determined by the quality of the response apparatus. It is inherent in the substance itself.

E.P.2 - P.57

It must never be forgotten that evolution is the story of the evolution of consciousness, and not of form. .... Consciousness is literally the reaction of active intelligence to the pattern. Today it is as if we were responding consciously and with increasingly intelligent purpose to the design as laid down by the Master Builder upon the Tracing Board.

As yet we do not and cannot enter into that Cosmic Mind, and vibrate in conscious unison with the Divine Idea nor grasp the Plan as it is sensed and seen by the Cosmic Thinker. We have to work with the design, with the pattern.

Someday the model will be discarded, the pattern will be seen as it really is, and the worker (the soul) will then begin to build consciously the Temple of the Lord out of the conditioned and prepared material which for long ages, it has been preparing in the quarry of the form life, the personal life.

Here therefore, are indicated two crises in the subjective life of the soul:

1. the crisis wherein the soul, blinded, limited and handicapped by form, begins to work in the quarry of experience, far from its own country, with inadequate tools, and in complete temporary self-imposed ignorance of the design or pattern.

2. The crisis which comes very much later in the soul's experience, wherein the soul knows more clearly the design, and in which much material has been prepared. The soul is no longer blind, and can now work in collaboration with other souls in the preparation of the material for the final Temple of the Lord. The soul, incarnate in human form, places in that Temple his particular contribution to the whole, which might be stated symbolically to be -

a. A stone placed in the foundations, typical of the consecrated physical life.

b. A column in the Temple itself, typical of the desire or aspirational life.

c. A design on the tracing board, which coincides with the Great Pattern or Design, and which is that fragment of that design, which the individual had to supply and in search of which he went forth.

d. A radiance, or light, which will augment the Shekinah, the light which "ever shineth in the East."

E.P.2 - P.229

The seven rays, as has often been stated colour or qualify the divine instinct and potencies, but that is not all. They are themselves determined and controlled by these potencies. It must never be forgotten that the rays are the seven major expressions of the divine quality as it limits and (it does so limit) the purposes of Deity. God Himself hews to a pattern, set for Him in a still more distant vision.

E.P.2 P.394

The second ray has been called the Ray of Detailed Knowledge and where this term has been employed, the beginner has necessarily laid the emphasis upon the word "detail". It might rather be called The Ray of Detailed Unity or the Ray of Divine Pattern or of beauty in relationship. It involves on the part of the disciple, a very high point of synthetic comprehension.


E.P.2. - P.36

Individualisation and the seven ray types.

Ray One.

"The Blessed One flies like an arrow into matter. He destroys or ruptures the way by which he might return. he grounds himself deeply in the depths of form.

"He asserts: I will return. My power is great. I will destroy all obstacles. Nothing can stop my progress to my goal. Around me lies that which I have destroyed. What might I do.

The answer comes, 'Order from chaos, O pilgrim on the way of death, this is the way for you. Love you must learn. Dynamic will you have. The right use of destruction for the furtherance of the Plan must be the way for you. Adherence to the rhythm of the planet will release the hidden Blessed One and order bring.


E.P.2. - P.36

Ray 2

"The Blessed one built an ark. Stage by stage he built it, and floated upon the bosom of the waters. Deeply he hid himself, and his light was no more seen - only his floating ark.

His voice was heard: I have built and strongly built, but am a prisoner within my building. My light is hidden. Only my word goes forth. Around me lies the waters. Can I return from whence I came? Is the word strong enough to open wide the door? What shall I do?

The answer came: 'Build now an ark translucent, which can reveal the light, O Builder of the ark. And by that light you shall reveal the lighted way. The power to build anew, the right use of the Word and the using of the light - these will release the Blessed One deep hidden in the ark.


E.P.2. - P.36

Ray 7

"The Blessed One sought the pathway into form, but held with firmness to the hand of the Magician. He sought to reconcile the Pilgrim who was himself, to life in form. He sought to bring the world of disorder in which he found himself into some kind of order. He wandered far into the deepest depths, and became immersed in chaos and disorder. He could not understand, yet still held to the hand of the Magician. he sought to bring about that order that his soul craved. He talked with all he met, but his bewilderment increased.

To the Magician thus he spoke: the ways of the Creator must be good. Behind all that which seems to be, must be a Plan. Teach me the purpose of it all. How can I work immersed in deepest matter? Tell me the thing that I must do?

The Magician said: "Listen O Worker in the furthest world, to the rhythm of the times. Note the pulsation in the heart of that which is divine. Retire into the silence and attune yourself unto the whole. Then venture forth. Establish the right rhythm; bring order to the forms of life which must express the Plan of Deity.

For this Blessed One release is found in work. He must display his knowledge of the Plan by the sounding of those words which will evoke the Builders of the form and thus create the new.


L.O.M. - P. 128.

Dangers from the deva evolution.

This danger is curiously real now, owing to the following reasons:

(a) The coming in of the violet ray, the seventh or Ceremonial Ray has rendered this contact more easy of attainment than heretofore. It is therefore the ray on which approximation is possible, and in the use of ceremonial and of set forms, coupled to regulated rhythmic movement will be found a meeting place for the two allied evolutions. In the use of ritual, this will be apparent and psychics are already being witness to the fact that both in the ritual of the Church and in that of Masonry this has been evidenced.


L.O.M. P.182

The Day of Opportunity.

....It would be wise if students would ponder the significance of the coming in of the present Ray of Ceremonial Law or Magic. it is the ray that deals with the building forces of nature, that concerns itself with the utilisation of the form intelligently by the life aspect. It is largely the ray of executive work, with the object of building, co-ordinating and producing cohesion in the four lower kingdoms of nature. It is distinguished largely by the energy which manifests itself in ritual but this word ritual must not be narrowed down to its present use in connection with Masonic or religious ritual. Its application is far wider than this, and includes the methods of organisation which are demonstrated in all civilised communities, such as in the world of commerce and of finance, and the great business organisations everywhere. Above all, its interest lies for us in the fact that it is the ray which brings opportunity to the occidental races, and through the medium of this life force of executive organisation, of government by rule and order by rhythm and by ritual, will come the time when the occidental races can take initiation - an initiation, we must remember upon a ray which is temporarily recognised as a major ray.

I.H.S. - P. 59

The Master R. is upon the seventh Ray, that of Ceremonial Magic or Order and He works largely through esoteric ritual and ceremonial being vitally interested in the effects, hitherto unrecognised, of the ceremonial of the Freemasons, of the various fraternities, and of the Churches everywhere.


E.H. - P.131

The problems connected with the respiratory or breathing system are all related to the heart, and therefore concerned with the establishment of right rhythm and right contact with the environment. To these problems of individual or separative existence and of its opposite, the Sacred Word, the OM is intimately related.

It might be said in the words of an occult manual on healing that "He who lives under the sound of the AUM knows himself. he who lives sounding the OM knows his brother. He who knows the SOUND knows all".

The secret of constituting a pure channel is considered in the first group of problems; and the establishing of right relation by right sounding forth of the attractive note of the soul is considered in the last two groups.

This third group of difficulties, problems and diseases are of course those of people upon all the rays, but first ray people have a definite predisposition to these specific troubles (e.g. heart troubles) At the same time, when they rightly utilise their latent powers, they can overcome by the right use of the OM, and finally of the SOUND, the incidental problems and difficulties far more easily than those on other rays. You have here a reference to the Lost Word of Masonry and to the SOUND of the Ineffable Name.

L.O.M. - P. 193

You have in the Christian Bible the remnant of a tale which has descended to us from Atlantean days. In those days the use of SOUND on physical and emotional levels was understood and practised, being utilised for selfish ends in most of the cases. You read that at the sound of trumpets, sounded a certain number of times after a rhythmical circuit of the walls of Jericho those walls collapsed. This was made possible by the occult knowledge of the leaders of the people who - being versed in the science of sound and having studied its destructive and creative effects - knew just the moment to apply that science and effect the desired end.

The united sounding of the Sacred Word

This is one of the most usual methods, and the most direct way of forming a funnel for the transmission of power. If it is so effective in the case of the individual as has been again and again demonstrated, surely its united use will be tremendously effective, and even dangerously patent. It is the loss of the use of this Word that has crippled and hindered the efficiency of all the present exoteric faiths but this loss has been deliberately brought about owing to the dangers incident to the low point of evolution of the human hierarchy.


E.O.T.H. P. 517

Finally, Church members and members of the Masonic Fraternities must familiarise themselves with the inner significance of the various rites, ceremonies colours and rituals, and with the work performed upon the floor of the temple. They must know why such and such things are done in due order, and the reason for the various precedences, the words, the gestures and acts.

E.P.1. - P.364

The new and esoteric psychology will be steadily developed. It will be apparent therefore that A Treatise on White Magic has a definitely seventh ray import, and this Treatise on the Seven Rays has also been sent forth in an effort to clarify the incoming spiritual influences.

One of the first lessons that humanity under the potent influence of the seventh ray, is that the soul controls its instrument, the personality through ritual, or through the imposition of a regular rhythm, for rhythm is what really designates a ritual.

When aspirants to discipleship impose a rhythm on their lives, they call it a discipline, and they feel happy about it. What groups do, who are gathered together for the performance of any ritual or ceremony whatsoever, (Church ritual, the Masonic work, the drill of the army or navy, business organisations, the proper functioning of a home or a hospital, or of an entertainment etc.) is of an analogous nature, for it imposes on the participants a simultaneous performance, an identical undertaking or a ritual.

There is no evading the process of ceremonial living. It is unconsciously recognised, blindly followed, and constitutes the great discipline of the rhythmic breathing of life itself. The Deity works with ritual and is subjected to the ceremonials of the universe. The seven rays come into activity and pass out again under the rhythmic and ritualist impulse of the divine Life. Thus is the Temple of the Lord built by the ceremonial of the Builders.

