Sandra L






(763) 425-3672(f)


I will use the information you provide in this questionnaire to complete the following documents for you:


Health Care Directive

Minnesota statutory Short Form Power of Attorney and

Transfer on Death Deed (if no minor children)

This simple estate package is appropriate for you if your estate is under $1,000,000. If your estate is over $1,000,000 please call me to discuss estate tax planning.


A will is defined as “an instrument by which a person makes disposition of his real and personal property, to take effect after their death”. Simply put, a will is the document you sign that tells everyone where your stuff goes after you die. Wills are revocable, which means you can change or cancel them.

Minnesota Short Form Power of Attorney

A power of attorney allows the person you designate as your attorney in fact to make certain financial transactions for you, such as moving money between bank accounts, selling property etc. Normally, people use the power of attorney as an emergency document in case of incapacity (ie one spouse is in the hospital for an extended period of time and the other spouse needs to access their retirement benefits).Minnesota has a standardized statutory form. Because all the powers are set out in the statutes, third parties do not need to specifically scrutinize the form to assure themselves that your attorney in fact has the appropriate authority. I use the Minnesota statutory form for that reason.

Minnesota Health Care Directive:

A health care directive allows you to appoint an agent to make decisions regarding your health care if you become sick and can't make decisions for yourself. It also allows you to include health care instructions, telling people what your wishes for health care are. Minnesota uses a document entitled a “Health Care Directive” which combines the elements of a living will and durable power of attorney for health care. Minnesota has a suggested form in our statute, and I will draft a directive for you based on the statutory form.

Transfer on Death Deed:

Minnesota law allows a person to transfer property upon death by creating a Transfer on Death Deed ("TODD"). A TODD is comparable to the use of pay-on-death or transfer-on-death accounts at banks. A TODD allows the owner of real property to designate a beneficiary of the property, and, upon the death of the owner, the property passes to the beneficiary as non-probate property, without the disadvantages of using a joint tenancy or life estate deed. If you have specified beneficiaries on financial accounts and filed the TODD deed, you can normally avoid probate.

If I am going to complete a TODD for you, you need to give me the complete legal description for your house in the table below. A TODD is normally not suitable for couples with minor children because of statutory limitations on a minor's ability to buy and sell property.



Testamentary Trust: - A trust created in a will. It does not take effect until your death. Usually this is created to take care of your minor children.

Personal Representative: This is the person who takes care of the estate. They are supposed to gather up your assets, pay all liabilities and then distribute the assets to the heirs. (Note I usually make this person your agent for your power of attorney too – if you want someone different for your agent, let me know)

Trustee: The person appointed to execute the trust. They hold the property for the benefit of the beneficiary and must carry out the duties as defined by the trust document. (The trustee is the one who handles the money for the beneficiaries once it is placed in the trust by the personal representative) This is the person that handles the money for your kids.

Guardian: The person who has the legal responsibility to care day to day for the children. People often want to appoint a couple as co-guardians, often a sibling and their spouse, but I recommend appointing only the blood relative for two reasons: 1) a married couple will wind up sharing the duties anyway and 2) you don't always know what is going on a couple's marriage. If your sibling and their spouse divorce, are you going to need to change your will?

Remember the personal representative, guardian and trustee can be the same people!

Please complete the table by putting the answer to each numbered question in the cell below the number. (Don't worry about the format of the table just put the answers in.) If you have minor children, you do not need to complete the portion of the table asking for the legal description of your house.

