P 201/499

Trunch School Log Book Images 201 - 400 Find My Past

Image 201 1888

Jan 2nd. I Charlotte Edith BATES commenced duties as Mistress of the Trunch Mixed School today. School opened at 9 o’clock. Number present in the morning 47 in the afternoon 54. No needlework taken today. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning

Jan 3rd. Mrs P Primrose visited the school this morning.

Jan 6th. Examined 111, 1V& V standard and found the spelling very meagre. The composition in stand V1 was good. Average for the week 51.1

Jan 9th. The Rector visited for scripture this morning.

Jan 11th. The Rector visited.

Image 202 1888

Jan 12th. The attendance officer visited the school, is going to ascertain the reason why BURNETT, FULLER & HALL are absent from school. Taught the infants the songs “There was a Little Man” and the “Frog”. Average for the week 53

Jan 16th. A lesson on Tea was given to the infants.The standards will take singing instead of mental arithmetic this afternoon.

Jan 17th. The standards will take singing instead of reading this afternoon.

Jan 18th. Mr Kimm and a lecturer called

Jan 19th. T BIDWELL esq visited the school and checked the register. The Rector visited for scripture this morning.

Jan 20th. The Rector visited for scripture.

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The Misses JOHNSON & PRIMROSE visited this afternoon. The average attendance this week is 51.7. Several children are suffering from colds and cannot attend school.

Jan 24th. The Rector visited for scripture this morning. A lesson on the clock was given to infants.

Jan 25th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture this morning.

Jan 26th. A lesson on Beef/Bees was given to infants. James FLAXMAN received the cane for gross insubordination. He continued whistling during school hours, stamping his feet, hammering the cupboard with his fists. I detained him until 4.25 p.m.

Image 204 1888

And then dismissed him. After he was dismissed he threw a chair across the schoolroom, slammed the door and threw 2 large stones at it. I recalled him and gave him a stripe with the cane. Whereupon he struck me in the face and bit my thumb. I referred the matter to Rev. Kimm.

Jan 27th. Unable to attend school this day on account of injuries received from the lad FLAXMAN. A committee meeting called to decide what punishment this boy is to receive. FLAXMAN’s father called on Rev Kimm , offered to pay all expenses and as the matter is settled privately James FLAXMAN not allowed to attend school for a week. The boy seems very sorry for his conduct and had apologised.

Image 205 1888

Feb. 2nd. 1888 I resumed duties in school this morning. A lesson on the Butcher’s Shop was given to infants this morning.

Feb 3rd. T BIDWELL esq visited this morning. The average for this week is 47.3 Several children absent on account of the weather Received form 1X today

Feb 6th. Singing will be taken for the last lesson this afternoon. Received notice of Her Majesty’s Inspector intention to examine the school on Friday Feb. 17th. 1888. Henrietta

BOUCHE and Rosa BLOOM both absent from school through sickness.

Feb. 7th. I gave a lesson on nouns to Standard 1 this morning.

Image 206 1888

Feb. 8th. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning.

Feb 9th. Alice MAY, the candidate, gave a lesson to infants on the Elephant. Rev. Kimm visited. Mr HEWITT visited the school this morning. I gave him Herbert & Walter BULLEY’s names for irregular attendance. Five children absent on account of sickness. One child has scarletina rather badly.

Feb 10th. The average for this week is 51.9

Feb 13th. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Alice MAY gave a lesson to infants on the Tiger.

Feb. 14th. Singing will be taken the first hour this morning. Poor attendance this afternoon on account of the weather.

Feb. 15th. Rev. Kimm visited.

Image 207 1888

Feb. 16th Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Received a medical certificate from Mr HALL stating the reason his boy does not attend school.

List of songs for 1888

The song of the cobbler

The snowdrop

Blanche alpen

Hurrah! Hurrah! For England

Mother are there angels dwelling?

Red White and Blue

Who would not a scholar be?

Ho! Ho! The wild winds blow.

Image 208 1888

School inspected Feb 17th. 1888

Feb. 20th. Miss BIDWELL visited this morning

Feb 21st. Mrs. P. PRIMROSE visited this morning. Catherine FULLER has left this week. Her place is supplied by Laura BURNETT The average for this week is 48.3 Received duplicate schedule this week and arranged the children in their new standards.

Feb. 27th. Gave a lesson on outline of the continent of Asia to 1st. class this morning.

Mar 1st. Rev Kimm visited for singing this morning.

Mar 2nd. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning.

Image 209 1888

Alice MAY gave a lesson on pronouns to Standard 111 Punished Albert AMIES and Freddy ALLARD for playing truant yesterday afternoon. The average for this week is 47.3

Mar 5th. Laura BURNETT gave a lesson on the Shepherd’s Dog to infants

Mar 7th. Miss PRIMROSE visited and heard the recitation of the upper class. I gave a lesson on glass to the upper standards.

Mar 8th. Verified the registers WK

Alice MAY gave a lesson on the Reindeer to infants.

Mar 9th. The attendance officer called and took the names of four children for irregular attendance. The average for this week is 43.8. The attendance is very poor on account of the weather.

Image 210 1888

Mar 13th. I gave a lesson on the Lion to infants

Mar 15th. Alice MAY gave a lesson on the geography of England to the upper class this morning.

Mar. 15th. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning.

Mar 16th. T BIDWELL esq visited this morning. The average for this week is 44.2

Several children still away. Eight have left since the examination.

Mar 17th. Laura BURNETT gave a lesson on the Whale to the infants.

Mar 23rd. Laura BURNETT is working with the infants.

Image 211 1888

Mar 21st 1888 H M Inspectors Report. There has been a change of teachers during the year and the present Mistress has only been here 6 weeks. The children have again passed a good examination in the elementary subjects but the character of the work has fallen off especially in the fourth standard. Grammar was fair except in the fourth standard. The infants should know more of their object lessons. The wood work inside the offices needs attention. C FULLER has passed fairly. She should be informed that she is now qualified under article 50 but not under article 52.

In the margin - staff - Mistress, A MAY PT in her 1st year, Monitress.

Image 212 1888

Mar 22nd. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Alice MAY gave a lesson to standard 1 and 11 on the Bison. Thos.BIDWELL esq visited. Alice MAY’s indentures were signed today in the schoolroom.

Mar 23rd. Rev Kimm visited this afternoon. The average for the week is 41.7

Mar 26th. Laura BURNETT gave a lesson on the Bee to infants

Mar 27th. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Admitted two girls Rosanna and Lena BAKER. School commences at 2 p.m. Instead of 1.30 p.m.

Mar 28th. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Mistress gave a lesson on Cotton to infants.

Mar 29th. Alice MAY gave a lesson on Tea to infants. T BIDWELL esq visited this morning.

Image 213 1888

Mar. 29th. The school closes today for Good Friday and Easter Monday. The average for the week is 49.2 Examined the standards in reading, writing, arithmetic and English.

Mar. 29th. The Attendance Officer visited this afternoon and has issues a summons against Herbert BULLEY for irregular attendance.

April 3rd. Gave Standard V a lesson in Practice.

Apr 4th. Mistress gave a lesson on the Shoemaker’s Shop to infants

Received 5 Standard 1 readers, 6 Standard 2 readers, 6 Little readers, 2 standard 5 readers, 4 standard 1V readers

Image 214 1888

Apr 5th. Alice MAY gave a lesson to infants on the Blacksmith’s Shop. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning.

Apr 6th. Mistress gave a lesson on simple analysis to First Class this afternoon. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning. The average for this week is 50.5

Apr 9th. Laura BURNETT gave a lesson on Cocoa to infants.

Apr 12th. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Alice MAY gave a lesson on coal to standards 1 & 11

Apr 13th. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning. The average for this week is 52.4 Admitted William and Henry BURNETT this week.

Image 215 1888

Apr 16th. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Laura BURNETT gave a lesson on salt to infants. Mr Hewitt the attendance officer called and took the names for irregular attendance.

Apr 17th. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning.

Apr 18th. I gave a lesson on chalk to infants Alice MAY gave a lesson on stitching this afternoon.

Apr 19th. Rev Kimm visited this afternoon and heard a class read

Apr 20th. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning. The average for the week is 52.4

Apr 23rd. Laura BURNETT gave a lesson on coffee this morning

Apr 24th. Rev Kimm visited this afternoon

Apr 25th. Mistress gave a lesson on Pines? To infants this morning

Image 216 1888

Apr 26th Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning. I received thirteen readers (Longmans) for standard 111 Alice MAY gave a lesson on a China Tea-cup to infants. Miss PRIMROSE visited.

Apr 29th. I gave a lesson on the joiner this morning

May 1st. Laura BURNETT gave a lesson on the silk worm today to infants

May 3rd. Alice MAY gave a lesson on Birds today

May 7th T BIDWELL esq visited

May 8th Several of the children are absent suffering from Whooping Cough

May 8th Rev Kimm visited this afternoon

May 9th Mistress gave a lesson on Ostrich Gave a lesson to standard 1V on transitive and Intransitiac verbs this morning

Image 217 1888

May 10th Rev Kimm & T BIDWELL esq visited. Alice MAY gave a lesson on the Cow to infants

May 14th Laura BURNETT gave a lesson to infants on the Reindeer

May 15th The girls will take needlework the whole of this afternoon

May 16th Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Mistress gave a lesson on the shepherd’s dog this morning

May 17th Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Alice MAY gave a lesson on the elephant to infants I examined standards 111 & 1V and found them improving in grammar. Spelling is still weak in standard 111

May 18th Special scripture examination. School closed for Whitsuntide Holiday - 1 week The average for this week is 48.1

Image 218 1888

May 28th School reopened today Laura BURNETT gave a lesson on the Lion this morning. Admitted Alice Elizabeth COLEMAN this morning.

May 29th. A lesson on Africa was given to upper classes this morning.

May 30th Mistress gave an oral lesson on the Bison to upper standards

May 31st I gave a lesson on parsing to upper standards. Alice MAY (pupil teacher ion her 1st year) gave a lesson to infants on the Camel this morning. The average this week is 50.1

June 4th Laura BURNETT gave a lesson on the duck to infants

June 5th Mistress gave a lesson on parsing to upper standards Rev Kimm visited this afternoon

June 6th Mistress gave a lesson on whale to infants

June 7th. Alice MAY gave a lesson on bees to infants

Image 219 1888

June 8th Half holiday on account of the club feast Average for this week 51.5 Laura BURNETT gave a lesson on the tea plant to infants this morning. Mistress takes the teachers for their lesson from seven to eight in the morning

June 12th Gave upper standards a lesson in parsing

June 13th Gave a lesson to infants on the cotton plant this morning. Mr HEWITT visited. I gave him the following names for irregular attendance Violet FRARY, Herbert and Walter BULLEY Girls will take needlework the whole of this afternoon

June 14th I gave a lesson on reduction of money to standard 111 Alice MAY gave a lesson on cocoa to the infants

June 15th The average for this week is 52.5

Image 220 1888

June 18th Laura BURNETT gave a lesson to infants on the blacksmith’s shop Rev Kimm visited this afternoon

June 19th I gave a lesson to standard 1V in arithmetic this morning. I gave a lesson to standard 11 on reduction

June 20th Poor attendance on account of the weather I gave a lesson on coal to infants this morning. Alice MAY pupil teacher in her first year is working standards 1 & 11 She does not commence duties in school until 9.30 each day Laura BURNETT is working with infants. Girls will take needlework this afternoon instead of poetry and mental

June 21st Alice MAY gave a lesson to the infants on the shoemakers shop

Image 221 1888

I taught the song the Gypsy girl

June 22nd The average for this week is 51.9

June 25th. Laura BURNETT gave a lesson to infants on a china tea cup

June 26th Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Rev Kimm visited this afternoon

June 27th I gave a lesson to standard V on addition of fractions. I gave a lesson on salt to infants

June 29th Rev Kimm visited today to take the upper standards for reading Alice MAY gave a lesson on chalk to the infants The average for this week is 50.1

July 2nd Rev. Kimm visited for scripture. Laura BURNETT gave a lesson on the Joiner this morning

July 3rd The attendance officer called this afternoon. I gave him several

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names of children who attend irregularly

July 4th I gave a lesson on birds to the infants

July 5th Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Alice MAY gave a lesson on the Cat to infants

July 6th The average for this week is 48 Several children away on account of sickness and the rainy weather Freddy ALLARD has left for work. Rose BLOOM has left Trunch for Walcott

July 9th Laura BURNETT gave a lesson pins to infants

July 12th Alice MAY gave a lesson on the shepherd’s dog to infants Admitted Edith DIXON and Barbara POWERS this week Miss BIDWELL visited and heard a few of the children their recitation

Image 223 1888

July 15th.Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Alfred PRIMROSE esq visited this morning. Mistress gave a lesson on G C M of fractions, Mr Hewitt visited and took five names for irregular attendance: BULLEY, RIVETT, BOULTER and FRARY The average for the week is 49.6. Examined standards 111 1V V V11 and V11 and find them making favourable progress

July 16th I admitted Walter WEGG this morning. Gave a grammar lesson to standards 1V and V

July 17th. Several of the children leave at ten minutes before 12 to take their father’s dinners to the hay field

July 19th. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning.

July 20th Rev Kimm visited

July 23rd. Scripture exam takes place today Registers not marked

Image 224 1888

July 24th Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Mr Hewitt called and has taken a summons for Violet FRARY. The upper standards took English this afternoon instead of the morning

July 25th Mistress gave a lesson on bells to infants this morning

July 26th Alice MAY gave a lesson on the Whale to infants. Laura BURNETT gave a lesson on the cow to infants Rev Kimm visited four times this week Mrs Kimm visited and heard the children sing

July 27th Av for week 52.3

July 30th Alice MAY absent today on a visit with permission

Aug 1st. School closed today on account of the children going to Mundesley

Image 225 1888

Aug 6th Bank holiday The school closed for one day

Aug 7th School routine as usual

Aug 10th Teachers gave their usual object lessons this week. Rev. Calis & family visited today. The average for this week is 50.8

Aug 14th. Laura BURNETT gave a lesson on the Bison

Aug 15th Mistress gave a lesson on the shoemakers shop

Aug 16th Received half gallon of ink from Edwin J Denney. Received 1.5 doz pen holders, 1 box chalk, 7 packets of National test cards, 18 large slates, 1 box pencils, 6 small frame slates, blotting and foolscap paper

Aug 17th. The Misses Calais visited and heard the recitation. The average for this week is 58.

Aug. 20th. Laura BURNETT gave a lesson on the cotton plant to infants

Image 226 1888

Aug. 23rd. Alice MAY gave a lesson on coffee this morning to infants. I examined standard 111 and found a decided improvement in the whole of their work. Standard 1V are improving in all their work.

