3752850-561975Healthwatch Complaints PolicyIntroductionHealthwatch Devon, Plymouth and Torbay (HWDPT) are services provided by Colebrook (SW) Ltd in partnership with Engaging Communities South West and Citizens Advice Devon.? We retain and use personal data (information that relates to and identifies living people) to help us carry out our role as the local independent champion for people who use health and social care services.HWDPT are committed to providing a high quality, accessible and responsive service for the service users and working in an open and accountable way that builds the trust and respect of all our stakeholders.We are always pleased to receive comments about our work from individuals and organisations about the performance of Healthwatch and the way in which it conducts its business. It is useful for us to know when we have done a good job, as well as when things have gone less well. This helps us maintain and enhance our service to all our stakeholders.Anyone who is dissatisfied with any aspect of the service received from HWDPT can make a complaint under the Healthwatch complaints policy.We will treat both concerns and complaints in the same way. This Policy does not cover:Complaints or concerns about the NHS, which should be dealt with through the NHS complaints procedure. Click here to access the NHS complaints procedure.We will review this policy on a regular basis.How to raise a concern or make a complaint about Healthwatch 1) In the first instance we would encourage you to raise a concern, or complaint informally via email, letter or via a telephone conversation (see details below). Providing information or correcting misunderstandings or misconceptions at this early stage may enable the issue to be successfully resolved.2) If the concern or complaint is not resolved informally to your satisfaction, then you should formally notify us via email, letter or via a telephone.3) Healthwatch will acknowledge the concern/complaint in writing (or in the complainants preferred method of communication) within 10 working days.4) Attempts to resolve the concern/complaint will be completed within 20 working days of establishing the nature of the concern/complaint. Exceptionally, if further time is needed, where possible this will be agreed with you.5) Healthwatch will review all concerns/complaints. If you are not happy with the outcome you will be able to appeal. The concern/complaint will then be reviewed by CEO, Colebrook SW or Chair of the Healthwatch Advisory Board who have not previously been involved in the matter. Once the appeal process has been completed the concern/complaint will closed.For further information or specific requests relating to any complaints please contact:Email: complaints@hwdevon-plymouth- Post: Complaints TeamHealthwatch in Devon, Plymouth & Torbayr/o Engage South WestSt Levan RoadMilehousePlymouthPL2 3BGTel: Healthwatch Contact Centre 0800 520 0640 ................

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