Meanings of Muslim Names - WikiLeaks

Meanings of Muslim Names

Aadab (female)--Hope and need Aadil (male)--Just Aalia (female)--Exalted; Highest social standing Aamaal (female)--Hopes; Aspirations Aamir (male)--Populous, Full, Prosperous Aarif (male)--Acquainted, Knowledgable Aasim (male)--Protector Aasmaa (female)--Excellent; Precious Abaan (male)--Old Arabic name Abbas (male)--Description of a lion Abdul Azeem (male)--Servant of the Mighty Abdul-Aalee (male)--Servant of the Most High Abdul-Aleem (male)--Servant of the Omniscient Abdul-Azeez (male)--Servant of the Mighty, the Powerful Abdul-Baari (male)--Servant of the Creator Abdul-Baasit (male)--Servant of the Extender, Creator Abdul-Fataah (male)--Servant of the Opener (of the gates of sustenance) Abdul-Ghafaar (male)--Servant of the Forgiver Abdul-Ghafoor (male)--Servant of the Forgiver Abdul-Haady (male)--Servant of the Guide Abdul-Haafiz (male)--Servant of the Protector Abdul-Hakam (male)--Servant of the Arbitrator Abdul-Hakeem (male)--Servant of the Wise Abdul-Haleem (male)--Servant of the Mild, Patient Abdul-Hameed (male)--Servant of the Praiseworthy, the Ever-Praised Abdul-Haq (male)--Servant of the Truth Abdul-Haseeb (male)--Servant of the Respected, Esteemed Abdul-Jabaar (male)--Servant of the Mighty Abdul-Jaleel (male)--Servant of the Great, Revered Abdul-Kareem (male)--Servant of the Noble, Generous Abdul-Khaaliq (male)--Servant of the Creator Abdullah (male)--Servant of God Abdul-Lateef (male)--Servant of the Kind Abdul-Majeed (male)--Servant of the Glorious Abdul-Mateen (male)--Servant of the Firm, Strong Abdul-Muhaimin (male)--Servant of the Supervising,

the Guardian, the Protector Abdul-Muiz (male)--Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory Abdul-Mujeeb (male)--Servant of the Responder Abdul-Mutaal (male)--Servant of the Most High

Abdul-Nasser (male)--Servant of the Helper, Granting Victory Abdul-Qaadir (male)--Servant of the Capable Abdul-Qahaar (male)--Servant of the Subduer, the Almighty Abdul-Qudoos (male)--Servant of the Most Holy Abdul-Raafi' (male)--Servant of the One Who Raises (intellect, esteem), Elevates Abdul-Raheem (male)--Servant of the Most Compassionate Abdul-Rahmaan (male)--Servant of the Mercifully Gracious Abdul-Raouf (male)--Servant of the Most Merciful Abdul-Rasheed (male)--Servant of the Rightly Guided Abdul-Razaaq (male)--Servant of the Maintainer, the Provider Abdul-Saboor (male)--Servant of the Patient Abdul-Salaam (male)--Servant of the Peace Abdul-Samad (male)--Servant of the Eternal Abdul-Samee' (male)--Servant of the All-Hearing Abdul-Shakoor (male)--Servant of the Most Thankful Abdul-Tawaab (male)--Servant of the Forgiver Abdul-Waahid (male)--Servant of the One Abdul-Wadood (male)--Servant of the Loving Abdul-Wahaab (male)--Servant of the Giver Abed (male)--Worshipper Abedin (male)--Worshippers Abeer (female)--Fragrance Ablaa (female)--Perfectly formed Abu Bakr (male)--The companion of Prophet Muhammad Abul Khayr (male)--One who does good Adeela (female)--Equal Adham (male)--Black Adnan (male)--Proper name Afaf (female)--Chastity Afeef (male)--Chaste, Modest Afraa (female)--White Afrah (female)--Happiness Ahd (female)--Pledge; Knowledge Ahlam (female)--Witty; one who has pleasant dreams; imaginative Ahmad (male)--Commendable, Praiseworthy Aida (female)--Visiting; Returning Aisha (female)--Living; Prosperous; Wife of Prophet Muhammad Akram (male)--Most Generous Al Abbas (male)--Description of a lion Alaa (male)--Nobility, Excellence

