Answers - Association of Chartered Certified Accountants


Fundamentals Level ? Skills Module, Paper F7 (SGP) Financial Reporting (Singapore)

December 2013 Answers

1 (a) Polestar

Consolidated statement of profit or loss for the year ended 30 September 2013

Revenue (110,000 + (66,000 x 6/12) ? (4,000 + 9,000 intra-group sales)) Cost of sales (w (i))

Gross profit Distribution costs (3,000 + (2,000 x 6/12)) Administrative expenses (5,250 + (2,400 x 6/12) ? 3,400 negative goodwill (w (iii))) Loss on equity investments Decrease in contingent consideration (1,800 ? 1,500) Finance costs

Profit before tax Income tax expense (3,500 ? (1,000 x 6/12))

Profit for the year

$'000 130,000 (109,300) ????????

20,700 (4,000) (3,050)

(200) 300 (250) ???????? 13,500 (3,000) ???????? 10,500 ????????

Profit for year attributable to: Equity holders of the parent Non-controlling interest losses (see below)


(750) ????????

10,500 ????????

Southstar's adjusted post-acquisition losses for the year ended 30 September 2013 are $3 million (4,600 x 6/12 + (100 additional depreciation + 600 URP)). Therefore the non-controlling interest share of the losses is $750,000 (3,000 x 25%).

Note: FRS 103 Business Combinations says negative goodwill should be credited to the acquirer, thus none of it relates to the non-controlling interests.

(b) Consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 September 2013

Assets Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (w (ii)) Financial asset: equity investments (16,000 ? (13,500 cash consideration) ? 200 loss)

Current assets (16,500 + 4,800 ? 600 URP) Total assets

Equity and liabilities Equity attributable to owners of the parent Equity shares Retained earnings (w (iv))

Non-controlling interest (w (v)) Total equity Current liabilities Contingent consideration Other (15,000 + 7,800) Total equity and liabilities

Workings in $'000 (i) Cost of sales

Polestar Southstar (67,200 x 6/12) Intra-group purchases (4,000 + 9,000) URP in inventory (see below) Additional depreciation on leased property (2,000/10 years x 6/12)


63,900 2,300

??????? 66,200 20,700 ??????? 86,900 ???????

30,000 29,750 ??????? 59,750

2,850 ??????? 62,600

1,500 22,800 ??????? 86,900 ???????

$'000 88,000 33,600 (13,000)

600 100 ???????? 109,300 ????????


The profit on the sale of the goods back to Polestar is $3?6 million (9,000 ? (4,000 + 1,400)). Therefore the unrealised profit (URP) in the inventory of $1?5 million at 30 September 2013 is $600,000 (3,600 x 1,500/9,000).

(ii) Property, plant and equipment

Polestar Southstar Fair value adjustment Additional depreciation

(iii) Goodwill in Southstar

$'000 41,000 21,000

2,000 (100)

??????? 63,900 ???????

$'000 Investment at cost Immediate cash consideration (6,000 x 2 (i.e. shares issued at 50 cents) x 75% x $1?50) Contingent consideration Non-controlling interest (12,000 x 25% x $1?20)

Net assets (equity) of Southstar at 30 September 2013 Add back: post-acquisition losses (4,600 x 6/12) Fair value adjustment for property Net assets at date of acquisition Bargain purchase/negative goodwill ? credited directly to profit or loss

(iv) Retained earnings

18,000 2,300 2,000



13,500 1,800 3,600

??????? 18,900

(22,300) ??????? (3,400) ???????

Polestar Southstar's post-acquisition adjusted losses (3,000 x 75%) Negative goodwill Loss on equity investments Decrease in contingent consideration

(v) Non-controlling interest in statement of financial position

$'000 28,500 (2,250)

3,400 (200) 300

??????? 29,750 ???????

At date of acquisition Post-acquisition loss from statement of profit or loss



(750) ?????? 2,850 ??????

