Reading Starter 2 (New Edition) – 단어장

Unit 1 The Thirsty Bird


|thirsty |If you are thirsty, you feel a need to |I am thirsty. |adj. 목마른 |

| |drink something. |(나 목말라) | |

|anymore |If something does not happen or is not true|I drank some water. I’m not thirsty |adv. (부정문에서) 더 이상 |

| |anymore, it has stopped happening or is no |anymore. | |

| |longer true. |(나는 약간의 물을 마셨어. 더 이상은 목이 | |

| | |마르지 않아) | |

|enough |Enough means as much as you need or as much|I have two bananas. That is |adj 충분한 |

| |as is necessary. |enough for you and me. | |

| | |(나 바나나 두 개가 있어. 이것들은 너와 | |

| | |내게 충분한 양이야) | |

|dish |The contents of a dish can be referred to |Would you like a dish of ice cream? |n. 한 접시(의 분량) |

| |as a dish of something. |(아이스크림 한 접시 먹을래?) | |

|deep |If something is deep, it extends a long way|This water is deep. I can’t feel the |adj. 깊은 |

| |down from the ground or from the top |bottom. | |

| |surface of something. |(이 물은 깊어. 나는 바닥에 닿을 수가 | |

| | |없어) | |

|suddenly |If something happens suddenly, it happens |It was sunny, but suddenly it |adv. 갑자기 |

| |quickly and unexpectedly. |started to rain. | |

| | |(맑은 날이었어, 그런데 갑자기 비가 오기 | |

| | |시작했어) | |

|water |Water is a clear thin liquid that has no |It saw some water in a dish. |n. 물 |

| |colour or taste when it is pure. |(그것은 접시에 있는 약간의 물을 보았다) | |

|finally |You use finally to suggest that something |Finally, the water was high |adv .결국 |

| |happens after a long period of time, |enough to drink. | |

| |usually later than you wanted or expected |(결국, 물은 마실 수 있을 정도로 높아졌다)| |

| |it to happen. | | |

|another |Another thing or person means an additional|Then, it put in another. |adj. 또 하나(사람)의 |

| |thing or person of the same type as one |(그리고 나서, 그것은 또 하나를 두었다) | |

| |that already exists. | | |

|rock |Rock is the hard substance which the Earth |The bird put more and more rocks into the|n.돌 |

| |is made of. |dish | |

| | |(새는 접시에 더 많은 돌들을 두었다) | |

Unit 2 Come to Camp Raccoon


|before |If something happens before a particular |Tommy did his homework before |prep ~앞서서 |

| |date, time, or event, it happens earlier than|he | |

| |that date, time, or event. |went to bed. | |

| | |(토미는 잠 자러 가기 전에 숙제 | |

| | |를 했다) | |

|something |You use something to refer to a thing, |I want to learn something new. |pron. 어떤 것 |

| |situation, event, or idea, without saying |(나는 새로운 어떤 것을 배우고 | |

| |exactly what it is. |싶다) | |

|schedule |A schedule is a plan that gives a list of |Here is the schedule for summer|n. 예정표 |

| |events or tasks and the times at which each |camp. | |

| |one should happen or be done. |(자, 여기 여름 캠프에 관한 | |

| | |예정표가 있어) | |

|adventure |If someone has an adventure, they become |Going to a new place is an |n. 모험 |

| |involved in an unusual, exciting, and rather |adventure. | |

| |dangerous journey or series of events. |(새로운 곳에 가는 것은 | |

| | |모험이다) | |

|wild |Wild land is natural and is not used by |Bears live in the wild. |adj. 야생의 |

| |people. |(곰은 야생에서 산다) | |

|improve |If a skill you have improves or you improve a|Students can improve by |v. 좋아지다, 호전되다 |

| |skill, you get better at it. |studying hard. | |

| | |(학생들은 공부를 열심히 하는 | |

| | |것으로 실력을 향상 시킬 수 | |

| | |있어) | |

|favorite |Your favourite thing or person of a |I enjoy playing basketball. |adj .아주 좋아하는 |

| |particular type is the one you like most. |It’s my favorite sport. | |

| | |(나는 농구하는 것을 즐겨. 그건 | |

| | |내가 가장 좋아하는 운동이야) | |

|enjoy |If you enjoy something, you find pleasure and|Enjoy playing your favorite |v.~을 즐기다 |

| |satisfaction in doing it or experiencing it. |sports | |

| | |(네가 아주 좋아하는 운동을 | |

| | |즐겨라) | |

|drawing |A drawing is a picture made with a pencil or |Improve your drawing and |n. 그림 |

| |pen. |painting | |

| | |(너의 그림 실력을 향상시켜라) | |

|animal |An animal is a living creature such as a dog,|Learn about animals in the wild|n. 동물 |

| |lion, or rabbit, rather than a bird, fish, |(야생에 사는 동물들에 대해 | |

| |insect, or human being. |배워라) | |

Unit 3 Gone!


|open |If you open something, its position is |Open the window, please. It’s hot in here. |v.~을 열다 |

| |changed so that it no longer covers a |(창문 좀 열어줄래, 여기 더워) | |

| |hole or gap. | | |

|gone |When something is gone, it is no longer |After lunch, all the pizza was gone. |adj. 없어진 |

| |present or no longer exists. |(점심 식사 후, 모든 피자가 없어졌다) | |

|meat |Meat is flesh taken from a dead animal |Tigers and lions like to eat meat. |n. 고기 |

| |that people cook and eat. |(호랑이와 사자는 고기 먹는 것을 좋아한다) | |

|drop |If you drop something, you accidentally |Edward dropped a rock in the water. |v. ~을 떨어뜨리다 |

| |let it fall. |(에드워드는 물에 돌을 떨어뜨렸다) | |

|just |You use just to emphasize that a |The other dog was really just himself! |adv. 바로, 정확히 |