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Alaa Udeen (male)--Excellence of Religion Ali (male)--Excellent, Noble Alia (female)--Exalted; Highest social standing Almas (female)--Diamond Amal (female)--Hope; Aspiration Amani (female)--Wishes; Aspirations Amatullah (female)--Female servant of Allah Ameen (male)--Faithful, Trustworthy Ameena (female)--Trustworthy; Faithful Ameer (male)--Ruler, Prince Ameera (female)--Leader; Princess Amjad (male)--More Glorious Ammar (male)--The builder, constructor, one who prays and fasts a great deal Amr (male)--Old Arabic name Anaan (female)--Clouds Anas (male)--A group of people (as opposed to other creatures) Anbar (female)--Perfume; Ambergris Anees (male)--Close friend Aneesa (female)--Friendly; of good company Anwaar (female)--Rays of light Areebah (female)--Witty and smart Areej (female)--Pleasant smell Aroob (female)--(Woman) Loving to her husband Arsh (male)--Dominion, Crown Arwa (female)--Female mountain goat Asah (female)--Plant known for its greenness Asalah (female)--Purity Aseelah (female)--One belonging to a great heritage and family Ashraf (male)--More Honorable Asif (male)--Forgiveness Asiya (female)--One who tends to the weak and heals them Asma (female)--Daughter of Abu Bakr Ataa (male)--Gift Awad (male)--Reward, Compensation Aws (male)--Name of a tree Ayeh (female)--Sign; distinct Ayman (male)--Lucky, On the right Ayoob (male)--A Prophet's name Azeeza (female)--Esteemed; Precious; Cherished Azhaar (female)--Flowers; Blossoms Azhar (male)--The most shining, Luminous Azza (female)--Young female gazelle Azzaam (male)--Determined, Resolved Baahir (male)--Dazzling, Brilliant Baasim (male)--Smiling

Baasima (female)--Smiling Badr Udeen (male)--Full moon of the Faith Badriya (female)--Resembling full moon Baha (male)--Beautiful, Magnificent Baha Udeen (male)--The magnificent of the Faith Baheera (female)--Dazzling; Brilliant Bahiy Udeen (male)--The magnificent of the Faith Bahiyaa (female)--Beautiful; Radiant Balqis (female)--The name of the Queen of Sheba Banan (female)--Finger tips Baraa`a (female)--Excelling Basaam (male)--Smiling Baseema (female)--Smiling Basel (male)--Brave Bashaar (male)--Bringer of glad tidings Basheera (female)--Bringer of good tidings Basma (female)--A smile Batool (female)--Ascetic virgin Bilal (male)--The Prophet's Muezzin (person who calls to prayer) Bishr (male)--Joy Burhaan (male)--Proof Bushra (female)--Good omen Buthayna (female)--Of beautiful and tender body Dawoud (male)--A Prophet's name Dhuha (female)--Forenoon Dhul Fiqaar (male)--The name of the Prophet's Sword Diyaa Udeen (male)--Brightness of the Faith Faakhir (male)--Proud, Excellent Faaris (male)--Horseman, Knight Faarooq (male)--He who distinguishes truth from falsehood Faatin (female)--Captivating Faatina (female)--Captivating Fadheela (female)--Virtue Fadi (male)--Redeemer Fadl (male)--Outstanding, Honorable Fadl Ullah (male)--The excellence of God Fadwa (female)--Name derived from self-sacrifice Fahad (male)--Lynx Faisal (male)--Decisive Faiza (female)--Victorious; Winner Fakhry (male)--Honorary Falak (female)--Star Fareed (male)--Unique Fareeda (female)--Unique Fareeha (female)--Happy; Joyful

