Looking for - Smart

Speech and Audio Solutions from Microchip | |

|[pic] |

Find suitable Products, Software, Tools & Training for your Speech and Audio applications below

|[pic] | [pic] | [pic] | [pic] | |[pic] |

|Looking for? |Microchip Has the Solution! |

|Hi- Fidelity Speech and Audio playback: | SW300026 -dsPIC/PIC24 G.711 Speech Encoding & Decoding library |

| |SW300090 : dsPIC G.726A Speech Encoding/Decoding Library |

| |Low-cost MPLAB Starter Kit for dsPIC DSCs |

| |dsPICDEM 1.1plus:DM300024 |

| |16bit DAC & Codec Interface peripherals. |

|Low Cost Speech & Audio |Speex Libraries |

|playback: | |

| |Speech Playback PICtail Plus Daughter Board: AC164125 |

|Efficient Recording Solutions: |SW300090 : dsPIC G.726A Speech Encoding/Decoding Library |

| |SW300070: Speex Speech encoding/decoding Library |

| |Low-cost MPLAB Starter Kit for dsPIC DSCs |

| |dsPICDEMPlus1.1:DM300024 |

| |12bit ADC & External Codec Interface peripherals |

|Solutions for Voice Communication Equipment: |Noise Suppression |

| |Acoustic Echo Cancellation |

| |Line Echo Cancellation |

| |dsPIC DSC Equalizer Library |

| |dsPICDEMPlus1.1:DM300024 |

| |12bit ADC, 16 bit DAC, External Codec Interface peripherals, 4 wire SPI |

|Speech Recognition |Speech Recognition Library |

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Speech, Voice and Audio Application Notes/Software Libraries/User Manuals

|Speech, Voice And Audio Application |Resource Type |Title & Link |

|Playback |App. Note & Source Code |AN 538 – Using PWM to generate Analog Output |

|Record |App. Note & Source Code |AN1152 - Achieving Higher ADC Resolution Using Oversampling |

|Record and Playback |App. Note & Source Code |AN643-Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation |

| |Library | SW300026 -dsPIC/PIC24 G.711 Speech Encoding & Decoding library |

| |Library |SW300090 : dsPIC G.726A Speech Encoding/Decoding Library |

| |Library |SW300070: Speex Speech encoding/decoding Library |

| |Library |Audio Library for PIC32MX - supports ADPCM and WAV formats |

| | | |

|Voice Communication Equipments |Library |SW300060 : Aucostic Echo Cancellation Library |

| |Library |SW300080: Line Echo Cancellation Library |

| |Library |SW300040 : Noise suppression library |

| |Library |dsPIC DSC Equalizer Library |

|Speech Recognition |Library |SW30001 :Speech Recognition Library |

|All |Library |dsPIC DSC Automatic Gain Control Library |

|dsPICDEM 1.1 Plus Development Board |User Manual |dsPICDEM 1.1 Plus User's Guide  |

| |Demo Code |dsPICDEM 1.1 Plus Demo Code  |

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Speech, Voice and Audio Software Library Overview:

|dsPIC/PIC24 G.711 Speech Encoding & Decoding library |

|The PIC24/dsPIC® Digital Signal Controller (DSC) G.711Speech Encoding/Decoding Library performs toll-quality voice compression and voice decompression. The library|

|is an implementation of the ITU-T G.711 standard on the dsPIC DSC. The encoding algorithm used is either A-law or μ-law companding (user-selectable), and features |

|a 2:1 compression ratio. The G.711 library can be used for both half-duplex and full-duplex systems. |

|Key Features: |

|Fixed 8 kHz input sample rate |

|Fixed 64 kbps output data rate |

|PESQ-based Mean Opinion Score (MOS): 4.3-4.5 (out of 5.0) |

|A-law or μ-law based coding |

|Two analog input interfaces – codec or on-chip ADC |

|Two analog output interfaces – codec or on-chip PWM |

|Playback-only applications benefit from the Speech |

|Encoder Utility. Encoded files can be created from the desktop using a PC microphone or WAV file |