| |particular thing is exactly what is |(또 다른 개는 바로 그 자신 이었다) | |

| |needed or fits a particular description | | |

| |exactly. | | |

|river |A river is a large amount of fresh water |Fish live in the river. |n. 강 |

| |flowing continuously in a long line |(물고기는 강에서 산다) | |

| |across the land. | | |

|piece |A piece of something is an amount of it |A dog had a piece of meat in his mouth. |n. 조각 |

| |that has been broken off, torn off, or |(개는 입안에 고기 조각을 물고 있었다) | |

| |cut off. | | |

|fall |If someone or something falls, they move |The baby bird fell out of its nest. |v. 떨어지다 |

| |quickly downwards onto or towards the |(아기 새가 둥지 밖으로 떨어졌다) | |

| |ground. | | |

|really |You can use really to emphasize a |I want to be really good at English |adv. 실제로, 정말로 |

| |statement. |(나는 영어를 정말 잘하고 싶다) | |

|want |If you want something, you feel a desire |Why do you want to do that? |v.~을 원하다 |

| |or a need for it. |(너는 왜 그것을 하고 싶어?) | |

Unit 4 Using the Computer


|program |A program is a set of instructions that a |There are many programs on his computer. |n. 프로그램 |

| |computer follows in order to perform a |(그의 컴퓨터에는 많은 프로그램들이 있다) | |

| |particular task. | | |

|screen |A screen is a flat vertical surface on which|You look at the screen of the computer. |n. 화면 |

| |pictures or words are shown. |(너는 컴퓨터의 화면을 본다) | |

|icon |An icon is a picture on a computer screen |The pencil icon is on the screen. |n. (컴퓨터) 아이콘 |

| |representing a particular computer function.|(연필모양의 아이콘이 화면에 있다) | |

|mistake |If you make a mistake, you do something |Oh, no! I made a mistake. |n. 실수 |

| |which you did not intend to do. |(오, 안돼! 나 실수했어) | |

|boring |Someone or something boring is so dull and |That movie is really boring. |adj. 지루한 |

| |uninteresting that they make people tired. |(그 영화는 매우 지루하다) | |

|add |If you add one thing to another, you put it |Can you add some sugar to my coffee? |v.~을 더하다, 추가하다|

| |in or on the other thing, to increase, |(커피에 약간의 설탕을 넣어줄 수 있니?) | |

| |complete, or improve it. | | |

|click |If you click on an area of a computer |Click on the pencil icon. |v. (마우스의 버튼을) |

| |screen, you point the cursor at that area |(연필모양의 아이콘을 클릭해) |클릭하다 |

| |and press one of the buttons on the mouse. | | |

|worry |If you worry, you keep thinking about |If you make a mistake, don’t worry. |v. 걱정하다, 고민하다 |

| |problems that you have. |(만약 실수를 해도 걱정하지 마) | |

|finish |When you finish doing or dealing with |Now you are finished with your drawing. |v.~을 끝마치다 |

| |something, you do or deal with the last part|(이제 당신은 그림 그리는 것을 끝마친다) | |

| |of it, so that there is no more for you to | | |

| |do or deal with. | | |

|picture |A picture consists of lines and shapes which|What do you see in the picture? |n. 그림 |

| |are drawn, painted, or printed on a surface |(그림에서 무엇을 보니?) | |

| |and show a person, thing, or scene. | | |

Unit 5 Tom’s First Baseball Game


|clap |When you clap, you hit your hands together to|Everyone is clapping because we won the |v. 박수를 보내다 |

| |show appreciation or attract attention. |game. | |

| | |(우리가 경기에서 이겼기 때문에 모든 이들 | |

| | |이 박수 치고 있다) | |

|nervous |If someone is nervous, they are frightened or|I feel nervous before a test. |adj. 긴장한 |

| |worried about something that is happening or |(시험 전, 나는 긴장한다) | |

| |might happen. | | |

|score |In a sport or game, if a player scores a goal|She scored during the soccer game. |v. ~을 득점하다 |

| |or a point, they gain a goal or point. |(축구경기에서 그녀는 점수를 득점했다) | |

|base |A base in baseball, softball, or rounders is |You need to run to the base. |n. (야구의) 루, 베이 |

| |one of the places at each corner of the |(너는 야구의 베이스로 달릴 필요가 있어) |스 |

| |square on the pitch. | | |

|bat |A bat is a specially shaped piece of wood |She goes up to bat. |n. (야구의) 배트 |

| |that is used for hitting the ball in |(그녀는 야구의 배트 가까이 간다) | |

| |baseball, or softball. | | |

|home run |A home run allows the person hitting the ball|She hit a home run! |n. 홈런 |

| |to run around all the bases without stopping.|(그녀는 홈런을 쳤다) | |

|far |If one place, thing, or person is far away |It goes really far. |adv. 멀리 |

| |from another, there is a great distance |(그것은 굉장히 멀리 간다) | |

| |between them. | | |

|shout |If you shout, you say something very loudly. |Everyone shouts at me to run. |v. 외치다 |

| | |(모든 이들이 내게 달리라고 외친다) | |

|win |If you win something such as a competition, |Our team wins the game! |v. 이기다 |

| |battle, or argument, you defeat those people |(우리 팀은 경기에서 이긴다) | |

| |you are competing. | | |

|park |A park is a public area of land with grass |My team is playing baseball in the park. |n. 공원 |

| |and trees, where people go in order to relax |(우리 팀은 공원에서 야구 경기를 하고 | |

| |and enjoy themselves. |있다) | |

Unit 6 Our Favorite Hobbies


|pick |If you pick a particular person or thing, you |She picked hamburgers for dinner. |v. 고르다 |

| |choose that one. |(그녀는 저녁메뉴로 햄버거를 골랐다) | |

|stamp |A stamp is a small piece of paper which you lick|I put a stamp on the letter. |n. 우표 |

