
Microsoft Excel & Access Final Exam Preparation PacketMicrosoft ExcelLessons 1 – 13: 50%Microsoft Access Lessons 1 – 15: 50%Directions: For each question use should use any notes or resources you have from this course to prove the correct answer using one of the following options:Option #1: Define the Correct Answer - Write a definition of the correct answer.1. Trey is a sole proprietor of a clothing store. He bought 100 pairs of jeans from a manufacturer in China. Trey paid $10 for the jeans, but he is charging his customers $100 for the jeans. This is an example of a:A. MarkdownB. DiscountC. Price ceilingD. Markup – This is the amount added to the cost to cover profit and overhead.Option #2: Explain the Correct Answer - Write a one or two sentence explanation of the correct answer.1. Trey is a sole proprietor of a clothing store. He bought 100 pairs of jeans from a manufacturer in China. Trey paid $10 for the jeans, but he is charging his customers $100 for the jeans. This is an example of a:A. MarkdownB. DiscountC. Price ceilingD. Markup – Trey paid $10 for jeans he is selling for $100. He is marking up the price so he can make a profit. Option #3: Explain the Wrong Answer(s) - If you do not know the correct answer, explain why you think one or two answer-choices are incorrect.1. Trey is a sole proprietor of a clothing store. He bought 100 pairs of jeans from a manufacturer in China. Trey paid $10 for the jeans, but he is charging his customers $100 for the jeans. This is an example of a:A. Markdown – This is wrong because the price of the jeans went up and a markdown is a decrease in price!B. Discount – A discount is given to buyers when they purchase products from manufacturers. The question does not mention a discount cost for the jeans.C. Price ceilingD. MarkupEXCEL1.01 - Overview (21 questions)1) Joyce needs to access a spreadsheet she saved yesterday. Which command would she select?A)ExitB)OpenC)SaveD)Save As2)Joan has a table that includes demographic information about her employees. What does all the information about one employee represent?A)EntryB)WorkbookC)RowD)Column3)Sharon's spreadsheet contains information about the number of music downloads in F25. "25" identifies the:A)CellB)ColumnC)RangeD)Row4)Which Microsoft Office object would you use for quick, convenient, one-click access to frequently used Excel commands?A)Quick Access ToolbarB)Title barC)Status barD)Formula Bar5)What feature was created for users who prefer to use the keyboard rather than the mouse, and provides keyboard code icons that may be used in conjunction with the ALT key?A)Quick Access ToolbarB)Hot KeysC)Mini ToolbarD)Key Tips6)Which command do you use to close an open file and completely exit the Microsoft Excel program?A)CloseB)Save AsC)ExitD)Quit7)Joan wants to add a new entry at the bottom of her spreadsheet. What is the shortcut that will take her to the last record on her spreadsheet?A)Ctrl + HomeB)Ctrl + EndC)Ctrl + Up ArrowD)Ctrl + 18)Joan has entered her name in the First Name field in cell B2 of her table. What does her First Name represent in the table?A)EntryB)WorkbookC)RowD)Column9)Which tab do you use to display the area that contains the print command?A)HomeB)Page LayoutC)ViewD)File10)What occurs when the cursor is moved over a cell and a user clicks?A)The row is selectedB)The cell is selectedC)The column is selectedD)The worksheet is selected11)Which of the following software programs is a powerful spreadsheet program that allows users to organize data, complete calculations, and graph data?A)WordB)PublisherC)ExcelD)PowerPoint12)Which of the following notebook- like features organizes the sheets for use in Excel?A)WorkbookB)WorksheetC)NotepadD)Folder13)Which group on the View Ribbon enables a user to show or hide the ruler, gridlines, Formula Bar, or headings?A)Workbook viewsB)ShowC)ZoomD)Window14)Which ribbon option opens a related dialog box?A)EllipseB)Drop-down ArrowC)LauncherD)Slider15)What command do you use to increase or decrease the view of a selected cell or range of cells to fill the Excel Window area for better visibility?A)Magnify AreaB)Enlarge Selected AreaC)Amplify RangeD)Zoom to Selection16)Which view is the default view used in Microsoft Excel?A)Page LayoutB)PrintC)NormalD)Web17)Which area, on the left side of the formula bar, can you look at to determine the cell address of a selected cell?A)Cell boxB)Address boxC)Name boxD)Formula box18)Which of the following would you use to enter, calculate, manipulate, and analyze data such as numbers and text in Excel?A)WorkbookB)WorksheetC)NotepadD)Folder19)John wants to be able to view multiple areas of his spreadsheet at the same time. What would be his best option?A)Freeze PanesB)SplitC)HideD)Unhide20)What command will arrange Microsoft Excel windows so that they appear side by side on the screen?A)Zoom to SelectionB)New WindowC)Arrange AllD)Freeze Panes21)Which view enables a user to create or modify a worksheet while seeing how it will look in printed format?A)Page LayoutB)PrintC)NormalD)Web1.02 - Working with Microsoft Excel 2013 (20 questions)1)What is the name of the list of frequently used Excel commands available when a user right-clicks an item in the worksheet?A)Mini ToolbarB)Quick Access ToolbarC)Shortcut MenuD)Shortcut Toolbar2)Alicia needs to delete the data in cell B5. Which command would she select?A)ClearB)CopyC)CutD)Format Painter3)Joyce has updated the data in an existing spreadsheet. Which command would she select to preserve the data for future use?A)ExitB)OpenC)SaveD)Save As4)Which command on the Fill options dialog box is the default option if you enter a month or day?A)Copy CellsB)Fill Formatting OnlyC)Fill without FormattingD)Fill Series5)What is the name of the small black square in the lower-right corner of the heavy border of an active cell that repeats a cell's value in adjacent cells?A)Fill handleB)FillerC)Copy handleD)Copy box6)In Microsoft Excel, which feature makes an exact replica of the cell data and format while keeping the original cell intact?A)PasteB)MoveC)CutD)Copy7)John wants to print only the Inventory worksheet that he is currently working on in his workbook. Which option should he choose?A)Print SelectionB)Print Active SheetC)Print Entire WorkbookD)Fit Sheet on One Page8)Jennifer needs to identify the values in column B for a statistics report. Which type of entry should she use in the column header?A)valuesB)formulasC)labelsD)functions9)What is the process of using the mouse to move or copy cells called?A)Click and pasteB)Drag and moveC)DraggingD)Drag and drop10)Alicia needs to move the data in cell B5 to cell E5. Which command would she select?A)ClearB)CopyC)CutD)Format Painter11)Joan is creating a table that will include demographic information about her employees. What is each header in her table considered?A)LabelB)ValueC)FormulaD)Function12)Which Microsoft Excel feature automatically inserts data into a cell that begins with the same characters as a previous entry?A)AutoCompleteB)AutoFillC)AutoCorrectD)AutoSpell13)Which command on the "Home Ribbon" allows data to be moved from one worksheet location to another?A)CutB)MoveC)CopyD)Duplicate14)When entering data into a cell, which keyboard key is used to remove characters to the left of the insertion point?A)Delete keyB)Backspace keyC)Left arrow keyD)Enter key15)Jennifer needs to identify the values in column B for a sales report. Which type of entry should she use in the column header?A)valuesB)formulasC)labelsD)functions16)To help organize and identify Microsoft Excel files by providing details about the files, which of the following would you use?A)File detailsB)Document propertiesC)File factsD)Document options17)David wants to key the numbers 1 to 1,000 in Column A of his spreadsheet. What command should he use to complete this task?A)AutoFillB)FilterC)Find and ReplaceD)Sort18)Sharon's spreadsheet contains information about the number of music downloads in F1:F25. F1:F25 represents a:A)CellB)ColumnC)RangeD)Row19)In an Microsoft Excel worksheet, how do you change the width