|Storing compressed speech requires 8 KB of memory per second of speech |

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|dsPIC G.726A Speech Encoding/Decoding Library |

|The dsPIC® DSC G.726A Speech Encoding/Decoding Library performs toll-quality voice compression and voice decompression. The encoding algorithm used is Adaptive |

|Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM). The compression can be configured by the user to be either 3.2:1, 4:1, 5.33:1 and 8:1, corresponding to output data |

|rates of 40, 32, 24 and 16 kbps respectively. The G.711 library is suitable for both half-duplex and full-duplex systems |

|Key Features: |

|Fixed 8 kHz input sample rate |

|User-selectable output data rate of 40, 32, 24 or 16 kbps |

|PESQ-based Mean Opinion Score (MOS): 4.3-4.5 (out of 5.0) |

|Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) based coding |

|Two analog input interfaces: codec or on-chip ADC |

|Two analog output interfaces: codec or on-chip PWM |

|Playback-only applications benefit from the Speech Encoder Utility. Encoded files can be created from the desktop using a PC microphone or WAV file. |

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|Speex Speech encoding/decoding Library |

|The dsPIC Digital Signal Controller (DSC) Speex Speech Encoding/Decoding Library performs toll-quality voice compression and voice decompression. The library is a |

|modified version of the Speex speech coder made specifically for the dsPIC DSC families and features a 16:1 compression ratio. Encoding uses Code Excited Linear |

|Prediction (CELP), which is a popular coding technique. The library is appropriate for both half-duplex and full-duplex systems. |

|Key Features: |[pic] |

|Supports Narrow band and Wide band sampling rates | |

|Audio bandwidth: 0-8 kHz with sampling rate of up to 16 kHz | |

|Multiple encoders and/or decoders can be instantiated | |

|Full-duplex and half-duplex operations | |

|Compact and concise API for easier integration with application | |

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|Audio Library for PIC32MX |

|Audio library for PIC 32 consists of APIs for Pulse Code Modulation, Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation and Speex encoding and decoding algorithms. Speex|

|is an CELP based Open source patent-free audio compression format designed for speech. The ADPCM algorithm takes advantage of the high correlation between |

|consecutive speech samples, which enables future sample values to be predicted. Instead of encoding the speech sample, ADPCM encodes the difference between a |

|predicted sample and the speech sample. This method provides more efficient compression with a reduction in the number of bits per sample, yet preserves the |

|overall quality of the speech signal. |

|Key Features: |

|Free software/open-source, patent and royalty-free |

|Portable across all PIC 32-bit family of microcontrollers. |

|Supported encoding formats: PCM (raw, uncompressed), IMA ADPCM, Speex. |

|Implements an audio player behavior with play, record, pause, stop functionality. |

|Supports standard input/output stream formats: Wave, Ogg for Speex, as well as a free format, containing just data. |

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| Noise suppression library |

|The dsPIC DSC Noise Suppression Library provides a function to suppress the effect of noise in a speech signal. This function is useful for microphone-based |

|applications that have a potential for incoming speech corruption from ambient noise. It is especially suitable for systems where an acoustically isolated noise |

|reference is not available. The noise suppression library removes noise from a 10 ms block of 16-bit speech data sampled at 8 kHz. |

|Key Features: | |

|0dB to 44 dB noise reduction |[pic] |

|Audio Bandwidth: 0-4 kHz at 8 kHz sampling rate | |

|Simple user interface – only one library file and one header file | |

|All functions called from a C application program | |

|Comprehensive API provides parametric control of the Noise Suppression Engine| |

| | |

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|Acoustic Echo Cancellation Library |

|The dsPIC Digital Signal Controller (DSC) Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) Library provides a function to eliminate echo generated in the acoustic path between a |

|speaker and a microphone. This function is useful for speech and telephony applications in which a speaker and a microphone are located in close proximity to each |

