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Tobacco Vocabulary – Lesson 2

1. Nicotine – a stimulant drug in all tobacco products

2. Tar – is a sticky black/brown substance that is cancer causing

3. Carbon Monoxide – a poisonous gas in cigarette smoke

4. Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) – is a mixture of exhaled smoke and smoke from the ends of a lit cigarette, also known as second hand smoke

5. Tobacco – a plant with leaves that can be dried and mixed with chemicals to make products such as cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and cigars

I. Tobacco Use

A. Burned in cigarettes, pipes, or cigars, and inhale the smoke

B. Forms (smoking and smokeless) – chewing tobacco, snuff, cigarettes

C. Chemicals

1. 4,000 different substances, 200 are poisons, 16 cause cancer

2. nicotine – an addictive drug that causes people to want more tobacco

a. speeds the heart rate up, raises blood pressure

b. poison used as an insecticide for killing insects

c. causes a physical and emotional dependence

3. tar – sticky, brown substances

a. most of the cancer causing chemicals in cigarette smoke are found in tar

b. filters remove some tar, but it still builds up in the lungs blocking oxygen from getting into the body

4. carbon monoxide – poisonous gas that enters the blood instead of oxygen so the person has to breath harder and faster

D. Effects

1. Leaves chemicals in the mouth, throat, lungs which build up in the body

2. Hair and clothes smell bad, yellow teeth, dulled taste buds, bad breath

3. Wrinkled skin

4. Triggers asthma and allergies

5. affects digestive system – prevent absorption of vitamins B and C – less resistant to illness

6. harms unborn babies – low birth weight, nutrients, addicted to nicotine

E. Smokeless Tobacco

1. Snuff – powdered tobacco that can be sniffed into the nose or put inside the mouth under the lips

2. Chewing tobacco – also known as spit tobacco or chew is made from chopped tobacco leaves that are chewed or tucked under the lips, forms a brown slime when mixed with saliva

3. Just as harmful as cigarettes – causes yellow teeth and bad breath, causes cuts and sores in the mouth, added sugar causes tooth decay, sniffing can destroy the inside of the nose causing difficulty smelling and tasting

F. Tobacco-Related Diseases

1. Lung damage

a. emphysema – is a disease in which the lungs get so damaged that they cannot absorb enough oxygen, need machines to help them breathe

b. chronic bronchitis – destroyed cilia allow dust and tar to damage the bronchial tubes causing them to swell

2. Cancer

a. tar in cigarette smoke irritates cells in the lungs and changes them

b. smoking can lead to lung and throat cancer

c. smokeless tobacco can lead to cancer of the mouth, throat, or stomach

d. death is very likely – 1/3 caused by cigarettes

3. Heart Disease

a. increases blood pressure, increases heart rate

b. less oxygen and increased carbon monoxide weakens the heart

4. ETS – Environmental Tobacco Smoke

a. is a mixture of exhaled smoke and smoke from the ends of lit cigarettes

b. cough, short of breath, feel sick, increased allergies and asthma

c. nonsmokers can have the same health problems as smokers


1. Name 3 harmful substances in cigarettes.

2. What stimulant in tobacco causes physical and emotional dependence?

3. How does smokeless tobacco affect the mouth, teeth, and gums?

4. What is environmental tobacco smoke?

Alcohol Vocabulary – Lesson 3

1. alcohol – is a liquid that can affect the way people think and act when they drink it and is a depressant

2. ethanol – the chemical name for alcohol found in beer, wine, and liquor

3. intoxicated – the state of being affected by alcohol

4. hangover – an illness caused by drinking too much alcohol

5. blood alcohol concentration (BAC) – the percentage of alcohol in a person’s blood

6. cirrhosis – is a disease that causes the liver to stop working properly, builds up toxins and can cause death

7. fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) – is a group of birth defects that can occur when an unborn baby is exposed to alcohol

8. malnutrition – a health problem caused by a lack of nutrients

9. ulcers – painful sores on tissues in the digestive system

II. Alcohol

A. Effects

1. Alcohol is a depressant so it slows the brain down

2. Enters the blood through the stomach and travels throughout the body

3. Makes a person feel lightheaded and warm, dizzy or tired

4. Makes a person act strangely and make poor decisions

5. High amounts of alcohol makes a person react the same way as if they took a poison

6. vomit, pass out, death

B. Blood Alcohol Concentration

1. Intoxication – the state of being affected by alcohol

2. BAC is the percentage of alcohol in a person’s blood

3. Determined by the amount of drinks a person has

4. 12 oz beer = 5 oz wine = 1.5 oz shot of liquor

5. ethanol – the chemical name for the alcohol found in beer, wine, and liquor

6. The liver removes the alcohol from the blood at a rate of 0.6oz of ethanol per hour. This equals 12oz beer, 5 oz wine, or 1.5 oz liquor.

7. Hangover - After the ethanol is removed a person may feel sick for hours or days

8. BAC is dependent not only on how much you drink, but also your size (weight), if you’ve eaten any food, % body fat, health of your liver, the time in which you drank the alcohol

9. In Pennsylvania, legal adults may not be over 0.08 BAC, under 21 ZERO tolerance

C. Long Term Effects

1. Cirrhosis of the liver – causes the liver to stop working properly which cause toxins to build up which can cause pain, fever, tiredness, low blood pressure and death

2. Ulcers – open sores

3. Can cause parts of the brain to stop working

4. malnutrition – the body is unable to get all the nutrients it needs to work properly

5. Those that drink as teens have a high potential of becoming addicted to alcohol

6. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) – birth defects that can occur when an unborn baby is exposed to alcohol

a. abnormal physical features

b. learning disabilities/mental disabilities

c. behavior problems


1. Why is alcohol a depressant?

2. Explain the term blood alcohol concentration.

3. What is intoxication?

4. An unborn baby can be seriously hurt by an amount of alcohol that hardly affects the mother. Remember how body size relates to BAC. Explain why the effects on the unborn baby are so strong.

Addiction Vocabulary – Lesson 4

1. alcoholism – a disease caused by physical and emotional/psychological dependence on alcohol

2. alcoholic – a person with a physical and emotional/psychological dependence on alcohol

3. tolerance – the body’s ability to resist the effects of a drug

III. Alcoholism

A. Becoming Addicted

1. Creates mental and physical changes which builds up a tolerance to the drug

2. The body begins to feel uncomfortable without the drug

3. Eventually the person needs the drug to feel normal

4. Drug addiction – when a person cannot control his or her use of a drug

5. Addiction can occur without the person knowing it

6. Once dependent, it is very hard to quit

B. Alcoholism

1. Disease caused by physical and psychological dependence on alcohol

2. Takes over a person’s life and can be deadly, problems at home and at work, drop outs, don’t care about anything, blackouts (periods without memories)

3. Can be very painful

a. children may not understand alcohol’s power over the person and the chemical changes that occur in the brain

b. parents intoxicated may not realize their behavior changes

4. Support

a. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) – is a group that helps people recover

b. Al-Anon – offers families a place to talk about living with a person who has alcoholism

c. Alateen offers support specifically for teens

5. Recovering

a. quitting can be dangerous because the body becomes so dependent

b. recovery will take the rest of their lives


1. What is the relationship between addiction and alcoholism?

2. How could alcoholism affect the family and friends of an alcoholic?


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