Northern Ireland Railways Company LimitedRegulatory Financial StatementsYear ended 29 March 2020ContentsPageBasis of Preparation1Report of factual findings5Review of the activities8Income Statement9Extract from balance sheet net of impairment11Notes to the balance sheet extract12Basis of PreparationThe Regulatory Accounts have been prepared on such a basis as to comply with the requirements of the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) and in particular, Statutory Rule 2016 No. 420. The Railways Infrastructure (Access, Management and Licensing of Railway Undertakings) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016’.These regulatory accounts show the separation of Northern Ireland Railways Limited into its Infrastructure Manager (IM) and Railways Undertaking (RU) and have been computed as follows:Source dataThe regulatory accounts are based on the management accounts of Northern Ireland Railways Limited for the year ended 29 March 2020 to operating profit level. These regulatory accounts do not include the accounting adjustments for derivatives, pensions and intercompany write-off which are reflected in the statutory accounts of Northern Ireland Railways Limited. The Infrastructure assets have been extracted from the trial balance of Northern Ireland Railways Limited before the accounting adjustments for derivatives, pensions and intercompany write-off, where applicable. There is no requirement to adjust for debtors/creditors/cash.TurnoverTurnover for the Infrastructure Manager comprises track access charges levied to the Railway Undertaking and other third parties.Turnover for the Railway Undertaking is all other turnover recognised in the management accounts of Northern Ireland Railways Limited (“NIR”).Public Service Obligation is spread pro rata to Infrastructure Manager and Railway Undertaking in accordance with unfunded net depreciation or where there is a shortfall in funding in the year, this is spread pro rata based on loss before PSO.Operating CostsOperating costs for the Infrastructure Manager comprise its share of the infrastructure division and projects division as shown in the NIR management accounts. These are allocated to the infrastructure manager on the basis ofAllocation of time spent by specified operational personnel carrying out infrastructure manager duties, based on informed estimates of time allocation;This allocation has resulted in 35% of operating costs (31 March 2019: 34%) allocated to IM and 65% of operating costs (31 March 2019: 66%) allocated to RU.Engineering CostsAllocation of engineering divisional costs relevant to infrastructure duties, estimated at 5% of engineering division costs excluding fuel and engineering income as shown below:2019/202018/19?’000?’000Total engineering division costs21,86621,096Deduct fuel and income(7,076)(6,534)Net engineering costs 14,79014,562Allocated to:Infrastructure Manager (5%) of net engineering costs740728Railway undertaking21,12620,368Total engineering costs21,86621,096Overhead costs Overhead costs for the Infrastructure Manager comprise the relevant % of infrastructure and projects labour as a % of total NIR labour applied to overhead costs per the management accounts.Overhead costs for the Railway Undertaking comprise all other overhead costs shown in the management accounts.2019/202018/19?’000?’000Total overhead costs7,7766,706Allocated toInfrastructure Manager %34.1%31.6%Railway Undertaking %65.9%68.4%?’000?’000Infrastructure Manager2,6552,118Railway Undertaking5,1214,588Total overhead costs7,7766,706Reconciliation to Northern Ireland Railways Statutory accountsFinancial ReviewA summary of key financial results is set out in the table below. (Loss)before tax20202019?m?mPer Statutory Accounts(18.2)(5.1)IAS 19 pension adjustment8.73.8Derivatives4.00.5Pro Forma(5.5)(0.8)Note 1 – Pro forma (loss) before tax is stated after deducting pension contributions paid to NILGOS pension scheme but before any adjustments required in accordance with International Accounting Standard No.19 ‘Retirement Benefits’, intercompany balance write back and derivatives.AssetsThe assets of the Infrastructure Manager have been extracted from the management accounts as follows:Tangible fixed assets owned by the infrastructure division.Unamortised capital grant on tangible fixed assets owned by the infrastructure division.Infrastructure stocks (net of provision for obsolescence).The assets of the Railway Undertaking have been extracted from the management accounts as follows:Tangible fixed assets of the Railway Undertaking are total tangible fixed assets of NI Railways Limited less assets owned by the infrastructure division.Unamortised capital grants of the Railway Undertaking are total unamortised grants of NI Railways Limited less unamortised grants owned by the infrastructure division.Total stock less stock owned by the infrastructure division (net of provision for obsolescence). KPMGAuditThe Soloist Building 1 Lanyon Place Belfast BT1 3LP Northern IrelandThe Board of DirectorsNorthern Ireland