Chapter House

Topic Session Plan 2015/2016

Topic: Science (Explorers – Space) Class: Year 5 - 5S, 5W & 5Y

1. Structure of the Earth’s layers

2. Space Race Timeline

3. Weight and Mass in the Solar System (INVESTIGATION)

4. Rocket Seeds (INVESTIGATION)

5. Moon Buggy Design and Construction

6. Apollo 11 News Report

7. Astronaut Application Letter

8. Astronaut Fitness Training

9. Moon Artwork (Inspired by Astronaut Alan Bean)

10. Apollo 11 Astronaut Passport (Biography)

11. ‘Planets Rap’

|Session 1 |Session 1: The Earth’s Layers |

|Date: 14-9-15 |Subjects Covered: Science / Geography / Maths (Protractors) / Literacy |

|Key Objectives: |Curriculum Drivers: |Main Activity |Plenary |Resources |Evaluation/Next |

| | |Key Questions/Vocabulary |(UP) | |steps |

| | |Intervention, Support, Extension | | | |

|Understand the structure|Independence | What is beneath our feet? Have chn ever thought about what our planet looks like inside? Chn discuss this in |What can the chn | Earth layers’ PPT. |  |

|of planet earth in terms| |pairs/science groups then share ideas as a class. Show PPT on the Earth’s Layers. |remember about the | |  |

|of the layers out of | |Show chn a Scotch Egg and ask them to imagine that it is Planet Earth. By cutting the sphere carefully and cleanly in |Earth’s Layers? |Coloured Paper and |  |

|which it is composed. | |half, we can use cross-section inside to illustrate structure of Earth: | |tinfoil. |  |

|Sc4 4a (adapted) Know | |1. The outer shell of Earth is called the CRUST (breadcrumbs) |Can they share a fact | |  |

|that Earth is spherical | |2.The next layer is called the MANTLE (sausage meat) |about each layer? |Protractors. | |

|& explore its structure.| |3. The next layer is the liquid OUTER CORE (egg white) |  | |  |

|Sc3 1d Explore | |4. The middle bit is called the solid INNER CORE (egg yolk). |  |Scotch Egg. | |

|characteristics of rocks| | |  |  | |

|in our planet. | |Using protractors and different coloured pieces of paper, chn draw and cut out concentric circles to represent the |  |  | |

| | |differing layers of the Earth. Coloured tinfoil can be used to represent the INNER CORE. When diagram is complete, they |  |  | |

| | |label each layer with correct terms. | |  | |

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|Session 2 |Session 2: Space Race Timeline |

|Date: 15-9-15 |Subjects Covered: Science / History |

|Key Objectives: |Curriculum |Main Activity |Plenary |Resources |Evaluation/Next |

| |Drivers: |Key Questions/Vocabulary |(UP) | |steps |

| | |Intervention, Support, Extension | | | |

|Knowledge and |Cooperation | Timeline chronology space race technology | | Laminated pictures |  |

|understanding of key |Research |The 2nd half of 20th Century was exciting time for developments in Space Technology. (Check chn’s understanding of term |What clues are they |and dates |  |

|historical events. Learn |Independence |‘20th Century’. Do they know which century we are in now?) Rocket technology advanced during Second World War & in 1950s |using? | | |

|about the history of space| |two countries began to compete in ‘The Space Race’ to get more technologically advanced in exploring Space – US (America) | |Pictures and what when|  |

|exploration. | |& USSR (explain Russia was formerly known as Soviet Union). Discuss changes in technology that led to space travel being |Why have they made |who boxes for timeline|  |

|Place events, people & | |possible, e.g. computer technology & developments in plastic materials. |their chronological |A3 paper. |  |

|changes into correct | | |choices? |  | |

|periods of time. Use dates| |OPENER Use mimio picture and event matching activity-to discuss and sort as a class. | |  |  |

|& vocabulary relating to | |PIT Give children laminated cards in pairs of the event pictures and their dates-can they decide which order to put them | |  | |