G.W.P. - P. 227

(the preceding pages give instruction for groups working at dissipating glamour - then follows this reference on page 227) -

You will note that in outlining to you this work, I make no reference to the type of room, to the position of the group members, to posture assumed, to the use of incense, or to any of the paraphernalia which so many occult groups deem of importance.

The set physical rituals are today (from the angle of the Hierarchy) entirely obsolete and of no importance where disciples and advanced aspirants are concerned. They are of value to the little evolved in whom the sense of drama has to be developed and who need external aids, and they do provide a setting which serves to help beginners to keep the theme of their work and their objective in view.

The only ritual which is still regarded as of value to the human family as a whole - particularly to the advanced person - is the Masonic Ritual. The reason for this is that it is a pictorial representation of the process of Creation, of the relation between God and man, of the Path of Return and also of those great Initiations through the means of which the liberated initiate passes into the Council Chamber of the Most High.

D.I.N.A. - P. 171

(in personal instructions to an Ashram member)

...The fusion (soul and bodily forces) must therefore be made between the mind and the brain, each of which expresses one of the two major energies. That fusion already partially exists. When it is consummated, the mental goal of harmony through conflict will be superseded by the inflow of love, working with power through the brain, and (incidentally) your general physical health with speedily improve. How shall this be brought about, my brother? The first stage is one of real difficulty, particularly for 1st ray people.

It comes through the power of visualisation. This is why ritual is of value to such as you, and Masonry being on the first ray, and emanating, consequently from Shamballa - aids the process of visualisation. it gives colour and performance of a tangible kind to inner subjective activity. Visualisation is a powerful agent in the evocation of the creative imagination.


R.A.I. - P.286

The following relationships should be noted for the first is the seed of the other -

Applicants Initiates






T.C.F. - P.186-189

Evolution of senses.

As we know, the senses are five in number and in the order of development are as follows:

Hearing - Touch - Sight - Taste - Smell

Each of the five senses has a definite connection with one or other plane, and also has a correspondence of all planes. Let us take up each of these senses, point out some interesting facts in connection with them, and suggest their subplane correspondences.


1. Physical Hearing

2. Astral Touch or Feeling

3. Mental Sight

4. Buddhic Taste

5. Atmic Smell

In the two lower planes in the three worlds (the astral and the physical - the five subplanes of human endeavour are the five highest. The two lowest sub-planes, the sixth and seventh, are what we might express as "below the threshold" and concern forms of life beneath the human altogether.

Counting from the bottom upwards, it is only the third sub-plane of the physical and the astral planes which mark the commencement of human effort leaving five subplanes to be subdued. On the mental plane the five lower subplanes have to be subjugated during purely human evolution. When the consciousness is centred on the fifth subplane, (counting from the bottom upwards) then the planes of abstraction - from the standpoint of man in the three worlds - supervene the two subplanes of synthesis, demonstrating through the synthesis of the five senses.

T.C.F. - P.188

Microcosmic Sensory Evolution.

Physical 1. Hearing 7.5 plane - gaseous

2. Touch/Feeling 7.4 first etheric

3. Sight 7.3 super etheric

4. Taste 7.2 sub-atomic

5. Smell 7.1 atomic

Astral 1. Clairaudience 6.5 plane

2. Psychometry 6.4

3 Clairvoyance 6.3

4. Imagination 6.2

5. Emotional 6.1


Mental 1. Higher Clairaudience 5.7 )

2. Planetary Psychometry 5.6 )

3. Higher Clairvoyance 5.5 ) FORM

4. Discrimination 5.4 )

5. Spiritual Discernment 5.3 )Formless

Response to Group )

Vibration 5.2 )

Spiritual Telepathy 5.1 )

Buddhic 1. Comprehension 4.7

2. Healing 4.6

3. Divine vision 4.5

4. Intuition 4.4

5. Idealism 4.3

Atmic 1. Beatitude 3.7

2. Active Service 3.6

3. Realisation 3.5

4. Perfection 3.4

5. All Knowledge 3.3

It can be noted that we have not summed up the two planes of abstraction on the atmic and buddhic planes (i.e. 4.2 and 4.1 and 3.2 and 3.1) the reason being that they mark a degree of realisation which is the property of initiates of higher degree than that of adept, and which is beyond the concept of the evolving human unit. For the sake of clarity, we again table the five different aspects of the five senses on the five planes so that their correspondences may be readily visualised using the above table as a basis.


1. Physical hearing

2. Clairaudience

3. Higher Clairaudience

4. Comprehension (of four sounds)

5. Beatitude


1. Physical touch

2. Psychometry

3. Planetary Psychometry

4. Healing

5. Active Service


1. Physical Sight

2. Clairvoyance

3. Higher Clairvoyance

4. Divine Vision

5. Realisation


1. Physical taste

2. Imagination

3. Discrimination

4. Intuition

5. Perfection


1. Physical smell

2. Emotional idealism

3. Spiritual discernment

4. Idealism

5. All Knowledge.

T.C.F. - P.194

Hearing gives him an idea of relative direction, and enables a man to fix his place in the scheme and to locate himself.

Touch gives him an idea of relative quantity and enables him to fix his relative value as regards other bodies, extraneous to himself.

Sight give him an idea of proportion and enables him to adjust his movements to the movements of others.

Taste gives him an idea of value, and enables him to fix upon that which appears to him best.

Smell gives him an idea of innate quality, and enables him to find that which appeals to him as of the same quality or essence as himself.

In all these definitions, it is necessary to bear in mind that the whole object of the senses is to reveal the not-self and to enable the Self therefore to differentiate between the real and the unreal.


E.A. - P.446

The 7th ray of Ceremonial Law and Order works through Uranus which is today the transmitter of Sirian force, via Pisces to the Hierarchy, and thence to the world workers. ... It aids and inaugurates the new world order based on a spiritual drive and on aspiration, mental freedom loving understanding and a physical plane rhythm which provides opportunity for full creative expression.

To bring this about, energy from Shamballa is fused with the ...7th Ray and then carried to humanity along the stream of love which emanates from the Hierarchy (via the influence of Pisces) as the highest aspect of Pisces which humanity at this time can comprehend is that of Mediatorship. Today as never before the Hierarchy stands as the "mediating transmitter" between:

1. Humanity and the Will of God ....

2. Humanity and its karma ...

3. Humanity and cosmic evil ..

The latter fact is responsible for the widespread attack made upon Masonry during this century (as noted above, Masonry is the reflection of Hierarchy, as Hierarchy is the reflection of the Lodge on Sirius) Masonry - inadequate and corrupt as it has been and guilty of over-emphasising certain forms of symbols - is nevertheless a germ or seed of future hierarchical effort when that effort is - at some later date - externalised on Earth.

Masonry is governed by the 7th ray, and when certain important changes have been made, and the spirit of Masonry is grasped instead of the letter, then we shall see a new form of hierarchical endeavour appear to aid in the restoration of the ancient and sacred Mysteries among men.

E.P.1 - P.50

The fourth ray is essentially, the refiner, the producer of perfection within the form, and the prime manipulator fo the energies of God in such a way that the Temple of the Lord is indeed known in its true nature as that which "houses" the Light. Thus the Shekinah will shine forth within the secret place of the Temple in its full glory.

Ray 4 - Higher Expression - The Masonic work, based on the

formation of the Hierarchy and

related to the second ray.

Lower Expression - Architectural construction

modern city planning.

Ray 7 higher Expression All forms of white magic

Lower expression Spiritualism of "phenomena"

E.P.1. - P.364

The new and esoteric psychology will be steadily developed. It will be apparent therefore that A Treatise on White Magic has a definitely seventh ray import, and this Treatise on the Seven Rays has also been sent forth in an effort to clarify the incoming spiritual influences.

One of the first lessons that humanity under the potent influence of the seventh ray, is that the soul controls its instrument, the personality through ritual, or through the imposition of a regular rhythm, for rhythm is what really designates a ritual.

When aspirants to discipleship impose a rhythm on their lives, they call it a discipline, and they feel happy about it. What groups do, who are gathered together for the performance of any ritual or ceremony whatsoever, (Church ritual, the Masonic work, the drill of the army or navy, business organisations, the proper functioning of a home or a hospital, or of an entertainment etc.) is of an analogous nature, for it imposes on the participants a simultaneous performance, an identical undertaking or a ritual.


There is no evading the process of ceremonial living. It is unconsciously recognised, blindly followed, and constitutes the great discipline of the rhythmic breathing of life itself. The Deity works with ritual and is subjected to the ceremonials of the universe. The seven rays come into activity and pass out again under the rhythmic and ritualist impulse of the divine Life. Thus is the Temple of the Lord built by the ceremonial of the Builders.

E.P.1. P.368-9

Under this seventh ray influence the Masonic Fraternity will come into a new and pronounced spiritual activity and begin to approximate its true function and to fulfil its long-seen destiny. One point it might be of interest here to note. During the period of the activity of the 6th Ray, the Fraternity fell into into a crystallised and sectarian attitude, along with the many other grouped circles. It fell also into the snare of materialism and the outer form has for centuries been of more importance in the eyes of Masons than the inner spiritual meaning. The symbols and the system of allegories have been emphasised, whilst that which they were intended to convey and to reveal to the initiated has been quite forgotten.

Also the trend of the attention of a Lodge of Masons and the main emphasis, has been potently placed on the function and place of the W.M. and not upon the inner significance of the work on the floor of the Temple. The lodge has not been regarded as an integrated functioning entity. This must and will be changed and the potency and the effectiveness of the lodge work and ceremonial will be demonstrated. it will be seen that in the regularity of the rituals and the sanctified formality of the ordained ceremonials lies the true meaning of the work, and the use of the Word.