Aug. 24th School closes today for the Harvest Vacation, one month

Oct 1st. School reopened today, the extra week given because of the harvest. Rev. Kimm and Mr MAY visited. Received a new clock for the school. Laura BURNETT has left Trunch. Girls will not take needlework this afternoon. Mr Hewitt, attendance officer, visited this afternoon. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture every morning this week.

Image 227 1888

Oct. 12th. Rev. Kimm visited every morning this week. Mr Hewitt visited. The average for this week is 52.4

Oct. 15th. Miss Bidwell visited

Oct 16th. Mrs P Primrose visited

Oct. 19th. Rev. Kimm visited three times for scripture.The average for this week is 53.5

Oct. 20th. Alice MAY, PT (pupil teacher) in her first year goes to Norwich for her examination.

Oct. 26th. Rev. Kimm visited twice for scripture this week. The average for this week is 56.1

Oct. 31st. Questioned the children on the Camel

Nov. 1st. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May questioned the children on the Blacksmiths shop and the Tea plant.

Nov. 2nd. Miss Lucy Primrose visited. The average for this week is 54.1 Rosa & Lena Baker left Trunch

Nov. 6th. Admitted George Lambert (infant)

Image 228 1888

Nov. 7th. Examined infants. Questioned them on the cotton plant. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture.

Nov. 8th. Mr Hewitt visited. Alice May gave a lesson on the Joiner to the infants. The average for this week is 53.

Nov. 14th. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning. I questioned infants on the reindeer.

Nov. 15th. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning.

Nov. 16th. Alice May questioned infants on the blacksmiths shop and the tea plant. Rev. Kimm visited & gave a singing lesson. The average for this week is 53.8 Mr Hewitt visited today.

Nov. 20th. Mrs P Primrose visited. Questioned infants on the whale

And china tea cup.

Image 229 1888

Nov. 23rd A May questioned infants on the cow & the elephant The average for the week is 55.8

Nov. 27th. Rev Kimm visited and took the school for a singing lesson.

Nov. 28th. I gave a lesson on the tea plant Miss Lucy Primrose visited this afternoon.

Nov. 30th. The average for this week is 51,3

Dec. 7th. Examined upper standards. Found standard III still weak in spelling. The average for this week is 54.1

Dec. 10th. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture and singing.

Dec. 11th. Revision of Cocoa plant and shoemakers shop for infants.

Dec. 13th. Revision of Bee. Ellen BUCK gave a lesson on the Ostrich to infants. Mr Hewitt visited and I gave him six names for irregular attendance.

Image 230 1888/89

Dec 14th. The average for this week is 54

Dec. 17th. Ellen Buck gave a lesson to infants on reindeer.

Dec. 18th. Very thin school - only 41 marked out of 62. Rev W Kimm visited. A Primrose esq visited Miss Johnson visited.

Dec. 20th. I examined upper standards

Dec. 21st. The average for the week is 48.2 Several children absent through sickness. School closed this day for Christmas holiday - 1 week.

Dec. 31st. School reopened today. No. present 40 Mr Hewitt visited

Jan. 4th. 1889 The average is 45.8 for the week

Jan 7th. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this morning.

Jan. 8th. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture.

Jan. 9th. Visited school, checked registers and found them correct - Henry B May

Image 231 1889

Jan. 9th. Questioned children on Camel and Bees

Jan. 11th. The average for this week is 49.2

Jan. 17th. Verified the register - W Kimm Rev. Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May gave a lesson on the cotton plant to infants

Jan. 18th. The average for this week is 52.6 Examined standards, found standard I weak in arithmetic, standard II a little backward in spelling. Rosa BOULTER absent for six weeks suffering from a bad head caused by vaccinations. William FULLER standard III absent for seven weeks through sickness.

Jan. 22nd. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture.

Jan. 23rd. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture. Henry Hewitt visited and took

Image 232 1889

Three names for irregular attendance

Jan. 25th. The average for this week is 53.2

Jan. 28th. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture. Ellen Buck gave a lesson on a china tea cup to infants. I examined the school and found the children were making good progress. The attendance is better this week.

Jan. 29th. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this afternoon.

Jan. 30th. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture. Questioned infants on the Duck.

Jan. 31st. Alice May gave the infants a lesson on the silkworm Miss L Primrose visited and heard standard III read.

Feb. 3rd. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on Birds Rev. Kimm visited for scripture this afternoon.

Feb. 4th. Rev W Kimm & Albey?? Esq visited

Image 233 1889

Feb. 7th. Alice May gave infants a lesson the Pin/Pine. Received notice of Government examination which is fixed for the 20th & 21st of February. Received Form q today. New Empire Reading sheets for infants came by post this morning. T Bidwell esq visited.

Feb. 8th. The average for the week is 49.9

Feb. 11th. Ellen Buck gave a lesson to infants on the Cat & the sheepdog. Very thin school today on account of the heavy snow.

Feb. 13th. Verified registers - W Kimm. Rev. Kimm visited for scripture & singing. Questioned infants on the silkworm.

Feb. 14th. Alice May questioned infants on the joiners shop

Image 234 1889

The average for the week is 47

Feb. 18th. Rev. Kimm visited this morning.

Feb. 19th. Henry Hewitt the attendance officer visited.

Feb. 20th. School examined this morning by Mr. Tench. A half holiday given in the afternoon.

List of lessons for infants - the potato, the cotton plant, the cork tree, a candle, teeth, a bed, gold, chalk, slate, hive bees, spiders,lion, rattlesnake, the horse, the bear, the beaver, the reindeer, the ostrich, the leopard, the tea plant, the sugar cane, glass, a straw bonnet, a needle, tin, sponge, the elephant, the joiners shop, tails of animals, the goat.

Image 235 1889

Feb. 22nd. The average for the week is 57.5 Recitation for 1889 - standard I - the fox and the crow, standard II - Harry and the guide post, standard III - Napoleon and the young English sailor, standard IV - The Chase, stanza 26 to 29 inches, standard V - The Chase, stanza 26 to 30 inches, standards VI & VII - The Chase, stanzas 26 to 32 inches. PT in second year King John Part 1 Shakespeare

Feb. 25th. Miss Bidwell visited and brought the schedule. The school has passed 92%

Feb 26th. Rev Kimm visited and took the upper standards for reading their new recitation

Feb. 27th. Ellen Buck gave a lesson on the potato to infants

Feb. 28th. Alice May gave a lesson on cork to infants

Image 236 1889

Feb. 28th. Miss Primrose visited

March 1st. The average for this week is 52.9

March 4th. Miss Marion Primrose visited and took standard III for reading.

March 5th. Marked two attendances Shrove Tuesday

March 6th. Ellen Buck gave a lesson on the cotton plant. Mistress gave a lesson to infants on a Candle

March 7th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May gave a lesson on Teeth to the infants.

March 8th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture this morning. The average for this week is 50

March 11th. Ellen Buck gave a lesson on Cork to infants.

March 12th. Rev Kimm visited.

March 13th. Mr Hewitt visited

March 14th. Alice May gave a lesson to infants on a Bed

Image 237 1889

March 15th. The average for this week is 52.9 Mrs Henry Primrose visited. Miss Marion Primrose visited. Miss F Primrose visited.

March 18th. A lesson on a candle given to infants

March 19th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

March 20th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Infants received a lesson on chalk. T B Bidwell esq visited this morning.

March 21st. Alice May gave a lesson on gold to infants. Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

March 22nd. Rev Kimm visited and gave standard IV a grammar lesson. The average for this week is 53.4.

Image 238 1889

March 22nd. H M Inspectors report “The school is going on satisfactorily and progress has been made during the year in elementary work, in which the children have passed a good examination. Some of the writing is too small and needs attention. Grammar is fair on the whole though the fourth and fifth standard are weak in the subject. The infants require attention, they should not count on their fingers. The offices require partitioning. A M May - needlework at examination & history. Staff - Certificated Mistress, Pupil Teacher, 1 monitress. Average 51

Image 239 1889

March 26th. The monitress Ellen Buck is absent on account of her mothers illness. Her place is supplied by R May and F Bane. The infants received a lesson on spiders.

March 27th. Infants received their usual object lesson this morning.

March 28th. Alice May gave infants a lesson on chalk. Alice May received a lesson on cutting out this morning in the school at 8 o’clock.

March 29th. The average for this week is 53.5

April 1st. Ellen Buck is back this week & is doing her usual work. Infants received their usual object lesson this morning. Received English books & a new Song Book this morning.

April 3rd. Monitress gave a lesson on Slate to infants this morning.

April 4th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture this morning.

Image 240 1889

April 4th. Alice May gave a lesson slate to infants. Received a T Square for ruling lines in copy setting.

April 5th. The average for the week is 48. Rev Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Received the movable alphabet for infants. Many children absent through sickness.

April 8th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Received a geographical reader for standard IV

April 9th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Mistress gave a lesson on Bees to infants

April 11th. Received Gill’s Musical Drill. Rev Kimm visited.

April 12th. The average for the week is 51.6

April 15th. The infants received a lesson on spiders

Image 241 1889

April 22nd. School closed for Good Friday & Easter Monday.

April 23rd. Resumed work this morning.

April 24th. Mistress gave a lesson snakes to infants.

April 25th. Alice May gave a lesson the lion to infants

April 26th. Attendance very meagre this week. Average for week 46

April 29th. Rev Kimm gave a scripture examination to upper division this morning. Mr Hewitt visited and took eight names for irregular attendance. He will summon W Bulley and Violet Frary

April 30th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

May 1st. Infants received a lesson on horse.

May 2nd. Alice May gave a lesson on snakes.

May 3rd. Miss Bidwell & Mrs Primrose visited. Average for week 48.4

May 6th. Ellen Buck gave the infants a lesson

Image 242 1889

On the bees. Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

May 9th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

May 10th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture. The average for the week is only 45.6 Much sickness still in village.

May 14th. School routine as usual

May 15th. The infants received a lesson on the Beaver this morning

May 16th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Alice May gave a lesson on the Bear to infants this morning.

May 17th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture this morning. The average for the week is 50

May 20th. Mr Hewitt called this afternoon.

May 21st.Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

May 22nd. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the Beaver. Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

Image 243 1889

May 23rd.Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Mistress gave a lesson on the Leopard

May 24th. Alice May gave a lesson on the Beaver to infants Rev Kimm visited for scripture. The average for the week is 46.4 Much illness amongst children this week.

May 27th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

May 28th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

May 29th. Alice May absent this afternoon on account of sickness. Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the Reindeer.

May 30th. Alice May absent this morning on account of sickness.

May 31st. The average for this week is 48.1 The Upper standards are taking geography of England.

Image 244 1889

June 4th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Very poor attendance on account of sickness.

June 5th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Ellen Buck gave a lesson on the tea plant to infants

June 6th. Verified registers W Kimm School closed today for one week

June 17th. School reopened today Rev Kimm visited for scripture this morning.

June 18th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture this morning.

June 19th. Examined the standards and found standard IV backward in spelling. Ellen Buck gave a lesson on the Ostrich to infants

June 20th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Thomas Burnett has left Trunch and has gone to live in Norwich.

Image 245 1889

Rosa Wegg standard IV died of lung disease on Sunday last

June 21st. Rev Kimm visited for scripture. The average for the week is 46.5

June 24th. Admitted Henry Boulter, infant.

June 26th. Rev Kimm visited. Mr Hewitt visited and I gave him seven names for irregular attendance. Ellen Buck gave a lesson on the Leopard to infants. Verified registers - W Kimm

July 1st. Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Admitted Mable May, infant

July 3rd. Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Ellen Buck gave a lesson on sugar cane to the infants. Mistress gave infants a lesson on tea.

July 4th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

July 8th. School routine as usual

July 9th. Rev Kimm visited Children commenced secular work

Image 246 1889

This afternoon at 1 p.m & left at 3.15

July 10th. Ellen Buck absent on account of sickness this afternoon. School routine as usual. Teachers gave their usual lessons this week

July 15th. Ellen Buck is absent for the week with permission

July 16th. Mr Hewitt visited and I gave him several names for irregular attendance. Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

July 17th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Infants received a lesson on glass this morning from the Mistress.

July 24th. Infants received a lesson on a straw bonnet this morning. Mr Hewitt visited.

July 31st. Infants received a lesson on glass from Ellen Buck.

Aug. 1st. Mr May visited. Infants received a lesson on a needle.

Page of log missing in FMP images - check in NRO

Image 247 1889

Not being finished

Sept. 16th. School opened today. Very thin attendance. Rev Kimm visited this morning.

Sept. 17th. Rev Kimm visited. Attendance extremely poor.

Sept. 18th. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the elephant Girls will not take needlework this afternoon.

Sept. 19th. Rev Kimm visited. Miss L Primrose visited. First Class received a lesson on geography of N.W. Territory

Sept. 23rd. Rev Kimm visited. Admitted Ethel Fuller, Lilian Self and Lily Dixon, infants. Sent Mr Hewitt a list of absentees.

Sept. 24th. Miss M Primrose visited. Mr Hewitt called.

Sept. 27th. The average for the week is 54

Sept. 30th. Miss Primrose visited.

Oct 1st. Rev Kimm visited for scripture this morning.

Image 248 1889

Oct. 3rd. Rev Kimm visited

Oct. 4th. Infants received a lesson on the tails of animals The average for the week is 54.6

Oct. 10th. Infants received a lesson on the goat School routine as usual

Oct. 11th. Alice May gave infants a lesson on sponge The average for the week is 52.3

Oct 14th. Mrs Kimm visited

Oct 16th. School routine as usual

Oct. 18th. Examined the standards. Two failed in the upper standards Examined standards I & II and found them backward in their work

Oct. 19th. Alice May goes to Norwich for her examination The average for the week is 52.9 Miss L Primrose visited Ellen Buck absent two days on account of hurting her foot.

Image 249 1889

Oct. 21st. School routine as usual

Oct. 24th. Mrs Kimm visited

Oct. 25th. Alice May gave infants a lesson on teeth Average for week 55.1

Oct. 29th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

Oct. 30th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the cork tree

Oct. 31st. ?? A May’s history lesson Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

Nov. 1st. T Bidwell esq visited The average for week is 52.8 A May gave infants a lesson on tails of animals

Nov. 4th. Attendance very thin owing to sickness, as many of the children have the “water pox” as the parents term it.

Nov. 5th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

Nov. 6th. Ellen Buck is absent through sickness. Infants received a lesson on Ostrich

Image 250 1889

Nov. 8th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May gave a lesson on the goat to infants The average for the week is only 43 There is a great deal fo sickness amongst the children

Nov. 11th. Rev Kimm visited. Infants received lesson on spiders

Nov. 13th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Ellen Buck resumed work.

