Valid from 1 August 2021

Price for a single license of “SCAD Office” software products version 21

Table 1

|Package for the analysis|Main functions of SCAD++ |Price in EUR |

|of | | |

| | |S 64 |S 392 |S Pro |

|Stress-strain behavior |Linear solver (statics, dynamics, library of finite elements) | |2500 |3600 |

|(SSB package) |Graphical synthesis of a design model and analysis of the calculation | | | |

| |Combinations of loadings | | | |

| |Verification by various strength theories | | | |

| |Calculation of loads from the part of a model | | | |

| |Documentation of the analysis results, export of tables into MS Excel and MS | | | |

| |Word | | | |

| |Interface with the AutoCAD system (reading of DXF and DWG files) | | | |

| |FORUM preprocessor (creating enlarged models) | | | |

| |Stability analysis | | | |

|Reinforced concrete |SSB package + “Design combinations of forces”+ “Reinforcement selection for | |3100 |4200 |

|structures |reinforced concrete structural elements” | | | |

|(RC package) | | | | |

|Steel structures |SSB package + “Design combinations of forces” + “Check and selection of steel| |3100 |4200 |

|(SS package) |structural elements” | | | |

|Universal (full) package|SSB package + “Design combinations of forces”+ “Reinforcement selection for |1900 |3500 |4800 |

| |reinforced concrete structural elements” + “Check and selection of steel | | | |

|(UN package) |structural elements” | | | |

Example of a purchase order: S392 SS package for the analysis of steel structures S392.

The bundle also includes (without extra charge):

← subsystems for importing the geometry of design models from AutoCAD (DXF, DWG), Revit Structure, ArchiCAD, 3D Studio MAX, Tekla Structures, GRAITEC, StruCAD and other systems;

← technical documentation in accordance with the purchased software package.

Table 1.1

|No. |  Additional functions of SCAD++ |Price in EUR |

| |Calculation of response spectra – accelerogram based analysis taking into account floor response spectra. |220 |

| |Nonlinear solver (analysis of physically nonlinear problems) – analysis taking into account physical |800 |

| |nonlinearity. | |

| |Nonlinear solver (analysis of geometrically nonlinear problems) – analysis taking into account geometric |800 |

| |nonlinearity. | |

| |Frequency response – analysis taking into account the dynamic effects of equipment and vehicles. |450 |

| |Model variations – analysis taking into account the uncertainty of the design model. |450 |

| |Erection – analysis taking into account the erection stages. |750 |

| |Fire Resistance – fire resistance analysis of individual unprotected elements of steel and reinforced concrete|220 |

| |structures. | |

|Total: |3690 |

|Notes: | | |

|S max - SCAD Max – maximum number of degrees of freedom is not limited; |

|S 392 - SCAD 392 – maximum number of degrees of freedom is 392000; |

|S 64 - SCAD 64 – maximum number of degrees of freedom is 64000 | |

Table 2

|Program-satellites for analysis and design of structural elements |Price in EUR |

|COMET – design of joints of steel structures according to Eurocode 3, SNiP, SP and DBN |650 |

|KRISTALL – examination and analysis of steel structural elements according to SNiP, SP, DBN, Eurocode 3 (including the |600 |

|analysis of the damaged structures) | |

|MAGNUM – examination and analysis of load-bearing cold-formed steel structural elements according to SP and Eurocode 3 |500 |

|ARBAT –  examination and reinforcement selection for reinforced concrete structural elements according to SNiP, SP and |500 |

|DBN | |

|COMEIN – examination of masonry and reinforced masonry structural elements according to SNiP, SP and DBN |450 |

|MONOLIT – design of in-situ ribbed floors |450 |

|WEST (wind, snow, temperature) – analysis according to SNiP, SP and DBN |250 |

|CROSS – determination of subsoil parameters on the basis of geotechnical investigations |450 |

|ZAPROS – analysis of soil and foundation members according SNiP, SP and DBN |450 |

|DECOR – examination of timber structural elements according to SNiP, SP and DBN |450 |

|SLOPE – stability analysis of slopes |200 |

|Total: |4950 |

Table 3

|Programs for building cross-sections and the analysis of their geometric characteristics |Price in EUR |

|Section Builder – formation of built-up cross-sections and the analysis of their characteristics |150 |

|CONSUL – formation and analysis of arbitrary cross-sections of bar elements |300 |

|SEZAM – equivalent cross-section selection |120 |

|TONUS – formation of thin-wall cross-sections and the analysis of their characteristics |300 |

|Total |870 |

Table 4

|Package |Price in EUR |

| |S64 |S392 |S Promax |

|When purchasing the full SCAD Office package, including a full set of programs – satellites |6400 |8400 |8900 |

|and electronic manuals (table 5) | | | |

|When purchasing the full SCAD Office package, including a full set of programs – satellites |4400 |5900 |6900 |

|without auxiliary functions (points 1 - 6 table 1.1) and electronic manuals (table 5) | | | |

Table 5

|Electronic manuals |Price in EUR |

|CoCon – reference manual on the concentration factors and stress intensity |140 |

|KUST – engineering theory and design manual |180 |

Term license*

(six months)

Table 6

|Package |Price in EUR |

|Full SCAD Office S Promax package, including a full set of programs – satellites and electronic manuals (table|3500 |

|4) | |

|SCAD++ - Universal (full) package (UN package) S Pro |2000 |

* You have 6 (six) months after the expiration of the license to upgrade it to a perpetual one by paying the difference in the price of a perpetual and term licenses of the corresponding package.

Table 7

|Discounts in % when identical workstation or network license packages are |Number of installations (licenses) |

|purchased | |

| |1 |2 |3 | |10 and more |

| | | | |4 -9 | |

|Points of the Table 1, 1.1, 4 |0 |10 |15 |20 |30 |

|Points of the Table 2, 3 |0 |5 |10 |15 |20 |

TERMS of UPGRADING (UPG) from previous versions of “SCAD Office”

Table 8

| |Replacing a version with a similar package: |Percentage of the cost of the analogical package v. 21 |

| |«SCAD Office» v. 21.1… with v. |10% |

| |«SCAD Office» v. 11 with v. 21 |40% |

| |«SCAD Office» v. 7.31 and lower with v. 21 |70% |

|Transition to more complete packages can be done by additional payment in the prices of v. 21 |

|Special offer only for public specialized higher and secondary educational institutions. |

|Price of 20 network workstations of SCAD Office S64max – 1200 EUR |

Provision of a protection device with the remote work possibility — 100 EUR


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