
Searching the internetOverall task – Be able to search the internet effectively (See below)BRONZE 1Task 1You need to buy a car and you will use the most popular car seller company: AutotraderAutotrader Website: Autotrader MagazineYou can use a menu and easily find the car you are looking forYou have to buy a new one for each city It comes out every Tuesday and FridayYou can check new cars 24/7It runs out of date It finds cars near you when you put in the PostcodeIt tells you how many cars are availableIt is easier to select from a menu and find a car rather than using a magazine. (Match the correct statements to each picture above)Task 4Task 2You task is to use the Autotrader the website. (Hold CTRL and click)Car found on Autotrader Example below:You need to find a car with the following attributes:BMWPrice between ?10,000 to ?17,000ConvertibleDieselBlackAge – Up to 5 years oldPrint Screen and paste the car below with the price: (Remember to use the Print Screen Button on your keyboard and Paste in the box below) Bronze 3.2BRONZE 3.1Task 3Search EnginesDrag all the search engines from the box below to the left GoogleBingYahooYahooPaintCalculatorExcelMoviemakerTask 4– Google searchWhat would happen when you click this?It Would Search What You Typed In Instantly after you press search. What would happen when you click this?Instantly skips the search page and takes you to a website matched to your keyword/what you searched.Task 5– URLWhat does URL stand for? Universal Roadster LifeUniform Resource LocatorUniversal Resource Locator(write in box below by selecting the right one)Universal Resource LocatorTask 6URL’s continued….4316730266700Which of the following are working URL’s? (Place the ticks on the correct ones)1560195281940 hajees-.uk1970405271780vodafone.co.uk1762760381635BRONZE 3.2Task 7Which of the following are web browsers: (drag into the box)FrogFireworksWeb browsersMozilla FirefoxWikipediaCorel DrawWindows Media PlayerInternet ExplorerPowerPointInkscapeMicrosoft WordSafariGoogle ChromeOpenoffice WriterOpenOffice DrawTask 8– SearchingUsing Google, try out the search terms and record your results in the table. Make sure that the + or – symbol goes next to the second word without a space.Search TermNumber of resultsJaguar397,000,000Jaguar +animal270Jaguar +cat2380Jaguar +prey6Jaguar -prey483,820,000Jaguar +car122,000Some Advice:Boolean TermWhy?ANDTo make sure a keyword is includedAND NOT, NOTTo make sure a keyword is not includedORTo give alternative keywordsTask 9Search engine investigationExampleYou need to conduct a search and write the results:Search Term: X Factor Resultsgoogle.co.ukFirst resultxfactor.uk.shopping/X_Factor_Party Second resulten.wiki/The_X_Factor_(UK)uk.what-is/what_is_the_x_factor_musicThird resultthesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/tv/x_factor/uk.what-is/what_is_x_factorFourth resultdigitalspy.co.uk ? Reality TVdigitalspy.co.uk/tv/s103/the-x-factor/ Fifth resultuser/TheXFactorUKthesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/tv/x_factor/Task 10Effective Searching 1. You have to research information about the extinction of the dinosaurs. Write down two search terms that you might use. i.e. what would you enter in Google?Why did dinosaurs become extinct?Facts About Dinosaurs.2. Now use a search engine to try out your two search terms.Search term 1 a. Number of results obtained: 1,300,000b. Top three websites in your search results:Website URLMark out of 10 for usefulness (10 being excellent, 1 being no use)1.dinosaurs/extinct.htm102. pubs.gip/dinosaurs/extinct.html83. news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/find_out/.../dinosaurs/.../1610461.stm10Search term 2 a. Number of results obtained: 9,690,000b. Top three websites in your search results:Website URLMark out of 10 for usefulness (10 being excellent, 1 being no use)1. html/dinosaur-facts.html92. dinosaurfacts.htm73. dinosaurs.10Task 11Searching for InformationUsing a search engine, type in the following search term: mothers dayMost of the time you won’t get any adverts displayed for this term.a. Think about how you could change your search term so that you can see adverts about gifts that you could purchase for mothers day. New mothers day search term:Mother’s Day Giftsb. Did you get any adverts for this new search term? Yes No c. Would these adverts have been useful to you? Yes No d. Try a different search term for mothers day gifts and see if you can get different adverts to display. New mothers day search term:Mothers day presentse. Did you get any adverts for this new search term? Yes Nof. Would these adverts have been useful to you? Yes NoTask 12a) What do you think the URL below is about: Write down as much information as you can think of by just looking at the URL in the text box below: (Do not visit the URL yet!) think it is about a legal website to do with the government.b) Before looking at the site, do you feel you could trust the content? Yes Noc) In a web browser type in the URL: a quick look at the site. Write a sentence explaining how accurate your original observations were. My Observations were very accurate but I didn’t mention anything else or go into detail about what I think.Task 13What do you think the URL below is about: Write down as much information as you can think of by just looking at the URL in the text box below: (Do not visit the URL yet!) the URL write down as much information as you can find.I think this URL is about colleges and universities, it seems real and legit by the name but I’m not that sure what it could definitely be about.b) Before looking at the site, do you feel you could trust the content? Yes Noc) In a web browser type in the URL: a quick look at the site. Write a sentence explaining how accurate your original observations were. My observations were very accurate the website is a university in Australia and it is real and legit.Task 14What do you think the URL below is about: Write down as much information as you can think of by just looking at the URL in the text box below: (Do not visit the URL yet!) the URL write down as much information as you can find.I think this is a spoof website and is just a waste of time.b) Before looking at the site, do you feel you could trust the content? Yes Noc) In a web browser type in the URL: a quick look at the site. Write a sentence explaining how accurate your original observations were. My observations were very accurate and correct. ................

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