Nov. 15th. Alice May gave infants a lesson on a bed The average for the week is 50.5

Nov. 18th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Mr Hewitt visited

Nov. 19th. Infants received a lesson on gold

Nov. 20th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Miss Lucy Primrose visited

Nov. 22nd. The average for the week is 53.8

Image 251 1889

Nov. 25th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

Nov. 28th. Infants received a lesson on the rattlesnake

Nov. 29th. Infants received a lesson on chalk Rev Kimm visited for scripture on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday The average for this week is 51.2

Dec. 3rd. Examined the upper standards and found the arithmetic weak in the 5th. Standard. The whole of 3rd standard passed. The 2nd standard passed a fairly good examination but the children in standard 1 were only fair.

Dec. 4th. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on a bed

Dec, 5th. Miss Johnson visited and heard the recitation in the 3rd. Standard. Infants received a lesson on teeth.

Image 252 1889

Dec. 6th. Alice May gave infants a lesson on the potato the average for this week is 50.8 Mr Hewitt visited

Dec. 9th. School routine as usual

Dec. 10th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

Dec. 11th. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the cotton plant

Dec. 13th. Infants received a lesson on slate

Dec. 17th. Examined the standards & found they have made good progress in all their work. W Bulley received the cane for disobedience

Dec. 19th. Infants received a lesson on the candle Rev Kimm visited

Dec 20th. School closed for one week

Dec. 30th. School reopened today Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

Image 253 1890

Dec 30th. Mrs Kimm & her daughter visited this afternoon.

Jan 1st. 1890 T Bidwell esq visited Examined the standards, two failures in spelling in 4th standard Arithmetic very good in all standards Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on silver

Jan. 2nd. Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

Jan. 3rd. Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May gave infants a lesson on the joiners shop The average for this week is 48.9

Jan. 8th. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the bee Questioned infants on tails of animals & the goat

Jan. 10th. Infants received a lesson on slate The average for this week is 55.1

Jan. 14th. Examined the upper standards Three failures in spelling in standard IV Only one failure in arithmetic in the whole of the upper standards

Image 254 1890

Jan. 14th standard III did very well indeed in all their work

Jan. 15th Infants received a lesson on cocoa from Ellen Buck their teacher

Jan. 16th Infants received a lesson on the potato

Jan. 17th Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May gave infants a lesson on bees The average for this week is 49.7

Jan. 20th Mr Hewitt visited. I gave him four names of children who attend irregularly Admitted Arthur Amiss

Jan. 22nd Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on spiders Students I & II received an examination. Two failures in spelling in standard II One failed in arithmetic in standard I Taught the song “The Farmers Call” Gave infants a lesson on the Lion

Image 255 1890

Jan. 24th. Verified the registers W Kimm. Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May gave infants a lesson on spiders The weekly average is 51

Jan. 29th. Examined the standards Ellen Buck questioned infants on the snake & lion

Jan. 30th. Alice May absent this morning through sickness Gave infants a lesson on beds

Jan. 31st. School year ends today Average for week is 49.5

Feb. 3rd Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

Feb 4th Alice May absent through sickness

Feb 5th Rev Kimm visited H Primrose esq & T Bidwell esq visited. Infants received a lesson on the house

Feb 6th Infants received a lesson on whale & ostrich

Feb. 7th. Alice May is still absent through sickness Average for week is 49

Image 256 1890

Feb. 7th. Rev Kimm gave children a singing lesson

Feb. 10th. Alice May resumed work this morning

Feb 11th. School work as usual

Feb. 12th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the Leopard

Feb. 13th. Rev Kimm visited for scripture Infants received a lesson on tin

Feb 14th Rev Kimm visited for scripture The average for this week is 48.4 Many children away sick

Feb 17th Rev Kimm visited for singing Harry Hewitt visited

Feb 19th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on glass

Feb 20th Examined the standards All passed in arithmetic. Two failed in dictation

Feb 21st The average for this week is 49.8

Image 257 1890

Feb 24th Rev Kimm visited for scripture this morning

Feb. 26th Mrs & the Misses Kimm visited this afternoon

Feb 27th Today is fixed for the annual examination

School inspected Feb 27th 1890 John Tench Poetry for standards 1890 Infants - the little trout, Standard I - what comes of firing a gun, Standard II - we are seven, Standard III- Lucy Gray, Standards Iv, V & VI - The Chase beginning at the stag at eve For PT in third year Henry V & the lord chief justice Shakespeare

Image 258 1890

March 7th Alice May absent this week on account of the death of her sister Average for week 40.3 Mr Hewitt visited

March 10th Alice May resumed her duties this morning. Admitted John Hall & Cordelia Copeman this morning

March 11th Rev Kimm visited for scripture

March 12th Taught standard V practice Rev Kimm visited for scripture The average for the week is 59.8 Verified register - Henry Primrose

Image 259 1890

March 1890 Copy of H M I’s report “ The discipline is good and the children have on the whole passed a very fair examination in the elementary subjects. A second class subject has been taught this year and perhaps in consequence of this the quality of the work has somewhat deteriorated more especially in the fourth standard. English may be called good on the whole, and the needlework is decidedly good but the boys showed a very moderate knowledge of geography. The infants are very fairly taught but their method of addition is not satisfactory. A May has passed fairly. Staff - 1 certificated Mistress, 1 pupil teacher, 1 monitress Average 49.2 In margin - Gt (grant?) £41.14.0

Image 260 1890

March 13th. Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture Infants received a lesson on the squirrel

March 14th. Alice May gave infants a lesson on bellows Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture The average for the week is 49.7

March 17th. Admitted George Coleman (infant) Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture T Bidwell esq visited this afternoon. J Hewitt visited on Monday

March 18th. Admitted G Powers (infant)

March 19th. Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture Infants received a lesson on bellows

March 21st Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture The average for the week is 53.4

March 25th School routine as usual

March 27th. Taught the song the Robin

March 28th. The average for the week is 56 Alice May gave infants a lesson on the Smiths shop

March 31st Admitted M J Allison (infant)

Image 261 1890

April 2nd Taught the song the robin

April 3rd Infants received lesson on balloons The average for week is 55.3 School closed for Good Friday & Easter Monday Apr 4th and Apr 7th

April 8th School routine as usual

April 9th Received 6 and a half dozen copy books, 6 Blackwood readers, standard I, 9 geographical readers & 9 history readers for standard IV, 1 and a half Longmans for standard I

April 10th Infants received a lesson on the Moon

April 11th Alice May gave infants a lesson on linen The average for the week is 55.5

April 14th Admitted Ada Boulter, Lucy Flaxman & Hilda Wegg - infants

April 17th Infants received a lesson on linen Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture this morning

Image 262 1890

April 18th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture this morning Average for week 59.8

April 21st Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture Admitted Edward A Wright Alice May received her lessons from 12 to 1 am

April 22nd Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture this morning

April 24th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture this morning Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on Paper

April 25th Alice May gave infants a lesson on a china cup The average for the week is 61.8

April 28th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture Mr Hewitt visited Admitted Rosa Bloom & Albert Bloom this morning

April 30th Rev W F Kimm visited

May 1st Mrs P Primrose visited

May 2nd Alice May gave infants a lesson on Birds

Image 263 1890

May 2nd The average for this week is 61.7

May 5th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture

May 6th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture this morning

May 8th Infants received a lesson on the Camel. Harry Allison caned for insubordination

May 9th The average for week 62.9

May 14th Checked the registers - T Bidwell

May 15th Infants received a lesson on soap

May 16th Alice May gave infants a lesson on shoemakers shop Miss Primrose visited The average for week 61.4

May 21st Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on Ice this morning

May 22nd Rev W F Kimm visited

May 23rd Special scripture examination. School closed for Whitsuntide - one week Average for week 58.5

June 2nd Resumed work today Number present a m 56

Image 264 1890

June 5th Infants received a lesson on Coral

June 6th Mr Henry Hewitt visited and took two names for irregular attendance Alice May gave infants a lesson on ice the average for week is 61.1

June 10th The pupil teacher is working with standard I & II

June 12th Examined standard I and found them weak in arithmetic Infants received a lesson on the Duck Average for week 60.7

June 16th Admitted Elsie Wegg (infant)

June 17th Rosie Bloom very troublesome & disobedient - gave her the cane

June 18th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on Lead

June 19th A lesson given to infants on Birds

June 20th Alice May gave infants a lesson on eggs

June 23rd Examined upper standards & found they are making good progress with two exceptions

Image 265 1890

June 24th School routine as usual

June 26th Infants received a lesson on balloons Attendance very meagre on account of the rain Mrs Primrose visited

June 27th Henry Hewitt visited The average for the week is 60.8

June 30th School routine as usual

July 1st Only 59 present out of 70 Some children in the hay fields leading the horses

July 2nd Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture this morning

July 3rd Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the shoemakers shop

July 4th Alice May gave infants a lesson on coral The average for the week is 60.3 Examined standard I & found them weak in arithmetic

July 10th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture Miss Primrose visited. Mrs & Miss Kimm visited

Image 266 1890

July 11th Alice May gave infants a lesson on cocoa. Mrs Kimm visited. Average for week 61.9 Admitted F Burnett (infant)

July 14th Ellen Buck Monitress absent for one week with permission. R May taking her place with infants. Admitted Bertran Salter (infant) Attendance very bad this afternoon 56. Nearly all 1st class boys helping the farmers in the hay

July 15th. Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture

July 16th R May gave infants a lesson on the Bison this morning

July 17th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture this morning Mrs Kimm visited this afternoon

July 18th Average for week 57

July 21st Mr Hewitt visited

July 22nd Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture

July 23rd Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on cocoa

July 24th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture Examined standard I in arithmetic. Backward in

Image 267 1890

July 24th subtraction

July 25th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture

Aug 1st Average for week 63.5

Aug 4th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture Received notice of pupil teachers examination Oct 25th at Thorpe Hamlet Board school at 10.15

Aug 5th Holiday - children go to Mundesley

Aug 6th School routine as usual Rev W F Kimm visited

Aug 7th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson

Aug 8th Alice May gave infants a lesson on Mice. Mr Hewitt visited. I gave him seven names for irregular attendance The average for week is 52.75

Aug 11th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture We take arithmetic from 3.30 to 4.30 this afternoon

Aug 12th The Misses Mullein & Kimm visited

Aug 13th Rev W F Kimm visited

Aug 15th Alice May gave infants a lesson on Rice

School closed today for harvest holiday

Image 268 1890

Five weeks Average for week 59.9

Sept 22nd School reopened today Number present 57 Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture

Sept 23rd Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture. Gave standard III a lesson on reduction of money

Sept 24th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture this morning. I wrote to Mr Hewitt as the attendance is very poor

Sept 25th Mr Hewitt visited I gave him a list of names of absentees Mrs Kimm visited Average for week 56.2

Sept 30th Walter Bulley insubordinate - sent him home, not allowed back without an apology

Oct 1st Bulley returned to school this morning Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the Bison this morning

Oct 2nd Infants received a lesson on eggs Examined upper standards. Two failures

Image 269 1890

In arithmetic and one in grammar Five failures in spelling

Oct 3rd Average for week 59.1

Oct 9th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture this morning Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on Lead Examined standard I

Oct 10th The average in the week is 56.8

Oct 13th Examined standard II in arithmetic

Oct 14th Poor attendance this morning

Oct 17th The average for the week is 55.3

Oct 20th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture

Oct 21st Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture Upper standard boys work arithmetic instead of transcription this afternoon

Oct 24th Alice May gave infants a lesson on Mice The average for week is 60

Oct 28th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on

Image 270 1890

The shoemakers shop

Oct 29th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture

Oct 31st Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture The average for week is 59.5 Admitted Herbert F Frary (infant) Alice May gave infants a lesson on an umbrella

Nov 5th Diocesan inspection today

Nov 6th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture

Nov 7th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture Alice May gave lesson on squirrel The average for week is 58.3 Miss Marian Primrose visited

Nov 10th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture

Nov 11th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture

Nov 12th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture Ellen Buck gave infants lesson on Mice

Nov 14th Examined standard II Five failures in arithmetic

Image 271 1890

Nov 14th Infants received a lesson on the baboon The average for week is 54.3 Three of children absent from school with chicken-pox

Nov 19th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the baboon this morning

Nov 20th Infants received a lesson on sealing wax Mr Hewitt visited

Nov 21st Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture. Admitted Eliza Davison (Gimingham) The average for week 51.3

Nov 24th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture

Nov 25th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture

Nov 26th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture

Nov 28th Rev W F Kimm visited Deep snow. Number present am 35 pm 32 Average for week is 45.1

Dec 1st Examined standards

Dec 3rd Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson

Image 272 1890

On Feather

Dec 5th Alice May gave infants a lesson on Snow The average for week is 49.7 Rosa & Albert Bloom have left Trunch this week.

Dec 8th Verified the registers - WFK

Dec 9th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture. Examined the standards two failures in spelling in standard II Two failures in arithmetic in standard III.

Dec 10th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture

Dec 11th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture. Infants received a lesson on Water

Dec 12th Alice May gave infants a lesson on Soap The average for the week is 52.7

Dec 17th Examined standard I & II Standard I improved in spelling Attendance very poor for the week on account of snow. 30 present Monday morning.

