o The terms and conditions contained herein (hereinafter referred to as ‘Terms’) apply for the participation in the Hong Kong BIM Awards 2014, conducted by Autodesk Far East Ltd (“Autodesk”).

o The submission form once submitted will be considered final, accurate and best to the knowledge of the respondent.

o The submission form, for download, will also be made available on the website .hk.

o The completed and signed submission form must be submitted before 5:00pm on 28th April 2014, to Ms. Sharon Chan (sharon.chan@) or by mail with CD/DVD to Autodesk Far East Limited.

o If you have any questions about the submission form or about whether your project qualifies for the awards, please contact us at sharon.chan@ or michael.chan@

o Please refer to Rules & Regulations document for additional guidelines on participation.

I. Definition

o Awards – Autodesk Hong Kong BIM Awards 2014

o Awards Management – Autodesk Far East Limited (Autodesk)

o Participant – Any organization in the AEC industry who submits the submission form to participate in the Awards

o Advisory Panel – Group of persons / subject matter experts who will conduct evaluation of Participants

II. Timelines

o The proposed timelines for the Awards are:

▪ Submitting Submission Form: 5:00pm, 28th April 2014

▪ Winner Notification: May 2014

▪ Awards Ceremony: July 2014

o Efforts will be made to follow the above timelines. However, in the event of circumstances beyond the control of Awards Management, the timelines may need to be altered.

III. Eligibility

o Your participation in the Contest will be construed as an acceptance of the Terms. If you do not agree to any of the Terms, you should not participate in the Contest.

o Autodesk reserves the right to modify the Terms at any time.

IV. List of Documents

o To ensure your project is adequately documented, images or videos could be provided along with as much relevant information about the project as possible.

o Entry is suggested to be submitted on PowerPoint format summarizing the project. These PowerPoint may include plans, sections and photographs of the project and the BIM process and its benefits must be explained sufficiently.

o The project details needs to be submitted to the following address:

Autodesk Far East Limited

1405, 14th Floor, Great Eagle Centre, 23 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Contact person: Ms. Sharon Chan (sharon.chan@)

Enquiry hotline: 852 2598 1098

V. Participation

o Right to permit participation is reserved with Awards Management.

o The Awards is able how the organization or project is benefited by using BIM.

o There is no limit on the number of projects, in the submission, the projects are used to illustrate the usage of BIM

o Receipt of entries after the last date of receipt specified may be permitted only at the discretion of Awards Management.

VI. General

o Participation in the Awards will be construed as an acceptance of the Rules and Regulations stated herein.

o Mere participation in the Contest does not entitle you to win the Award.

o The participants are not required to pay any participation fees and participation in the Contest is free of charge.

o By submitting the entry, you acknowledge that Autodesk has the right to reproduce photography and other information materials in whole or part without payment of copyright in connection to the Awards.

o The winner will be declared at the Autodesk Hong Kong BIM Awards 2014 to be held at an award function in July 2014 and be presented with the Award.

o It is the responsibility of the Participants to ensure their contact details are current and up to date. Autodesk reserves the right to cancel any part or the entire Contest.

o These Terms shall be governed by & construed in accordance with the applicable laws in Hong Kong. All disputes relating to or arising out the Awards shall be subject to the laws of Hong Kong, and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of competent jurisdiction at Hong Kong.

o If participants are unclear as to the rules or any element of the awards or experience difficulties of any kind, they can write in their questions, problems or queries to sharon.chan@

o The Winner will be required to complete the CONSENT and RELEASE FORM to authorize Autodesk and its authorized affiliates to use the related project materials.

Autodesk Hong Kong BIM Awards 2014

Submission Form

It is mandatory for all participants to complete details marked with an asterisk ( * ):

For Professional Group


|Registered Name: |      |

|Registered Address: |      |


|Please provide the following details for which the Awards Management may contact for any clarification or request for additional information: |

|Name: |      |

|Title: |      |

|Mobile Number: |      |

|Phone Number: |      |

|Email Address: |      |

For Student Group


|Name: |      |

|Mobile Number: |      |

|Email: |      |

|Address: |      |

|College Name: |      |

|College Address: |      |

|Year of Study: |      |

|Department: |      |

|School: |      |

For both Professional and Student Group


|(If more than one project included in this submission, please repeat this table) |

|Project Name: |      |

|Project Location: |      |

|Project Type: |      |

|Project Stage: | Design Construction Operation and Maintenance |

|Project Industry: | Building Civil |

|Project Size: |      |

|Project Background: |      |


|(Please describe what are the challenges and how BIM was used to resolve the challenges in at least one of the four criteria, suggest to provide more|