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Faris (male)--Perspicacity Fateen (male)--Clever, Smart Fatima (female)--Name of Prophet Muhammad's daughter (Literally: accustom) Fawaz (male)--Successful Fawziya (female)--Successful; Victorious Fidaa (male)--Redemption, Sacrifice Firdoos (female)--Paradise Firyal (female)--Name Fuad (male)--Heart Ghaada (female)--Beautiful Ghaalib (male)--Victor Ghaaliya (female)--Fragrant Ghaazi (male)--Conqueror Ghasaan (male)--Old Arabic name Ghaydaa (female)--Young and delicate Ghiyaath (male)--Succorer Ghusoon (female)--Branches (tree) Haadiya (female)--Guide to righteousness Haady (male)--Guiding to the right Haala (female)--Aureole Haamid (male)--Praising (God), Loving (God) Haani (male)--Happy, Delighted, Content Haarith (male)--Plowman, Old Arabic name Haaroon (male)--A Prophet's name Haashim (male)--Name of the Prophet's grandfather, Old Arabic name Haashim (male)--Generosity Haatim (male)--Judge Hadiya (female)--Gift Haifa (female)--Slender; of beautiful body Haleema (female)--Gentle; Patient Hameeda (female)--Praiseworthy Hamza (male)--Lion Hana (female)--Happiness Hanan (female)--Mercy Haneefa (female)--True believer Haniya (female)--Pleased; Happy Hasna (female)--Beautiful Hassaan (male)--Beautiful Hassan (male)--Beautiful Hayaam (female)--Deliriously in love Hayat (female)--Life Haytham (male)--Young hawk Hessa (female)--Destiny Hind (female)--Proper name Hooriya (female)--Angel

Houd (male)--A Prophet's name Huda (female)--Right guidance Huma (female)--A bird that lives in a quiet area and

whenever it flies to the city it fills the people with joy Humam (male)--Courageous and generous Husaam (male)--Sword Husaam Udeen (male)--The sword of the Faith Husn (female)--Beauty Hussein (male)--Beautiful Huthayfa (male)--Old Arabic name Ibraheem (male)--A Prophet's name Ibtihaaj (female)--Joy Idrees (male)--A Prophet's name Iesa (male)--A Prophet's name Ihsaan (male)--Beneficence Ikraam (female)--Honor; Hospitality; Generosity Ikrimah (male) --Female of a pigeon Ilhaam (female)--Intuition Imaad (male)--Support, Pillar Imaad Udeen (male)--The pillar of the Faith Iman (female)--Faith; Belief Imraan (male)--A Prophet's name Imtithal (female)--(Polite) Obedience Inaam (female)--Act of kindness; Benefaction; Bestowal Inas (female)--Sociability Inaya (female)--Concern; Solicitude Intisaar (female)--Triumph Irfaan (male)--Thankfulness Isaam (male)--Safeguard Is-haaq (male)--A Prophet's name Ismaael (male)--A Prophet's name Izdihaar (female)--Flourishing; Blossoming Izz Udeen (male)--Might of the Faith Jaabir (male)--Consoler, Comforter Jaafar (male)--Rivulet Jala (female)--Clarity; Elucidation Jalaal (male)--Glory of the Faith Jamaal (male)--Beauty Jamaal Udeen (male)--Beauty of the Faith Jameel (male)--Beautiful Jameela (female)--Beautiful Janaan (female)--Heart or soul Jawad (male)--Openhanded, Generous Jihad (male)--To Strive for Jumaana (female)--Silver pearl

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Kaamil (male)--Perfect Kaamla (female)--Perfect Kamal (male)--Perfection Kameela (female)--Most perfect Kareem (male)--Generous, Noble Kareema (female)--Generous; Noble Kawkab (female)--Satellite Kawthar (female)--River in Paradise Khadeeja (female)--Name of Prophet Muhammad's wife Khair Udeen (male)--The good of the Faith Khairiya (female)--Charitable; Good Khairy (male)--Charitable, Beneficent Khaldoon (male)--Old Arabic name Khaleel (male)--Friend Khalid (male)--Eternal Khalida (female)--Immortal Khawlah (female)--Proper name Khulood (female)--Immortality Khuzaymah (male)--Old Arabic name Kouther (female)--River in Jennah (paradise) Kulthoom (female)--Daughter of the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him Labeeb (male)--Sensible, Intelligent Lama (female)--Darkness of lips Lamees (female)--Soft to the touch Lamya (female)--Dark-lipped Lateefa (female)--Gentle; Kind Leena (female)--Tender Lu`ay (male)--Proper name Lubaaba (female)--The innermost essence Luqmaan (male)--A Prophet's name Lutfi (male)--Kind and friendly Maahir (male)--Skilled Ma`awiya (male)--A young dog or fox (First Umayyad Khalifah) Maazin (male)--Proper name Ma`d (male)--An old Arabian tribe's name Madeeha (female)--Praiseworthy Maha (female)--Gazelle Mahdy (male)--Guided to the right path Mahmoud (male)--Praised Maimoona (female)--Auspicious; Blessed Maisa (female)--Walking with proud swinging gait Majd (male)--Glory Majd Udeen (male)--The glory of the Faith Majdy (male)--Glorious Majeeda (female)--Glorious

