Auto Coverage/Endorsements: - JustAnswer

Auto Coverage/Endorsements:

60 Days Notice of Cancellation & Non-renewal Notice to Insured

60 Days Notice of Cancellation to Cert Holders as Required by written contract

Knowledge of Occurrence

Notice of Occurrence

Unintentional Failure to Disclose

Unintentional Errors & Omissions

Blanket Waiver of Subrogation where required by written contract

Blanket Additional Insured where required by written contract

Broad Form Named Insured-(including any subsidiaries thereof and any other entity which any of the named insured owns, operates or controls, and any other entity which was or may hereafter be acquired or formed)

Fellow Employee Coverage-Supervisors – CA2056 or equivalent

Employees as Insured – CA9933 or equivalent

Limited Mexico coverage

Blanket Loss Payee/Additional Insured where required by written contract

Hired Autos specified as covered autos you own TE9916 or CA9916

Employee Hired Auto Coverage CA2054 or equivalent

Hired & Non-owned physical damage up to $50,000 – Primary Basis

Replacement Cost Basis-Comprehensive less $100 & Collision less $500 (include loss of use coverage $750)

Permission to issue certificate of insurance showing 60 days notice of cancellation with 10 days for non-payment of premium

Permission to strike out “endeavor to” wording on the certificates if needed

Drive Other Car Coverage – Liability, Med Pay, Comp & Collision for: ________


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GL Coverage/Endorsements

Broad Form Named Insured-Named (including any subsidiaries thereof and any other entity which any of the named insured owns, operates or controls, and any other entity which was or may hereafter be acquired or formed)

60 Days NOC & Non-renewal to Insured

60 Days NOC/Material Change endorsement to Cert Holder as required

Knowledge of Occurrence

Notice of Occurrence

Unintentional Failure to Disclose

Unintentional Errors & Omissions

Blanket Waiver of Subrogation when required by written contract

Blanket Additional Insured when required by written permit, agreement, or contract including completed operations-CG2010 11 85 or equivalent

Blanket Additional Insured, Mortgagee, Assignee, or Receiver when required

Blanket Additional Insured Lessors

Blanket Broad Form Vendors coverage where required by written contract including completed operations

Hostile Fire coverage

Delete any Fellow Employee Exclusion

Primary & Noncontributory endorsement

Per project

Per Location Aggregate

Alienated Premises endorsement

Amendment of Pollution Exclusion-Exception for Building Heating Equipment

Contractual Liability endorsement-Personal Injury CG22 74

Stop Gap Liability-All Monopolistic States, territories or possessions (GL or WC policy)

Excess/Difference in Conditions/Difference in Deductible coverage over wrap-ups

Employee Benefits Liability-$1,000,000 limit-Occurrence basis-$1,000 deductible

Limited Pollution Cost-Contractors Jobsite

Worldwide Products Liability

Non-owned watercraft under 51 feet

Mental anguish to be included in Bodily Injury redefined

Property Damage limit for fire, lightning, explosion, smoke & leakage to $500,000

Coverage for injury to leased workers

Personal Injury to include humiliation and non-employment discrimination

Limited care, custody or control property damage – Riggers Liability $_________

Property damage to borrowed equipment

Electronic Data Liability endorsement-CG04 37

Delete Exclusion within 50’ of Railroad from insured contract definition

Permission to issue certificate of insurance showing 60 days notice of cancellation with 10 days for non-payment of premium

Permission to strike out “endeavor to” wording on the certificates if needed


Property Coverage/Endorsements

60 Days NOC or Non-renewal to Insured

60 Days NOC to cert holders as required by written contract

Knowledge of Occurrence

Notice of Occurrence

Unintentional Failure to Disclose

Unintentional Errors & Omissions

Delete any limitation regarding vacancy or un-occupancy

Provide coverage for back up of sewers and drains, seepage and water below ground surface

Blanket Waiver of Subrogation when required by written contract

Broad Form Named Insured-(including any subsidiaries thereof and any other entity which any of the named insured owns, operates or controls, and any other entity which was or may hereafter be acquired or formed)

Blanket Additional Insured and Blanket Loss Payee

Agreed Amount

Ordinance of Law


Debris Removal Coverage-$________

Replacement Cost Valuation/ACV

Special Cause of Loss form including theft

Permission to issue certificate of insurance showing 60 days notice of cancellation with 10 days for non-payment of premium