Image 273 1890/1891

Dec 18th Infants received a lesson on Snow

Dec 19th Alice May gave infants a lesson on water The attendance at school this week is very low on account of snow. Average for week 41,8 School closed today (Friday) for Xmas holiday - 1 week

Dec 29th resumed work this morning Number present 42 Verified registers - H B May

Jan 2nd 1891 Alice May gave infants a lesson on apples The average for the week is 45.9

Jan 9th Alice May gave infants a lesson on Rice The average for week is 41.4

Jan 14th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the Apple

Jan 15th Questioned infants on their object lessons

Jan 16th Miss Primrose visited. Alice May gave infants a lesson on the Zebra

Image 274 1891

Jan. 16th Average for week 41.9 Snow & frost still prevent infants from attending school. Only nine infants present this week

Jan 22nd Mrs P Primrose visited Received notice of examination which is fixed for Feb. 4th Examined standard II two failures in arithmetic

Jan 23rd Infant received a lesson from Alice May on a ??? Average for week is 50.4

Jan 26th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on lead

Jan 28th Infants received a lesson on a coal mine Received 1 dozen pen holders, 1 box pens, and some foolscap & blotting paper

Jan 30th Last day of school year Annual average of boys 25.5 girls 29.33 =55 Number on register Boys 28, girls 37 = 65 at end of school year. School opened 43 / times during the year

Image 275 1891

Feb 4th The government inspection is fixed for today School inspected by ? Simpson Recitation for the standards Standard I - Graves for a household, standard II -Boadecia , standard III - the wreck of the Hesperus, standards IV - VII The Chase from line 150, 80 lines standard IV, 100 lines standard V, 150 lines standard VI-VII Infants - Freddy & the cherry tree

Feb 10th T B Bidwell esq visited Received schedule this morning Two boys failed in two subjects J Wegg & Walter Bulley They will remain in standard III this year also Arranged children in their new standards

Image 276 1891

List of object lessons - hyenas, tea kettle, sponge, salt, the beech tree, the robin, the swallow, the beaver, the tiger, the elephant, pins, a door mat, a framed slate, the colour blue, glass, cotton plant, the carpenter & his work, seals, the whale, spiders, bread, tea, milk, iron, oranges, a lead pencil, rain & hail, the moon, lions, wolves

Feb 10th Number present 51

Feb 13th Average for week 51.7 Admitted Edith Amiss

Feb 18th Infants received a lesson on salt

Feb 19th Infants received a lesson on sponge Taught standard V practice

Feb 20th Taught standard III long division

Image 277 1891

Feb 20th Mr Hewitt visited Alice May gave infants a lesson The average for week is 55.3

Feb. 23rd Admitted Laura Burnett (infant)

Feb 24th Admitted Janet Eastoe (standard II)

Feb 25th Copy of Inspector’s report “The school is in fair order. The reading is fairly good. Handwriting is generally fiar. Spelling is very fair. Arithmetic is generally fair but the first standard should not count on their fingers. Mental arithmetic needs attention. Geography is poor. Needlework is generally good and English is fair. A plan of the school and surroundings is needed for the first and second standards. A May has passed fairly Staff - Certificated Mistress, 1 pupil teacher, 1 monitress Average 54.8 Amount of grant - £54.3.0 Population grant £10 Total £54 3s 0d

Image 278 1891

Feb 25th Rev Roper visited Alice May gave infants a lesson on salt Average for week is 54.7

March 2nd Ellen Buck is absent owing to a swollen face

March 6th. Examined registers - T Bidwell Average for week 54.6 Rev Roper visited

March 11th Mrs P Primrose visited Alice May gave infants a lesson on elephants

March 13th Average for week 52.3

March 16th. Taught compound subtraction to standard III Admitted Ethel Slapp (infant)

March 17th. Taught compound addition to standard III

March 18th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the tiger

March 19th Taught compound practice to Standard V. Gave infants a lesson on Pins

March 20th Mr Hewitt visited & took five names for irregular attendance- B Powers, W Bulley, Albert Fuller, Fred Fuller and May Dennis?

Image 279 1891

March 20th The average for week is 56.5

March 26th School closed for Good Friday & Easter Monday March 27th & 30th. Average for week 57.5 Admitted Florence Sutton (standard I) and William Sutton (standard III) Mr Hewitt visited

April 2nd Miss Bidwell visited. Taught standard IV reduction of long measure

April 3rd Alice May gave infants a lesson on cotton Average for week 54.3

April 7th. Admitted Laurence Raymond Wegg aged three. Taught Canadian boat song

April 8th Infants received a lesson on the whale

April10th Mrs Primrose visited Average for week 59.3

April 13th Miss Kimm visited

April 15th Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the whale

April 16th Miss Kimm visited for scripture.

Image 280 1891

April 16th Taught standard IV Troy weight (reduction)

April 17th Miss Kimm visited for scripture. The average for week is 59.5

April 20th Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Taught standard IV Troy measure Admitted Tom Fuller (infants)

April 21st Miss Kimm visited for scripture.

April 22nd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Taught standard V Bills of Parcels. Alice May standard II short division

April 23rd Marked twice

April 24th Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Average for week 57.3

April 27th Admitted Audrey Fuller (infant)

April 30th Mr Hewitt & Mr Kimm visited

May 1st Alice May gave infants a lesson on tea Average for week 60

May 4th Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Received Grans? Test cards (I, II, III, IV, V) Received 1 and a half dozen framed slates, blotting & foolscap paper. Received two vases for flowers

Image 281 1891

May 4th Rev Kimm visited

May 5th Taught standard IV long measure

May 6th Infants received lesson on lion from E Buck

May 8th Average for week 61.7

May 11th Admitted John Burnett (infant) Miss Kimm visited for scripture Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

May 14th Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Rev W Kimm visited Miss Bidwell visited

May 15th Special scripture examination School closed for Whitsun holiday - one week

May 24th Resumed work today Number present 64 Admitted Helen May, George Steward, Christiana Fuller Miss Kimm visited for scripture.

May 25thMiss Kimm visited for scripture.

May 27th Alice May gave infants a lesson on Lead pencil

May 29th Mr Hewitt visited Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Average 66.1

Image 282 1891

June 1st received 1 dozen Century readers, half dozen Blackword readers, a frame for ByeLaws, 2 dozen copybooks, 1 and a half dozen arithmetic books, 1 box pens. Miss Kimm visited for scripture Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

June 4th Ellen Buck absent this afternoon with a swollen face. Average for week -

June 7th . Mr Hewitt visited Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Received Bacons drawing sheets standards I & II Standard III 1 dozen rulers

June 11th Verified registers W Kimm Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Infants received a lesson on a framed slate Average 62.62

June 15th Visit W N Simpson

June 16th Miss Kimm visited for scripture on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday this week.

Image 283 1891

June 19th Infants received a lesson on colour blue Miss Kimm taught standard II poetry & transcription on Tuesday afternoon. A half day holiday given on Friday Rev Kimm took teachers & Sunday scholars to Cromer Average for week 61.3

June 21st Miss Kimm visited for scripture

June 23rd Infants received a lesson from Ellen Buck on ^ Taught standard IV square measure

June 24th Miss Kimm visited for singing this afternoon

June 25th Miss Kimm visited for scripture

June 26th Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May gave infants a lesson on an orange Average for week 63.6

June 29th Rev Kimm visited for scripture Miss Kimm gave a scripture lesson

Image 284 1891

June 30th Rev W F Kimm visited for scripture

July 1st Miss Kimm & Rev Kimm visited for scripture Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on a tea kettle

July 2nd Miss Kimm & Rev Kimm visited for scripture

July 3rd Miss Kimm & Rev Kimm visited for scripture Alice May gave infants a lesson Average for week 54.9

July 6th Miss Kimm & Rev Kimm visited for scripture

July 7th Miss Kimm & Rev Kimm visited for scripture

July 8th Miss Kimm & Miss Primrose visited

July 9th Miss Kimm & Rev Kimm visited for scripture

July 10th Miss Kimm & Rev Kimm visited for scripture Alice May gave infants a lesson on colour blue. Average for week 55.8

July 13th Miss Kimm & Rev Kimm visited for scripture

July 14th Miss Kimm & Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Mr Hewitt visited and I gave him eight names for irregular attendance

July 15th Miss Kimm visited for scripture

July 16th Mrs & Miss Kimm, & Miss Green visited this afternoon

Image 285 1891

July 17th Miss Kimm & Rev Kimm visited, The average for the week is 59.5

July 20th Miss Kimm & Rev Kimm visited for scripture Taught standard IV time measure in reduction

July 21st Miss Kimm & Rev Kimm visited for scripture

July 22nd Miss Kimm & Rev Kimm visited for scripture

July 23rd Miss Kimm & Rev Kimm visited for scripture

July 24th Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May gave infants a lesson on bread The average for this week is 61.3

July 27th Miss Kimm & Rev Kimm visited for scripture Admitted Harry Frary (infant)

July 28th Miss Kimm & Rev Kimm visited for scripture Rev Kimm visited this afternoon

July 29th A half holiday given today

July 30th Taught wine and spirit measure to standard IV Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on glass

July 31st Miss Kimm & Rev Kimm visited for scripture Alice May gave infants a lesson on bread

Image 286 1891

July 31st The average for the week is 56.6

Aug, 3rd Miss Kimm & Rev Kimm visited for scripture Bank holiday Only 42 children present this morning

Aug 6th Verified registers - T Bidwell T Bidwell esq visited this morning

Aug 9th Mr Hewitt visited. He took names of B Powers & Harriett Rivett for non-attendance at school. Children absent turnip picking & fruit picking

Aug 11th Children gone to Mundesley today for their treat

Aug 12th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on beaver

Aug 13th I gave infants a lesson on Milk William Sutton absent from school with an abscess on his throat for three weeks

Aug 14th T Bidwell esq, H Primrose esq & A primrose esq visited this morning. Average for week 58.2

Image 287 1891

Aug 17th Me Bevan visited

Aug 21st Alice May gave infants a lesson on swallows The average for week is 58,2

Aug 24th School routine as usual

Aug 25th Mr Hewitt visited. He took the number of attendances of Harriett Rivett 40 out of 120 and of B Powers 67 out of 130

Aug 28th Average for week 55.4 Alice May gave infants a lesson on the Robin. School closed today for harvest holiday - 5 weeks

Oct 5th School reopened today Readmitted Herbert Frary Admitted Esther Bane -infant

Oct 7th Infants received a lesson on a coalmine

Oct 7, 8, 9 Miss Kimm visited for scripture

Oct 9th Alice May gave infants a lesson on hyena Average for week 66.8

Image 288 1891

Oct 12thMiss Kimm visited for scripture

Oct 13th Miss Kimm & Rev Kimm visited for scripture

Oct 14th Miss Kimm visited for scripture Miss Primrose visited

Oct 16th Miss Kimm visited. Alice May gave infants a lesson on a doormat The average for the week is 65.1

Oct 19th Miss Kimm visited for scripture

Oct 23rd The average for the week is 64.1

Oct 27th Miss Kimm visited for scripture

Oct 28th Miss Kimm visited for scripture

Oct 29th Miss Kimm visited for scripture

Oct 30th Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Mr Hewitt visited on Thursday Attendances at school improved since children have been admitted free. Examined upper infants. Alice May gave infants a lesson on wolves. Average for week 66.3

Nov 2nd Miss Kimm visited for scripture

Nov 3rd Mrs Kimm visited

Nov 4th Miss Kimm visited for scripture

Image 289 1891

Nov 5th Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Caned George Frary for kicking. Infants received a lesson on Pins

Nov 8th Miss Kimm visited for scripture

Nov 9th Miss Kimm visited for scripture

Nov 10th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson

Nov 11th Miss Kimm visited for scripture#Nov 12th Infants received a lesson on rain & hail

Nov 13th Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May gave infants a lesson. Average for week is 65.7

Nov 16th Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Examined the standards. The work of girls is better than that of boys

Nov 17th Rev Kimm visited for scripture

Nov 20th Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May gave infants a lesson on carpenter & his work

Image 290 1891

Nov 20th The average for week is 65.7

Nov 24th Miss Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Rev Kimm, Rev Meadows, Miss M Primrose & Miss Kimm visited

Nov 25th Mr Hewitt visited & warned Rosa Boulter for irregular attendance. Miss Kimm visited for scripture every morning this week

Nov 27th Alice May gave infants a lesson on the Moon The average for the week is 64.7

Dec 1st Miss Kimm visited for scripture

Dec 2nd Miss Kimm visited for scripture

Dec 3rd Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the Whale

Dec 4th Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Infants received a lesson on the Lion & the Beech tree. Average for week is 66

Dec 7th Miss Kimm visited for scripture

Dec 8th Rev Kimm visited for scripture

Dec 9thMiss Kimm visited for scripture

Image 291 1891

Dec 9th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on a framed slate. Examined upper standards and found all their work improved

Dec 11th Miss Kimm visited for scripture Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday & this morning The average for the week was 62

Dec 14th Rev Kimm visited for scripture Miss Kimm visited for scripture

Dec 15th Rev Kimm visited for scripture

Dec 16th Rev Kimm visited for scripture

Dec 17th Miss Kimm visited for scripture Infants received a lesson on bread from Ellen Buck Examined standard I and found 75% passed Average for week is 63.6 Alice May gave infants a lesson on Salt

Dec 21st Miss Kimm visited for scripture

Image 292 1891/1892

Dec 22nd Miss Kimm visited for scripture

Dec 23rd Miss Kimm visited this morning. School closed this morning for Christmas Holidays - 1 week 2.5 days

Jan 4th 1892 Resumed work this morning Miss Kimm visited for scripture . T Bidwell esq visited Received form 8.

Jan 5th Miss Kimm visited for scripture

Jan 6th Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the carpenter & his work. Alice May is studying Macbeth (by Shakespeare)

Jan 7th Infants received a lesson the beaver

Jan 8th Miss Kimm visited for scripture Alice May gave infants a lesson on the Tiger The average for the week is 59.4

Jan 11th Rev Kimm visited for scripture

Jan 13th Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on iron

Image 293 1892

Jan 14th Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Infants received a lesson on the Wolf

Jan 15th Alice May is reading Macbeth & learning his speeches. Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May questioned infants on Elephant and Pins The average for week is 56.1

Jan 18th Rev Kimm visited for scripture

Jan 19th Miss Kimm visited for scripture

Jan 20th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on Salt

Jan 21st Infants received a lesson on sponge Miss Kimm visited for scripture Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday

Jan 22nd Alice May gave infants a lesson on Glass & Cotton Mrs Kimm visited this afternoon Average for week is 58 Hewitt visited

Image 294 1892

Jan 25th Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Miss Johnson & Master F Primrose visited. Miss Johnson gave each of the children an orange.

Jan 26th Ellen Buck is absent owing to the illness of her mother. Rev Kimm visited for scripture this morning. I find standard II backward in spelling

Jan 27th Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on Cotton

Jan 28th Infants received a lesson on Beech tree & Doormat Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Standard II will spell every day this month

Jan 29th Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May gave infants a lesson on Whale. The average for week is 56.4

Feb 2nd Miss Kimm visited for scripture

Feb 3rd Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on slate & Milk

Feb 4th Miss Kimm visited for scripture

Image 295 1892

Feb 5th Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May gave infants a lesson on Spiders & Tea

Feb 9th Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May has been absent until 9.30 on the 8th & 9th on account of the illness of her mother

Feb 11th Verified registers - W Kimm Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Rev Kimm visited during drawing lesson in afternoon.

Feb 12th Miss Kimm visited for scripture. The average for the week is 62.8 Alice May gave infants a lesson on Iron and the Lion

Feb 12th Received notice of H M Inspectors intention to visit the school on 26th Feb.

Feb 15th Rev W Kimm visited & gave a singing lesson

Feb 16th Rev Kimm visited for scripture

Image 296 1892

Feb 18th Alice May resumed her mornings lesson from 8 - 9am List of songs for 1891-2 1. Hearts of oak, 2, The sailor boy, 3.Mermure gentle lyre. 4. The gipsy (sic)girl, 5. The snowdrop, 6. The farmers call, 7. I’ve roamed beneath a foreign sky, 8. One true heart (Round) Three things are sought for.