The coming era of group work and power and of organised synthetic ritualist activity will profoundly affect Masonry, as the importance of a central dominating figure passes out with the 6th ray influence and the true spiritual work and function of the lodge itself is understood.

I.H.S. - P.59

The Master R. is upon the seventh Ray, that of Ceremonial Magic or Order and he works largely through esoteric ritual and ceremonial, being vitally interested in the effects, hitherto unrecognised, of the ceremonial of the Freemasons, and of the various fraternities, and of the Churches everywhere.

E.P.1. - P.83

The seventh purpose of Deity

Ray VII - Ceremonial Order or Magic.

"Let the Temple of the Lord be built" the seventh great Angel cried. Then to their places in the north, the south, the west and east, seven great sons of God moved with measured pace, and took their seats. The work of building thus began.

The doors were closed. The light shone dim. The temple walls could not be seen. The seven were silent and their forms were veiled. The time had nor arrived for the breaking forth of light. The Word could not be uttered. Only between the seven Forms the work went on. A silent call went forth from each to each. Yet still the temple door stayed shut.

As time went on, the sounds of life were heard. The door was opened, and the door was shut. Each time it opened, the power within the temple grew; each time the light waxed stronger, for one by one, the sons of men entered the temple passed from north to south, from west to east and in the centre of the heart found light, found understanding and the power to work. They entered through the door; they passed before the Seven; they raised the temple's veil and entered into life.

The temple grew in beauty. its lines, its walls its decorations, and its height and depth and breadth slowly emerged and entered into light.

Out from the east the Word went forth: Open the door to all the sons of men who come from all the darkened valleys of the land and seek the temple of the Lord. give them the light. Unveil the inner shrine, and through the work of all the craftsmen of the Lord extend the temple's walls and thus irradiate the world. Sound forth the Word creative and raise the dead to life.

Thus shall the temple of the light be carried from heaven to earth. Thus shall its walls be reared upon the great plains of the world of men. Thus shall the light reveal and nurture all the dreams of men.

Then shall the Master in the east awaken those who are asleep. Then shall the warden in the west test and try all the true seekers after light. Then shall the warden in the south instruct and aid the blind. Then shall the gate into the north remain wide open, for there the unseen Master stands with welcoming hand and understanding heart, to lead the pilgrim to the east where the true light shines forth.

"Why this opening of the temple" demand the greater Seven. "Because the work is ready; the craftsmen are prepared. God has created in the light. His sons can now create: What can else be done?"

"Naught!" came the answer from the greater Seven. "Let the work proceed. let the sons of God create."

This ray Lord has a peculiar power on earth and on the physical plane of divine manifestation. His usefulness to His six Brothers is therefore apparent. He makes their Work appear. He is the most active of all the rays in this world period, and is never out of manifestation for more than 1500 years. It is almost os if He whirled in and out of active work under a very rapid cycle, and His closest relation, symbolically, is to His brethren on the second and fifth rays in this world period. He builds (using second ray co-operation,) through the power of thought, thus co-operating with the Lord of the fifth ray, and on the physical plane, which is His own essential and peculiar sphere.


R.A.I. - P.418

Masonry as originally instituted far back in the very night of time and long ante-dating the Jewish dispensation, was organised under direct Sirian influence and modelled as far as possible on certain Sirian institutions and bearing a slight resemblance also to our Hierarchical life as seen in the Eternal Now. Its Blue Lodge with its three degrees is related to the three major groups of Lives on Sirius, for there, there are no kingdoms of nature such as we possess. These groups of Lives, receive all Those who choose the fourth Path (the Path to Sirius) and train Them in the mode of existence and the type of livingness which is found on Sirius.

This will make it plain to you that the least developed of the Sirian Lives are - from our standpoint - all of Them initiates of very high degree. Masonry is, therefore, connected in a peculiar way with the fourth Path. Down the ages, the Masonic tradition has been preserved, changing its nomenclature from time to time, reinterpreting its Words of Power, and consequently getting further and further removed from its original beauty and intent.

The time has now come, under cyclic law and in preparation for the new Age, for certain changes to be worked by Masons with spiritual understanding. The present Jewish colouring in Masonry is completely out of date and has been preserved far too long, for it is today either Jewish or Christian and should be neither. The Blue Lodge degrees are entirely Jewish in phrasing and wording and this should be altered.

The Higher Degrees are predominantly Christian though permeated with Jewish names and words. This too should end. This Jewish colouring is today one of the main hindrances to the full expression of Masonic intention and should be changed, whilst preserving the facts and detail and structure of the Masonic symbolism intact.

Whatever form the new nomenclature will take and this change will inevitably come, that too will pass away after due service rendered. This the cyclic transformation will proceed until such time as the bulk of humanity standing of the fourth path will pass through the initiatory process on Sirius, of which our E.A. degree is a faint recollection.

R.A.I. - P. 414-415

The Path to Sirius.

This great Sun which is to our Solar Logos what the Monad is to the spiritual man has a peculiar part to play where our Earth is concerned. ... A stream of energy coming from the sun Sirius enters directly into the Hierarchy and carries with it the principle of buddhi, of cosmic love. .... This energy bypasses Shamballa and is focussed in the Hierarchy. its effect is not felt until after the 3rd initiation, though the Masters use this energy whilst training disciples for the second fourth and sixth initiations.

Sanat Kumara is not on the Sirian line, but Lucifer the Son of the Morning is closely related, and hence the large number of human beings who will become disciples in the Sirian Lodge. This is the "true Blue" lodge and to become a candidate in that Lodge, the initiate of the third degree has to become a lowly aspirant, with all the true and full initiations awaiting him "within the sunshine of the major Sun".

E.A. P. 349-50

It might be stated that:

Gemini forms a point of entrance for cosmic energy from Sirius.

Libra is related to and transmits the potencies of the Pleiades.

Aquarius expresses the universal consciousness of the Great Bear.

It might be profitable for you to bear in mind at this point what I have often told you, that the great White Lodge on Sirius is the spiritual prototype of the Great White Lodge on Earth (the Hierarchy) of which modern Masonry is the distorted reflection, just as the personality is a distorted reflection of the Soul.

I would also remind you again of the relation between Gemini and Masonry to which reference has frequently been made.

E.A. - P.300-01

For the advanced initiate in this sign (Leo) and after the third

initiation Sirius becomes a major life factor. He begins to

respond to its vibration because he now rules the Sun and the

Moon, and is controlling those two planets, for that is what the Sun and the Moon have become to him - simply planets to be ruled.

....Sirius Leo, the Sun, Moon and Mercury are now the influences with which the inititate is concerned. The influences of Sirius three in number are focussed in Regulus, which is ... called the Heart of the Lion.

I.H.S. Page 17-18

One great fact to be borne in mind is, that the initiation of the planet or of the solar system are but the preparatory initiations of admission into the greater Lodge on Sirius. We have the symbolism held for us fairly well in Masonry, and in combining the Masonic method with what we are told of the steps on the Path of Holiness we get an approximate picture. Let us enlarge somewhat:

The first four initiations of the solar system correspond to the four "initiations of the Threshold" prior to the first cosmic initiation. The fifth initiation corresponds to the first cosmic initiation, that of "entered apprentice" in Masonry; and makes a Master an "entered apprentice" on the Lodge on Sirius. The sixth initiation is analogous to the second degree in Masonry, whilst the seventh initiation makes the Adept, a Master Mason of the Brotherhood on Sirius.

A Master, therefore, is one who has taken the seventh planetary initiation, the fifth solar initiation and the first Sirian or cosmic initiation.



E.P.2 - P.150

The Law of Repulse

No. 4 - Law of Repulse - the Law of all Destroying Angels, - the symbol - The Angel with the Flaming Sword - The rejecting energy of the First Ray.


This law is one which primarily begins to impress the divine purpose upon the consciousness of the aspirant, and dictates to him those higher impulses and those spiritual decisions which mark his progress upon the Path. It is the demonstration of the first ray quality (a subray influence of the second ray) for it should be remembered that to repulse a form a situation or a condition may be the evidence of spiritual love in the agent of repulsion.

This is well pictured for us in the ancient symbol of the Angel with the flaming sword, who stands before the gate of Paradise to turn away those who seek the fancied security of that shelter and condition. This angel acts in love, and has so acted down the ages, for that state of realisation which we call Paradise is a place of essential danger for all, save those who have earned to right to sojourn there.

The angel protects the unready aspirant (not the place which he seeks to enter) and safeguards him from the risks and perils of that initiation which must be undertaken before he can pass through the five divisions of Paradise to the place where the light dwells and the Masters of the Wisdom live and work. This is the thought which lies behind the Masonic procedure whereby the Tyler stands outside the door of the Lodge with a drawn sword to protect the secrets of the Craft from the unready.

T.C.F. - P.1109

It is in devachan that the man shapes and polishes the stones which are built into the Temple of Solomon. It is the workshop to which the individual stones (good deeds and thoughts) are taken for fashioning, after being extracted from the quarry of the person life.

Being of mental matter, devachan might be regarded as a centre, or heart of peace within the periphery of the sphere of influence of the mental unit. The four spirillae form four protecting streams of force. A correspondence to this stream of force can be seen in the four rivers which emanated from the Garden of Eden. Out of this Garden man is driven into the world of physical incarnation, and the Angel with the flaming Sword protects the entrance, driving him back from entry until the time comes when evolution has progressed so far that he can come to the portal laden with stones which can withstand the action of fire. When he has submitted these stones to the fire, and they stand the test, he can enter "Heaven" again, his time though being limited by the nature and the quality of what he brought.

