
Ch 1 Word Elements – Human Anatomy

1. ante –

2. axilla –

3. brachio –

4. cervico –

5. cranio –

6. dorso –

7. epi –

8. gastro –

9. hypo –

10. inguino/ilio –

11. latero –

12. lumbo –

13. medi –

14. peri –

15. post –

16. proximo –

17. super –

18. thoraco –

19. trans –

20. ventro –

Word Elements Ch 1 Activity

Directions: First, circle the word element(s) found in each term then determine the definition of the whole word.

Term (Circle the WE) Definition of Term

1. epithelium (thelium = tissue)

2. ventral (al = pertaining to)

3. dorsal

4. proximal

5. antecubital (cubital = elbow)

6. lumbar (ar = pertaining to)

7. brachial

8. epigastric (ic = pertaining to)

9. hypogastric

10. iliac (ac = pertaining to)

11. cranial

12. thoracic

13. inguinal

14. axillary (ary = pertaining to)

15. cervical

16. anterior (or = pertaining to)

17. medial

18. posterior

19. superior

20. peristalsis (stalsis = contraction)

21. lateral

22. transverse (verse = to turn)

23. superficial (ficial = face or surface)

24. craniotomy (otomy = cut into)


1. Match the terms in Column B to the appropriate descriptions provided in Column A. Enter the correct letter or its corresponding term in the answer blanks.

Column A Column B

The branch of biological science that studies and describes A. Anatomy

how body parts work or function

B. Homeostasis

The study of the shape and structure of body parts

C. Metabolism

The tendency of the body's systems to maintain a

relatively constant or balanced internal environment D. Physiology

The term that indicates all chemical reactions occurring in the body


2. The structures of the body are organized into successively larger and more complex structures. Fill in the answer blanks with the correct terms for these increasingly larger structures.

Chemicals → → →

→ → Organism

3. The following figures, represent the various body organ systems. First identify and name each organ system by labeling the organ system under each illustration. Then select a different color for each organ and use it to color the coding circles and corresponding structures in the illustrations.

⃝ Nasal cavity

⃝ Lungs

⃝ Trachea

⃝ Bronchi

⃝ Blood vessels – Arteries (clear)

⃝ Veins (shaded)

⃝ Heart







4. Using the choices below, identify the organ systems to which the following organs or functions belong.

A. Cardiovascular D. Integumentary G. Nervous J. Skeletal

B. Digestive E. Lymphatic/Immune H. Reproductive K. Urinary

C. Endocrine F. Muscular I. Respiratory

1. Rids the body of nitrogen-containing wastes, maintains chemical balance of the blood

2. Is affected by the removal of the thyroid gland

3. Provides support and levers on which the muscular system can act

4. Includes the heart

5. Protects underlying organs from drying out and mechanical damage, epidermis

6. Protects the body; destroys bacteria and tumor cells, immune system

7. Breaks down foodstuffs into small particles that can be absorbed, salivary glands

8. Removes carbon dioxide from the blood

9. Delivers oxygen and nutrients to the body tissues

10. Moves the limbs; allows facial expression, moves food through the digestive tract

11. Conserves body water or eliminates excesses

12. Provides for conception and childbearing

13. Controls the body with chemicals called hormones

14. Is damaged when you cut your finger or get a severe sunburn, skin

15. Produces blood cells, stores calcium

16. Responds to internal and external changes by activating muscles or glands

5. Using choices from Exercise 4, choose the organ system to which each of the following sets of organs belongs.

_______________1. Blood vessels, heart

_______________2. Pancreas, pituitary, adrenal glands, ovaries

_______________3. Kidneys, bladder, ureters, urethra

_______________4. Testis, vas deferens, urethra, ovaries

_______________5. Esophagus, large intestine, rectum, liver, pancreas

_______________6. Breastbone, vertebral column, skull, cartilage

_______________7. Brain, nerves, sensory receptors, spinal cord


6. The following statements refer to homeostatic control systems. Complete each statement by inserting your answers in the answer blanks.

1. There are three essential components of all homeostatic control mechanisms: control center, receptor and effector. Changes in the environment are detected by the

2. The input information is sent along a pathway called the

3. The information is analyzed by the

4. The appropriate response (output) is sent back out through a pathway called the

5. And the end result is activation of the organ or gland called the

6. When the response causes the initial stimulus to decline or stop, the homeostatic mechanism is referred to as a ____ feedback mechanism.