of a column so that the widest entry will fit?A)Smart FitB)AutoFitC)Best FitD)True Fit20)Which term refers to a group of selected cells that may be formatted, moved, copied or deleted as a group?A)SegmentB)SetC)RangeD)Cluster1.03 - Using Office Backstage (6 questions)1)Which command enables a user to save an existing worksheet with a new name or save the worksheet in a new location?A)CloseB)SaveC)Save AsD)Exit2)What area contains the command used to customize the print options in Microsoft Excel?A)Home RibbonB)Page Layout RibbonC)File TabD)Quick Access Toolbar3)John's workbooks includes 3 worksheets. Which option should he choose to print them?A)Print SelectionB)Print Active SheetC)Print Entire WorkbookD)Fit to one page4)Jim would like to print only the cell range A1:F20. What page setup option should he change?A)OrientationB)Page BreakC)Print AreaD)Print Titles5)Steve would like to print only the worksheet he is currently working on. What print option should he choose?A)Print AreaB)Active SheetsC)Entire WorkbookD)Quick Print6)Which is a special workbook a user can create and then use as a pattern to create new, similar workbooks or worksheets?A)FormB)BoilerplateC)Smart SheetD)Template1.04 - Using Basic Formulas (12 questions)1)Jennifer is calculating her GPA. If she uses "=(A1+A2+A3+A4)/4", this is an example of which type of entry?A)valuesB)formulasC)labelsD)functions2)Sandra is creating a formula to subtract the values in cells B4 and C4. Which formula should she use?A)=B4+C4B)=B4*C4C)=B4/C4D)=B4-C43)When copying values in Microsoft Excel, which feature automatically adjusts cell references for the new copy location?A)Absolute referenceB)Certain referenceC)Variable referenceD)Relative reference4)Joshua created a budget workbook that contains the formula =(Summary!B3). "Summary" is an example of a(n):A)named range.B)external reference.C)names manager.D)scope.5)What do you call it when you reference cells in other sheets in a workbook formula using the sheet name as the reference rather than the cell address?A)Calling the SheetB)Name referenceC)Sheet NameD)Worksheet Reference6)Tyler created a monthly sales workbook that contains the formula =SUM(Sales). "Sales" is an example of a(n):A)named range.B)external reference.C)names manager.D)scope.7)How is a cell reference in a formula and its corresponding location in a worksheet identified?A)Arrows pointing from the formula to the locationB)Cell reference and cell location are circledC)Cell reference and cell location are outlined in matching colorsD)Lines connect from the formula to the location8)What type of formula cell reference instructs Microsoft Excel to keep the cell reference constant in the formula as it copies it to the destination area?A)RelativeB)MixedC)AbsoluteD)Unconditional9)Sandra is creating a formula to multiply the values in cells B4 and C4. Which formula should she use?A)=B4+C4B)=B4*C4C)=B4 x C4D)=B4-C410)Gabriel needs to create a formula that does not change when it is copied to cell B2. Which formula should he create?A)=$B$1+25B)=B1+25C)=1$B$+25D)=B1:B311)Tyler created a monthly sales workbook that contains the formula =(January!B3). "January" is an example of a(n):A)named range.B)external reference.C)names manager.D)scope.12)What method is the MOST EFFICIENT way to copy five separate formulas to adjacent cells simultaneously?A)Copy method from Shortcut MenuB)Copy using the Fill HandleC)Copy from the Home RibbonD)Copy using the Quick Access Toolbar1.05 - Using Functions (15 questions)1)Larkeysha has created a spreadsheet containing student grades. Which function would she use to return the current date and time in cell A1?A)COUNTB)IFC)NOWD)TODAY2)Which function do you use to insert today's date in a worksheet so that it automatically updates each time the worksheet is opened?A)TodayB)WeekdayC)DateD)CurrentDate3)Angie is calculating her average sales for the past four months. If she uses "=AVERAGE(B1:B4)", this is an example of which type of entry?A)valuesB)formulasC)labelsD)functions4)Which group on the Formulas Ribbon contains the command that checks for common errors found in a formula?A)Function LibraryB)Defined NamesC)Formula AuditingD)Calculation5)What function adds all of the numbers in a range of cells?A)CalculateB)SumC)ComputeD)Add6)Which group on the Formulas Ribbon enables a user to specify when a formula is computed?A)Function LibraryB)Defined NamesC)Formula AuditingD)Calculation7)Gabriel needs to create a shortcut formula in cell B40 to calculate total sales located in cells B1 through B39. Which function should he create?A)=$B$1+25B)=B1+25C)=SUM(B1:B39)D)=B1:B398)Larkeysha has created a spreadsheet containing student grades. Which function would she use to return the current date in cell A1?A)COUNTB)IFC)NOWD)TODAY9)What is a prewritten formula that is built into Microsoft Excel called?A)UtilityB)ProcedureC)FunctionD)Statement10)Which command on the Home Tab displays the total of the selected cells directly after the selected cells?A)AutoSumB)AddC)TotalD)Calculate11)Which group on the Formulas Ribbon contains a command that allows a user to create names for cells to use in a formula?A)Function LibraryB)Defined NamesC)Formula AuditingD)Calculation12)Amanda has created a spreadsheet containing test grades for the first nine weeks. Which function would she use to estimate the grade on her next test?A)AVERAGEB)MAXC)MIND)SUM13)Which of the following are valid Microsoft Excel functions?A)AVERAGE, MAX, and NUMB)MAX, MIN, and WEEKC)AVERAGE, MAX, and MIND)WEEKDAY, MAX, and CLOSE14)Amanda has created a spreadsheet containing test grades for the first nine weeks. Which function would she use to find the highest test grade?A)AVERAGEB)MAXC)MIND)SUM15)Where can you find the Insert Function button in Microsoft Excel?A)Quick Access ToolbarB)Formula barC)Status barD)Shortcut menu1.06 - Formatting Cells and Ranges (24 questions)1)Which command do you use to reduce the margin between the border and the text in an indented cell?A)OrientationB)Decrease IndentC)Column WidthD)Alignment2)Which command on the Home Ribbon joins selected cells into one and centers that content into a larger single cell?A)Wrap TextB)Group CellsC)Cell StylesD)Merge & Center3)Column D in a spreadsheet contains employee ID Number. Which formatting would be most appropriate for the data in column D?A)CurrencyB)DateC)NumberD)Text4)On the Home Ribbon, what do you use to change the text color of characters in a cell?A)Font Color drop-down listB)Font Size drop-down listC)Fill Color drop-down listD)Cell Styles drop-down list5)Trey would like to apply a rule to the data in cell range A1:F20 that will highlight numbers greater than 50,000 with a yellow fill color and dark yellow text. Which formatting style should he select?A)BordersB)Cell styleC)Conditional formattingD)Format as table6)On the Home Ribbon, what do you use to change the font size of characters in a cell?A)Font drop-down listB)Font Size drop-down listC)Font Style drop-down listD)Cell Styles drop-down list7)Carl notices the last two lines of text in cell B4 are not showing up in his spreadsheet. How could Carl format the cell to correct this problem?A)AutoFitB)Special FormattingC)Subscript FormattingD)Merge8)Trey would like to outline the cell range A1:F20. Which formatting style should he select?A)BordersB)Cell styleC)Conditional formattingD)Format as table9)What type of formatting appears only when the value in a cell meets conditions specified by a user?A)CriterionB)ConditionalC)LogicalD)Restrictive10)Which dialog box in Microsoft Excel do you use to set the rotation of text in a cell to a specific degree?A)OrientationB)Format CellsC)Format TextD)Alignment11)Which dialog box contains the commands to specify an exact date and time format to use for a selected cell in a worksheet?A)NumberB)FontC)ParagraphD)Format Cells12)Kathryn needs the text in cell A1 to be angled at 90 degrees. Which alignment option should she select?A)CenterB)Merge and CenterC)OrientationD)Wrap Text13)Kathryn needs the title in cell A1 to align horizontally across cells