|the passing of time, | |in? |  |  | |

|including ‘century’ & | |Stop to use interactive ppt on space race. |  |  | |

|‘decade’. Identify & | |As a class plot these on the timeline from 1950 to 2020 Support |  |  | |

|describe reasons for & | |Chn create own timeline of events.Including the who, when what. |  | | |

|results of historical | |Add personal comment or impact the event had or research additional r4cent events. | | | |

|events | |Use interactive ppt “space race” to look at the events in the timeline-play quiz on who achieved these things-Russia or | | | |

| | |USA. | | | |

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|Session 3 |Session 3: Weight and Mass in the Solar System (INVESTIGATION) |

|Date: 12-1-16 |Subjects Covered: Science |

|Key Objectives: |Curriculum |Main Activity |Plenary |Resources |Evaluation/Next |

| |Drivers: |Key Questions/Vocabulary |(UP) | |steps |

| | |Intervention, Support, Extension | | | |

|1. Recording and |Cooperation |Introduction |SHARING |PPT | |

|measurement. |Research |Show children PPT – Forces Intro & Measuring Weight. |RESULTS | | |

| |Independence |Introduce key questions: |Children in |Force Scenario | |

|2. Explaining results. | |What is a force? What types of force are there? |each group |Cards | |

| | |Give out force scenario cards. Working in pairs, can the children identify the different types of forces in the cards. Share their ideas as |share | | |

| | |a class. Introduce FORCEMETERS, MASS, WEIGHT and NEWTONS (N). Use link to explain connection between MASS and WEIGHT. |results for |Forcemeters & | |

| | | |a class |plastic bags | |

| | | |table on | | |

| | |Main Teaching Activity |IWB. How |Recording | |

| | |Introduce task of using forcemeters and |else could |Templates | |

| | |plastic bags to measure weight (in Newtons) |the children| | |

| | |of different objects around the classroom. |represent |Calculators | |

| | |Record their findings on the template |their | | |

| | |provided. Using calculators, work out what |results? | | |

| | |these objects would weigh: | | | |

| | |a) on the moon b) on Jupiter | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Explain your results using the words gravity, mass, weight and Newtons. | | | |

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|Session 4 |Session 4: Rocket Seeds (Investigation) |

|Date: 18-4-16 |Subjects Covered: Science |

|Key Objectives: |Curriculum |Main Activity |Plenary |Resources |Evaluation/Next |

| |Drivers: |Key Questions/Vocabulary |(UP) | |steps |

| | |Intervention, Support, Extension | | | |

|1. Fair testing |Cooperation |Introduction |SHARING |Youtube Clip | |

| |Research |Show children YouTube time lapse clip ‘Seed Germination’. |RESULTS | | |

|2. Presenting |Independence | |Children in |Seed germination | |

|results. | | |each group |boxes | |

| | |Introduce key questions: |share | | |

| | |What do seeds need to germinate? |results for |Labels | |

| | |(Warmth, water, oxygen). |a class | | |

| | |How does gravity affect germination? What effect might a period of micro-gravity have on seeds? |table on |Compost | |

| | |Will this effect germination posisitively, negatively, or have no effect on germination|? |IWB. How | | |

| | |Children discuss in science groups. Share as a class. |else could |Rocket Seeds | |

| | | |the children| | |

| | |Show the children the resources. |represent |Experimental | |

| | |How can they use these to investigate seed germination? How many tests will they need? What variables is being changed? What will they need |their |Protocol Provided | |

| | |to keep the same? How many seeds will they need for each test? |results? | | |

| | |Children to discuss and plan an investigation on A3 paper in their science groups. Share plans as a class. | | | |

| | | | |Recording | |

| | | | |Templates | |

| | |Investigation | | | |

| | |Groups to discuss: | | | |

| | |- what they PREDICT they will find | | | |

| | |- how will they test this using the resources provided | | | |

| | |- how many seeds will show the best | | | |

| | |comparison | | | |

| | |- safety issues | | | |

| | |- how to keep the investigation fair | | | |

| | |- how often they will make observations | | | |

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| | |Main Teaching Activity | | | |

| | |Children set up investigation according to protocol provided. | | | |

| | |Create rota of watering and recording results according to the protocol provided. | | | |

