2-Year M.Tech. in Information & Communication Technology

List of Courses:

The students are expected to take a minimum of eight courses, apart from certain prerequisites. Out of the eight courses, at least two courses must be core courses and remaining six as electives (extended over first two semesters). The core courses have to be decided as per the student’s background as advised by the faculty. It is expected that students in Computer Science & Engineering/ IT background will take core courses in CT, and vice-versa.

Semester I

Core Course: Models of Information and Communication (MIC)

Communication Engineering COE (CT Bridge I)

Communication Systems CSY (CT Bridge II)


Data Structures and Algorithms COA (IT Bridge I)

Computer Networking CNS (IT Bridge II)

Electives from:

Mobile Communications (CT Elective I)

Advanced Computer Architecture (IT Elective II)

Model Driven Architecture (IT Elective I)

Semester II

Core course: Embedded Systems

3 Electives from:

Object-oriented Systems and Standards

Optical Communication Systems

Advanced Digital Signal Processing

Access Technologies and Networks

Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems

System and Network Security

Approaches to Semantic Web

Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Digital Image Processing

Distributed Computing

Fundamentals of Video Processing

Medical Informatics

Multimedia Computing

Network Optimization

Optimization Techniques

Semesters III & IV

One year research project

Appendix I

Course outlines of Core and Elective courses

Bridge Course – I in CT for M.Tech. (ICT) – I semester (2003 Batch)

Communication Engineering(COE)

Prof. C. Vijay Kumar

Random Processes & Noise Models: Gaussian, White, Narrowband. Noise in Analog Communication, Signal to Noise Ratio Comparisons of several Modulation Techniques. Noise in Exponential Modulation, Pulse Code Modulation Frequency Modulation, Threshold Effects. Correlated Digital Transmission Techniques, Partial Response Coding techniques, their Spectral Properties.

Baseband and Bandpass communication system designs: Baseband signal shaping criteria, Design of transmitter and receiver filters, Detection and estimation of signals, Design of equalizers, ASK, FSK, PSK, QPSK transmission and detection schemes; Estimation of probability of error, Constellation diagram.

Introduction to Information theory: Entropy, Channel capacity, Mutual information measures, Different types of channels. Baseband and Bandpass communication system designs.

Bridge Course – II in CT for M.Tech. (ICT) – I semester (2003 Batch)

Communications Systems (CSY)

Prof. Sanjeev Gupta

Introduction: Elements of a communication System, The Electromagnetic Spectrum, Bandwidth.

High Frequency (RF/Microwave) Engineering: High frequency (RF and Microwaves) in perspective, Scattering matrix, Transmission line, Wave-guides, Coaxial cable, Microstrip line, Cavity resonator, Reflection coefficient, Standing wave ratio, Impedance matching, Radio Transmitters, Local oscillator, Antenna fundamentals, Radiation fields, Antenna arrays.

Communication Link / Transceiver Design: dB power, Link budgets, System design tradeoffs, Gains/losses, Signal-to-Noise, Tracking noise and signal level through a complete system, Effects and advantages of using spread spectrum techniques.

Communication Receivers: Dynamic range, Minimum Detectable Signal (MDS), Tangential Signal Sensitivity (TSS), Noise and Phase noise, Spurious signals, Superheterodyne receivers, Frequency conversion, Intermediate Frequency selection and images, Image rejection, Importance of low noise amplifiers, Limiters, Filters, Aliasing and Anti-aliasing filters, A/D converters.

Fibre Optic Communications: Light as a high-frequency electromagnetic wave, Light propagation, wavelength division multiplex (WDM), Lightwave communication systems, Construction and characteristics of optical fibres, Optical transmitters and receivers, Fibre optic data communication system.

Broadband Communication Networks: Characterization of network traffic, its implications on network design, trafiic management, flow control, congestion control, call admissions control, scheduling and policing, High speed Wide Area Networking (WAN) technologies such as Frame Relay (FR) and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Wirelss LAN 802.11.

Bridge Course 1 for ECE students Semester 1

Data Structures and Algorithms

This course is a discussion of the fundamental data structures and algorithms in computer science. The data structures covered include linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, heaps, hash tables, and graphs. Algorithms for a number of problems are covered including sorting, searching, shortest path, spanning tree. The course will concentrate on mathematical analysis of algorithm efficiency and touch on issues of tractability such as NP-completeness.

Pre-requisite: programming experience in C, some knowledge of pointers and recursion, and background in discrete math.


• Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C, Second Edition by Mark Allen Weiss, Pearson Education, 1999, ISBN 81-7808-167-9.


• Introduction to The Design & Analysis of Algorithms, by Anany Levitin, Pearson Education, 2003, ISBN 81-7808-984-X.

• Algorithmics: The Spirit of Computing, Second Edition by David Harel, Pearson Education, 2000, ISBN 817-808-044-3.

Bridge Course II for ECE students (Semester 1)

Computer Networking

Course Outline

The course explains the evolution of computer and communication networks and the design principles of modern network architectures. Primary focus is on system level concepts and engineering design and implementation issues. Technologies like B-ISDN, mobile network, and IPv6 are also analyzed. Network management and interoperability issues are discussed.  

At the end of the course, a student should be able to analyze and compare network technologies and use the appropriate tools to design and implement network systems.

The associated laboratory component is designed to expose students to basic networking hardware and the simulation tools for the analysis of traffic and network protocols.


Text Book

• T-1 Keshav S., “An Engineering Approach to Computer Networks,” AWL-ISE, 1999.

• T-2 Kurose J.F. & Ross K.W., "Computer Networking - A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet," Pearson Education, 2003.


Reference Books

• R-1 Tanenbaum A.S., “Computer Networks,” 3rd Ed, PHI, 1997.

• R-2 Walrand J, “Communication Networks: A First Course,” 2nd Ed, WCB/MH, 1998


Three electives are

Model Driven Architecture

Mobile Communication

Advanced Computer Architecture


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