A Guide to EF&P on

Lexis Library

June 2009

© LexisNexis 2009

EF&P Online User-Guide

Task Topic Page

Initial Set-up: Logging in 3

Setting up the Results Preference 4

Navigating the Work: Browsing EF&P Online 4-5

(3 main techniques)

EF&P Key Document Finder 6-7

Searching EF&P Online 8-9

Viewing and delivering


The Document View 10

Downloading a document to use for drafting 11

Printing, e-mailing or downloading

a document with the annotations included 12

Getting Help Help! 13

Logging in

Enter the web address: uk/legal

This will take you to the sign in page:


It’s a good idea to save this page as a favourite or add a link to it on your desktop – to do this:

• Right click anywhere on the sign in page

• Click on ‘create shortcut’

• Click ‘yes’ to the question ‘do you want to put a shortcut on your desktop’

This will put our logo as a link on your desktop which will take you straight into the site.

Now enter your UserID and password and tick the box ‘remember my sign-in information’.

This will take you into the LNB Online site:


Setting up the results preference

It’s a good idea to change the number of results which will appear after any search you do to 100.

• Click on the blue ‘preferences’ link to the top on the right

• Click on the ‘Search and Results’ tab

• Change the ‘Results per page’ drop down from 10 to 100

• Click on the red ‘save’ to the bottom right

Note: This only needs to be done once – this change will be stored on your ID the next time you log-in.

Browsing EF&P Online like a book

This is useful if you are familiar with the layout of the hard copy or wish to find specific clauses – in which case browsing volumes such as the ‘Clause Bank’, ‘Covenants Relating to Land’ or ‘Boilerplate and Commercial Clauses’ volumes is useful.

Click on the blue ‘Browse’ link next to the title of the work in the bookshelf.


This will show you the ‘table of contents’ showing the titles of the volumes of the Work, as they appear on the spines of the hard copy.

• To drill into any volume, click on the ‘+’ by the side of it

• keep clicking on the ‘+’s to open up sections or chapters until you can go no further and you only see the document sign and no more ‘+’s


• One can also click on the ‘open all levels’ to open everything within a particular section or chapter in one action.


• When you have found reached this stage and you have found a relevant document you wish to view, click on the blue link to see it

• This will take you to the document view as shown on Page 9

The EF&P Key Document Finder

One of the easiest ways to navigate EF&P to locate KEY Precedents is to use the ‘EF&P Key Document Finder’. It can be reached by the following steps:

Click on the blue ‘Browse’ link after ‘EF&P Key Document Finder’ in your bookshelf on the home page.


…this will take you to this screen:


• Click on either of the blue links which says ‘Key Document Finder’

This then shows an overview of the key areas in EF&P broken down by topic:


• Click on the area you wish to view – e.g ‘sale of land’, ‘contracts for sale’.

This will then show a list of the key documents in this area – you can then easily click on the blue number for one you wish to use which will again take you to the document view - see Page 9.


Searching EF&P for Precedents

Enter search terms into the blue ‘Quick Find’ ‘Form or Precedent’ box on the homepage – this will also search other precedent sources if they are available on your subscription.


Putting your search together.

a) Using the ‘and’ connector:

• Enter keywords you would expect to find in the title of a document, putting the ‘and’ connector in-between your words, for example:

lease and office

rent and expert

lease and industrial

share and purchase

This will return a list of precedents which have your keywords in the title.

b) Using known legal phrases:

• If you are confident of the legal phrase you would expect to be in the document title, then enter the exact phrase, for example:

licence to assign

deed of variation

c) Using a combination of phrases and keywords:

• You can also combine the above two techniques, for example:

deed of variation and spouse

licence to assign and tenancy

d) Using the truncator:

• You can also use the truncator if there could be more than one ending to one of your search terms, for example:

Entering: leas!

…will find lease, leasing, leasehold

Working with search results

Any search will lead to a results page which will look like this:


Filtering results…

To filter the results to find a relevant document, use the following techniques either together or alone:

• ‘Search within results’ to the top right – enter additional keywords in the box and click ‘go’ – this will search for your additional keyword within the results shown – which should help to narrow the list. If you can’t think of a relevant keyword, miss out this step and go directly to ‘Results group’…

• ‘Results Group’ – use the ‘table of contents’ in the left window of the page to try to narrow down which volume of the work you would expect a relevant result to appear – or click on the ‘+’ by the side of a volume to drill into it further – the number in brackets after each volume or section shows the number of search results contained in that volume.

When you have found a relevant volume or section, click on the blue link on the left to display only the results from that part of the work – this should give you a manageable list of documents.

Once you have found a relevant document, click on the blue link in the result list on the right and you will be taken to the ‘document view’ – please see below.

The Document View

Once you have located a relevant document using any of the above 3 methods, it will bring you to the Document View. This shows, on the left, the ‘Table of Contents’ of where you are within the work - which is useful to move forward or back to the next document which could be more relevant. The text of the precedent is shown on the right.


Downloading a Document to use for Drafting

When you have found a precedent you wish to use and you’re viewing it in the Document View, to download it, there is a small WORD icon at the top of the page:


Click on the Word ICON and you will be asked if you wish to ‘Open’ or ‘Save’ the document – CLICK SAVE


Save the document to your desired location and rename it as required.

The downloaded Word document can then be opened within Word (simply open Word and open the saved document). This saved document will have auto-numbering enabled and the annotations stripped out ready for drafting.

Printing, e-mailing or downloading documents with the annotations included

From the document view on page 9, there are 3 icons on the top right:

[pic] - Print documents to your default printer

[pic] - Email documents to yourself or colleagues.

[pic] - Download Documents to Word (with annotations included).

Each of these will open up a window with further options of how you want the document to be delivered:


If you wish to have the annotations and footnotes included in the delivered document, ensure the ‘Hide Annotations’ box is unticked.

Click on the red button to deliver the document.


EF&P Editorial Helpline – for detailed queries relating to the content of EF&P:

0207 400 2648


For online navigation or functionality Help

0845 370 1234 then…

Option 3 for general online content support or…

Option 2 for technical support

My contact details:

David Smith


07717 668 532

0121 427 4469


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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