
Hey everyone, so welcome back to another episode of the Hello Spring Podcast. I hope you're all doing well because in today's episode we're about to have another guest on episode 13, the Lucky 13 actually, and so I'll be interviewing my good friend NowInTechnicolor, AKA Tebi AKA the Yellow Lover herself. But if you don't know who technique is.Let me tell you a little bit about her technique is actually a similar at heart, but also loves to create unique and detailed build from the ground of where she brings people into a honest, open, exciting, vibrant and loving community that I know for a fact. You all will definitely love being there. 'cause I have been a fan of technique for about a year now and honestly was being in her streams and being a part of a community is so warm and welcoming and and I just adore being a part of the Spaghetti Squad and I know that she does too.But anyway, it make sure you take all the links down below in the show notes, but let's go ahead and hop into today's episode. I just want to say thank you so much for like being on my podcast first of all, because honestly, when I ask people to be on my podcast, I get so nervous and they're going to say no. And but honestly, no thank you so much for being.My podcast, of course.Yeah, honestly, when I asked him like do you wanna be my podcast and like you said, sure 'cause I remember.I think it was last like last year. I want two years ago, whatever when we meet you and Shelly were on a call. I think we're playing Minecraft or something and I was like I want to start a podcast one day and you all helped me up, then go for it. Do it, do it. Do it like oh.Yeah, so and now look at us.Look at that 13 episodes in and we're already still going amazing. Yeah, I never thought I would actually have a certain podcast 'cause I found.I find myself very annoying at times, but that's just me.I think we all do, though let's be honest.Yeah, but you know how like?The inner self doubt that kind of creeps in.Yeah.You know how everything is OK in the end?Yeah, and look look, we put our quirks out there. We put ourselves out there and we see what happens and ultimately people seem to like it. So we must be doing something right.Exactly exactly.But I want to ask you, how's your day been?It's been good. It's 9:07 AM. So you know, I got up. I fed my new pet bearded dragon and I got some. Yeah I got some tea. Now I'm here.Nice what? What is their name?I still don't.Have a name for him. Unfortunately, like I've got a bunch of ideas, but it's literally it's been like 2 weeks and it still hasn't really like truly hit me. What his name is going to be, but I will let you know I will. I will definitely let you let you know.OK, I think.You should call it Spaghetti Junior after the Spaghetti Junior in the Twitch chat. I think they would really love it.Oh yeah, I'm sure he would. He would love that my.Guys and then he'll be in your house all day, every day.And then we follow no e here Spaghetti Junior on would have.Felt like God, that would be so silly.Oh man, so would you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself who's not familiar? Familiar with now in Technicolor AKA technique, AKA Teddy, you know?Yeah, sure, so I am called now in Technicolor. I go by Techni and I am a SIM streamer. I primarily like to build. I'm not much of a gameplay type person, but building is honestly where it's at for me. That's what Sparks the most joy for me.To be honest, and I've been doing building on The Sims at least on stream for like over well over a year now and I've been playing The Sims in general since The Sims one, so it's been quite a journey, quite a journey.Oh that's so cool. Yeah, I honestly love The Sims so much like it's changed so much over time, oh.My God, yeah, like.I would say building has gotten a lot easier.To you think.Oh yeah.Yeah OK, because the other games building was hard, you had to use math and I didn't have time for.That yeah, I know she mean in like I don't know if it's just me, but at least in the older games they seem to be like a lot more raunchy if that makes like did you like get that impression of The Sims when you first like saw?A little bit, yeah, yeah.And I don't. I don't see that.At all anymore like.Of course you can still woo Hoo and in various ways, but it doesn't have that like Oh my God, I'm doing like something bad vibe.You know, I think what would make The Sims 4 very raunchy and scandalous is adding cutscenes that we had in The Sims.Two yeah, yeah. I've heard about those. I actually I didn't play The Sims 2 but I have see. I know, I know.Why I know, yeah, I I played The Sims wynan I skipped The Sims two and three and then started to play The Sims 4 is a huge jump for.Me Oh my God, I know you are missing on a whole different like you're missing everything like Sims two and three is like.Is the is an Apple iPhone are like 17 ground Sims 3 is also great like open world. Everything is out there for you. The Sims look like potatoes but it you know it's fine.Yeah, but it's like you gotta go back and playing The Sims 3 at least.I know, I know, I I should probably like figure that out one day and maybe do like first time playing The Sims 3. That situation I think that could be fun.Yeah, I mean it's on Steam and origin you.Know true so I wouldn't have to like jump through hoops like you do if you try to play The Sims.One or two, yeah, I mean thrift stores and eBay, but I find those, yeah?Yeah, I'd avoid. I would avoid those.Personally.So why did you choose the name now in Technicolor? Like what's the name behind it? Do you like techno music? Like like what's the whole deal?Yeah, so I came up with it on a whim, like the fastest swim ever because with my then boyfriend at the time he was about to play Fortnite with his friend and he invited me and I all I had was my like my MacBook laptop and I just decided to see like if it would work.So I just opened it up on ethic and made a screen name really fast and that was literally the first thing I could think of. I don't. I like don't even know why, but tried to play Fortnite. It didn't end up working out on my Mac book, and the name just kind of stuck when I moved over to Twitch.Well that I'm glad you kept it. 'cause I'm like it sounds really cool because when I think of like now in Technicolor, isn't it like a I forget it's like a color like.It's like it's honestly.Yeah it has to do with TV and movies. I honestly don't know exactly what they do. I like do remember that like movies, obviously like at one point were all black and white and then as soon as they started being produced in color you would see Technicolor as like one of the producers or something along those lines and the name I always thought was very pretty even though it's literally just a company name and I really liked the phrase now in Technicolor that you would see sometimes. So I just kind of stuck with it.That's good, basically you are the company.Yeah, I'm basically the company I've taken over. I'm the CEO. It doesn't matter, it's all good. I got it.That's good, that's good, yeah?So what is your favorite color? I just want to my God the people.OK, good question. I know that you know this and I know what your favorite color is. I'm just going to have to say it. It's yellow. It's probably the best.Color I agree. I agree yellow, the best color you know.Talk to Shelly about this and like she just won't acknowledge the color yellow even though she deeply, deeply loves it.So we know she loves it, yeah?She'll never say it, you know.Did like my like. I have so many like I have my closet. It's color coded. All my shirts are color coded and the yellow section is the biggest section.That's great.I've also got yellow bed sheets, pillows and curtains and it's just like I'm I'm no yellow wall of person like you, but I'm still living my yellow dream. I still AM.You know sunshine yellow sunny California. If you fits the vibe.It does, it really does. It makes me happy like I'm.All about like mid century modern and like vintage eclectic type vibes when it comes to like like interior design and I feel like the color yellow just fits in so well. Well wait guys both of those. Oh yeah I'm like I have a lot of gold. I love gold as.Well, oh, that's fancy.Oh man, I love mid century Modern furniture and like architecture again when I look at it for like builds for Sims and like I want to build this and that and I like I dream of living in a suburban home but with mid century modern related stuff. Yeah mostly but I've always like wanted to build the Brady Bunch house like that is like the appeal of this century modern for me. Yeah the way it's like laid out and the way it is like the shape is.Is so awkward and.So rough, yeah.But I think it can be achieved with like Pop. Yes and other things platform.Is definitely helpful now. Yes for sure, but.Oh my gosh, the Brady Bunch was a great shore short so.It.Was a good show. I have only seen like a like a handful of episodes and then I've seen that like parody movie series that they came out with like back in the 90s. Did you ever see that?And RuPaul wasn't.It no, Oh my God, it was. It was very silly. None of the original actors that are in it or anything. It's just like a bunch of actors playing the original characters anyway.Changing their honestly I mean hey, it is what it is. I hate it. I didn't really see that one, but I saw the the Brady Bunch movie that was like film that could think of 70s or whatever like the first movie that they did. I didn't know.They had one wow.They had that one. I think they did like a vacation one I think I don't really remember but.Wow, OK sick thank you. Yeah most I've gotta watch that.Yeah, I think you could be a good, you know.Movie night special.Night, yeah I do like do with the movie nights and discord. Those are fun.Yeah, they're very like fun to dealer like bring the community together. I you know. I wish though Discord would like make it bigger where more people can join in, 'cause only that you can like watch it.It's so lame. It's so lame. I wish I wish it could workout man but yeah, Discord if you like that and we are but.A few just lowly users of the platform and there's nothing we could do.True, it's true. I mean, Bob, I think they were bought my by Microsoft so.OK, yeah interesting. I guess we'll see where it goes from there then, hopefully yeah.So I always ask everyone this all the time because I'm just nosy and I just want to know. But what was your first impression of me? 