Feb 19th Average for week 52.8

Feb 22nd Received a new door mat

Feb 23rd T Bidwell esq visited

Feb 24th Examined the standards. Miss Kimm visited

Feb 25th Miss Kimm visited

Feb 26th Today is fixed for annual inspection

Image 297 1892

List of object lessons - 1892 - The mastiff, the coconut palm, tails of animals, the grizzly bear, the lizard, the stork, sugar, wading birds, roots, ferns, our nails, humming birds, buttons, a birds nest, sago, swan, garden tools, chairs, soap, pair of scales, jugs, Sir Philip Sidney, watches, a stable, camphor, wool, the otter, a policeman, sphere, the sun. A tench 26.11,92

Image 298 1892

Recitation for 1892 Standard I - What came of firing a gun Standard II - Harry and the Guide Post Standard III - Hohenlinden Standard IV - the Chase stanzas XVII-XXX Infants -My dead doll School inspected this day - John Tench

Feb 26th The average for week is 67.8

Feb 29th Arranged children in their new standards Rev & Miss Kimm visited for scripture

March 1st Rev & Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Admitted Robert & Frank Rivett infants

March 2nd Taught multiplication of fractions to standard VI

March 3rd Taught long division to standard III

Image 299 1892

March 3rd Taught practice to standard V Rev & Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Received schedule. All standard V passed in everything

March 4th Rev & Miss Kimm visited for scripture

March 5th Rev & Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Average for week is 56

March 7th Miss Kimm visited for scripture

March 8th Rev & Miss Kimm visited for scripture

March 9th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the cocoa nut palm

March 10th Infants received a lesson on tails of animals Hewitt visited

March 11th Alice May gave infants a lesson on the grizzly bear The average for the week is 55

March 14th Rev Kimm visited for scripture

March 15th Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Infants received a lesson on storks

March 16th Rev Kimm visited for scripture

Image 300 1892

March 17th Rev Kimm visited for scripture

March 18th Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Taught standard V GCM Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on tails of animals Alice May gave infants a lesson on the Lizard Average for week 58/3

March 21st Rev Kimm visited for scripture

March 22nd Taught standard V LCM

March 23rd Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Taught standard VI reduction of V fractions

March 25th Ellen Buck absent today suffering from a bilious attack. Infants received a lesson on sugar. Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Average for week 61

March 28th Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Received 9 Century readers standard II, 1 dozen Merchants arithmetic, 1 box chalk, 1 dozen pen holders, 2 dozen slates

Image 301 1892

March 29th Mrs Kimm visited this afternoon

March 31st Mrs Kimm visited this afternoon

April 1st Alice May gave infants a lesson on wading birds. Mistress taught standard IV avoirdupois (reduction) and standard VI division of decimals. I find the new standard III very backward in spelling and very poor in subtraction. Average for week is 63.7 Copy of HM Inspectors report “Order is fair but the children should be trained not to answer until they are called upon. Elementary work is very fair but spelling of the second standard and mental arithmetic generally should improve. English is fair. In infants class writing should be more carefully taught and better methods should be adopted for the teaching of arithmetic.”

Image 302 1892

My Lords note that though drawing has been taught to the older boys it has not been examined by the science and art department. The grant is paid this year under article 92 but I am to remind you that article 85 requires as a condition of annual grants that the instruction in drawing shall satisfy the science and art department. Application should therefore be made at once to the secretary of the science and art department, south Kensington, London SW in order that the school may be examined before the end of the current school year. A M May should be informed that if she pass the Queens scholarship examination she will be recognised under article 50 but that she cannot be recognised under article 52 in consequence of her not having been specially recommended by the Inspector on the

Image 303 1892

Ground & practical skill. I am to enquire if it is desired that her engagement should be extended in accordance with article 41 (f) with a view to her attending Queens Scholarship next July. The managers attention is requested to the enclosed circular.” Total grant (excluding fee grant) £58.5.0 Staff Certificated Mistress, 1 pupil teacher, 1 monitress

April 6th Miss Maria Primrose visited this afternoon. Taught the song “I love as little laughing rill”

April 7th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on sugar. Taught standard III addition of money

April 8th Alice May gave infants a lesson on a birds nest Average for this week is 60.1 Called the children in early this afternoon and so shall dismiss them earlier

Image 304 1892

April 11th Rev W Kimm visited this afternoon

April 15th Good Friday

April 18th Easter Monday

April 19th Resumed work today Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

April 20th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on wading birds

April 21st Infants received a lesson on a Policeman Standard IV are still working reduction of avoirdupois. Standard III are progressing in compound addition. Standard VI at reduction of decimals Standard V at compound practice. Average for week is 60.8 Alice May gave infants a lesson on scales

April 25th School routine as usual

April 26th Mr Hewitt visited Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

April 27th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture and arithmetic Infants received a lesson from Ellen Buck on a Policeman

April 28th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

Image 305 1892

April 28th I gave infants a lesson on the humming bird

May 2nd Admitted Tom & Alfred Fuller & Sydney Fuller - infants

May 3rd Only 49 children present on account of the wet

May 4th Taught standard II rule of three

May 6th Alice May gave infants a lesson on soap Average for week is 62.2

May 9th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

May 10th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Taught standard V how to reduce mixed numbers to improper fractions (Commenced drawing, 2 hours per week)

May 11th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Alice Buck gave infants a lesson on Sir Philip Sydney

May 12th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

May 13th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May gave infants a lesson on humming birds Average for week is 65.8

Image 306 1892

May 15th Mrs Kimm visited

May 16th Taught standard V addition of fractions

May 17th Mrs Kimm visited

May 18th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on humming birds

May 19th Infants received a lesson on ^^

May 20th Alice May gave infants a lesson on a Mastiff. Average for week is 64.3 Taught standard VI simple interest

May 25th Taught the song “The harp that once through Taras halls”

May 26th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the Mastiff

May 27th received a letter from Dr Orls?? Combe stating that Elsie Wegg is suffering from a contagious disease and her brothers are not allowed at school till all chance of infection is passed off. Alice May gave infants a lesson on chairs Average for week is 62.6 Mr Hewitt visited this morning

Image 307 1892

June 1st Taught standard III & Iv square measure reduction

June 2nd Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on chairs

June 3rd Special scripture exam held at the Rectory today. Alice May gave infants a lesson on a policeman. Average for week is 57.9 School closed today fro one week - Whitsuntide June 6th to 13th

June 13th Resumed work today. Number present 51. Scarlet fever prevalent. Three children in one family suffering from it. Admitted May Boulter infant

June 14th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

June 15th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

June 16th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

June 17th Examined upper infants and found an improvement in all their work. Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May gave infants a lesson on the sun. Average for week is 52.8

Image 308 1892

June 20th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. A better attendance at school this morning. Admitted Roland Fuller infant

June 21st Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. An improvement in the freehand drawing this afternoon

June 22nd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on soap

June 23rd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

June 24th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Examined the standards. Fourth, fifth & sixth standards passed a good examination. Spelling is very poor in standard III Average foe week is 59.3

June 27th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

June 28th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

June 29th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

June 30th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

July 1st Five children absent from sickness Average for week is 56.8

July 4th Alice May goes to Norwich to sit for Queens scholarship

Image 309 1892

July 4th Verified the registers - W Kimm Rev W Kimm taught V & VI standards for arithmetic, reading & dictation

July 5th Rev Kimm assisted in school this morning

July 6th Rev Kimm taught standards V & VI this morning for arithmetic

July 7th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May absent this week. She is attending the Queens scholarship exam held at Norwich Training College.

July 8th Examined the standards this morning. Found a weakness in spelling and subtraction in standards II & III. Average for week is 55.9 Several children absent through sickness

July 11th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

July 12th Audrey Fuller, William Burnet, Lily Dixon, Edith Burnett absent through sickness

Image 310 1892

July 13th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the stork

July 14th Gave infants a lesson on the hummingbird

July 15th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Examined upper standards Average for week is 53

July 18th Mr Hewitt visited

July 19th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

July 2oth Taught the song O ye hours!

July 21st Infants received a lesson on the stork

July 26th Rev W Mills examined the children in scripture

July 28th Children went to Bacton today. School closed for the day

Aug 1st Bank holiday We kept school today 57 present in the morning 37 in afternoon

Aug 4th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture, requested me to pay Ellen Buck monitress 2s 6d per week

Image 311 1892

Till the harvest holidays

Aug 5th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Teachers gave their usual lessons this week. Ellen Buck asked permission to have a holiday next week. Average for week 60.8

Aug 8th Received special scripture report. Out of eleven which sat for special nine passed

Aug 10th Rev W Kimm & Mr Paprill visited the latter gave prizes to the nine successful scholars

Aug 11th Infants received a lesson on wool

Aug 12th Alice May gave infants their object lesson Average for week is 61

Aug 15th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

Aug 16th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

Aug 17th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

Image 312 1892

Aug 17th Miss Kimm & Miss Davison visited

Aug 18th School closed today for harvest holidays - five weeks Average for week 59.6

Sept 26th School reopened Number present 59 Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

Sept 28th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

Sept 29th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on Ferns

Sept 30th Alice May gave infants a lesson on sugar Received 1 dozen drawing boards and half pound India rubber - set of drawing cards by Evans Average for week is 62

Oct 7th Rev W Kimm visited. Infants received their usual lessons. Examines standards I & II, found three failures in standard II & five failures in standard I Average is 61.7

Image 313 1892

Oct 10th Examined upper infants, found them progressing, spelling is still weak

Oct 12th Taught the song The old familiar place

Oct 14th Infants received their usual lessons Average for week is 61.5

Oct 17th Examined upper infants Ada Bullen failed in arithmetic

Oct 18th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Caned W Bulley & F Wegg for stone throwing & disobedience

Oct 19th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Examined upper standard, one total failure P Wegg. B Flaxman failed in two subjects

Oct 20th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

Oct 21st Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May gave ^^ Attendance officer visited on Thursday

Image 314 1892

Oct 21st Infants a lesson on the coconut palm Average for week 60.9

Oct 23rd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson. Examined upper infants. Mary Allison failed in arithmetic

Oct 25th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

Oct 26th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

Oct 27th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

Oct 28th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Alice May gave infants a lesson on Ferns Average for week is 62.4

Nov 1st Rev W Kimm visited

Nov 2nd Examined standards I & II Caned B? Wegg for insubordination, impertinence & disobedience

Nov 3rd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

Nov 4th T Bidwell esq visited Alice May gave infants a lesson on Our Nails Examined standard I Two failures. Average for week is 65.1

Image 315 1892

Nov 8th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Commenced school at 1.30 as usual during winter months

Nov 11th Verified registers - W Kimm

Nov 15th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

Nov 16th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

Nov 17th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the Otter

Nov 18th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May gave infants a lesson. Transferred Laura Burnett to standard II as she is seven years of age today. Average for week is 61.4

Nov 22nd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

Nov 24th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Ellen Buck absent with bilious attack

Image 316 1892

Nov 25th Mr Hewitt visited Alice May gave infants a lesson on camphor Average for week is 62.4 Ethel Fuller, John Hall & Laura Boulter absent through sickness

Nov 28th Rev W Kimm visited this afternoon

Nov 29th Rev W Kimm visited

Nov 30th Mr Hewitt (attendance officer) visited this afternoon

Dec 2nd T Bidwell esq visited this morning The drawing exam is fixed for Dec 15th 1892 at 10.30 Alice May gave infants a lesson on Watches . Average for week is 59.4

Dec 9th School routine as usual Average for week is 59. Laura Rivett away for a fortnight staying with her aunt at Stalham. Christiana Fuller absent through sickness

Image 317 1892/1893

Dec 12th Mrs Kimm and Miss Buyon visited

Dec 14th Examined standards I & II Improvement in spelling in both classes. Subtraction weak in standard I

Dec 15th Thursday drawing exam is fixed for this morning at 10.30 A holiday given this afternoon on account of drawing exam

Dec 16th Alice May gave infants a lesson on the Swan Average for week 58.8

Dec 21st Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on Camphor

Dec 22nd Taught the carol Saw you never in the twilight. School closes today for a week Average for week is 57.5

Jan 2nd 1893 School reopened today. Very few children in attendance

Jan 6th Teachers gave their usual lessons Average for week is 51.3

Image 318 1893

Jan 10th Rev W Kimm visited received the drawing report

Jan 11th Examined the standards and found an improvement in all their work

Jan 13th Average for week is 58.4

Jan 17th Examined standard I & II. Three girls, E Burnett, Florence Sutton & Alice Coleman failed in writing & arithmetic Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on a Stable Much sickness amongst the children

Jan 20th Alice May gave infants a lesson on the Stork Average for week is 52 Received a new desk for infants

Jan 23rd Examined infants Two failures

Jan 24th Examined upper standards Blanch Flaxman failed in arithmetic

Jan 25th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on Jugs

Jan 26th Infants received a lesson on the Grizzly Bear

Image 319 1893

Jan 27th Infants received a lesson on Jugs from Alice May. John Hall (infant) still in the Children s Hospital Norwich. Lily & E Dixon have been absent as the latter has been suffering from jaundice. Christiania Fuller infant absent for six weeks through sickness. Average for week is 57.1

Jan 30th Rev W Kimm visited this morning.

Jan 31st T Bidwell esq visited & stated that government examination is fixed for 20th of February. Examined upper infants. They passed well.

Feb 1st Examined the standards. Three failures in arithmetic. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on Stork

Feb 2nd Examined standards I & II One failure in arithmetic & two in spelling.