A1 through D1. Which alignment option should she select?A)CenterB)Merge and CenterC)OrientationD)Wrap Text14)Which quick-number style button formats numbers to display as currency in the worksheet?A)PercentB)AccountingC)CommaD)Dollar15)Which command on the Home Ribbon do you use to rotate text to a vertical or diagonal angle in a worksheet?A)FontB)OrientationC)Wrap TextD)Merge & Center16)Column D in a spreadsheet contains information about regional sales. Which formatting would be most appropriate for the data in column D?A)CurrencyB)DateC)NumberD)Text17)Which defines the appearance and shape of the letters, numbers, and special characters in Microsoft Excel?A)AlignmentB)FontC)SizeD)Effects18)Where can you find the command to apply a fill color to a cell or range of cells in a worksheet?A)Home RibbonB)Insert RibbonC)Page Layout RibbonD)View Ribbon19)Kenyon would like to apply the Title format to the data in Row 1 of a spreadsheet. Which formatting style should he select?A)Cell styleB)Conditional formattingC)Fill colorD)Format as table20)Which command do you use to format a cell or selected cells quickly by choosing from a defined list of styles?A)Format as tableB)Cell styleC)Conditional formattingD)Form21)Which command on the Insert Ribbon creates a link to a web page, picture, email address, or program in a worksheet?A)HyperlinkB)Web linkC)LinkupD)Text link22)What defines the color of the characters in an Microsoft Excel worksheet?A)Font sizeB)Font colorC)Cell colorD)Background23)Carl notices that the data in cell E4 reads #######. What command could Carl choose to correct this problem?A)AutoFitB)Special FormattingC)Subscript FormattingD)Wrap Text24)What command do you use to apply a background color to cells in a worksheet?A)DrawingB)Fill ColorC)Borders & ShadingD)Highlight1.07 - Formatting Worksheets (16 questions)1)Which command on the Home Ribbon do you use to remove cells, rows, or columns from a worksheet or table?A)DeleteB)RemoveC)FormatD)Format as Table2)Jack would like the data in Row 10 not to display on his spreadsheet. Which option should he select?A)FreezeB)HeaderC)HideD)Scale3)Which set of formatting choices includes a set of colors, fonts, and effects that you can apply to a worksheet to enhance its appearance?A)LayoutB)TemplateC)ThemeD)Design4)In Microsoft Excel, what do you use to emphasize certain entries and make the worksheet easier to read and understand?A)FormattingB)PrintingC)ArrangingD)Configuring5)John's spreadsheet includes multiple pages of records. If John wants to view his headings while scrolling through his spreadsheet what should he do?A)Freeze PanesB)SplitC)HideD)Unhide6)Which term describes the blank portions of a page that fall outside the main body of the printed document?A)BordersB)EdgesC)FramesD)Margins7)Which command do you use to remove manual page breaks from a worksheet area?A)Select break, press Delete on keyboardB)Select Remove Page Break from the Breaks drop-down areaC)Select break, press Backspace on keyboardD)Select break, press Remove Page Break from Shortcut Menu8)Which command on the Home Ribbon do you use to format row height and column width, organize sheets, and protect or hide cells in a worksheet?A)InsertB)FormC)Sort & FilterD)Format9)Which command on the Page Layout Ribbon enables a user to mark where a new page will begin on the printed copy?A)Print AreaB)BreaksC)BackgroundD)Effects10)John notices that column D is not showing on his spreadsheet. What action does he need to take to view column D?A)Freeze PanesB)SplitC)HideD)Unhide11)Joan is showing her spreadsheet to a customer and does not want the customer to be able to see the wholesale prices column. What option should she choose?A)FreezeB)SplitC)Page BreakD)Hide12)Which ribbon contains the command to apply a theme to a worksheet in Microsoft Excel?A)HomeB)Page LayoutC)DataD)View13)What command do you use to insert information into a worksheet that will display at the top and bottom edges of the printed page?A)MarginsB)Print titlesC)Header & FooterD)Page Setup14)Which command group on the Page Layout Ribbon controls the presence of gridlines and headings on a worksheet?A)ThemesB)Page SetupC)Sheet OptionsD)Arrange15)Jim would like the data in Row 1 of his spreadsheet to repeat on every page of his printout. What page setup option should he change?A)OrientationB)Page BreakC)Print AreaD)Print Titles16)Jack would like to force the data in his spreadsheet to fit on one page when printed. Which option should he select?A)FreezeB)HeaderC)HideD)Scale1.08 - Managing Worksheets (13 questions)1)Jack would like the data in Row 1 to remain stationary on the screen while he scrolls. Which option should he select?A)FreezeB)HeaderC)HideD)Scale2)Joan wants to be able to view row 1 as well as column A while scrolling through her worksheet. Which option should she choose?A)FreezeB)SplitC)Page BreakD)Hide3)John would like to change the order of the worksheets in his workbook. Which option would he choose?A)InsertB)DeleteC)CopyD)Move4)Virgil needs to transfer a worksheet in the current workbook to a different workbook. Which command should he choose?A)InsertB)MoveC)RenameD)Tab Color5)John would like to remove a worksheet from his workbook. Which option would he choose?A)InsertB)DeleteC)CopyD)Move6)David wants to change all occurrences of "North Carolina" to "NC" in his spreadsheet. What command should he use to complete this task?A)AutoFillB)FilterC)Find and ReplaceD)Sort7)Virgil wants to customize the sheet tabs in his workbook with the names June, July, and August. Which command should he choose?A)InsertB)MoveC)RenameD)Tab Color8)What feature of Microsoft Excel keeps a portion of a worksheet visible while the other portion scrolls?A)ZoomB)SelectC)Freeze PanesD)Rotate9)What is a single character, word, or phrase in a cell on a worksheet that is typically used in searches?A)TextB)StringC)ThreadD)Key10)Virgil wants to emphasize the sheet tabs in his workbook. Which command should he choose?A)InsertB)MoveC)RenameD)Tab Color11)How would you move sheet tabs to a new position in the workbook?A)Choose Move on the Home Ribbon.B)Click and drag the sheet tab to the new location.C)Choose Move on the Insert Ribbon.D)Choose Relocate on the Quick Access Toolbar.12)How is an exact copy of a worksheet created within the same workbook?A)While pointing to the sheet tab, choose Copy from the Shortcut MenuB)Right-click the sheet tab, then choose Move or Copy from the Shortcut MenuC)While pointing to the Select All button, choose Move or Copy from the Shortcut MenuD)Choose Move or Copy from the Quick Access Toolbar13)Which command on the Home Ribbon do you use to replace information in a selected cell with new information or new formatting?A)FontB)Format CellC)Cell StylesD)Find & Select1.09 - Working with Data and Macros (15 questions)1)Joan has created a spreadsheet that displays sales of her employees. She would like to view only those employees with sales above $25,000 who are from Region 3. What option will allow her to do that?A)AscendingB)DescendingC)FilterD)Custom Filter2)How do you quickly modify a table style to meet user preferences?A)Right-click on a style and choose Modify.B)Right-click on a style and choose Duplicate.C)Double-click a style from the Table Quick Styles Gallery.D)Choose Modify from the Styles Group on the Home Ribbon.3)Which command on the Home Ribbon do you use to temporarily hide specific values on a worksheet based on a criterion?A)Find & SelectB)Format CellC)Sort & FilterD)Organize4)David only wants to view the employees in the Marketing department who earn a salary of more than $25,000. What command should he use to complete this task?A)AutoFillB)FilterC)Find and ReplaceD)Sort5)Which command on the Home Ribbon do you use to organize data in ascending or descending order?A)Find & SelectB)Format CellC)Sort & FilterD)Organize6)Joan wants to see her sales representatives in numerical order with the sales person who sold the least at the top. Which sorting option should she choose?A)AscendingB)DescendingC)Primary SortD)Customer Filter7)Dylan