7. When the response enhances or increases the initial stimulus, the mechanism is called a _____ feedback mechanism.

8. The feedback mechanism that is much more common in the body is the _____ feedback mechanism.

9. Two examples of positive feedback mechanisms are:


11. Body temperature must be maintained. If too high or too low, proteins called _____ denature (unwind) and become nonfunctional.


7. Complete the following statements by filling in the answer blanks with the correct term.

1. The abdominopelvic and thoracic cavities are subdivisions of the _____ body cavity.

2. The cranial and spinal cavities are parts of the _____ body cavity.

3. The body cavity that is totally surrounded by bone and provides protection to the structures within is the _____ body cavity.

8. Color the coding circles below and the corresponding cavities in part A of Figure 1-7. Complete the figure by labeling those body cavity subdivisions that have a leader line. Complete part B by labeling each of the abdominal regions indicated by a leader line.

⃝ Dorsal body cavity

⃝ Ventral body cavity



Figure 1-7

9. From the choices, select the body cavities where the following surgical procedures would occur.

Insert the correct letter or term in the answer blanks. Be precise and also select the name of the cavity subdivision if appropriate.

A. Abdominal C. Dorsal E. Spinal G. Ventral

B. Cranial D. Pelvic F. Thoracic

1. Removal of the uterus, or womb

2. Coronary bypass surgery (heart surgery)

3. Removal of a serious brain tumor

4. Removal of a "hot" appendix (right iliac region)

5. A stomach ulcer operation

10. Using the choices below, identify the body cavities in which the following body organs are located.

A. Abdominopelvic B. Cranial C. Spinal D. Thoracic

1. Stomach 7. Bladder

2. Small intestine 8. Trachea

3. Large intestine 9. Lungs, heart

4. Spleen 10. Pituitary gland

5. Liver 11. Rectum

6. Spinal cord 12. Ovaries

11. Refer to the organs listed in Exercise 10. In the spaces provided, record the numbers of the organs that would be found in each of the abdominal regions named here. Some organs may be found in more than one abdominal region.

1. Hypogastric region

2. Right lumbar region

3. Umbilical region

4. Epigastric region

5. Left iliac region

12. Select the key choices that identify the following body parts or areas.

A. Abdominal E. Buccal I. Inguinal M. Pubic

B. Antecubital F. Cervical J. Lumbar N. Scapular

C. Axillary G. Femoral K. Occipital O. Sural

D. Brachial H. Gluteal L. Popliteal P. Umbilical

1. Armpit 9. Area where trunk meets thigh

2. Thigh region 10. Back area from ribs to hips

3. Buttock area 11. Pertaining to the cheek

4. Neck region 12. Shoulder blade

5. "Belly button" area 13. Upper arm

6. Genital area 14. Anterior trunk below ribs

7. Anterior aspect of elbow 15. Posterior knee

8. Posterior aspect of head 16. Posterior leg, calf

13. Using the terms from Exercise 12, correctly label all body areas indicated with leader lines on Figure 1-8.

In addition, identify the sections labeled A and B in the figure.

Section A: _______________

Section B: ________________

Section C:

(Draw this one in – separates front/back)

Cutting organs:

Along length -

Across short direction -



Figure 1-8

14. Complete the following statements by choosing an anatomical term from the choices.

A. Anterior E. Lateral I. Sagittal (midsagittal) L. Superficial

B. Distal F. Medial J. Superior/Cranial M. Ventral

C. Frontal/Coronal G. Posterior K. Transverse/Horizontal N. Deep

D. Inferior/Caudal H. Proximal

In the anatomical position, the face and palms are on the front side of the body so are

The buttocks and shoulder blades are on the back side of the body so are

The top of the head is above the other parts of the body, so it is considered

The ears are further from the middle of the body than the nose so the ears are

The ears are above the shoulders so in this case the ears are

The heart is in front of the spine so the heart is

The heart is closer to the middle of the body than the lungs so the heart is

The elbow is closer to the point of arm attachment to the trunk than the fingers so the elbow is

The elbow is further from the point of attachment to the trunk than the shoulder so the elbow is

In humans, the dorsal surface can also be called

However, in four-legged animals, the dorsal side is on top so is called

In humans, the anterior surface is also the belly side so can be called

However, in four-legged animals, the belly side is below so is called

If an incision cuts the body into right and left parts, the section is a ____ section

If the body is cut so that anterior and posterior parts result, it is a ____ section.