| |and stick on an envelope or package. |(나는 편지에 우표를 붙였다) | |

|survey |If you carry out a survey, you try to find out |The survey tells us people’s |n. 조사 |

| |detailed information about a lot of different |favorite hobbies. | |

| |people or things, usually by asking people a |(조사는 사람들이 좋아하는 취미들에 | |

| |series of questions. |대해 말해준다) | |

|activity |Activity is a situation in which a lot of things|My favorite activity is drawing on a|n. 활동 |

| |are happening or being done. |rainy day. | |

| | |(내가 가장 좋아하는 활동은 비오는 날| |

| | |그림 그리는 것이다) | |

|collect |If you collect things, you get a large number of|He likes to collect toy cars. |v.~을 모으다 |

| |them over a period of time because they interest|(그는 장난감 차 모으는 것을 | |

| |you. |좋아한다) | |

|mall |A mall is a very large enclosed shopping area. |We went to the mall to do some |n. 쇼핑 몰 |

| | |shopping. | |

| | |(우리는 쇼핑을 하러 쇼핑몰에 갔다) | |

|choose |If you choose someone or something, you decide |Most students picked |v.~을 고르다 |

| |which person or thing you want to have. |playing soccer, while a number of | |

| | |the girls chose going to the mall. | |

| | |(대부분의 학생들은 축구 경기하는 것 | |

| | |을 선택한 반면, 소녀들은 쇼핑몰에 | |

| | |가는 것을 선택했다. | |

|rest |The rest is used to refer to all the parts of |The rest of the students chose |n. 나머지 |

| |something or all the things in a group that |painting or drawing as their | |

| |remain or that you have not already mentioned. |favorite activity. | |

| | |(나머지 학생들은 가장 좋아하는 활동 | |

| | |으로 그림 그리는 것을 선택했다) | |

|each |If you refer to each thing or each person in a |Each of the students wrote down |adj. pron. 각각(의) |

| |group, you are referring to every member of the |their favorite activities. | |

| |group and considering them as individuals. |(각각의 학생들은 그들의 가장 좋아하 | |

| | |는 활동을 썼다) | |

|graph |A graph is a mathematical diagram which shows |In the end, the students made this |n. 그래프 |

| |the relationship between two or more sets of |graph. | |

| |numbers or measurements. |(마지막에, 학생들은 이 그래프를 | |

| | |만들었다) | |

Unit 7 Hannah’s New School


|bell |A bell is a device that makes a ringing sound |There is a big bell in the church |n. 종 |

| |and is used to give a signal or to attract |tower. | |

| |people's attention. |(교회 탑에 큰 종이 있다) | |

|ring |When you ring a bell or when a bell rings, it |The school bell rings at 8:00 |v. (종)울리다 |

| |makes a sound. |a.m. | |

| | |(학교 종은 아침 8시에 울리다) | |

|lunchtime |Lunchtime is the period of the day when people|The children talked during |n. 점심시간 |

| |have their lunch. |lunchtime. | |

| | |(학생들은 점심시간 동안 이야기 했다) | |

|lesson |A lesson is a fixed period of time when people|The teacher gives a lesson every day. |n. 수업 |

| |are taught about a particular subject or |(선생님은 매일 수업을 한다) | |

| |taught how to do something. | | |

|classmate |Your classmates are students who are in the |Hannah likes to study with her |n. 반 친구 |

| |same class as you at school or college. |classmates. | |

| | |(한나는 그녀의 반 친구들과 공부하는 것 | |

| | |을 좋아한다) | |

|arrive |When a person or vehicle arrives at a place, | She arrived at 3:00 p.m. |v.도착하다 |

| |they come to it at the end of a journey. |(그녀는 오후 3시에 도착했다) | |

|scared |If you are scared of someone or something, you|She was a little scared at first, but |adj. 겁먹은 |

| |are frightened of them. |then the teacher smiled. | |

| | |(처음에, 그녀는 약간 겁을 먹었다. 하지 | |

| | |만 그때 선생님이 미소를 지었다) | |

|meet |If you meet someone, you happen to be in the |Who did Hannah meet first in her |adj. ~을 만나다 |

| |same place as them and start talking to them. |classroom? | |

| | |(한나가 교실에서 맨 처음 만난 사람이 | |

| | |누구였는가?) | |

|start |When something starts, or if someone starts |Hannah sat down, and the teacher |v.~을 시작하다 |

| |it, it takes place from a particular time. |started her lesson. | |

| | |(한나는 앉았고 선생님들 수업을 하기 시 | |

| | |작했다) | |

|tomorrow |You use tomorrow to refer to the day after |Hannah is looking forward to tomorrow! |n. 내일 |

| |today. |(한나는 내일이 기다려진다) | |

Unit 8 The Weekend Weather


|later |You use later to refer to a time or situation|I can’t do it now. I’ll do it later. |adv. 나중에 |

| |that is after the one that you have been |(나는 그것을 지금 할 수가 없어, 나중 | |

| |talking about or after the present one. |에 할게) | |

|cloud |A cloud is a mass of water vapour that floats|There are a few clouds in the sky |n. 구름 |

| |in the sky. Clouds are usually white or grey |today. | |

| |in colour. |(오늘 하늘에 구름이 꼈다) | |

|stay |If you stay where you are, you continue to be|Let’s go to John’s house. We can stay|v. 머무르다 |

| |there and do not leave. |there until ten o’clock. | |

| | |(존의 집에 가자. 우리는 열시 까지 거 | |

| | |기 머무를 수 있어) | |

|wind |A wind is a current of air that is moving |There is too much wind. We can’t play|n. 바람 |

| |across the earth's surface. |baseball today. | |

| | |(바람이 너무 많이 불어. 우리 오늘 야 | |

| | |구를 못 할거 같아) | |

|weekend. |A weekend is Saturday and Sunday. |We don’t go to school on the weekend.|n 주말 |