When the consciousness within devachan has absorbed all the essences of life experience, even that locality, or that aspect of matter cannot enfold him and he escapes from limitation into the causal vehicle.



E.P.2. - P.104

First the soul must relinquish the personality. ... The sequence is first, dispassion, then discrimination and finally detachment. Such is the theme of the soul's endeavour, and such is the spirit which must underlie all creative work. In this thought lies the clue to the symbol of the Law of Sacrifice - a rosy cross with a bird flying over it. This is the loved cross (rose being the colour of affection) with the bird (symbol of the soul) flying free in time and space.

T.C.F. - P. 895

The bird kingdom is specifically allied to the deva evolution ...certain groups of devas who desire to pass into the human kingdom having developed certain faculties, can do so via the bird kingdom. .... This truth is hinted at in the Bible and religious representations by angels or devas as having wings.

In cases where (the above) does occur, these devas pass several cycles in the bird kingdom, building in a response to a vibration which will ultimately swing them into the human family. In this way, they become accustomed to the use of a gross form without the limitations, and impurities, which the animal kingdom engenders.

Many devas pass out of the group of passive lives in the effort to become manipulating lives via the bird kingdom, and before becoming, fairies, elves, gnomes or other sprites, pass a certain number of cycles in the bird realm.

Why the two above events occur, will not be apparent to the casual reader, nor will the true connection between the birds and devas be accurately realised by the occult student unless he applies himself to the consideration of the bird or swan out of time and space, and the place that birds play in the mysteries. Herein lies a clue. He must remember likewise the fact, that every life of every degree, from a god to the most insignificant of the lesser devas or builders, must at some time or another pass through the human family.



E.P.2. - 57

(see also Pattern and Purpose - for the full quotation)

b. A column in the Temple itself, typical of the desire or aspirational life.



See also Pattern and Purpose - for the full quotation)

E.P.2. - 57

c. A design on the tracing board, which coincides with the Great Pattern or Design, and which is that fragment of that design, which the individual had to supply and in search of which he went forth.



R.A.I. - P.176

After the third initiation, the candidate must face the One Initiator alone, with no protective Individual standing between him and the eternal source of all-power. The Christ is present, supportive and attentive. He stands directly behind the initiate so as to arrest and distribute the potency passing through the initiate's body and centres; the candidate is also flanked on either side by a Master. nevertheless, he faces the Initiator alone and unprotected. Even now at this much later initiation, he cannot see "eye to eye" as the phrase goes. He becomes aware of a growing point of light which from a pin-point of intensest brilliance develops before him into a five-pointed star. At the fourth initiation it is not a star which shines forth before him but a triangle, and within that triangle he will perceive an eye regarding him, and for the first time he does see the Most High "eye to eye".



E.P.2. - P.45 - 48

The rays and initiations - some stanzas which convey to accepted disciples some of the significance of the first initiation. ... When the 3rd initiation takes place, and the wider open door looms before the initiate, he will then discover the meaning of that type of realisation which is here called (for lack of a better name) Identification. (this below describes symbolically, the meeting and fusing of the soul and personality at the 3rd initiation - according to the ray of the soul).

Ray One

The Angel of the Presence stands within the light divine - the centre and the meeting place of many forces.

These forces meet and blend. They focus in the head of him who stands before the Angel.

Eye to eye, and face to face and hand to hand, they stand. Will reinforces will, and love meets love. The will-to-power merges with the will-to-love and strength with wisdom meets. These two are one. From that high spot of unity, the One who is released stands forth and says:-

I return from whence I came, from the formless to the world of form I make my way. I will to be. I will to work. I will to serve and save. I will to lift the race. I serve the Plan with will, the Whole with power.

Ray Two

The Angel of the Presence draws the wanderer to him. Love divine attracts the seeker of the Way. the point of merging is achieved.

Mouth to mouth, the breath is drawn forth, and the breath is drawn in. Heart to heart, the beating of these twain is merged in one. Foot to foot, the strength is passed from the greater to the less, and thus the Way is trodden.

Force inspired the Word, the Breath. Love inspired the heart, the life. Activity controls the treading of the Way. These three produce the merging. All then is lost and gained.

Ray Three

The Angel of the Presence stands within the centre of the whirling forces. For ages long, thus has he stood, the centre of all energies from above and from below.

With intelligence, the Angel works to make the One Who is above, and the one who is below to blend and be as one. With twelve clear notes the hour sounds forth, and then the two are one. The Angel stands entranced.

Ear to ear, breast to breast, right hand to left the two who are the three, produce the merging of their lives. Glory shines forth. Truth is revealed. The work is done.

Ray Four

The Angel of the Presence stands in his beauty rare on the lighted Way. the glory of the Presence pours throughout the field of combat, and ends, in peace - the strife.

The warrior stands revealed. His work is done - back to back the Angel and the Warrior stand, their auras meeting in a radiant sphere of light. The two are one.

Ray Five.

The Angel of the Presence serves the three - the One above, the one below, and the One who ever is. (three aspects of higher triad, buddhi the abstract mind and spirit, plus the ego in the causal body and lower mind are here blended and fused).

The great Triangle begins its revolutions and its rays reach out in all directions and permeate the Whole.

The man and Angel face each other, and know themselves to be the same. The light that radiates from the heart , the throat, and from the centre which stands midway meet and merge. The two are one.

Ray Six

The Angel of the Presence reaches down, and at the midway point, pierces the fog of glamour. The path stands clear. The One who treads the path and stops to fight, who wrestles blindly with the two who seek to hinder and to blind, sees the Way free. it stands revealed. He ceases from the clamour and the fight. he finds his way into the Presence.

Knee to knee, and foot to foot, they stand. Hand to hand, and breast to breast, forehead to forehead, see them stand. And thus they merge and blend.

Ray Seven

the Angel of the Presence lifts one hand into the blue of heaven. He plunges deep the other into the sea of forms. Thus he connects the world of form and formless life. Heaven to earth he brings, earth into heaven. This the man, who stands before the Angel knows.

he grasps the meaning of the painted sign which the Angel holds aloft. The two are one - Naught remains to grasp. The word is manifest. The work is seen complete.

These phrases are an attempt to express some of the realisations of the true initiate when he stands - at the third initiation - before the Angel and sees that Angel also pass away. So that naught is left but conscious knowledge and realisation.

Although this statement may signify but little to us at present, it will nevertheless, serve to demonstrate the futility of dealing with the secrets of the mysteries and with initiations through the medium of words. When this is better realised the true work of the Masonic dramas will begin to measure up to the need.

E.P.2 - P.62

The soul informs the mechanism in two ways, and through two points of contact in the body.

1. The thread of life is anchored in the heart. The life principle is there to be found, and from there it pervades the physical body, through the medium of the blood stream for "the blood is life".

2. The thread of consciousness or of intelligence is anchored in the head and from there is orders and directs all activities through the brain and nervous system.

The directive activity of the soul, or its authoritative grasp upon the mechanism of the body is dependent for its extent upon the point of development, or upon the so-called "age of the soul". ....

The subjective and objective system governs the manifestation of the soul on the physical plane. It indicates to those who can see in truth, the grasp or hold that the soul has upon its instrument; it can be seen whether that grasp is occasional and partial or whether it is entire and whole.

This is most wonderfully indicated in a certain Masonic GRIP which marks a climax in the experience of the candidate to the mysteries.



I.H.S. - Page 209 - An Esoteric Catechism

What seest thou O Pilgrim? Lift up thine eyes and tell what thou


I see a ladder mounting within the vault of blue, its feet lost sight of in the mists and fogs that circle round our planet...

etc. for several more pages, on the symbolism of the Ladder.



E.A. - P.155

The mystery of the Lion and the Unicorn.

This secret is preserved for us in the ancient nursery rhyme about the "lion and the unicorn going up to town" and contains in a peculiar way the secret of initiation and the "going up" of the human being to the portal of admittance into the Hierarchy as well as the "mystic raising" of which Masonry holds the key. This deals with the emergence of the consciousness of the initiate (white and one pointed) and the defeat of the king of beasts (the personality) leading to the triumph of group and world consciousness, of selflessness and illumination over self-consciousness and selfishness. In the true rendition of this ancient myth, the king of beasts is blinded and killed by the piercing of his eye and heart by the long horn of the unicorn.



E.P.2. - P.76

Seven Ray methods of appropriation.

As we have seen, this process of appropriation (soul taking a form) involve a dual activity, that of taking and giving, of grasping and relinquishing, of acquiring, and detachment.

... In considering the process of appropriation, the following phrases should be studied, as they throw a light upon the various stages from different angles

(11 of these phrases are listed, No. 5 being - )

5. Immersion into darkness. This was the result of desire. the darkness of ignorance was chosen, and man started, through desire, to work his way from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge from the unreal to the Real. Such is the great symbolic work of Masonry. It is an elucidation of the Way of Relinquishment.

E.P.2. - 57

(See also Pattern and Purpose for the full quotation)

d. A radiance, or light, which will augment the Shekinah, the light which "ever shineth in the East."



E.A. - P.300

For the advanced initiate in this sign (Leo) and after the third initiation, Sirius becomes a major life factor. He begins to respond to its vibration because he now RULES THE SUN AND MOON and is controlling those two planets, for that is what the Sun and Moon have become to him - simply planets to be ruled.



T.E.V. - P.162

I have said earlier that the intersecting energies in the etheric body of the planet are at this time a network of squares. When the creative process is complete and evolution has done its work, these squares will become a network of triangles. Necessarily this is a symbolic way of speaking.