If the body is cut into superior and inferior parts, it is a ____ section.

You are told to cut an animal along two planes so that both kidneys are observable in both sections. Which two sections meet this requirement?

The term that describes a structure more internal, or away from the body surface, is

The term that means closer to or on the body surface is

At The Clinic Ch 1

Answer on another piece of paper to turn in.

1. Phillip fell off the roof and was rushed to the Emergency Room. After obtaining CT and MRI scans, he was rushed to the Operating Room where the surgeon performed a craniotomy.

a. Into which body cavities did the surgeon cut? (TWO answers – major and subdivision, p. 19)

b. Into which bone did the surgeon drill a hole?

2. A jogger has stepped in a pothole and sprained his ankle joint, now painful, bruised, and swollen. Identify all six body systems (p. 3-7) that have suffered damage. (SIX answers)

3. A newborn baby is unable to hold down any milk. Examination reveals a developmental disorder in which the esophagus fails to connect to the stomach.

a. What body system (p. 3-7) is affected?

b. What survival needs are most immediately threatened? (Think about the functions of this body system.)

4. The Chan family was traveling in their van and had a minor accident. The children in the back seat were wearing lap belts but they still sustained bruises around the abdomen and had some internal organ injuries. Why is this body cavity (p. 19) more vulnerable to damage than others?

5. Mr. Pace enters the Emergency Room complaining of severe pain in his lower anterior (p. 15), right pelvic region (p. 19), below the hip area.

a. What body region (p. 20) would the physician examine?

b. What might be wrong with Mr. Pace? (Hint: What organs (p. 20) are located in this region?)

c. To remove this organ, into which inferior body cavity subdivision (p. 19) would the surgeon need to make an incision?

6. A nurse informed John that she was about to take blood from his antecubital (p. 16) region.

a. Describe the location of the body area (p. 16) she would be sticking with the needle.

b. Later, she came back and said that she was going to give him an antibiotic shot in the deltoid (p. 16-17) region. Describe this location.

c. Before John left the office, the nurse noticed that his sural (p. 16-17) region was badly bruised. What part of his body was bruised?

7. Explain the concept of homeostasis (p. 12-13) as it relates to body temperature. Use the analogy of using a thermostat to control room temperature to explain.

8. When tissues begin to become dehydrated, we usually become thirsty, which causes us to drink fluids. (Do not use this example in part c.)

a. On the basis of what you know about control systems, decide whether the thirst sensation is part of a negative feedback or positive feedback control system (p. 12-13).

b. Explain the difference between the two types of feedback systems.

c. Give one example of a negative feedback system IN THE HUMAN BODY. (Do not use the thirst example.)

d. Give one example of a positive feedback system IN THE HUMAN BODY. (Do not use the thirst example.)

9. Jennie fell off her motorcycle and tore a nerve in her axillary region. She also tore ligaments in her cervical and scapular regions and broke the only bone of her right brachial region. Explain where each of her injuries is located. (p. 16-17) (FOUR answers)

10. John, a patient at Jones City Hospital, is in tough shape. He has a hernia in his inguinal region, pain from an infected right kidney in his right lumbar region, and severe bruises and swelling in the left upper quadrant. Describe the location of each of these body regions. (p. 19-20) (THREE answers)



endo = within

homeo = same

hyper = above, more than normal

meta = change, after

mid = middle

viscero = internal organ





Ý Brain

Ý Spinal cord

Ý Nerves

Ý Kidneys

Ý Ureters

Ý Bladder

Ý Urethra

Ý Ovaries

Ý Uterus

Ý Stomach Ý Esophagus

Ý Intestines ⃝ Brain

⃝ Spinal cord

⃝ Nerves

⃝ Kidneys

⃝ Ureters

⃝ Bladder

⃝ Urethra

⃝ Ovaries

⃝ Uterus

⃝ Stomach ⃝ Esophagus

⃝ Intestines ⃝ Oral cavity




Body Cavities

Body Regions


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