Rose M

Rose M. Ortiz Lopez

Saturday Morning Family School Scholarship

All high school seniors who are residents of Perth Amboy and have participated volunteered or was a peer mentor at the Edward J. Patten/Richardson Saturday Morning Family School program for more than three years are eligible to apply for the Rose M. Ortiz Lopez Scholarship.

All applicants must fill out an application form, which may be obtained online, at the Edward J. Patten Elementary School/Herbert N. Richardson Elementary School or from their high school guidance counselors.

The application must be completed and returned by April 7, 2014 to:

Edward J. Patten Elementary School

Saturday Morning Family School Program

Advisory Committee

500 Charles Street

Perth Amboy, NJ 08861

The recipient will be notified by April 30th and will receive the scholarship on Thursday, June 12th @ 5:00 p.m. at the Perth Amboy High School Award Ceremonies.

Rose M. Ortiz Lopez

Saturday Morning Family School Scholarship


• The one time scholarship will be for $1,000.00.

• Only one scholarship will be given annually.

• All high schools that service Perth Amboy students will be notified of the scholarship.

• All senior students who attended the Edward J. Patten Saturday Morning Family School program for more than three years as a student or a volunteer will be eligible to apply.

• Students must be going to a college or trade school.

• Members of the Saturday Morning Family School advisory committee will select student.

• Student must have a numerical equivalent grade of a C+ average or better and must be in good standing with the school and teachers.

• Student must have a verifiable history of having done community work in an organized program with supervisors and leaders.

• Student must submit a written essay.

• Social security number must be included on the application form as well as the college or trade school that he/she plans to attend.

• Deadline to apply for the scholarship is April 7th.

• By April 30 a letter announcing the winner of the scholarship will be sent to the recipient, the student’s high school and the college or trade school they will be attending.

• A mock check will be given on Thursday, June 12th @ 5:00 p.m. at the Perth Amboy High School Award Ceremonies.

• The actual check is to be sent directly to the school that the student will be attending, with the student’s name and social security number clearly outlined on the memo area and with a cover letter of all the pertinent information. A copy of this cover letter will also be sent to the high school and the student.

Rose M. Ortiz Lopez Saturday Morning Family School Scholarship



Name SS#


Telephone #

H.S. Attending Grade

College/Trade School will be attending

When did you participate / attend the Saturday Morning Family School Program? (at least for 3 years)

Dates Attended

Dates Volunteered

Extracurricular Activities: (List dates and contact people)

School Activities

Community Activities



Please write and submit along with this application an essay describing your hopes and dreams for the future and how the Saturday Morning Family School Program has influenced your life in a positive way.

Please forward application and essay by April 7th to:

Edward J. Patten Elementary School

Saturday Morning Family School Program

Advisory Committee

500 Charles Street

Perth Amboy, NJ 08861


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