French I – Syllabus for SY 2017-2018

I. Teacher Information

Ms. Rose Johnson Room: 2229

Tutorial Days: T or W, 3:45p-4:45p Google Classroom:1B: e98s4ma, 2B: zqcwa4 3B: mhvnqu0

Teacher E-mail: rose.johnson@atlanta.k12.ga.us School Website:

School Phone #: 404-802-5200

Google Voice: (call or text) 470-310-1770

II. Course Description and Objectives

The Level I language course focuses on the development of communicative competence in the target

language and understanding of the culture(s) of the people who speak the language. It assumes that

the students have minimal or no prior knowledge of the language and culture. An important component

of language classes is the use of the language beyond the classroom in the real world. The integration of

technology is an important tool in accessing authentic information in the target language. By the end of Level I,

students will exhibit Novice- Mid proficiency in the target language.

III. Materials and Supplies

Please bring the following to class everyday:

- Paper

- Writing utensils (pencils and pens)

- 3-Ring Binder

- 1 college-ruled composition book

- A mind that’s ready to learn!

Additional supplies will be required throughout the year as projects and presentations arise. You’ll be given plenty of notice to have these when the time comes.

IV. Course Outline/Curriculum Overview

The following academic concepts will be covered: Greetings, Feelings, Numbers, School, Places, Food, Sports and Family.

V. Primary Texts and Supplemental Materials

EMC “T’es branché?” textbook.

Supplemental Materials: A selection of grammar and vocabulary-building resources.

VI. Grading Policy:

|Formative Pre-Assessment |0% |Pre-Test/Diagnostic Test/Pre-SLO |

|Assessment During Learning |25% |Performance-based Assessments/Quizzes |

|Group/Independent Practice (In Class) |40% |Classwork/Projects/Group work |

|Homework |5% |Homework |

|Summative Assessment |30% |Culminating Projects/Unit Tests/Final Exam |

Grading scale A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79 F: 0-69

Grading Systems-Grading Expectations [See Board Policy IHA-R (1)]

2.1.    Students shall receive report cards after the end of the 9th, 18th, 27th and 36th weeks of the school year. The report cards received after the semester midpoints (9th and 27th weeks) will be considered progress reports for all students.

2.3.    For grades 6-12, evaluation of student mastery shall be cumulative for the semester.

2.4.    All students shall receive interim progress reports at least four (4) times per year—4.5 weeks into the school year and midway between report card issuance dates.

VII. Assessment Calendar

Unit Assessments – TBD; Final Exam (December/May) – TBD

VIII. Classroom Expectations

Come to class prepared to focus only with the before mentioned material. Be on time and be prepared to learn. At all times, everyone in this classroom will conduct himself or herself in a professional manner. ANY deviation from acceptable behavior shall require immediate attention up to and including referral to an administrator. Any student receiving a grade of 70% or below on any graded work is expected to see me for assistance. Come prepared to discuss how to improve your performance.

Class Rules:

French I is a study of French language and culture. There will be a focus on speaking, reading and writing in French. I expect each student to work at his/her full potential and to demonstrate excellence in his/her behavior and in academic endeavors. With this, here are a list of student responsibilities that are vital to successful completion of French I.

Student Responsibilities*


1.  Students should place cell phones and other electronic devices in their backpacks with the ringers and volume turned off before entering class.  Text messaging is not allowed; as cellphones have been used for cheating, you should not even be seen with a cell phone once class has begun.  Especially during tests and examinations, even glancing at a cell phone can result in your failing an assignment for cheating. All other electronic devices should be placed in your backpack with them powered off to prevent any interruption in classroom instruction, performances, and student learning. We will follow the Maynard Jackson High School Policy regarding cell phone usage in school. (Please Note: There will be times when you will be given special permission to use your cell phones in class for educational purposes.


2. You are welcome to attend tutorials if you have demonstrated courtesy and respect to the teacher, administration and to your fellow students. If you have demonstrated disrespect and an unruly attitude in class, you will not (under any circumstances) be permitted to attend the tutorials until a face-to-face parent conference has taken place.

