
Classified Performance Evaluation

City College of San Francisco


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|REVIEW PERIOD |Permanent (PCS) |

| |Permanent Exempt (PEX) |

|Annual Probationary Unscheduled |Provisional (TPV) |

| |Temporary Exempt (TEX) |

|Period of Report |Internal Transfer |

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|From:       To:       | |

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|Probation Ends:       | |


5 – Outstanding 4 - Good Solid Performance 3 – Satisfactory 2 - Needs Improvement 1 - Unacceptable


|Primary Duties |

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|1. Knowledge of Duties |

|Rating:       |

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|Demonstrates clear understanding and ability to perform the assigned job duties and has in-depth knowledge and technical expertise. Learns and masters |

|applicable new skills and procedures. |

|5. Outstanding |4. Good Solid Performance |3. Satisfactory |2. Needs Improvement |1. Unacceptable |

|Demonstrates mastery, breadth,|Has good knowledge of job |Meets the requirements of the |Deficient in knowledge and has|Lacks required knowledge to |

|depth and knowledge. |responsibilities and meets |job. |limited awareness of job |perform job. Work is |

| |standards. | |duties. |consistently below standards. |

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|2. Quality of Work/Accuracy |

|Rating:       |

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|Performs at an appropriate level of competency, accuracy and thoroughness. |

|5. Outstanding |4. Good Solid Performance |3. Satisfactory |2. Needs Improvement |1. Unacceptable |

|Demonstrates exemplary work |Produces quality results. |Meets the requirements of the |Quality of work is below |Accuracy and competency is not|

|and high level of accuracy and|Work is accurate and thorough.|job. |standard. Requires direction.|demonstrated. Constant |

|creativity. Work is |Pays attention to detail. | | |supervision is required. |

|consistently of high quality | | | | |

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|3. Attendance/Punctuality |

|Rating:       |

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|Schedules and uses leave in an appropriate manner that is sensitive to the department and workload priorities. Adheres to work schedule; reports to |

|work on time. |

|5. Outstanding |4. Good Solid Performance |3. Satisfactory |2. Needs Improvement |1. Unacceptable |

|Attendance is exemplary and |Attendance is reliable and |Meets the requirements of the |Frequently late/absent from |High absenteeism. Ignores |

|uses good judgment in |gives proper notice in advance|job. |work and does not use good |leave guidelines. Absenteeism|

|scheduling leave. |of foreseeable absences. | |judgment in scheduling leave. |adversely affects work |

| | | | |environment. |

|Remarks |

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|4. Planning, Organization and Follow Through Rating:       |

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|Demonstrates good judgment in planning, organizing, and completing work and makes sound decisions. |

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|5. Outstanding |4. Good Solid Performance |3. Satisfactory |2. Needs Improvement |1. Unacceptable |

|Actively works with others to |Plans, organizes and completes|Meets the requirements of the |Insufficiently plans, is |Fails to plan, to organize and|

|accomplish common tasks and |work. |job. |disorganized and completion of|to complete work as required. |

|reach goals. | | |work is inconsistent. | |

|Remarks |

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|5. Judgment, Decision Making and Dependability Rating:       |

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|Ability to make sound decisions. Recognizes unusual circumstances and responds appropriately. Works well without close supervision. Follows |

|directions. |

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|5. Outstanding |4. Good Solid Performance |3. Satisfactory |2. Needs Improvement |1. Unacceptable |

|Takes initiative to address |Adequately applies judgment |Meets the requirements of the |Slow to take action on a |Indecisive and blames others |

|matters in a manner that is |applied on a regular basis. |job. |regular basis. |for lack of action. |

|productive and professional. | | | | |

|Remarks |

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|6. Cooperative / Team Player |

|Rating:       |

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|Works well and effectively with others, responsive, positive attitude towards work; ability and willingness to work with associates, administrators and |

|subordinates towards common goals, accommodating and dependable. |

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|5. Outstanding |4. Good Solid Performance |3. Satisfactory |2. Needs Improvement |1. Unacceptable |

|Actively works with others to |Works well as a team member |Meets the requirements of the |Reluctant to perform as team |Uncooperative and will not |

|accomplish common tasks and |and contributes to the goal. |job. |member. Unwilling to work with|perform as a team member. |

|reach goals. | | |others towards common goals. |Action is detrimental to |

| | | | |accomplishing goals. |

|Remarks |

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|7. Positive Interaction with peers, public and students Rating:       |

