
1.MotifNounSynonyms: Definition: A recurring dominant theme, image, or idea that creates a patternSentence: The angel motif permeated the architecture of the church. Your Sentence: 2. Specious AdjectiveSynonyms: Definition: Superficially pleasing or plausible; pleasing to the eye, but deceptiveSentence: The politician’s argument won brought support from the public, but the foundation of the argument turned out to be specious. Your Sentence: 3. Pliant AdjectiveSynonyms: Definition: Easily bent or flexibleSentence: The branches were pliant, we were able to make them into a wreath. I’ve always appreciated your pliant attitude. Your Sentence: 4. Festoon Noun or VerbSynonyms: Definition: N: a decorative chain, string, garland (think Christmas lights) V: to decorate with a garland or chainSentence: Beyonce arrived at the VMA awards festooned in silk. Your Sentence: 5. EbullienceNounSynonyms: Definition: overflowing with fervor, enthusiasm, or excitement; high-spirited. Literally: bubbling up like a boiling liquid. Sentence: Beyonce seemed ebullient when she won a VMA award while festooned in silk. Your Sentence: 6. Unintelligible AdjectiveSynonyms: Definition: Not able to be understood; confusingSentence: I find some poetry so verbose that it becomes unintelligible. Your Sentence: 7. ChastiseVerbSynonyms: enigmaticDefinition: To criticize, discipline, or punishSentence: The teacher chastised the student for popping his gum. Your Sentence 8. TacitAdjectiveSynonyms: Definition: Understood without being openly expressed; unspoken, silent, but impliedSentence: The teacher shrugged and turned away, giving tacit approval to the behavior. The man bowed his head in tacit prayer. Your Sentence: 9. EffigyNounSynonyms: Definition: Representation or image of something, often a hated person or object. Sentence: The rebels burned an effigy of the dictator. Your Sentence: 10. Assent Noun or VerbSynonyms: Definition: The act of agreement of after thoughtful consideration; the opposite of dissentSentence: After hearing all of the evidence, the last juror assented, making the vote for “guilty” unanimous. Your Sentence: 11. Decorous AdjectiveSynonyms: Definition: Proper, civilized, dignified; showing proper mannersSentence: At the White House for dinner, our behavior and conversation what decorous. Your Sentence: 12. Diffident AdjectiveSynonyms: Definition: Lacking confidence, timid; showing restraint Sentence: The new student felt diffident at the lunch table; he only listened to the conversations for the first week of school. Your Sentence: 13. Interminable AdjectiveSynonyms: Definition: Monotonously unending; unceasing; having no limitsSentence: On PSSA week, the day can seem interminable . . . for eighth grade Your Sentence: 14. Impervious AdjectiveSynonyms: Definition: Incapable or being injured or attacked; protected and invulnerable to changeSentence: Her morals were impervious. She would not lie, even if the truth would disadvantage her. Your Sentence: 15. Furtive AdjectiveSynonyms: clandestineDefinition: Sneaky or sly; underhanded or cunningSentence: The teacher was adamant: there is no such thing as a valid excuse for being late to class. Your Sentence: 16. Covert Adejctive or NounSynonyms: Definition: Hidden, secret, or disguisedSentence: In a covert operation, the military discovered the site of the terrorist cell. Your Sentence: 17. DerisionNounSynonyms: Definition: Ridicule, mockery and sarcasmSentence: Never treat others with derision; it makes YOU look bad. Your Sentence: 18. Ludicrous AdjectiveSynonyms: ridiculousDefinition: Silly or senseless; laughable because of its absurditySentence: The special effects in The Invasion of the Daschunds were ludicrous, turning it into a comedy. Your Sentence: 19. Inscrutable AdjectiveSynonyms: inexplicableDefinition: Not easily seen or understood; mysteriousSentence: Their puzzled gazes and furrowed brows made it obvious that my presentation was inscrutable. Your Sentence: 20. Talisman NounSynonyms: amuletDefinition: A magical charm; something believed to have special powersSentence: Filled with trepidation, she clutched the talisman and entered the Dark Lord’s castle. Your Sentence: ................

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