
RITCHIE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATIONMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETINGDWC VOCATIONAL CENTERHARRISVILLE, WVMARCH 23, 2020 – 6:00 p.m.The regular meeting of the Ritchie County Board of Education was called to order on Monday, March 23, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. by President Dr. Torie Jackson. PLEDGE TO THE FLAGThe meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.ROLL CALLPresent: Dr. Torie Jackson, President Mrs. Betsy Wells, Vice-President Mrs. Misty Ingram-Keen Mr. Denny Nelson Mr. Ryan ReedAdministrative staff present: James G. Brown, SuperintendentAGENDA ITEMS TO BE TABLED OR REMOVEDUpon recommendation of the superintendent Mrs. Wells moved, seconded by Mrs. Ingram-Keen, that the following agenda item be tabled or removed. Motion passed unanimously. K.3Approve School Building Authority Major Improvement Project for Bathroom Upgrades at Ritchie County Middle / High SchoolMINUTESMr. Reed made the motion, seconded by Mr. Nelson, to approve the preliminary minutes of the regular meeting of March 09, 2020. Motion passed unanimously. DELEGATIONSNoneRECOGNITIONSNonePRESENTATIONSNone SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORTSuperintendent Brown gave the Board an update on the status of school closure.A week prior to the official closing of schools in West Virginia counties were asked to consider a means of providing instruction through a virtual or online setting. Mr. Brown met with the technology team to consider what steps we would take. By Wednesday we had a plan in motion including a plan for those individuals who do not have internet access. By Thursday our Blended Learning documentation and agreement was compiled and distributed to students. Devices were sent home on Friday, March 13, 2020. LiveGrades was chosen as the digital means of communication between teachers and students. On Thursday, March 12, 2020, teachers reviewed with students grades 2 through 12 how to log on and submit assignments through LiveGrades. Teachers must have assignments uploaded to LiveGrades by 9:00 a.m.A help desk was established on our website for frequently asked questions and step by step directions. The webpage was updated with teacher phone extensions so parents can contact teachers by phone as well. The technology team has answered numerous phone calls and even visited student homes to answer questions and make sure students could sign in on their digital device. Special needs teachers are working with regular education teachers to assure accommodations and modifications are being met as well as possible. All school campuses are closed. No athletic practices or extracurricular events are allowed. Counties were advised to adhere to their school calendar. Spring break for Ritchie County Schools is April 6th through April 13th. No assignments or distribution of meals will occur during spring break. All assessment tests have been cancelled. The school nurses and counselors have identified those medically and emotionally fragile students and are keeping in contact with them. The high school counselors are keeping seniors apprised of scholarship application deadlines. We are required to provide breakfast and lunch for all students. On the first day 70 student meals were given out. Auburn and Cairo community buildings were added as pick up sites. The meal count increased daily with just under 500 meals delivered on Friday. Ritchie County has decided to proceed with a five day meal cycle. A five day supply of meals will be delivered every Tuesday. Students will receive five breakfasts and five lunches along with juice and milk. Preschool and Kindergarten registration was cancelled. However, preschool numbers are up from last year. Mr. Brown has been asked several questions regarding high school graduation. He is committed to making that happen somehow, some way, some time. Attendance reports for the sixth and seventh months were reviewed. The attendance rate for the sixth month was near 93%. For the seventh month the attendance rate was 91%. Mr. Nelson said he is proud of the county employees who are doing great in a bad situation. Mrs. Jackson stated that Mr. Brown’s foresight and ability to plan ahead in this whole process has been fabulous and we are ahead of the game comparatively to other counties. She thanked him for his leadership during this time and for making sure we were ready to handle something we never expected to occur. DIRECTOR REPORTSNonePOLICY REVIEWUpon recommendation of the superintendent, Mr. Reed moved, seconded by Mrs. Ingram-Keen, that the Board approve the following list of policies as presented. Motion passed unanimously. Approve New Policy 5320 Reduction-In-Force and Transfer Defining Qualification for Professional Personnel to be placed on comment for second reading.Approve New Policy 7170 Open Enrollment and Student Transfers to be placed on comment for first reading.Approve New Policy 7180 Special Education Video and Audio Recording and Monitoring to be placed on comment for first reading. PERSONNELResignationsUpon recommendation of the superintendent, Mrs. Wells moved, seconded by Mr. Nelson, that the Board approve the following resignation. Motion passed unanimously.Approve Resignation of Tanya Barker, Substitute Teacher effective at the end of the 2019-2020 school yearResignations Submitted after Publication of the AgendaNoneUpon recommendation of the superintendent, Mrs. Wells moved, seconded by Mrs. Ingram-Keen, that the Board approve the following request for unpaid leave. Motion passed unanimously.Approve request for employee (977001383) unpaid leave through the Family Medical Leave Act effective March 11, 2020.Employments or Transfers and RescissionsUpon recommendation of the superintendent, Mr. Reed moved, seconded by Mr. Nelson, that the Board approve the following employments, transfers and rescissions. Motion passed unanimously.C20-501-139 Approve Cory Farley, Assistant Football Coach at Ritchie County High School Effective March 23, 2020Approve regular employee Substitute Teacher Coverage Assignments by Mutual Consent Agreements with a compensation rate of $25.00 per hour effective retroactively to March 10, 2020CONSENT ITEMSNoneALLOWED AND AUTHORIZED PAYMENT OF BILLSUpon recommendation of the superintendent, Mrs. Wells moved, seconded by Mr. Reed, that the Board approve and authorize payment of the following bills. Motion passed unanimously.Approve Payment of Bills in the Sum of $254,584.09FINANCIAL REQUESTS FOR APPROVALUpon recommendation of the superintendent, Mrs. Ingram-Keen moved, seconded by Mr. Nelson, that the Board approve the following Financial Requests. Motion passed unanimously.Re-approve corrected FY21 Scheduled Proposed Levy RatesApprove Budget Revision Requests. Transfers in the amount of $24,203.00 and Carryover Supplement in the amount of $4,000.00.REQUESTS FOR AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT BOARD MEETINGNoneBOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTSMr. Nelson asked about the progression of the Comprehensive Educational Facilities Plan. Mr. Brown stated that he will continue to work on Phase II. Timelines have not been changed at this time. Mrs. Jackson mentioned that public meetings could be held through various digital mechanisms if necessary. Mr. Reed commended Mr. Brown for the detailed informative phone messages and emails he is providing staff, parents and board members. Mr. Nelson also complemented Mr. Brown, as well as the teachers, for a job well done during this time of crisis. It is very evident that our teachers care about their students. NEXT REGULAR MEETING DATEThe next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. at Ritchie County Board of Education Office.MEETING ADJOURNEDMr. Nelson moved, seconded by Mr. Reed, that the meeting be adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. ................

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