| | |(우리는 주말에 학교에 가지 않는다) | |

|kite |A kite is an object, usually used as a toy, |There is a lot of wind! Let’s fly our|n. 연 |

| |which is flown in the air. |kite! | |

| | |(바람이 많이 불어. 연 날리러 가자) | |

|weather |The weather is the condition of the |There’s more weather news later at |n. 날씨 |

| |atmosphere in one area at a particular time, |8:00 p.m. | |

| |for example if it is raining, hot, or windy. |(저녁 8시에 더 많은 기상뉴스가 | |

| | |있겠습니다) | |

|rainy |During a rainy day, season, or period it |Due to the rainy weather, we did not |adj. 비오는 |

| |rains a lot. |have our soccer game. | |

| | |(비 오는 날씨 때문에, 우리는 축구 경 | |

| | |기를 하지 않았다) | |

|hot |Hot is used to describe the weather or the |It’s going to be a very hot weekend. |adj. 더운 |

| |air in a room or building when the |(굉장히 더운 주말이 되겠습니다) | |

| |temperature is high. | | |

|beach |A beach is an area of sand or stones beside |Saturday will be a good day for the |n. 해변 |

| |the sea. |beach. | |

| | |(토요일은 해변 가기 좋을 날씨일 것입 | |

| | |니다) | |

Unit 9 A Famous Animal


|belly |The belly of a person or animal is their stomach|Santa has a big belly. |n. 배 |

| |or abdomen. |(산타는 큰 배를 가지고 있다) | |

|powerful. |You say that someone's body is powerful when it |Jim is very powerful. |adj 강한 |

| |is physically strong. |(짐은 매우 강하다) | |

|female |You can refer to any creature that can lay eggs |But only female kangaroos have these |adj. (동물) 암컷 |

| |or produce babies from its body as a female. |pouches. | |

| | |(그러나 오직 암컷 캥거루만이 이러한 | |

| | |작은 주머니를 가지고 있다) | |

|adult |An adult is a mature, fully developed person. |I want to be a teacher when I am an |n. 어른 |

| | |adult | |

| | |(나는 어른이 되어 선생님이 되고 싶다)| |

|thumb |Your thumb is the short thick part on the side |Ouch! I hurt my thumb. |n. 엄지손가락 |

| |of your hand next to your four fingers. |(앗! 나 엄지손가락 다쳤어!) | |

|pouch |The pouch of an animal such as a kangaroo is the|The kangaroo keeps its baby in its |n. 작은 주머니 |

| |pocket of skin on its stomach in which its baby |pouch. | |

| |grows. |(캥거루는 새끼를 작은 주머니에 넣고 | |

| | |다닌다) | |

|famous |Someone or something that is famous is very well|One of the most famous animals in |adj. 유명한 |

| |known. |Australia is the kangaroo. | |

| | |(호주에 있는 가장 유명한 동물 중 | |

| | |하나는 캥거루다) | |

|tiny |Something or someone that is tiny is extremely |Mother kangaroos keep their tiny |adj. 자그마한 |

| |small. |babies safe in their pouches. | |

| | |(엄마 캥거루는 그들의 자그마한 | |

| | |새끼들을 주머니에 넣어 안전하게 보호 | |

| | |한다) | |

|grow |When people, animals, and plants grow, they |Kangaroos grow up to be strong. |adj. 자라다 |

| |increase in size and change physically over a |(캥거루는 강하게 자라난다) | |

| |period of time. | | |

|though |You use though to indicate that the information |These tiny babies grow very big and |adv. (문장 끝이나 |

| |in a clause contrasts with or modifies |strong, though. |중간에서) 그래도, 그러나 |

| |information given in a previous sentence or |(이러한 작은 새끼들은 그러나, 매우 | |

| |sentences. |크고 강하게 자란다.) | |

Unit 10 The Koala Cafe


|charge |If you charge someone an amount of money, |How much did they charge for that shirt? |v.~에게 (지불)을 요구 |

| |you ask them to pay that amount for |(저 셔츠 사는데 그들은 얼마를 지불했니?) |하다 |

| |something that you have sold to them or | | |

| |done for them. | | |

|price |The price of something is the amount of |The price of this pizza is too high. |n. 가격 |

| |money that you have to pay in order to buy |(이 피자 가격은 너무 비싸다) | |

| |it. | | |

|cheap |Goods or services that are cheap cost less |That sandwich is really cheap! |n. (값이) 싼 |

| |money than usual or than you expected. |(저 샌드위치는 매우 싸다) | |

|cafe |A café is a place where you can buy drinks,|Timothy likes to have lunch at the café. |n. 간이식당 |

| |simple meals, and snacks. |(티머시는 간이식당에서 점심을 먹은 것을 | |

| | |좋아한다) | |

|cone |A cone is a thin, cone-shaped biscuit that |Alex likes to eat an ice cream cone after|n. 아이스크림 콘 |

| |is used for holding ice cream. |lunch. | |

| | |(알렉스는 점심식사 후 아이스크림 콘 먹는 | |

| | |것을 좋아한다) | |

|expensive |If something is expensive, it costs a lot |That car is $90,000! That’s really |adj. 비싼 |

| |of money. |expensive! | |

| | |(저 차는 90000달러야! 매우 비싸!) | |

|popular |Something that is popular is enjoyed or |This café is very popular with people. |adj. 인기 있는 |

| |liked by a lot of people. |(이 간이식당은 사람들에게 매우 인기가 | |

| | |많아) | |

|pretty |You can use pretty before an adjective or |It has really good food and pretty good |adj. 꽤, 제법 |

| |adverb to mean `quite' or `rather'. |prices. | |

| | |(거긴 음식도 매우 좋고 가격도 제법 괜찮아)| |

|usually |If something usually happens, it is the |.How much does Mary usually spend at the |adv. 보통은, 평소에는 |