Permission to strike out “endeavor to” wording on the certificates if needed

Boiler & Machinery coverage

Include Boiler & Machinery Joint Loss Agreement if coverage carried with different carrier

EDP Coverage/Endorsements

Include mechanical breakdown coverage

60 Days NOC or Non-renewal to Insured

60 Days NOC or Material change to cert holders as required by written contract

Knowledge of Occurrence

Notice of Occurrence

Unintentional Failure to Disclose

Unintentional Errors & Omissions

Broad Form Named Insured-(including any subsidiaries thereof and any other entity which any of the named insured owns, operates or controls, and any other entity which was or may hereafter be acquired or formed)

Blanket Additional Insured and Blanket Loss Payee

Replacement Cost Valuation

Special Cause of Loss form including theft

Waive coinsurance clause


Builders Risk/Installation Floater Coverage/Endorsements

60 Days NOC or Non-renewal to Insured

60 Days NOC or Material change to cert holders as required by written contract

Knowledge of Occurrence

Notice of Occurrence

Unintentional Failure to Disclose

Unintentional Errors & Omissions

Blanket Waiver of Subrogation when required by written contract

Broad Form Named Insured-Named (including any subsidiaries thereof and any other entity which any of the named insured owns, operates or controls, and any other entity which was or may hereafter be acquired or formed)

Blanket Additional Insured and Blanket Loss Payee

Ordinance or Law


Debris Removal Coverage

Soft Cost - $________

Loss of Rents/Time Element $_______

Flood - $________

Earthquake - $__________

Transit - $_________

Replacement Cost Valuation

Special Cause of Loss form

Waive coinsurance clause

Permission to occupy

Temporary Storage is amended to include storage yards owned by insured

Include Contractors, Owners, Subcontractors of all tiers as named insured ATIMA

Include coverage for existing buildings or structure to which improvements, alterations, repairs or additions are being made

Permission to issue certificate of insurance showing 60 days notice of cancellation with 10 days for non-payment of premium

Permission to strike out “endeavor to” wording on the certificates if needed

Contractors Equipment Coverage/Endorsements

60 Days NOC or Non-renewal to Insured

60 Days NOC or Material change to cert holders as required by written contract

Knowledge of Occurrence

Notice of Occurrence

Unintentional Failure to Disclose

Unintentional Errors & Omissions

Blanket Waiver of Subrogation when required by written contract

Broad Form Named Insured-(including any subsidiaries thereof and any other entity which any of the named insured owns, operates or controls, and any other entity which was or may hereafter be acquired or formed)

Blanket Additional Insured and Blanket Loss Payee

Special Cause of Loss form

Agreed Amount or Waive coinsurance clause

Delete Boom & Overload exclusion

Permission to issue certificate of insurance showing 60 days notice of cancellation with 10 days for non-payment of premium

Permission to strike out “endeavor to” wording on the certificates if needed

Riggers Liability loss of use $______

Rented/Leased/Borrowed Equipment

Rental Reimbursement

WC Coverage/Endorsements:

Broad Form Named Insured-Named (including any subsidiaries thereof and any other entity which any of the named insured owns, operates or controls, and any other entity which was or may hereafter be acquired or formed)

60 Days Notice of Cancellation/Non Renewal to Insured

60 Day Notice of Cancellation to Certificate Holders when required by written contract

60 Day Notice of Material Change Endorsement to Certificate Holder when required by written contract

Knowledge of Occurrence

Notice of Occurrence

Failure to Disclose

Unintentional Errors & Omissions

Sole Proprietors, Partners, Officer and Others Coverage-All Active Executive Officers

Blanket Waiver of Subrogation when required by written contract

Voluntary Compensation & EL Liability coverage-if any

Foreign Voluntary Compensation & EL Liability coverage-if any

Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act Coverage-if any

Employers Liability (Stop Gap Liability-All Monopolistic States, territories or possessions) with limits of $1,000,000 – If Any

Alternate Employer endorsement-if needed

Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Coverage Endorsement-if any

Maritime Coverage Endorsement-if any

Excess/Difference in Conditions/Difference in Deductible coverage over wrap-ups

Foreign Coverage for $1,000,000 including endemic disease & repatriation-if any

Permission to issue certificate of insurance showing 60 days notice of cancellation with 10 days for non-payment of premium

Permission to strike out “endeavor to” wording on the certificates if needed


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