'cause I have no.Idea oh oh.We, oh, that's such a good question. I like when I first heard about you. It was just like actually from like browsing through.The Sims category. On on twitch. Because like I was still like kind of getting to know everybody's like I started to grow as a streamer. I wanted to like know who else was like. Also like growing and just like other people that like I could potentially like relate to in some way and I saw you and I was lurking in your stream for like off and on for quite some time. I still hadn't followed you yet but I thought that you were just so like nice like so like almost aggressively kind.And yeah, I was like Oh my goodness, he's so like kind to everybody he like. Makes like you what she'll do it like it's so wild like even when Kayla Lilsimsie has rated you like before like you react to her raid you make sure to finish like your conversation with the person that you previously been talking to and that that is something that's always stuck with me. Like you you make sure to like you know like keep keep every.Every single conversation going make sure that every single person in there is is noticed. Basically, yeah, you just go through messages one by one like that and sometimes with me like I can be very sporadic in the way that I read my messages as they come in versus you just do them as like in order, which is so so nice. And I wish I could do that. But like you know how it is when you stream. Sometimes it's just like every every like thought that comes in and everything. Everything you do is just so like it's it can be stressful sometimes but like it.Is honestly like go ahead to be honest so it like I reach at out of order like it may seem like I'm reading chat in order, but really out of order.Where I guys?'cause I have the most like craziest brain in the world where 'cause I have 80 HD and like my brain goes like from one conversation to another one to another one to another one and it's so confusing. But it makes sense to other people which is like oh OK but like when I get rated by people like I see the rate coming in.Yeah, like I don't acknowledge it until like I finish like what I'm saying. Like you said because yeah, 'cause sometimes like I've always felt where people who like hop in the streams or whatever. Sometimes like the quote unquote string, where it doesn't notice or like talk to them because either chats going too fast or they just ignore them completely. And I've always been a person where I've been ignored by other people in real life, yeah?Notice, so I've always felt you know.Giving people attention is somewhat. It is a good thing, but also a bad thing on depend on who you're talking too. Yeah, definitely, so I could always like, feel like treat people the way you wanna be treated is how I've always grown up so yeah that's what I deal mostly for me.Yes, yeah I tried. I tried to do the same. I really I really do like I I've had people come in and be like Oh my God like you're actually reading that you read my message or you're like actually reading chat and I've been like well I mean if if.If you're comparing me to like very, very large streamers with fast chats, of course they're not necessarily going to see your message all the time, but you know, there may be streamers out there who just don't really pay attention to their chat at all, and I'm trying to avoid being that person by all costs.Me too and I try my best to read every message to like. I'll say, yeah, if I get like a raid or whatever or something I'll say hi to literally everyone like not individually. Hello everyone, how are you doing 'cause?It's kind of like chaotic when you think about it, 'cause you know, even with slow mode, it doesn't help sometimes power.Now.Look, it's it's like it's 2 slug. It's too slow, but yeah.It just it limits each individual persons like messaging experience. But if there's a bunch of people in there like you're still going to have like a lot of messages coming.In so I don't know how Kayla does it I.Don't either, really don't.So I mean honestly, props to her, yeah.Truly I can't do it. No.But I think I found you either through Kayla or by some other streamer, because nine times outta 10 I will find people through like my recommended or through The Sims tab, which I very like like sometimes not search through this because I don't I should find other people, but I think that I think I found you through Kayla, I'm pretty sure.Potentially like I know that our first like actual interactions, at least through voice chat where when.It was either me you Inshallah or mew Shella and no no it was Michelle when we played Minecraft together that first time, yeah.Yeah Oh my gosh, that was like a whole year.Ago I know it's wild.And you know what just happened? Yeah.Like I think wait yeah wait, Oh my gosh, it's 2021. Last year we all got partnered like around the same time. Yes jelagat part in the same day and think a couple of days afterwards you got partnered it was.So it was like a week.Yeah, yeah.That's just so crazy right now.Something's happening here. What's going on?So it was a wild time, very, very wild time nuts. Not to like downplay like you know, like the current day or anything. But like, yeah, there was just so much happening. Like so many people getting partnered and there's a wild time it was. It was awesome.It was I I wonder, like The Sims community has grown a lot since last year. Besides that the Panorama. Yeah, but like it's grown on twitch so fast.That I'm happy that it's going that fast because there's more people being introduced at which is the first time or being able to stream for the first time and seeing how it works, but also making new friends, new friends and connections, and possibly end up somehow relationships because some people end up actually finding out where end up dating someone in there like Twitch chat. 'cause I yeah seen each other. They like notice each other in the chat, the chat more and more and more like discord and eventually meet up and then they get married like.A lot of people in it has been doing it that.Way it's so yeah, crazy yeah.I remember that it was vixella an Zeus. I don't know who. I don't know. If you know who they are. But Oh yeah, there twitching reason they found the like first like soul not so but like.Chatted with with each other through a mutual friend. I think it was like James Turner's twitch chat. I think that's how like they.It's a weird. It's a weird place, but it's. It's also like an amazing place because so many people are forming friendships and relationships and like whatever, like everything under the rainbow like you were saying during the panoramic that we're in, it's been really, really nice to kind of supplement our social needs.Yes, I find it very comforting, Ann.Oh yeah, it may seem bad, but I feel like I'm kind of glad it happened in a way because I kind of needed it where I needed, like to slow down and take a breather from like my day to day life of like going to school everyday like driving back and forth and then having my jobs and everything like that was stressful and I couldn't handle it all on top like You Tube and streaming some kind of glad it happened but not glad it happened.Yeah, I I think maybe a good way of putting it is that like.There are pros and cons to everything and the pros that have come out of the the very few pros that have come out of the panoramic. The fact that at least like online communities, have kind of grown and a lot of people have made a lot of good connections through the Internet in a safe way where you know no one is spreading the ongoing virus.Exactly, honestly, I'm just kind of glad things are dying down like yeah, birds in their vaccines and it's just so great and hopefully the world will go.Portal quote back to normal, but it's not going to be normal, but yeah cited, but interested to see where life will be headed, yeah?It's definitely different, like after every like, sort of like big event we've had in the world. Things have kind of changed. Like you know, back in like 911 that changed a lot in terms of like airport safety. But now like this, which is a huge thing as well. I'm assuming there going to be a lot more precautions that a lot of different establishments take when it comes to.You know the safety of the people that are in. Like within them, yeah, so we'll see how it goes. I I definitely have not like the best person to predict, but I'm I'm at least hoping for the best. You know, I'm trying to trying to go to Disneyland eventually trying to do a lot of things, so we'll see how it goes.Yeah, one day. Honestly, I always like had this like reoccurring dream when I was younger like in high school where I would sleep and then I have a dream of like.The next couple of days that I'm in school walking through the halls like acting like I know of where everything's at. Like it's so weird and then I wake up and then I go to school the next next few days afterwards and I'm like that's dejavu. I feel like I've been here before. No, in fact I've never been there. I've never seen it, but I'm like I feel like I know where I'm going. Seems easy time, but it's weird. I feel like I'm.Excited, I haven't experienced that, that's wild.It's weird dreams, very weird it is.I don't understand how.Does it work? I don't know. I'm not a. What is it? A nuro scientist? I have no idea.Yeah.So like what you know now, would you say your 2021 has gotten a lot better since last year?Like compared to 2020, I would say yes. I mean 2020 was definitely wild when it comes to the like pandemic, specially like the first half of the like of the air versus the last half but 2021 as I would I would say been a lot better and for a lot of different reasons for me and.You know I moved to LA I've I've got a new a new pet like my first actual pet. I've never you know, like actually been the sole owner of a pet before, so that's been really fun. Yeah, and I like, I think once I'm like fully vaccinated and it's been the two weeks after the second vaccine. I'm going to go. I'm going to start going to rock climbing gyms. And yeah, I've always loved going in the past, but I've never gone like consistently, ever. But this time around, I definitely am going to and I'm very excited for it.Fun, I've never been rock climbing, but I've always wanted to do it.Like so far.I'm fully vaccinated, but I'm like I don't want to go anywhere.Yeah, I know it should been. Thankfully though, like.LA like is.Decent when it comes to having like a bunch of locations for a bunch of different like types of like gyms and literally everything, so that's been really nice. And thankfully I don't. I think there's one that's not terribly far from me, so I have no reason to not go, so I'm going to force myself to as soon.As I can a.So like what have you been doing to keep yourself like productive these days of life?That's hard because sometimes I feel like I'm just not being productive.At all, but I mean it