Feb 3rd T Bidwell esq visited

Image 320 1893

Feb 3rd Brought Form 9 Alice May gave infants a lesson on Sago. Average of infant boys for school year is 7.5 Average for elder boys for school year is 18.8

Feb 10th Teachers gave their usual lessons. Much sickness among the children. Christiana Fuller infant very ill, receiving medical attention. Alfred Fuller too ill to attend school. John Hall upper infant, in the Norwich Hospital suffering from weak spine

Feb 17th Robert Allison standard III absent suffering from jaundice. James Lambert standard III absent suffering from quinsey. Alice May gave infants a lesson sago. Received permission for Miss B Bates to teach, read & recite to Inspector

Image 321 1893

Recitations for standards Standard 1-The woodmouse by M Hewitt Standard III-Llewelyn & his dog by Spencer Standard II-The village blacksmith by Longfellow Standards IV,V,VI,VII The Chase by Sir W Scott stanzas I-IV for standard IV, stanzas I-V for standard V, stanzas I-VII for standards VI & VII

Feb 22nd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

Feb 23rd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Infants received a lesson on Reindeer Taught the song The Minstrel Boy. Alice May gave infants a lesson on Ostrich Average for week is 50.2

Image 322 1893

Feb 28th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

March 1st Taught the song The Minstrel Boy

March 2nd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Alice May absent this afternoon with a cold

March 3rd Alice May absent all day Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on Ostrich Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Mr Hewitt attendance officer visited Average for week is 53.3

March 6th Alice May still absent from school

March 7th Alice May resumed her work today Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Admitted W Burnett, Herbert Allison, Robert Self and Walter Dixon infants

March 9th Verified registers - W Kimm

Image 323 1893

March 9th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the reindeer

March 10th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Average for week is 55. Alice May gave infants a lesson on the Camel

March 13th School routine as usual

March 14th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Six children absent from sickness. Copy of HMI report “The order is good. The elementary subjects are fairly taught but there is very little intelligence in the meanings of words in reading and recitation or in the mental arithmetic. Handwriting in the fourth and fifth standards and arithmetic in the fifth standard need attention. The infants are fairly taught in elementary subjects and object lessons, but the oral lessons on number are very poor. The playground wants draining. There is no cloakroom for the

Image 324 1893

boys. The registers should be checked at least once in each quarter at irregular intervals. A M May is recognised under Article 68 of the Code. Staff - Head Mistress, Article 68 assistant, monitress. Amount of grant £66 5s 6d Amount of grant excluding fee grant £58 3s

March 24th Rev W Kimm visited Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday for scripture . Taught the song Children’s voices

March 27th Admitted Lottie Lark & May Self infants. Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

March 28th Ellen Buck absent through sickness

March 29th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Ellen Buck absent through sickness.

March 30th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

March 31st School closes for Good Friday & Easter Monday Average for week 58.5

April 4th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Miss Kimm visited

April 5th Admitted Christiana Fuller again after

Image 325 1893

A quarters absence through sickness

April 6th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the Bison

April 7th Alice May gave infants a lesson on the Duck Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Florence Sutton & Edith Dixon absent through sickness Average for week is 58.2

April 10th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

April 11th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

April 12th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the Camel. Taught the song Children’s voices

April 13th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Infants received lesson on Sheep dog

April 14th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Admitted Minnie Powers & Fred Lambert infants Average for week is 60.3

Image 326 1893

April 17th Admitted Maud Bulley infant

April 18th Children making good progress in drawing

April 19th Taught the song of the Daisy

April 20th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Infants received a lesson on the Bee

April 21st Alice May gave infants a lesson on the blacksmith Mistress taught standard IV compound division Average for week is 60.7

April 24th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

April 25th Mr Hewitt visited

April 27th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on a china teacup Verified the registers - W Kimm

May 1st Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Taught standard IV compound division. Taught standard VII percentages

May 2nd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

May 3rd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

Image 327 1893

May 3rd Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on teeth Boys are improving very much in drawing

May 5th T Bidwell esq visited Rev W Kimm visited every day this week for scripture. Average for week 63.4

May 8th Verified the registers - W Kimm. Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Taught standard VII stocks

May 9th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

May 10th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the sheepdog

May 11th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

May 12th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Taught standard IV division by compound quantities Alice May gave infants a lesson on Birds The average for the week is 61.6

Image 328 1893

May 15th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

May 16th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Examined upper infants and found an improvement in arithmetic

May 17th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the Cat this morning

May 18th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

May 19th Taught avoirdupois to standard IV Alice May gave infants a lesson on the cow Average for week is 59.4 School closed today for Whitsuntide - one week

May 29th School reopened today. Number present 69 Admitted Daisy, Geraldine, Margaret, Cecelia, Alice and Ethel Pitcher and Robert Flaxman

Image 329 1893

May 29th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

May 30th Verified the registers - W Kimm Mr Hewitt visited this morning

June 1st Infants received a lesson on chalk. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on Bees

June 2nd Average for week is 69.7 Alice May gave infants a lesson on the elephant. Rev W Kimm visited every day this week for scripture

June 5th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

June 7th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

June 8th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Mr Hewitt visited this afternoon. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the cow

June 9th The annual feast of the Royal (or loyal) Primrose? Lodge Children dismissed because only 22 present. A day’s holiday given The average for week 66.75

June 12th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture this morning

Image 330 1893

June 15th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on blacksmiths shop

June 16th Rev W Kimm visited

June 19th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

June 20th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Boys are in the hay. Very poor attendance this afternoon and also yesterday

June 21st Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Ellen Buck gave a lesson on birds

June 2nd Examined standard III All passed in dictation & in arithmetic Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

June 23rd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Alice May gave infants a lesson on Bees Average for week 59.5

June 28th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Mistress taught standard IV reduction of dry or corn measure

June 29th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

Image 331 1893

June 29th Examined standard I Spelling very poor

June 30th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Average for week is 63.6

July 3rd Rev W Kimm visited Alice May is absent this week attending Queens scholarship exam at Norwich. Ellen Buck is taking her class standard I & II

July 3rd Rev. & Miss Simpson visited this morning Miss Johnson & Miss H Primrose visited

July 6th School closed today on account of the royal wedding

July 7th Infants received a lesson on the tea plant

July 10th Taught standard IV long measure (reduction) Alice May resumed work today

July 11th School routine as usual

July 12th School children go to Bacton for their treat

July 13th Gave infants a lesson on Teeth

Image 332 1893

July 13th Taught standard V rule of three

July 14th Alice May gave infants lesson on chalk Rev & Miss Simpson visited Average for week 60.8

July 17th Examined standard III and found an improvement in their work

July 18th Mrs P Primrose visited. Four children absent suffering from whooping cough

July 19th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the Duck

July 20th Infants received a lesson on the buffalo Two other children away suffering from whooping cough

July 21st Alice May gave infants a lesson on the Cat Average for week 58.4

July 24th rev Simpson visited

July 26th Rev Simpson visited this morning Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on Pins

Image 333 1893

July 27th Alice May gave infants a lesson on the sheepdog

July 28th Average for week is 56.2 T Bidwell esq visited, Examined standard II and found them very poor in spelling, good in reading, very fair in arithmetic. The arithmetic (subtraction) of standard I needs improvement. Spelling is weak also in this class. Examined standard III and find they do well in spelling & arithmetic with two exceptions - George Hall & Ella Fuller

July 31st Rev W Kimm visited for scripture this morning.

Aug 1st Rev W Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Taught standard IV reduction time? Measure?

Aug 2nd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture this morning. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on chalk

Image 334 1893

Aug 2nd Miss Anna Buxton visited & heard the children sing

Aug 3rd School closes today for 5 weeks. Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. The average for week is 53.6

Sept 11th School reopened today. Number present 60 Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Florence Sutton has left the parish and Daisy & Geraldine Pitcher have gone to a “Home” in Brighton. School has been painted. Playground drained. Boys and girls offices have been repaired. T Bidwell esq visited this morning

Sept 13th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Sept 14th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Infants received a lesson on Cork

Sept 15th Alice May gave infants a lesson on Lion Examined standard IV boys arithmetic was weak. Examined upper infants. They also

Image 335 1893

Sept 15th have gone back in their work since the holiday. Standard III did very well on the whole and so did standard VII Average for week is 63.3

Sept 18th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Sept 19th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Sept 20th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Standard II are very weak in spelling. Only three passes in arithmetic in this standard

Sept 21st Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on Salt Alice May gave infants a lesson on the Whale

Sept 22nd Average for week is 61.9

Sept 25th Miss Kimm visited this afternoon. Admitted Rose Pitt again to school after being absent since May

Sept 26th School routine as usual

Sept 27th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Examined the work of standard II. Boys are still weak in spelling & arithmetic but the girls have done better this week

Image 336 1893

Sept 27th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on shoemakers shop

Sept 28th Visit W N ? The playground has had a drain put in but it is higher than the playground itself & so cannot drain it. There is still no cloakroom for the boys. The wardrobe put up inside the school does not meet this requirement. There is no ventilation to the cess-pools of either boys or girls offices & the boys offices have an offensive smell. J H Simpson sub-inspector

Sept 29th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Mr Hewitt visited and took four names for irregular attendance. Alice May gave infants a lesson on the Duck. Average for week is 59.8

Image 337 1893

Oct 2nd Alice May is absent from school this week with permission. Lottie May is taking the place of her sister this week

Oct 4th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the silkworm

Oct 5th Miss Johnson visited. Infants received a lesson on the buffalo

Oct 6th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Average for week is 61

Oct 9th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Oct 10th Examined work of standard II An improvement in their spelling

Oct 11th Standard I are better this week

Oct 12th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on Cotton Average for week is 58.8

Oct 17th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Oct 19th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Oct 20th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Image 338 1893

Oct 20th Examined upper infants. They are improving in their work. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the coffee tree & Alice May gave infants lesson on salt

Oct 23rd Examined the upper standards Two failures in arithmetic. An improvement in spelling & English. Mrs Kimm visited this afternoon

Oct 25th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the Ostrich Very poor attendance this afternoon. Several children absent picking up acorns.

Oct 26th Mr Hewitt visited

Oct 27th Alice May gave infants a lesson on Pins Examined upper infants Average for week is 53.5

Nov 1st Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the reindeer

Nov 2nd Infants received a lesson on beds

Image 339 1893

Several children sick Lucy Flaxman and others covered with sore places

Nov 3rd T Bidwell esq visited and examined the drawing books. Alice May gave infants a lesson on Silk. Average for week is 56.3

Nov 6th Examined the upper standards & find they have passed well.

Nov 7th Several children still away from school covered with sores

Nov 8th Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the Lion this morning.

Nov 10th Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Mistress gave infants a lesson on Ink Alice May gave infants a lesson on reindeer Average for week is 55.3

Nov 16th Verified the registers - W Kimm

Image 340 1893

Nov 16th Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the bison

Nov 17th Alice May gave infants a lesson on a china tea cup

Nov 22nd Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

Nov 24th Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on tea plant. Examined upper infants. Improvement in this section of school. Mistress gave infants lesson on silk worm. Alice May gave infants a lesson on bison. Average for week is 55.6

Nov 27th Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

Nov 28th Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

Nov 29th Caned Walter Wegg and Albert Fuller for throwing stones in the school room

Nov 30th Examined upper standards

Dec 1st T Bidwell visited & brought

Image 341 1893

Dec 1st drawing schedule. The examination is fixed for 11th of December Alice May gave infants a lesson on coal. Average for week is 56.4

Dec 4th School routine as usual

Dec 5th Examined upper standards. The arithmetic in standard IV is improving. Standard III all passed in their elementary work

Dec 6th Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the cow

Dec 7th Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Examined the work of standard II All passed in arithmetic. Two failures in English & spelling

Dec 8th Alice May gave infants a lesson on Bees Average for week is 58

Dec 11th Drawing examination

Dec 12th Taught a carol

Dec 13th Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

Image 342 1893

Dec 13th Ellen Buck gave infants lesson on elephant

Dec 14th Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

Dec 15th Alice May gave infants a lesson on the cat Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Average for week is 57.8 Mr Hewitt visited

Dec 18th Rev Kimm visited. Ellen Buck absent today suffering from bilious attack.

Dec 19th Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

Dec 20th Rev Kimm visited. Ellen Buck gave infants lesson on cow

Dec 21st Rev Kimm visited.

Dec 22nd School closed for a week

Jan 1st 1894 School opened today. Number present 45 Miss Kimm visited this afternoon.

Image 343 1894

Jan 2nd Miss Kimm visited this morning

Jan 3rd Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on camel

Jan 4th No school this morning. Snow very deep. Children unable to get here. Marked register only 22 present this afternoon.

Jan 5th No school today on account of the weather. Average for week is 42

Jan 8th Miss Kimm visited this morning

Jan 10th Infants received a lesson on Bees

Jan 11th Examined standards I & II Two failures in standard II and 3 in standard I

Jan 12th Alice May gave infants a lesson on coffee Examined upper infants. They all did very nicely. Average for week is 50

Jan 15th Rev Kimm visited this morning. Examined standard III All passed this morning

Image 344 1894

Jan 16th Received the report on drawing (good) T Bidwell esq visited

Jan 17th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on Birds

Jan 19th Examined infants. They did their work nicely. Alice May gave infants a lesson on cotton Average for week is 61.1 This is the best average we have had in several weeks. Rev Kimm visited this afternoon

Jan 22nd Verified the registers - W Kimm

Jan 23rd Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

Jan 24th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on chalk

Jan 25th Rev Kimm visited for scripture.

Jan 26th Rev Kimm visited for scripture. Examined standard II Walter Wegg and Alfred Allison failed in arithmetic. One failed in dictation

Image 345 1894

Jan 26th Standard I examined in arithmetic Albert Fuller failed Alice May gave infants a lesson on joiners shop Average for week is 62.4

Jan 29th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Jan 30th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Mrs Kimm visited for singing

Jan 31st Mr Hewitt visited

Feb 1st Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Feb 2ndRev W Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May gave infants a lesson on the Bee. T Bidwell esq visited Received a new door mat & a box of chalk

Feb 5th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Examined Standard I They did very well

Feb 6th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Shrove-tide sports. Half holiday

Feb 7th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Rev Kimm visited for singing

Feb 8th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Image 346 1894

Feb 8th Gave infants a lesson on the cow.

Feb 9th Alice May gave infants a lesson. Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Feb 12th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Feb 13th Received notice of Government examination. Date of inspection fixed for Feb 22nd. Mrs Kimm visited this afternoon.

Feb 14th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Feb 15th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Feb 16th Ellen Buck gave a lesson to infants on Salt Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Alice May gave infants a lesson. Average for week is 61.6

Feb 19th Rev W Kimm visited. T Bidwell esq visited

Feb 20th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Feb 21st Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Feb 22nd The annual government inspection today. Number present 68

Image 347 1894

Feb 22nd J Gillard HM Inspector came today

Feb 23rd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture and this afternoon. Admitted Herbert Thompson and Alfred Thompson aged respectively 7 and 8

Feb 26th Admitted Jane Rivett, Elsie Wegg, May Wegg, Ethel Burnett & Rosie Self, infants. Number present this morning 71

March 1st Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

March 2nd Ellen Buck has taken the place of Alice May in the school. She is teaching standards I & II Ellen Buck standard II gave a lesson on verbs. Lottie May is candidate on probation & is taking infants. Lottie May gave infants a lesson on the Moon

March 5th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Image 348 1894

Recitations for standards 1894 Infants - Freddy & the cherry tree, Standard I - The fathers return 20 lines by Mrs Alexander, Standard II - A night with a wolf 40 lines by Taylor, Standard III- The May Queen 60 lines by Walker, Standards IV,V,VI,VII Spanish Armada & Boadicea

Image 349 1894

March 5th Ellen Buck gave standard II a lesson on notation Mistress taught the new Standard III long division

March 6th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

March 7th Lottie May gave infants a lesson on soap

March 8th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

March 9th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Average for week 66.7

March 12th L May specimen of knitting (good)

March 13th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

March 14th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Lottie May gave infants a lesson on glass

March 15th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

March 16th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on glass. Average for week is 64.3

Image 350 1894

March 19th Verified registers - W Kimm Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Admitted Bertram Adams aged thirteen Lottie May needlework specimen - gusset

March 22nd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

March 23rd Good Friday a holiday given

March 27th Miss Kimm visited for scripture.