| |thing that most often happens in a |café? | |

| |particular situation. |(메리는 보통 간이식당에서 얼마를 쓰니?) | |

|spend |When you spend money, you pay money for |Mary usually spends |v. (돈을) 쓰다, |

| |things that you want. |about $6.00 on her meals |소비하다 |

| | |(메리는 보통 식사를 하는데 6달러를 쓴다) | |

Unit 11 A Famous Woman


|successful |Someone who is successful achieves what|He is a successful actor. He has been in many |adj. 성공한 |

| |they intended to achieve. |popular movies. | |

| | |(그는 성공한 배우이다. 그는 수많은 유명한 | |

| | |영화에 출연해왔다) | |

|create |To create something means to cause it |He created a beautiful painting. |v. ~을 만들어 내다 |

| |to happen or exist. |(그는 아름다운 그림을 만들어냈다) | |

|daughter |Someone's daughter is their female |That is my daughter. |n. 딸 |

| |child. |(저 아이가 내 딸이야) | |

|second |A second is one of the sixty parts that|One minute is 60 seconds. |n. 초 |

| |a minute is divided into. |(1분은 60초이다) | |

|somewhere |You use somewhere to refer to a place |I want to go somewhere to eat. |adv. 어딘가에(로) |

| |without saying exactly where you mean. |(나는 어딘가 가서 뭘 먹고 싶어) | |

|over |If something is over a particular |That store sells over 20 toys a day. |prep. (수) ~이상 |

| |amount, measurement, or age, it is more|(저 가게는 하루에 20개가 넘는 장난감을 판다) | |

| |than that amount, measurement, or age. | | |

|doll |A doll is a child's toy which looks |In fact, every second of every day, two Barbie|n. 인형 |

| |like a small person or baby. |dolls are sold somewhere in the world. | |

| | |(실제로, 하루하루 매초마다 두 개의 바비 인형이| |

| | |세계 어딘가에서 팔린다) | |

|name |When you name someone or something, you|Ruth Handler created her in 1959 and named her|v. ~에 이름을 붙이다 |

| |give them a name, usually at the |after her daughter Barbara. | |

| |beginning of their life. |(루스 핸들러는 1929년에 그녀를 만들었고 딸인 | |

| | |바바라의 이름을 따서 붙였다) | |

|become |If someone or something becomes a |Barbie has become one of the most popular |v.~이 되다 |

| |particular thing, they start to change |dolls around the world. | |

| |and develop into that thing, or start |(바비는 전 세계에서 가장 유명한 인형 중 하나가| |

| |to develop the characteristics |되었다) | |

| |mentioned. | | |

|know |If you know a fact, a piece of |Everyone knows her name. |v.~을 알다 |

| |information, or an answer, you have it |(모든 이들이 그녀의 이름을 안다) | |

| |correctly in your mind. | | |

Unit 12 A Weekend Schedule


|celebrate |If you celebrate, you do something enjoyable|Let’s go out to dinner to celebrate your |v.~을 축하하다 |

| |because of a special occasion or to mark |birthday! | |

| |someone's success. |(우리 너의 생일을 축하하러 나가서 저녁 | |

| | |먹자) | |

|wrap |When you wrap something, you fold paper or |I have to wrap the present. |v.~을 포장하다 |

| |cloth tightly round it to cover it |(나는 선물을 포장해야 한다) | |

| |completely. | | |

|brunch |Brunch is a meal that is eaten in the late |It’s 11:00. How about going to |n. 브런치, 늦은 |

| |morning. It is a combination of breakfast |brunch? |아침식사 |

| |and lunch. |(11시야. 브런치 먹으로 가는 게 어때?) | |

|grocery |Groceries are foods you buy at a grocer's or|Did you buy groceries? |n. 식료 잡화류 |

| |at a supermarket such as flour, sugar, and |(식료품들을 샀니?) | |

| |tinned foods. | | |

|project |A project is a detailed study of a subject |I have to finish my science project before |n. 프로젝트, 연구과제|

| |by a pupil or student. |tomorrow. | |

| | |(나는 내일 전에 과학 프로젝트를 끝내야 해) | |

|mail |If you mail a letter or parcel to someone, |I have to mail a letter. |v. 우편에 부치다 |

| |you send it to them by putting it in a post |(나는 편지를 부쳐야 해) | |

| |box or taking it to a post office. | | |

|special |Someone or something that is special is |This weekend, they have some special plans.|adj. 특별한 |

| |better or more important than other people |(이번 주말, 그들은 특별한 계획이 있다) | |

| |or things. | | |

|cheer |When people cheer, they shout loudly to show|Cheer Dad on in bike race |v.~을 응원하다 |

| |their approval or to encourage someone who |(자전거 경주에서 아빠를 응원하자) | |

| |is doing something such as taking part in a | | |

| |game. | | |

|math |Math is the same as mathematics. |It is important to have a basic |n. 수학 |

| | |understanding of math because it has | |

| | |applications in science. | |

| | |(수학에서 기본을 이해하는 것은 중요하다. | |

| | |왜냐하면 그것은 과학에서 응용되기 때문이다)| |

|present |A present is something that you give to |Can you wrap this present for me? |n. 선물 |

| |someone, for example at Christmas or when |(날 위해 이 선물 포장해 줄 수 있니?) | |

| |you visit them. | | |

Unit 13 Sarah Is Sick


|problem |A problem is a situation that is unsatisfactory|Sarah has a problem. She doesn’t feel |n. 문제 |

| |and causes difficulties for people. |well. | |

| | |(새라에게 문제가 있어. 그녀는 기분이 | |

| | |그다지 좋지 않아) | |

|headache |If you have a headache, you have a pain in your|My head hurts. I have a headache. |n. 두통 |

| |head. |(머리가 아파. 나 두통이 있어) | |

|medicine |Medicine is the treatment of illness and |I will take some medicine to feel better.|n. 약 |