In the Book of Revelations which was dictated 1900 years ago, by the disciple who is now known as the Master Hilarion reference is made to the "city which stands four-square" The etheric body of the planet was inherited from a former solar system with the purpose or intention in view of its transformation into a network of triangles in this solar system. In the next solar system, in which the will of God works out, the etheric body will begin as a network of triangles but this will be resolved into a network of interlinked circles or of linked rings, indicating the fulfilment of interlocking relationships.

L.O.M. P. 228

Correspondences between 3, 4, 5, and 7.


Solar system,

evolving jiva

aspects of the Logos


The spiritual Triad, the Ego,


worlds of human evolution

Persons of the Deity.


Lipika Lords,


lower man, the quaternary


planes of human evolution


departments of the Mahachohan

kingdoms of nature





spiritual or superhuman

fifth principle of manas



rays or hierarchies

planes of manifestation


principles of man


sacred planets,

chains, globes, rounds, rootraces and sub-races




R.O.T.C. - P. 126

Each age has left a reflection of a modern fivefold development upon it. Four ages have just passed away, astronomically speaking: Gemini, Taurus, Aries and Pisces. Today Aquarius, the fifth age is coming into power. In Gemini its symbolical sign of the two pillars set its seal upon the Masonic Fraternity of the time, and the two pillars of Jachin and Boaz - to give them their Jewish names which are of course not their real names - came into being approximately eighty thousand years ago.

E.A. - P.63

The Sun was in Gemini when this Approach was consummated by the founding of the Hierarchy upon the earth. This is one of the great secrets which the Masonic rituals typify, for the symbol of the sign, Gemini is the source of the concept of the Two Pillars, so familiar to Masons.



R.O.T.C. - P. 128

You can see therefore, that initiation is not a ceremonial procedure, or an accolade, conferred upon a successful aspirant; neither is it a penetration into the Mysteries - of which the mysteries of Masonry are as yet, only the pictorial presentation - but is simply the result of experiencing "livingness" on all three levels of awareness (physical emotional and mental) - and through that livingness - bringing into activity those registering and those recording cells within the brain substance which have hitherto not been susceptible to the higher impression. ... When the man becomes able to function in the new unfolding realms of light love and service, he is initiate. these are the mysteries with which the Christ will deal.



T.E.V. - (165)

The centres are in reality those "crossing points" of energies where the etheric body possesses seven triangles or transformed points. From the angle of Shamballa the centres in a human being resemble a triangle with a point at the centre.

From the angle of the Hierarchy conditions are somewhat different. You have the seven centres portrayed as lotuses, with varying numbers of petals; nevertheless there is always preserved and recognisably present a triangle at the very heart of the lotus; always there is the triangle with its communicating point, and to this we give the name, the "jewel in the lotus". You have therefore the following symbolic presentation of the lotus, and you would do well to study it with care.

The personality of the man is conditioned by the circle which is

the emanating influence of the lotus, and an interplay is thereby set up. The lotus itself is conditioned by the soul and in its turn conditions the sphere of influence in the aura of the lotus thus reaching into and conditioning the personality life. The triangle is conditioned by the Spiritual Triad when the antahkarana is built or in the process of building, and in its turn first of all inspired or fires the soul and finally destroys it. The dot at the centre is indicative of the Monadic life, first of all in its lowest expression of physical life and vitality, and finally as the point of sensitivity. Therefore we have:

1. The point at the centre, indicative of the Monadic life

2. The related energies of the egoic lotus conditioned by the


3. The sphere of radiation the emanating influence of the lotus conditioning the personality

4. The triangle of energy conditioned by the Spiritual Triad.

T.E.V. - P. 169

The Point at the Centre

This is the jewel in the lotus to use the ancient oriental appellation; it is the point of life by means of which the Monad anchors itself on the physical plane, and is the life principle therefore of all the transient vehicles. This point of life contains within itself all possibilities, all potentialities, all experiences and all vibratory activities. It embodies the will-to-be, the quality of magnetic attraction (commonly called love) and the active intelligence which will bring the livingness and the love into full expression.

This point at the centre is in reality ALL THAT IS and the other three aspects of life - as listed - are merely indications of its existence. It is that which has the capacity to withdraw to its Source, or to impose upon itself layer upon layer of substance.

.... It is also that which the other three aspects shield, and which the seven principles (expressing themselves as vehicles) protect. There are seven of these points or "jewels" expressing the sevenfold nature of consciousness, and as they are brought one by one into living expression the seven sub-rays of the dominating monadic ray are also one by one made manifest, so that each initiate-disciple is (in due time) a Son of God in full and outer glory.

The time comes when the individual etheric body is submerged or lost to sight in the light emanating from these seven points and coloured by the light of the "jewel in the lotus" in the head, the thousand petalled lotus. Each centre is then related by a live of living fire, and each is then in full divine expression.



T.W.M. - Page 546

I would like to give a short resume of some of the qualifications needed by the white magician and of some of the recognitions which will gradually emerge in his consciousness.

First he must recognise "the four that constitute the one". In other words the first quaternary that he must know and know well is that which he is essentially himself:

1. Physical body, emotional nature, mind and soul

2. Soul mind brain and the outer world of forces

3. Spirit soul and body within the greater Whole.

Second, he must recognise "the city that stands four square". He must understand the meaning of "man, the cube" and this in four ways.

1. Himself as a human being

2. His fellow man in relation to himself and the Whole

3. The fourth kingdom in nature, the human kingdom - viewing that entire kingdom as an entity, an organised life, functioning on the physical plane, indwelt by soul, and animated by spirit.

This means therefore, that as a man, he is responsive, to his kind, and is aware also of the purpose of the kingdom to which he belongs. This can best be expressed in some wonderful words from an ancient writing in the Masters' Archives. It is said to date back to early Atlantean times. (Note: the deletions below are deleted from the text by DK, not by me).

"At the four corners of the square, the four angelic......are seen. Orange they are, but veiled in rosy light. Within each form the yellow flame is seen and round each form the blue...

"Four words they utter forth, one for each human race, but not the sacred sound which bringeth forth, the seventh. Two words have died away, four sound today. One sounds in realms so high that man can enter not as man. Thus are the seven words of man ringing around the square, passing from mouth to mouth.

"Each day of man the words take form and different seem. In .... the words will be as follows:

From out the North, a word is chanted forth which means pure.

From out the South the word peals out: I dedicate and ....

From out the East bringing a light divine, the word comes swinging round the square: Love all

From out the West, answer is thrown back: I serve.

This is a faint effort to express in English, these ancient Atlantean phrases, older than Sanskrit or Senzar, known only to a mere handful of the members of the present Hierarchy.

But in the thoughts of purity, dedication, love and service, are summed up the nature and the destiny of man, and it should be remembered that they do not stand for the so-called spiritual qualities, but for potent occult forces, dynamic in their incentive and creative in their result. We have, consequently, with these four, added to the first one, spiritual attainment, five of the qualifications of the white magician.

D.I.N.A. - 2 - P. 303

A key to the correct interpretation of a hint lies in its association with the idea of direction in time and space. And, my brother, in the above sentence, I give you the hint which I have in mind for your consideration this year. The word "direction" is the key to the evolutionary process, to the concept of light, to the secret of Masonry and to the motivating power behind manifestation.



T.E.V. - P. 162

The symbolism of the Rod of Initiation teaches us that during the initiatory process, this Rod, directed by the Christ or by the Lord of the World as the case may be, is used to stabilise the higher ethers within the personality by an access of applied energy, which enables the initiate to retain that which is from above, in order that "as above, so below."






E.A. - P.389

I have here indicated to you the higher or spiritual aspect of King Solomon's seal. When these six types of energy are fused and blended and so form one unity, you will then find emerging the Star of Christ. This is one of the symbols of the sixth initiation, and is the inner correspondence of the star with which you are familiar. (The six energies are Pisces, Capricorn Aquarius as one triangle with Pisces on the highest point; and Taurus Gemini and Aries, as the lower triangle,with Aries on the lowest point) (diagram on P.390)



T.E.V. - P.164

It is wise to have in mind that it is the mechanism which changes and this transformation of the square into the triangle has no reference whatsoever to the transmitted energies, or to the various centres, except in so far that it becomes far easier for the energies to flow through the triangular formation of the etheric body than it is to flow - as is now the case - through or around a square and a network of squares.



E.P.2. - P. 57

(See also Pattern and Purpose - for the full quotation)

a. A stone placed in the foundations, typical of the consecrated physical life.

(See also Mineral Kingdom and Masonry)



E.A. - P.300

For the advanced initiate in this sign (Leo) and after the third initiation, Sirius becomes a major life factor. He begins to respond to its vibration because he now RULES THE SUN AND MOON and is controlling those two planets, for that is what the Sun and Moon have become to him - simply planets to be ruled.



T.W.M. (p.577-8)

“...the sword as a symbol stands for many things:

1. The sharp two edged sword is the discriminative faculty which reaches

to the roots of the chela’s (disciple) being and separates the real and true

from the false and impermanent. It is wielded by the ego (the Soul) from the

mental plane and is spoken of as the “Sword of cold blue steel”

2. The sword of renunciation or THAT DOUBLE BLADED AXE which the

chela willingly applies to anything he considers as likely to hold him back

from his goal. It is applied primarily to the things of the physical plane.

3. The sword of Spirit is that weapon which in the hands of the disciple

cuts down before the eyes of the group he is serving, the obstacles which

stand in the way of group progress. It is only wielded safely by those who

have trained their arms to wield the other swords and in the hands of an

initiate is a most potent factor.

The Old Commentary says:

“The steel is needed for the transmission of the fire. When the force

of the inner man is coupled with the energy transmitted through the

chakras of the palms it passeth down the shining blade and blendeth

with the force of the One Who is the ALL. Thus is the Plan consummated.”