|other and are susceptible to signals propagating from the speaker to the microphone resulting in a perceptible and distracting echo effect at the far end. |

|Key Features: |[pic] |

|Fully tested for compliance with G.167 specifications for in-car applications | |

|Audio Bandwidth: 0 to 4 kHz at 8 kHz sampling rate | |

|Convergence Rate: Up to 47 dB/sec., typically greater than 30 dB/sec | |

|Acoustic Echo Cancellation: Up to 50 dB, typically > 40 dB | |

|Can be used together with the Noise Suppression (NS) Library | |

|Adjustable NLP attenuation level | |

|Can be instantiated multiple times to support multiple input audio streams. | |

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|Line Echo Cancellation Library |

|The dsPIC DSC Line Echo Cancellation (LEC) Library is compatible with the ITU-T G.168 standard. It provides a function to eliminate echo generated in telephone or |

|digital network components. LEC library functions can be used to eliminate far-end as well as near-end echo. |

|Key Features: |[pic] |

|Line echo cancellation for 16, 32, 64 or 128 ms echo delays | |

|Audio Bandwidth: 0 to 4 kHz at 8 kHz sampling rate | |

|Convergence Rate: Up to 60 dB/sec., typically greater than 30 dB/sec | |

|Can be used together with the Noise Suppression (NS) Library | |

|Can be instantiated multiple times to support multiple input audio streams. | |

| | |

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|dsPIC DSC Equalizer Library |

|dsPIC® DSC Equalizer Library provides functionality to adjust the spectral characteristics of a voice band signal. The Equalizer library enables compensation for |

|the changes in total properties of the voice signal resulting because of signal processing and mechanical limitations of Input-Output devices. Equalizer library|

|enables user to modify the spectral characteristics of the signal. |

|Key Features: |[pic] |

|Eight EQ bands centered at 31, 62, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz | |

|Quality factor of 1.4 for each band-pass filter | |

|Individual band gain control from 0 to -18dB | |

|Master gain control from 0 to 12 dB | |

|Can be integrated with the dsPIC DSC Noise Suppression, Acoustic Echo | |

|Cancellation, and Line Echo Cancellation libraries | |

|Can process multiple audio streams | |

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|dsPIC DSC Automatic Gain Control Library |

|The dsPIC® DSC Automatic Gain Control Library automatically adjusts the amplitude of a speech signal to match a set level. This is useful in speech applications |

|where the distance between the speech source and the microphone is not fixed. The Automatic Gain Control Library can be used readily with Microchip's Speech and |

|Audio Solutions for speech signal pre-processing. |

|Key Features: |[pic] |

|Input signal clip detection | |

|Hooks to control gain of external codec | |

|Gain attack, release and leakage rate controls | |

|Audio bandwidth: 8 – 48 kHz sampling rate | |

|All functions called from a C application program | |

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Speech, Voice and Audio Training: Variety of learning options

|Microchip provides a variety of learning options for you. These include Hands-on training courses at our Regional Training Centers or at the annual MASTERS Workshops|

|held in every part of the world. For those of you who would like to familiarize yourselves with Microchip’s solutions in the comfort of your office or home we also |

|provide a host web seminars. These may be either downloaded to your PC or conveniently viewed online. |

|Seminar/Workshop Title |Training format |

|16bit Speech & Audio Solutions |Web Seminar |

|A look at the dsPIC® DSC Audio and Speech Starter Kit |Web Seminar |

|Audio DAC Peripheral on DSC devices |Web Seminar |

|dsPIC33F DMA |Web Seminar |

|dsPIC30F 12 bit ADC Module (part 1&2) |Web Seminar |

|Introduction to the Motor Control PWM Module |Web Seminar |

|MCP4725: 12-bit DAC with Non-Volatile Memory |Web Seminar |

|Signal Chain Overview |Web Seminar |

|Do I Filter Before, After, or Never? |Web Seminar |

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Speech, Voice and Audio Development Boards & SW Tools:

|Tools listed below targets Speech, Voice and Audio Applications. These development boards provides an easy and economical way to evaluate the dsPIC DSC, |

|PIC24F,PIC24H and PIC32 MCU family of devices and provides an educational and prototyping platform to investigate Speech, Audio and Voice Communication |

|Applications. Included with the development boards are software, documentation, and hands on exercises that can be used to get an in-depth hands-on on Speech, |

|Audio and Voice Applications. |

Selection Table: Development Boards

|Speech, Voice And Audio |Target Device Family |Development Tools Required |

|Application Type | | |

| | |Dev Board(s) |Accessories |Plug-In-Module/Device |

|Record and Playback |dsPIC33F | |None |None |

| | |DM330011 - MPLAB® Starter Kit | | |

| | |for dsPIC® DSC  | | |

|Record and Playback |PIC24F MCU |DM240001 - Explorer 16 |Audio PICtail™ Plus |MA240011 - PIC24F 100P to 100P TQFP |

| |PIC24H MCU |Development board |(record & playback) |MA240013 - PIC24F 44P to 100P TQFP |

| |PIC32 MCU | | |MA240012 - PIC24H 100P to 100P TQFP |

| |dsPIC33F | |Speech Playback |MA330011 - dsPIC33 GP 100P to 100P TQFP |

| | | |PICtail™ Plus Daughter |MA330015 - dsPIC33 GP 28P QFN to 100P |

| | | |Board: AC164125 |MA330017 - dsPIC33 GP 44P QFN to 100P |

| | | | |MA320001 – PIC32MX 100-pin QFP |

|Record, Voice Communication and|dsPIC33F |DM300024 - dsPICDEM 1.1 Plus |None |MA300014 – dsPIC30F6014A |

|Speech Recognition |dsPIC30F | | |MA300015 – dsPIC30F6010A |

| | | | |MA330012 – dsPIC33FJ256GP710 |

Development board Details:

|Development/Starter Board |Features |

| |The MPLAB Starter Kit for dsPIC Digital Signal Controllers is a complete hardware and software tool suite for |

|MPLAB Starter Kit for dsPIC® DSCs |exploring applications based upon Microchip’s dsPIC DSCs. With a built-in debugger on the board, simply install |

| |the software and connect the USB cable to the PC. Start up MPLAB IDE and you are in full control, able to run |

|[pic] |the sample programs, and to download and test your own applications. The board is designed with dsPIC DSC with |

| |256 KB of flash memory, a high-fidelity audio codec, microphone input and headphone/speaker outputs, and is |

| |powered from the USB connection to the PC. |

| | |

| |Key Features: |

| |Board includes integrated debugger / programmer |

| |USB powered |

| |dsPIC33FJ256GP506 DSC with 256 KB Flash and 16 KB RAM |

| |16/24/32 bit codec with a maximum sampling frequency of 48KHz |

| |Low cost audio capture and play back circuitry using the 12 bit ADC and PWM Audio |

| |Microphone and line level inputs with adjustable input gain |

| |100mW headphone amplifier with digital volume control |

| |2 switches and 3 LEDs for user application purposes |

| |4 Megabit serial flash memory for application use |

| |Temperature sensor |

|dsPICDEM 1.1 Plus General Purpose development |The dsPICDEM 1.1 Plus General Purpose development board provides the application designer with a low cost |

|board |development tool to become familiar with the dsPIC30F/33F and PIC24H 16-bit architecture, high performance |

|[pic] |peripherals and powerful instruction set. |

|Click here to buy this development board | |

| |Key Features: |

| |dsPIC30F6014A Plug-in Sample |

| |Serial Communication Channels Interface (two UARTs, SPI™, CAN, RS-485) |

| |Si3000 Voiceband Codec with MIC In/Speaker Jacks |

| |General Purpose Prototyping Area with Expansion Header |

| |122 x 32 Dot Addressable LCD |

| |MPLAB® ICD 2 and MPLAB ICE 4000 Emulator support |

| |LEDs, Switches and Potentiometers |

| |Temperature Sensor |

| |Separate Digital and Analog Voltage Regulators |

| |Digital Potentiometer for DAC Capability |

|Explorer16 Development Board |The Explorer 16 is a low cost, efficient development board to evaluate the features and performance of |