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|Cooperates with public and staff. Treats the public, staff, and students with respect. Promotes respect and collaboration. |

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|5. Outstanding |4. Good Solid Performance |3. Satisfactory |2. Needs Improvement |1. Unacceptable |

|Actively promotes building |Works well within departmental|Meets the requirements of the |Has difficulty interacting |Displays a negative attitude |

|positive relationships through|unit and with external |job. |with others. |towards working with others |

|out the organization. |departments and contacts. | | | |

|Remarks |

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|8. Effectiveness / Efficiency |

|Rating:       |

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|Demonstrates the ability to use time wisely in producing the volume or quantity of work required for the position. |

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|5. Outstanding |4. Good Solid Performance |3. Satisfactory |2. Needs Improvement |1. Unacceptable |

|Results routinely exceed |Completes assigned work and |Meets the requirements of the |Uses time inefficiently and |Fails to accomplish tasks. |

|expectations in terms of time |uses time wisely. |job. |volume of work is |Fails to use time efficiently.|

|usage and quantity produced. | | |insufficient. |Unable to work on multiple |

| | | | |tasks. |

|Remarks |

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|9. Flexibility |

|Rating:       |

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|Demonstrates the ability to accommodate unexpected changes in the work routine. |

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|5. Outstanding |4. Good Solid Performance |3. Satisfactory |2. Needs Improvement |1. Unacceptable |

|Consistently goes above and |Appropriately modifies |Meets the requirements of the |Has difficulty in responding |Unable or unwilling to respond|

|beyond to meet the demands of |behavior and work methods in |job. |to changing conditions in the |to changing conditions in the |

|the unexpected. |response to the unexpected. | |work place. |work place. |

|Remarks |

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|10. Interpersonal / Communication Skills Rating:      |

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|The ability to listen, hear and respond in a sensitive, meaningful way that enhances mutual respect with others as the employee carries out his/her |

|responsibilities. |

|5. Outstanding |4. Good Solid Performance |3. Satisfactory |2. Needs Improvement |1. Unacceptable |

|Promotes and builds excellent|Listens and responds |Meets the requirements of the|Lack of effective |Insensitive communication |

|relationships with others. |effectively. Demonstrates |job. |communication skills |skills that cause conflict. |

| |respect for coworkers and | |negatively impacts job | |

| |others. | |performance. | |

|Remarks |

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|11. Workplace Diversity |

|Rating:       |

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|Demonstrates an understanding of the challenges and opportunities that diversity brings to the workplace. |

|5. Outstanding |4. Good Solid Performance |3. Satisfactory |2. Needs Improvement |1. Unacceptable |

|Exhibits effort to develop |Demonstrates support for the |Meets the requirements of the|Expects others to act and |Intolerant of those who are |

|relationships among diverse |diversity of co-workers and |job. |think the way he/she does; |different; refuses to |

|groups of workers and |students; seeks to understand | |little effort to accommodate |acknowledge or accommodate |

|students. |differences and respects | |differences; impatient with |differences. |

| |differences in the workplace. | |those who are different. | |

|Remarks |

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|12. Initiative |

|Rating:       |

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|Learns and applies new ideas, procedures and techniques. Uses initiative and creativity as necessary in providing service and ask for clarification |

|when task are not understood. |

|5. Outstanding |4. Good Solid Performance |3. Satisfactory |2. Needs Improvement |1. Unacceptable |

|Initiates and applies new |Initiates solid performance, |Meets the requirements of the|Not sufficient adaption or |Resist new ideas and not open|

|ideas, procedures and |periodically responsible for |job. |open to new ideas procedures |to trying new techniques. |

|techniques. |generating new ideas and | |and techniques. | |

| |techniques. | | | |

|Remarks |

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|13. Safe Work Habits |

|Rating:       |

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|Understanding and application of safe practices; observes safety rules. (i.e., lifting, storing, ergonomics, etc.) |

