Rich's resume


131 Gardner Road

Brookline MA 02445




2014 – Education and workforce consultant

Senior consultant to national organizations and foundations on strategy, implementation, and policy innovations in areas of education and workforce development, particularly higher education and adult career advancement. Senior consultant, MDRC; Nonresident senior fellow, Brookings Institution. Other clients include: American Academy of Arts and Sciences; J.M. Belk Endowment; Harvard Graduate School of Education; The Hitachi Foundation; New England Board of Higher Education; National Governors Association.

1990-2014 Jobs for the Future, Boston MA

Senior Vice President (2001- 2014)

Vice President, Policy and Research (1993 – 2000)

As SVP, responsible for development, management, and implementation of policy and advocacy activities of $18 million national organization that promotes innovative solutions to educational and economic challenges facing low-income and academically underprepared youth and adults. Oversaw Washington D.C. policy office; led initiatives on state policy and capacity building to increase community college completion.

1987-1989 M.I.T. Commission on Industrial Productivity, Cambridge MA

Research Associate

Coordinator and member, Education and Training Working Group; Author of working paper on U.S. education and training system; Member, Textile Industry Working Group; Member, Working Group, Recommendations to Business, Government, and Labor.

1984-1988 Consultant, Policy Analysis and Economic Research

Independent contractor and consultant to Mt. Auburn Associates. Projects included: Role of University of Connecticut in its regional economy (Northeast Corner Task Force); Impact analysis of technological change on Massachusetts workers (Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor).

1986-1990 College Teaching

T.A., Urban Politics and Policymaking. Harvard (1990).

Introduction to the American Political Process. M.I.T. (1988).

Instructor, Boston: The City. M.I.T. (1986)

Instructor, Occupational & Environmental Health and Safety. New Hampshire College (1986)

1980-1983 Environmentalists for Full Employment, Washington, D.C.

Director of Research

Co-author of Fear At Work: Job Blackmail, Labor, and the Environment. Other responsibilities: training materials; marketing; strategy; public relations.

1979-1980 National Center for Jobs & Justice, Washington, D.C.


Co-directed a research organization that assisted efforts to organize unemployed and low-wage workers. Responsibilities: writing; program development; press; fundraising.

1975-1978 Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Washington, D.C.

Director, Outreach and Publications

The Institute provides assistance to community groups and local governments on sustainable economic development. Responsibilities: Preparation of publications, publicity; Editor, Self-Reliance newsletter; Columnist, Mother Earth News and New Internationalist.


1985-90 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Doctoral candidate (ABD), Department of Political Science

Fields: Political Economy, American Politics

1985 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

M.C.P. Department of Urban Studies and Planning

Fields: Economic Development, Labor Markets

1974 Harvard College

A.B. cum laude, Department of History


Implementing the WorkAdvance Model: Lessons for Practitioners (with Frieda Molina). New York: MDRC. October 2016

Youth Summer Jobs Programs: Aligning Ends and Means (with Martha Ross). Washington DC: Brookings Institution. July 2016

“Big Change on Campus.” Stanford Social Innovation Review. Spring 2016.

Exploring Middle-Skill Training Programs for Employment in the Retail Industry (with Frieda Molina). New York: MDRC, 2016.

Temporary Staffing for the Hard-to-Employ (with Farhana Hossain). New York: MDRC, 2015.

Unemployment Among Young Adults: Exploring Employer-Led Solutions (co-author). Washington DC: Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings Institution, 2015.

Modernizing Mathematics Pathways at Texas Universities: Insights from the New Mathways Project Transfer Champions (with Jenna Cullinane). Austin TX: The Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin, 2015.

“Philanthropic Innovations for Workforce Impact: The National Fund for Workforce Solutions 2003-2013” (co-author) in Robert Giloth and Maureen Conway (eds.), Connecting People to Work: Workforce Intermediaries and Sector Strategies. New York: The American Assembly, 2014.

Stepping Up for Community Colleges: Building on the Momentum to Improve Student Success in Massachusetts (with Lara Couturier). Boston: The Boston Foundation, 2013.

Joint Statement on Transforming Developmental Education (co-author). Jobs for the Future, Charles A Dana Center, Complete College America, Education Commission for the States, 2012.

Design Principles and Particulars for an Effective Performance-based Funding System for California. Boston: Jobs for the Future, 2011.

Community College Performance and Regional Economic Development: Strategies for State Action. Washington DC: Brookings Institution, 2011.

Building a Culture of Evidence in Community Colleges: Lessons from Exemplary Institutions (with Lili Allen). Boston: Jobs for the Future, 2007.

Adult Learners in Higher Education: Barriers to Success and Strategies to Improve Results (lead author). Washington DC: U.S. Department of Labor, 2007.

Remaking Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century: What Role for High School Programs? Boston: Jobs for the Future, 2005.

Double the Numbers: Increasing Postsecondary Credentials for Underrepresented Youth (editor, with Joel Vargas and Nancy Hoffman). Cambridge: Harvard Education Press, 2004.

“What Do Intermediaries Do?” in Robert Giloth (ed.), Workforce Intermediaries for the 21st Century. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2003.

Ready for Tomorrow: Helping All Students Achieve Secondary and Postsecondary Success (with Hilary Pennington and Kristin Conklin). Washington DC: National Governors Association, 2003.

“Best In Class: Community Colleges Could Take Notes from the Nation's Top Schools.” Commonwealth. October 2002.

Low Wage Workers in the New Economy: Strategies for Productivity and Opportunity (co-editor with Marc S. Miller). Washington DC: Urban Institute Press, 2001.

The Employer’s Role in Linking School and Work. Washington: Comm. for Economic Development, 1998.

Both Sides Now: New Directions in Promoting Work and Learning for Disadvantaged Youth (with Hilary Kopp). Baltimore: The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 1997.

"Involving Employers in School-to-Work Transition Programs" (with Susan Goldberger) in W. Norton Grubb (ed.), Learning through Occupations. New York: Teachers College Press, 1995.

Learning Through Work: Designing and Implementing Quality Worksite Learning for High School Students (with Susan Goldberger and Mary O'Flanagan). New York: MDRC, 1994.

Fear at Work: Job Blackmail, Labor, and the Environment (with Richard Grossman). Philadelphia: New Society Publishers, 1993.

"Rags to Riches: One Industry's Strategy for Improving Productivity," Technology Review, August/September 1989.

"Education and Training in the U.S.," in The Working Papers of the M.I.T. Commission on Industrial Productivity. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1989.

"Turtles and Trains: Technology and the Pace of Change," in Daina Augaitis (ed.), Siting Technology. Banff, Alberta: Walter Phillips Gallery, 1988.

"How to Keep Mature Industries Innovative" (with Charles Sabel et al.). Technology Review, April 1987.

"The Future of the Environmental Movement" (with Richard Grossman) in Frank Riessman et al. (eds.), Beyond Reagan: Visions for the 80s. New York: Harper & Row, 1984.

"CETA and Private Sector Initiatives" in Peter McClelland (ed.), Introductory Macroeconomics 1980-81. Ithaca: Cornell University, 1980.


Writer in Residence, Blue Mountain Center (2014; 1983)

Board Member/Chair, The Institute for College Access and Success (2008-present)

Board Member, Workforce Strategy Center (2002-2012)

Board Member/President, The Brookline Education Foundation (1996-2003)

Spencer Foundation Dissertation Year Fellowship (1988-89)

National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship (1984-87)


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