| |Microchip's new PIC24 Microcontroller, the dsPIC33 Digital Signal Controller (DSC) families, and the new 32-bit |

|[pic] |PIC32MX devices. Coupled with the MPLAB ICD 2 In Circuit Debugger or MPLAB REAL ICE, real-time emulation and |

| |debug facilities speed evaluation and prototyping of application circuitry. |

| |Features |

| |Includes PIC24FJ128GA010 and the dsPIC33FJ256GP710 Plug-in Modules |

|Click on the image to access complete details of |Alpha-numeric 16 x 2 LCD display |

|this board |Interfaces to MPLAB ICD 2, MPLAB REAL ICE, USB, and RS-232 |

| |Includes Microchip's TC1047A high accuracy, analog output temperature sensor |

|Click here to buy this development tool |Expansion connector to access full devices pin-out |

| |Supports Plug-in modules for 28pin, 44pin & 100 pin dsPIC® Devices |

| |Click here for the complete list of plug-in modules |

|Speech Playback PICtail Plus Daughter Board |The Speech Playback PICtail Plus Daughter Board is for evaluation and development of speech recording and |

| |playback applications using Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM). The daughter board is designed |

|[pic] |to interface with both the PICtail interface used on many PIC16 and PIC18 evaluation boards and the PICtail Plus|

| |card edge connector used on PIC24 and dsPIC evaluation boards. Reference AN643 for information on implementing |

| |an ADPCM solution. |

|Audio PICtail Plus Daughter Board |The Audio PICtail Plus Daughter Board is used with the Explorer 16 Development Board and the 16 bit 28 pin |

|[pic] |Starter Board to facilitate rapid implementation, development and testing of full duplex speech and audio |

| |applications with dsPIC DSC and PIC24H. |

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dsPIC® DSC Speech and Audio Fast Forward (SAFF) Tool

|The SAFF is a PC Based application GUI simplifies speech and audio application development. The SAFF tool communicates with the target hardware via Microchip’s|

|Real-Time Data Monitoring (RTDM) protocol over an RS-232 or USB link. User can select several audio functions to implement and user has flexibility in choosing |

|the speech / audio path (send or receive) to implement them in actual applications. The SAFF GUI tool is ready to use with Microchip’s development boards and |

|also on custom dsPIC30F/dsPIC33F hardware platform. The GUI has unique feature of generating code for selected controller platforms. This also can be used to |

|tune algorithm parameters in addition to enable or disable algorithms for intended operation |

|[pic] |Key Features |

| | |

| |Supports Microchip’s dsPIC DSC Acoustic Echo Cancellation, Line Echo Cancellation, Noise |

| |Suppression and Equalizer Libraries. |

| |Implements typical full duplex communication signal processing chain with optimal |

| |arrangement of algorithms. |

| |All algorithm parameters can be controlled in real time via RTDM |

| |The generated code from GUI tool can be ported to custom dsPIC DSC hardware |

| |Quick Start Demonstration included with installation |

| |Supports multiple serial communication rates for communicating with target dsPIC DSC |

| |Uses UART and Timer peripheral on the dsPIC DSC device to implement RTDM and MIPS |

| |measurement. |

| |Parameters on target device can be update individually or in groups. |

Digital Filter Design / Digital Filter Design Lite

|The Digital Filter Design tool for the 16-bit dsPIC® Digital Signal Controller (DSC) makes designing, analyzing and implementing Finite Impulse Response (FIR) |

|and Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) digital filters easy through a menudriven and intuitive user interface. The filter design tool performs complex mathematical|

|computations for filter design, provides superior graphical displays and generates comprehensive design reports. Desired filter frequency specifications are |