|quantitative information for the advisors to review.) |

|Design Decisions |

|What are the challenges of the project? |      |

|How BIM was used to help resolve the |      |

|challenges and benefits to the | |

|organization? | |

|Outstanding Sustainable Design |

|What are the challenges of the project? |      |

|How BIM was used to help resolve the |      |

|challenges and benefits to the | |

|organization? | |

|Innovative use of the information in BIM |

|What are the challenges of the project? |      |

|How BIM was used to help resolve the |      |

|challenges and benefits to the | |

|organization? | |

|Business Collaboration Transformation |

|What are the challenges of the project? |      |

|How BIM was used to help resolve the |      |

|challenges and benefits to the | |

|organization? | |


|*Slogan or Header |      |

|(a sentence best fit the | |

|theme of BIM usage in your | |

|organization): | |

|Other Significant Improvements to |      |

|highlight (such as saving of time, reduce | |

|of RFI, less turnover time … etc): | |

|Project Image: |Not more than 20 images can be included in the submission. The images can be in jpeg format and at least |

| |1MB each. |

|Animation video: |Not more than 10 minutes of video can be included in the submission, the video should be in AVI, WMA or |

| |MP3 format, resolution not less than 640 x 480 |

For Professional Group


|Please include information on the project team members that support and participate in the BIM process, please fill in information if applicable |

|Project Owner |

|Company name: |      |

|Contact person: |      |

|Email Address: |      |

|Phone Number: |      |

|Contribution: |      |

|Architect |

|Company name: |      |

|Contact person: |      |

|Email Address: |      |

|Phone Number: |      |

|Contribution: |      |

|MEP Engineer |

|Company name: |      |

|Contact person: |      |

|Email Address: |      |

|Phone Number: |      |

|Contribution: |      |

|Structural Engineer |

|Company name: |      |

|Contact person: |      |

|Email Address: |      |

|Phone Number: |      |

|Contribution: |      |

|Quantity Surveyor |

|Company name: |      |

|Contact person: |      |

|Email Address: |      |

|Phone Number: |      |

|Contribution: |      |

|Civil Engineer |

|Company name: |      |

|Contact person: |      |

|Email Address: |      |

|Phone Number: |      |

|Contribution: |      |

|Other Consultants ( Please indicate:     ) |

|Company name: |      |

|Contact person: |      |

|Email Address: |      |

|Phone Number: |      |

|Contribution: |      |

|Main Contractor |

|Company name: |      |

|Contact person: |      |

|Email Address: |      |

|Phone Number: |      |

|Contribution: |      |

|Sub-Contractor ( Please Indicate:     ) |

|Company name: |      |

|Contact person: |      |

|Email Address: |      |

|Phone Number: |      |

|Contribution: |      |

|Supplier (Please Indicate:     ) |

|Company name: |      |

|Contact person: |      |

|Email Address: |      |

|Phone Number: |      |

|Contribution: |      |

|Facility Management |

|Company name: |      |

|Contact person: |      |

|Email Address: |      |

|Phone Number: |      |

|Contribution: |      |


Note: The Winners will be shortlisted after the reviewing process. The Winners will be required to complete this CONSENT and RELEASE FORM to authorize Autodesk and its authorized affiliates to use the related materials.

Dear Autodesk,

By signing and returning this consent and release form I agree to the following terms that will govern the use, publication, modification, reproduction, and distribution of my story and/or related imagery, including my company name, company logos, quotations, product descriptions and uses, etc. Autodesk and its authorized affiliates may use my story and/or related imagery, at no charge, in Autodesk’s worldwide marketing and public relations material during Autodesk’s marketing and advertising efforts. Autodesk may use, reproduce, publish, modify, and distribute this story and/or related imagery, in whole or in part, alone or with other materials, perpetually, worldwide, and at no charge, but may not materially change or modify it without my prior consent or the consent of my authorized representative (a material change shall mean a substantial modification in the substance and shall not include resizing or other minor editorial changes). Autodesk may not allow any other entity to use this material for its sole benefit without our prior permission, except third parties authorized to exercise the above rights on Autodesk’s behalf. Autodesk's authorized uses shall include advertising, internet, video, audio, broadcasts, webcasts, slide presentations, other media, public relations (including, but not limited to, publications, internal newsletters, videos, annual reports, direct marketing), and in other promotional materials. Except for this right to use the story and/or related imagery, this consent does not include a transfer to Autodesk of any intellectual property rights in the material. I further hereby release Autodesk from any liability arising from the exercise of the rights granted here. Autodesk will include the following credit line, where Autodesk deems appropriate, when the story and/or imagery is used, and will request its authorized partners to do the same.If located outside the United States, Licensor agrees to the following: the Parties confirm that it is their wish that this Agreement, as well as other documents relating hereto, including Notices, have been and shall be written in the English language only.

(Indicate how credit should be given. If left blank then no attribution is required.)

I have the full right and authority to grant the rights herein, including the appropriate intellectual property rights.



Name and title (please print) Phone number


Company name Fax number

            Email address


Company address

Description of company and project:

Company: Project Description:





Autodesk Hong Kong BIM Awards 2014

Submission Form



The award will be presented to company that has successfully implemented BIM in their practice based on the assessment criteria. More than one project can be included in the submission.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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