

Question 1

What are the products of fermentation in plants?

a) Ethanol

b) Lactic acid

c) Ethanol and carbon dioxide

d) Glucose and carbon dioxide

Question 2

Many plants naturally contain bitter tasting chemicals called cyanogenic glycosides. In animals these chemicals interfere with the electron transport stage of cellular respiration. The effect on animals that eat these plants is:

a) A decrease in ATP production

b) An increase in energy storage

c) A decrease in oxygen production

d) An increased level of aerobic respiration

Question 3

In the absence of oxygen the respiration of glucose by many yeast species can be represented by:

Glucose ( alcohol + carbon dioxide

In the presence of oxygen the respiration of these yeasts can be represented by:

Glucose ( carbon dioxide + water


Alcohol ( carbon dioxide + water

An experiment was carried out to investigate the rate of production of carbon dioxide by a particular species of yeast. Nitrogen gas was bubbled through a solution of glucose overnight to remove any oxygen from the solution. A suspension of the years was then added to the solution (Time O on the graph). Nitrogen was then bubbled through the glucose plus yeast solution for a particular time period. The nitrogen supply was then removed and oxygen bubbled through the mixture. Throughout the experiment the rate of production of carbon dioxide was measured. The results obtained are shown in the following graph.


The graph is to be used p/to answer the next 4 questions

The rate of production of carbon dioxide was greatest

a) Between points M and N

b) Between points P and Q

c) At point N

d) At point Q

Question 4

The low rate of production of carbon dioxide at point P is most likely because:

a) Nitrogen killed all the yeast cells

b) Most of the glucose had been used

c) The yeast culture was overcrowded

d) Harmful waste products killed all the yeast cells

Question 5

If oxygen had not been bubbled through the culture after point P it is reasonable to assume that

a) The rate of production of carbon dioxide would have continued to fall

b) The rate of production of carbon dioxide would have risen but not as much as it did when oxygen was bubbled through

c) The rate of production of carbon dioxide would have levelled off and remained at a value similar to that at point P

d) There is insufficient data available to make a worthwhile prediction about what may have happened

Question 6

The concentration of alcohol in the culture would have been

a) Greatest at point N

b) Greatest at point P

c) Greatest at point Q

d) Much the same throughout the experiment

Question 7

An amoeba is a relatively large non photosynthetic single celled organism. Pond water can be used to grow cultures of amoebae. At a constant temperature of 18°C and given an adequate food supply at regular intervals the majority of amoebae reproduce every 50 hours. Factors that affect the time for amoebae to reproduce were investigated. The modification of one factor did not influence another. If the culture medium is modified as indicated it is reasonable to predict that the effect on the time for amoebae to reproduce is.


Question 8

A student was asked to identify difference between the overall processes of photosynthesis and aerobic respiration in eukaryotic cells. They prepared the table below to outline the differences. The only correct comparison listed by the student is:


Question 9

During periods of strenuous exercise or prolonged fasting glycogen stored in liver and muscle cells is depleted. All glucose in the blood and cells may be completely depleted as well. If this occurs the compound that is next most accessible for use in glycolysis is:

a) Lipid

b) DNA

c) Starch

d) Protein

Question 10

A sample of human blood is taken and it is found that all of the cells are alive. The blood is then frozen at -20 °C. One day later the blood is thawed and heated to 37 °C and it is found that no cells in the blood are living. Why have the cells died?

a) The cold temperature inhibited important respiratory enzymes and therefore prevented the cells from producing ATP

b) As the water in the cells froze it expanded fracturing the cells and hence killing them

c) As the serum cooled ions such as sodium precipitated out causing an osmotic imbalance between the cells and the serum.

d) Human cells cannot be expected to survive longer than several hours outside the body under any conditions.

e) Cooling the cells down caused their cell membranes to solidify thus preventing vital cellular processes and the exchange of compounds

Question 11

Animals can produce chemical energy by breaking down glucose into carbon dioxide and water. Where does this process occur?

a) Only in the cells of muscles which are being exercised

b) Within the stomach cavity

c) Along the small intestine

d) Inside various cells throughout the body

e) In the blood

Question 12

Which of the following statements about ATP is not true?

a) An ATP molecule consists of an adenine base, a ribose sugar and 3 phosphate groups

b) Removal of the 3rd phosphate group by hydrolysis results in the release of energy

c) ATP is formed during the light reactions of photosynthesis

d) ATP is required for muscle contraction in animals

e) ATP synthesis always requires oxygen

Question 13

Cyanide is toxic to cells because it blocks the electron transport chain. Which of the following would occur if the electron transport chain was blocked?

a) More oxygen would be consumed

b) More hydrogen ions would be pumped across the inner mitochondrial membrane

c) More carbon dioxide would be produced

d) More ATP would be produced


Question 1

During cellular respiration cells vary in the amount of usable energy they produce per molecule of glucose used.

a) Name the condition that determines how much of this energy compound is produced.


b) Compare the relative amounts of high energy compound produced under the altered condition.




Question 2

Explain why studying the oxygen usage of an animal will enable scientists to calculate the metabolic rate of the animal.





Question 3

Cellular respiration provides energy for cells. It may be aerobic or anaerobic. What is an advantage of aerobic respiration over anaerobic respiration?





Question 4

2,4 dinitrophenol is a chemical that is toxic to mitochondria. When added to mitochondria this chemical allows electron transport to occur but prevents the Phosphorylation of ADP to ATP. The chemical achieves this by breaking the essential link between electron transport and ATP synthesis. This toxin causes mitochondria to produce heat instead of ATP. The greater amount of toxin added, the quicker its action.

a) If mitochondria are poisoned with 2,4 dinitrophenol by what process could a plant cell produce more ATP?


b) Where in the mitochondria does electron transport and ATP production occur?


A researcher wanted to study cellular respiration in insect cells. They cultured some muscle cells from the common field cricket, then studied the effects of adding 2,4 dinitrophenol to these cells. An agricultural company may want to fund this research.

c) Give one reason why an agricultural company might want to fund research on the effect of this toxin on field crickets?



The experiment is summarised in the table below. Observations in each trial were made at equal time intervals.


d) In terms of energy production why did the temperature go up in trial 1 and not in the control?



e) Explain why the temperature went down after the fifth observation in trial 1?



f) Trial 2 had twice the concentration of 2,4 dinitrophenol added. Complete the table by writing in appropriate temperatures in the spaces provided to predict the trend

g) Another researcher suggested adding pyruvate to the cells to cancel out the effects of this toxin. Explain what effect adding the pyruvate would have on cancelling out the effect of this toxin.






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