| |injuries by doctors and nurses. |(나는 더 나아지기 위해 약을 먹을 것이다) | |

|cough |A cough is an illness in which you cough often |I have a bad cough. |n. 기침 |

| |and your chest or throat hurts. |(나는 기침을 해) | |

|rest |If you rest or if you rest your body, you do |My mother told me to rest. |v.쉬다 |

| |not do anything active for a time. |(우리 엄마가 내게 쉬라고 했어) | |

|throat |Your throat is the back of your mouth and the |Sarah is sick. Her throat hurts. |n. 목구멍 |

| |top part of the tubes that go down into your |(새라는 아프다. 그녀는 목이 아프다) | |

| |stomach and your lungs. | | |

|sore |If part of your body is sore, it causes you |Sarah has a sore throat, a bad cough, and|adj. 아픈 |

| |pain and discomfort. |a headache | |

| | |(새라는 목이 아프고, 기침을 하며 두통이 | |

| | |있다) | |

|office |An office is a room or a part of a building |Today. She went to the doctor’s office |n. 사무실 |

| |where people work sitting at desks. |with her mom. | |

| | |(오늘, 그녀는 엄마와 개인 병원에 갔다) | |

|sick |If you are sick, you are ill. |Sarah is sick. |adj. 아픈 |

| | |(새라는 아프다) | |

|cold |If you have a cold, you have a mild, very |You have a cold. |n. 감기 |

| |common illness which makes you sneeze a lot and|(너 감기에 걸렸구나) | |

| |gives you a sore throat or a cough. | | |

Unit 14 Camp Is Great!


|cabin n. |A cabin is a small wooden house, especially|I stayed in a cabin when I went to |n. 통나무집 |

| |one in an area of forests or mountains. |camp. | |

| | |(내가 캠프에 갔을 때, 통나무집에 | |

| | |머물렀다) | |

|wolf n. |A wolf is a wild animal that looks like a |A wolf lives in this forest. |n. 늑대 |

| |large dog. |(늑대는 이 숲에서 산다) | |

|mask n. |A mask is a piece of cloth or other |I put on my mask. Now, you |n. 가면 |

| |material, which you wear over your face so |can’t see my face. | |

| |that people cannot see who you are. |(나는 가면을 썼어. 이제 넌 내 얼굴을 볼| |

| | |수가 없어) | |

|mosquito |Mosquitos are small flying insects which |Don’t let the mosquito bite |n. 모기 |

| |bite people and animals in order to suck |you. | |

| |their blood. |(모기에게 물리지 마) | |

|campsite |A campsite is a place where people who are |Our cabin is at that campsite. |n. 캠프장 |

| |on holiday can stay in tents. |(우리 통나무집은 캠프장에 있다) | |

|craft |A craft is an activity such as weaving or |Amy likes doing crafts. |n. 공예 |

| |pottery that involves making things |(에이미는 공예 하는 것을 좋아한다) | |

| |skilfully with your hands. | | |

|full |If something is full, it contains as much |The sink is full of dishes. |adj. 가득 찬 |

| |of a substance or as many objects as it |(싱크대가 접시로 가득 찼다.) | |

| |can. | | |

|fly |A fly is a small insect with two wings. |Our cabin is also full of flies and |n. 파리 |

| |There are many kinds of flies, and the most|mosquitoes! | |

| |common are black in colour. |(우리 통나무 집은 또한 파리와 모기들로 | |

| | |가득 찼다.) | |

|safe |Something that is safe does not cause |He also saw a bear, but he was |adj. 안전한 |

| |physical harm or danger. |(그는 또한 곰을 봤지만 안전했다) | |

|fun |If you describe someone as a fun person, |That isn’t so fun. |adj. 재미있는 |

| |you mean that you enjoy being with them. |(그건 그다지 재미있지 않아) | |

Unit 15 Lara Croft


|character |The characters in a film, book, or play |The character of this book is a |n. (영화,소설 속) |

| |are the people that it is about. |superhero. |등장인물 |

| | |(이 책의 등장인물은 슈퍼히어로이다) | |

|main |The main thing is the most important one|That is the main door to my |adj. 주요한 |

| |of several similar things in a |school. | |

| |particular situation. |(저것이 우리 학교의 주된 문이야 | |

|introduce |To introduce something means to cause it|A company first introduced the MP3 |v. (상품)을 널리 알리 |

| |to enter a place or exist in a system |player in 1998. |다 |

| |for the first time. |(회사는 1998년에 처음으로 mp3 플레이어를| |

| | |널리 알렸다) | |

|appear |When someone appears in something such |Orlando Bloom appeared in |v.등장하다 |

| |as a play or a show they take part in |many movies. | |

| |it. |(올란도 블룸은 많은 영화에 등장했다) | |

|comic book |A comic book is a magazine that contains|One comic book character is |n. 만화책 |

| |stories told in pictures. |Superman. | |

| | |(어떤 만화책 등장인물은 슈퍼맨이다) | |

|series |A radio or television series is a set of|Harry Potter is a 7-book series. |n. 시리즈(물) |

| |programmes of a particular kind which |(해리포터는 7시리즈 물이다) | |

| |have the same title. | | |

|instant |You use instant to describe something |Tomb Raider the video game was an |adj. 즉각적인 |

| |that happens immediately. |instant hit. | |

| | |(툼레이더 비디오 게임은 즉각적인 대성공 | |

| | |을 거두었다) | |

|hero |The hero of a book, play, film, or story|James Bond, 007, is an action hero. |n. 영웅 |

| |is the main male character, who usually |(007 영화의 제임스 본드는 액션 영웅이다)| |

| |has good qualities. | | |

|smart |You can describe someone who is clever |The main hero was very smart. |adj. 영리한 |

| |as smart. |(주요 영웅은 매우 영리하다) | |

|besides |Besides something or beside something |Besides now appearing in movies, Lara |prep. ~외에, ~에 더하 |

| |means in addition to it. |Croft also has her own comic book |여 |

| | |series. | |

| | |(영화에 등장한 것 이외에도 라라 | |

| | |크로포드는 만화책으로도 출간된다. | |

Unit 16 Reptiles Are Great!


