PDF Options on Dividend Paying Stocks

[Pages:3]Math 425

Options on Dividend Paying Stocks

Spring 2012

1 Introduction

We have seen how to price European style options on non-dividend paying stocks. In the following paragraphs we discuss how to place a value on an option for a dividend paying stock. Two cases are considered. The first assumes that dividends are paid at a constant rate continuously, while the second assumes that there is a single dividend payment during the remaining life of the option.

2 Continuous Dividends

It may seem unreasonable to construct a model in which dividends are paid continuously. However, while that is unreasonable for a single stock, it is not unreasonable for options on indexed funds. For example, if you purchased some shares in a S&P 500 fund, then one could expect to be receiving dividends at many different times in a year.

Suppose that the asset pays dividends at a constant rate Dy, which is called the dividend yield. That is, during time dt, DyS dt dividends are received. Assuming the usual stochastic model we have

dS = ?S dt + S dB - DyS dt = (? - Dy)S dt + S dB.


Proceeding in the same fashion as in the derivation of the Black-Scholes partial differential equation, we construct a portfolio = aS - V , where V is the price of the option and a will be picked so that the value of the portfolio is deterministic.

d = adS - dV + aDySdt = adS -

V t


1 2S2 2

2V S2

V dt - S dS + aDySdt

The term aDySdt arises since the stock pays dividends which increases the value of the portfolio by the















d = -

V t


1 2S2 2

2V S2

dt + aDySdt

Since the value of the portfolio is risk free we must have

d = rdt = r(aS - V )dt = -

V t


1 2S2 2

2V S2

dt + aDySdt

This leads to the following equation

V t


1 2S2 2

2V S2

V + (r - Dy)S S

- rV



If the following change of dependent variables is made

V (S, t) = e-Dy(T -t)V1(S, t) ,

then the function V1 satisfies the usual Black-Scholes equation with r replaced by r - Dy, and has the same final values as V . V1 can then be determined by the reduction to the heat equation technique for finding the value of the option.

2.1 Call Option Example

For a call option the above formula becomes

C(S, t) = e-Dy(T -t)C1(S, t)

= e-Dy(T -t)SN (d1,1) - Xe-r(T -t)N (d1,2) ,





ln(S/X )


(r -Dy + 2/2)(T T -t




d1,2 = d1,1 - T - t .

3 One Time Dividend

Here we assume that the underlying asset, typically a stock, will pay a dividend just one time during the life of the option. Let dy denote the dividend yield, which will be paid out at time td, for 0 < td < T . That is, the amount paid out will equal

dy S

It seems clear that the value of the stock must decrease as soon as the dividend is paid, and that the amount of decrease should equal dyS. Let S(t+d ) and S(t-d ) denote the limit from above and below respectively of the value of the stock price at t = td. Then we have

S(t+d ) = (1 - dy)S(t-d )


The key to determining the value of the option is the fact that even though the stock price does not vary in a continuous fashion across the dividend payment time, the option must. For if the value of the option has a discontinuous change at time td, there will be an arbitrage opportunity. Thus, if (t, S(t)) is the time/stock price path, we have

lim V (S(t), t) = lim V (S(t), t)



V (S(t-d ), t-d ) = V (S(t+d ), t+d )


V (S(t-d ), t-d ) = V ((1 - dy)S(t-d ), t+d )


Therefore, to price an option on a dividend paying asset, solve the Black-Scholes partial differential equation from T to td, use equation (6) to define the value of the option at time td, then solve the Black-Scholes equation a second time going from td to t = 0.


3.1 Call Option Example

The amount of work in solving this problem for a call option is considerably less than the above paragraph indicates. Let Cd(S, t) denote the value of a European call option on a one time dividend paying asset, and let C(S, t; X) denote the price of a plain vanilla European call option with strike price X. Both options have the same time to maturity and the same strike price. Then for t > td, the two prices must be the same. That is,

Cd(S, t) = C(S, t; X) for td < t T .

At time td equation (6) tells us that

Cd(S, t-d ) = Cd((1 - dy)S, t+d )

= C((1 - dy)S, t+d ; X)


It is easy to see that the function C((1 - dy)S, t; X) satisfies the Black-Scholes partial differential equation. Moreover if we check its value at expiration we have

C((1 - dy)S, T ; X) = max((1 - dy)S - X, 0) = (1 - dy) max(S - (1 - dy)-1X, 0) .

Remember, dy is a yield and satisfies 0 < dy < 1. From the above equation we realize that C((1-dy)S, t; X) has the same value has a certain percentage of a call option (1-dy) with strike price (1-dy)-1X. Moreover

since equation (7) is true for t = td, the usual arbitrage argument tells us that this equality must hold for

0 t td.

Thus, we must have

Cd(S, t) = (1 - dy)C(S, t; (1 - dy)-1X) for 0 t td .


Note that the effect of the dividend decreases the value of the call option, which is reasonable since the holder of the call does not benefit from the dividend.



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