Atp photosynthesis and cellular respiration webquest

Atp photosynthesis and cellular respiration webquest


Atp photosynthesis and cellular respiration webquest

Atp photosynthesis and cellular respiration webquest answer key. Atp photosynthesis and cellular respiration webquest honors biology answer key. Atp photosynthesis and cellular respiration webquest pdf. Atp photosynthesis and cellular respiration webquest quizlet.

By clicking on the links below, answer the following questions about photosynthesis and cellular respiration.¨¦ ¨¦ These are the basic notes you'll need to complete the task.¨¦ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? In which organello does the process of photosynthesis take place? Draw a diagram of the organelle In which organelle does the Breathing process take place? Draw a diagram of the organello Compare and compare both structures and their function. How are they the same? How are they different? In what kind of cells do the processes described above take place? How do plants and animals get energy? Why are animal cells not able to perform photosynthesis? Photosynthesis and respiration can be summed up in equations.? Write down the equations and how they relate to each other. Identify the parts of the plant involved in photosynthesis. Distinguish between light and dark reactions of photosynthesis. Explain what ATP is, how it is formed and what its role in photosynthesis and respiration is. How are glycolysis and the citric acid cycle used in respiration?? ?Is it used in both anaerobic and aerobic respiration? What are the 2 main types of anaerobic breathing? Links: Photosynthesis Biology for children ? chloroplast Buzzle ? chloroplast Prentice hall photosynthesis Biology for children photosynthesis Science for children photosynthesis World almanac for children Photosynthesis Photosynthesis howstuffworks video Cell respiration Biology for children ? mitochondria Buzzle ? mitochondria Biology for children ? cell respiration Video ? How it works ? cell respiration Prentice Hall cell respiration Encyclopedia cell respiration Photosynthesis and cell respiration Concept Map Buzzle ? photosynthesis and cellular respiration Photosynthesis ? animation cellular respiration {getToolbarWorksheetName () }}} has been added to your worksheet! Worksheet added to your worksheets! Don't forget to leave a comment. Leave a comment. Print {}} {ws_solutions.user. lastname} reply {} replies Assignment is now closed Start Creation ? Free! Science Is Real by Ana Ulrich 2016 Name: For: ATP, Photosynthesis, & Cell Respiration WebQuest TASK INTRODUCTION TO ATP Use the link to watch the video What ATP is and how it works. As you look, fill in the blanks below. 1. The full name of ATP is 2. Label the ATP diagram on the right with what each shape represents. 3. Adenosine triphosphate is a molecule in the cell that takes fast and easy account when needed by the cell organelles. 4. ATP is a type of energy when chemical bonds are between two groups. 5. The abbreviation for Adenosine Diphosphate is 6. ADP enters the cells and gets When mitochondria add another to the molecule. The molecule becomes again. Task Two Cell Respiration & Photosynthesis Use the link to access photosynthesis photosynthesis Cell breathing article. As you look, fill in the spaces below. 7. Photosynthesis is the process used by plant cells to convert themselves into, so as to create energy-rich molecules such as glucose. 8. Cellular respiration is the process of food molecules to get energy and form molecules of ATP. 9. Photosynthesis takes place in the cells of the leaves of plants in structures called, which contain. Plant cells absorb sunlight through chlorophyll and use and obtained from the environment, subjected to a series of chemical reactions to produce molecules. 10. Look at the picture. Copy the chemical reaction for photosynthesis below into symbols and words. 11. Cellular respiration happens in the way in both and 12. Living cells get photosynthesis (sugar molecules) and undergo cellular respiration to produce molecules. 13. Some cells breathe, using, while others undergo respiration, using oxygen. 14. Look at the picture. Copy the chemical reaction for cellular respiration below into symbols and words. Science is real by Ana Ulrich 2016 15. Read the last section Differences between cells respiration and photosynthesis. Use the details in this section to fill in the table below to compare and contrast these processes. 3 details about Photosynthesis 2 ways are similar 3 details about Cellular Breathing TASK THREE PHOTOSINTES & FOOD use link to watch simple story of Photosynthesis & Food video. As you look, fill in the spaces below. 16. What percentage of the food we eat comes from carbohydrates? 17. What are the carbohydrates made of: 18. What are the skin pores called plants? 19. What light absorbing pigment is found in chloroplasts? 20. The sun helps the carbon dioxide undercover into a simple carbohydrate called: 21. What's another name for cellulose? 22. What does starch do for a plant? 23. When we break down glucose, what energy molecule is produced? 24. What are the three ways we use ATP? 25. How is ATP like dollars? 26. Which organelle is responsible for breaking down carbohydrates into usable energy? plants 27. Where do they have mitochondria? TASK FOUR PRACTICAL GAME Use the link to access photosynthesis and breathing game. As you move through the game, answer the following questions. 28. What molecule does the fruit represent? 29. The molecules you use in a chemical reaction are called: 30. Molecules are produced in a chemical reaction are called the: 31. How many ATP molecules are produced in a reaction during cellular respiration? 32. What are the breathing reagents? 33. What are the reagents in photosynthesis? Science is real by Ana Ulrich 2016 34. What are the products you breathe 35. What are the products in photosynthesis? Task Five Anaerobic & Aerobics Use the link to view the video breathing. As you look, fill the spaces below. 36. What is the IL between breathing and breathing? 37. What is more efficient? Anaerobic or aerobic breathing? 38. What compound is responsible for the cramps we experience when we are exhausting oxygen? 39. The accumulation of lactic acid causes: 40. What's the name of the time we need to repay our oxygen debt? TASK SIX FERMENTATION Use the link to watch the video Fermentation of Liege & Sugar. As you look, fill the gaps below. 41. Fermentation is a metabolic process that covers in 42. The fermentation takes place in , bacteria, and other microorganisms, as well as 43. The bottle with MAGGIORE sugar has grown to a size. 44. Yeast is a type of . 45. When yeast digests sugar and starches, it produces waste products of e . 46. Write the fermentation equation shown in the video in the space below. Write the symbols and words. 47. Is yeast fermentation an anaerobic or aerobic form of cellular respiration? Why? Anaerobics because it does not need oxygen to complete the cellular breathing. TASK SEVEN GAME BOARD CHALLENGE Use the link to access the Challenge Board Game. Choose the game 1-PLAYER. As you move into the game, write three questions/responses you met below. (48) Q. A. (49) Q. A. (50) Q. A. A.

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