is creating an Excel spreadsheet of student schedules for all FBLA members. He would like to know how many members are in the same first period class. Which feature would allow him to do this?A)GroupB)CollapseC)SubtotalD)Outline8)Which ribbon includes the commands to apply a quick table style to a range of cells?A)HomeB)InsertC)Page LayoutD)Data9)Which is a way to qualify data by specifying a matching condition or asking a question of the data?A)InsertB)SortC)QueryD)Probe10)Cooper is creating a spreadsheet for FBLA and wants to be able to put the spreadsheet in alphabetical order by last name. What should Cooper apply to the spreadsheet?A)MacroB)SortC)FilterD)Formula11)Dylan is creating an Excel spreadsheet of student schedules for all FBLA members. He would like to show a summary view of all of the first period classes. Which feature would allow him to do this?A)GroupB)CollapseC)SubtotalD)Outline12)What is the process of bringing data containing text fields separated by commas into Excel called?A)Importing dataB)Data collectionC)Data integrationD)Data migration13)Kenyon would like to convert the cell range A1:F20 to a Medium 19 style. Which formatting style should he select?A)Cell styleB)Conditional formattingC)Fill colorD)Format as table14)David wants to arrange the employee salaries in Column A of his spreadsheet from lowest to highest. What command should he use to complete this task?A)AutoFillB)FilterC)Find and ReplaceD)Sort15)What Home Ribbon group contains the command used for quickly converting selected cells to a table by choosing a table style?A)StylesB)AlignmentC)EditingD)Font1.10 - Using Advanced Formulas (15 questions)1)Jane wants to count the number of cells in a range in her spreadsheet. She would like to count only the cells in that range that contain 100. What function should he use?A)SUMIFB)AVERAGEIFC)TOTALIFD)COUNTIF2)Tom wants to search his spreadsheet for a value in the fourth row of his table. What function should he use?A)VLOOKUPB)HLOOKUPC)LOOKUPD)SEARCH3)Tom wants to convert all text to lowercase. Which function she he use?A)TrimB)ProperC)UpperD)Lower4)SUMIF and SUMIFS are in which category of functions?A)Math & TrigB)TextC)LogicalD)Lookup & Reference5)Peter wants to replace a specific text in a text string in his spreadsheet. What function should he use?A)FINDB)SUBSTITUTEC)VLOOKUPD)SEARCH6)Jamal wants to average a range of cells in his spreadsheet. He would like Excel to average only the cells in that range that are greater than 100 but less than 500. What function should he use?A)SUMIFSB)AVERAGEIFSC)TOTALIFSD)COUNTIFS7)James wants to use an advanced function to search his spreadsheet for a specific string in a text string?A)FINDB)SUBSTITUTEC)VLOOKUPD)REPLACE8)Maggie wants to use a function that will return True when all its arguments are true, and False when one or more arguments are false. What function would she use?A)IFB)ANDC)ORD)NOT9)IF, AND, OR and NOT are all part of which category of functions?A)Math & TrigB)TextC)LogicalD)Lookup & Reference10)In Sam's spreadsheet, Column A has student first and last names. They need to be separated into two different columns. Which tool would he use?A)Convert Text to Column WizardB)Split ViewC)View Side by SideD)Comma Delimited11)Jane wants to add a range of cells in her spreadsheet. She would like Excel to add only the cells in that range that are greater than 1,000. What function should she use?A)SUMIFB)AVERAGEIFC)TOTALIFD)COUNTIF12)Jill wants to search her spreadsheet for a value in the first column of her table. What function should she use?A)VLOOKUPB)HLOOKUPC)LOOKUPD)SEARCH13)Jessica needs to capitalize the first letter in each word. Which function would she use?A)TrimB)ProperC)UpperD)Lower14)James wants his spreadsheet to return true when the logical value is false. What function should he use?A)IFB)ANDC)ORD)NOT15)Elizabeth needs to convert all text in Column A to uppercase. Which function should she use?A)TrimB)ProperC)UpperD)Lower1.11 - Securing and Sharing Workbooks (9 questions)1)What command limits structural changes, such as adding, deleting, or moving sheets, that can be made in a workbook?A)Protect WorkbookB)Protect SheetC)ShareD)Protection2)All of the FBLA officers have access to the spreadsheet of member contact information. Which feature in Excel allows others to view which officer made changes to the spreadsheet, when the change was made and what changes were made?A)Track ChangesB)Change HistoryC)HistoryD)Names Manager3)Lilly is creating a spreadsheet for FBLA and would like all of the advisors at her school to be able to make changes to the spreadsheet at the same time. What command allows her to do this?A)Share WorkbookB)Protect WorkbookC)Tracking ChangesD)Export4)Lilly is creating a spreadsheet for FBLA and would like to see the changes advisors have made to the workbook. What command allows her to do this?A)Share WorkbookB)Protect WorkbookC)Tracking ChangesD)Export5)Lilly is making changes to a spreadsheet her FBLA Advisor created. She wants to add a note informing her advisor of an incorrect address for a member. What option in the comments group should she use?A)NewB)DeleteC)Edit CommentD)Show Ink6)Which ribbon contains commands to add a comment about a selected cell in a worksheet?A)HomeB)InsertC)DataD)Review7)The FBLA Advisor at your school would like to create random ID numbers for FBLA members at your school. Which function would allow her to have Excel pick a random number between 1000 and 5000 for the new member ID numbers?A)RAND()B)RAND BETWEEN(1000,5000)C)BETWEEN(1000,5000)D)RANDOM(1000,5000)8)Lilly is making changes to a spreadsheet her FBLA Advisor created. She would like to make a change to the comment she made in the spreadsheet. What option in the comments group should she choose?A)NewB)DeleteC)Edit CommentD)Show Ink9)Where is the spellchecker located?A)Home RibbonB)Page Layout RibbonC)Review RibbonD)View Ribbon1.12 - Creating Charts (35 questions)1)John would like to display the count of employee last names on the Y-axis of a PivotChart. What area would he drag this information to in order to display correctly?A)Report filterB)Legend fieldsC)Axis fieldsD)Values2)John wants to add text effects to his PivotChart. Which PivotTable Chart Tools tab would he use?A)DesignB)LayoutC)FormatD)Analyze3)Which Chart Tools Ribbon tab allows a user to select from a gallery of chart styles?A)StyleB)DesignC)LayoutD)Format4)What ribbon contains the commands used to create a chart in Excel?A)Home RibbonB)Insert RibbonC)Formulas RibbonD)Data Ribbon5)What term refers to an Excel Chart with offset pieces?A)ExplodedB)ShatteredC)SeparatedD)Detached6)John wants to identify the exact value that each column in his chart represents. Which option should he choose?A)GridlinesB)ArrowsC)PicturesD)Labels7)Which is the name of an interactive graphical representation of data that allows a user to change the groupings?A)PivotChartB)PivotTableC)PivotDateD)Rotate Table8)What graphically represents trends in plotted data and predicts future values?A)SparklineB)TrendlineC)ChartlineD)Error bar9)Which tab in the PivotChart Tools Ribbon allows a user to apply a chart style to the PivotChart?A)DesignB)LayoutC)FormatD)Analyze10)In order to directly report the data, what must a PivotChart always be associated with?A)TableB)RangeC)PivotTableD)Worksheet11)Which tab in the PivotChart Tools Ribbon allows a user to apply chart titles to the PivotChart?A)DesignB)LayoutC)FormatD)Analyze12)Edward would like to create a chart that shows the trend in iPod sales over the past 2 years. Which chart type should he create?A)BarB)ColumnC)LineD)Pie13)Dorothy designed a column chart and would like to add an element that will help lead the eye and improve readability of the chart. Which chart feature should she include?A)Axis TitleB)Chart TitleC)GridlinesD)Plot Area14)What ribbon contains the commands for creating charts in Microsoft Excel?A)HomeB)Page LayoutC)InsertD)Data15)John has created a PivotChart and would like to include a guide that would display the names of the series of data