
Human Activity Affects Everything!

Essential knowledge 4.A.6: Interactions among living systems and with their environment result in the movement of matter and energy.

(Human activities impact ecosystems on local, regional, and global scales.

Background: Since Homo sapiens have lived on Earth c.a.180,000 years ago, human activities have increased. These activities have caused great impacts to environment. Historical evidence is shown below in the table.

Human Cultural Changes Major Human Activities

Objective: Your group will be assigned a local activity (see the list below). With the activity, you group will need to describe all local environmental impacts that can occur with this activity. Think about how this activity will affect the soil, water, flora (plants) and fauna (animals). Also, think about where these items will travel. Then, you willdescribe all the environmental impacts that will affect the region (ex: United States). Lastly, you will then determine how your local activity affects the global environment (ex: all countries in the world). You may use the internet or book to aid in your description of environmental impacts.

Local Activities:

• In your backyard, you removed native coastal sage scrub and replaced it with a lawn.

• You went to Cabrillo Pier at Cabrillo State Beach and caught five (5) juvenile Great White Sharks and ate them.

• You accidentally left your sprinkler system on (to water your lawn) for 3 days.

• You removed your native backyard to raise five (5) cattle.

• You decided to stop paying for your trash bill and you begin burning all your trash in your backyard.

• You open up an oil change shop in your garage and dump all used oil into the storm drain system.

• Since you live in an apartment and you don’t have to pay for electricity, you decide to leave all lights on all the time.

• You remove all plants along the hillside of your house.

• You have a huge bug outbreak in your house and backyard and you begin using chemicals to kill off the bugs.

• You commute to and from work and can’t stand having trash in your car. You toss all trash outside your window while driving.

Example: You bought a red slider turtle in Santee Alley. After six months, your turtle got way too big for its aquarium. You decide to release your turtle into the Los Angeles River.

Local Environmental Effects:

Regional Environmental Effects:

Global Environmental Effects:


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