looks like you're being productive from the outside looking in, yeah?Definitely in in the end I still am getting a lot done. You know I do. I do have a day job in marketing in addition to Twitch, which is definitely helping me out a lot, but.I.To keep myself productive honestly, it's just the motivation is knowing what my goals are and that in order to achieve them I do have to keep going and I do have to keep moving forward. That's smart. Basically it for me. Yeah, yeah.I feel like the key thing is that when you have a set goal in mind that you want to achieve later on in life, you gotta do the things that you need to do in order to get.There, yeah, it's very true.Yeah, 'cause I remember there was a time in my life where.In 8th grade 'cause I just auditioned for show choir for high school and I got in 'cause I'm just so talented.Not really, I just like eventually was just.That one child that was that just got in, but when I got in I'm like OK. This is my time I know what to do let me go and figure out the rest of my life. So I started planning literally my entire life. I'm like yeah great to like when I was going to graduate University like all that stuff I planned out it all happened. I got into show choir all four years and then I was like in the top choir for like a year.I've traveled to places I went to Carnegie Hall at before him there and you know, God, it's like I did all these things because I knew where I wanted to go in life. I was very determined that was very ambitious person who wanted to prove people wrong. Where, yeah, because like all my life, I've always been told that, oh, you're not good enough. You can't do all these different things because you're a certain way or you act a certain way or you do something that's like what in the world and so annoying to know that I've had that mindset.For a long time and I was like, you know what screw them. I don't care. I'm going to do what I'm gonna do and I'm going to achieve that stuff no matter what people say and.Oh yeah, and you did that.Yeah, and a lot of people. Yeah, a lot of people still have that mindset where they don't think they're good enough. But in reality, in reality they are. They totally have the right motivation, the right people around them that will tell them that you can do whatever you want in life if you put.Your mind to it exactly like it is like kind of like a cheesy thing to think about, but like literally, like you, if you just put your mind to something.You can just about just about do anything, and it also is just like having the right beliefs in yourself. You know what I mean? 'cause if you don't believe in yourself, you're not going to have the motivation to do anything. Yeah, so it's just taking that first step that brings you to where you want to start heading.Exactly, So what are some of your goals you want to achieve this year? Oh.That's a good question. I never think about like. I mean, I do think about what my goals are, but nothing like too concrete.I suppose, but in terms of this year, who?I mean I.Definitely I think like any any other streamer. I would love to continue to grow my stream and continue to make things better. And, you know update like graphic design, start putting out more more contents. I have been wanting to do tech talk for so long and I've like been in the process of even making a tick tock but haven't like completed it. There's just there's so many different things I have that I have that I want to do.I'm also at the same time. I'm very busy when it comes to the day job and also you know, like.Streaming and then doing housework and like personal personal work like that is I've got a lot to do. Fully have the time to like do everything that I want to do, you know?What I mean, yeah?I guess I guess to answer your question in like the most, I don't know vague sense of it. Anyway, I think my goal is definitely to continue to grow my stream and end it anyway, basically like what whether it's like the size of the audience.Or maybe it's just of course, as I said before, like the graphics, I think would be like a win for me in the end.I would I would agree with you on that too, like I think my goals this year so definitely grow as a business professional and like, yeah community. Whether it's number wise or you know self-esteem wise or or something like that that I feel like I've accomplished something that this year that changed for the better.So yeah Oh yeah.'cause I've learned that impact over numbers like numbers don't define who you are. An an for the longest time. I don't know if you felt this.At all, but when I was partner pushing, I was so focused on the numbers for so long that Oh yeah, I got I was mentale, drained to the point where I'm like, is it really worth it? At the end of the day and I knew that I wanted to achieve it because I knew that was going to be a lot of opportunities open to me and my community that would show that we are committed, that we can do these things because.We are at a certain level, but I think at the end of day sometimes partner is just a check mark that can be achieved one day by somebody, but it's not the ultimate goal that all of your problems will be solved.Yeah, no, definitely not. I think a lot of people have this idea in their head and so did I that when you become partner you can finally like relax and everything will be easy once you get partner and.It's, you know it's the same thing. It's it's like you gotta have the same mindset to continue to be a good streamer. Otherwise, you know you're just going to like relax, I suppose. And like you should relax, of course, but if you relax too much when it comes to the content you're putting out there, people are going to notice and they might not, you know, enjoy your content as much as as they did when you were putting all the effort possible into it.Yeah, definitely I. I agree with that too 'cause.As long as you are having fun then other people will have fun.Yeah, you have to be having fun. You can't just turn on your stream and go just because you're wanting to grow. I guess you can't just play games that you don't necessarily like because the you know, bring in a bigger audience. You have to do the things that make you happy.Yeah, and like that's me with The Sims like I will play. I could play Sims every single day on stream. Yeah but I feel like if I did that.I wouldn't not necessarily hate it. I would think that would be kind of like I don't know if I could do this as long as I would if.I could write.So I would like to sit back and play it a different game that I like enjoy. Like I've set the standard of my screen where I love like story choice based games like The Walking Dead and Life is strange like I'll play those because those are like what I love and I can tie them into The Sims if I wanted to so.Yeah, Oh yeah. Especially like if a game is like close enough.To The Sims or The Sims community, you know, like Stardew is huge or The Sims community as well, like I think it's really easy to kind of just switch over. And yeah, like less people might come, but at least you're having a better time. You know what I mean? Like if you're feeling burnt out from The Sims, it's good to take a step over to something different for one day and just kind of give your give your mind something new to look at.Yeah, an I've always given people like the inspiration of like if you play a different game but you also Sims.Why not tie those two together like I saw you and crab plate? It's take two what you could do is recreate those characters in The Sims and build that set in The Sims so.That's a good idea. Have you played? It takes too. It's so good.I haven't, I still can't figure out like I have the game, but I'm like I don't know who to play with.It's so much fun. I'm sure. I'm sure you'll find someone there are so many people that love this year that are wanting to play this.Game as well.Yeah, yeah, 'cause it looks so much fun like it. Yeah, it's Co-op. It looks very collaborative. The graphics of it looks amazing. Yeah? So I'm like this will be a great game that I could.Play yeah, and this story is great. It's very relateable, yeah, and just like a beautiful what's the word like like just just beautiful settings and scenes. They've done such a great job on that game. Oh my God, it's so good.I've always wanted to know like how long it takes a game dev or a studio to make video games.Yeah, Oh my God, I have no idea.I don't know. I mean I need to ask a guru in The Sims seem like how long does it take you to make the game even though they've said it, I don't remember.But I'm like I have no idea.I ax Dave.There you go.Then again, I don't know 'cause like The Sims like is. They are continuously making that game, though you know what I mean, yeah, so I guess it just depends.Yeah, how 2020 it's almost been seven years The Sims 4.Oh my God, wow.Yeah, that's kind of crazy. How it's been that long. Also, it's may it's May 2nd when we're recording this, but it's like in I don't know, seven months, no 8-8 months time.We're going to be at the 22nd anniversary The Sims franchise. I don't want that to happen, but I wanted to happen because in like that number, it's like that's my entire life.Yeah, yeah, oh like because are you 22 right now?Oh no, I'm 25 OK.But like, but it's basically your entire life, yeah.Like my whole life was just The Sims. Nothing else made excuses for The Sims, you know, got sick because of The Sims state inside a lot like I was. I stayed inside for so long like I got eventually got sick. Oh my God I'm like oh this way more Sims work good fine.Oh God, as long as you're playing The Sims, let's.Go Zach Lee.So you've been sitting for awhile now, but like when when it comes to streaming, a lot of people tend to stream for a long time and they're like, OK, well, I think I'm done for now, but like what keeps you coming back? This streaming? Like what keeps you so move it motivated to say I want to stream and I really, really love this and I want to be able to like grow my community even more like what keeps going back to it? Is it the community like well?Yeah, I was going to say like I think the number one thing is is definitely the community. I have so many.Awesome, awesome friends that come to the stream either every day or every other day. Doesn't matter. There's so many incredible people that are a part of my community and to be able to see them every day like this. Or you know, whenever they do decide to pop in, it's just it makes me so so happy 'cause they're like.I, I mean, I'm assuming you might also have like an arts section in your discord, right? Yeah, yeah, like there. There are people who are just so incredibly talented. There are people that are hilarious