Map of the United StatesLocate Appalachian Mountains, Mississippi River, Great Plains region, and Rocky MountainsWestward ExpansionDisappearance of the Frontier:Manifest DestinyHomestead Act Transcontinental RailroadNative Americans of the Great Plains v. the White SettlersMethods of Indian Removal:Killing buffaloWarsReservationsNative American view of the White SettlersAssimilation Farmers RevoltPopulist Party [3rd party in late 1890s] Populist Party PlatformIndustrializationKey People John RockefellerAndrew CarnegieHenry Ford Laissez-faireUrbanization Capitalism Mass Production Assembly Line Big BusinessSocial Darwinism MonopoliesTrustsEffects the lack of competition has on consumerRelationship between big business and governmentAmerican factory workersWorking conditionsFormation of labor unionsImmigrationPush & Pull FactorsNew vs Old ImmigrantsNativismChinese Exclusion ActQuota ActsJob competition Tenement housingJane Addams – settlement house movementProgressive MovementMuckrakersJacob Riis – How the Other Half LivesIda Tarbell- History of Standard Oil Company Upton Sinclair – The JungleMeat Inspection ActPure Food & Drug ActPresident Theodore RooseveltTrustbusterConservationistEconomic Reform Interstate Commerce ActSherman Antitrust ActClayton Antitrust ActPolitical Reform17th Amendment: Senators18th Amendment: Alcohol19th Amendment: WomenImperialismKey Terms Domestic PolicyForeign PolicyManifest DestinyImperialism Reasons for Imperialism:Sea power and naval basesChristian missionaries (Social Darwinism)White Man’s BurdenWorld Markets Raw MaterialsSpanish-American WarYellow journalismMaineAmerica becomes a world powerMonroe Doctrine Roosevelt Corollary (Big Stick Policy)President Theodore Roosevelt and building of the Panama CanalEconomic reasons for building the canalApplication of Roosevelt Corollary to build the canalResults of the Panama CanalWorld War IPropagandaMANIAPresident Woodrow Wilson’s decision to enter World War IUnrestricted submarine warfareLusitaniaZimmerman NoteOpportunity to participate in war’s peace talksWilson’s 14 Points and League of NationsTreaty of VersaillesRoaring TwentiesEconomic growthProduction of new consumer goods“Buy Now, Pay Later”Consumerism Harlem RenaissanceGrowth of jazz music and other forms of African American cultureModernist v. Traditionalist debate [disagreement over changing lifestyles]Scopes trialProhibition“Flappers”Popularity of spectator sportsBaseball – Babe RuthAviation – Charles LindberghGrowth of RadioDevelopment of Mass Culture Great Depression1929 Stock Market CrashSpeculationBuying stock on marginBank RunsBusiness cycleProblems of the Great DepressionSocial problemsEconomic problemsBank failuresDecrease availability of jobsResponses to the Great DepressionHoovervillesBreadlinesDust BowlGreat Plains regionEffect on FarmersResults of Dust BowlPresident Franklin Delano RooseveltFireside chatsNew Deal – offers welfare to the people and ignites government responsibility to protect the peopleFDICCCCWPASSATVABank Holiday Court-packing planImpact of the New Deal Hollywood: EscapismWorld War IITotalitarian dictators:Adolf Hitler [Nazi Party in Germany]Benito Mussolini [Fascist Party in Italy]Joseph Stalin [Communist Party in Soviet Union]Axis Powers v. Allied PowersAxis Powers4559300275590Germany, Italy, Japan2209800104775-215900111125Allied PowersUnited States, Great Britain, Soviet Union4559300863602152650105410-27305086360Appeasement by Britain and FranceAmerican neutrality – ignoring aggression in Europe and AsiaImmediate cause: 1939Immediate cause of U.S. entry: 1941American mobilizationWomen at work [“Rosie the Riveter”]Conservation/rationing of food and natural resourcesMilitary Turning PointsEurope: D-Day InvasionAsia: Battle of Midway; Battle at Guadalcanal, Battle of Iwo Jima & Battle of OkinawaPresident Harry S. Truman’s Decision to Drop Atom Bomb on HiroshimaReasons for dropping the bomb and resultsInternment of Japanese AmericansThe HolocaustCold WarUnited States v. Soviet Union [USSR}“Iron Curtain”United NationsContainmentArms raceMcCarthyismBomb SheltersSputnik Space RaceCuban Missile CrisisReasons Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev put nuclear missiles in CubaPanic of nuclear war in the United States and around the worldReasons for President John F. Kennedy’s decision to blockade CubaResults of the Cuban Missile Crisis being resolvedVietnam WarReasons the United States participated in the Vietnam conflictSimilarities with the Korean conflictReasons for the antiwar movement and protestWatergate scandalFall of the Berlin WallJim Crow Segregation and the Struggle for Civil RightsSegregation/Jim Crow lawsJackie RobinsonPresident Harry S. Truman de-segregates the U.S. Armed Forces [troops]Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954)Civil DisobedienceMontgomery Bus BoycottMartin Luther King, Jr.SCLCLittle Rock crisis Sit-insMarch on WashingtonCivil Rights Act of 1964Voting Rights Act of 1965Middle EastIsrael is recognized as democratic country in 1948Conflict with PalestiniansConflict between the United States and PalestiniansPersian Gulf WarSeptember 11, 2001 Al-Qaeda terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and PentagonPresident George W. Bush decides to invade AfghanistanWar on TerrorPatriot ActCreation of Homeland SecurityIssues of the 20th/21st CenturyBaby Boom of the 1950sIncrease of home construction and school population in late 1950s and 1960sIncrease demand on the Social Security System in 2011Affirmative ActionIllegal immigrationImportant Supreme Court DecisionsPlessy v. Ferguson (1896)Korematsu v. U.S. (1944)Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954)Impact of Technology on American Society[based on historical importance and what you have learned in social studies – NOT your personal experiences]Henry Ford’s assembly line [mass production]The automobileRadioNuclear powerTelevisionInternet ................

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