E.P.2. - P.192

Members of other groups will be communicators between the third aspect of Deity as it expresses itself through the creative process and the world of human thought. They will link or blend life and form creatively. ... They have a most difficult task and that is why it is only during the past 150 years that the science of world finance has made its appearance. They deal with the divine aspect of money. They will regard money as the means whereby divine purpose can be carried forward.

They will handle money as the agency through which the building forces of the universe can carry forward the work needed; and (herein lies the clue) those building forces which will increasingly be occupied with the building of the subjective Temple of the Lord rather than with the materialising of that which meets man's desire. This distinction merits consideration.

E.P.2. - P.280

These three Temples of the Mysteries of which two are already existing and the third will later appear, are each of them related to one of the three divine aspects, and the energy of the three major rays pours through them.

In the corresponding approaches upon the path of ascent by humanity it is the energy of the four minor Rays of Attribute which produce the power to make the needed approach. Through the active work and the guidance of the "presiding guardians" of these temples, the fifth kingdom in nature will be brought into manifested being. Over the Temple upon the mental plane, the Buddha presides and there will consummate His unfinished work. Over the Temple upon the place of sentient feeling and loving aspiration, the Christ presides for this is the Temple of the most difficult initiatory processes. The reason for this difficulty and for the importance of This Temple is due to the fact that our solar system is a system of love, of sentient response to the love of God, and of the development of that response through the innate faculty of feeling or sentiency. This calls for the cooperation of a Son of God who will embody two divine principles.

Later will come an Avatar who will achieve neither the full enlightenment of the Buddha nor the full expression of the Divine Love of the Christ, but Who will have a large measure of wisdom and of love, PLUS THAT "MATERIALISING POWER" WHICH WILL ENABLE HIM TO FOUND A DIVINE POWERHOUSE UPON THE PHYSICAL PLANE.


His task is far more difficult because ...he carried the Will of God into manifestation and of that will we, as yet, know really nothing. So difficult is His task that the new Group of World Servers is being trained to assist him.

All that the student can grasp is that the Plan will be the dynamic impulse of this third and vital energy which will pervade the outer court of the Temple, constituting a Temple of initiation upon the physical plane ... The first initiation will then take place upon earth. It will no longer be a veiled secret.

The Holy Place is the place where the second initiation is enacted, and this will some day be given upon the astral plane ...Finally will come the initiation of the Transfiguration, wherein the light breaks forth, the Touch of Enlightenment is given and the soul and personality stand forth as one.

This process requires also the aid of the Buddha and the inspiration of the Christ, and is "occultly guarded" by the Avatar of the physical plane.



L.O.M. - P. 32

The work of the Personality first to beautify, build and expand the causal body, secondly to withdraw within it the life of the Personality, sucking the good out of the personal life and storing it in the body of the Ego. ... The specific gravity of the causal body fixes the moment of emancipation and marks the time when the work of beautifying and building is completed, when the Temple of Solomon is erected and when the weight (occultly understood) of the causal body measures up the standard looked for by the Hierarchy. ...

The content of the causal body is the accumulation by slow and gradual process of the good in each life.

The building proceeds slowly at first, but towards the end of incarnation - on the Probationary Path and on the Path of Initiation - the work proceeds rapidly. The structure has been reared, and each stone quarried in the personal life. On the Path, in each of its two divisions, the work of completing and beautifying the Temple proceeds with greater rapidity.

L.O.M. - P. 59

In the study of the Word on mental levels and its effect in form building, the key to the erection of Solomon's Temple will be discovered, and the pupil will develop the faculties of the causal body, and eventually find liberation from the three worlds.

L.O.M. - P. 210

The synthesis of all the colours, as aforesaid, is the synthetic ray of indigo. This underlies all and absorbs all. But in the three worlds of human evolution, the orange of flame irradiates all. This orange emanates from the fifth plane, underlies the fifth principle and is the effect produced by the esoteric sounding of the occult words "Our God is a consuming Fire." These words apply to the manasic principle, that fire of intelligence or reason, which the Lords of Flame imparted and which stimulates and guides the life of the active personality.

It is that light of reason which guides a man through the Hall of Learning on into the hall of Wisdom. In the latter hall its limitations are discovered, and that structure which knowledge has built the causal body or the Temple of Solomon) is itself destroyed by the consuming fire. This fire consumes the gorgeous prison house which man has erected through many incarnations and lets loose the life divine. Then the two fires merge, mount upwards and are lost in the Triadal Light.

L.O.M. - P.261

A Master of the Wisdom is He Who has resolved Himself from the five into the three and from the three into the two. he has become the five-pointed star, and when that moment is reached He sees that star flash out above the One Initiator and recognises it in those of equal place to His. He has sanctified (in the occult sense) the Quaternary, has used it as the foundation stone upon which to erect the Temple of Solomon. He has grown beyond that Temple itself, and has come to recognise it as limitation.

T.C.F. - P.883

At the first, the second and the third Initiation, one of the three petals opens up, permitting an ever freer display of the central electric point. At the fourth Initiation, the jewel being completely revealed, through its blazing light, its intense radiatory heat, and its terrific outflow of force, produces the disintegration of the surrounding form, the shattering of the causal body, the destruction of the Temple of Solomon and the dissolution of the lotus flower.

T.C.F. - P.946

Yet withal, no man is ever put into circumstances which are insurmountable, once he has reached a point where he has intelligently put himself on the side of evolution, or of God. Prior to that he may, and will be driven by the gales of circumstance; the press of group and racial karma will force him into situations necessary for the process of awakening him to his own innate possibilities. Once he becomes the conscious builder himself, seeking to control the forces and builders of his lower nature and to construct the Temple of Solomon, then he is no longer subject to the earlier conditions. He becomes a ruler, a builder and a transmitter, until the time comes when he is one with the solar Angels and the work of human evolution is accomplished.

T.C.F. - P.175

The first period is by far the longest, and covers the vast progression of the centuries wherein the activity aspect of the threefold self is being developed. .... We must not forget that for the sake of clarity, we are here differentiating between the different aspects, and considering their separate development, a thing permissible in time and space, but not permissible from the standpoint of the Eternal Now, and from the Unity of the All-Self.

The Vishnu or the Love-Wisdom aspect is latent in the Self, and is part of the monadic content, but the Brahma aspect, the Activity-Intelligence aspect precedes its manifestation in time. The Tabernacle in the Wilderness preceded the building of the Temple of Solomon; the kernel of wheat has to lie in the darkness of Mother Earth before the golden perfected ear can be seen, and the Lotus has to cast its roots down into the mud before the beauty of the blossom can be produced.

T.C.F. - P.1110

It should here be remembered that in considering the causal body, we are dealing specifically with the vehicle of manifestation of a solar Angel, who is its informing life, and who is in process of constructing it, of perfecting it and enlarging it, and thus reflecting on a tiny scale the work of the Logos on His own plane. Each part of the causal body is actuated by a type of force emanating from some one or other great centre, and it might be of interest, therefore, it we consider the component parts of this "Temple of the Soul" if we studied the type of animating activity and arrived at a knowledge of the forces playing upon it and through it.



E.P.2 - P.55

Pattern - the Tracing Board

Patterns are in the last analysis, only those types of energy which are struggling to emerge into material expression and which eventually subordinate the more superficial and obvious energies to their newer imposed rhythms. Thus they produce the changed types, new forms, and different notes, tones and appearances. These patterns are literally the divine ideas, as they emerge and take mental form.

It might here be thought that these patterns .... produce the conditioning here discussed. Literally and curiously this is not so. Conditioning concerns the response, innate and inherent of matter or substance, to the pattern. It might be said that the pattern evokes and awakens response, but that the conditioning of the resultant activity is determined by the quality of the response apparatus. It is inherent in the substance itself.

E.P.2 - P.57

It must never be forgotten that evolution is the story of the evolution of consciousness, and not of form. .... Consciousness is literally the reaction of active intelligence to the pattern. Today it is as if we were responding consciously and with increasingly intelligent purpose to the design as laid down by the Master Builder upon the Tracing Board.

As yet we do not and cannot enter into that Cosmic Mind, and vibrate in conscious unison with the Divine Idea nor grasp the Plan as it is sensed and seen by the Cosmic Thinker. We have to work with the design, with the pattern.

Someday the model will be discarded, the pattern will be seen as it really is, and the worker (the soul) will then begin to build consciously the Temple of the Lord out of the conditioned and prepared material which for long ages, it has been preparing in the quarry of the form life, the personal life.

Here therefore, are indicated two crises in the subjective life of the soul:

1. the crisis wherein the soul, blinded, limited and handicapped by form, begins to work in the quarry of experience, far from its own country, with inadequate tools, and in complete temporary self-imposed ignorance of the design or pattern.

2. The crisis which comes very much later in the soul's experience, wherein the soul knows more clearly the design, and in which much material has been prepared. The soul is no longer blind, and can now work in collaboration with other souls in the preparation of the material for the final Temple of the Lord. The soul, incarnate in human form, places in that Temple his particular contribution to the whole, which might be stated symbolically to be -

a. A stone placed in the foundations, typical of the consecrated physical life.

b. A column in the Temple itself, typical of the desire or aspirational life.

c. A design on the tracing board, which coincides with the Great Pattern or Design, and which is that fragment of that design, which the individual had to supply and in search of which he went forth.

d. A radiance, or light, which will augment the Shekinah, the light which "ever shineth in the East."



T.E.V. - P. 165

The centres are in reality those "crossing points" of energies where the etheric body possesses seven triangles or transformed points. From the angle of Shamballa the centres in a human being resemble a triangle with a point at the centre.

