2008-2009 School Schedule - Auburn Middle School

Master Computer Lab Schedule


| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|8:30-9:00 |PREP |1C: Workman Class with Matthews |OPEN |3E: Farris Class with Matthews |OPEN |

|9:00-9:30 |OPEN |2D: Wargo |2E: Huston |2D: Wargo/ |2C: S. Dickey |

| | | | |Matthews PREP | |

|9:30-10:00 |K5: Bedolli |3D: Saucier |3E: Farris |3C: Newhouse |K1: Reedy |

|10:00-10:30 |PREP |K2: Groeninger |K4: Miller |K2: Groeninger |PREP |

|10:30-11:00 |LUNCH |1E: Traughber |K3: Wheat |K5: Bedolli |K3: Wheat |

|11:00-11:30 |1D: Ostermeier |1B: Smith |2A: B. Dickey/ |1C: Workman |1A: Armstrong |

| | | |Matthews PREP | | |

|11:30-12:00 |3B: Colyer |LUNCH |3A: Taylor |3E: Farris |3A: Taylor/ Matthews LUNCH |

|12:00-12:30 |2B: Madison |2A: B. Dickey |LUNCH |2C: S. Dickey/ |2B: Madison |

| | | | |Matthews LUNCH | |

|12:30-1:00 |OPEN |OPEN |K1: Reedy |OPEN |K4: Miller |

|1:00-1:30 |OPEN |OPEN |3D: Saucier |OPEN |2E: Huston |

|1:30-2:00 |OPEN |3B: Colyer |OPEN |3C: Newhouse |OPEN |

|2:00-2:30 |1A: Armstrong |1D: Ostermeier |OPEN |1B: Smith |1E: Traughber |

|2:30-3:00 |OPEN |OPEN |OPEN |OPEN |OPEN |


Blue = Classroom Teacher Teaches

Black = Matthews Teaches

Red = Available Times to use the Lab.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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