Linger Awhile | |

| |released: |July 1990 |

| |

|CHOREO: |Richard E. Lambery & Marilou Morales |

|address: |4702 Fairview Avenue Orlando, FL 32804 |

|phone: |407-849-0669 |fax: | |

|E-MAIL: |lamberty@ |WEBSITE: | |

|music: |Linger Awhile by Vic Damone |

|RHYTHM: |Quickstep |time @ bpm: | |

|PHASE (+): |IV + 1 |

|footwork: |Opposite unless indicated [W: Woman’s foot in italics] |

|SEQUENCE: |Introduction A B C A B C Ending |

|NoteS: |Original Cuesheet July 1990. Cuesheet re-written in modern format Oct 1, 2011. No changes to the dance, but cue terms updated |

| |in a few spots. |

| |Introduction |

|1 – 8 |Wait; Wait; Circle Away and Together; ; Apart, -, Point, -; Together, -, Touch, -; CHUG, - Continuous Chasse 6; ; |

|1 - 2 |Wait in OP facing LOD with lead feet free for two measures; ; |

|3 - 4 |[Circle Away and Together (SS SS)] Circle away and together Man turning CCW and Woman turning CW in 4 steps with hands waving head height|

| |L, -, R, -; L, -, R, -; |

|5 - 6 |[Apart, Point; Together, Touch (SS SS)] Standard Acknowledge to CP facing WALL; ; |

|7 - 8 |[Chug, -, Continuous Chasse 6 (SQQ QQQQ)] CHUG apart to a modified CP bending slightly at waist and lowering joined lead hands both |

| |turning to look toward LOD faces cheek to cheek, -, side L toward LOD, close R; Side L toward LOD, close R, side L towards LOD, close R; |

| | |

| |Part A |

|1 – 8 |Quarter Turn; ; Progressive Chasse; -, -, Manuver, -; Side, Close, Spin Turn; ; Back, -, Six Quick Twinkle; ; |

|1 - 2 |[Quarter Turn (SS QQS)] Forward L to Banjo facing DLW, -, forward R outside Partner in Banjo, -; Side L blending to CP facing WALL, close|

| |R, side and back L to face DRW, -; |

| |NOTE: The Quarter Turn is normally danced in CP. You are in Banjo for the start of the Quarter Turn because of the previous figure. |

|3 - )4 |[Progressive Chasse (SQQ S)] Back R towards DLC, -, side L to face WALL, close R; Side and forward L to Banjo facing DLW, -, |

|(4 - 5 |[Manuver, -, Side, Close (S QQ)] Forward R outside Partner commence RF turn, -; Side L turning to CP facing RLOD, close R to end in CP |

| |backing LOD, |

|5 - 6 |[Spin Turn (S SS)] Back L pivot 3/8, -; Forward R down LOD between partner’s feet heel to toe and leaving L extended back, -, side and |

| |back L backing DRC, -, |

| |[W: Forward R between partner’s feet pivot 3/8, -; Continue RF turn step back and slightly side across the LOD L rising brush R to L, -, |

| |side and forward R between partner’s feet to end in CP DRC, -,] |

|7 – 8 |[Back, - Six Quick Twinkle (SQQ QQQQ)] Back R commence LF turn, -, side L turning 1/4 LF to face DLC, close R lowering and turning to |

| |Banjo backing DRW; Back L in Banjo rising, close R lowering, side and forward L, lock RXiB lowering to end facing DLC ready to blend to |

| |CP; |

| |[W: Forward L commence LF turn, -, side and back R, close L lowering to end in Banjo facing DRW; Forward R outside Partner, close L |

| |lowering, back and side R, lock LXiF lowering;] |

| |NOTE: The Six Quick Twinkle should have a lilting feeling, rising to the toes on each ODD quick, and lowering to the flat of the foot on |

| |each EVEN quick. |

| | |

|9 - 16 |Reverse Chasse Turn; ; Forward, -, Quick Lock Step; -, -, Manuver, -; Side, Close, Spin Turn; ; Back, -, Six Quick Twinkle; ; |

|9 - 10 |[Reverse Chasse Turn (SQQ SQQ)] Forward L blending to CP and commence LF turn, -, side R continue LF turn, close L to end in CP backing |

| |LOD; Back R commence LF turn, -, bring L to R no weight then pivot on Heel of R to face DLW over two quicks to end in CP facing DLW; |

| |[W: Back R blending to CP and commence LF turn, -, side L continue LF turn, close R to end in CP facing LOD; Forward L commence LF turn, |

| |-, side R continue, close L to end in CP backing DLW;] |

|11 - )12 |[Forward Running Locks (SQQ QQ)] Forward L in CP facing DLW, -, forward R between Partner’s feet starting to turn body RF, forward L with|

| |left side leading; Lock RXiB, forward L to end in Banjo facing DLW; |

|(12 – 16 |Repeat the action from the second half of Measure 4 through Measure 8 of Part A. |