|What is the husband's name (ie. John Henry Smith)? | |

|What is the husband's name in CAPS (ie JOHN HENRY SMITH)? | |

|What is the husband's date of birth? | |

|What is the wife's name (ie Mary Sue Smith)? | |

|What is the wife's name in CAPS (ie MARY SUE SMITH)? | |

|What is the wife's date of birth? | |

|What is the street portion of your current address (ie 3456 Downing | |

|Street)? | |

|What is the city, state and zip portion of your current address (ie | |

|Osseo, MN 55369) | |

|What are the names of all the children (ie Mary Sue Smith and John | |

|David Smith) | |

|Who do you want to be your to be your personal representative (ie. John| |

|Henry Smith)? | |

|What is the personal representative's street address (ie 3456 Downing | |

|Street) | |

|What is the personal representative’s city, state and zip address (ie | |

|Osseo, MN 55369)? | |

|What is the personal representative's phone number? | |

|What is your successor personal representative?(ie. John Henry Smith) | |

|What is the successor personal representative's street address (ie 3456| |

|Downing Street) | |

|What is the successor personal representative’s city, state and zip | |

|address (ie Osseo, MN 55369) | |

|What is the successor personal representative's phone number? | |

|Who do you want to be your trustee(ie. John Henry Smith)? | |

|Who do you want to be your successor Trustee(ie. John Henry Smith) | |

|Who do you want to be guardian of your kids(ie. John Henry Smith)? | |

|What is the legal description of your house (ie Lot 4, Block 7, | |

|Anderson Addition, Hennepin County) – Note you need to take the legal | |

|description from your most recent closing documents. If the legal | |

|description you give me is inaccurate and we have to correct the error,| |

|I will charge an additional fee) If you have minor children, we won't | |

|be doing a TODD Deed for you and you won't need to fill this in. | |

|What County do you live in? | |

|What is your telephone number? | |

| | |

Do you or your spouse have any adopted children or children from other marriages or relationships?Yes No If so, please list their names, ages, and addresses.


Have you or your spouse ever been married previously? Yes No If so, list former spouse's name(s) and address(es)


Have you and your spouse made any pro-marital or post-marital agreements? Yes No


Do you or your spouse have a previous will? Yes No .

Do you or your spouse own any property with any other person? Yes No

If so, describe


Are you or your spouse a beneficiary or trustee of any trust? Yes No

If so, describe


How should your estate be distributed if your spouse survives you?


How should your estate be distributed if your spouse does not survive you?


How should your estate be distributed if neither your spouse nor any of your children survive you?


Is there any reason to treat children other than equally? Yes No


Have you or your spouse given any children advances on their inheritance?Yes No


Do you or your spouse wish any assets to be distributed to anyone other than a family member?Yes No

If so, to whom


Have you or your spouse omitted any of your (or your spouse's) children? Yes No If so, who/why?


Have you or your spouse made any agreements with anyone to make a will?Yes No


Do you or your spouse own any business interests (i.e. partnerships, corporations, etc.) with anyone other than with each other? Yes No If yes, do you have a plan for its disposition?Describe it


What do you and your spouse estimate is the approximate value of your estate?


When completing a health care directive, I usually advise clients to keep the language as broad as possible. An example would be the following language:

Where the application of life sustaining procedures would serve only to artificially prolong the moment of my death and where my physician determines that my death is imminent whether or not life-sustaining treatments are utilized, I direct that such procedures be withheld or withdrawn, and that I be permitted to die naturally.

Unless you tell me differently, this language will be placed in your health care directive. Do you want to use different language? Yes No If yes, describe the language you want.


Do you have another Health Care directive? Yes No If yes, please confirm that you are revoking the prior health care directive by creating the new directive with me.


If your children are over the age of 18, please list their marital status for me.


Please confirm for me that your estate is less than one million dollars.

My estate is less than one million dollars. Yes

Please confirm that you understand that a TODD deed must be filed with the county recorder before it becomes affective.

I understand that a TODD deed must be filed with the county recorder before it becomes effective.


Finally, please understand that if you have minor children, you own real property and both you and your spouse die together, your estate will need to be probated. In Minnesota, the cost of an average probate is $3000-$4000.

Once your children are over the age of 18, you should complete a Transfer on Death Deed. If your have an executed Deed, the beneficiaries on all your retirement assets are specified and your estate is under $1,000,000, you should be able to avoid probate.





















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