
Online Physical Education Fall 2020 “Where EXCELLENCE is a tradition”InstructorBridget Matranga Conference Period11:10-11:55amEmail?bmatrang@?Class PeriodsA1, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3Office Hours: by appointment only (11:10-11:55am) If you or your parents need to have a conference, you must email for an appointment and we can meet on Teams. ?Course Description: The course curriculum will provide students with the ?Five courses that fall under the Physical Education Curriculum. 1. Foundations of Personal Fitness (FPF) 2.Adventure/Outdoor Education 3.Aerobic Activities 4.Individual Sports 5.Team Sports.? **High School requirement: students take 2 semesters of PE. opportunity to practice and develop the skills necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Class Rules/ExpectationsAttend MeetingsTurn in Assignments on time. Participate in all activities.Be Respectful online and in emails. Be Honest/ No CheatingFollow All Procedures of the class.Know all requirements of the class. Attendance: Attendance will be taken each class period on Teams and will be part of your daily grade. Conduct: Not completing assignments repeatedly will result in a conduct deduction. Not following the protocols of class will also result in a strike against your conduct. (not muting, chatting in the chat box, excessive disruptions, disrespectful in any way, not participating in the class-not completing the workout live). Grading: Students will have a minimum of two grades per weekAssessments = 40% 2. Assignments = 40% 3. Class Participation/Attendance=20%TEAMS-Online Course Procedures/Protocols: Arrive on to Teams on timeAlways Keep your camera on .Keep the microphone Muted. Unmute only when you speak, then mute after. Make sure you are in a quiet environment – free of distractions. Turn off TVs, music, etc. Be seated in upright, preferably on a chair and at a table in a room with additional space for movement activities. No chat box discussions (Questions will be answered during the question time only).Your focus should be on class. Students should not engage in activities that are not related to the lesson/course. Dress in school appropriate attire. HUB:Until I merge all my rosters, files for our class and assignments will be posted in the TEAMS page under files. Check the Hub daily for updates and assignments.If it is down, for next option got to Teams. Submit all Assignments here (not through Email)Tests will be on Hub.Attire: Students should be dressed for a workout for all Teams calls. ( No Pajamas) Supplies and Online Space Requirements for Course: scale, tape measure, a folder with brads with 30ish sheets of loose-leaf notebook paper, pen, pencil, highlighter.Online Learning: a chair and space and clothes that you can move freely in. Students need to be upright during meetings, not lying down or in their beds. **You are required to create space to workout, it is a part of your participation grade (get creative).Late work: Assignments turned in by deadline within the week will not have points taken off, -10 for each day including weekends. (More than a week late from deadline- highest grade of a 50 on that assignment).Questions about assignment: To be asked during class during Q time. Before emailing me your question, check the HUB. Updating Grades: Grades will be updated in a timely manner. Assignments turned in on time have first priority to be graded. Grades will be changed when late work is turned in. There are more than 175 students in my course, so please be patient with grades being entered. (Makeup work will be decided at the teacher's discretion) If I have to unlock -10. Email: HISD email only. No emails from outside HISD email addresses to me. Do Not email me on the HUB. How do I submit an assignment: Before submitting, check your work, for me to Unlock and allow you to resubmit will cost -10 points. All Assignments need to be submitted via the hub. Do not email me assignments. Format to Save and Submit Assignments: (Name_Period_W1_L1) Week (W) Lesson (L) Apps to Download: FitOn, Nike Run Club, My PlateNote: Do not procrastinate on turning in assignments. If your internet crashes 5 minutes before the deadline, it will be late, plan ahead. **A Google Form will be linked to the hub with a Parent and student signature/along with an honor statement on class syllabus and expectations (by 2nd week of school.)Consequences for not following class rules & procedures: Consequences will range, depending on the severity and frequency of the infraction. Possible consequences: 1) verbal warning & daily participation points deduction, 2) parent contact & daily participation points deduction, 3) conduct cut & daily participation points deduction, 4) office referral, conduct cut & daily participation points deduction.Units for Cycle 1:Unit 1: Syllabus - Class Management and Units Unit 2: Personal Fitness: BOE, Muscles, Body Measurements, and Home Workout Routines (HWR)Unit 3: Nutrition, The Six Dimensions of Wellness, HWRUnit 4: Individual Sports/Personal Fitness, Unit 5: Team Sports/Personal FitnessUnit 6: Personal Fitness Record and Final Examination ONTRACK ................

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