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|Session 5: |Subjects Covered: Science, Art, Literacy |

|Date: 11-12-15 |Moon Buggy Design and Construction |

|Key Objectives: |Curriculum Drivers: |Main Activity |Plenary |Resources |Evaluation/Next steps |

| | |Key Questions/Vocabulary |(UP) | | |

| | |Intervention, Support, Extension | | | |

|To design a Moon |Independence |Introduce the task: Children must design, create and |Look at children’s Moon Buggy |Sketch books, Ppt |Collect materials required |

|Buggy. |Take responsibility |evaluate a Moon Buggy which can handle rocky surfaces. |ideas and discuss. | |to make Moon Buggies. |

| |Be adventurous | | |Materials requested to make moon Buggies. | |

|To make a Moon Buggy | |DESIGNING |Look at drawings of the Moon | | |

|using a range of | |In pairs discuss what the Moon Buggy will need to have (e.g.|Buggies and offer advice. |Paint moon buggies if time. | |

|materials. | |wheels). | | | |

| | |Display pictures on the board of Moon Buggies/ Mars Rover to|Look at moon Buggies and offer 2| | |

| | |give the children ideas. |stars and a wish. |Graph paper, table for results, sketch books, models.| |

|To test out a design | |Class discussion. | | | |

|model. | |Children make a list in their sketch books of what a Moon |Discuss fastest/ slowest, | | |

| | |Buggy will need to have – post discussion. |distance travelled, how | | |

|Evaluate moon buggy | | |travelled over different | | |

| | |Children to then sketch what they want their Moon Buggy to |terrain. | | |

| | |look like. |What made the difference with | | |

| | |Children to make a list of materials they will need to make |the best models and why? | | |

| | |the Moon Buggy. |Use this next in evaluation. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Children to plan the dimensions of their Moon Buggy. | | | |

| | |Using a ruler to estimate how big it will be. Children to |Read own evaluations and | | |

| | |create a clearly designed, labelled and coloured version of |partners. Discuss positives and | | |

| | |their Moon Buggy. |negatives and relay to the | | |

| | |Assess partners design midway through lesson to offer |class. | | |

| | |advice. | | | |

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| | |CONSTRUCTING | | | |

| | |Children to use their designs to make a Moon Buggy to the | | | |

| | |dimensions stated. | | | |

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| | |Children to each have their model and take outside if | | | |

| | |possible to test how far it travels – measure distance with | | | |

| | |a ruler. | | | |

| | |Next, take to a bumpy/ hilly patch and test smoothness. | | | |

| | |Children to fill in a table of results to write up. | | | |

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| | |Children to copy up results neatly into books. | | | |

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| | |Create a graph of results linked to model and distance | | | |

| | |travelled. | | | |

| | |Evaluate design and model and how successful it was and why.| | | |

|Session 6: |Subjects Covered: Science, History, Literacy |

|Date: 31-10-15 |Apollo 11 News Report |

|Key Objectives: |Curriculum Drivers: |Main Activity |Plenary |Resources |Evaluation/Next steps |

| | |Key Questions/Vocabulary |(UP) | | |

| | |Intervention, Support, Extension | | | |

|Use dates & |Literacy |The First Moon Landing was big news! The TV stations were following every moment & the newspapers were full of |Stop at intervals to|Websites and | |

|historical vocabulary|link-composition |reports about this momentous mission. Visit |share writing and |purple mash login| |

|to describe key |Organisation and | |share questions or |Copies of evening| |

|events & periods |communication |landing/eve_standard.htm & use printed copies (session resources) to read & analyse the front page of ‘The Evening |select better |standard front | |

|studied. | |Standard’ newspaper on morning after Moon Landing – it is a ‘souvenir issue’. Talk about headline, style of |vocabulary etc, |cover | |

|5a Understand about | |language used & how it captures the awe & wonder experienced by people all around the world after this historical | | | |

