
Lovat Hall PreschoolAutumn Term (2) Oct - Dec 2017Tel: 07950 791952 back, we hope everyone has had a lovely half term. We have some very exciting activities planned with brand new topics over the next few weeks, where we will be supporting our preschoolers in Christmas activities, rehearsals will commence for our Christmas play and we will finish on the last day of term on Friday 15th December with our Christmas party where all our children are welcome.Week 1 – Halloween/Fireworks (30th-3rd Nov) We have many activities planned this week and we are looking forward to helping and supporting also our new children this term. Our preschoolers have lots to learn through play and have fun activities for them to do. This week starts with our children learning about Halloween and how it is important to be safe when trick and treating and at firework celebrations. They will also have fun making their own firework paintings using forks, working together to make a giant spider web with their friends and also a group Bonfire Night Display going out in our corridor. The children will also be exploring different materials, colours and textures in making their own individual Halloween Monster Cups.Week 2 – Remembrance (6th-10th Nov) We are now in our second week of term and we and the children will be learning and understanding why we remember our fallen hero’s, the children will be making their own individual poppy wreaths and we will be taking a walk up to the church where will show the children the poppy wreaths that have been laid at the memorial. We will need parent volunteers to help us take the children, please ask a member of staff if you can help. Week 3 – Children In Need (13th-17th Nov) We are now entering the third week and its children in need week. We would like to help Pudsey and raise some money for other children that need help. We will talk to children about the charity and that we can help other children. Our Preschoolers will be having their very own Teddys Bear Picnic and can bring in their Pudsey’s or teddies from home either Wednesday or Friday of this week. Week 4 – Birthdays/Celebrations (20th-24th Nov) This week following on from last week, we are celebrating birthdays and having a party celebration. Children will be dressing up, dancing to music, making party invitations, putting up decorations and playing party games. We will also have a Post Office home corner where the children can send their invitations in our letter box and get stamps etc.Week 5 – The North Pole (27th-1st Dec) This week we are going exploring and investigating the world around us. The children will have their own Polar Exploration Centre, the children will be using Binoculars, Magnifying glasses to explore the polar animals who will visit them. Brrrr wrap up warm as the children will also be looking to find a surprise in our Ice Block Activity.Week 6 – Christmas (4th-8th Dec) This week and heading into next week, its all things Christmassy. The children will have decorated their own Christmas Grotto, listening to many Christmas stories but one in particular about Mogs Christmas Calamity. They will be making their own santa or snowman hand puppet and also a fun present stacking game and testing their counting and balancing skills.Week 7 – Christmas Play/Party Celebrations 11th-15th Dec Its our final week at preschool already before we break up this Friday 15th December. Our Christmas play. The littlest ChristmasTree is upon us and the children have been practicing their songs all term to put on a Christmas play for you. Please join us on Wednesday 13th December performance starts at 11.30am. Parents, family members and friends are welcome. Bring your tissues too We then finish with a Christmas party on Friday 15th December starting at 9.45am – 11.45am. Resources: PLEASE CAN YOU HELP? If you have any items we could borrow or you would like to donate, related to the topics that we have planned this term, such as costumes or unwanted fancy dress, audio story books, small world play, binoculars, magnifying glasses, art materials such as unwanted paper, egg boxes, toilet and kitchen rolls, small boxes or for our new playroom this would be fantastic, and please feel free to bring in any items for show and tell. Please ask a member of staff if you are unsure, we are always wanting to provide every opportunity for all our children in supporting their learning and by making donations or any unwanted items helps us to keep our costs down.Welcome to Morgan – Student PlacementMorgan Frost will be attending Lovat Hall Preschool on a student placement from Milton Keynes College. She has been successfully inducted and has already started with us and she will be working with the staff and the children for two days a week on Mondays and Fridays only till around June 2018. I am sure you will join me in welcoming Morgan to our setting. We need you on our AGM/Parents Evening Monday 20th November 2017 @ 7.30 pm, preschool roomWe are a parent-led Committee Pre-school. This means that a team of parents oversee the running of the pre-school and make real decisions about how it operates. We're a friendly, motivated and committed group and would love for new parents to join us. Those of us?who are leaving (because our children have now started school) have?committed to handing over gradually and thoroughly to the new members, so you wouldn't be thrown in at the deep-end! Our vacant positions are:ChairpersonTreasurerFundraiser?General committee membersGeneral Housekeeping64103251997075We aim to take our preschoolers outside every day and the weather is starting to get colder and damper in this Autumn Term ahead. Please can you make sure that children have suitable thicker coats with their name clearly stated and wellington boots. A reminder for parents to put your child’s name also on their lunchboxes and that we are a Nut Free setting . A reminder also that children DO NOT NEED to KEEP BRINGING TOYS from home into PRESCHOOL especially are older children. The preschool have lots of toys for the children to play with. The preschool is not held responsible for lost or broken toys that have been bought in. IMPORTANT – Medication If your child has prescribed medication, could we ask that you please ensure we have a permission letter signed and dated and the confirmed dosage prior to session. The medicine should be in a labelled bottle or box with childs name and D.O.B Thank you. Help us to keep your children safe.Also a reminder that it is important that Inhalers or Epipens are given to a member of staff to be kept in a safe place, whenever a child is attending Preschool, and NOT left in their bag in the corridor.Can you help us at Preschool Please help us to continue to provide the care and education your child deserves by supporting our high adult to child ratios at Lovat Hall Pre-School. By giving us just one hour of your time to help with the washing up, snack preparation, art activities or just playing with the children, you can free up a member of staff to HELP your child develop further. Please ask a member of staff to find out more.Open Door PolicyWe are always happy for parents to stay with their children if they feel it would be beneficial, but if you need to discuss your child’s settling in with us at any time please feel free to approach any member of staff and we will do our best to help. Our newest children are settling in brilliantly but the transition can be made so much easier for your child simply by making drop off a positive time for them. We all know what an anxious time it can be but try asking lots of questions “Can you do me a picture today?”“Do you think the bikes will be out?”“What do you like for snack?”Will all help to distract your child, as will statements such as “When Mummy picks you up we can….” So they have something positive to focus on.Days in the DiaryAGM Meeting Mon 20th November at 7.30pm in Preschool Room followed by an informal parents eveningParent volunteers needed for Christmas Lights Stall on Saturday 25th November and Green Park Fayre stall Sat 9th December 1.00-4.00pmChristmas Play Wed 13th Dec at 11.30am in Big Hall Refreshments availableTerm finishes on Friday 15th December with our Christmas party starting at 9.45am till 11.45am. Cha cha chimps and Santa of course will be there and a festive party snack will be provided.More details will follow regarding these events, so please look out for posters and emails or you can ask a member of staff.We look forward to seeing our children on the 30th October and we thank you from all the Staff at Lovat Hall Preschool. ................

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