Majida (female)--Glorious Makaarim (female)--Of good and honorable character Makeen (male)--Strong, Firm Malak (female)--Angel Mamdouh (male)--One who is commended, Praised, Glorified Mamnoon (male)--Trustworthy Ma`n (male)--Benefit Manaal (female)--Attainment; Achievement Manaar (female)--Guiding light (lighthouse) Mansour (male)--Aided (by God), Victorious Maraam (female)--Aspiration Marwan (male)--Old Arabic name Maryam (female)--Name of Mother of Jesus Marzouq (male)--Blessed (by God), Fortunate Masoud (male)--Happy, Lucky Mawiya (female)--Old Arabic name May (female)--Old Arabic name Maysaa (female)--To walk with a swinging gait Maysarah (male)--Ease, Comfort Maysoon (female)--Of beautiful face and body Mayyada (female)--To walk with a swinging gait Misbaah (male)--Lamp Moosa (male)--A Prophet's name Muaath (male)--Protected Muayid (male)--Supported Mufeed (male)--Useful Mufeeda (female)--Useful Muhammad (male)--Praised Muhannad (male)--Sword Muhja (female)--Heart's blood; Soul Muhsin (male)--Beneficent, Charitable Muhtady (male)--Rightly guided Mujaahid (male)--Fighter (in the way of Allah) Mukhtaar (male)--Chosen Muna (female)--Wish; Desire Muneer (male)--Brilliant, Shining Muneera (female)--Illuminating; Shedding light Muntasir (male)--Victorious Munthir (male)--Warner, Cautioner Murtadhy (male)--Satisfied, Content Musad (male)--Unfettered camel Musheera (female)--Giving counsel Muslim (male)--Submitting himself to God Mustafa (male)--Chosen (One of the Prophet Muhammad's names) Mutaa (male)--Obeyed

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Mutasim (male)--Adhering (to Faith, to God) Mutazz (male)--Proud, Mighty Mutee (male)--Obedient Muwafaq (male)--Successful Naadir (male)--Dear, Rare Naa'il (male)--Acquirer, Earner Naajy (male)--Safe Naasih (male)--Advisor Naathim (male)--Arranger, Adjuster Nabeeh (male)--Noble, Outstanding Nabeeha (female)--Intelligent Nabeel (male)--Noble Nabeela (female)--Noble Nabhan (male)--Noble, Outstanding Nada (female)--Generosity; Dew Nadeeda (female)--Equal (to another person); Rival Nadeem (male)--Friend Nadia (female)--The beginning, first Nadira (female)--Rare, Precious Nadwa (female)--Council Naeem (male)--Comfort, Ease, Tranquil Naeema (female)--Living a soft, enjoyable life Naeema (female)--Blessing; Loan Nafeesa (female)--Precious thing Nahla (female)--A drink (of water) Naila (female)--Acquirer; Obtainer Najaah (female)--Success Najat (female)--Safety Najeeb (male)--Of noble descent Najeeba (female)--Of noble birth Najiya (female)--Safe Najla (female)--Of wide eyes Najm Udeen (male)--The star of the Faith Najwa (female)--Confidential talk; Secret conversation Najya (female)--Victorious Naseem (male)--Fresh air Nashida (female)--Student Nashita (female)--Energetic and full of life Nasiha (female)--One who gives valuable advice Nasira (female)--Victorious, helper Nasser Udeen (male)--Protector of the Faith Natheer (male)--Warner Nawal (female)--Gift Nawar (female)--Flower Nawfal (male)--Generous, Old Arabic name for the sea