|characteristic | |event, whilst communicating the key facts. Look at the layout & discuss how newspapers present their text in |What information | | |

|features of recent | |columns, interspersed with pictures & captions. |would interest you | | |

|history, i.e. modern | | |audience? | | |

|space travel. 5c | |Make a collection/word bank of captions and phrases that the chn might use in their writing. Using planning sheet | | | |

|Communicate knowledge| |from previous session and the purple mash writing frame and picture bank chn create own news report. | | | |

|& understanding of | | | | | |

|history in a variety | |Differentiation through support in class and the outcome and detail given. | | | |

|of ways. | | | | | |

| | |Use statements from previous lesson as backbone for writing. | | | |

|Sequence events & | | | | | |

|recount them in | | | | | |

|appropriate detail. | | | | | |

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|Session 7: |Subjects Covered: Science, History, Literacy |

|Date: 5-11-15 |Astronaut Application Letter (to Amber Agee deHart ) |

|Key Objectives: |Curriculum Drivers: |Main Activity |Plenary |Resources |Evaluation/Next steps |

| | |Key Questions/Vocabulary |(UP) | | |

| | |Intervention, Support, Extension | | | |

|Use persuasive |Literacy |WALT: Research, draft and edit a letter of application. |Stop at intervals to|Topic books to | |

|language and phrases |link-composition |Show ppt of letter writing. |share writing and |research and | |

|to compose and |Organisation and | |share questions or |collate their | |

|construct an |communication |Children use letter format to apply for post at NASA. |select better |findings to | |

|application letter. | | |vocabulary etc, |answer the | |

| | |Using Amber’s challenge letter, children research and collate information they have learned to draft a letter of | |challenges set | |

|Use the format of a | |application. |What information |from Amber’s | |

|letter. | | |would convince the |letter. | |

| | |Use persuasive writing checklists to help them include persuasive language and phrases. |interviewers to | | |

| | | |select you? |A copy of Amber’s| |

| | |Stop at intervals to share writing and share questions or select better vocabulary etc, | |original | |

| | | | |challenge letter.| |

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|Session 8: |Subjects Covered: Science, History, Literacy |

|Date: 11-11-15 |Astronaut Fitness Training |

|Key Objectives: |Curriculum Drivers: |Main Activity |Plenary |Resources |Evaluation/Next steps |

| | |Key Questions/Vocabulary |(UP) | | |

| | |Intervention, Support, Extension | | | |

|Use persuasive |Literacy |WALT: Design a fitness regime for an astronaut. |What fitness |Website link. | |

|language and phrases |link-composition | |activities did the | | |

|to compose and |Organisation and | |children choose and |Astronaut | |

|construct an |communication | |why? |training template| |

|application letter. | |Show children to astronaut training regime. | |with key | |

| | | |Share their ideas as|vocabulary. | |

|Use the format of a | |Children discuss what they saw in pairs. |a class. | | |

|letter. | | | | | |

| | |Challenge children to use these ideas to construct a fitness training regime for an astronaut and explain how this | | | |

| | |would help them keep fit in zero-gravity. | | | |

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| | |How is zero gravity training different to fitness training on Earth? | | | |

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|Session 9: |Subjects Covered: Science, Art, Literacy |

|Date: 25-9-15 |Moon Artwork (Inspired by Astronaut Alan Bean) |

|Key Objectives: |Curriculum Drivers: |Main Activity |Plenary |Resources |Evaluation/Next steps |

| | |Key Questions/Vocabulary |(UP) | | |

| | |Intervention, Support, Extension | | | |

|Use charcoal and chalk|Cooperation | |Look at the different textures | |  |

|rendering techniques |Engaged |Watch video. |children have drawn and discuss |  |  |

|to recreate features |Collaborative | |what materials would be best to | |  |

|of the moon’s surface.| |Part 1: In groups children to discuss what they know about |use when recreating the moon’s | |  |