and just so many people that like.Put a smile on my face every single day. It is wild so that is definitely definitely what keeps me coming back.Yeah, the community oh is what keeps us strong is what keeps us going. And honestly, I think without our community I don't think we would be where we are.Today no all Oh my goodness no.The ultimate question for the community. I think everyone needs to know this.What is the pedal party and what is this Spaghetti Squad?OK, OK, I'll do this feel I'll do.This feel so.In my stream there are two teams.One of which is called the Pedal Party, which is so chilled out like vyvan like hang out type of group of people who just love to just be super cool and just you know like just being themselves and.Then there's also this Spaghetti Squad.The best squad.No, no no. Here's the thing Stephen. Here's the thing they're disgusting, they're evil, they're vile. Their foul their nauseating to even think about. And no one, I repeat, no one, wants to become a member of the Spaghetti Squad. I hope, you know.That I don't know about. That mean there's evidence out there that no, you said you love spaghetti.And I said, I've accident.Lot of my little clips out there leading spaghetti.I don't think so, no no lies.I don't know that must have been somebody else, but I don't. I think that was, I think.That was you. I don't think sister, I just I don't know, not me.I don't know, maybe we could not.Spaghetti squash is the best squad and we.I don't know. Tell of party only pedal party only my dude I don't know.Oh my gosh, I find that very funny because like like how did that become to be like? I don't have have no idea.So I created the pedal party 1st and it still exists. This way the pool party is basically the group of people that come to the stream within the 1st 5 minutes because they threw a bot that's area codes my MoD and also another streamer has created. He created the spot that assigns everyone VIP if they come to the stream within the 1st 5 minutes.And they get VIP for the day and they are technically the Pebble Party. But there was someone at one point who wanted to create a rival squad and they somehow happened to be called the Spaghetti Squad. And here we are today.That's good, very good.Who is the largest squad pedal party or Spaghetti Squad?Paddle party all the way. I and you can see it in the numbers on my discord because I do have like a role section in my discord and you can select which party like which squad you're apart of. Basically and more people have selected pool party. I'm just saying.That number seems very fake to me, and pedal party you.May get an issue talking about.Spaghetti, though I would think is very good. I like it.It's kind of evil if you think about it. I.Don't know, I mean you like Spaghettios so OK.I'm OK with spaghetti goes because most people wouldn't consider it to be actual spaghetti.But it kind of is so no.'cause of the sauces? So like it's thin and it's like a million times sweeter and the noodles are also like overcooked first of all, and they are like in the shape of circles, you know, so it's not technically even spaghetti noodles, you know, saying.Interesting, yeah, I don't. I don't like it 'cause it looks so weird.Have you tried it though?I have probably had like the worst spaghettios in the world.I don't it was weird.It's it's definitely different.Yeah, I grew up on them though, so that's why I actually like.You know, I looked up that Spaghettios is marketed to parents as quote, unquote, less messy than regular spaghetti, so.Interesting, I guess it's because it's like smaller noodles, so like you don't have to worry about like.Spoon feeding yourself long noodles like.How do I have no idea that's just my guess.I mean, it makes sense 'cause it's in a bowl or laptop or something like that, yeah, so I mean, it makes sense. It's market bag.Unless you make it messy then then it's like a whole other thing but.True, that's a good point too. Oh my God, yeah.So what slash? Who will let you down the path like to start streaming on Twitch?Just start streaming. I'm going to be honest. I was pretty lonely and I didn't really have any friends.And that brought me to Twitch in the 1st place. Just as a viewer, because I was really, really wanting friends. So I was into Overwatch at the time and just kind of Scroll down through the browse page on Twitch through like the Overwatch Browse page, and ended up finding a smaller community from zombie girly who I love, and I just kind of joined her community and kind of fit in.Like almost immediately and from there I decided, well, hey, she seems to be like a really awesome person. She can stream this stuff like what if I were to do this and I at that point started streaming over watch.That's cool, I've never played it.Go ahead.I don't know. I would say I've never played over watch.It's fun, it's it's definitely it could be rage inducing. Depending on this, like what type of game you're playing. But it's also like just a very fun way to like. Hang out with your friends.OK, but what were you saying though I?Was going to say my streams would be like upwards of 12 hours without even like thinking about it when I first started screaming.What?Yeah yeah, I had like 12 hours dreams when I first started. Oh my.Gosh you are pro.I know I I was having so much fun, you know. I mean like playing Overwatch. It's it's a really easy game to just play all day.And just I. I enjoyed streaming a lot when I was doing that. And just like the excitement of, you know, putting all your overlays together and like finding out what your brand is like. It it just really really kept me going and just ended up streaming a lot for very long time periods.That's that's a lot. I mean honestly.Have you ever have you done a 12 hour stream since then?Yeah, I've done.Too I did one when I got partnered and then I did another one back in February for my birthday.Yeah, so they're fun. They just I definitely couldn't make it that long like normally anymore.Honestly, I find that very poggi's 12 hour streams almost daily or like yeah stream, yeah.Whenever I streamed basically an, I was I was interning at the time, so I was only and I was only working like three days a week, so I had a lot of days off. A lot of free time to just do whatever I wanted, and I just streamed.That's good. I mean I did. I did the same thing where well. I guess my streams were like 6.Hours long or so, then yeah, I was disturbed. The Sims for six hours I I would be on stream not looking at that. I'm like oh somehow six hours interesting grant at the time I was still in school and I had like two other jobs so.Oh my God, I couldn't, I couldn't.It was stressful back then, never.Again, no, Oh my goodness again.Through yeah now I just did 3 hours streams and that's it anymore, yeah?Three hours, maybe only three, maybe 12, on a special occasion.Exactly exactly.'cause now we are booked and busy people. We got lino.So I was going to say the next question, but like with you like leaving quote, leaving the Overwatch Community stream Sims fully like why?Oh honestly, like I was getting kind of sick of over watch. It can be a very toxic space, especially if you're playing the competitive mode with other people and there are quite a number of men on it and they don't necessarily know.And I don't mean to generalize, but a lot of them don't seem to like it when they hear a woman's voice over the voice chat. And people can be very sexist and rude and like to blame things on people when they should be blamed. It's it's just very mean very.It's so crazy.Yeah, so I just I. I was kind of getting over that and wanting something that would be better for my creativity. Honestly, like I never really had a creative outlet at one point. Sari codes again.He gifted me the base game to The Sims 4 and I just started started building in The Sims and was doing it on stream and I was having a good time and.Was actually starting to like grow a community at that point and you know, I I haven't looked back. I haven't looked up back at all.That's good, honestly. Props Asari thank you, yeah.Straight up, it's it's serious fault.You know you freedom so you know, hey.It's good, yeah exactly.Honestly, like I have to say that was used. I mean Sims like I see you being so creative and so excited to play and build an.Like just anything on it so that I I just tend to lurk in a lot of streams. I don't say anything, they may see higher too, but I just need to work a lot. But I like I like your strings. Your streams are very like warm and welcoming.And kind, thank you. I did try to be as welcoming as I possibly can, so that that's very nice that you have noticed.Yeah, another idea that I think you can do for our for our build is.Build an over watch something.Oh my God, one of like the Maps in Overwatch.Yeah, Oh my gosh, I mean I mean with tool it's possible.It's yeah, I was at it with tool anything is possible. Oh my God, props to twisted mexiyeah so I mean like.One day, 'cause like I've been thinking of like doing something where I would build a fortnight house in The Sims.Yeah, that could be really fun and enough. People have played Fortnite. I would think. So, yeah.Yeah, you totally said yeah.Yeah, I mean honestly, I feel like with people who are like looking for ideas to build in The Sims. Like if you play other games, why not build that said?House or whatever or like make that SIM or make that up character in The Sims.No like like Doctor Gluon did, uh, that's the starting Valley map, which is so cool, yeah?He did that one and then he's now doing like making like Wizard of Oz like other movies in The Sims and like, yeah.It's so cool.His brain honestly know kind of crazy I.Know it's awesome.Oman, I honestly one day if I had another person like another me I will get more things done and I could build all day and be good to.Go hell yeah dude. Oh my goodness.Would be a dream.It would be so what's your favorite thing about streaming The Sims that you enjoy?As I said earlier, I it was just like a huge boost to my creativity when I first started playing and building like I never really had a creative outlet.Before The Sims like I did, enjoy drawing with just like pen and paper, but I just never really felt like I. I felt like I always had this like sort of creative energy in me and just didn't know what sort of like medium to use for it. And at that point I was like well.This is a potential chance it you know, boosting my creativity is so I tried it and it's kind of just gone from there. I've really really enjoyed building in The Sims. It just makes me feel so good that's.Good I I feel the same way about that too. Where, like with The Sims where it has been going, I feel more creative in a way of like thinking of new ideas for like builds or Sims or gameplay related things like it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made.I have like sticking with The Sims for this long and I'm glad that it's still growing and thriving in different avenues here in there. Oh, definitely minus a few. But yeah, I think that it's it's definitely made people a lot more creative like in the past I guess. 