2 (a) Moby ? Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended 30 September 2013

Revenue (227,800 + 10,000 construction contract (w (i))) Cost of sales (w (ii))

Gross profit Distribution costs Administrative expenses (16,500 ? 150 disallowed provision ? see below) Finance costs (900 + 4,000 loan + 2,930 lease (w (iv)))

Profit before tax Income tax expense (3,400 ? 1,050 ? 2,000 (w (v)))

Profit for the year

Other comprehensive income Items which will not be reclassified to profit or loss: Gain on revaluation of land and buildings (w (iii)) Deferred tax on gain (4,400 x 25%)

Total other comprehensive income for the year

Total comprehensive income for the year

$'000 237,800 (187,900) ????????

49,900 (13,500) (16,350)

(7,830) ????????

12,220 (350)

???????? 11,870


4,400 (1,100) ???????? 3,300 ????????

15,170 ????????


If a company chooses to `self-insure', it cannot create a provision equal to a third party premium. Instead, it must charge the actual cost incurred of the previously insured claims.

(b) Moby ? Statement of financial position as at 30 September 2013

Assets Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (w (iii))

Current assets Inventory Amount due from contract customer (w (i)) Trade receivables

Total assets


26,600 6,000

38,500 ???????

Equity and liabilities Equity Equity shares Revaluation reserve Retained earnings (19,800 + 11,870)

3,300 31,670 ???????

Non-current liabilities Lease obligation (w (iv)) Deferred tax (w (v)) Loan note (40,000 x 1?1)

Current liabilities Lease obligation (23,030 ? 16,133 (w (iv))) Trade payables Bank overdraft Current tax payable

Total equity and liabilities

16,133 7,100

44,000 ???????

6,897 21,300

7,300 3,400 ???????

Workings (monetary figures in brackets in $'000) (i) Construction contract:

Total contract revenue Costs incurred to date Estimated costs to complete Total contract profit


14,000 6,000


Percentage of completion is 40% (10,000/25,000) Amounts to include in financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2013: Revenue Cost of sales (= balancing figure) Profit for year (40% x 5,000)

Amount due from customer:

Contract costs to date Profit for year

Progress billings (work certified) Amount due from customer (ii) Cost of sales:

Per question Construction contract costs Depreciation of building (w (iii)) Depreciation of owned plant (w (iii)) Depreciation of leased plant (w (iii))

$'000 115,000

71,100 ???????? 186,100 ????????

45,000 34,970 ???????? 79,970


38,897 ???????? 186,100 ????????

$'000 25,000 (20,000) ???????

5,000 ???????

10,000 (8,000) ??????? 2,000 ???????

14,000 2,000

??????? 16,000 (10,000) ???????

6,000 ???????

$'000 164,500

8,000 2,400 6,000 7,000 ???????? 187,900 ????????


(iii) Non-current assets:

Land and building Carrying amount 1 October 2012 (60,000 ? 10,000) Revalued land Revalued building Revaluation gain

Depreciation for year (38,400/16 years) Carrying amount at 30 September 2013 (54,400 ? 2,400)

Owned plant Carrying amount 1 October 2012 (65,700 ? 17,700) Depreciation for year (48,000 x 12?5%) Carrying amount at 30 September 2013


16,000 38,400 ???????



54,400 ???????

4,400 ??????? (2,400) ??????? 52,000 ???????

48,000 (6,000) ??????? 42,000 ???????

Leased plant Carrying amount 1 October 2012 (35,000 ? 7,000) Depreciation for year (35,000/5 years)

Carrying amount at 30 September 2013


(7,000) ??????? 21,000 ???????

Carrying amount of property, plant and equipment at 30 September 2013: (52,000 + 42,000 + 21,000)


(iv) Lease obligation:

Liability at 1 October 2012 Interest at 10% for year ended 30 September 2013 Rental payment 30 September 2013

Liability at 30 September 2013 Interest at 10% for year ended 30 September 2014 Rental payment 30 September 2014

Liability at 30 September 2014

(v) Deferred tax:




(9,200) ??????? 23,030


(9,200) ??????? 16,133 ???????

Provision b/f at 1 October 2012 Provision c/f required at 30 September 2013 Taxable differences: per question

on revaluation of land and buildings


24,000 4,400

??????? 28,400 x 25%

Net reduction in provision Charged to other comprehensive income on revaluation gain (4,400 x 25%)

Credit to profit or loss

$'000 (8,000)

7,100 ???????

(900) (1,100) ??????? 2,000 ???????



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