| | |

| |Part B |

|1 – 8 |Open Telemark; -, -, Thru, -; Chasse; Quick Lock Freeze; Forward, Lock, Forward, -; Manuver, -, Side, Close; Pivot 3; -, -, Side, |

| |Draw; |

|1 – )2 |[Open Telemark (SS S)] Forward L rising commence LF turn, -, side and around partner R [W: heel turn] now backing LOD, -; Continue LF |

| |turn side and forward L towards DLW left side leading turning to SCP, -, |

| |[W: Back R toe to heel and nearly straighten legs leaving feet flat, -, close L then turn on heel of R to face DLW then transfer weight |

| |to the flat of the L foot, -; Continue LF turn step side and forward R towards DLW right side leading in SCP, -,] |

|(2 - 3 |[Thru, ; Chasse (S QQS)] Thru R in SCP, -; Side and forward L blending to CP facing DLW, close R, side and forward L preparing to step in|

| |Banjo, -; |

|4 – 5 |[Quick Lock Freeze; Forward, Lock, Forward (QQS QQS)] Forward R in Banjo, forward L with left side leading, lock RXiB and freeze, -; |

| |Forward L with left side leading, lock RXiB, forward L in Banjo facing DLW, -; |

|6 |[Manuver, -, Side, Close (SQQ)] Forward R outside Partner commence RF turn, -, side L turning to CP facing RLOD, close R to end in CP |

| |backing LOD; |

|7 - )8 |[Pivot 3 (SS S)] Back L commence RF pivot, - forward R continue RF pivot to end in CP backing LOD, -; Back L continue RF pivot 1/2, -, |

|(8 |[Side, Draw (QQ)] Side R turning to face DLC, draw L near R to end in CP facing DLC; |

| | |

| |Part C |

|1 – 8 |Closed Telemark; -, -, Forward, -; Forward, Lock, Forward, -; Manuver, -, Side, Close; Overturned Spin Turn; -, - Back, -; Sway Hop |

| |4; ; |

|1 – )2 |[Closed Telemark (SS S)] Forward L rising commence LF turn, -, side and around partner R [W: heel turn] now backing LOD, -; Continue LF |

| |turn side and forward L towards DLW left side leading turning to Banjo, -, |

| |[W: Back R toe to heel and nearly straighten legs leaving feet flat, -, close L then turn on heel of R to face DLW then transfer weight |

| |to the flat of the L foot, -; Continue LF turn step side and back R towards DLW in Banjo, -,] |

|(2 - 3 |[Forward, -; Forward, Lock, Forward (S QQS)] Forward R in Banjo, -; Forward L with left side leading, lock RXiB, forward L in Banjo |

| |facing DLW, -; |

|4 |Repeat the action from Measure 6 of Part B. |

|5 – 6 |[Overturned Spin Turn; -, -, Back (SS SS)] Back L pivot 3/8, -, forward R down LOD between partner’s feet heel to toe and leaving L |

| |extended back, -; Side and back L backing DLC, -, back R commence LF turn, -; |

| |[W: Forward R between partner’s feet pivot 3/8, -, continue RF turn step back and slightly side across the LOD L rising brush R to L, -; |

| |Sside and forward R between partner’s feet to end in CP DLC, -, forward L commence LF turn, -;] |

|7 – 8 |[Swap Hop 4 (SS SS)] Side L small step moving toward LOD and turning to face DLW, sway slightly R and hop on L with R leg bent at knee |

| |progressing down LOD on the hop and turning slighlty LF, side R small step toward WALL, sway slightly L and hop on R with L leg bent at |

| |knee progress down LOD on the hop and turning slightly RF; Repeat the action on each foot to end in CP facing DLW with a slight left |

| |side lead. |

| | |

|Repeat Part A |

|Repeat Part B |

|Repeat Part C |

| |

| |Ending |

|1 - 6 |Roll 2; Side, -, Close, -; CHUG, -, Continuous Chasse 6; ; CHUG IN, -, Hold, -; Throwaway Oversway. |

|1 |[Roll 2 (SS)] Roll down LOD two slows Man turning LF and Woman turning RF L, -, R to end in OP-FCG facing WALL, -; |

|2 |[Side, -, Close, -; (SS)] Side L assuming CP facing WALL, -, close R, -; |

|3 - 4 |Repeat the action from Measures 7 – 8 of the Introduction. |

|5 |[CHUG IN, -, Hold, -; (S-)] CHUG in to CP facing WALL lead foot free; |

|6 |[Throwaway Oversway (S)] Reach back L toward COH and as weight transfers turn foot to point toward DLC lower well into L knee and allow |

| |hips to rotate to face DLC leaving R leg extended toward DRW and sway R looking at Partner. |

| |[W: Reach forward R with toe and as weight transfers rotate on ball of R allowing L to draw to R and turning to CP backing DLC lower well|

| |into R knee and extend L back and sway L and extend the line.] |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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