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Creative Writing Photo Story ProjectPurpose: To publish your work in a creative and engaging wayDue Date: At the end of class on Wednesday, October 3 Follow the steps below: Using the provided Story Board, draw/write out a rough sketch of what will be on each slide. Sketch the image and the text. In your “Creative Writing” folder on your G drive, create a new folder titled “Photo Story.”Save all of your images (both personal and from the web) to this file. Print a copy of your original piece and mark off which sections you will read with each slide. Number each section to correspond with your slides. Follow the attached Photo Story guide to create a slide show using pictures, music, and narration.Save your Photo Story as “Photo Story Your Last Name” in your Photo Story folder.“Save as” and save your Photo Story to the Student Projects folder. (ProjectsBledsoe6th Period) Requirements:Create a title slide that incorporates the title of your poem or personal narrative. Import at least 10 images into your Photo StoryInclude at least 5 personal photos (from home)The rest of the images can be from the Internet (images must be associated with your content or blank with text). Make sure your images are clear and not gritty. Record the URLs for the images from the Internet in a separate Word document and save in your Photo Story folder. Your URL should not be from Google. Click on the original website and use that URL.Your last slide of your Photo Story will be your Source slide—you will copy and paste your URLs onto this page. Add text to at least 5 slides (phrases or sentences from the work you are publishing). Choose an easy-to-read font and a color that stands out from the background image of the slide. It is up to you whether or not you use different editing effects with your slides. Play around with these features in Photo Story while you are constructing your project. Record your voice narrating your project. Follow the directions provided in the tutorial. Remember to use the copy of the piece where you marked the sections you will read with each slide. Record in a quiet place. Customize how your slides will transition. Again play around with this feature in Photo Story to see what you like. Remember you want a smooth, easy transition—nothing too choppy or twirly Add/create background music. You can either download instrumental music (make sure it is an mp3 file) and save it in your Photo Story folder or create music using Photo Story. See my Moodle page for a link to a site with free music. Be sure that the music is fitting and appropriate to the tone of your piece. Set the volume low enough that we can hear your voice clearly over the music. MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday Friday24Finish/revise Movie Reviews25Movie Reviews!26Edit/Revise Where I’m From poem and Personal NarrativePost one to blog 27Introduce Photo Story ProjectComplete Story Board (for HW)Scan/locate images 28Scan/locate imagesImport images into Photo Story Add text Assign Restaurant Review!1Begin adding transitions and effects. Record your narration. 2Add background music. Add Source slide.3Proofread all text. Add finishing touches. Save in the Projects folder! 4Begin Restaurant Reviews! Turn in Restaurant Notes5Writing about Food Activity (Bring in food to share!) Begin drafting reviewPhoto Story Schedule Photo Story RubricCategory10864Content-SubstanceProject includes all of the required elementsProject includes most of the required elementsProject includes some of the required elementsProject does not include several required elementsVisual AppealProject is exceptionally attractive and enhances the meaning of the story. Photo selections are meaningful, complex, and professional. Clear, high quality photos are used. Text is clear, easy-to-read, and free of errors. Project is mostly attractive and enhances the meaning of the story. Most photo selections are meaningful, complex, and professional. Quality of most photos is high. Text is mostly clear, easy-to-read, and free of errors. Project is somewhat attractive but there are distracting elements. Some photo selections are meaningful, complex and professional. Quality of some photos is high, but some are blurry or grainy. Text is somewhat difficult to read, but contains few errors. Project is not visually appealing AND detracts from the meaning of the story. Few photo selections are meaningful, complex, or professional. Many photos are low quality and poorly selected. Text is difficult to read and/or typos are present. Music Selection and Sound QualityInstrumental music effectively conveys the mood(s) and enhances the meaning(s). Voice narration and music are good quality and free of noticeable errors or problems. Instrumental music adequately conveys the mood(s) and enhances the meaning(s). Voice narration and music are good quality and have one or two noticeable errors or problems.Instrumental music only moderately fits mood(s) and enhances the meaning(s). Voice narration and music are have three or more noticeable errors or problems.Music and/or voice narration are missing or have numerous noticeable errors or problems. OrganizationProject organization shows thoughtful arrangement of photos and quotations to convey meanings. Transitions between slides are smooth, varied, and fit the mood of the piece. Project organization shows thoughtful arrangement of photos and quotations to convey meanings, but one slide, image, or quotation may be out of place. Transitions between slides are smooth, varied, and fit the mood of the piece for the most part. Project organization shows arrangement of photos and quotations to convey meanings, but two or more slides, images, or quotations may be out of place. Transitions are used between slides, but some are not smooth or detract from the mood of the piece. Project is poorly arranged and organized and appears to have been put together at the last minute.Total: ____/40 ................

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