| | |the moon and what it looks like. |surface building the different | | |

|To understand texture | |Show children pictures from Apollo 12 trip to the moon. |textures. (Chalk on black paper)|Sketch books and pencils. |  |

|and shape and sketch | |Introduce the artist ‘Alan Bean’ of Apollo 12, the only |  |Pictures of the Apollo 12 trip. | |

|observations. | |artist to have ever walked the moon. What might make these |  |  | |

| | |pictures seem realistic/ unrealistic? |  |  | |

| | |Study a variety of photos 1 between 2- those by the artist |  |  | |

| | |and actual photos from the moon. Can you compare the | | | |

| | |similarities and differences? | | | |

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| | |Part 2: | | | |

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| | |Show children the video clip of the moon. Whilst watching | | | |

| | |the video ask children first of all to write down any words | | | |

| | |that describe the surface of the moon around a picture of | | | |

| | |the moon (stick in books). Next ask the children to roughly | | | |

| | |sketch the different textures they have seen/ see when | | | |

| | |watching the video using pencil. | | | |

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| | |Part 3: Children to have a picture of the moon and a view | | | |

| | |finder. Show children how to use a view finder to pick out | | | |

| | |specific sections to focus on. | | | |

| | |Guide the children to make a range of small studies in their| | | |

| | |sketchbooks by using a viewfinder to select exciting parts | | | |

| | |of the moon. Encourage the children to choose correct | | | |

| | |materials to reflect the focus of their work, eg chalk to | | | |

| | |represent tonal contrasts on black paper. Ask them to think | | | |

| | |about: | | | |

| | |arrangement of shapes | | | |

| | |the ‘colours’ | | | |

| | |contrasts of colour/ shape | | | |

| | |the effect of light and shade | | | |

| | |the textures | | | |

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| | |Part 4: Children to apply what they have been focussing on | | | |

| | |and the processes to create an up-scaled version of the | | | |

| | |moon. Children to draw a full moon. | | | |

|Session 10: |Session 10: Astronaut Passport (Biography) |

|Date: 5-10-15 |Subjects Covered: Science / Literacy |

|Key Objectives: |Curriculum |Main Activity |Plenary |Resources |Evaluation/Next |

| |Drivers: |Key Questions/Vocabulary |(UP) | |steps |

| | |Intervention, Support, Extension | | | |

|Impact of technological |Literacy links |WALT: Record biographical information about the Apollo 11 astronauts. |What experience did |Passport templates. | |

|changes that have taken | | |all the astronauts | | |

|place since 1930, on the| |Can chn recall the names of the 3 American astronauts involved in the first Moon Landing? Invite chn up to write names on f/c:|need to have? |NASA astronaut | |

|lives of men, women and | |Neil Armstrong, Buzz (Edwin) Aldrin & Michael Collins. Discuss role that each of these astronauts played in the Mission – who |What qualities do you |information sheets. | |

|children. | |stayed in mother ship; who walked on Moon’s surface; what they actually did when they reached Moon? Note key information under|think an astronaut | | |

|4a Find out about key | |their names on f/c. What else could we find out about these famous people? Their date of birth (all 1930!!), childhood, |should have? | | |

|people from the period | |previous jobs, space experience, photos of them, etc. Use key internet sites: jsc.Bios/htmlbios/armstrong-na.html| | | |

|studied, using a range | |, (click on ‘timeline’), & jsc.Bios/htmlbios/collins-m.html to find further facts about these | | | |

|of information sources. | |astronauts. | | | |

|5a Recall, select & | |On provided layout, chn create an Astronaut’s Passport for one of the crew members of the Apollo 11 Mission, such as Neil | | | |

|organise historical | |Armstrong. They organise any key facts & information about this famous person into the appropriate spaces on the passport | | | |

|information in | |layout (session resources). | | | |

|interesting ways. | |Chn complete Astronaut Passports for 2 of these famous astronauts, using same layout. They should be able to compare the men’s| | | |

| | |jobs & experiences. | | | |

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|Session 11 |Session 11: ‘Planets Rap’ |

|Date: 13-6-16 |Subjects Covered: Science / Literacy / Performance Art / Poetry |