433 years for three years of the same, yes.So yeah, I don't think very good.Yeah, I think ever since we got toddlers or terrain tools I would say, well, no toddlers actually.And toddlers on it's been an uphill, you know, growth of creativity. I would I would yeah.Yeah, I think so too.I mean when we got toddlers, boom, the seven toddler challenge became a thing so.Oh my goodness.Taking care of seven Toppers is actually kind of.Wild, I basically did that 'cause I did do 1 gameplay challenge with the Disney Princess Challenge and Snow White. You have to have seven kids at once for the seven doors and so that was just a pain.Too many children like I can't do it. No. We got angelic. You got clingy. Look no, I don't have time for those children. They're like no, they're wild ones. Just take off the clothes and just run around naked I'm like.Yeah, don't, I can't.And they won't eat their food yet, no.Not gonna happen.No, no, no. I find it so weird 'cause Sims are are like to me real people. Yeah, in a sense where like you make food, but then they won't eat it and like I made you this through two hours ago, but you're not going to eat it.But you're complaining that you're hungry. Yeah, come on. And then you know animal crackers like where are you?It's so silly, they're like the way that they were telling me works. I I can I can get so frustrated sometimes with it too, but that's kind of just the character of The Sims I suppose. Just in general, yeah.And I kind of like it that way. I like how it's not quote unquote normal right? Because like if it's normal like it's boring, right? So I like the chaotic Ness of The Sims like 2-3 and four and I like how where Sims you can do whatever you want and some people say it's boring.But I find it fun because I think it's again saying box do whatever you want, make help make whatever you want an see where life goes. If you want a chaotic gameplay, have affairs left and right, do what you gotta do.This idea all the time, like myself. Yes, you don't. They don't last long in marriage, they just end up being divorced in like a couple of weeks so.It's wild, what can you do?What can you do I?Mean I think the good thing about The Sims 2 is that like you only like you yourself only get to live one life, right? So like being able to live like all these other lives in a way where like you know there isn't isn't any consequences for you just watching like.These people live their lives in whichever way you see fit is a very nice to kind of like live vicariously through people at times. Of course like wouldn't want to do that with any of the evil Sims, but it's still fun to like plays that you.Will some sometimes true? I mean you can make it the Wicked Witch of the West. Or you could make what's his name from from Marvel. I'm almost like Cantor.Iron Manno, not him, but Thanos. There it is so.Yeah, you could be Thanos for sure.And I mean you have lad Flatty daddy, the grammar, you know those those people. And honestly what's funny to me. I always say it on stream when vampires come into the topic, but most people don't know that flag is a young adult. He's not an elder what? Yeah, he's a young adult.Ohmygod he's got an old soul then Oh my God helives forever. He just wears this like vampire form a lot or his normal yeah lot an honestly people like.Aren't you going to die soon? Look no. No, he's even though he's a vampire, he's immortal. He can't die because he has the Max vampire skill where he can't be burned from the sun. Oh, so he's always there, shadows.I never even realized that's that's interesting.Kind of scary. I mean, with MCC there's an option to turn all of cults to humans so they do die.Oh Oh my God, I didn't even know that you could.Do that. Yeah, I do it all the time 'cause I can't.I can't handle Vlad at all. Caleb in, like lilies I can handle but glad no. He's like at your door saying knock, knock knock here I am. Your neck looks very juicy.And like every time.It's so silly.I just can't handle him. He's kind of crazy now.I just send him home every time.I just delete him.Oh my God.It's like get out of this, yeah?Oh my God, you're smart.So the other thing I wanted to ask you on the topic of streaming like there have been a lot of ups and downs with streaming like what would you say like we're like are some pros and cons to like being a twitch streamer on your perspective.OK, yeah sure. So from I guess my own experience pros is definitely.The people that she made, of course, as I was saying before, you meet so many awesome people like you have people to like play games with. If you're wanting to play games, which is really really nice.Feeling like you've like done something is also a very very incredible thing, like I've never really done much of anything in my life and now I feel like I've actually like, created something and felt successful in that. And that's been an awesome awesome pro.Trying to think of some other pros.There are. There are quite a lot of like very small things. Just having something to do is really, really nice.In terms of.Cons I think this goes for all twitch streamers and that like.Knowing what your numbers are or like having to avoid looking at your number is like it. The numbers thing is always like a very very scary thing.You just are a very successful person which props to those people numbers is definitely a very hard thing because it's kind of like almost a reflection of you as a streamer, even though sometimes people like it. Sometimes the views are just like out of your control and they don't have.Anything to do?With you, you know people might be having finals or like a lot it might be summertime. So many people might be on vacation, but it's still hard to. It's still hard to see like numbers fluctuate like that and I I think that.The hardest part about it is trying to just get used to the fact that your numbers are always always going to fluctuate. Yeah, and that's probably one of the biggest cons. I don't know of any other cons except for like there may be times where I've just not really fully believed believed in myself, which thankfully I'm not in that position anymore, but content creation is always kind of a challenging thing when it comes to.Believing yourself A and figuring out how to grow is always a challenge, always a challenge.Yeah, it definitely is. I would say that's one of the cons to that was like my own experiences like streaming as a as a twitch streamer. 'cause when I first started streaming on Twitch I knew some people that I knew like one person or two like Andrew Arcaden like Rory plays and they play a lot of The Sims and.I just wanted the pain like no one's gonna know who I am because I never streamed down. Just had an account but like I was I was a you tuber 1st and people knew who I was on YouTube.And I was being posted like pretty much posted everywhere at that point, around 2015 or so. And when I got this number 2017, I was like, Oh my gosh, people know who I am, which is like in a way I didn't want attention like I didn't want people to know who I was. I just wanted to be a, you know, a casual streamer starting new, learning the ropes. But I'm like, oh gosh, you know who I am and people still like. I don't know. I have a Twitch account which is.I feel great about can like. Yeah just find me whenever you want to find me and I'm here because 'cause ultimately I feel like the more people you have, the more crazy and chaotic it can be. Both good and bad because Oh my gosh, we have all these eyes on you. It's kind of scary and it can be not fun.Yeah, I definitely like can have some nervous moments where I'm I'm worried that like my word choice was the wrong word choice and that people might take it the wrong way you.Know what I mean? Yeah, 'cause.I still like have this mindset that I I'm always so scared to press the go life and every single time I go live because I don't want. I don't know what to expect. I don't know who's gonna show up. I don't know what's going to happen. Technical to Phillip Techni tech technical difficulties.But I think that it's like something I eventually have to get over. But yeah, I mean, it's it's out of my control. Like you said, it's you never really know what's going to happen, just gotta hope for the best.And see if he's just gonna push. Start streaming and call it a day.Yeah, I mean honestly click that go live, then you get to go and then you see what you want to stream. Like I stream Sims 9 times out of the day, an oral stream like.Cozy Grove, or it Stardew Valley, or laughed. But exactly, I think that people find it hard, but I mean, it just comes to it with the job. It's right, he's gotta learn the ropes. I should go, you just can't figure out. Figure it out all in one day you can try, but you may get to, you know, learn here and there is a little bit.Bit.And you're good to go, but I think that the pros are for me is that the community? Honestly, the people that you meet the games that you can play the new like features that might be involved on a streaming platform that will enhance your streaming experience. But like the cons are like trolls. Of course. Yeah, then like the number, number system and everything like it's like a whole numbers game with the whole Internet and I hate it. And yeah, like whenever it's like every time that I stream I think.It's been 2-2 years now. I think. I started like I turned off all of my numbers like I don't know how many viewers I have my chat at all like I don't know that I don't look at it because it's just.Not not. It's not good, no?Like I look at it, when I get an email from extreme elements saying you got this amount of viewers in the early this amount of money. But I mean I don't really know who's in my stream. I think there's like 5 people in there. I'm like awesome, great those people actually.Enjoy my screen. They wanted to be there right? And I mean of course people work and stuff, but I assume only five people right there and I'm comfortable comfortable with that. So and to make.A really good way of looking at it, yeah?And I think that when people who are trying to get into streaming, that is that what I the advice that I've gotten over the years is that pretends someone's there, like if if pretend that your mom or your dad or your friend or some random stranger. I don't know who's there, but