included on the chart. Which option would allow him to do this?A)Report filterB)Legend fieldsC)Axis fieldsD)Values16)What can you use to easily filter PivotTables and cube functions interactively in a worksheet?A)SlicerB)CutterC)DivisionD)Sliver17)What is the process of viewing a PivotTable report for a subset that meets the criterion only?A)FilteringB)SortingC)PositioningD)Arranging18)Which is a tiny chart that provides a visual representation of data in a worksheet cell?A)TrendlineB)SparklineC)DatalineD)Flashpoint19)Leigh Ann designed a bar chart and would like to add an element above the chart to make the data more meaningful. Which chart feature would she need to include?A)AxisB)Chart titleC)Data labelD)Legend20)John wants to change the chart style on his PivotTable. Which PivotTable chart tools tab would he create?A)DesignB)LayoutC)FormatD)Analyze21)What are graphical objects that contain buttons a user can click to filter the data in PivotTables and PivotCharts?A)SliversB)PartialsC)SlicersD)Movers22)John wants to create a chart that shows trends of sales for 4 quarters. What type of chart should he create?A)PivotChartB)Line chartC)Embedded chartD)Linked chart23)Which ribbon is visible when a PivotTable is selected, and allows a user to apply various styles to the PivotTable?A)LayoutB)OptionsC)DesignD)Format24)John wants to be able to view his monthly sales chart as well as his data on the same worksheet. What type of chart should he create?A)PivotChartB)Line chartC)Embedded chartD)Linked chart25)Which of the following is the default method for summarizing data in a PivotTable?A)CountB)AverageC)MaxD)Sum26)Leigh Ann designed a bar chart and would like to add an element to the right of the chart that identifies each bar's color. Which chart feature would she need to include?A)AxisB)Chart titleC)Data labelD)Legend27)What is the purpose of the -/+ buttons that appear across the categories on a PivotTable?A)Decrease/IncreaseB)Collapse/ExpandC)Reduce/AddD)Subtract/Add28)On a PivotTable, what is a field with values not entered as data but determined by a computation involving data in other fields called?A)Total fieldB)AutoSumC)Calculated fieldD)Analyzed field29)Which is an interactive view of worksheet data that gives a user the ability to summarize the data by selecting categories in which to group the data?A)PivotChartB)PivotTableC)PivotDateD)Rotate table30)When creating a PivotTable, which are drawn in columns in the worksheet data?A)RecordsB)FieldsC)CellsD)Ranges31)Which Chart Tools Ribbon tab enables a user to apply a style to the selected chart?A)StyleB)DesignC)LayoutD)Format32)Edward would like to create a chart that uses vertical rectangles to compare iPod and iPad sales. Which chart type should he create?A)BarB)ColumnC)LineD)Pie33)Which Chart Tools Ribbon tab allows a user to insert various labels on the chart?A)StyleB)DesignC)LayoutD)Format34)What is typically included in the range of data selected to create a chart?A)Titles onlyB)Numeric data and totals onlyC)Numeric data, totals, and titlesD)Numeric data and titles35)Dorothy designed a column chart and would like to change the background color to yellow. Which chart feature should she modify?A)Axis TitleB)Chart TitleC)GridlinesD)Plot Area1.13 - Adding Pictures and Shapes to a Worksheet (9 questions)1)Ken has inserted a picture into his spreadsheet that was taken with a low-quality camera. Which tool would allow him to sharpen the image?A)Picture StylesB)Artistic EffectsC)CorrectionsD)WordArt Styles2)Which command on the Insert Ribbon inserts a graphic from the Microsoft Office collection into a worksheet?A)Clip ArtB)PictureC)SmartArtD)Instant Art3)Lisa has added WordArt to her spreadsheet. Which tab is now available for her to edit the WordArt?A)DataB)DesignC)StyleD)Format4)Which command on the Page Layout Ribbon enables a user to flip objects on a worksheet?A)AlignB)ArrangeC)GroupD)Rotate5)Which command on the Insert Ribbon enables a user to insert a picture of a part of a screen into a worksheet?A)ShapesB)Picture CroppingC)Screen ClippingD)Screenshot6)Which command creates decorative text in a worksheet?A)SmartArtB)WordArtC)DrawD)Shape7)John would like to add a banner at the top of his spreadsheet. Which object should he insert?A)ShapesB)PictureC)SmartArtD)Screenshot8)Ken has inserted a picture into his spreadsheet and would like it to standout with a frame or 3D effect. Which tool would he use to achieve this?A)Picture StylesB)Artistic EffectsC)CorrectionsD)WordArt Styles9)Which command on the Insert Ribbon enables a user to insert a picture of a program window into a worksheet?A)ShapesB)PictureC)SmartArtD)ScreenshotACCESS2.01 - Database EssentialsAn address book containing all FBLA members would be an example of a:cellsdatabasesfieldsrecordsJuan needs to view and access all parts of his database. Where can these objects be located most efficiently?Design viewForm viewLayout viewNavigation paneYou have been asked to develop an address book for the FBLA members. Last name and first name would be examples of:cellsdatabasesfieldsrecordsWhich area appears on the left side of Microsoft Access windows and displays a list of objects available in the database?Objects paneDatabase paneNavigation paneList paneCurt needs to finish a database project from yesterday. What action should he take in order to start working on the database?CloseCreate NewOpen from ExistingSave AsWhich software program is used to create a database on a computer, add, change, and delete data in the database, and create queries, forms, and reports using the data in the database?Microsoft AccessMicrosoft ExcelMicrosoft OneNoteMicrosoft OutlookWhich term refers to storing the same field in more than one location in a database?RedundancyRepetitionReplicationRecurrenceWhat type of database contains multiple collections of data that are related to one another?JoinedRelationalFlatManagedWhich type of database consists of a collection of tables, each of which contains information on a specific subject?RelationalInteractiveCollaborativeIndependentIndividual entries in the FBLA address book would be entered into a:cellsdatabasesfieldsrecordsWhen a database is created, what is defined when names and data types are assigned to all data fields in a table?StructureDefinitionDesignThemeWhen saving a Microsoft Access database as another file type, which ribbon contains an area of centralized tasks that are related to file management known as the backstage?Home ribbonFile tabExternal Data ribbonDatabase Tools ribbon2.02 - Create Database TablesJenny is setting the addresses for each patient. Which data type should she use?AutoNumberCurrencyNumberTextJohnny has planned his baseball card database and determined a logical arrangement. What is his next step?Determine what information to includeDiscuss the database with usersGather the informationInput dataMatt needs to add his contacts to the Driver Education database. To do this quickly, what predefined object can he create?Application PartsQuick StartSharepoint ListDatabase ObjectCurt needs to create a backup to his existing database on an external hard drive. What action should he take?CloseCreate NewOpen from ExistingSave AsErin needs to prepare a custom table for her recipe collection. She has to include the ingredient portions. Which is the correct tool to use?Design viewTemplateSharepoint ListApplication PartsIsabel wants to design a database for her FBLA club to include all the members' information. What data type should she use for Last Name?TextMemoNumberDate/TimeJuan is creating a new database. He wants to assign field names. Which view is BEST to create the new database? A)Design viewForm viewLayout viewNavigation paneNick wants to design a database and wants Access to automatically assign an ID number to each record. What is auto numbering an example of?Data TypeDescription C)Field NameD)PropertiesNick wants to immediately open an employees' email from his database . What data type should be used for the email address?Auto NumberCurrencyYes/NoHyperlinkSusie wants