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|5. Outstanding |4. Good Solid Performance |3. Satisfactory |2. Needs Improvement |1. Unacceptable |

|Models safe work habits. |Practices safe work habits. |Meets the requirements of the|Neglects prescribed safety |Puts oneself, others and/or |

|Identifies unsafe conditions | |job. |policies and procedures that|District at serious risk by |

|and recommends solutions. | | |define safe work habits. |failing to practice or |

| | | | |ignoring safe work habits. |

|Remarks |

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|14. Work Attitude |

|Rating:       |

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|Demonstrates willingness to learn new tasks, develop new skills and to accept new ideas as the work environment changes over time. Communicates |

|pertinent information to others. |

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|5. Outstanding |4. Good Solid Performance |3. Satisfactory |2. Needs Improvement |1. Unacceptable |

|Keeps abreast of current |Readily learns new tasks to |Meets the requirements of the|Is reluctant to adapt to a |Does not adapt to a changing |

|trends in area of expertise. |keep current. Open to change |job. |changing work environment. |work environment. |

|Initiates the opportunity to |and new ideas. | | | |

|adapt, and to learn new tasks.| | | | |

|Remarks |

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|15. Leadership / Supervision |

|Rating:       |

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|Effectively assigns and delegates work in a manner that promotes productive and quality work; motivates others to realize their potential; oversees |

|systems/operations effectively. |

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|Not Applicable:       |

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|5. Outstanding |4. Good Solid Performance |3. Satisfactory |2. Needs Improvement |1. Unacceptable |

|Demonstrates excellent |Performs effectively as a |Meets the requirements of |Reluctant to assign |Performs poorly in directing |

|supervisory skills in |leader. Plans, sets objectives|the job. |responsibility and delegated |and assigning work. Not |

|directing and assigning work;|and assigns responsibility. | |authority. Does not want to |perceived as a leader in the |

|is fair, consistent, and | | |confront conflict. |work group. |

|responsible; perceived as a | | | | |

|leader by work group. | | | | |

|Remarks |

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|16. Other Performance Indicators (Separately list all those that apply.) Rating:       |

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|Other performance indicators are defined as areas unique to the position such as Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) which continually assess the learning |

|process and strategies as necessary to retain student interest, stimulate independent thinking, and encourage students to be analytical. |

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|Performance Indicator evaluated:       |

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|5. Outstanding |4. Good Solid Performance |3. Satisfactory |2. Needs Improvement |1. Unacceptable |

|Highly skilled in job |Good working knowledge of job |Meets the requirements of |Lacks knowledge in some |Unable to perform critical |

|function. |function. |the job. |important areas of the job. |functions of the job. |

|Remarks |

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Average of all scores to reach evaluation: Overall Average:      

Overall Performance Summary (Narrative):


Summary of Recommendations:


Goals for the Coming Year:


Employee Response / Comments: (If applicable, employee should list any training requested and special accomplishments.)


|A. Reporting Supervisor / Manager |

|Name, Work Address |Job Code Number and Title |Date of Report |

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| | |Signature |

|B. Employee’s Statement |

| |Conference Date |

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|I agree with this report | |

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|I do not agree with this report: Sect       No       | |

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|I have Attached a rebuttal | |

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|I request a conference with the reviewer | |

| |Signature certifies I have read the report |

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| |Declined to sign. |

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| |Date:       |

|C. Reviewer’s Certification (Person reporting supervisor/manager reports to) |

|Name, Work Address |Job Code Number and Title |Date of conference / initials of those present |

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| | |Not Applicable |

| |Date of Review | |

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|I certify that I have reviewed this report |Signature |

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