|entered and the tool generates the filter code and coefficient files ready to use in the MPLAB®IDE Integrated Development Environment. System analysis of the |

|filter transfer function is supported with multiple generated graphs |

|[pic] |Key Features: |

| |Finite Impulse Response Filter Design |

| |Design method selection |

| |Low-pass, high-pass, band-pass and band-stop filters |

| |FIR filters can have up to 513 taps |

| |Various window functions are supported: |

| |Infinite Impulse Response Filter Design |

| |Code Generation Features |

dsPICWorks Data Analysis and DSP Software

|dsPICwork Data Analysis and DSP Software tool is an easyto- use data analysis and signal processing package for designs using dsPIC® Digital Signal Controllers |

|(DSCs). This software supports an extensive number of functions which include signal generation, arithmetic operations, digital signal processing, upto 3 |

|dimensional display and data import/export capabilities with MPLAB IDE and MPLAB ASM30 |

|[pic] |Key Features |

| | |

| |Wide variety of signal generators – sine, square, triangular, window functions, |

| |noise |

| |Extensive DSP functions – FFT, DCT, filtering, convolution, interpolation |

| |Extensive arithmetic functions – algebraic expressions, data-scaling, clipping, |

| |etc. |

| |One, two and three-dimensional displays |

| |Multiple data quantization and saturation options |

| |Multi-channel data support |

| |Automatic script file-based execution options available for any user-defined |

| |sequence of |

| |File import/export interoperable with MPLAB IDE |

| |Digital filtering options support filters generated by dsPIC® DSC Digital Filter |

| |Design |

| |MPLAB ASM30 assembler file option to export data tables into dsPIC30F and |

| |dsPIC33F RAM |

|Click here for the complete list of Microchip’s and 3rd party Hardware and software development tools & Real Time operating systems for 16 bit microcontrollers |

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Getting started with Speech ,Audio and Voices Applications:

|What would you like to do? |

|I have speech encoding/decoding & audio playback experience but I am new to Microchip and would like to evaluate dsPIC DSCs for my Speech and audio |

|applications. |

|I have a explorer 16 development board and I would like to evaluate dsPICs for my next speech and audio project. |

|I want to find the lowest cost tools to evaluate the dsPIC for speech and audio. |

|I am planning to add Speech recording and Audio playback (for alrams) in my products . I would like to find a design house with expertise in Speech and Audio |

|applications to help me complete my product design quickly. |

|I am new to Speech and Audio applications. Where should I start? |

| |

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| |

|I have speech encoding/decoding & audio playback experience but I am new to Microchip and would like to evaluate dsPIC DSCs for my Speech and audio |

|applications. |

|(back to Getting Started) |

| |

|Microchip provides you everything you will need to prototype your speech and audio application including, development boards, debuggers and software libraries. |

|Once you have installed the free MPLAB IDE and free student edition compiler MPLAB C30, just follow the easy directions below and purchase the components at |

|. You can then begin your design! Remember that all of Microchip’s 16 & 32-bit MCUs and DSCs are supported by Explorer16 starter kit, so you |

|can leverage this investment many times over the years. Few Speech and Audio applications for dsPIC30F DSC’s a are supported by dsPICDEM1.1 Plus board. |

|[pic] |

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| |

| |

|I have a explorer 16 development board and I would like to evaluate dsPICs /24H for my next speech and audio project. |

|(back to Getting Started) |

| |

|Follow these steps to evaluate dsPIC DSCs using Explorer16 development board: |

|Order a free sample of suitable dsPIC33F device |

|You have to buy Speech Playback PICtail Plus Daughter Board: AC164125 or Audio Pictailplus daughter board for recording and playback applications |

|Download and install the free MPLAB IDE and MPLAB C30 C Compiler (student edition) |

|Connect the MPLAB REAL ICE™ emulator or ICD 2 In-circuit debugger. |

|Microchip provides you everything you will need to prototype your application including motors, power modules, development boards, debuggers and software. |

