
General Purpose Safety CraneJared BushCurtis Blank Zane JacobKatelyn CockrellAlexandria WilliamsProfessor: Cris KoutsougerasAdvisor: Ho-Hoon LeeET 493 - 01November 17, 2016Table of ContentsAbstractpg. 3Progresspg. 4 - 15Deliverables/Timelinepg. 16Referencespg. 17AbstractThe objective of this project is to design a general purpose safety crane that can be used in a variety of industries. The purpose of this project is to prove that we have gained knowledge throughout our engineering curriculum and that we can put that knowledge into perspective. Our senior project is going to involve knowledge from courses that we have taken in the past including mechanical design, strength of materials, statics and so on. The crane will be mounted onto a trailer, allowing it to be mobile. The fact that the crane will be mobile and allow to be repositioned will also make it unique. The main purpose of the crane is to allow workers painting the tops of tanker trucks to secure themselves and use the crane as an anchor point. The crane will be expected to support a load of 5000 lbs., which is the maximum weight of someone falling.Currently there are only a few cranes on the market that could compare to our design. Like our design, some cranes currently available use electric winches to lift objects and some are mounted on trailers as well. What separates our design from the cranes currently available is that our crane will use an overhead trolley that will follow the worker. This will allow the worker to move freely and not be concerned about his/her safety.ProgressOverall Crane Design:For the design of both the trailer and crane, we had to solve for static and dynamic loads. This involved finding forces on objects and determining how to go about finding what material that was best for the application. To help assist us in the design, we used programs such as MATLAB and AutoCAD Inventor. These programs helped us test our design to ensure everything was working properly. Specifically, in AutoCAD inventor we were able to distribute loads and run the design through a simulation.Trailer:For the design of the trailer, we will be using 4”x3”x1/4” steel tubing for the frame. The size of the trailer will be approximately 6’-8” by 10’. We decided on this size because we needed it to fit between the tires of the eighteen wheeler tanker. There will be two ten-foot tubing sections, three feet away from each other, running down the center of the trailer. There will also be two six-foot tubing sections running across the middle of the trailer, three feet away from each other and intersecting with the two ten feet tubing sections running down the middle of the trailer. There will be four jacks mounted to the trailer, one on each corner, to allow stability in all directions. The jacks will be extendable and constructed of tubing which will slide out of the main frame. Allowing the jacks to extend out will create a larger workspace and sturdier base. We will drill two holes in both the frame tubing and the tubing the jacks will be attached to. The holes will be for when the smaller tubing is extended; you can insert two locking pins in the two holes. We decided to use two holes to reduce the amount of bending in the smaller tube. Also, one hole will be drilled through both pieces of tubing so that when it is retracted a pin can be inserted to prevent the smaller tubing from sliding out while towing. The large eighteen wheeler tankers have a fifteen-foot gap between the third and fourth set tires. This gap is where the trailer will be pulled alongside the truck. The two jacks that extend toward the tanker will extend telescopically with two pieces. We thought about having them fold instead of extend, but then they would not be able to go under the truck. The overall length of the jacks will be 14 feet. The inner piece will be 9 feet in length, 7 of which will be exposed while 2 will stay in the other section of tubing. It will be constructed of 4.5x4.5x3/16 wall A500 Square Steel Tubing. The outer piece will also be 9 feet in length, 7 of which will be exposed while 2 will stay in the inner section of tubing. It will be constructed of 4x4x5/16 wall A500 Square Steel Tubing. Each section will have an electric jack for stability. We considered using hydraulics, but the electric jacks were cheaper and more user friendly. The two jacks on the opposite side will extend three feet out at a forty-five-degree angle. They will be constructed of 4x4x5/16 wall A500 Square Steel Tubing and the jacks will also be electric. We decided on a 2000 lb. double axel since it will just have to support the weight of the crane and not any loads because the jacks will be handling that. The trailer will have lights for towing, which will require an electrical hookup to a vehicle.Crane:The crane will use a relatively popular jib crane design. We decided on this because we needed a large boom, but did not have the space for a large angle. The pillar of the crane will be constructed of hollow cylindrical tubing and be 20’ in height and be mounted to 2’ from the edge of the trailer. The boom will be constructed of a 19’ I-Beam, which will allow us to use a trolley mechanism to contribute to the fall protection of the worker. We researched two trolleys that we thought would work, but ultimately decided on Climbtech’s I-Beam Trolley because it was the cheaper of the two and weighed less. Climbtech’s I-Beam Trolley Anchor is designed for fall protection, rope access and work positioning. The trolley is constructed with lightweight aircraft aluminum bars and 360-degree swivel D-Ring connectors. The key features of this trolley is that it weighs 7.7 lbs., it can be mounted on a flange of 3 to 10 inches, and has a breaking strength of 5,000-pound force. An angle sensor will be attached to the trolley, to allow the trolley to move with the worker. The pillar will be able to pivot, allowing the user to turn the boom while in operation. The pivoting portion of the pillar will be mounted at the top end. It will have an upper and lower mount flange. The upper mount flange will have a bolt pattern diameter of 18.874”. The lower mount flange will have a bolt pattern diameter of 14.374”. The two flanges will be connected using twenty 5/8”-11 thread. It will use a bearing system capable of operating under the required conditions. A Rotek Brand rotor, product number A12 - 18E5, will be used. In addition, the rotating part of the pillar will have a locking system to keep the boom from swinging while in use. The boom of the crane will be mounted to the pillar using brackets. Calculations/Drawings:95251143000** The below diagrams and charts are the results of an online bending stress calculator. The forces, distances of forces, and size of beam were inputted and in return the output parameters/results were given. **Second Moment of Area – The capacity of a cross-section to resist bending.Radius of Gyration (Area) – The distance from an axis at which the area of a body may be assumed to be concentrated and the second moment area of this configuration equal to the second moment area of the actual body about the same axis.Section Modulus – The moment of inertia of the area of the cross section of a structural member divided by the distance from the center of gravity to the farthest point of the section, a measure of the flexural strength of the beam.-635-17145000*Note: P1 and P2 are positive in downward direction as shown in the figure and negative in upward direction.Please Wait...? *Note: R1 and R2 are vertical end reactions at the left and right, respectively, and positive upward. Shear forces and deflections are positive in upward direction and negative in downward direction. All moments are positive when producing compression on the upper portion of the beam cross section. All slopes are positive when up and to the right.02495550017145011938000-1809754572000020955024955500-70485391795000127021780500Deliverables/TimelineSeptember 2016 Pick project and assign groups (Completed)Brainstorm ideas (Completed)October 2016 Create proposal and presentation (Completed)Revise proposal and create rough design (Completed)November 2016 Finalize proposal and general design (Completed)Detailed design of stabilizer jack (In progress)Detailed design of pillar and boom (In progress) December 2016 Write final proposal and present final presentationReferencesA. (n.d.). SIMPLY SUPPORTED STRUCTURAL BEAM WITH TWO CONCENTRATED LOADS. Retrieved November 17, 2016, from Engineering Data Manual - . (n.d.). Retrieved November 17, 2016, from T., B., & O. (2014). Home. Retrieved October 17, 2016, from Trailer Images. (n.d.). Retrieved October 17, 2016, from ................

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