
Mr. VogelsingerName_________________________Academic and Advanced English 9Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary List 2 – Acts III - V1. vile (adj)Synonyms: repellant, evil, vileDefinition: highly offensive; wretchedly bad; repulsive or disgustingRJ: Prince Escalus finds bloodshed on the streets of Verona a vile pastime. I shall not tolerate such vile language in my classroom!Your Sentence: 2. dexterity (noun) Synonyms: flexibilityDefinition: skill in using the hands or body; agility; can also refer to mental agility or clevernessRJ: Romeo’s dexterity in climbing the orchard wall impressed Juliet. It requires great mental dexterity to complete Sodukus and crosswords. Your Sentence: 3. banish (v)Synonyms: exileDefinition: To expel by decree; to push or send awayRJ:. Romeo is banished and Juliet thinks she will be forced to marry Paris. I tried to banish my fears and focus on my immediate goal: saving his life.Your Sentence: 4. calamity (noun)Synonyms: disasterDefinition: a great misfortune or disaster; grievous affliction or adveristyRJ: Calamity strikes when Romeo must confront Tybalt. In preparation for calamity, it is wise to keep a “go bag” full of emergency supplies like food and batteries. Your Sentence: 5. prevail (v)Synonyms: win, overcomeDefinition: to prove superior in strength or influence (usu. “prevail over” something or someone); to succeed or become dominantRJ: One of the great questions of Romeo and Juliet is can love prevail over hate?When you are quibbling with a friend, let kindness prevail. You won’t regret it Your Sentence:6. reconcile (v)Synonyms: pacify, placateDefinition: to become friendly with someone after a quarrel; to settle a dispute; sometimes to settle something within one’s own mindRJ: Friar Lawrence hopes that a marriage will reconcile the feuding families and end the ancient grudge.Kindness helped the friends to reconcile after their argument. Your Sentence:7. abhor (v)Synonyms: loatheDefinition: to hate in the strongest possible way; to utterly detest or deploreRJ: Tybalt abhors Romeo. I abhor when people act selfishly, disregarding the needs of anyone else. Your Sentence:8. pensive (adjective)Synonyms: thinking, daydreamyDefinition: wistfully thoughtful; lost in thought, often with a tinge of sadnessRJ: At the outset of the play, Romeo is in a pensive mood, escaping into the woods for hours at a time. Often, when grieving the loss of a loved one, a person goes through a pensive period. Your Sentence:9. vial (noun)Synonyms: (sometimes spelled phial)Definition: a small bottleRJ: Friar Lawrence kept his herbs in vials. We were almost done with the cookies when we found the vial of vanilla extract was empty!Your Sentence:10. prostrate (adj)Synonyms: prone, supineDefinition: lying flat on the ground; to cast oneself face down on the ground out of humility, submission, or adorationRJ: Juliet fell prostrate while begging her father not to make her marry Paris. He lay prostrate after the skiing accident. Your Sentence:11. shroud (noun)Synonyms: clothDefinition: a burial cloth laid over the body of a dead person. RJ: Juliet’s face was covered in a shroud. A shroud of snow covered the fields for as far as the eye could see. 12. beguile (verb)Synonyms: to cheat, to allureDefinition: to influence by trickery, flattery, or deception; to amuse or entertainRJ: Friar Lawrence is surprisingly beguiling.We were beguiled by the salesman’s humor, charm, and exaggerations. 13. amorous (adj)Synonyms: loving, passionate Definition: inclined or predisposed to loveRJ: Romeo and Juliet share an amorous meeting at Juliet’s balcony. Candlelight created an amorous mood in the restaurant where the couple enjoyed their anniversary dinner. 14. pestilence (noun)Synonyms: plagueDefinition: a deadly or epidemic disease; something considered deathly or harmfulRJ: The “ancient grudge” has been a pestilence in Verona for centuries. Internet addiction is a rather recent pestilence to strike unsuspecting victims. 15. sepulcher (noun)Synonyms: tomb, mausoleumDefinition: a burial vault, often used to bury people above ground RJ: The Capulets and Montagues stood in the sepulcher mourning the loss of their children. The Egyptians used pyramids to surround their sepulchers. ................

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