PRORUBIMHOMEDETAILSVERSIONSGET STARTEDCONTACTSruenDYNO?ISOrganising, deploying and running?Dynamo?workspaces tool for?Autodesk Revit HYPERLINK "" \t "blank" Download latest beta version 0.4.1AND SOME?DETAILSDyno is equally good for work with Dynamo algorythmic architecture workspaces, various automatisation and extending Revit possibilities.Dyno provides versatile and simple possibilities for making work with Dynamo workspaces ANISE AND GROUPOrganise Dynamo workspaces and place them on server or any local folderMAKE PRESETS FORWORKSPACESAny workspace may have several initial node values (presets) for different using casesRUN IN ONE CLICKJust double click on preset line in Dyno browser and it will be evaluated without opening Dynamo main windowWATCH RESULTSDyno shows end and/or intermediate evaluation results from "Watch" nodesSTAY?TUNINGDyno is in development stage. There will be many cool new features in future!If you have any questions or proposals feel free to send emails to author's address in the footer.New in ver. 0.4.1Dynamo 1.1 supportSelect Face, Select Edge, Select Point On Element nodes supportVarious small bug fixesNew in ver. 0.4.0Dynamo 1.0 support (older versions are not supported. Be careful!)New in ver. 0.3.9Revit 2017 supportvarious small bug fixesNew in ver. 0.3.8fix issue "object reference not found"fix "edit value" window position issue when using different DPI display settingvarious small bug fixesnew "forceReopen" preset option (see manual for details).New in ver. 0.3.7folderPath and FilePath nodes support (see manual for details)new dockable pane mode for browser windowsimplifying syntax for extended variable definitions in preset file (see manual for details)support for Dyno Studio forms (Dyno Studio don`t released yet)new profiler for scripts (script evaluation start, end and duration time)lists (values array) support for variables in presetsNew in ver. 0.3.2fix preset evaluation errors when Dynamo script has geometry nodes insideNew in ver. 0.3.0Dynamo 0.9 stable release support(for v0.8.2 supported too)fix Revit crush on settings window reopeningability for associating Dynamo .dyn file names with ribbon buttonsfix browser window topmost mode changing on Dynamo openingNew in ver. 0.2.6new placing buttons on Revit ribbon featurenew "Settings" windowfix updates checking systemvarious small fixesNew in ver. 0.2.52fix starting Dyno presetsfix Dyno "default open" window statusfix opening Dynamo vorkspaces from Dyno browserNew in ver. 0.2.51fix Dynamo (multilanguage) startup errorNew in ver. 0.2.5Revit 2016 supportlatest Dynamo builds supportnew "useSelected" featuresome bugfixesNew in ver. 0.2.2some bugfixesnew "fast" feature for boolean node"Edit node value" dialog usability improvements1: INSTALLING AND PREPARINGTO BEGINClick the big logo on the top and watch the video how Dyno works!REQUIREMENTSDyno works only with?Revit 2016 and 2017?all editions.Current version of Dyno has been tested with Dynamo stable version?1.1.0Work with other versions is not guaranted!DOWNLOADING AND INSTALLATIONLaunch the installer and Dyno will automatically be installed and integrated in all versions of Revit.LAUNCHING REVIT AND DYNO BROWSERLaunch Revit and you will see the additional Dyno browser window with content of storage folder.Browser can be turned on and turned off in?"Visual Programming"?tab in tools ribbon.ARRANGING DYNAMO WORKSPACESSample storage folder with Dynamo sample workspace and their?presets?is installed together with the program.The default workspace storage is located in Windows user folder/AppData/Roaming/Dyno/SampleWorkspaces/The test Dynamo project and test preset file are located in the storage folder.CONFIGURATION FILE AND STORAGE LOCATIONThere is program settings file in?Dyno.cfg?in the folder?/AppData/Roaming/Dyno/Also you can set Dyno parameters from "Settings" window. "Settings..." option is located in Dyno browser window context menu.You can use parameter?"workspacesStorage"?in config file or "Settings" window to make different folder location which will be Dyno workspace storage.You can also move files with examples to the new folder.2: USINGSTORAGE STRUCTUREAll workspaces in the storage must be organised in folders. There must be at least one folder.For example:[SampleWorkspaces] //this is storage folder [Test] [Grids Renumbering] [Rooms Сalculating] [Adaptive Components Generating]PRESET FILESDynamo workspaces with?.dyn?extension and preset files with?.dpr?extension are in subfolders.Each preset file is made for individual Dynamo workspace and?must have the same file name. The can be?several?presets inside for one workspace.Each preset sets some group of initial node values of workspace.For instance, test examples which are located in the storage in subfolder?"Test"?are installed together with the program:[SampleWorkspaces] //this is storage folder [Test] test.dyn //this is test Dynamo workspace test.dpr //this is preset file for it3: PRESETSMAKING PRESETSPreset file is a simple text file with?JSON?format data.It doesn't have to exist. If it doesn't, Dynamo workspace will be launched with default node values from Dyno browser.The example of node preset syntax with some types of initial node values:{ "hideOriginal" : true, "presets" : { "Test Preset 1":{ "useSelected":"Select Elements", "forceReopen":false, "Select":{"type":"element", "mode":"one"}, "Number":4.55, "Integer Slider":15.5, "String":"hello!", "Boolean":false } }}PRESET FILE STRUCTUREFile is the hierarchy of objects.Root level:hideOriginal?