
Language, Literacy and Communication WelshCymraegHumanitiesR.E.Expressive ArtsImagineImagine that you could travel anywhere in the universe. Write about where you would go and what you would like to see.Space vocabularyLook at the flashcards on the website to learn different words linked to space. Can you use a welsh dictionary to find any more?Research Find out what happened to Apollo 13Space craftsLook at the website to see what crafts you can create and NumeracyScience and TechnologyEvaluationICTTGCHHealth and Well-beingArea and perimeterMeasure some objects around your house and work out their area and perimeter.OrDraw different 2D shapes and work out their area and perimeterResearchFind out about earth and space on BBC bitesize. StationHave you evaluated your workColour coded your LOChecked your grammar and punctuation in your English workAstronaut timeline.Use the information you found out about different astronauts to create an astronaut timeline using tools on Hwb.Astronaut fitnessWe will be looking at Astronaut fitness next week but until then see how fit you are.How many jumping jacks can you do in 1 minute?How many sit ups can you do in 1 minute?How many push ups can you do in 1 minute? ................

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