|Once you have installed the free MPLAB IDE and free student edition compiler MPLAB C30, just follow the easy directions below and purchase the components |

|at . You can then begin your design! Remember that all of Microchip’s 16 & 32-bit MCUs and DSCs are supported by Explorer16 starter kit,|

|so you can leverage this investment in tools many times over the years. |

| |

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| |

|I want to find the lowest cost tools to evaluate the dsPIC for speech and audio.. |

|(back to Getting Started) |

| |

|MPLAB REAL ICE: MPLAB REAL ICE In-Circuit Emulator System is Microchip’s next generation high speed emulator for Microchip Flash DSC® and MCU devices. It |

|debugs and programs PIC® and dsPIC® Flash microcontrollers with the easy-to-use but powerful graphical user interface of the MPLAB Integrated Development |

|Environment (IDE), included with each kit. |

|MPLAB IDE : Free download, MPLAB Integrated Development Environment |

| |

|MPLAB C30 : C Compiler (student edition) Free download |

|Low-cost MPLAB Starter Kit for dsPIC DSCs : The MPLAB Starter Kit for dsPIC Digital Signal Controllers is a complete hardware and software tool suite for |

|exploring applications based upon Microchip’s dsPIC DSCs. The board is designed with dsPIC DSC with 256 KB of flash memory, a high-fidelity audio codec, |

|microphone input and headphone/speaker outputs, and is powered from the USB connection to the PC. Also on the board are reconfigurable switches, |

|potentiometers, a temperature sensor and a 4 Mb serial EEPROM to store data such as audio samples. |

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| |

|I am planning to add Speech recording and Audio playback (for alrams) in my products . I would like to find a design house with expertise in Speech and |

|Audio applications to help me complete my product design quickly. |

| |

|(back to Getting Started) |

| |

|You can select one of our many design partners who have expertise in controlling motors with dsPICs. Click here to go to the Microchip Design Partners |

|portal. |

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| |

|I am new to Speech and Audio applications. Where should I start? |

| |

|If you are new to Speech and Audio applications, learning about speech and audio is a great place to start. We have Web-seminars, application notes and |

|Speech and Audio library user guides that may be very helpful. |

| |

| |

|AN643-Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation |

| |

|This application note describes a Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation |

|(ADPCM) algorithm for speech compression, de-compression and playback. This application note also describes a simple application “Talking Thermometer” |

| |

| |

|AN669 – Anti Aliasing Filter and Analog filter |

| |

|This application note explains the designing of Anti-Aliasing filters which will be useful for audio playback using PWM /DAC |

| |

| |

|16bit Speech & Audio Solutions Web seminar |

| |

|This Web seminar will provides an overview of Speech Coding and Processing Solutions that Microchip offers. Important features of every solution are |

|discussed. Details of Audio PICTail Plus board are discussed. |

| |

|(back to Getting Started) |

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DSCs and MCUs for Speech ,Audio and Voices Applications:

|Microchip offers four families of 24F, 24H & dsPIC DSCs and PIC32 for Speech & Audio Applications. The dsPIC30F family operates from 2.5-5.5V and offers|

|on-chip EEPROM. The dsPIC33F family operates at 3.3V and offers the lowest priced point, particularly for larger Flash memory sizes. PIC32 Features |

|10-bit 1MSPS ADC and has many 16-bit general purpose PWMs. PIC32 is available with large memory sizes and features USB peripheral |

|Product Family |Application Functions |

|24F Family |Record / Playback using ADPCM & G.711 |

|24H Family |Record / Playback using ADPCM & G.711 |

|dsPIC30F Family |Playback, Record using G.726A, Speex,, Telecommunication & Speech Recognition |

|dsPIC33F Family |Playback, Record using G.726A, Speex Telecommunication & Speech Recognition |

|PIC32 |PCM (raw, uncompressed), IMA , ADPCM, Speex. |

|The chart below shows featured products that contain a 16-bit D/A Converter or an Audio Codec Interface peripheral |

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