(true/false)?- whether to hide workspace line from Dynamo browser leaving only preset linespresets?(group)?- group of presets for particular Dynamo workspaceGroup preset level:?(group)?- group of properties of particular presetPreset level:useSelected?(node name)?- turns on mode when Dyno uses current selected objects in active view and sends them to "Select Model Element" node before starting workspace.forceReopen?(true/false)?- turns on or off mode when Dynamo workspace is always reopened before evaluating. Reopen process needs some more time but it may be important for right evaluating some scripts.?ATTENTION! In previous Dyno versions script was always reopened before evaluating but now you should turn on this option explicitly!?(different data format)?- the initial settings of node with this name in Dynamo workspace before its execution4: NODESDESCRIPTION OF INITIAL NODE VALUESNodes in preset can be described short or extended way.Short means writing the node value right after its name.For example:"Some number node":4.55,"Some string node":"hello!","Some boolean node":trueExtended means writing a few node parameters at the same time:"Select":{"type":"element", "mode":"one"},"Boolean Fast": {"fastMode":true, "value":true},"Number Extended": {"value":4.55, "desc":"mall desc"}There are some paraters that each node has:type?(node type)?- shows node type.?Optional for main nodes!value?(node value)?- shows node value.?Required for main nodes!desc?(line)?- node desription. Is shown in node value change window and tooltip in Dyno browser.SUPPORTED NODESSuch types of nodes are supported at the moment:Number, Integer Slider, Double Slider?- any number"Number": 5.81,"Number Extended": {"value":4}String?- any text line"String": "hello!","String Extended": {"value":"Hi!", "desc":"small desc"}Boolean?- true/falsefastMode?(true/false)?- turns on or turns off mode value fast switching in one click.trueText?(line)?- sets the text for true valuefalseText?(line)?- sets the text for false value\"Boolean":false,"Boolean Fast": {"fastMode":true, "value":true}Select Model Element,Select Model Elements?- elements selectionmode?(selection type)?- type of object selection:?one?- one object,?many?- group of objects,?rectangle?- group of objects by rectangular selection."Select Element":{"type":"element", "mode":"one"}Select Face, Select Edge, Select Point On Face?- element parts selectiontype?(selection type)?- type of object part selection:?face,?edge,?pointOnFace."Select Face":{"type":"face"}File Path, Directory Path?- file or directory selectionmode?(selection type)?-?file?or?directory.value?(string)?- initial path for dialog window.filter?(files filter)?- file description and extension mask list separated by vertical lines (for example, "txt files (.txt) | *.txt | All files (.) | *.").filterIndex?(integer)?- selected default mask. it starts from number 1."File Path":{"type":"path", "mode":"file", "value":"c://", "filter":"txt files (*.txt) | *.txt | All files (*.*) | *.*", "filterIndex":2 }VALUES LIST IN NODESDyno supports values list definition for nodes. You can use this list for selecting some value for node through Dyno changing node parameter window.For defining values list you should use?values?parameter:values?(values array)?- values list for node in square brackets. "AxizList" : { "value": "X-", "values": ["X+","X-","Y+","Y-","Z+","Z-"] }5: BUTTONSTABS AND BUTTONS ON RIBBONDyno gives you the opportunity of making your own tabs in Revit tools ribbon and putting buttons corresponding to presets there.It allows you to structure presets in convenient way, organize the workspace and launch presets quickly.CONFIGURING OF TABS AND BUTTONS ON TOOLS RIBBONThere’s a special file?buttons.txt?to configure buttons on the ribbon. It must be located in the root of storage folder. It allows to associate the set of buttons to the storage and move them together.If the file doesn’t exist, create it.It is a usual text file with settings in?JSON?format.The example of button configuration file syntax:{ "Tab name 1" : ["Preset 1", "Preset 2"], "Tab name 2" : ["Preset 3", "Preset 4"] }Each button automatically generates icon for itself looking like symbol in circle.The color of the circle depends on the group which the preset belongs to. All buttons of one group go together in the tools ribbon.For more detailed information?watch the video about placing the buttons.FEEL FREE TO?CONTACTAlexey LobanovShare to Facebook, Number of shares60Share to Vkontakte, Number of sharesShare to Google+Share to TwitterShare to LinkedIn, Number of shares76Share to BloggerShare to LiveJournalShare to Mais..., Number of shares153 ................

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