to locate the file name of her current document. Where she should look?RenameNavigation paneTitle barStatus barWhich view displays the area used to create a table or to modify the structure of a table?DesignDatasheetFileBackstageWhere is the command for creating a new table from Table Design view?File tabHome RibbonCreate RibbonDatabase Tools RibbonNick wants to design a database and wants Access to automatically assign an ID number to each record. What data type should he use?Auto NumberCurrencyYes/NoHyperlinkWhat are three valid methods for saving a database in Microsoft Access?Alt + S, File tab Save command, Quick Access Toolbar Save commandAlt + S, Home Ribbon Save command, Quick Access Save commandAlt + S, File tab Save command, Shortcut Save commandCtrl + S, File tab Save command, Quick Access Save commandCurt needs to exit his database in order to work on another database. What action should he take after saving his work? A)CloseCreate NewOpen from ExistingSave As2.03 - Work With Tables And Database RecordsKeisha created a database of her music. She wants to locate only the songs by Beyoncé. What tool should she use in order to view this information without saving?FiltersFormQueryReportThe athletic director is looking for swim team purchase orders that are more than $200. What criteria would give her this information?>=200 AND swimming>200 OR swimming>=200 OR swimming>200 AND swimmingEddie works for ABC Finance. He needs to view which employee(s) has the lowest sales for the month. Which command should he use?FilterFindSort AscendingSort DescendingWhich type of relationship means that a record in the first table is related or matches more than one record in the second table?One to oneMany to manyOne to manyOne to anyIn Datasheet view, how does a user delete a record?A)Double-click the record.Select the record and choose Delete from the Create Ribbon.Double-click the record and choose Delete from the Database Tools Ribbon.Select the record and choose Delete from the Home Ribbon.Eddie needs to know which employee(s) work in the Southeast District. Which command would he use?FilterFindSort AscendingSort DescendingJenny is entering data to the medication field in the patient database and needs to constantly view patient ID numbers to input medication information. What should she do?FormatFreeze FieldsHide FieldsSortEddie works for ABC Finance. He needs to view which employee(s) has the highest sales for the month. Which command should he use?FilterFindSort AscendingSort DescendingChad needs to change a members telephone number in the FBLA database. What step should he take?Add New RecordDelete RecordMove FieldEdit RecordMichelle needs a list of senior National Technical Honor Society members so she can order their tassels for graduation. Which tool would be best to identify only the seniors?FormFilterControlsThemeChad needs to remove a student from the FBLA database. Which option should he choose?Add New RecordDelete RecordMove FieldEdit RecordIn a table, which is a way of exclusively identifying each record in the database?Unique markerPrimary KeyPrimary markerPrimary categoryMr. Smith needs to know Jenny's address. Which command would he use?FindSelectSort AscendingSort DescendingEddie needs to search for the specific employee that lives on 225 Mayberry Lane. What command would he use? A)FilterFindSort AscendingSort DescendingKori wants to know how many students in FBLA are seniors, but does not want to save the information. Which operation would she perform?FilterFindQuerySort2.04 - Modify Tables And FieldsDennis needs to format his sales amount column to show dollar signs. Which format would he use?CurrencyFixedGeneral NumberTextAmanda wants to ensure there are only two characters for state abbreviation. What should she do? A)Unique IdentifierLimit field sizeProvide a descriptionProvides database securityDillano wants to ensure social security numbers are entered in a proper format. Which field property will be used?Input MaskFormatDefault ValueField SizeWhat are the rules that a user should follow when entering data into a table?TextValidationCriterionPropertiesCurt needs to format the numbers in his database to two decimal places. Which number format would he use?CurrencyFixedGeneral NumberTextAmanda wants to make it easier for other users to input data. What should she do to help other users understand the fields? A)Unique IdentifierLimit field sizeProvide a captionProvide database securityDennis needs to format the numbers in his database to three decimal places. Which number format would he use?CurrencyFixedGeneral NumberTextNick needs to specify two characters for the student ID field. What area of design view would he access to specify this?Data TypeDescription Field NameD)PropertiesNick wants to make notes for future users of his database so they will properly use the field names and types. Where would he make these notes?Data TypeDescriptionField NameD)PropertiesLinda wants to ensure birthdates are entered as MM/DD/YYYY. Which field property will be used?Look upFormatDefault ValueField SizeWhich type of field enables a user to select from a list of values when updating the contents of a field?CalculatedAttachmentLookupHyperlink2.05 - Create FormsMichelle wants to change the color of her form to make it more attractive. Which should she use?FormFilterControlsThemeJuan wants to view one record at a time in his database. Which view should he be in?Design viewForm viewLayout viewNavigation paneMichelle needs each National Technical Honor Society member to complete an information sheet. Which tool would be best?FormFilterControlsThemeAshton needs to add a footer to the data entry form in his gaming database. Which view will allow Ashton to add a footer?Form ViewLayout ViewDesign ViewNavigation FormJeremy needs to create a quick form based on a single table in his baseball card database. Which option will automatically include all the fields from a single table?Blank FormForm DesignForm WizardForm ToolMr. Johnson, the FBLA adviser, is updating the membership database table for the new school year. He wants to define the fields to display and simplify the interface by adding labels and instructions. He would use a: FORMTABLEREPORTQUERYYou are the owner of Ima Graphic Animator, Inc., a graphic design company. You want to quickly create a new blank database object, one which includes one record at a time and a more detailed view of the structure. Which would you use?Table DesignReport DesignQuery DesignForm DesignYou are employed as an assistant at Doggie Daycare. Your boss has asked you to update the new pet patient information. If you opened the form in Design View, which view should you switch to in order to enter patient information?Layout ViewForm ViewDesign ViewReport ViewKevin created a form to input FBLA membership data. He needs to change the background color of the form so that it displays correctly on mobile devices. Which option provides the tools Kevin will need to modify the form?Blank FormForm DesignForm WizardForm ToolTyler is using Access for a class assignment. Which database object would she use to enter one record at a time? A)TableFormMacroReportANS: B PTS: 1 OBJ: 2.05Hank wants to add color to the header section of his form. Which formatting option would he use? A)Fill ColorFont SizeFont ColorFormat PainterMichelle used the property sheet to customize her form in Access. Which task can she complete? A)Change the background and add captions.Enter a new record.Move data.Switch from Design View to Print Preview.Riley is using Access to collect data for a science project. He is creating a form and wants to apply predefined color and font scheme formats. Which Form Layout Tools contextual tabs should he select for the theme group? A)Design tab.Format Tab.Arrange tab.Page Setup tab.2.06 - Create ReportsAvery is the president of her FBLA chapter. FBLA keeps all member information in a database. She is often asked by members to pull a detailed summary of all competition participation for scholarship applications. Which