3. Students are allowed to use the restroom during class time. However, any instruction missed during a restroom break is nearly impossible to make-up during that class period. Therefore, you are encouraged to use the restroom prior to coming to class. You may only use the restroom during my class if: A. You present your “own” school grid/hall pass card stock sheet; 2. You have a bona fide emergency; 3. You sign out when you leave the class and your sign in once you return; 4. It is after the first 25 minutes of class and before the last 25 minutes of class.

4. Unless a student is called to the main office, guidance counselor, etc., passes to leave class will only be given 25 minutes after class has begun, and before the last 25 minutes of class. Your learning is too important to me for it to be interrupted with restroom breaks and other ‘errands’ that should be taken care of before you get to class.

5. Students are not permitted to eat in class.

*Please be aware that some offences are greater than others, and if that is the case, an immediate referral will be submitted.

Homework: You must have your homework with you (NOT in your locker or at home or in a car) at the

beginning of your assigned class period on the due date in order to receive an “on time” grade.

Expectations for Technology:

There may be times when the teacher will ask you to utilize your own technology during a class. This technology can include a smart phone, laptop, or tablet. When personal technology is not required by the teacher, the electronic device should be OFF and AWAY.

Deficiency Notices and Progress Reports

The student will periodically receive from the teacher GRADE PROGRESS reports and DEFICIENCY NOTICES. You should review with your parent(s) or guardian(s) AND they must sign and return both the GRADE PROGRESS REPORT and DEFICIENCY NOTICE on or before the assigned due date.

Make-up Policy

Any student with an average of 75 or below by three weeks before the end of the 9-week unit grading period may be eligible for a recovery plan designed to provide an additional opportunity for mastery of the course objectives.  It is the student’s responsibility to request, accept, and complete a recovery plan from the instructor.  The components of recovery are listed below:

1. At least 90% of all assigned work must be completed in order for a student to be eligible for recovery.

2. The nature of the recovery assignment is to be determined by the teacher and may consist of a test, research project, report, etc. designed to show the student’s mastery of the course objectives for which he/she has not provided sufficient evidence of mastery.

4. The highest grade that can be earned on the recovery assignment is an 80.

5. Recovery work must be completed in the time period designated by the teacher.

6. No recovery assignments will be distributed or provided during the last two weeks of the semester.

Academic Integrity

The Atlanta Board of Education recognizes that academic integrity is the foundation of academic excellence and student success. It is the responsibility of every student and employee to exhibit honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility in academic work at all times to support a positive learning environment in the school. Violations of board policy JFA Academic Integrity shall be handled as violations of the student code of conduct and addressed via the progressive discipline guidelines in the Student Handbook. 

Cheating and Plagiarism Policy: The Maynard Jackson High School Honor Code is in effect at all times. Cheating will not be tolerated! Cheating is defined as giving or receiving information in any form that is related to a gradable experience including the use of sources of information other than those specifically approved by the teacher either during or outside of class. Students are required to sign honor pledges as applicable for major tests, projects, and/or papers.

Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to:

● Plagiarism – using words or ideas from a published source without proper documentation;

using the work of another student (e.g. copying another student’s homework, composition,

or project); using excessive editing suggestions of another student, teacher, parent or paid


● Looking on someone else’s paper during a test or quiz.

● Cheat sheets of any kind.

● Knowingly accepting or giving information concerning the contents of a test or quiz.

● Changing the appearance of computer printouts.

● Allowing another student to complete any web-based activities using your name and login


Students guilty of cheating will receive a grade of “0” on the assignment or test. An opportunity to demonstrate mastery of the standards assessed on the assignment or test will be given during after school tutorial days and times.

To My Students,


French I is a course that will reach far beyond the walls of this classroom. This class has rigor, and asks you to develop French language skills and cultural awareness. Our class will challenge your ideas and perceptions of the world through exploration of many francophone cultures.


The more you put into this course, the more you will receive.  It is my pleasure to facilitate your learning at Maynard H. Jackson High School. I look forward to teaching you French and watching your skills blossom!

Bon Courage,

Madame Johnson


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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