From the angle of the Hierarchy conditions are somewhat different. You have the seven centres portrayed as lotuses, with varying numbers of petals; nevertheless there is always preserved and recognisably present a triangle at the very heart of the lotus; always there is the triangle with its communicating point, and to this we give the name, the "jewel in the lotus". You have therefore the following symbolic presentation of the lotus, and you would do well to study it with care.

The personality of the man is conditioned by the circle which is

the emanating influence of the lotus, and an interplay is thereby set up. The lotus itself is conditioned by the soul and in its turn conditions the sphere of influence in the aura of the lotus thus reaching into and conditioning the personality life. The triangle is conditioned by the Spiritual Triad when the antahkarana is built or in the process of building, and in its turn first of all inspired or fires the soul and finally destroys it. The dot at the centre is indicative of the Monadic life, first of all in its lowest expression of physical life and vitality, and finally as the point of sensitivity. Therefore we have:

1. The point at the centre, indicative of the Monadic life

2. The related energies of the egoic lotus conditioned by the


3. The sphere of radiation the emanating influence of the lotus conditioning the personality

4. The triangle of energy conditioned by the Spiritual Triad.



G.W.P. - P 6 - 9

The Mode of awakening the Intuition

There are many ways in which the intuition can be drawn into activity, and one of the most useful and potent is the study and interpretation of symbols.

Symbols are the outer and visible forms of the inner spiritual realities, and when facility in discovering the reality behind any specific form has been gained, that very fact will indicate the awakening of the intuition.

(there follows for several pages, description, and exercises on the study of symbols).

This study rightly undertaken would lead to the unfoldment of the intuition, with its consequent manifestation on the physical plane as illumination, understanding and love.

T.C.F. - P.97-98-99 also P.175


The etheric body may therefore be described as negative or receptive in respect to the rays of the sun and as positive and expulsive to the dense physical body. .... The main centre for reception of prana is a centre between the shoulder blades. Another has been allowed to become partially dormant, and is situated slightly above the solar plexus. The third centre is the spleen.

These three centres form a radiant etheric triangle. ,,, The process of assimilation is carried on in this triangle, and the prana which enters into either centre, circulates three times around the triangle before being transmitted to all parts of the etheric vehicle, and thence to the dense physical body.


R.A.I. - P.76

It must be remembered that the Science of Invocation and Evocation is a reciprocal effort. Humanity could not be invocative were it not that the Spiritual Hierarchy is evoking the spirit of man. ... Man's responsibility however, is to invoke at this time (1943) the Lords of Liberation and the Spirit of Peace. These are the Beings which have the power to raise humanity, once the race of men has assumed the right attitude. They correspond to the group, in the third degree of Masonry who raise the Master

E.H. - Page 363-4

In connection with the work of the healer with patients at the gate of death, he may experience a sense of futility. Is it possible to know just what he can do? Should he continue his effort to help the newly freed soul to go forward into the light?

In spite of desire to aid the departing one, there seems naught to do but to step aside with a sense of utter futility, whilst the loved one passes through the gate which leads to what, my brother?

We can go up to the gates, but it seems as yet that we can go no further. ....

There is little I can say as we wait, for the coming revelation. That is inevitable and sure, and such questions will not be raised two hundred years hence.

This great truth and its guarantee is held steadily before us in the history of the "glorious resurrection of the Christ" and His after-death appearance and in the powerful but little understood ritual of the sublime degree in Masonry, wherein the Master is raised.

E.P.2. - P.180

It is for this end (united activity to raise the dead body of humanity) that the teaching anent the new Group of World Servers was given our broadcast. This is the first attempt to form a group which would work as a group and attempt a world task. They can act as an intermediate group between the world of men and the Hierarchy. They stand between what is occult called the "dead Master" and the "living Masters". Masons will understand what is here described. The true esotericist will also see the same truth from another angle.


E.P. 1. P.394

The legend of the third degree.

Within the radius of power and life which is the expression of the fourth kingdom in nature, the human, there was to be found a correspondence to that "assumption of independence" and to that "breaking away" which characterised the major grouping.

Back in Lemurian times, a group of men of high development, from the point of view of that time, and numbered among the then disciples of the world, took issue with the Planetary Hierarchy and broke away from the "law of initiates".

It was a time wherein the emphasis of the teaching was upon the material side of life and where the focus of attention was upon the physical nature and its control. The Old Commentary expresses what happened in the following terms, and as you read the measured cadences of that ancient script, it would be wise to try and realise that the phrases are referring to that group of disciples who were the early founders of the present Jewish race:

"The Law went forth from the inner group which guided the destinies of men: Detach yourselves. Withdraw within yourselves the power to hold and gain and get. The sons of God, who train themselves to leave the world of men and enter into light, they ever travel free. They hold not what they have. Release yourselves, and enter through the gates of Peace.

"Some of the sons of God, waiting outside those gates, ready to enter when the Word went forth to roll the gates aside, where laden with the treasure of the earth. They brought their gifts as offering to the Lord of life, who needed not their gifts. The sought to enter through those gates, not with a selfish end in view, but to present the garnered treasures of the world, and thus shew their love.

"Again the Word went forth: Leave all behind and pass beyond the portal, laden with naught of earth. They waited and discussed. The rest of those who were prepared entered into light and passed between the pillars of the gate; they left behind the loads they brought and entered free, and were accepted, carrying naught.

"Because they travelled as a group, and as a group progressed and grasped, the group responded to the divine command and halted. There they waited, standing before the portal of the Path, grasping the garnered treasures of a thousand cycles. Naught did they wish to leave behind. They had laboured for the riches which they held. They loved their God, and Him they sought to dower with the fullest measure of the riches they had gained. They loved not discipline.

"Again the Word went forth: Drop on the ground all that you hold and enter free.

"But three revolted from that stern command. The rest obeyed. They passed within the gates leaving the three outside. Many were raised unto the heights of joy. The three remained without the gates, holding their treasure firm."

In this ancient writing, older than any of the scriptures of the world, is to be found the secret of the Masonic story, and of the slaying of the Master by the three most closely associated with Him in His death and burial. Masons will all recognise the three to whom I here refer. These three were the founders of the modern Jewish race. They were three advanced disciples who resented the command to enter free and untrammelled the place where light is to be found. They sought to hold that which they had gathered and to dedicate it to the service of God. Their unrecognised motive was love of riches and a desire to hold save their gains.

Ancient tradition, as taught by the teachers of the past, tells us that...

"They turned their faces towards the gates of earth. Their friends went on ... They stayed behind ... The Masters met in conclave and decided what should be the fate of those who, having reached the Gates of Light, loved the possessions of the world more than they loved the service of the light. Again the Word went forth to the revolting three, who waited still without the gates:

"Hold what you have and gather more, but know no peace. Garner the fruits of mind, and seek your power in wide possessions, but have no sure abiding place.

Within yourselves, because you are disciples of the Lord, you shall have no share in peace, no sure and certain knowledge of success, nor power to hold your gains.

"Always shall there be the knowledge dim of Him Who watches over all. Always the urge to gather and amass. Never the time to hold and to enjoy. Pass on therefore until the time shall come, and again, you stand before the Gates of Light, this time with empty hands. Then enter, free, accepted by the Servants of the Lord and know forever, peace.

The ancient legend tells us that the three went forth in sorrow and revolt, laden with their treasures, and thus the history of the wandering Jew began.

Curiously enough, this ancient race, founded by the three who loved that which they had to offer more than that which they longed to take, were the originators of the Masonic tradition. Their history (and incidentally the history of humanity) is embodied in that dramatic ritual. The reward for their sincerity - for they revolted in utter sincerity, believing they knew best - was the permission to enact each year, on the return of the day when they might have entered into light, the story of the search for Light.

Because they had been so nearly resurrected from the death of earth into the life of light, the great tradition of the mysteries was started by them. They chose death and slew that which "had lived and which could have claimed reward" and which could have spoken the word of power which would have caused the gates of resurrection to open wide.


L.O.M. - P. 59

In the study of the Word on mental levels and its effect in form building, the key to the erection of Solomon's Temple will be discovered, and the pupil will develop the faculties of the causal body, and eventually find liberation from the three worlds.


E.P.2. - P.49

The two cycles of Egoic Appropriation.

1. As the ego or soul appropriates to itself a sheath for expression and experience, points of crisis will inevitably occur:-

(a) The work of passing on to a particular plane for purposes of incarnation is one such point. This concerns the passing down to a lower plane or from a lower plane onto a higher. Indications of the importance and the crucial nature of such transition can be seen in certain formulas which are used when passing from one degree in Masonry to another, as in raising a Lodge from a lower to a higher degree.

E.P.2. - P.279

Thus two great stations of energy and two major powerhouse of light have been established by these two Sons of God (Christ and the Buddha) and the descent of the divine life into manifestation has been greatly facilitated. The Way is now open so that the ascent of the sons of men can become entirely possible. It is around these two ideas of divine descent and human corresponding ascent that the coming new religion must be built.


From one point of view, these two centres of force (the Buddha on the mental plane, and the Christ on the astral plane - from the preceding text) constitute the Temples of Initiation through which all disciples have to pass. This passing is the theme of the coming new religion.

Mankind has entered into the Temples at the great Cosmic Approach of Appropriation in Lemurian times. Certain of the more advanced sons of men were passed in Atlantean times, and still more will be passed in the immediate future, whilst a fair number will also be raised to immortality.

I am not here speaking of the so-called five major initiations, but of certain group events, which are predominantly cosmic in nature. The major initiations are individual in nature, and constitute, as it were, a preparatory period of expansions of consciousness.