|iguana |An iguana is a type of large lizard found in |An iguana is a kind of lizard. |n. 이구아나 |

| |America. |(이구아나는 도마뱀 류의 일종이다) | |

|thrilled |If someone is thrilled, they are extremely |Roberto was thrilled to see the |adj. 흥분한 |

| |pleased about something. |new movie! | |

| | |(로베르토는 새 영화를 보고 흥분했다) | |

|crocodile |A crocodile is a large reptile with a long |Crocodiles are very dangerous. |n. 악어 |

| |body and strong jaws. Crocodiles live in |(악어는 매우 잔인하다) | |

| |rivers and eat meat. | | |

|reptile |Reptiles are a group of cold-blooded animals |One group of animals are the |n. 파충류의 동물 |

| |which have skins covered with small hard |reptiles. | |

| |plates called scales and lay eggs. |(동물의 한 그룹은 파충류이다) | |

|hamster. |A hamster is a small furry animal which is |My favorite pet is my hamster. |n. 햄스터 |

| |similar to a mouse, and which is often kept |(내가 가장 좋아하는 애완동물은 햄스터이다) | |

| |as a pet. | | |

|aquarium |An aquarium is a building, often in a zoo, |My fish live in an aquarium. |n. 수족관 |

| |where fish and underwater animals are kept. |(내 물고기는 수족관에 산다) | |

|crazy |If you are crazy about something, you are |He is crazy about animals. |adj. 열광한 |

| |very enthusiastic about it. |(그는 동물에 열광한다) | |

|return |When you return to a place, you go back there|Roberto returned home. |v.돌아가다 |

| |after you have been away. |(로베르토는 집으로 돌아갔다) | |

|pet |A pet is an animal that you keep in your home|He has many pets in his house. |n. 애완동물 |

| |to give you company and pleasure. |(그는 집에 애완동물이 많이 있다) | |

|visit |If you visit someone, you go to see them and |One day, Roberto visited a reptile farm. |v.방문하다 |

| |spend time with them. |(어느 날, 로베르토는 파충류 농장을 | |

| | |방문했다) | |

Unit 17 Letter from Mom and Dad


|rest |The rest is used to refer to all the parts of |Do you want the rest of my cake? I |n. 나머지 |

| |something or all the things in a group that |can’t eat it. | |

| |remain or that you have not already mentioned. |(너 나머지 케익도 먹고 싶어? 나는 | |

| | |못 먹겠어) | |

|plenty |If there is plenty of something, there is a |I have plenty of cookies. Take one.|n. 많음, 풍부 |

| |large amount of it. |(내게 쿠키가 많아. 하나 먹어) | |

|camera |A camera is a piece of equipment that is used |Look at my new camera! |n. 사진기 |

| |for taking photographs. |(내 새로운 사진기 봐봐) | |

|almost |You use almost to indicate that something is not|Wilma almost won the race. She came|adv. 거의 |

| |completely the case but is nearly the case. |in second place. | |

| | |(윌마는 거의 경주에서 이길 뻔 했다.| |

| | |그녀는 2등으로 들어왔다) | |

|remember |If you remember to do something, you do it when |Remember to brush your teeth before|v. ~을 기억하고 있다 |

| |you intend to. |you go to bed. | |

| | |(잠 자러 가기 전에 이 닦아야 하는 | |

| | |것을 기억해) | |

|believe |If you believe someone or if you believe what |I don’t believe in ghosts. |v. ~을 믿다 |

| |they say or write, you accept that they are |(나는 귀신을 믿지 않는다) | |

| |telling the truth. | | |

|sound |When you are describing your impression or |It sounds like you are having a lot|v. 생각되다, 들리다 |

| |opinion of something you have heard about or |of fun. | |

| |read about, you can talk about the way it |(네가 재미있는 시간을 보내는 것처럼| |

| |sounds. |들린다) | |

|careful |If you are careful, you give serious attention |Please be careful around wild |adj. 조심성 있는 |

| |to what you are doing, in order to avoid harm, |animals like that. | |

| |damage, or mistakes. |(저런 야생동물 주변을 조심하세요) | |

|dear |You use dear in expressions such as `my dear |Dear Tommy, |adj. 사랑하는 |

| |fellow', when you are addressing someone whom |(사랑하는 토미에게) | |

| |you know and are fond of. | | |

|glad |If you are glad about something, you are happy |We’re glad you stayed in your |adj. 기쁜 |

| |and pleased about it. |cabin. | |

| | |(우리는 네가 오두막 집에 머무른다니| |

| | |기쁘구나) | |

Unit 18 Making a Campfire


|match |A match is a small wooden stick with a substance|I need a match to start this fire. |n. 성냥 |

| |on one end that produces a flame when you rub it|(나는 이 불을 켜기 위해 성냥이 | |

| |along the rough side of a matchbox. |필요하다) | |

|dirt |You can refer to the earth on the ground as |Plants grow in dirt. |n. 흙 |

| |dirt, especially when it is dusty. |(식물은 흙에서 자란다) | |

|circle |A circle is a shape consisting of a curved line |A doughnut looks like a circle. |n. 원 |

| |completely surrounding an area. |(도넛은 원처럼 생겼다) | |

|campfire |A campfire is a fire that you light out of doors|We usually make a campfire when we go|n. 캠프파이어 |

| |when you are camping. |camping. | |

| | |(우리는 캠프에 갈 때, 보통 | |

| | |캠프파이어를 한다) | |

|burn |If something is burning, it is on fire. |That house is burning. |v. 타오르다, 타다 |

