

United Nations, DPI/NGO Resource Centre, Room L-1B-31

( Fax: (212) 963-2819 ( E-mail: dpingo@



The DPI/NGO Section invites you to the briefing and discussion

Understanding and Celebrating Autism

In observance of the 1st World Autism Awareness Day (2 April)

United Nations

Thursday, 3 April 2008

10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Conference Room 1


Dr. Edwin Trevathan, Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Mrs. Suzanne Wright, Co-founder, Autism Speaks

Mr. Bob Wright, Co-founder, Autism Speaks

Mr. Lee Grossman, President and CEO, the Autism Society of America

Ms. Valerie Paradiz, co-founder of the Open Center for Autism


Ms. Lynda Baquero, News Anchor, NBC, Chanel 4, New York

Briefing description:

The briefing will celebrate people with autism, their families and friends. It will pay tribute to their daily struggles and highlight the importance of a better understanding of the condition. A short video, providing an overview of autism will be screened at 10:00 a.m. The panelists will speak about their efforts in raising awareness and eliminating the stigma associated with autism. During the course of the event, several special guests - whose dedication and commitment have contributed significantly to enhanced acceptance and appreciation of people with autism - will be acknowledged. Personal perspectives on the impact of autism will be shared during the discussion. At noon, after the panel discussion, there will be an opportunity to engage in conversation and exchange of views both inside and outside of Conf. Room 1, where information material on autism will be displayed.


Members of the Autism community, as well as representatives of the media, NGOs, UN staff and Permanent Missions are invited and encouraged to participate during the Q & A segment.


The Visitor’s entrance is on First Avenue at 46th Street. Bring a printout of this invitation together with a picture ID. After obtaining security clearance, guests will be met by NGO/DPI volunteers at a welcoming station near the Information Desk, where they will receive their passes, and will be escorted to Conference Room 1. This process may take between 15 to 30 minutes.

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