March 28th Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Lottie May gave infants a lesson on saucepans Taught standard VI division of V fractions. Taught standard v practice (simple)

March 29th Mrs Kimm visited & taught a class for recitation. Miss Kimm visited for scripture. Lottie May gave infants a lesson on saucepans

March 30th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

April 2nd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

April 3rd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Taught standard IV compound division

Image 351 1894

April 4th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Infants received a lesson on the stork

April 5th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

April 6th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Average for week is 63.1

April 9th L May specimen in needlework whipped frill (V.F.) Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Admitted Jessie Cutler? Infant

April 10th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

April 11th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Mrs & Miss Kimm visited this afternoon and heard the children sing

April 12th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

April 13th Rev W Kimm visited. Ella Fuller still absent suffering from scarlet fever & her brother Sidney not allowed at school till all traces of fever have disappeared. Infants received a lesson on railway train. Average for week is 65.3

Image 352 1894

April 16th L May specimen cross cut on linen G Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

April 17th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

April 18th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

April 19th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Lottie May gave infants a lesson on steam

April 20th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on railway train. The average for the week is 64

April 23rd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

April 24th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

April 25th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Lottie May gave infants a lesson on fire irons. Miss Primrose visited

April 26th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

April 27th Taught standard III addition of money

April 30th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Ellen Buck taught standard II multiplication by two numbers

Image 353 1894

April 30th Mrs Kimm visited this afternoon

May 1st Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

May 2nd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Mrs Kimm visited

May 3rd Infants received a lesson on the polar bear

May 4th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

May 10th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Infants received a lesson on leather

May 11th Special scripture exam held at rectory. School closed today for one week

May 21st Resumed work today. Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

May 22nd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

May 23rd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Taught standard III addition of money

May 24th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Infants received a lesson on the crocodile

May 25th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on

Image 354 1894

Leather Average for week is 64.8

May 28th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

May 29th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

May 30th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Lottie May gave infants a lesson on postage stamps

May 31st Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Rev Kimm & Mr Lancaster visited this afternoon

June 1st Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the crocodile Examined upper infants, an improvement in arithmetic ans their capital letters are not all known. Average for the week 61.1

June 4th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Miss Primrose visited

June 5th School routine as usual

June 6th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

June 7th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Image 355 1894

June 8th Rev W Kimm visited Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the Tiger Average for week 64.5

June 11th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

June 12th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

June 13th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

June 14th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

June 5th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.Mr Wood ? Inspector visited & suggested we should not take English as class subject but English History instead. Mistress gave lesson to upper standards on ancient Britons. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on a Robin. Average for week is 64.1

June 21st School visited without notice. “A copy of last years report should be entered in the log book. The boys offices should be kept cleaner.” - John French

June 22nd Average for week 62.5

Image 356 1894

June 25th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on postage stamps

June 27th Rev Mills diocesan inspector examined children in scripture. Half holiday given. Average for week 56.2

July 2nd. School routine as usual

July 3rd Mrs Kimm visited this morning

July 5th Lottie May gave infants a lesson on cod fish

July 6th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the whale. Average for week is 58.2

July 11th Lottie May gave infants a lesson on cod fish

July 12th Children go to Mundesley for their treat

July 13th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on Monkey & group 1 a lesson on Boadicea Average for week 63.8

July 16th Lottie May absent through sickness

July 18th Mrs Kimm visited

July 19th Mrs Kimm & Mrs Hughes visited

Image 357 1894

July 20th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Mr Hewitt visited. Examined standards IV & III They did very nicely. Standard III are rather weak in spelling. Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on the cod fish. Average for week is 60.6 Received special scripture report. The children have passed well. Ten out of twelve presented passed. Mabel May passed 1st class.

July 23rd First class received a lesson in history - Thomas Wolsey HM Inspectors report 21st March 1894 “The discipline is only fair and the children should acquire better habits of attention. Some of the elementary work is fairly accurate but spelling of the fourth standard is poor and should be more systematically taught and on^^

Image 358 1894

The attention of the managers is requested to HM Inspectors remark regarding the need of a classroom and to the enclosed form 69. L May is recognised under article 33 and E Buck under article 68 and A May is continues under the latter article. Amount of grant £42 17s

July 26th Ellen Buck gave standard II a lesson on short division Mistress gave infants a lesson on the Tiger

July 27th Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on Coral Infants are learning kindergarten drawings

July 30th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Image 359 1894

Aug 1st Mistress gave First class a lesson on Edward VI Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Lottie May gave infants a lesson on the moon

Aug 3rd Ellen Buck gave infants a lesson on sponge Average for week is 59.7

Aug 6th Bank holiday

Aug 7th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Aug 8th Lottie May gave infants a lesson on Iron

Aug 9th Mistress gave infants a lesson on Coral

Aug 10th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Lottie May (candidate) has finished her garment for inspection very creditable. Average for week is 56.5

Aug 13th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Aug 14th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Thin school Monday & Tuesday

Aug 15th Verified the registers - W Kimm

Aug 16th School closes today for harvest holidays - 5 weeks Average 43.2

Image 360 1894

Sept 24th Resumed work today. Number present 67 Miss Tay commenced work as teacher of infants Mistress taught standard V addition of vulgar fractions

Sept 25th Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on the Tiger

Sept 27th Mistress gave upper standards a lesson on William II Rufus. Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on iron

Sept 28th Mistress gave upper standards a lesson on Henry VII Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on polar bear Average for week 64

Oct 1st Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Oct 2nd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Oct 3rd Miss Tay taught infants “My little stocking” Lesson on a robin - Miss Tay

Image 361 1894

Oct 4th Received materials for kindergarten 1. Beads coloured (100), 2. 1 dozen weaving needles, 3. 2 dozen mats @8d per dozen, 4. 1 box of sticks 5s6d Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on Nails Mistress gave standards IV, V, VI lesson on Edward VI & standard III lesson on Spanish armada. Mistress taught standard III & IV darning for specimen. Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Oct 5th Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on glass. Several children absent suffering from measles Average for week 58.2

Oct 8th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Oct 9th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Infants received a lesson on Firecorns?

Oct 10th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Image 362 1894

Oct 11th Mistress gave upper standards a history lesson on the Spanish Armada. Taught standard V fractions (vulgar additions) Mrs Primrose visited

Oct 12th Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on postage stamps, fireirons & scissors Much sickness this week. Measles in the village. Average 41.7

Oct 15th School closed on account of measles for three weeks as recommended by medical officer

Nov 5th Resumed work today

Nov 6th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Miss Tasy gave infants a lesson on railway train

Nov 9th Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on sugar Average for week is 61.3

Image 363 1894

Nov 12th Examined the standards. Standard IV did very well. Standard III weak in arithmetic

Nov 13th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Verified the registers - W Kimm

Nov 14th Examined standards. An improvement in standard III arithmetic

Nov 15thRev W Kimm visited for scripture. Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on colour green, Tiger & Robin this week.

Nov 16th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Mistress has taken all the Tudor Kings & Queens (history) with upper standards. Average for week is 59.4

Nov 23rd Rev W Kimm visited for scripture Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. Examined standard II One failure in arithmetic only. Mis Tay gave infants object

Image 364 1894

Lessons on glass, Tiger & Iron.

Nov 23rd Mr Hewitt visited

Nov 26th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Nov 28th Verified registers - W Kimm

Nov 30th. School visited without notice. The school staff has not been entered in the log book since the receipt of the last report - J Tench. The drawing examination is fixed for Dec 14th Friday 11 am. Rev W Kimm visited for scripture every day this week. Miss Tay absent in Norwich Hospital through a gun accident. Mistress gave infants a lesson on the Robin & sponge

Image 365 1894

Dec 7th Lottie May gave infants a lesson on the polar bear

Dec 10th I gave infants a lesson on Maize

Dec 12th Gave infants a kindergarten lesson on sticklaying - an envelope

Dec 13th I gave infants a lesson on the crocodile & taught the 2nd class of infants a flag in stick-laying. Rev W Kimm visited Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday & taught carol singing

Dec 14th Drawing exam - A half holiday given. Average for week is 64

Dec 21st Miss Johnson visited & heard the children sing. She gave each child an orange. Miss Tay absent for three weeks School closed today for one week.

Dec 31st Resumed work this morning. Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Miss Tay also resumed her duties this morning.

Image 366 1895

Jan 4th 1895 Rev W Kimm visited Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday for scripture. Miss Tay gave infants lessons on railway train, colour green, polar bear. Upper standards received a lesson Mary Queen of Scots & George Stephenson (history)

Jan 11th Rev W Kimm visited Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday for scripture. Miss Tay gave infants lesson on monkey, iron & tea. Average for week is 62.7

Jan 18th Rev W Kimm visited Monday, Wednesday & Thursday for scripture. Examined the standards on Thursday. One failure out of each class.Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on monkey, nails and saucepan this week. Average for week is 62.1

Image 367 1895

Jan 24th Received notice of HMI’s visit to inspect the school. Date is fixed for Feb 19th.

Jan 25th Verified the registers - W Kimm Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on fireirons, saucepan & robin. Rev W Kimm visited twice this week for scripture. Much sickness among children. Average for week is 56

Jan 31st Rev W Kimm visited Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday for scripture. Attendance very thin on account of weather & sickness. Received drawing report (good) Miss Tay gave infants lessons on leather, polar bear & colour green.

Feb 7th Verified registers - W Kimm

Feb 8th Rev W Kimm visited Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday for scripture. Mistress gave upper standards a lesson on Martin Luther. Miss Tay gave infants a lesson Glass

Image 368 1895

Acorn & Tiger The average for week is 62.5 Ellen Buck has finished her series of history lessons with standards I & II

Image 369 1895

Feb 18th Kindergarten for infants. 1st class Mat weaving & stick laying 2nd class Stick laying & word building 3rd class Ravelling and bead threading For standards I & II standards Mosaic work & embroidery

Feb 19th School inspected - Thomas Hallam

Feb 20th Mr Hewitt visited

Feb 21st Rev W Kimm visited for scripture.

Feb 22nd Upper standards received a lesson on James I of Stuart period which is being taken this year. Miss Tay has given no object lesson this week. Average for week is 61.2

Image 370 1895

Feb 27th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Taught standard IV reduction of avoirdupois Commenced the new history lessons Stuart period

Feb 28th Taught standard VII averages. Lesson on James I to upper standards Standard III learned long division

March 1st Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on Lion, Dog & Goat this week. Miss Buck taught notation to thousands to standard II Average for week is 61.7

March 8th Rev W Kimm visited Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday for scripture. Upper standards received a lesson on Charles I. Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on Duck, elephant & camel Average for week 60.7

March 15th Gave upper standards a lesson on Oliver Cromwell.

Image 371 1895

March 15th Mr Hewitt visited Miss Tay gave infants lessons on whale, horse & chair. Miss Buck gave standard I & II lesson on Ancient Britons Average for week is 61.5

March 22nd Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on horse, coal & book. Upper standards received a lesson on Charles I & persecution of Huguenots Average for week is 61.8 Copy of Inspectors report. Mixed school. Since last year efforts have been made to improve instruction. The services of an organising master have been secured and the infants have been placed under another teacher. There is some improvement in the work but writing on paper, spelling in the third and fourth standards and arithmetic in

Image 372 1895

The third, fifth and sixth standards still require attention. Infants class. The infants are now very fairly taught but are only separated from the older children by a curtain. H M Inspector repeats with regard to the infants that their position in the main room must cause inconvenience to the older children. The managers are referred to article 85 (c) of the code. M E Tay is recognised under article 68 and E M M Buck is continued under that article. Amount of grant £41 15s 6d

Image 373 1895

March 29th Mistress taught standard VII percentages, standard III subtraction of money, standard III adjectives and the older scholars solfa and a new song called the laughing morn. Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on tress, penny & wheat Average for week is 57.5

April 5th Miss Tay gave infants a lesson goat, bells, trees Mistress gave upper standards a lesson on the Black Death in Charles II reign. Taught the song the laughing morn. Average for week is 58.3 Miss Buck gave standards I & II lesson on Julius Caesar

Image 374 1895

April 11th Mistress gave standards a lesson on Ports? In reign of James I & also Black death in reign of Charles II Taught the song the laughing morn. Taught standard V L.C.M. Miss tay gave infants a lesson on lion, gold, Indian corn. Miss Buck a lesson to standard I & II on Boadicea. School closed for Good Friday. & Easter Monday. Average for week is 61.2

April 19th Taught standard IV division of money, standard VI division of fractions History lesson on Charles II Miss Buck gave standard II lesson on Alfred the Great. Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on elephant, ostrich & Police officer. Average for week is 56.8

April 26th Miss Buck gave Standards I & II lesson on Canute

Image 375 1895

April 26th Mistress gave upper standards a lesson on John Hampden & ship money Taught standard IV compound division Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on tin, camel, elephant Average for week is 61.8 Miss Tay gave infants lesson on the dog, garden, and the duck Ellen Buck (article 68) resigned on Tuesday April 30th 1895T Bidwell visited Lottie May Pupil teacher is working with standards I & II I gave standards I & II a lesson on Britain

May 3rd Mistress gave upper standards a lesson on William III & Mary II Average for week is 60.2

May 10th Mistress gave lesson on William III & Mary II Miss Tay gave infants lessons on form & colour candle & camel. Lottie May gave standards I & II a lesson on coming of Romans Average for week is 58 Lot of sickness amongst children

Image 376 1895

May 17th Miss Tay gave infants lessons on wheat, candles & ostrich. Lottie May gave standards I & II a history lesson on Boadicea Mistress gave upper standards a lesson on Anne Gave standard VI a lesson on decimals Average for week 57.2

May 24th Mr Hewitt visited Average for week 56.9 Miss tay gave infants lesson on post office, gold & lion Lottie May gave lesson on Alfred the Great to standard I & II. Mistress gave upper standards a history lesson on Huguenots at Rochelle in Charles I reign and Boadicea to standard III

May 27th Rev W Kimm & Mr Hewitt visited

May 31st Average for week 62.5 Miss Tay gave a lesson on horse

Image 377 1895

Goats and watering can. Lottie May gave standard I & II lesson on Alfred the Great School closed for one week

June 10th Resumed work this morning Number present 66

June 11th Mr Mullholland and Mrs Kimm visited this afternoon. Miss Tay gave lessons on Bell, elephant & colour

June 13th Lottie May gave standard II a lesson on Canute

June 14th Mistress gave standard V a lesson in practice

June 15th Gave history lesson on White Ship to standard III and James I Irish colonisation Average for week is 61 Four cases of ringworm amongst scholars

June 17th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

June 18th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Gave lesson on Victoria to standards

Image 378 1895

June 19th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. First class received a lesson on John Milton

June 20th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

June 21st Mr Hewitt visited Very thin attendance on account of ringworm Miss Tay gave a lesson to infants on Garden, Tin & wool Average for week is 57.4

June 24th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

June 26th verified the registers - W Kimm

June 27th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture every morning this week Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on gold, coal & lion.

