
Bacterial Vaginosis

Three months ago I was affected with an infection that started out as Bacteria Vaginosis (BV) but because it was mistreated it turned into a disease. Bacteria Vaginosis is a bacterial condition that is found only in women. I believe that it is important to educate women about Bacteria Vaginosis, to lower the chances of being diagnosed with it by becoming more aware of it’s symptoms, and causes, and treatments.

Bacteria Vaginosis BV, is an infection in the vagina caused by a type of bacteria. The vagina normally contains a variety bacteria that are good for the vagina such as lactobacilli as well as other types such as anaerobes however, when the number of lactobacilli is reduced BV is found. When the normal balance bacteria in your body is out of balance it begins to create an infection. The reasons for these changes are unknown. This infection is most common in women of childbearing age or that are pregnant. That BV is also more common African American women. Any woman can catch this infection so it is important that you take the steps to keep the different types of bacteria living on our body stay in balance.

Almost 50 to 75 percent of women do not have symptoms. Many woman get abnormal vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. If there is discharge it is usually grey or white which may appear thin. Studies show that it is a fishy-like odor that is strong mainly after sexual intercourse. If a woman gets symptoms it is usually burning and itching on the outside of the vagina during urination and sex . This is not a sexually transmitted disease so your partner will not need to be treated. Bacterial Vaginosis can cause a lot of risks for women. It can increase a women’s susceptibility to HIV infection if she is exposed to the virus. It will also increase a woman’s susceptibility to other STD’s such as herpes and Gonorrhea. In pregnancy women can have premature babies if they become diagnosed with this condition.

A lot of women look at Bacteria Vaginosis as not much of a problem. To be diagnosed you must be examined by a health care provider because they must perform laboratory tests on a sample of vaginal fluid to look for the bacteria causing the BV. All women should be aware of what to watch out for to prevent getting Bacterial Vaginosis. 1)Do not douche. Douching is the use of a solution to rinse the inside of the vagina. Some women douche to feel clean, but it is proven that woman who douche end up with BV. The vagina is normally able to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria; douching can through this balance off. 2) Limit the number of sexual partners. Women with multiple sexual partners are at higher risk of developing Bacterial Vaginosis and sexually transmitted infections. 3) Finish the entire course of treatment for BV, even if the symptoms resolve after a few doses. Even if you feel the infection is gone, keep taking the medication because you can become re-infected. Bacterial Vaginosis re-occurs in every one of every three woman diagnosed.

The potential for you or a friend you know to get affected is not far. If we don’t follow preventative steps to lower the risks, the step to lowering the risks more woman can be affected with BV like I was. I believe that it is important to educate women about Bacteria Vaginosis we can to lower the chances of being diagnosed with BV by becoming more aware of it’s symptoms are and causes, and educating the other women in our lives.


Bacterial Vaginosis Prevention 5/26/2010 This was a good site to find out about ways you make sure you don’t get Bacterial Vaginosis. It gives great tips and this is not a bias site because it only states facts.

Bacterial Vaginosis- CDC Fact Sheet 5/23/2010

this was a great site for general facts on STD’s. This site is not bias because it only gives facts and it I a government site.

Bacterial Vaginosis 5/23/2010

_vaginosis/ articlehtm

This is an ok site. It is very general but it helps. It is bias because it is from the perspective of a medical examiner.

Bacterial Vaginosis 5/24/2010


This site gives tips about how your doctor will diagnose you with Bacteria Vaginosis . I like this site because it helped me with tips for my paper and it is not a bias site because it is very general in it’s information.


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