|Key Objectives: |Curriculum |Main Activity |Plenary |Resources |Evaluation/Next |

| |Drivers: |Key Questions/Vocabulary |(UP) | |steps |

| | |Intervention, Support, Extension | | | |

|Explore different ways |Literacy links |WALT: Present a poem as a piece of performance art. |Children to perform |Drum loops | |

|of performing poems | | |this as a performance | | |

|using rhythm and beat. |Cooperation |Present children with the ‘Planets Rap.’ Read this as a poem first to understand the language. |piece for the whole |Planet’s Rap amended | |

| | | |school. |word sheets. | |

| | |In pairs children practice reading the poem aloud to each other. What do they notice about the beat/rhythm of the words? How | | | |

| | |do the words scan? Would they change any to make the words scan more easily? If so, which lines would they change and how? | | | |

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| | |Share their ideas as a class. | | | |

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| | |As a class, run through the reading again using this backing beat from YouTube: | | | |

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| | |How could they divide up the vocals so the performance sounds more like a rap? | | | |

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| | |Experiment with a different backing rhythm: | | | |

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| | |Give the children numbers to divide up the rap into pairs of lines. Swap the numbers around several times so the children have| | | |

| | |a chance to explore different lines and the rap becomes familiar as a performance piece. | | | |

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| | |Give out final lines to children based on their performances. | | | |

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3a.1 Year 5 – Science Curriculum – ‘Earth and Space’: Space Session Plans (with links to other curriculum areas)

Chn use information provided to produce a short explanation about tectonic plates.


Target L3

- Make accurate whole number measurements using standard measures (force in Newtons).

- Record observations using simple scientific language and vocab in tables and simple bar charts.

- Provide a simple description of their results using some science words.

Target L5 - Decide whether to repeat any readings and explain why.

- Record observations, data and results using clear sentences and scientific words and units in tables and bar charts (scale decided by child without support ).

- Explain results using scientific vocabulary (gravity, mass, weight, Newtons) offering reasons why weight changes between different planets.

Target L4

- Begin to recognise when to make repeat readings.

- Record observations, data and results with increasing complexity using clear sentences, scientific words and symbols in tables and bar charts (scale decided by child with support L4).

- Explain their results and use correct scientific vocabulary (gravity, mass, weight, Newtons).

Key Questions Do you know…?

What is a force?

What types of force are there?

* Can you identify the types of force at work in different scenarios?

Challenge Questions

Using calculators, work out what these objects would weigh:

a) on the moon b) on Jupiter

Explain your results using the words gravity, mass, weight and Newtons.

Target L3

- Pupils & comments:

Target L4

- Pupils & comments:

Target L5

- Pupils & comments:

Target L3

- With support make suggestions for setting up simple fair tests.

Make a decision about what variable to change from a choice of different options provided. (L3+).

- Record observations using simple scientific language and vocab in tables and a line graph.

- Provide a simple description of their results using some science words.

Target L5 Independently plan investigations and explain planning decisions

Decide when it is appropriate to carry out a fair test investigation, comparative test or alternative

Identify variables to change, measure and keep the same in order for a test to be fair

- Record observations, data and results using clear sentences and scientific words and units in tables and a line graph (scale decided by child without support ).

- Explain results using scientific vocabulary (growth, height, proportion, cranium, cm) offering reasons why there is more difference in height than cranium size between Y5 and FS children. .

Target L4

- Say why a fair test is needed and, with some independence, know how to vary one variable whilst keeping other variables the same

- Record observations, data and results with increasing complexity using clear sentences, scientific words and symbols in tables a line graph (scale decided by child with support L4).

Key Questions Can you…?

* Predict what you think you will find out and plan a fair test.

* Take and record accurate measurements and present them as a LINE GRAPH.

* Describe and explain your results by relating what you found to your prediction.


How can you explain this?

Explain your results using the words: seeds, micro-gravity, germination, warmth, water, oxygen, root, shoot

Target L3

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Target L4

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Target L5

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