just pretend that someone serve and continuously talking.Because eventually someone's going to show up an you know, interact with you. An I I've had that mindset for many years, so I just kept on talking and talking and talking and talking and eventually someone showed up. But you know, so that's that's something that I think is like a thing to like. Think about if you ever want to go into.Streaming an oh definitely.Other pros and cons too? So there's a.Lot of different pros and cons. It's it's a hard. It's a hard part of streaming is trying to decide whether or not like the cons are worth it for the pros.But at least like for me anyway. Personally, I would say that the pros are definitely worth it.So yeah, most definitely 100%. I think that we go into the mindset that I want to build a community. Yeah, and like.Have fun and then you're good. That's how I got into about everything else. Just don't think about it at all.Exactly, I avoid the numbers as best I can definitely see like some version of your numbers when you go to raid of course, but I know that the raid numbers don't necessarily reflect the actual numbers, so that keeps miss. That keeps me sane.Yes, and I'm kind of glad because with with that which achievements you know those yeah.Whenever you're cheesing it, like notifies you at this time, I no longer have any no no more. Well, I do have a bunch of achievements, but like number, quote, unquote achievements on how many viewers I have and stuff like that, those are like they're gone. They've already got them, which is great, yeah, but now I'm just waiting like to get a Twitchcon ticket. And also like the streaming hours I've nearly streamed.I think I don't know 250,000 hours on Twitch I.Don't know well. I have no idea how many I'm at Oh my God.It's kind of wild, like when you think about it. When you see those achievements. And like I've been searching for that long, you want to listen to my voice for that long like.That long Oh my God.It's a it's a wild thing to think about, Oh my God.Yeah, I'm ready to hit the 10 million hour mark, but that one for a very long time so.I totally see you doing that though. That gosh, I can't wait.Yeah, I only have like 5 achievements left, that's.It OK? Yeah, that's not too bad. I honestly I don't even know what the achievements.Are they need new ones? They need to add some new achievements. Honestly I think so. 'cause I feel like that that kind of motivates people to go even harder into the paint of truly streaming in, motivates them to do something more exciting.Or total different.So if you could change something about which what would it be?Oh I.Probably give me the option to not see my red numbers. First of all, that would be kind of nice to just go with it and to be happy with it in terms of other things. I definitely think that which should add the trans tag that everybody has of course been wanting for so long. I can't believe they haven't done it.Really, really devastating, especially to people in trans communities and people that are trans that are wanting to find trans communities or trans friendly communities that there isn't a trans tag. And honestly like I think it's like one of the biggest things that which needs right now. In addition to having pronouns as an option, I know that there is that extension of course that a lot of people use for pronouns, but I think Twitch should have it.As an option.To 100%, so yeah, I think those are the two main things for me that I think Twitch really really does need to.Actually, like get up and start creating one. Start listening people about.Yes, I honestly believe that if you like if a platform so big as twitch they should be open to anyone and everyone, whether they're trans by whoever. I think, yeah, you should go. You should be able to go into the site and feel welcome.And be seen and heard. So yeah, that's what I would change like I would honestly at those things.Yeah, and it's it's wild because, you know, there's this company that operates out of San Francisco, which is such like a liberal and progressive place, yet they have continuously kind of fallen short on both of those things and it just it's upsetting to see, and I hope that like one day after all of the hard work that everybody's been doing with asking and demanding the trans tag, and then also pronounce, I think eventually we are going to get it just.It's just going to be a matter of time.Yeah, and I think ever since last year, a lot of companies have really started to listen to a lot of people, and it's made a difference. And we seem we see that we have seen change, which feels good.So yeah, especially like in The Sims 2 like you know they they did make that one blog post, I think from Lindsey senior Lindsay. Kind of like acknowledging everyone and everybody is a requests of, you know like farming and better babies etc.Yeah, it might have been Lindsey. I'm pretty sure it was.But yeah, it was. Yeah, I remember that comes with a classroom of.Video and yeah yeah.So it's good to be heard and acknowledged, and we'll see, hopefully, if Twitch does the same at least and make some changes. But for now, I guess all we can do is really like continue to ask and just keep waiting for something to happen.Yes, so a great segue since you did The Sims and what's my next topic?OK, so you said at the beginning that you started playing The Sims like back in The Sims one. Yeah, what was like your first memory? Like a memory that you remember? Oh my goodness Sims one 'cause that thing was chaotic like yeah Atiq gosh.I I would play the beginning part of that game like it was kind of like a story mode. In the beginning. I don't know if you remember that, but like you're in like this dream sequence at 1st and the SIM is is like with another SIM and they go into the hot tub and they're like making out or whatever.And then you wake up and you're in your mom's house. And what did you? OK, I've explained this to so many people and like some people have also like not experienced this, but that's what I experienced weather.On console.Is on console it was on console. Yeah, it's so weird. Some people haven't experienced it that have played the game and it's something that like. I've even looked it up on YouTube and it does exist. It wasn't just like a fever dream, but you have to try to get out of your mom's house like the TV is broken like your mom hates you.Like you're trying to like fix the TV. Oh my goodness, I should bring this up to like some Greninja at some point and ask him what the heck is going on with people's memories of this, because like I.Know that that is my memory.Of it OK I remember. OK, I actually never played The Sims one on console. Just played on PC OK. I just looked it up. It was the get a life mode in the gameplay mode of on console. Oh my gosh.That's what I would play. Yeah, and I couldn't figure I could never like figure out how to plete it so I would just play that over and over and over again and that was my experience in The Sims one. Oh my.God I I never knew that I had The Sims one on console, but I lost the disc somewhere and I don't know where my gosh.It's wild.Feel like my experience with The Sims one was on PC and that was a whole other thing. It was like this like 4 like 4 corner dimension. Yep 2D like map and they had the new beef and the grass family. The land grabs like those OG ones. Yeah and it was so weird and so different like there was like a hot day and then there was superstar than like unless there was like so many like packs in The Sims one. Yeah I was like what is this game?I never knew I never knew like what it kind of truly entail. 'cause I was so young, I was told so I was like this game looks so weird. But so engine at the same time. But Oh my gosh, I did not even know that was a thing.Yeah, it's it's a thing. It's very. It's very interesting. I also like when I was playing The Sims one like my experience is very weird because expansions like all that stuff like that didn't like I didn't understand it. I thought it was like a completely different game.So I just never asked my parents for like an expansion like I didn't know how it works like just I just played the Vanilla base game, get a Life mode I guess over and over again that was that was it?Interesting wow yeah. Well I learn something new today like an I thought I was a SIM SIM player OG no no no yeah yeah like I forgot about my Sims was like on the DS and stuff and yeah oh man, I think the other was Sims when I first played.And then I kind of discovered some city and that was a whole other thing like I remember SIM City was a game that I just was just an evil spawn like I break havoc on that world. Tornadoes fires, hurricanes like everything. I was like destroying the entire.Likemy people.I was never like a chaotic summer ever and I wish I was. But yeah, I never. I never played SimCity. That was something that never really or like the herbs never. They never really sparked anything in me when I heard about him, so never it never did play.Oh my gosh, yeah, I know I'm going to buy you everything now. Make you play it.Oh my God.I'd love to try it now. These these days I would as a kid though was not for me.Oh Sims Sims back then, I feel like our parents did not know they were like no, no no. If your parents allows you to play The Sims one on PC and then like they saw hot date, they're like yeah no SIM so don't play it can't.Happen, it was as we were talking about this earlier, but like it was raunchy like the first games compared to know.Now now it's like it's different 'cause Sims 1A there was. I was never allowed to play hot date, but I played it for the first time. Think three years ago and I was like what is this bed? It's at play in bed and I didn't understand it so I'm like oh and now I know.Now you know, maybe 'cause.'cause like all this time, I always thought to have a baby in The Sims. You just kiss a lot and then you get into vacation and then a bassinet appears and then like I was like Oh yeah, that's discussing kissing is awful.Cooties, I don't think so. No jewelry stores and in The Sims he became a thing like then like I understand now, like Oh yeah, sense.Yeah, you, oh it's changed so.Yeah, now we can view anywhere in The Sims 4.Now and even a dumpster.It's crazy. What will they think of next, I know.I'm I'm ready for whatever they have for us man I really AM.I hate Bell right now. Would you say, hey, ohhey, oh hey, they'll wait Havell woo Hoo.For whatever they bring up farming. Oh my God, yeah would be great or like an.Outhouse, do we have our house? Woohoo.No, don't have out houses in The Sims. I don't think like.God, OK, no you're right.Oh my God. I mean honestly, it's so great to have that over.Oh