Rochester Institute of Technology

 Multidisciplinary Senior DesignProject Readiness PackageProject Title:Hope For Honduras: Neonatal Ambulance for Intra-hospital TransportationProject Number:P18027Primary Customer:(provide name, phone number, and email)Dr. Alejandro YoungChief Neonatologist, Hospital EsquelaBoulevard Suyapa Tegucigalpa, Honduras+504 2232-2322 (main number) / alejandroyoung@Sponsor(s):(provide name, phone number, email, and amount of support)Preferred Start Term:Fall 2017 Faculty Champion:(provide name email)Other Support:Prof. Mary Golden RIT, Chair Interior DesignRIT Hope For Honduras Project Director585-315-7080 (cell) / megfaa@rit.eduConsulting Neonatologists, EMTs (TBD)M Design Vehicles (disaster relief vehicles)Ian MacDonald175 Norman Street Rochester New York 14613C: 585.500.5741 /E: ian@Little Angels of Honduras, 501c3P.O Box 464 Falconer, NY 14733Executive Director: Katie CastroE:?KatieCastro@Co-Founder / Designer: Christian PerryC:(716).450.7473 /E:?ChristianPerry@Project Guide:(assigned by MSD)Prepared ByDateReceived ByDateSafe, rapid transport with ability to provide stabilization care Rural condition use with ability to handle off road conditions, steep switchbacks On board power generation system with electrical Communication system with receiving hospital Temperature controlled compartment to prevent hypothermia and hyperthermia Equipment for the management of blood glucose to prevent hypoglycemiaBiomedical, antimicrobial grade materials for medical compartmentIncubator with the emergency medical features of a typical closed incubatorHeat regulationHumidity regulationHeart and O2 monitoring / Pulse Oximeter Infusion pump for medication and liquids (cost effective)Ventilator (cost effective) / C pap equipment Blood pressure cuff for neonatesUniversally designed storage for easy access and in-transport security: Ambu Hyperinflation Bag Oxygen tank(s) with supplies and suctionDrug supply storageResuscitation equipmentIntravenous equipment for fluid/drugsMedical assessment equipment Jump seats for safe travel of (2) transport team members in the compartment Project Information* Overview:Please provide a brief (2-3 paragraphs) overview of the background on the problem to be solved, the motivation for solving it, the short-term goals for the proposed project, and the long-term goals for any program the project may support.The UNICEF Global Data Base for Child Mortality estimated Honduras’ infant mortality rate in 2012 at 19 deaths per 1,000 live births a year. By 2015, the country saw only a minor reduction to 17.4 deaths per 1,000 live births.1 Hospital Escuela centrally located in Tegucigalpa and Mario Catarino Rivas Hospital in San Pedro Sula are the only two, top level or tier three hospitals in the country of Honduras. Both house specialized neonatal intensive care units (NICU). Premature and critical care newborns are delivered at or transported to these hospitals by a limited number of medical transport vehicles. Transportation of critically ill newborns proves especially challenging as there is not a structured ambulance system in Honduras with a dedicated neonatal transport vehicle. Newborns are transported with other patients to the main hospitals with limited to no caregiving during intra-transport. It is not uncommon for newborns to die in transit during drives that may take up to four hours along switchback or off-road conditions. Combined, Hospital Escuela and Mario Catarino Rivas Hospital report for 60% of the neonatal deaths in the country.2 The high mortality rate for infants is largely due to inadequate space at these tier three hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Units and a lack of medical equipment for optimum care.Hospital Escuela, the country’s largest public hospital accounts for the highest number of births annually and is the national receiving center which accepts newborns transported from both rural clinics and urban hospitals. In 1969, Hospital Escuela was designed to facilitate 7,000 births per year. The hospital accommodated over 16,174 births in 2015,3 more than two times its intended capacity. A 2013 internal study performed by Dr. Ida Carolina Urtecho Lopez concluded that infant mortality at Hospital Escuela represented 34 deaths per 1,000 live births. The main causes of death were due to premature birth, infection, and asphyxia, among other complexities of pre-term birth.4 The 2014 Hospital Escuela Universitario Memoria Annual reporting on infant mortality rates indicated that 52.2% of newborn deaths were due to infants dying while waiting for an incubator to become available in the NICU.? The remaining 47.8% occurred in the NICU intensive and intermediate care units.5 According to NICU Chief Neonatologist Dr. Alejandro Young, “most of these deaths are primarily due to infections from the lack of adequate critical care equipment and basic medical supplies.” With a majority of the equipment, especially incubators either outdated or in need of repair, the NICU struggles to accommodate the number of newborns and optimize care. Broken incubators often sit idle as the professional expertise to repair medical equipment does not readily exist. Consequently, neonates are doubled, tripled or at times even more placed in a single incubator resulting in the spread of disease and bacterial infections. To improve neonatal care and reduce mortality at the hospital, a 4200 square foot addition is in the funding phase of development. This project endeavors to create a proposal for a neonatal ambulance that can provide safe, emergency transportation for premature and in distress infants from outlying tier two hospitals to Hospital Escuela for specialized treatment in the NICU. The ambulance will be dispatched from Hospital Escuela to areas which may be up to four hours away, or 204 km.References:1 UNICEF Global Data Bases. (2015, September 9). Child Mortality Estimates, Country Specific Mortality Rates.Estimates generated by the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation (IGME) in 2015. Retrieved from: Urtecho Lopez, I. C.,Ph.D., (May 2013). Diagnostic Study for the Creation of the Subspecialty of Neonatology inHonduras at the Postgraduate Level, p 61.3 Ministry of Health, Department of Statistics, (2015). Secretaria de Salud, Area Estadistica de la Salud, Partos porRegion Sanitaria, Tipo de Establecimiento y Establecimiento Honduras, C.A., 2015. [Ministry of health, Area statistics of health, births by Health Region, type of accommodation and accommodation Honduras, C.A., 2015]. Pp. 98-100.4 Urtecho Lopez, I. C.,Ph.D., (May 2013). Diagnostic Study for the Creation of the Subspecialty of Neonatology inHonduras at the Postgraduate Level, p 61.5 Flores, A., Young, A., Escobar, C., Rodriguez, C. y Jefatura Neonatologia HEU. (Enero 2015) Area de Gestionde la Informacion, Unidad de Planeamiento y Evaluacion de la Gestacion, Hospital Esquela Universitario Memoria Annual 2014. [Information Management, Planning and Evaluation of Pregnancy, Hospital School University Annual 2014].