Figure S1. Exemplar DTI feature images and brain parcellation map in the JHU Eve atlas. (a)-(c) Exemplar FA images of JHU Eve atlas. (d)-(f) Exemplar brain parcellation map of JHU-MNI SS Type-I Mori Atlas, where different colors indicate different brain regions. (a)(d) Axial view; (b)(e) Sagittal view; (c)(f) Coronal view62738012827000CNADFigure S2. DTI Features from AD and Normal Subjects: Illustration of nine DTI-features. FA: Fractional anisotropy, MD: Mean diffusivity, L1: Axial diffusivity, RD: Radial diffusivity, LIN: Linearity of the tensor, SPH: Sphericity of the tensor, PLA: Planarity of the tensor, MOD: Mode of the tensor, ODI: Orientation dispersion index, CN: Cognitively normal, AD: Alzheimer’s Disease.Figure S3. The histogram of the distributions of correlation coefficients from ROIs and PC1s. Blue represents ROI; red represents PC1. ROI: Region of interest; PC1: Principle component 1. ................

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