my God that is so funny.I remember when we got discover University and we got with you in the shower. Everyone went ballistic because like finally shower in the Will Hill 'cause we've been wanting that sense. Like the beginning the game. But now we have it now. It's like oh wow, we have this.I think we had was in The Cave with snow, yeah.Yeah, that's right.Yeah, that was.That one is so like niche though that you never see people doing it. Yeah they would. You bring your Sims on vacation and like that you have to want to go rock climbing. And yeah, it's a lot of work.It is and I it's funny because I didn't know how to place an escape for for awhile 'cause I'm like how do you go rock climbing? How to get to the mountain top?It's an event you have to do, yeah, so I'm like, oh, that makes more sense like that. OK, yeah.I think it's too much work for me, yeah?I don't like exercise. I mean if I want to exercise, I'll just have my Sims, which they very rarely ever do it the least. The most upset they get is jogging.Exactly those Oh my gosh, The Sims is has definitely changed in the past like 21 years. That Oh yeah, it's been like it's been great, but it's also been like bad at times. Like was the direction that it's going nowadays. Like would you say it's improved a lot?I I would say so. Yeah, they're definitely doing a lot better in terms of, like you know, the skin tones that they brought out were great. They are updating hair texture, which is really, really nice. I would like to see like a lot of people would would like to see pronouns being added into The Sims. That would be awesome, yes, so I mean.We know that they are continuously making like updates and changes were just not getting everything at once, which is, you know it would be ideal. But of course you know they've got a lot to work on, so we're not necessarily going to get everything at once, yeah?I do hope that eventually we get them 'cause I think that it all takes time and you can't rush things if you rush things, it won't be as what you think it should be like. Yeah, with seasons like we've always had an expansion pack with seasons for every version of The Sims.Man, I kind of like that because if you get it head on is not as exciting or it's not as like fully fleshed out to the point where it's what you can like use every day on it on a daily basis. So yeah, I'm kind of glad that it's they waited for us to earn packs because coming from The Sims 3 to Sims 4 where it was once an open world, now it's all closed off again through loading screens like The Sims two. They have to like redesign the whole system of figuring out where Sims can go and where Sims can't go and how.They're going to make The Sims like how they act on a daily basis like personality wise traits, aspirations, all that jazz, and I think that it's definitely better. I kind of like it this way, minus the loading screens, but I think that it runs better.Than previous yeah.Yeah, I've seen how bad The Sims 3 was with like the loading and I'm sorry not the loading but the.I guess the startup is just took two too long, so I just I don't know. It's hard because we can't necessarily have like both things. True, so unless we can, I don't know. I don't know what the future of.The Sims 5.Holds, but I don't know. I mean honestly. I mean it's possible because with The Sims 3 like everything was open to you and it was like everything was running in the background. But I think people still want open world for The Sims 4, but it's never going to happen. I don't think so fire.But the best the best like next best thing that could happen is like open neighborhoods like wherever your symbol. Yeah that like sub neighborhood is open to that SIM with. Yeah it's much easier that way.Smart, yeah, I think they should do that for The Sims 5. Honestly 'cause it will.Make more space.I've noted do you do you have a an estimated guess I suppose of when you think The Sims 5 is going to come.Out, I think The Sims 5 will probably be around like it's 2021 right now, so I'm assuming 2020 324 maybe?Yeah, that was my thought as well.Yeah, 'cause we still have a few more years of The Sims 4 like they they said and the Guru said that we have a few more years, The Sims 4 and I I believe it 'cause we have so many things said.We have had in previous games that we don't have now, but they are thinking of new ways to enhance those certain packs to be a little bit better than they were before, like generations like.Pair my God it.Isn't technically generations in my opinion, but it's so nice to the point where you're focus on one thing and that's parenting and parenting the kids in the parenting skill, but not on the other life stages where it's like elders and retiring and retirement homes, prom graduation, like stuff like that. And yeah it is.A staple of what The Sims has been for years, and I think yeah, and you.Know I think enough people have been asking for generations like I'm sure they're aware that people are wanting it, so it's just a matter of when, yeah, I think.So that's true, 'cause I mean, I've been saying it for years like see yeah?Yeah, we'll see. I mean, hopefully they do have at least some sort of generations thing for The Sims 4, so time will tell, I suppose, yeah.What's been your favorite feature like best an least favorite feature that they have added into The Sims thus?Far my gosh.You know, as much as I'd love to say, platforms is like my favorite. It's like honestly, like my favorite and least favorite because it's such a good addition, but it's so.Glitchy and you can't do everything you want to do with them. Yeah, so that's like honestly both the best and worst and in terms of other things. And like I'm speaking just from the mind of a builder here, I do like the idea of kits, especially for like building. I think it'll be great. I don't know necessarily about the game player cost stuff personally, but I did really like the kitchen pack that they came out with. Yeah the kitchen kit. I should say I think that is going to be good.Especially when they come out with like building stuff. I'm very, very excited.For that, yeah.Yeah, I think it just comes back to platforms as being both the best and the worst addition that they've had because it just Sparks so much joy. But I'm just also so frustrated, yeah?A little bit, yeah, I I'm the same way. I would say maybe the best that they have added is like Terrain Tools which I still have not used properly. Yeah, so like intimidated by it. I don't know what to do so don't touch it.But platforms have probably been the best and worst. Yeah, they have added into the game 'cause it's one. Yeah, it's glitchy, but it's so helpful to have a multi level homes. Yeah, it's like it's great, but I'm like Oh no, no, no I don't want.To deal with all that.That no have half my walls mean deleted, no?No, yeah, and just I don't know. There's like there's a lot that you think that you'll be able to do when you're using the tool and then it's suddenly like Oh no, it doesn't do this. Or note that deleted part of the platform.And like placing objects on the outside of like walls or like placing plants in the outside of walls that have platforms it will like act as if there's a platform there too and I'm just like I mean like thankfully there's tool. But yeah, it's still like should not be working that way in my opinion. So just.Gotta deal with it.Yeah, sure.Patch in the future I don't know.I hope so. I was I was talking to a mexi about this was too like it's changed so much.For the community, because he just made a simple MoD and then it just grew even more and more and more over the years that it's changed the way people build and storytelling in The Sims like Oh yeah, rotate things in a weird angle and you can make a floating house if you want it to an. Yep tell a whole story about how it came to be like. It's so imaginative on how.The Sims 4 has been working after all these years like I feel like The Sims 4 has lasted this long because of the community and how creative it is. I personally think so.Modders are like what makes the game so good. Oh my God.Yeah, 'cause I feel like The Sims team they I feel like they've they've they acknowledged the modern community and and seizures and I'm glad that they do because I feel like if it wasn't for them.I personally think that we wouldn't have certain packs.If it wasn't for CC creators monitors.Total even though see.What people are making and they can do things based off of that, which is a great.Yeah, like even though the devs are very creative and imaginative, people in there working on The Sims team for like years, I think when you collapse with certain people or you get inspiration for certain people, it can make the game better or is somewhat subpar.Oh yeah, I totally agree. It's been really, really great. Like when I first started playing like building in The Sims 4 I downloaded just like every like bit of CC possible, like whether it's Alpha or Maxis match or in between. I didn't care like I just got it all I.Don't build with CC anymore.But holy heck, that was like.I was a kid in Candy store with all these like free items.Right into my game, yeah.Oh my gosh, I was so.Surprised that it was free, just all of it was free and it was wild to me.Free 99.399. Although I definitely do recommend supporting a CC creators on their patreons if.You know 100% Oh yeah, and like also like what I like is that with Sims websites they have grown over the years like some fan websites that.But The Sims resource, they they pay their like their feature can select the creators for content that they make which is so amazing. Yeah Oh my gosh, I cannot believe it. A simple fan website who shares custom content and they pay them like what yeah?That's wild taking someones hobby and like giving them money for it is just like an incredible incredible thing.And I think we all have to think will write for that, because without will write, none of us would have a job.Oh my goodness.Oh my gosh. Like honestly, I feel like you could make The Sims.Yeah, that's a good point.We wouldn't like. Yeah we would not be.Here no I I would probably be playing Overwatch still, oh.Gosh, I don't.Wanna play Animal Crossing Stardew Valley or Minecraft? Yeah, I probably Minecraft you tuber.Oh gosh, that would be something. There's a cash Minecraft. I do really like Minecraft. Let's be honest, I was just some Minecraft Disney last night. Have you heard about that?Yeah, I haven't been, but it's so I think I have one. It's like years ago, but it's so.Uh-huh they they do such a good job?It's so cool I need to go back. Yeah, you really should. They really really like updated every single land and everything it looks so like. Of course it's