* Preliminary Customer Requirements (CR):What attributes does the customer seek in the final project? Each CR should map to one or more ER (see below). Neonatal Ambulance for Intra-Hospital Transportation will include, but will not be not limited to, the following general criteria:Safety and intra-transport care of neonatesRelevant to transport practices and road requirements in the country of HondurasCost effectiveness in design and in operationEase of repair and replacement partsEquipped with resuscitation and stabilization equipment for neonates * Preliminary Engineering Requirements (ER): help here please Include both metrics and specifications. Each ER should map to one or more CRs (see above).Metrics: what quantities will be measured in order to verify success?Specifications: what is the target value of the metric that the team should design to? ERMetricSafety and intra-transport care of neonatesDesign measures for compartment stabilization, ie.: tie downs, storage of equipment, safety for riders and infantTransport practices and road requirements in the country of HondurasVehicle safety for road conditions Added design safety features Cost EffectivenessCosts include those required to build and run the?ambulance. Including projected costsEase of repair and replacement partsEquipped with resuscitation and stabilization equipment for neonates* Constraints:List any external factors that limit the selection of alternatives, e.g., allowable footprint, budget, required use of legacy hardware/software.Budget – low cost, inexpensively and easily reproducibleLow tech and easily repairable with instructions and ready made parts/componentsSelf -sustaining up to (8) eight hours without recharge or refill If possible, use Autodesk Fusion 360 to model prototypeVideotape or live stream record the building of full scale mockups and post to web based collaborative learning site: ? password is Honduras* Project Deliverables:Minimum requirements:All design documents (e.g., concepts, analysis, detailed drawings/schematics, BIM, test results)Exploratory mock upTechnical paperPoster (s)All teams finishing during the spring term are expected to participate in ImagineRIT (? This was listed from the original document not sure you want to do this or not?)Additional required deliverables:? Budget Information:Include total budget, any major cost items anticipated, and any special purchasing requirements from the sponsor(s).Let’s discuss prototype materials, medical equipment needed and possible required donations * Intellectual Property:Describe any IP concerns or limitations. According to RIT policy, students have the right to retain any IP they generate during a course, but some students voluntarily agree to be placed on projects where they will be asked to assign their IP. If a sponsor wishes to have a team assign their IP, we need to know ahead of time so that we can place appropriate students on the team. In order to ensure that students can discuss their projects openly during presentations and job interviews, we ask that no more than ~20% of the project be considered confidential.The project is not confidential and students are most be welcome to discuss the design giving appropriate reference/credit to:ID, INDE, MSD and related programs, faculty and teammates with reference to their individual roles and responsibilities and teammate contributionsRIT Hope for Honduras directed by Prof. Mary GoldenLittle Angels of Honduras 501c3Hospital EscuelaAll sponsors of the project providing monetary or in-kind donationsAny significant contributors or consultants Project Resources? Required Resources (besides student staffing):Describe the resources necessary for successful project completion. When the resource is secured, the responsible person should initial and date to acknowledge that they have agreed to provide this support. We assume that all teams with ME/ISE students will have access to the ME Machine Shop and all teams with EE students will have access to the EE Senior Design Lab, so it is not necessary to list these. Limit this list to specialized expertise, space, equipment, and materials.Faculty list individuals and their area of expertise (people who can provide specialized knowledge unique to your project, e.g., faculty you will need to consult for more than a basic technical question during office hours)Initial/dateProf. Mary Golden, Hope for Honduras Director: Questions about Honduras, Honduras conditions, culture or communications with people in Honduras. Liaison for Dr. Alejandro Young at Esquela Hospital and related medical professionals.Others? Environment (e.g., a specific lab with specialized equipment/facilities, space for very large or oily/greasy projects, space for projects that generate airborne debris or hazardous gases, specific electrical requirements such as 3-phase power)Initial/dateFor mock up space we can use the new “protoyping stage” area between ID and INDE outside the elevatorsEquipment (specific computing, test, measurement, or construction equipment that the team will need to borrow, e.g., CMM, SEM, )Initial/dateMaterials (materials that will be consumed during the course of the project, e.g., test samples from customer, specialized raw material for construction, chemicals that must be purchased and stored)Initial/dateOtherInitial/date? Anticipated Staffing By Discipline:Indicate the requested staffing for each discipline, along with a brief explanation of the associated activities. “Other” includes students from any department on campus besides those explicitly listed. For example, we have done projects with students from Industrial Design, Business, Software Engineering, Civil Engineering Technology, and Information Technology. If you have recruited students to work on this project (including student-initiated projects), include their names here.Dept.# Req.Expected ActivitiesBME2Or mechanical – specify equipment for vehicle interiorCEEEISEMEID2INDE1Alexa Boyd ................

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