| | |(저 집이 불타고 있어!) | |

|light |If you light something such as a cigarette or |Use a match to light this candle. |v. (불)을 지피다 |

| |fire, or if it lights, it starts burning. |(이 성냥을 사용해서 이 양초에 불을 |~에 점화하다 |

| | |지펴봐) | |

|ground |The ground is the surface of the earth. |Make a circle with rocks on that |n. 땅 |

| | |ground. | |

| | |(땅에 돌로 원을 만들어봐) | |

|wood |Wood is the material which forms the trunks and |The wood was burning in the fire. |n. 장작, 땔감 |

| |branches of trees. |(장작이 불에 타고 있었다) | |

|stick |A stick is a thin branch which has fallen off a |Put the big sticks on top. |n. 막대기, 잘라낸 |

| |tree. |(큰 막대기를 꼭대기에 놓아라) |나뭇가지 |

|wait |When you wait for something or someone, you |Wait for them to start burning. |v. 기다리다 |

| |spend some time doing very little. |(그것들이 불타기 시작하기를 기다려) | |

Unit 19 A Surprise for Charlie


|light up |If your face or your eyes light up you |When Charlie is happy, his face lights |v. (얼굴이) 환해지다 |

| |suddenly look very surprised or happy. |up. | |

| | |(찰리는 행복할 때 얼굴이 환해진다) | |

|gift |A gift is something that you give someone as |My friend gave me a big gift for my |n. 선물 |

| |a present. |birthday. | |

| | |(내 친구는 생일에 큰 선물을 주었다) | |

|banner |A banner is a long strip of cloth with |The banner says, “Happy Birthday.” |n. 플래카드, 현수막 |

| |something written on it. |(현수막에 “생일 축하해” 라고 적혀있다) | |

|living room |The living room in a house is the room where |I watch TV in the living room. |n. 거실 |

| |people sit and relax. |(나는 거실에서 TV를 본다) | |

|seem |You use seem when you are describing your own|He seems sad. |v.~인 것 같다 |

| |feelings or thoughts, or describing something|(그는 슬픈 것처럼 보인다) | |

| |that has happened to you, in order to make | | |

| |your statement less forceful. | | |

|notice |If you notice something or someone, you |I noticed a big box beside the |v.~을 알아차리다 |

| |become aware of them. |front door. | |

| | |(나는 앞문 옆에 큰 상자가 있는 것을 알 | |

| | |아차렸다) | |

|wish |If you wish someone something such as luck or|No one has wished him a happy birthday.|v.~이기를 바라다 |

| |happiness, you express the hope that they |(어떤 사람도 그에게 행복한 생일이 되도 | |

| |will be lucky or happy. |록 빌어주지 않았다) | |

|forget |If you forget something or someone, you |Mom seems to have forgotten his |v.~을 잊다 |

| |deliberately put them out of your mind and do|birthday. | |

| |not think about them any more. |(엄마는 그의 생일을 잊은 것처럼 보인다)| |

|balloon |A balloon is a small, thin, rubber bag that |Then, he sees a birthday cake, |n. 풍선 |

| |you blow air into so that it becomes larger |balloons, gifts, and all of his | |

| |and rounder or longer. |friends. | |

| | |(그때, 그는 생일 케익, 풍선, 선물 그리 | |

| | |고 그의 친구들을 본다) | |

|face |Your face is the front part of your head from|Charlie’s face lights up. |n. 얼굴 |

| |your chin to the top of your forehead. |(찰리의 얼굴이 밝아진다) | |

Unit 20 Meet a Firefighter


|about |About is used in front of a number to |There are about 30 students in class. |prep. 대략, 약 |

| |show that the number is not exact. |(교실에 대략 30명의 학생들이 있다) | |

|interview |When a journalist interviews someone such|She is going to interview the |v.~을 취재하다 |

| |as a famous person, they ask them a |principal today. | |

| |series of questions. |(그녀는 오늘 교장선생님을 취재할 계획이다) | |

|camper |A camper is someone who is camping |Many campers like to stay at that campsite. |n. 캠프하는 사람 |

| |somewhere. |(캠프하는 사람들은 캠프장에 머무르는 것을 좋 | |

| | |아한다) | |

|firefighter |Firefighters are people whose job is to |The firefighter said some campers caused the |n. 소방관 |

| |put out fires. |forest fire. | |

| | |(소방관들은 몇몇 캠프하는 사람들이 산불을 일 | |

| | |으켰다고 말했다) | |

|forest fire |Fire or a fire is an occurrence of |There is a big forest fire in the mountains. |n. 산불 |

| |uncontrolled burning which destroys |(산에 거대한 산불이 난다) | |

| |forest. | | |

|cause |To cause something, usually something |The sun causes plants to grow. |v. ~의 원인이 되다 |

| |bad, means to make it happen. |(태양은 식물이 성장하는 원인이 된다) | |

|need |If you need something, you cannot |We needed 10 firefighters, |v. ~을 필요로 하다 |

| |successfully achieve what you want or |(우리는 10명의 소방관들을 필요로 한다) | |

| |live properly without it. | | |

|hour |An hour is a period of sixty minutes. |It took about 2 hours to put it out. |v. 시간 |

| | |(불을 끄는데 2시간에 걸렸다) | |

|help |If you help someone, you make it easier |He helped to fight a big fire in Sunny Forest|v. ~을 돕다 |

| |for them to do something. |yesterday. | |

| | |(그는 어제 Sunny 숲에 난 거대한 산불을 끄는 | |

| | |것을 도왔다) | |

|leave |If you leave a place or person, you go |Make sure you put out your |v. 떠나다 |

| |away from that place or person. |campfires before you leave! | |

| | |(네가 떠나기 전에 캠프파이어의 불을 끄는 것을| |

| | |확실히 해) | |


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