report creation tool will automatically pull all the fields from the competition table?ReportReport DesignBlank ReportReport WizardBarney would like to create a report in layout view so that he can easily modify contents and formatting. Which option uses layout view and gives the user greater control over the report's appearance while displaying the data?ReportReport DesignBlank ReportReport WizardWhich ribbon displays report printing options?Report Design Tools Design RibbonReport Design Tools Arrange RibbonReport Design Tools Format RibbonReport Design Tools Page Setup RibbonTyler is using Access for a class assignment. Which database object would she use to organize and display data pulled from tables and queries?TableFormMacroReportWhich ribbon in layout view contains the commands to insert or delete new rows and columns in a report?Report Layout Tools DesignReport Layout Tools ArrangeReport Layout Tools FormatReport Layout Tools Page SetupMr. Brown's report needs to be arranged by last name and first name. What tool can he use to ensure that students appear in alphabetical order on his report?SortFilterConditional formattingGroupingKeisha wants to print her completed music databases. Which tool would she use?FilterFormQueryReportTanya created a report to show people signed up for a 5K race. She needs to increase the size of the report header so she can add the race logo control. Which view will allow her to resize the header?Report ViewPrint PreviewDesign ViewLayout ViewRiley is using Access to collect data for a science project. He is creating a report and wants to apply predefined color and font scheme formats. Which Report Layout Tools contextual tabs should he select for the theme group? A)Design tab.Format Tab.Arrange tab.Page Setup tab.Wendy wants to be able to see what her database report will look like without producing a hard copy. Which option would she choose?Print previewQuick printPrintSelected recordsThe report Jamie created has a dark background and the page number is not displaying correctly. Which formatting option would he apply to the page number to add contrast between the background and the page number?Fill ColorFont SizeFont ColorFormat PainterYou are the owner of Ima Graphic Animator, Inc., a graphic design company. You want to place your logo at the top of the first page on a report. Where would you place the logo in the Report Design View?Report header sectionPage header sectionReport footer sectionPage footer section2.07 - Create And Modify QueriesBeth needs to determine the seniors with a GPA of 4.0 or higher. Which object would allow her to create a saved search to find this information in the database?FormTableQueryReportCurt wants to search his CD collection database for the names of the albums from his favorite artist that were released after 2010. What object should Curt create and save to obtain this information most efficiently?FilterTableQueryReportDelores is doing a search of the bed and breakfasts in Southport, NC. She wants to know which bed and breakfast is less than one mile from the waterfront and allows pets. Which comparison operator would she use?>=,and>,and<=,and<,andWhat ensures that a query result appears in a specific order?FilteringSortingOrderingPlacingMarci has a database of all the planets. She needs to know what planets have moons or rings. Which comparison operator would she use to perform the query?moons and ringsmoons equal ringsmoons not ringsmoons or ringsSam completed a query on the UNC School system and wants to narrow his search to find which schools have a maximum tuition of $15,000 for in-state students. Which operator would he use?<<=>>=Keisha created a database of her music. She wants to locate only the songs by Beyoncé. What tool should she use in order to view this information and save it for later use?FilterFormQueryReportMarci is searching a Planet Database. She wants to find out how many moons Saturn has and the names. Which comparison operator would she use?andequalnotorDonna's Bakery lost a customer named Doggie Donuts. What action should be taken to remove all records from her database for Doggie Donuts?delete queryupdate queryappend querymake table queryJoe wants to modify the query he created to incorporate various colors, fonts and styles to create a custom look. Which query would he use?Design ViewSimple Query WizardQuery Design ViewQuery WizardTaylor wants to query the airline database to find out how many seats are open on Flight 33. What type of query would she use?Crosstab QueryMultiple QuerySimple QueryFindAfter a query is created, which action must take place to display the results of the query?GoRunGet RetrieveJane wants to determine how many FBLA students have registered for the state conference from the Coastal region. Which query view would she use?Design ViewSimple Query ViewQuery Design ViewQuery Wizard2.08 - Use Controls In Reports And FormsTerry's form needs to display the FBLA member's exact age based on today's date and their birth date. Which type of control would allow Terry to display information that would change every day?BoundUnboundButtonCalculatedWilliam has created a report. Which view could he use to see exactly how the report will look on paper?Report ViewPrint PreviewDesign ViewLayout ViewPreston's form needs to display the tax on an order. Which type of control would allow Preston to display information that would change every day?BoundUnboundButtonCalculatedTammy wants to add instructions by one of the fields on her form to ensure that the data is entered correctly. Which type of control will she add to the form?BoundUnboundButtonCalculatedWendy needs to print to the color printer instead of the default printer on her computer. Which option would give her the choice to change the printer?Print previewQuick printPrintSelected recordsKeton wants to add a graphic by one of the fields on his form . Which type of control will he add to the form? BoundUnboundButtonCalculatedKeton created a customer information form from his customer table. He realizes he left email address off the form. What tool would he use to add email address to the existing form?Tab OrderAdd Existing FieldsView CodeProperty SheetAsiah has created a senior information form from her student table. She wants the parent's home phone text box to have the exact same width as the cell phone text box. What tool would she use to ensure they are exactly the same?Tab OrderAdd Existing FieldsView CodeProperty SheetWhich group on the Form Design Tools Arrange Ribbon allows the user to align to grid?Merge/SplitMovePositionSizing & OrderingDean needs to add the FBLA logo to the top of his membership form. Which type of control should he use?BoundUnboundButtonCalculatedHelen is creating a form to gather important information about graduation requirements from her senior homeroom students. What tool would she use to ensure that the sequence in navigating the form fields so data is entered in the order she wants?Tab OrderAdd Existing FieldsView CodeProperty Sheet2.09 - Advanced TablesAshawn has created a table from his database to see his company's income and expenses for the year and now would like to see the totals for each category. Which table feature should he use?Insert a Totals RowSort by SelectionInsert a ChartCreate a RelationshipCarol has created a table from her database to see all information about FBLA chapters in her region. She needs to know the mean number of active members in the region. Which aggregate function should she use?CountMaxMinAverageWhat is the purpose of a primary key in a database?Unique IdentifierLimits field sizeProvides a descriptionProvides database securityAshawn has created a table from his database to know the number of products currently available for sale in his spring catalog. Which aggregate function should he use?CountMaxMinAverageCarol has created a table from her database to see all information about FBLA chapters in her region. She needs to know which chapter has the most active members in the region. Which aggregate