June 28th Lottie May gave standards I & II a lesson William I Upper standards received a history lesson on the most important features of Stuart period Average for week is 50.9

July 5th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture every morning except Tuesday

Image 379 1895

July 5th Taught the song Light & shade by tonic solfa Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on ostrich, paper & whale. Lottie May gave standards I & II a lesson on the White Ship. Ringworm is still bad causing absence of several scholars. Average for week is 54

July 12th Rev W Kimm visited every day for scripture and on Wednesday Rev Kimm & Dr. Kitto visited and heard the children sing. Taught square measure (descending reduction) Progress in routine work is retarded owing to irregular attendance. Lottie May gave standards I & II a lesson on William II Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on goat, watering can & duck Mistress gave history lessons on Oliver Cromwell & James I A fresh case of ringworm (Harriet Riches) Average for week is 56.5

Image 380 1895

July 17th No school today. Children go to Mundesley for their annual treat

July 19th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture every morning except Friday. Average for week is 62 Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on dog & goat Lottie May gave standards I & II a lesson on the Great Armada Upper standards received a lesson on Milton and colonisation of Ireland by James I

July 26th Miss Tay gave infants a lesson on wheat, lion & garden. Lottie May gave standards I & II a lesson on Victoria. Standard I borrowing subtraction Standard II simple division Mistress gave upper standards a lesson in James I, Charles I & Charles II Rev W Kimm visited for scripture

Image 381 1895

July 26th every morning except Thursday Average for week is 61 Mr Hewitt visited Tuesday

July 30th Rev W Kimm visited for scripture. Transferred Evans drawing cards for infants pricking & embroidery work 1 dozen mats for weaving Rev W Kimm visited for scripture every morning this week. Miss tay gave infants lesson on horse, chair & dog Mistress gave all the standards a lesson on William II Lottie May gave the second standard a lesson (Crimean War)

Aug 2nd Average for week 60.9 C E Bates resigned post as Head Mistress of Trunch Mixed School

Aug 6th In the absence of the Head Teacher, Ellen Buck, late assistant in the school assisted in the work, the Rev W Kimm also being present.

Image 382 1895

Aug 6th each morning during the week

Aug 8th Verified the registers - W Kimm

Sept 16th E H Sharrod began duty today. Trained and parchment certificated. 69 scholars present. Admitted 4 pupils

Sept 20th The Rev W Kimm visited every morning for scripture. Miss Tay gave object lessons on dog, goat and chair. Mistress examined all standards and found then backward especially in English and arithmetic. Average for week is 65.4

Sept 25th Owing to a sale in neighbourhood 25 scholars presented themselves. Mistress dismissed for afternoon.

Sept 27th The Rev W Kimm visited each morning for scripture. Miss Tay gave object lessons on ostrich, postage stamps and candle

Image 383 1895

Oct 4th The Rev W Kimm visited each morning for scripture except Thursday. The scripture inspection took place on the 2nd inst. Miss Tay gave the following object lesson form & colour & elephant. Lottie May gave standard I & II a history lesson on Alfred the Great Mistress gave history lesson on James I Average for week 66

Oct 11th The Rev W Kimm visited for scripture on Monday & Tuesday. Mistress taught standard V compound practice. Miss Tay gave the following object lesson to infants, tree, paper & a penny. Mistress gave history lesson to upper standards on the reign of Charles I. Lottie May gave history lesson on Canute. Average for week 64.4

Image 384 1895

Oct 14th Admitted three new scholars from Knapton

Oct 18th The Rev W Kimm visited Wednesday, Thursday & Friday for scripture. Mistress taught V & VI standards addition of fractions. History lesson also given on Oliver Cromwell. Miss Tay gave the following object lessons on whale, lead & steel. Lottie May gave history lesson on William I Average for week 67.7

Oct 25th The Rev W Kimm visited each morning for scripture. Miss Tay gave the following object lessons - wool, camel & duck Lottie May gave history lesson on William II and the White Ship. History lesson given to upper standards on Charles II Average for week 67.7

Nov 1st The Rev W Kimm visited each morning for scripture.

Image 385 1895

Nov 1st Mistress deviated from timetable and examined standards II, II, IV & V in arithmetic and dictation. Result unsatisfactory. History lesson given to upper standards on William III and Mary Miss Tay gave the following object lessons on lion, lead and tin Lottie May gave history lesson on ^^ Mr Bidwell visited school today.

Nov 7th Average for the last nine months 60.3 Registers marked and closed at 9.50 every morning and afternoon registers are closed at 1.35 during winter months.

Nov 8th The Rev W Kimm visited for scripture on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday History lesson given on James I Miss Tay gave the following object lessons on the garden, bell and ostrich. Lottie May gave history lesson on Gunpowder plot.

Image 386 1895

Nov 8th The school attendance officer visited school and received names of irregular children Average for week 68.7

Nov 15th Owing to illness the rev W Kimm only visited for scripture on Monday. Miss Tay gave the following object lessons the chair, candle, form and colour Miss Lottie May gave history lesson on the Ancient Britons Mistress gave a history lesson to upper standards on Robert Carr the Duke of Buckingham and Sir Walter Raleigh Average for week 72.3

Nov 22nd Mistress began to teach the tonic solfa The Rev Kimm came each morning for scripture Miss Tay gave object lessons on gold, elephant and a book Average for week 68.9 Mrs Kimm visited school yesterday

Image 387 1895

Nov 26th The school attendance officer visited and received the attendances of Frank Frary

Nov 29th With the exception of today the Rev Kimm visited each morning for scripture. Miss Tay gave the following object lessons on grass, a doll and a watering can. Lottie May gave history lesson on William II to 1st & 2nd standards Upper standards received history lesson on James II Average for week 68.4 Received notice of drawing examination for Dec 9th

Dec 2nd Boys draw this week when girls sew

Dec 4th Mr H Hewitt attendance officer visited school and brought attendance papers

Dec 6th The Rev Kimm came each morning for scripture Average for week 66.9

Image 388 1895

Dec 6th Miss Tay gave object lessons on slate, duck & lion Mistress forwarded the irregular attendances of scholars to Mr Hewitt

Dec 9th Mr Brill N M Inspector examined boys in drawing Holiday

Dec 13th The Rev W Kimm visited Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday for scripture. Miss Tay gave object lessons on wheat, form & colour. Mistress gave history lesson to 1st & 2nd standards on the Ancient Britons Average for week 58

Dec 18th The Rev W Kimm visited this afternoon. Lottie May absent owing to illness.

Dec 20th The Rev Kimm visited school this week for carol singing Miss Kimm visited today Xmas holiday - one week

Image 389 1895/1896

Dec 30th Resumed work this morning

Jan 2nd 1896 Verified registers W Kimm

Jan 3rd The Rev Kimm visited each morning for scripture with todays exception. Miss Tay gave object lessons on wool, book and a horse. Mistress gave history lessons on Sir Walter Raleigh and the Duke of Marlborough to upper standards and on the early Britons to lower. Average for week 64.4

Jan 7th Verified the registers - W Kimm

Jan 10th With the exception of today the Rev Kimm visited each morning for scripture and remained in school yesterday from nine till 10.30 Mr Bidwell (correspondent) visited and brought drawing report - good. Average for week 65.2

Image 390 1896

Jan 10th Miss Tay gave object lessons on gold, lead and a gun Received the new class registers

Jan 17th The Rev Kimm visited for scripture on Monday & Thursday. Mistress gave history lesson on William III & Mary. Story of massacre of Glencoe P.T. Gave history lesson on Crimean War. Miss Tay gave object lessons on the chair, candle and a book Average for week 62.4 Miss Tay absent owing to illness

Jan 24th The Rev Kimm visited for scripture on Monday, Tuesday & Thursday morning. Mistress gave history lesson on Isthmus of Darien Average for week 63.1 Miss L May gave history lesson on gunpowder plot Miss Tay gave object lessons on the chair, camel & steam

Image 391 1896

Jan 31st The Rev Kimm visited for scripture on Monday. Examined all classes this week. Improvement in papers especially in arithmetic. Mistress gave history on the Darien Colony. Miss L May on the Spanish Armada Miss Tay gave object lessons on lion, goat and form & colour. Mr Hewitt attendance officer visited Average for week 62.1 End of school year.

Feb 7th Mistress gave history lesson on Edmund Spencer & Shakespeare to 1st division. Miss L May questioned on the twelve stories prepared to 2nd division Miss Tay gave object lessons on candle, post office and elephant Average for week 62.2

Feb 11th Mistress deviated from time table to take work by sample.

Image 392 1896

Feb 14th Miscellaneous work all week Average 62.9 Mrs Kimm visited school yesterday afternoon.

Feb 17th Mr Hewitt attendance officer visited

Feb 18th School examined by H M Inspector G A Harrison esq. Seventy four present. The Rev Kimm was present throughout inspection

Feb 21st Lesson according to old timetable. Average for week 62

Image 393 1896

Object lessons for older scholars Natural History - Frog, ant, snail, winter sleep animals, springtime, autumn. Objects - camphor, sand & clay, shells, sponge, calico & flannels, soap, an egg, a river, railway train, feet of birds, feathers, honey bee, glue. Recitation for older scholars Standard I & II The Childrens Hour. Standard III The Heritage T Lowell (line through) Standards IV & V Poor Fisher Folk - translated from Victor Hugo. Lines through the following - 1st class subject history (S) 2nd class subject - needlework for girls 1st class subject boys history (S) 2nd class subject English (S) History for standards I & II Twelve stories from Stewart period. History for standards III, IV, & V The house of Brunswick. In margin - Geography 1st stage geographical definitions & Norfolk, 2nd stage Norfolk, Australia and British Africa (south)

Image 394 1896

Feb 18th Object lessons for infants Natural History - cat, dog, horse, donkey, fox, rabbit, hare, mole, sparrow, lark, mouse & rat, butterfly, summer birds, frog, winter birds. Objects - bell, calico, flannel, feathers, brick, glue, spices, turnip, carrot, barley, matches, slate pencil, shells, sponge, potato. Kindergarten for infants 1st class - mat weaving and stick laying 2nd class - stick laying & word building, 3rd class - Ravelling & bead threading Recitation for infants - Hang up babies stocking. Helping Mother. Object lessons for older scholars continued - leather, candle, cotton, tea, sugar, silver, cocoa. Signed by HMI

Image 395 1896

Feb 28th Mr Hewitt attendance officer visited school. Lesson given according to present timetable with one exception - geography is taught instead of history until the new one is approved by H M I Average for week 67.4 Miss Tay assistant article 68 resigned charge of infants.

March 2nd Miss Sharrod took charge of infants.

March 6th. Admitted nine infants. The Rev Kimm visited for scripture on Monday & Tuesday. Mistress forwarded the new timetables to J Tillard esq H M Inspector for approval. Geographical definitions taught and explained to 1st & 2nd class Transferred children to higher standards

Image 396 1896

March 6th Average for week 62

March 10th Verified the registers - W Kimm

March 13th The Rev Kimm visited for scripture each morning. Geographical definitions taught and explained to all classes. Mistress taught standard V LCM and addition of fractions. Average for week 71.7

March 16th Mr Bidwell correspondent visited and brought Government report which is entered on page 353 (of the log book)

March 20th The Rev Kimm visited for scripture each day except Tuesday. Mistress taught and explained more geographical definitions to all classes Mr Hewitt attendance officer visited. Average for week 69.5

Image 397 1896

Page 353 of log book missing from images - unfortunately it is page one of the HMI report - check in NRO

The school to be sufficiently well taught to receive a special grant under article 105 of the code and until the accommodation is made more satisfactory the school cannot do well. Indeed ny lords have much hesitation in allowing a grant for the infants class this year and must again direct attention to article 85(c) They hope that plans of much needed improvement will be submitted!! The special attention of the managers is requested to the enclosed form 69. LL May has passed fairly. ME Tay is continued under article 68 Amount of grant £41 16s 6d Drawing grant £1 8s 6d Total £43 5s Staff - EH Sharrod Head Teacher, Lottie May 2nd year PT (pupil teacher) EMJ Sharrod Monitress preparing for article 68

Image 398 1896

March 23rd. The Rev Kimm visited for scripture four mornings this week. Mistress gave all standards an object lesson on frog. William Rivett brought a living one. The children took a great interest in lesson. Miss Sharrod gave object lessons on cat, dog & horse. Average for week 63.3 Mistress gave a geography lesson - a journey from London to Sydney, Australia.

March 31st Mr Hewitt attendance officer visited

April 2nd. The Rev Kimm visited for scripture & Easter hymns on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mistress gave object lesson on Ant to all standards. Miss Sharrod gave object lesson on fox and rabbit. Average for week 67 Holiday - Good Friday & Easter Monday

Image 399 1896

April 10th The Rev Kimm visited for scripture on Tuesday & Wednesday. Mistress gave a geography lesson on “the largest possessions of Great Britain” Miss Sharrod gave object lessons on hare, mole and butterfly. Mistress gave a lesson on the snail. Taught the song Be True by tonic sol fa Key A. Average for week 65

April 17th The Rev Kimm visited for scripture on each day except Monday. Mistress gave object lessons on Ant & spring. Miss Sharrod gave object lesson on cat, sparrow and bell. Mistress gave geography lesson on Australia Miss L May relieved for private study Tuesday afternoon and Friday morning. Average for week 66.7

April 24th The Rev Kimm visited for scripture on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday.

Image 400 1896

April 24th Mistress gave object lesson on sand & clay. Miss May gave object lesson on egg Miss Sharrod gave object lesson on butterfly, the bell and the lark. Mistress gave geography lesson on the animals, plants and productions of Australia. Average for week 65.3 Miss Kimm visited school on Tuesday afternoon.

May 1st The Rev Kimm visited each morning for scripture. Mistress gave an object lesson on calico and flannel, Miss May on a river. Miss Sharrod gave object lessons to infants on frog, summer birds and calico and flannel. Mistress gave geography lesson on new South Wales Average for week 71.4

May 5th Average attendance for first quarter 66 Average for standard I 18.4 Infants 23.3 = 41,7


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