There were, if I might so express it, seven steps or approaches on the part of the life of God in the subhuman kingdoms, prior to the Approach of Appropriation when humanity individualised.

There are, as we know five initiations ahead of the world disciples and these are steps towards the Approach of acquiescence which will become possible on our planet before long.

There are - after these seven and five steps - three more to be taken before the cosmic Approach to Enlightenment can take place in a far distant future. So Humanity enters into the outer Court of God's love, passes into the Holy Place and is raised in the Secret Place of the Most High.


(Creative Hierarchies and Makara)

Initiation, Human and Solar

IHS- 4 - creative hierarchies, 12 - definition

IHS- 94-5 - significance of the 4th creative hierarchy

IHS- 152 - production of the 4th creative hierarchy

Letters on Occult Meditation

LOOM- 54-5 - creative hierarchies

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

TCF- 44 - necessary five lines for logoic evolution

TCF- 47 - five of monadic manifestation

TCF- 121 - Christ/Varuna

TCF- 217-8 - pentagon, sacred AUM or “M”

TCF- 261 - manas 5th principle - link between higher and lower

TCF- 264 - Saturn, 5th principle, lower mind

TCF- 296 - Saturn - esoteric significance; 5th round; electrical force

TCF- 303 - astral cycles - kama-manas

TCF- 395-6 - mystery of 6 pointed star into 5 pointed star; lords of karma

TCF- 396 - Leo/Virgo 5/6? sphinx? male/female - divine hermaphrodite

-Venus chain - pentagon shape; Venus hi. ruler Capricorn (ahamkara); ruler 5th ray;

- 2nd & 3rd logoi (2+3=5) united in evolution; Venus/Saturn - co-rulers of Capricorn;

TCF- 398 - Leo/Virgo - man/deva; Leo mystic relation to Capricorn - see EA

TCF- 399 - 5/6 resolution; Jewish race? ruled by Capricorn/Virgo - rays1/3; (Jewish Race are solar plexus centre of planetary logos - see EOH; solar plexus is 5th chakra counting from above down and has 10 petals - Capricorn is 10th sign, Leo the 5th - mystery of lion and unicorn; 2x5 - synthesis of love and manas; lion of Judea;

TCF- 399 - five pointed star

TCF- 401 - Venus/Vulcan? Neptune (Makara) rules polar opposite of Capricorn, Cancer.

TCF- 404 - 5th deva hierarchy: Makara - human personality - (ahamkara)

TCF- 458 - animal kingdom - Makara -3rd ray

TCF- 574 - numerology - Makara

TCF- 597 - Vulcan opposite Neptune - synthesis of life/matter

TCF- 599 - 5th root race - intuition - Neptune?

TCF- 604 - fives

TCF- 695-6 - 5 pointed star

TCF- 703-4 - kumaras - 5th CH

TCF- 705 - Mercury/8th gate? (see EA) 5th CH judgement day; Saturn/Capricorn?

TCF- 706 - mystery Capricorn

TCF- 711-12 - ahamkara

TCF- 727 - avatar from Capricorn

TCF- 733 (fn) - 5th initiation in Capricorn?

TCF- 743 - “over all this deva host the mystic goat presideth, Makara is and is not, yet the link persisteth”

TCF- 773 - fish symbol of buddhi

TCF- 791 - 5 fold shape of man

TCF- 803 - Makara - 5th principle - solar fire - born from double duality;

(solar fire veils esoteric ruler Neptune in Leo)

TCF- 816 - egoic lotus - result of dual vibration of 5 fold Dhyanis (5x2 =10 Capricorn)

TCF- 824 - colours of egoic petals - mystery of 5 kumaras

TCF- 827 - 10 is perfection - Capricorn

TCF- 846-7 - Makara? mystery of Moon

TCF- 859 - 108 kumaras - 5th harmonic

TCF- 860-1 five kumaras

TCF- 894 - mystery of reptiles - Makara? see 892-4; pineal gland; see DOG chapter 23 (Uraeus) and SS.

TCF- 896-8 - water devas - Neptune -Varuna; Makara?

TCF- 935 - animal bodies - 2nd ether

TCF- 941 - builders of human personality - Makara?

TCF- 1095 (fn) - Ma-Ya

TCF- 1103 - ahamkara

TCF- 1197 - 5th CH/10th CH link - crucifixion of animal physical nature

TCF- 1203 - crocodiles; 5th CH and Draco

TCF- 1205 - dual aspects of manas - 5th CH

TCF- 1255 - third path relates to 5th CH

Light of the Soul

LOTS- 15 - mystery of Makara - overcoming 5 modifications of the lower mind (see pp 20,28,158) (Leo - Cap link - 5 pointed star; 10 of perfection etc)

LOTS- 28 - Pisces; Makara?; " it involves the dual idea of water, the symbol of material existence, and desire, the quality of the astral plane, whose symbol is also water. The idea of man being the "fish" is curiously complete here. This symbol has 7 meanings; two are of use in this place:

1) Fish is symbol of Vishnu aspect/Christ principle - Cosmic/individual Christ - potential saviour within each human being - "Christ in you, the hope of glory". Study fish avatar of Vishnu. (Dag, Sirius, Makara, Dolphin)

2) Fish swimming in the waters of matter - man as the personality. (See EA - Pisces/Venus exaltation/Pluto soul ruler/duality of Pisces)

LOTS- 46 - (If Ishvara is 2nd aspect and has direct correspondence to the Heart of the Sun (Neptune), then there is a close connection to Makara (Neptune - see SD) - reflect buddhic/astral quality of Neptune.)

(If Makara/Ahamkara is 5 subplanes, it ties in with Venus/5th ray as H. ruler of Capricorn and DK's quote in TCF about Logos of ray 6 incarnate on Venus.)

LOTS- 54 - Ishvara is Om (10); (Capricorn/10th sign)

LOTS- 276 - twelve creative hierarchies

A Treatise on White Magic

TWM- 47 - hierarchy of interplanetary lives

TWM- 48 - Monads - work

TWM- 87 - twelve creative hierarchies - contact with; union with quaternary

TWM- 199 - work of 12 creative hierarchies

Esoteric Psychology Volume 1

EP I- 120 - Being who is life of 4th kingdom is on 5th ray

EP I- 198 - man and the agency of water are initiators of the animal world

EP I- 199 - problem of slaughter - original war in heaven; Michael/angels

EP I- 248 - animal kingdom - ray - 3rd kingdom etc.

EP I- 255 - bridging of gap - animal/man

EP I- 263 - Aryan 3rd race (5th root race); 5/3 relation

EP I- 264 - ‘fivefold sign’

Esoteric Astrology

(CH = creative hierarchy)

EA- 38 - five liberated hierarchies = manas

EA- 39 - sex lines - 3rd & 5th kingdoms

EA- 41- 5th hierarchy is dual - hence 18 instead of 9 - occultly related to no.13

EA- 41 - second fall into generation

EA- 44 - solar angels - 5th cosmic sub plane - have 'fallen' into incarnation

EA- 45 - ( my notes on 5th CH - If Shankacharya used Gautama's astral body or causal body, then, in relation to the 5 liberated groups of which Cancer focuses the other 4 from the cosmic astral, Capricorn reflects, and steps down the energy to the cosmic physical. So the 5th CH (Makara) has for its astral body, a projection from the cosmic astral, hence it is known esoterically to be water (p.34) instead of fire. Also, Neptune, esoteric ruler of Cancer and vehicle of Varuna, is Makara. Crocodile greets the fires of the morning but lives in the Nile.(Neptune) )

EA- 45 - dragon influence brought manas into solar system

EA- 46 - serpent religion - read sources. serpents/dragons Lemuria

EA- 50 - tabulation 3 - 5th creative hierarchy

EA- 57 - Capricorn - mystery crocodiles

EA- 66 - Gemini Libra 5th 7th rays - Venus in common - hi. ruler Capricorn

EA- 68 - Aries Capricorn 5th 7th

EA- 123- Jonah/whale

EA- 153 - Capricorn/Capricorn

EA- 154-8 - mystery of Leo - Capricorn - higher/lower mind

EA- 155 - monoceros - unicorn (constellation) (look at Orion relation)

EA- 158 - mystery of crocodiles - Aries Taurus Capricorn relation on fixed cross - Venus common denominator

EA- 163 - Venus rules crocodiles (see ref about Logos of 6th ray incarnate on (Venus TCF 595)

EA- 171 - Neptune esoterically related to Pisces (fishes)

EA- 217-20 - Cancer Neptune expressive of 7th ray

EA- 231 - sign of fish with head of a ram Aries/Pisces

EA- 275 -Neptune common ruler of 6 pointed star

EA- 286 - Leo cap 5/10 numbers - solar plexus 10 petals

EA- 320 - initiate certain degree - 3rd? watery triangle in 5 pointed star

EA- 341 - Jupiter Neptune exalted in Cancer

EA- 355 - 3rd CH - is 5th

EA- 567 - Capricorn - deep mystery of Capricorn

EA- 600 - will/desire 1st/6th rays - see TCF 597

EA- 633 - 'angel born under Capricorn'

Esoteric Healing

EH- 170 - solar plexus most separative centre (look at Mars as non-sacred co-ruler of Ray 6 and Neptune as sacred co-ruler; also relation of 10 petalled solar plexus with 10th sign Capricorn - mystery of Makara; Mars is exalted in Capricorn and has connection to Ray 3 which comes through Capricorn, via its occult relation to the Pleiades, the 3rd aspect; 2x3=6; Neptune is Makara - SD; Venus, hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, has occult relation as solar plexus is primitive ‘brain’; Venus ruler of 5th ray - 2x5=10 etc.

EH- 298 - Sanat Kumara - heavy karma (Saturn Makara?)


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