function should she use?CountMaxMinAverageAshawn has created a table from his database to know which product has the lowest quantity in inventory from his spring catalog. Which aggregate function should he use?CountMaxMinAverage2.10 - Advanced FormsSally is the National Technical Honor Society president. She is creating a database to manage her membership information. What form tool could she use to quickly create a set of tabs a user could click to access forms and reports in the database?Form ViewLayout ViewDesign ViewNavigation FormAnn needs to duplicate a field that is used in his customer table in the business database for a new form he is creating for entering customer orders. Which item from the tools group would enable him to perform this operation?Tab OrderAdd Existing FieldsView CodeProperty SheetSusie has a relational database for her catering business. She wants to create a form which shows the data in a customer table one record at a time. This type of form is a:main form.subform.heirarchical form.datasheet.Cathy needs to duplicate a column that is used in her spring sports table in the athletic database for a new form she is creating for fall sports. Which item from the tools group would enable her to perform this operation?Tab OrderAdd Existing FieldsView CodeProperty SheetSusie has a relational database for her catering business. She wants to create a form which shows the the customer information at the top and any orders for that customer at the bottom. The orders section of the form is a: A)main form.subform.heirarchical form.datasheet.Jackson is starting a new company database to manage his new fall line of products. What form tool could he use to quickly create a set of tabs a user could click to access forms and reports in the database?Form ViewLayout ViewDesign ViewNavigation FormAmy would like to quickly create a form in layout view so that she can easily modify contents and formatting. Which option uses layout view and gives the user greater control over the form's appearance while displaying the data?Blank FormForm DesignForm WizardForm Tool2.11 - Advanced ReportsMrs. Wilson needs to create a report that lists students by their homeroom teacher. Each teacher needs a separate list for attendance. Which option would allow Mrs. Wilson to put students together by homeroom on separate sections of the report?SortFilterConditional formattingGroupingWendy wants to send the database report directly to the printer without editing. Which option should she choose?Print previewQuick printPrintSelected recordsFrank needs an estimated number of services his company performs each month. Using a calculated field , which total function would he use to answer his question?AverageCountMax D) SumWhich type of operation performs mathematical functions, such as MAX, MIN, or COUNT, on a group of records? StatisticalGeometricAggregateAlgebraicFrank needs to know which employee has used the least amount of sick leave. Using a calculated field, which total function would he use to answer his question?AverageCountMaxMinMargaret wants to send an address change to all the customers in her current database. She wants to create address labels to accomplish this. Which would she use?FormReportTableQueryFrank needs to know the number of service calls he has received from 123 Walnut Street in one week. Using a calculated field, which total function would he use to answer this question?AverageCountMax Sum2.12 - Advanced QueriesThe manager of Doggie Donuts needs to group inventory by types of dog food in stock. He needs a subtotal for each group. Which query type will display this information?select querydelete querycrosstab queryappend queryJohn wants to create a query that will display the total number of hamburger patties in stock at two different locations. The results should display the sum of the values from each location. Which solution should John use for his query?Crosstab QueryExpression BuilderSimple QueryTotalsWhat action would Donna perform to create a new table named Customer Appreciation from the exisiting Customer Information table and Order History table?delete queryupdate queryappend querymake table queryWhat type of query enables a user to make the same change to all records satisfying a certain criterion?UpdateAppendActionMake tableWhich type of operator enables a user to compare two values in a query criterion?AssessmentEvaluationComparisonAppraisal1Sam enters a numeric criterion in a query to find out which UNC school(s) have an enrollment that equals 5,000 or greater. What would he enter?="5000"5000"<5000"=>"5000"What type of query enables a user to add the results of a query to an existing table in a database?UpdateAppendActionMake table2.13 - Display And Share DataMaria needs to share a form from her database to other members of her work team, but she is not sure everyone has Microsoft Access. She should save the form in which file format to ensure everyone can read the information?PDFXPSEither PDF or XPS DOCJuan is creating a chart graphing attendance at FBLA State Leadership conferences from the past five years from his database. He wants to display a list of colors, shapes, or patterns used as categories in a chart on the right side. Which tab in Chart Options would he select?TitlesAxesData LabelsLegendJuan is creating a chart graphing attendance at FBLA State Leadership conferences from the past five years which he has in a database. He wants to remove the Y-axis value. Which tab in Chart Options would he select?TitlesAxesData labelsLegendJuan is creating a chart graphing his inventory database. He needs to name the chart August Inventory Report. Which tab in Chart Options would he select?TitlesAxesData labelsLegendJuan is creating a chart graphing attendance at FBLA State Leadership conferences from the past five years which he has in a database. He wants to show individual data values. Which tab in Chart Options would he select?TitlesAxesData labelsLegend2.14 - Import And Export DataMary needs to export the table of FBLA members from the Southeast Region database to a document that does not allow editing. Which format should she use?.doc.pdf.rtf.txtWhich is NOT a file type that may be imported into Microsoft Access?Text files (.txt)HTML files (.htm or . html)Microsoft Publisher files (.pub)Microsoft Excel files (.xlsx)What is the process of transferring data from an Access database for use in another application called?ExportingImportingPastingDistributingWhich file type places each record on a separate line and uses a special character to separate fields?BoundDefinedDelimitedIsolated2.15 - Database ToolsMarty has spent a lot of time creating a database to track her sales contacts which she has been asked to share with her colleagues. What would be the best method of sharing the structure of a database, including relevant tables, queries, and forms?Save AsSave as Database TemplateCreate a BackupSave as PDFWhat term describes the process of repairing and removing wasted space from a database?RecoveryBacking upInstallationCompactingRachel has spent a lot of time creating a database for her FBLA chapter which she has been asked to share with other chapters in her Region. What would be the best method of sharing the structure of a database, including relevant tables, queries, and forms?Save AsSave as Database TemplateCreate a BackupSave as PDFKirtan has worked for years cataloging his music collection into a database. During a recent storm, Kirtan's computer was damaged, but fortunately he has a backup on his flash drive. Which method should he use to restore his database on his new computer?BackupRecover from BackupSave to External LocationsPrevious VersionAli has worked for years cataloging his comic book collection into a database. Recently his computer crashed, but fortunately he has a backup on his Skydrive. Which method should he use to restore his database on his new computer?BackupRecover from BackupSave to External LocationsPrevious Version ................

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