Nazaaha (female)--Purity; Righteousness; Honesty Nazeeh (male)--Pure, Chaste Nazeeha (female)--Honest Nazeera (female)--Like; Equal; Matching Nazeeya (female)--Optimistic and full of hope Nesayem (female)--Flower Nibaal (female)--Arrows Nida (female)--Call Nimaat (female)--Blessings; Loans Nooh (male)--A Prophet's name Noor (female)--Light Noor Udeen (male)--Brightness of the Faith Noori (male)--Shining Nouf (female)--Highest point on a mountain Nudhar (female)--Gold Nuha (female)--Intelligence; Mind Nu`man (male)--(Blood) Old Arabic name Nusayba (female)--Proper name Nuzha (female)--Pleasure trip; Excursion spot Omar (male)--Life, long living Omeir (male)--Long living Omran (male)--Solid structure Ossama (male)--One of the names of the lion Qasim (male)--Divider Qatadah (male)--A hardwood tree Qays (male)--Firm Qudamah (male)--Courage Qutaybah (male)--Irritable, Impatient Raaida (female)--Leader Raakin (male)--Respectful Raamiz (male)--Symbol Raatib (male)--Arranger Raawiya (female)--Transmitter (of ancient Arabic poetry) Rabab (female)--White cloud Rabah (male)--Gainer Rabee` (male)--Spring Rabeea (female)--Garden Radhiyaa (female)--Content; Satisfied Radhwa (female)--Name of mountain in Medina Ra`ed (male)--Leader Rafa (female)--Happiness; Prosperity Rafee' (male)--Kind friend Raghd (female)--Pleasant Ragheb (male)--Desirous Raja (female)--Hope

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Rajab (male)--The seventh month of the Muslim year Rana (female)--To gaze; Look Rand (female)--Tree of good scent Raniya (female)--Gazing Rasha (female)--Young gazelle Rashad (male)--Integrity of conduct Rasheeda (female)--Wise; Mature Rashid (male)--Rightly guided, Having the true Faith Rawdha (female)--Garden Raya (female)--Sated with drink Reem (female)--Gazelle Reema (female)--White antelope Ridha (male)--Contentment Ridhwan (male)--Acceptance, Good will,

Name of the keeper of the Gates of Heaven Riyadh (male)--Gardens Rukan (female)--Steady; Confident Ruqaya (female)--Name of the Prophet's daughter Ruwayda (female)--Walking gently Saabir (male)--Patient Saabira (female)--Patient Saad (male)--Good luck Saahir (male)--Wakeful Saajid (male)--One who worships God Saalih (male)--Good, Righteous Saaliha (female)--Good; Useful Saalima (female)--Safe; Healthy Saamiya (female)--Elevated; Lofty Saariyah (male)--Clouds at night Sabeeh (male)--Beautiful Saeed (male)--Happy, Rivulet Safa (female)--Clarity; Purity; Serenity Safiy (male)--Best friend Safiya (female)--Untroubled; Serene; Pure; Best friend Safwan (male)--Old Arabic name (rocks) Sahar (female)--Dawn Sahla (female)--Smooth; Soft (ground); Fluent; Flowing (style) Sakeena (female)--God-inspired peace of mind; Tranquility Salah (male)--Righteousness Salah Udeen (male)--The righteousness of the Faith Saleem (male)--Safe Saleema (female)--Safe; Healthy Salem (male)--Safe Salma (female)--Peaceful Salman (male)--Safe

Salwa (female)--Quail; Solace Samaah (female)--Generosity Samar (female)--Evening conversations Sameeha (female)--Generous Sameer (male)--Entertaining companion (man) Sameera (female)--Entertaining companion (woman) Samir (male)--Entertaining companion Sana (female)--Resplendence; Brilliance Sawda (female)--Proper name Sawsan (female)--Lily of the valley Sayf Udeen (male)--Sword of the Faith Sayid (male)--Master Shaadiya (female)--Singer Shaady (male)--Singer Shafeeq (male)--Compassionate, Tender Shareef (male)--Distinguished, Noble Shareefa (female)--Noble Shatha (female)--Aromatic Shihab (male)--Flame, Blaze Sihaam (female)--Arrows Siraaj (male)--Lamp, Light Subhy (male)--Early morning Suha (female)--Name of a star Suhail (male)--Name of a star Suhair (female)--Proper name Suhayb (male)--Of reddish hair or complexion Suhayla (female)--Smooth; Soft (ground); Fluent; Flowing (style) Suhayma (female)--Small arrow Sulayman (male)--A Prophet's name Sumaiyaa (female)--Proper name Suoud (male)--Good luck Taahir (male)--Chaste, Modest Taahira (female)--Pure; Chaste Taamir (male)--One who knows dates Talal (male)--Nice, Admirable Talha (male)--Kind of tree Tamadhur (female)--Proper name Tamam (male)--Generous Tareef (male)--Rare, Uncommon Tarfah (male)--Kind of tree Tariq (male)--Name of a star Taroob (female)--Merry Tawfeeq (male)--Success, Reconciliation Taymullah (male)--Servant of God Tayseer (male)--Facilitation

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