Minecraft, right? But it's still it still looks great for what it is.So yeah, definitely no wonder they have Six Flags.They have Oh no, I don't know about Six Flags. They have Busch Gardens.Like Universal Studios and so I'm trying to think of something there's something else going on, I don't.Remember, Oh yeah, I gotta go I gotta go to Disney so.Yeah, it's so much fun.I have missed it so so much I've got like 2 years. Gosh, it's been forever I'm.Talking about like the real parks, yeah, Oh yeah I know it's been awhile for me too.Yeah, so the other question. I did want to ask you is that what are you hoping?The Sims will add to the game like for the future for The Sims 4.I mean, I'm hoping for farming. I think that would be great generations of course, and you know, pronouns would also be an awesome thing. What a lot of people have been kind of hoping for, at least in my community anyway, is a plant kit. Yes, Oh my God, that would be a dream. I hope I hope is possible. I don't know if it's like even something in the works. I have no reason to believe it's in the works, but I really, really would like.A plant kit that be just the best thing ever.That would be a dream, a plant kits and like my community was also saying that we would love to have like a builders kit or some type of like yeah bed kid, I don't know. It was like something like along the line. Yeah having more variety things that are lacking in the build and buy like plants, curtains, a lot of building by stuff like beds and stuff.Yeah, and I'd like more like basics too when it comes to building so I 'cause I know a lot of like the stuff that we have comes with wacky patterns sometimes.Ann, I just I just want to bed with like you know, a single color duvet on it. I I just want it simple sometimes and sometimes you look good looking through Swatch is and you'll see like a pink comforter and like 2 green pillows and you're like who came up with this? How my supposed to ever use this? So like just having something with very like basic color Swatch is like some neutrals like stuff like that would be so nice. Oh my God.Oh wait wait, I wonder like.If the offer add in, like the slider that we have so.My credit card.Will be very cool to have in building by yeah right?I mean honestly.It's a step up because when we got cats and dogs we got the color wheel and everything and then we get the slider for the cast like a couple months ago or so. Yeah, things are changing for the better. Yeah sure.Yes, it's certainly like anything's possible. They can. It's just a matter of whether or not they will create it. So I will be patiently waiting over in my little corner and hoping for the best, especially like pronouns. Of course I think is like #1, so we will.See yeah, so on the next topic. I would say you love charity, don't you? Oh certainly yes indeed so.Interesting that you bring that up.What why did you decide to start like fundraising for charity? Like what motivates you to to do it, oh.My gosh, just knowing that you've helped people is just a huge huge thing. And seeing all the people that come in with incredibly generous donations, whether it's a dollar or whether it's just something insane like 501 thousand dollars, stuff like that is just. It's it's so incredibly heartwarming, but.Obviously number one number one for me is just knowing that you've been able to make a difference in someone's life. That is huge. That is so.Huge so yeah so.That is definitely what motivates me to do charity, and it's been a really great time this past month that we've had with hope for Haiti. Oh my goodness.Yes, I literally cannot believe that we had a set goal of 10K. We've like 10K. Seems easy. Yeah, well, just one raise that much and see how it goes.Yeah yeah we broke them like a day or two and then kept going and going and going and then just became a whole big thing and now we're over 90K.Over $90,000 that is just wild like that's that's a one year scholarship for 90 kids technically, which is so crazy. I just it's so hard to like. Wrap your mind around like that. Much money is going to be going to such an incredible incredible cause.And that's definitely what keeps me going. And what keeps me wanting to go back to doing charity streams, whether it's for a day or whether it's for a month, it doesn't matter.Like it's huge me too. I honestly I always go hard in the paint of like starting the day of a charity event with like 12 hours and kicking it off hard and seeing what we can do. And it's like whether it's for like a day or you know and hours like you said it's very exciting to see how much of an impact you can have on somebody whether you raise a dollar or $2.00 or.$10,000 and yeah, it's just like charity is fun. No matter my God, what it is. Four Oh yes.It could be for a charity organization that you believe in a person and other things as well, but I think that it all boils down to like doing good for the.World Oh yeah, Oh yeah, we're we're only in this world for you know like 60 to 90 to 100 years. Who knows how long will live but like yeah we will we technically have it better than so so many people in the world.And doing charity streams is such a good way to help people at least take one step closer to having a better life. And I think that's an incredible incredibly important, important thing to do. If someone does have the means to do it, and I will always, always do my best to put other people first when I can.Exactly same here you have any like charities you wanna do this year?I would like to work with anti bullying or bullying prevention. Charity would be really really nice. I know of some, it's just a matter of choosing which one. But yeah, I've I've been really, really heavily considering that one for myself in the future.It's good some way. I always have like my staples like.Now hope for Haiti has been like my staple shared. I just do every year so yeah like them and then like Saint Jude I like the two that I always always do that I always believe and I do it every year.And like honestly, I don't know. I always tend to do like two or three a year, 'cause I think it's important to do them like whenever you can or whenever you feel like the most inspired to do something very exciting. For that said, charity.Oh yeah, definitely.But now that we're at the end of the podcast episode, I do have some rapid fire questions that are not rapid fire because every time they just become a long thought.Provoking question that you'd like to.Think about it.I'm ready.So the first question is, what is your favorite music group at the moment?Favorite musician just always for years and years now, Ty Segall is incredible. Garage rock musician love him so much.That school is not Macklemore.No, no, it's not as much as people like to say I'm Macklemore. I am not Macklemore. The code is going to be retired, saying.Sure sure, whatever you saying.The other question is what is your favorite video game at this time?Oh my gosh, I always loved The Sims, but Ori and the blind forest was like hands down. One of the best experiences I've had playing a video game ever.Oh, I've heard things about that game and it looks so cool.It's a beautiful, beautiful game from the like. The dialogue to the graphics to the music to the story. Everything is perfect. It's a perfect game in my opinion. I.Feel like I have it, but I don't remember.You have to play it. You have to Oh my God.Eventually I will have to of course.Next one is knowing what you know now. What advice would you give to your younger?Self ohmygoodness, that's that's a big question. I would tell my younger self that you might not believe in yourself now, but you are going to believe in yourself one day and just to continue moving forward. Also don't let people walk all over you. That's another one.Yes, I agree, very good, very good.The other one is how do you define success?OhI know.That's a big one, 'cause I feel like success is always changing and there is never like an end point to success. Success is just like when you personally feel like. You have done something. As I've said in the past like and you're continuing to do things. I think it's like not just like settling.For like 1 achievement, it's like continuing to move forward and I think I think that honestly it on its on its own as success in my opinion.So yeah, I agree. I think that at the end of the day is that like what we were saying about Twitch partners. That yeah, like when you get Twitch partners like that's not success. Look at, you may achieve something. Yeah, you know getting that check Mark. Awesome, great. But like that's not the end of your success, like using like all this money for nothing. You didn't you have all these followers now?Is continually to grow and then continue to find success that makes you happy.So yes, I totally agree.Yeah, honestly, I feel like that people need to have that mindset or we look meaning that you have that change that term of like what success means to a person and what Twitch partner really means when they have like that. Which standard I'm like. What does Twitch partner really really mean? Yeah, person so exactly.But yeah anyway.Where can the listeners find you?Oh, you can find me on twitch at now in Technicolor. It's just Twitch TV slash now in Technicolor. I'm on Twitter, my handle is Technicolor TTV. I'm on the Gallery under Technical RT TV and I think that's everything. Or actually you know what I mean? Is it let me just double check out my Twitter handle? I don't remember much better handle is now that I'm here. Let's see. Yeah, I'm technically TV.Perfect I'm on. I'm on the Gallery and on a Twitter through technology TV.Awesome, I'll put all those in the show notes below for people to follow you to get your community. Be a part of this Spaghetti Squad is the best squad so you know. Yeah, beautiful.Thank you for having me on this is awesome.Yeah, I honestly had so much fun. I just love talking to my friends even though it was like in a May end up being 2 hours long. It's fine.Yeah, true, but yeah. Oh my goodness yeah yeah, no worries today. Thank you.So I hope you all enjoy. Today's episode was now in Technicolor. I definitely sure did as I always do. If you don't know who technique is and make sure you give her a follow and subscribe to her lovely Twitch channel. She's really kind and very sweet.In very lovely love the color yellow love spaghetti, but either way make sure you go ahead and definitely check all the links down below in the show notes on my website. fall into scribes me on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcast, YouTube or wherever using your podcast and I will hear from you all in next week. ................

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