Railways Limited 22 Great Victoria StreetBelfast BT2 7LXThe Office of Rail and Road 1 Kemble StreetLondon WC2B 4AN25 September 2020 Dear SirsReport of Factual FindingsIn accordance with the terms of our engagement letter dated 14 June 2018, we have performed those procedures agreed with Northern Ireland Railways Company Limited (“the Company”) and The Office of Rail and Road (collectively and individually “you”) in relation to the verification of financial information included in the Northern Ireland Railways Company Limited regulatory disclosures.Our report has been prepared for you solely in connection with the provision of financial information included in the Northern Ireland Railways Company Limited regulatory disclosures.It has been released to you on the basis that our report shall not be copied, referred to or disclosed, in whole (save for the Company’s own internal purposes) or in part, without our prior written consent.Our report was designed to meet your agreed requirements determined by your needs at the time. Our report should not therefore be regarded as suitable to be used or relied on by any party wishing to acquire rights against us other than you for any purpose or in any context. Any party other than you who obtains access to our report or a copy and chooses to rely on our report (or any part of it) will do so at its own risk. To the fullest extent permitted by law, KPMG will accept no responsibility or liability in respect of our report to any other party.KPMG, an Irish partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of5independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entityReport of Factual Findings (continued)Our engagement was undertaken in accordance with International Standard on Related Services 4400 Engagements to Perform Agreed-upon Procedures Regarding Financial Information. The procedures performed were as follows:ProcedureFinding1 Confirmation as to whether Northern Ireland Railways has clearly documented policies for the preparation of the regulatory disclosures including policies for the allocation of financial information between the railway undertaking (“RU”) and the infrastructure manager (“IM”).With respect to the procedure we found no exceptions2 Confirm that the amounts of income and expenditure used in the calculation have been correctly extracted from the underlying accounting records. The auditor is not required to form a view about the quality of the underlying accounting records.With respect to the procedure we found no exceptions3 Confirm that the allocation of financial information is performed in accordance with aforementioned policies for the allocation of financial information between the IM and the RU.With respect to the procedure we found no exceptions4 Confirm that there has been appropriate internal review at an appropriate level of seniority of whether Northern Ireland Railway’s actual calculations are consistent with stated processes and policies;With respect to the procedure we found no exceptions5Confirm that the sub-totals and totals in the disclosures downcast and cross cast.With respect to the procedure we found no exceptions6 Confirm that the regulatory disclosures reconcile to the statutory accounts.With respect to the procedure we found no exceptionsReport of Factual Findings (continued)Because the above procedures do not constitute either an audit or a review in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK) or International Standards on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland), we do not express any assurance on the Schedule of Rail Passenger Services.Had we been engaged to perform, and had performed, additional procedures, an audit or a review in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK) or International Standards on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland), other matters might have come to our attention that would have been reported to you.This report relates only to the financial information specified above and does not extend to any financial statements of the Company, taken as a whole.Yours faithfully100076017526000KPMGChartered AccountantsReview of activitiesWe have recently ordered 21 new carriages to increase capacity of our trains. These carriages will allow us to provide an extra 1,400 seats for our growing customer base and helps us to sustain growth levels and timetable enhancements. Our trains operate over 300 miles of track including many bridges, level crossings and signals. We continue to routinely inspect and efficiently maintain this infrastructure to high technical, operational and safety standards. Capital funding, from DfI for fleet investments and for our infrastructure maintenance and upgrades is required to maintain this infrastructure.Capital InvestmentCapital expenditure2020?m2019?mTrains8.66.2Land and buildings15.815.8Infrastructure35.314.5Other8.56.6Total68.243.1KPIsFleet size – rolling stock sets4545Expenditure of ?8.6m on trains relates to the overhaul of the Class 3000, Class 4000 and Enterprise trains (?5.2m), the commencement of the Class 3000 midlife refresh (?1.9m) and the purchase of 21 additional Class 4000 carriages. An advance payment of ?2.3m in respect of the additional carriages has also been made to Construcciones Y Auxiliar De Ferrocarile SA and is disclosed under prepayments. Land and buildings additions of ?15.8m includes the completion of phase 1 of the North West Multi Modal Transport Hub and the commencement of phase 2 (?10.5m), completion of Portrush Railway Station (?1.1m), completion of the Permanent Storage facility at Bellarena (?0.4m) and the progression of the upgrade works at Coleraine Integrated Station (?0.3m). Infrastructure expenditure of ?35.3m includes ?9.3m on Lurgan Area Track Renewals, ?3.6m on signalling for the North West Multi Modal Transport Hub, ?2.3m on Rail Enhancement and Assurance projects, and other infrastructure improvement projects. Included in other capital expenditure of ?8.5m is ?6.3m on the Future Ticketing System.Income StatementYear ended 29 March 2020Infrastructure ManagerRailway UndertakingTOTAL?’000?’000?’000Turnover excluding PSO5,81251,90757,719PSO13,0316,88919,920Total Turnover18,84358,79677,639Operating costs(18,511)(34,605)(53,116)Engineering costs(740)(21,126)(21,866)Net contribution(408)3,0652,657Overheads incl net depreciation(3,373)(5,260)(8,633)Operating loss before impairment(3,781)(2,195)(5,976)Impairment credit17820198Operating loss after impairment(3,603)(2,175)(5,778)Other operating income-270270Operating loss(3,603)(1,905)(5,508)Income StatementYear ended 31 March 2019Infrastructure ManagerRailway UndertakingTOTAL?’000?’000?’000Turnover excluding PSO5,82655,22661,052PSO13,9673,05717,024Total Turnover19,79358,28378,076Operating costs(17,176)(33,426)(50,602)Engineering costs(728)(20,368)(21,096)Net contribution1,8894,4896,378Overheads incl net depreciation(2,810)(4,890)(7,700)Operating loss before impairment(921)(401)(1,322)Impairment credit32623349Operating loss after impairment(595)(378)(973)Other operating income-227227Operating loss(595)(151)(746)Extract from Balance Sheet Net of ImpairmentAs at 29 March 2020NoteInfrastructure ManagerRailway UndertakingTOTAL?’000?’000?’000Tangible fixed assets 1/2193,074145,753338,827Deferred government grants 3/4(192,433)(170,619)(363,052)Stocks2,4832,4274,910TOTAL3,124(22,439)(19,315)As at 31 March 2019NoteInfrastructure ManagerRailway UndertakingTOTAL?’000?’000?’000Tangible fixed assets 1/2172,025145,873317,898Deferred government grants 3/4(170,897)(167,776)(338,673)Stocks2,4282,4694,897TOTAL3,556(19,434)(15,878)These financial statements were approved and authorised for issue and were signed on its behalf by:Paddy AndersonChief Financial Officer24th September 2020Notes to the balance sheet extractTangible Fixed Assets Infrastructure Manager LongLeaseholdbuildingsPermanentwaysignallingand bridgesRollingstockMotorVehiclesPlant andequipmentTotal?’000?’000?’000?’000?’000Cost or valuation:At 31 March 2019161,279386,299-18,167565,745Additions15,57135,297-92151,789Disposals(460)--(90)(550)Net Group transfers(53)--(130)(183)At 29 March 2020176,337421,596-18,868616,801Depreciation:At 31 March 2019158,471223,533-11,716393,720Charge for year15613,814-1,10315,073Provision for impairment15,43424-215,460Disposals(338)--(87)(425)Net Group transfers---(101)(101)At 29 March 2020173,723237,371-12,633423,727Net book valueAt 29 March 2020 2,614 184,225 - 6,235 193,074At 31 March 20192,808162,766-6,451172,025Notes to the balance sheet extract (continued)Tangible Fixed Assets Railway Undertaking LongLeaseholdbuildingsPermanentwaysignallingand bridgesRollingstockMotorVehiclesPlant andequipmentTotal?’000?’000?’000?’000?’000Cost or valuation:At 31 March 201916,065-269,34941,425326,839Additions221-8,5777,64916,447Disposals--(10,816)(130)(10,946)Net Group transfers86--(406)(320)At 29 March 202016,372-267,11048,538332,020Depreciation:At 31 March 201916,065-138,64126,260180,966Charge for year--13,5832,27215,855Provision for impairment307--(1)306Disposals--(10,816)(130)(10,946)Net Group transfers---8686At 29 March 202016,372-141,40828,487186,267Net book valueAt 29 March 2020--125,70220,051145,753At 31 March 2019--130,70815,165145,873Deferred Income Infrastructure ManagerDeferred government grants20202019?’000?’000At start of period170,897169,963Grants receivable52,04230,974Transferred to Group undertaking (155)1,397Write off/disposals(365)(1,027)Transferred to profit and loss account:--In respect of depreciation (14,625)(14,511)In respect of impairment of assets (15,361)(15,899)At end of period192,433170,897Notes to the balance sheet extract (continued)Deferred Income Railway UndertakingDeferred government grants20202019?’000?’000At start of period167,776154,541Grants receivable18,81132,867Transferred to Group undertaking 100(4,275)Write off/disposals(26)(245)Transferred to profit and loss account:--In respect of depreciation (15,698)(15,112)In respect of impairment of assets (344)-At end of period170,619167,776 ................

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