AVID 10 - Murrieta Valley Unified School District

AVID 12 ~ AVID Senior Seminar ~ Course Syllabus

Mrs. Byun Mr. Chavez

mbyun-kallevig@murrieta.k12.ca.us schavez@murrieta.k12.ca.us

(951) 677-0568 ext. 6263 (951) 677-0568 ext. 6204

Course Description: This course is an elective course for students already enrolled in the AVID program. Students will continue to utilize and refine the AVID ‘basics’, and participate in ongoing tutorials with focus on support for AP courses. Students will begin leading Socratic seminars and continue timed writing practice. Preparation for college entrance exams, college applications, test preparation, financial aid, college, and career exploration are emphasized. The year will culminate in a final portfolio and presentation. AVID Senior Seminar counts as a college ‘G’ requirement for students who have been enrolled in AVID for at least three years and who are concurrently enrolled in an AP course and complete the research component.

Course Content: Throughout senior year we will focus on the following areas:

Socratic Seminars (student led)

Presentations at MMHS and Shivela Middle School

Timed Writings and EPT/Analytical Writing preparation

Research Component: Leadership

Standardized Test Prep (SAT, SAT II, ACT, ELM, EPT)

Personal Statement (submitted with college applications if required)

College Applications – Completed and submitted on time!

Financial Aid, Scholarship Research and Applications (including FAFSA)

Education Portfolio and Presentation

AVID ‘Basics’ (further refine tutorial, Cornell notes and organization)

* Oral presentations, communication and leadership skills are incorporated throughout

Performance Review: Students receive regular feedback regarding their performance in AVID. The weighted grade will be based upon the following:

1. Assignments (Projects, Presentations, Class work) 25%

2. AVID Binder checks 20%

3. Socratic Seminars 20%

3. Participation (Tutorials, Classroom Activities Progress Reports) 20%

4. Portfolios/Finals 15%

• Parents and students- This is a critical year for deadlines. All SAT, and ACT tests MUST be completed by December at the latest. (By October is ideal!)

• College entrance exams must be taken on the dates indicated by the school where you are accepted/where you choose to attend.

• The FAFSA should be submitted in January and college application deadlines vary by school. (UC is Nov. 1st -30th, Cal State is Oct. 1st -Nov. 30th) Students, it is ultimately YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to meet all of these deadlines. Your AVID grade will be greatly affected if you do not!

• We will have a ‘Parent and Student Night’ this fall to help you through the college admission process. Please make every effort to attend – critical information will be covered. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.

• College applications and standardized tests cost money. To help offset these costs, AVID will continue to offer the students fundraising opportunities. Additionally, AVID students are eligible for one free test. Fee waiver forms will be sent home by September 1st.

• 40 hours of community service is a graduation requirement! AVID students should strive to go beyond this! Don’t procrastinate.

AVID Intervention Procedures: The intervention process will begin if a student violates either the AVID Agreement or the AVID course guidelines.

1. Documented Conference

2. Letter of Concern and/or Call to Parent/Guardian

3. Probation/Student Success Plan, with the parent/guardian, AVID teacher, AVID counselor and student

4. Removal from the AVID Program .

5. Mandatory lunch tutoring for any grades below C. Tiered consequences for missing tutoring.

College Application/Scholarship Policies

• Students are required to apply to a minimum of 4 colleges (minimum 2 CalState/UC; 1 Private; 1 out of state).

• Students will be using Fastweb to apply for college scholarships. Students will be required to apply to a minimum of ____ scholarships. Extra credit will be available for exceeding the minimum number of applications.

Work Quality Policy

The goal of AVID is to prepare our students for the rigor of college. Part of this goal is to ensure that all AVID students are capable of college level work. To achieve this, the expectation in all AVID 12 classes is that only “A” quality work will be accepted. Student work that falls short of this will need to be redone as many times as necessary until it meets the “A” standard. Give your best and do it right the first time…there are no “do-overs” in college!!!

Excused Absence

If a student misses one class, she/he must check with me on the day of her/his return to class to inquire about missed work. The work missed will be due on the following class day. Feel free to arrange a time to meet with me if assistance is needed. It is a good idea to communicate with me or other class members on the day before your return to class. This will help you come to class prepared.

Oral presentations, the AVID portfolio, large projects or essays that have a due date set far in advance are due on the date assigned – regardless! If you know you are going to be away, you must make arrangements to turn in your work.

Extended absences or special circumstances may require the setting of new due dates. This must be arranged between the student and on the day of the student’s return to class. The new dates will then be considered official deadlines and the regular policy rules apply.

Students: This page needs to be signed and returned

AVID will be hosting a college information evening for parents and students this fall. We will be in touch through flyers and by telephone in a few weeks with more details. We hope to see you there!

Student Name: _________________________________________________________

Student Signature: ______________________________________________________

Student Phone number (just in case!) Cell:

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Phone Numbers: Cell



Additional comments or information you would like to share:

**Please contact me if you have a suggestion or contact for a guest speaker

(four-year college graduate in any career field.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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